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- ooh little Molly to me an Amen what we do Lagoon dovely whoo salam ala al hamdulillah he rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salaam or as I say the MBA even mousseline rather early he was a bigamist and the vicinity he along with Dean Allah homage and I mean home in Edina a maneuver I mean oh sorry hurt whatever so we'll hug whatever sober I mean you're a blonde I mean from an adult for a ruble administrator on the regime Roberto Rahman in latina I'm Sunnah are the Honan were in the home will Jackie Luna Collison Amin an addendum in Canoga Rama in at most the Kurama comma proficiently suddenly were Sylvia marie-loup dropped a time in the sunny of the ho Cody I mean you're a blonde I mean first and foremost I'd like to thank the Masjid ILM has been a place that is very close to my heart as a matter of fact I like coming here without telling anyone often and I've conducted some social experiments here as well so I was here a few months ago I think I mentioned this before but I came here a few months ago to attend Gemara I was in the audience I kept a hoodie on so nobody would know who I was and I kept my head down and I wanted to see if I would get caught and I didn't I surely survived the entire experience one guy in one of the rows during Juma kind of did a side view and I quickly you know did a bit better job basically and then it was fine but regardless that the hospitality has been extended to me and of course the overwhelming number of you that have come tonight is an indication of the love Allah has put between us and may allah azza didn't accept that love itself as an act of a bada and only increased that between the muslims what i wanted to share with you this evening is something that a passage of the quran at the end of surat al-furqan this is the 25th surah of the Quran it's a passage that very near and dear to my heart it's something I've talked about many times before but every few years I feel the need to go back and refresh my relationship with these ayats and if I feel that need I feel it's something that you would need as well and so that's that's the inspiration between between our behind sharing some of these reflections from the end of solo number 25 with you Allah Azza WA JAL in this passage gives us people a special title and that title is whereby the rock man the slaves of the incredibly merciful the incredibly loving believers can be called the slaves of Allah the believers can be called simply the believers and levena Amin or we can be called the Muslims we have many titles and of all of those titles a special unique title that Allah has chosen in this surah is a bad man and that's an indication of something first and foremost from a grammatical point of view and about the life man is what they call in Arabic and abhava what that simply means is two words that are bonded with each other grammatically two words that are fused with each other and grammatically you say even that nothing comes between the Madhava and its Madhavi later they're inseparable and using that kind of structure in and of itself because you could say a bad only Oh Batman also slaves to align but the fact that those those two words have been fused together itself some you know commentators were led to be inspired by the fact that this is describing a very close relationship with certain people and Allah and the names of Allah of course each of them has a certain connotation it brings about certain emotions for any one of us he could have said it amount of law the slaves of Allah but he chose in his wisdom to say bad about man and so the relationship that is being described between between us and Allah in this ayah is one of love care and mercy we have been brought into the falls of Allah's love care and mercy and as the ayat go there are two ways two distinct ways of looking at what's been said one way of looking at it there are going to be certain qualities of people who are these special people that Allah calls about dogma and one way of looking at it is well here's a list of these qualities and until you have all of them you have failed that's one way of looking at it isn't it and so and from for many of us we're just gonna look at the first one and say okay well I already disqualified but another very clear way of looking at it which is extremely plausible in the Arabic of these ions is that each one of these are a separate group of people each one of them is a separate group of people what they have in common is that they're all believers but the thing about it is and this is the point that I want to give you in my introduction we're not all the same some of you like I met a woman this this afternoon after Gemara she came up to me and said I make tahajud three hours every day is that okay that's what literally what she asked me is that okay and I said you should get some kind of award because dad just for five minutes is impossible for people they haven't got you know people getting up for fudger on time is incredibly hard sometimes and this woman is doing three hours and I said what makes you do that and she says well you know what am I gonna do watch TV I'd rather talk to Allah yeah that's what she said to me and I was honored that she came to ask me I should be you know seeking her advice for people that are that close to Allah so is it what I'm trying to get at is we're not all the same I can't do what she does I'll be honest with you I'm not capable of doing what that woman does when I admired the ability of LA has given her milah continue to give her a stick , and answer her prayers but you know there are other people who are just amazing at helping others their skill their gift is to be able to help somebody else they are yet other people who just have one effect when they're around people they feel better that's their gift you just go to them even if they don't say a word you're just hanging around them and you just you feel like there's a common you there's a peace in you allah has given all of us different gifts this passage one of the ways that i personally find that far more convincing is highlighting different things about different believers so each there's a group of believers that has one special quality another group of believers has another special quality that's what makes them special and as we go through these ayat you might find well I don't fit in the first one I don't fit I hope I make it into at least one category here and in China as you will see you will you may even make it into one of the one category and that qualifies you to be a bad luck man may I include all of us among is a bad man so the first of them it's fascinating the first you would think if Allah is talking about that are the closest to him that he loves the most perhaps you should begin with those that pray the most to him that worship Him the most you know that that are most diligent in their spirituality towards Allah where does Allah begin he says and ladina Sunnah had an out of the Honan the special merciful or the the slaves of the especially merciful these special people are ones who walk on the earth with humility and ladina I'm Sunna an an of the Honan before we go any further we need to understand what that means it does not mean that when you walk on the street you walk half and ruku or like your shoulders are drooping down and you're you know I'm being humble that's not humility you walk upright humility means that you don't treat people like they're less than you you don't talk down to people and the idea of fill out is actually wherever you go whether you're at home whether you're at work whether you're at school whether you're dealing with your employees or you're dealing with your employer whether you're dealing with children or you're dealing with elders whether it's your parents whether it's somebody else whether it's Muslims or non-muslims when you deal with people there's a certain humility in how you deal with them you don't feel make anybody feel worthless with your words with the way you look at them with the way you carry yourself this is a mushy Idol of the Honan walking on the earth with humility you know in a humble fashion you see the Quran will highlight different kinds of arrogance now everybody here knows arrogance is a disease of the heart it's inside the heart yes but then when there's a disease inside like a virus is inside there are symptoms on the outside there's my temperature there sweating is all this kind of stuff the Quran will highlight what are some symptoms of arrogance Allah will describe for instance the way people stare at someone just the way they look at it they will describe how the Quran will say that there are people who stare at the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them via kadu Lavina kuffar allah usually Kuna can't be I'm sorry him they they stare at you so hard you might almost slip and fall by the way they're looking at you that's how hard they stare at you in other words they didn't say anything they didn't do anything their arrogance was we're just on their face just in their eyes so for a lot of young people especially this is an advice to you your parents are yelling at you about something fear and fear doesn't even matter and you're sitting there listening and your blood is boiling and you want to yell back but you just stare at them with this ugly look this ugly look you'll give them and your your mother says why are you looking at me like that and she said you say well I didn't say anything you don't get an award because you didn't say anything because the arrogance wasn't just in your words congratulations you didn't say anything that's good because that would have been far worse but there's a pride and anger and a lack of humility even in our face even in the way you know from another mother Sawa basa boomer allah snackbar just the way you stare at someone just the way you frown just the way you roll your eyes as a matter of fact sometimes it's the way you look at someone sometimes it's the way you don't look at someone somebody hit salam to you you didn't even look at them you just look the other way then you ignored it or you said waalaikumsalam especially you said we're equals now because you feel guilty but you said it in an especially low voice to make sure they don't hear it and they feel like you didn't respond so it's like Allah knows I said it but I don't want them to have the satisfaction of knowing that I responded to their Salam so when they come and say hey I said Salaam you didn't respond I did say it [Laughter] there's some special kind of lack of hone and levena yamuna and then of the Honan humility towards people mercy towards children mercy towards elders mercy towards people that are not worthy of it they're not worthy of it and this doesn't mean by the way at the same time this does not mean you let people walk all over you there are situations in our families among your friends in your circles of people that are very abusive it happens there are people in your family maybe sometimes your parents even that's a very hurtful things that's a very unfair things and you have to hear it all the time over and over and over again there are women in our audience that I can't see they're somewhere in this zip zip code or postcode look wherever they are maybe they have to hear things from their in-laws or their siblings or somebody else and they have to hear it all the time and it boils their blood what do you do then well you still have to retain your humility what you have to learn to do is one stay out of those situations if you know you're going to lose your cool walk away I can't be part of this conversation right now I'm sorry I'm just gonna go take a walk just get away from it before you explode this is first and foremost a young Shuna Alan of the Honan and then logically what's connected to it incredibly in the Quran is what about mahi Luna gollu Solomon its piece by piece some incredible lessons here Eva in the Arabic language doesn't mean if it means when when obnoxious people when people that don't possess control talk to them when ignorant people talk to them it doesn't say if they talk to them the ayah says when they talk to them Allah is letting you and me know there are going to be people that address us that engages in conversation that communicate with us that are not going to be nice that's going to happen you cannot avoid it that kind of unpleasant experience is going to happen to each and every one of you including myself there are going to be those that are giant now understand what jackal means giant doesn't just mean somebody who's ignorant you know when Musa alayhi Salam was asked you know about the cow you know they said you should slaughter a cow and they said are you kidding I technically do not whose why you take us for a joke we're gonna slaughter a cow we have a serious situation here we don't need to slaughter no cow he got really upset and you know what Mousavi said on when he gets upset he could do stuff so he immediately turns to allah and says Rosabella he an akuna minal ja he lean I seek Allah's refuge from becoming people who are jihad among people who are giant that doesn't mean ignorant because obviously Musa are the history I was one of the most knowledgeable people ever that ever lived he's not talking about ignorance he's saying I'm asking a Las refuge from losing control over my emotions from losing control over my temper from saying things or doing things that I really want to do right now but I need to hold myself back now with that understanding come back to the ayah there are people who have who just say the most horrible things and they have no brakes you know there's supposed to be there's there something in your heart and something in your mind and it's supposed to travel down to your tongue but on the way they're supposed to be some breaks maybe this shouldn't come out of my mouth I'm feeling something bad words are coming they reached all the way here but they shouldn't come out of my throat they should go back and swallow them you know you should get but there are some people whatever comes in their head they say you come and say meet somebody after six months at a party at a door something hey you got fat in front of everybody the sky what a horrible you can find you can think it and just say mush outline your head but why you gotta say in front of everybody you know hey I you know so you dropped out of school a few years ago you're still not graduated still a dropout you know they say things do you like that and it upsets you you know what are you doing those situations a lot as it says and this is part of your humility in mind this is how Allah will check our humility people will come and say and do the most offensive things and by the way a lot of times those are the people that are the closest to us which means you get thrown in that situation over and over and over and over again like how do you get out of it Allah Mujahid moon-god saddam on this means a couple of things I'll just share a few of these lessons here when this happens your immediate response should be peace Otto Solomon could also mean farewell they say peace I don't want any more of this conversation I'm gonna leave you in a dignified fashion oh wait I think I have an appointment and you could say in your head the rest of it with Allah to make du'a but you don't have to let them know just say I have an appointment and just get out of there because you know what you can't handle it in other words they walk away from it in a dignified fashion that's one meaning when obnoxious people come to you find a way of you know what are unrelated in the similar school I say Maru kiraman they passed by it in a dignified fashion another is when people are coming and trying to there are some people who try to say things to get you angry they actually enjoy doing that they'll say things just to provoke you and then and some of them know exactly what to say because they've been in conversation with you before and they know what sets you off so they know exactly what buttons to press and get under your skin and you're sitting there not this time not this time not this time and then you're the Incredible Hulk and everything's going to be destroyed you know and when that happens you need to defuse it before listen I don't want to be in you know you can actually speak up and say say something that declares look I don't want this conflict I wanted this come let's have a peaceful dinner let's not talk about that today and insist on it this can also be coddled said Amin I don't mean to fight with you I just rather just you know have this conversation and not let it go down a nazi path in other words sometimes we don't say anything and people keep walking all over us in the ayah there's actually an indication perhaps that you can in a dignified way in a respectable way and in a confident way let people know they need to back off they're going too far it's not right that's not disrespectful that's not a lack of other you can stand up for yourself but you just have to do it in a dignified way in a way that is peaceful also Salaam and some have looked at even as a state in other words when they respond they are completely at peace that's another implication here when obnoxious people are talking to you they're getting under your skin they're making you upset they're saying lie after lie after lie and you have to sit there and listen to it like it's true and they're saying it in front of other people too you're being thrown under the bus for no reason when you respond whatever your response is it better be calming you need to be calm and collected when you're responding this is Carlos element and to a la people who can accomplish that in life special to him a bad man in other words this motivation we need to remember at that time the person you're talking to does not deserve your calmness they don't actually they may deserve a punch in the face at the at the moment you have so much you're so good at comebacks some of you when somebody says something sarcastic to you you can crush them oh my god the answers that come in your head it's a multiple list that plays in your head should I go with ABC or all of the above you know that's what's going on in your head and at that time when you decide to back off what motivation can you and I have to have the strength to not say to not react to remain calm I want to be counted among about the last month I'm gonna forget that I'm in this unpleasant conversation because right now immediately right now I am in the company of Allah and his special aura is descending on me that is why he put me in this situation so I can earn closeness to him this is actually a blessing this unpleasant gathering is actually a blessing for me to get to him subhanAllah Rothman and Athena I'm sure neither of the Honan what either homologa he do not call new Salomon look at what Allah says next the second group of people this is their special part by the way this doesn't mean they don't do anything else like you don't pray and they don't eat halal and that's all covered you're already a bad this is above and beyond being every bad yes what's the second great quality second group of people that are special to Allah what reason makes them special when the Deen IRB to non-european sujud and ruku Yaman those who spend their night before their master in such de and standing there praying in the middle of the night or nobody sees them they can't sleep and they know a lot close us to them in the middle of the night and that's what they do for a lot of us that's very difficult and by the way you would imagine like I told you before if Allah was talking to the people that are closest to him I expected him to begin with this group I expected a low bow tell me about the people that pray to him the most especially at an hour that is the closest to him which is in the middle of the night we should start there but no he didn't start there he started with humility because that act at night when yo you and I are humble before Allah there's no chance of anybody else seeing us pray there's nobody to impress the only one you want to impress is Allah your pride is gone your sense of self-worth is gone you're you're in front of Allah admitting everything you've done wrong you're having an open conversation before Allah completely stripped of all of your pride allah azzawajal is teaching us something profound if you've want to strip yourself of your pride first step actually is to see if you can get rid of your pride before people and then come before Allah you know there are people who are great in worship and yet really mean to people it doesn't work that way there were some it was a group that was given a priority here and those were the ones that are humble to people and then of course those who come before Allah and humility this is not something easy to accomplish but if once in a week once in a week I know this is gonna be hard but once in a week you pray a shot at the Masjid and you go straight home and you go to sleep and then we'll only happen if you woke up super early and didn't sleep so wake up perversion don't sleep exhaust yourself create a shot and go to sleep and then set your alarm for maybe 45 minutes half an hour before fudger I'm not asking for the entire night it's okay half an hour before if I do just set the alarm get up pray a couple of our cups just do that and just take your time doing it and don't wake anybody else up do it quietly go in some corner of the house you know and do it there and if you can start doing even one time two times what you will find the peace you will find the connection you will find with is something that will help you through the most difficult of times and mail my include us among these people in Lavinia be to dolly Robbie him so Jaden Tatiana then there's the third group of people the third group of people are welded in a lunar abanazar if an atom in a debauch annavaram in at most a quorum oh no common people who just make one dora not a whole lot of list of dollars they're only Dora as y'all know I don't want to go to hell just anything but Jahannam don't throw me into atom keep us away from the punishment of Jahannam it is a horrible place to be I don't want to see it for one moment I don't want to be there temporarily and I don't want to be there long term listen to the door carefully in dasa at most are no more common its first of all it's punishment is a huge penalty and I don't want to be here there temporarily and I don't want to be there long term there are some who developed the same disease among the Ummah among the Muslims the same disease that banu israel had they said Allah will not punish us in Yemen Duda except a few days Muslims developed this and said well ours going to punish but not forever right we're Muslim eventually we come out I mean yeah okay fine I'm gonna go to jihad um but it's gonna be like a long weekend and then you know I'll be fine look at the door of people who are close to Allah they're telling Allah Allah I don't want to go to Jahannam not temporarily and not permanently in I'm recognizing that it's a horrible place to be must occur on oma common a place to just stop over or to stay forever I don't want either of those this has many implications for us I'll just highlight one for you you see you and I will never stop being tempted Haram will always be in front of us and it will call us a shape on oh yeah I do come will Shaitaan will promise you bankruptcy in other words when you go down the road of Hell on Shaitaan will promise you you're missing out you're missing out you're missing out you could be having so much more fun you could be making so much more money you could be having so much more pleasure he's constantly going to market to you alternative alternative ways of fulfilling yourself it will never stop it doesn't matter how long you grow your beard it doesn't matter how much quran you memorize it doesn't matter how much tangent you pray none of that will matter shape out a lot stop you will still be human being at the end of the day you will still have those desires at the end of the day and Shaitaan will not stop he will keep going at you and it is in those times that Shaitaan you know that the tactic that Allah describes of him the psychological tactic is a another homage upon you at my level Shaitaan beautified their deeds to them she thought oh come to you and you're tempted to do something wrong and you say yes it is wrong but I also do a lot of good yeah I didn't mess up but I prayed to you know and it's not like I'm a coffee so it's okay I mean this is just and I'm gonna stop after this time it's not like I'm gonna do it later I'm just doing it this one time you start telling yourself all of these rationalizations you start justifying it to yourself in your head it's not that bad and then of course you're around people who when you tell them you know this is wrong they also tell you no man come on it's not that bad stop don't talk like that no Allah is not like that let someone punish you why are you gonna talk so depressing you're so extreme and then you listen to that and it starts impacting you and you start saying to yourself yeah okay you know but that would that the time you did it whatever you did whether it was drugs or alcohol or whether it was something with someone I don't want to know but whatever that was and you told yourself it's the last time it wasn't because as soon as the last time and the guilt of recover a couple of days and there's another text message then there's another that WA you know and you're like no this is the last time and you go through that cycle again and you do it again and you keep on going this is exactly what you thought wanted these are people who can stop that cycle turn to Allah and say Ya Allah no matter what friends are saying no matter what what's what's eyes going in my head with checked on no matter how many times I've repeated this horrible cycle over and over again I am done I am done feeling guilty for two days and then going back I'm done apologizing to you and then going back well let me simplify I do homie on the moon they don't insist on the sins they did and they know what they're doing I'm not gonna be from those people well they said that over to the Latina yeah am I gonna say yeah Tovah repentance doesn't work for those who keep on doing sins even after they make Toba it's not for those people who keep cycling back in these are people who say Ya Allah I don't want to go to Jahannam fine I've done some pretty jahannum worthy things but I'm gonna stop now and I'm done these are special people to Allah because Allah knows how tempting it was Allah knows how powerful the addiction was Allah knows how deep into sin you were Allah knows the whole of Japan on you for so long and you were able to break that hold and come back to Allah your journey to Allah is much tougher than other people's journey the temptations in front of you are much stronger the gravitational pull on you is harder and you fought that and came back to a lawyer special don't think oh well I don't pay 200 so I'm not that good or I don't I don't even know any Arabic or I haven't even read the whole Quran and I don't even know did you know I don't need no no no you're not special because you're not you're you're knowledgeable you're especially doesn't come because you've made hype 17 times you're not special to Allah because of your end or your worship you're special to Allah because you walked away from sin and you were just afraid of no that's what makes you special to them you're all sorry by the way fine and so from there allah azzawajal takes us in a completely different these each of these groups think about what applies to you how do you want to be special to allah how do you want to get close to a line how do i want to get close to allah what is it worth to us really at the end of the day what is it worth to us you know something there's sin is a is a kind of love you fall in love with it you get addicted to it and this is this passage is really about a competition of love because you love this pleasure and you love this sin and you can't you don't want to let go because it'll make you sad and on the other hand of life saying I will replace that fulfillment with myself I'll replace it with my my company's a leg offering you and you have to you have to decide this equation for yourself you're gonna be put in that situation and nobody nobody will know that the struggle is happening in your head nobody will know only Allah will know only Allah Allah and by the way when you're walking that some of you guys are for example in Haram relationships I don't know not accusing you some people not you some people that you know and you're in an inappropriate relationship and you're trying to break it off so you heard this talk and you texted her I can't do this anymore and she writes about what do you do you don't love me or you hate me now well you think I'm the reason you're going to go to hell I'm so evil and now you're like no you're not that evil no but I do love you you're not fat at all yeah you're great okay why don't you just okay fine if you really want to end it with me see me tonight it ended in lie to my face no I can't do that fine you hate me okay fine I'm coming and it starts over again and then you want to do it over later on you see it's not just you you might even get emotionally sucked into something and now you're being emotionally blackmailed you make me to feel bad you have to fight that you have to overcome it and you have to recognize that you might disappoint someone but you're making a living and you're doing that not just for yourself you're also doing it for the other for the girl who's texting you back or the guy who's texting you back you don't want them standing in front of Allah so you just save them too if you really love them didn't just lust them but you loved them and you want to save them - this is for them also you understand that so now from here we go into very unexpected place who else is special to Allah and Adina either uncouple the ministry Fuu what am i up to what kind of a delicate Obama those people who when they spend meaning when they spend money they don't blow all the cash they have they don't overspend and they're not cheap either they don't spend too much and they don't spend too little they have a balanced budget what does a budget have to do with getting close to Allah it does the way you spend your money because your man well Athena fear valium how come a loom in their money there's rights that are known your parents deserve financial support your children do your siblings do your spouse does sadaqa they're your money should go in hell and assisity there are causes that deserve your your finances but when you become addicted to things that are useless and your money keeps going into movie after movie after movie subscription after subscription game after game after game you know new gadgets for your car you don't need rims that spin backwards you don't need them but you need them to for somebody else you can't look at them when you're driving somebody else is looking at them they're spinning for someone else not you you know or the spoiler or the gadget you know you'll survive without the new iPhone you'll be fine you know the Samsung little dangerous but you know regardless but when you keep on spending and you you know for for a lot of sisters it's a purse or a bag God some of these bags like thousands of pounds you know not saying you can't have any of it but Allah does say okay spend but don't overspend and for some of you the the greatest joy is holding on to money the wife says you're going to groceries with your wife she puts the carton of milk in it we need this much milk and you get the smaller milk Kenny wait Tom tells us there's a sale it's eggs can you not be cheap with the hat there are people who hold back from the ones they deserve from the ones who deserve your children deserve some money they need some some change something that you know to get by your wife deserve some money if she's taking care of the household and she's not working and she asked you I need you know can I have you know fifty what do you mean before give me a complete report show me all the receipts wait hold on a second this is let me up to do that might be your challenge you want to get close to Allah don't make your family feel like garbage every time they you know they eat something the best money you can spend is on your family don't do that to your family but don't overspend I know there are others who are just blowing cash and you know Allah has given you a little bit of wealth and you're getting your your 16 year old a BMW that they can crash into the side of the street and then you get them another one and you can't do that either there are people who have a balanced approach to their finances the ministry fool what am i up to what kind of a Nevada koala and they find an upright balanced way to stay in between those two and those are beloved to Allah may Allah make us of them this is my favorite one the next group listen to this it's all one group well Nadine la una mirada what I absolutely love said that the Haram Allah who is one is known Danny Kyle Kazama those who don't call other along with Allah any other God and while they don't call any other God besides Allah they don't kill anyone and they don't commit adultery three things they don't worship anyone other than Allah they don't call on anyone other than Allah combined with it they don't commit murder and they don't commit adultery three things together that's not an amazing accomplishment so when you could say hey made it on the list I haven't killed anyone you know but you know why this is special because this seems like very basic doesn't it those are major sins and Allah says you can be special before Allah just do this why is this special for some people think about the people in Mecca think about the society in which the Quran came those people were doing for thousands of years murder became common among them there was nothing the stuff that is so bad for us was no big deal to them and it wasn't a big deal for their parents or their parents or their parents it was just part of life that was a gangster life and when they walked away from all of it to come to Allah did their family to say oh okay you're Muslim now congratulations they went through all kinds of horrible experiences from their loved ones from their society from their peers because they abandoned those crimes isn't it for some people simply taking the Shahada simply walking away from the crime from a criminal life simply getting away from zina is so huge first those of you that have been brought up in respectable families have been surrounded by a good environment it's easy for you to not get into that kind of trouble or easier nowadays anything is easy but for those of you direct that came up you weren't even Muslim you saw crime all around you you saw drugs all around you you saw womanizing all around you every every weekend was at the club and then you came to Allah you took Shahada your journey away from that life is a huge journey and Allah acknowledges it and says that's that's a pretty big deal some people have done that there they're special just on that account they don't know nothing else they'll have no exhaustive knowledge no exhaustive worship but the fact that they can migrate they make henna for the sake of Allah they migrated away from those major sins towards Allah incredible but the mercy of a lion is I ought isn't done first of all those three things that I mentioned shared and murder you know blasphemy with Allah and murder and adultery are major major sins so what does Allah say you Lobby Almighty Allah well I ever did see him Ahana punishment will be doubled for such a person and it will remain in it humiliated these crimes are not small to Allah especially the three of them combined but by the way the worst of all crimes is in the side the second worst of all crimes when you kill one person it is as though you've killed one all of humanity that's the second greatest crime and then the third greatest crime is what Xena all three together in one ayah therefore Allah says this person is going to get some special kind of punishment and they will be in in that punishment humiliated remaining therein but even the worst of the worst of the worst this guy is not the worst because he's done one thing he's the worst because he's done how many three things three things this is like this is the hat-trick of hellfire and what does Allah say about him he says in the Nadeem in Lemont abba ramanamma I mean I'm sorry honey except somebody who repented and came to their faith came to faith and from then on acted in a good way I'll make an exception this is important to understand Allah described the worst of the worst of the worst and then said even of that person if they come back to me I will not throw them in punishment but that's not enough we were talking about a bad Oman being unimaginably merciful so he won't just spare them from hell what does he do for you not Iike you but did Allah who say he I to him Rosanna then those people Allah will replace their grand sins and I remind you what their sins were shipped in the shitty level Manavi murder animal couple at NASA Jamie Ozzy as Lily killed all of humanity and zina adultery major major sins Allah says I will replace their entire mountain of evil with good deeds in their favor they haven't done any good deeds yet they haven't done any good deeds yet they haven't prayed yet they haven't worship yet they haven't done a hard yet they haven't given charity yet all they've done is repentant and from now on they're going to be do right that is enough for a lot of take the mountains of sin that we're going to get them into hell forever humiliated and convert those mountains of sin into mountains of good deeds this is a lot for people of Toba and you get to be special just blue table so as you're sitting there listening to this and thinking well I've made some pretty big mistakes there may be somebody sitting in the audience that even committed murder and went to jail and came out how is it looking to forgive me some of you have made the mistake of zina may Allah protect you some of you are heading down that path some of you have committed there's all kinds of crimes happening some people went in to see it which is the kind of and if you can make dov'è and come back to Allah all of that is gone but you've got to keep straight after that well I mean I'm a dunce Lonnie honey are you but they would love us to be I think in other words when you come back to Allah it's got to be for real you it can't be artificial what kind of love Allah for Allah Hema and Allah has always been forgiven extremely forgiving always love being carrying it merciful I'm running out of time but I do want to share a couple more things with you that I find let's just finish this list in cha that's it's almost done somebody says but I didn't do murder I didn't do it you and I I didn't do Xena I just did like little stuff like I'm a spudger and you know I stole my brother's chocolate milk the other day from the fridge or I think there's a couple of times I lost my temper with my dad or I think I did some backbiting the other day at a party but I didn't murder I mean this is this Tobias for really bad criminals what about me what about regular sinners like the rest of us you know because these high-profile sinners isn't it so the next ayah says they're asked for the rest of you well men Taba and whoever would make Toba any kind of dope oh well I mean the funny and did good Mahima table then he's come back to a lot of the sincere repentance also I'm like knowledge is that - looks good - you don't have to be the first go rob a bank or then make dough no no because I need it to be like mountains of evil convert it to mountains of good till hey hold on a second just me kids over whatever whatever intelligence you're into for in Novato boo yo Mahima Taba when ladina Liars have on Azure and people who don't witness literally says don't witness falsehood what that means is they don't stand by when something wrong is happening these people are special to Allah because when in their family somebody is being emotionally abused somebody is being financially abused in their family there's a there's two brothers went into a business and one of them took all the money and never paid the other one back and now they're in court fighting this that's the other and you're related to the ones you're on one side against the other side you will not stand quietly by and let injustice happen you won't do it even if it's against your own dad even if it's against your own you know your own spouse or your own child you can't stand idly by and stand for wrong you'll speak up and at least you won't be a silent partner - you'll walk away from it I want nothing to do with this I'm not gonna be a part of it you know laia Dunas ooh they don't and other meaning of it is they don't give false witness they don't not ah you know sometimes there's there's pressure on you to side with people who are wrong you know they're wrong but they say things like families family first man or you know bros first you know and if you do that if you have your loyalties in the wrong place knowing that you're wrong knowingly then this is a violation of lyusia dunas oh the second piece of it what is a model with lovely model Karaman also amazing what makes you amazing to ally in this ayah you're you're in a gathering you know friends are hanging out or you're on a whatsapp group or something there are different kinds of interaction today and in those interactions people are talking nonsense people are backbiting against each other they're making fun of each other they're wasting each other's time and you don't want anything to do with this so what do you do you leave the group but you don't give them a lecture first by the way this is all useless you people are wasting your time a stuff it Allah I called you to a line to make Doba watch the following video but and now I'm I'm out of this group no or you're at a party and you're like a stuff for Allah all y'all are doing Reba I'm out of here you know what is a mud will be lovely Maru karana when they pass by this kind of a gathering when they happen to be in that kind of a situation they get out of it in a dignified fashion Maru karaman in other words they maintain their own dignity they don't end up falling into the kind of things that humiliate others and themselves and in the process they don't make anyone else feel bad either they make a dignified you know respectable excuse and get themselves out of that situation well in a model with lovely model Khurana and finally when Latina in a book you will be ayat you don't be him let me a favor I think it's not final even I just said that to make you feel better well arena in the qbi ah tea won't be him let me appeal who are they how someone wanna that's for everybody who attends Jamaat when they are reminded of the ayat of their rod when they're given reminders they don't trip over those reminders deaf and blind in other words they don't ignore them they don't take them lightly they don't hear something and say yeah that's talking about me that hit me right here in my conscience but I'm gonna forget I heard that I'm gonna pretend that wasn't about me and not think about it they're not deliberately deaf and they're not deliberately blind to the reminder that was given to them it was about you it was about what what you're doing what you're up to and you're now you can't deal with it because you don't want to change but in in Sano you know but you didn't suddenly of Jarama human beings just want to just dive right into the things in front of them the temptation is too strong and Quran you know it's about only noise people who hold you back the people that can hold themselves back you're being reminded to hold yourself back I don't want to hold back and I felt pretty good I already set up that you know the appointment the date and time and place and bought the tickets already and then the bar ruined my mood you know so I'm just gonna go eat a burger and not think about what I just heard in the Kaaba and then go where I was gonna go because it's too late already for me you know they don't do that these are people when they hear a reminder they let let it impact them they let it change them that makes you special to Allah by the way sometimes that change that happens inside you nobody sees it nobody knows the sin you were heading towards and nobody knows you changed course because you heard something from Allah nobody knows that that's between you and Allah and Allah considers you from history bad because you made that change may Allah strengthen each and every one of you and myself to make those changes so now as we tie this up this is actually the last one these are people who are now not only concerned about themselves they're concerned about their family's bond Athena Yokozuna Ravana hublin ominous Regina reality na Parata are you them those who pray to Allah they said they say to Allah master grant us from our spouses and our children what's called the coolness of our eyes give us the coolness of our eyes which means two things I'll skip the technicalities and give you the simple understanding of Korah arguing the first one means yeah Allah everything else gives me stress everything else causes me trouble well when I come to my spouse and I come to my children Ya Allah give me this this place I find my calm all my troubles disappear when I look at my spouse all of my troubles disappear when I'm with my children Ya Allah give me that in my wife and my kids or my husband and my kids for each side you know and then the other meaning of it Cora comes from quran quran means when your eyes stay somewhere Ya Allah make me so in love with my wife that I can't stop looking at her Ya Allah make me so in love with my children and so happy with my children that I don't compare them to others I'm happy with what I have I don't meet them feel bad I invalidate them grant me the ability to find good about arguing the spouse and in the child give me a strong family and make me content with my family make them a source of peace for my family and for all for a lot of you you only stress his wife and kids yeah this door is the only stress relief should be wife and kids and you have to you don't just ask Allah for something and not work on it because Allah will not like descend some kind of special rain that drenches on your family and now all of a sudden you love your wife it takes work it takes work to fix the relationship you have with your children it doesn't happen overnight it's something that you and I have to invest into so milna grant is the ability to not only make that girl but to live by that dog because Allah will ask us you know even in that famous la Habana athena for dunya husana or philadelphia at the hostel husana wealthy nada but na famous door alright give us the best in this life the best in the next life protect us from the Hellfire the punishment of the Hellfire what are we seeing right after that was a right after that well that you can don't you see women like I suppose they'll have the portion they actually earned you don't just make dua and not work you got to earn it you got to put your work in so when you're gonna ask Allah to give you peace in your family when you're going to be concerned about that and by the way what does that mean husbands hanging out until 2:00 3:00 in the morning at some shisha place in London and not going home to their wife because they don't find content the wife is not finding any contentment in them and they're not finding contentment in their wife when they say no no brough I gotta go back home then they're special to Allah when they're spending time with their kids their eyes aren't moving from their kids the fact that your eyes are moving from your goods means you're actually with them the fact that you're spending time with your kids and enjoying doing that is actually in and of itself making you special before Allah this is what Futaba masago these people and make a see mom over looked up he may make us leaders over righteous people you know them give them a good righteous life so that when I stand in front of you y'all la that you know I'm my deeds are only increased by the people that are in my family so now after all of this would I use own a lot Fattah beam us about those are the people that are going to be given high lofty palaces because of the the patients they demonstrated notice Allah here says because of the patients they demonstrated if you go back to this list those who hold their tongue when ignorant people talk to them they they're humble and they hold their tongue those who worship no one other than Allah those who are you know they worship Allah in the middle of the night the list that we just went through each one of them requires perseverance and strength and grip and commitment and that's the word summon those people are going to be rewarded because of the commitment they showed they were committed to this this is what I can use oh no i'm asaru well kkona fee hata here tan wa sahlan and they're going to be met in those palaces in Genda they're going to be met with greetings and peace Allah Azza WA JAL will send salutations to them not just when Allah loves them although is honoring them now these are especially awarded people by Allah Carly Dena Fionna customer : they will remain in that incredible honor and those incredible lofty high palaces what a what an amazing place to meet for a little while and forever so Allah is always have contrasting it with jumped ahead numb right and I'm you said I don't want to be there for a little bit I don't want to be there forever Allah says it's a taste of Jenna if you could even have a little bit you'd want it what's the speaker forever milazzo didn't enter all of us into Jenna forever and so the last ayah and this is I know I'm going over my time I'm supposed to give you guys some time for questions also what I'll need 7-8 minutes maybe this last ayah profound this is the last I of the surah in the last I of this entire passage you have nothing to do with the lists that makes you special it's a turn back to the flesh and to all of humanity and the Prophet is told now that they've been given this list of how to get close to God what is the what is the problem will Maya bakumaru become captain for Sophia who do these Amma there are several ways to look at this ayah i want to share simply some of them with you because of the shortage of time I won't go into the language I'll just share the implications just in English Allah is on the one hand saying what weight do you have in front of Allah what are you worth in front of a look what do you think when you come before Allah what value will you have had it not been for the fact that you as human beings were given the responsibility that nobody else was given the outcome you were to call on a lot you were to make the choice to call in Allah the mountain the trees a bird they don't have a choice they call it a lot anyway well in Shaitan unless you're some people behind me when I could not have gone others beyond you why do you why are you valuable to Allah if not for one thing the fact that you were chosen to call on him but you abandoned that responsibility because got dumped oh you consider that invitation to call on him a lie for so far your Bernoulli sama then this is going to come in this is this this punishment will not leave you this is going to be something you won't be able to escape that's the first implication the other implication is Allah is telling the disbelievers and those who have been doing all the sins you have no value before me and the only reason you are still surviving is there you among you who still call me there's still a few believers left on the earth who still make a step far to Allah and they're the only reason you're still surviving the third implication is Allah has know about even for the calf it and for the Muslim who is far away from a love he should listen to this thing she should listen to this - Allah says what value do I have of you you don't pray you don't obey you don't stay with Allah you violate everything but in moments of desperation you still call me and I still value at least that much about you I'm still giving you a chance no leather alcohol but you've overall you've still considered everything else valueless you don't give you don't confirm that everything else that I've given you one asked you to do is actually meaningful for you you consider all of the rest of it useless alive and you better change your ways because soon this will become a permanently sticking punishment Allah doesn't say you will be punished he says soon you'll be punished soon you won't be able to escape it meaning right now you still have a chance turn around then an implication what would make you people valuable had it not been that Allah has called you with the Quran Allah has honoured you with this book and by extension Allah has honored you and me with this Braun and yet you just miss it altogether you don't care for this book this message that Allah gave you you better turn turn turn back and recognize the value of Allah choosing to speak to you the final implication is that a lot as origin does not want to punish you my illegal implication another linguistic implication of it is Allah is not interested in punishing you he has no desire and no intention of punishing you except the crimes you've committed of calling someone other than Allah are so huge that that needs to be punished in other words Allah is punishing you even though he doesn't want to my F out of love will be either become Allah gets nothing out of punishing you what is it looking to get out of punishing you Allah is saying here I don't want to punish you but your crimes are too too big so soon that will become permanent right now it's temporary you can erase it so please turn back turn back to Allah after giving us all these opportunities to not just come back to him but be the closest to him finally he says why do you want to get punished I don't want to punish you just come back may allah azza will help us internalize that in our hearts and make us of those who because of whom the people around you that are insane the people around you that are disobeying allah they all their hearts also softened and they come back towards allah so it'll as well barakallahu li walakum feel for Adam Hakeem when I finally worry I can be lying with him Salam alaikum alright so I'll start with the most fun question what's the halal way of approaching a girl you like even less question number 12 I thought you know so this is more complicated the meat we've made it more complicated than the Sahaba so the Sahaba were simple people and they came from a very rebellious society where men and women did all kinds of things that nobody cared and then Islam came and I want to give you some background here you know in in Medina when the Sahaba migrated the mahajan were bankrupt nearly right they left everything behind and Medina was a crazy place right now it's madina munawwara but medina back then was las vegas it was bad when the prophet went there slaves for them it was not a good place okay you have to understand it was a crazy crazy Society for instance one of the most common industries in the city of Medina was prostitution when the Prophet moved their slice of them and the women that were there were brothels like prostitution houses they used to have flags outside their house that this is a place you can come for those kinds of things and a companion comes to the Prophet so I saw them and says he also Allah there's a woman because I know he doesn't make any money so Mahajan there's a woman she makes good money I'd like to marry her and what does she do oh well you know she's in there you know what I'm saying I'm not gonna spell it out handles you know why I'm telling you this because Sahaba didn't even know that's a bad thing yet they were also learning weren't they they didn't become angels overnight they were being developed and so he doesn't even think can imagine you come to the sort of line ask this question can you imagine somebody coming to any mom today and then the ayat came no you cannot marry those kinds of women in salute to nor my revelation came to teach Sahaba and teach the believers look those are not the kinds of people you want to marry they are their own you know don't mix with them you know like if no I sure says Allah and instead of seen that I was referring to professional prostitutes that does Annie will not marry as Annie is referring to them because the question was actually raised I wanted to bring this up to you because for them you would think that you know if the Sahabi saw a woman from a mile away he went the other way and made it's too far the whole night no it wasn't like that they interacted with each other they talked to each other they worked with each other they were in business partnerships all kinds of interactions happen between men and women but would principles it was respectful it was dignified and when a companion when when somebody likes somebody else you know what they did here's the stuff little apart here's what they did hey I like you want to get married and she'd say maybe talk to my dad okay and then you go to the dad and say hey I like a daughter and she's I mean I talk to her she's not entirely opposed to the idea is it cool and he says let me talk to my daughter how this happens today in London as you go to a girl respectfully hey we worked together for three years would you consider marrying me and like oh and maybe she says please don't talk to my dad he'll kill me because if you talk to my dad they'll say this is why you go to work this is what is checking do you need like you father's I have four daughters I have four daughters listen those of you that are fathers that have daughters you sent your daughters to university you brought your daughters to this country you who made them live here you brought you took them outside in society you made that decision and when somebody like a Muslim likes them that's a good thing how are they gonna get married sitting at home who's gonna like them so when somebody approaches them in a respectful way you should not say oh my god the day has come ask us to the law you know you didn't B dictate a love Baba you know what a humiliation now we have to go take you back into the relation can hide you in a village somewhere because some guy likes you as stuff to the law you know and there's that you know some some reason repeal on her and calm down it's okay you're somebody likes your daughter that's a good thing now you go and investigate find out it's completely fine the only additional mentioned in the Quran the only approach mentioned in the Quran is that of musa alayhis salaam in Midian he was by himself Musa was by himself and these girls were by themselves working outside and he went up to them and helped them out and the girl said he's kind of nice and she cries she went back to her dad and said hire him which means come on dad you know and then happened the girl said I like the guy that's actually what happened in the story of Musa Musa didn't propose the girl proposed and the father can't propose unless he has the approval of his daughter so it's okay for your girls to say dad there's this guy this brother at the MSA yeah he does he's a thursday halakhah is really good you should come your daughter is telling you something it's okay go attend the halacha it's okay find out don't complicate this there's nothing in dignified about that don't go date a girl now I don't take oh so no Montevallo Joe gonna take you out to dinner no no not that either but can you have respectful interactions with someone you're interested in for marriage absolutely absolutely nothing wrong with that can you take your time to understand each other's likes and dislikes yes it's fine respectful courtship is okay with parental guidance with in dignified fashion there's nothing wrong with it so what happens is we have two extremes we have people that are more conservative than the Sahaba and then we have people that are more liberal than liberals okay and the Islam is right in between it's a natural way it's a completely natural way okay and so this is something that I thought it's important to mention for families and for yourself talk to your daughters ask if they like someone don't create it between fathers and daughters there should be open communication they should not be terrified to tell you that they're interested in somebody don't force them to marry someone they don't want to you unforce your daughters and tell them if you don't marry this one who's gonna come and marry you and you have to we already said yes to them don't humiliate the family and say no now those kinds of macaques are haram I will say it they're Haram you cannot emotionally and psychologically force a girl to get married under family pressure that is Buffy and that happened at the time of the Prophet slice oh no and the prophesy some considered those ngoz boppin they're invalid because until the girl genuinely likes a guy and says yes I want to marry him on her own from no pressure from her father no pressure from her mother no pressure from anybody else she likes him and even if the day of the nagashi says mom I don't want to do this the mother doesn't say too late girl too late we've got the hall they're all look what are people gonna know if the girl says I don't want to do this and no stop Allah gave her that right you cannot take it away you're burying them alive this is the new way of burying women alive by the way back then they used to take the baby girl and bury you right then now we buried them at the day of the Nika this is what we do this needs to stop let them marry who they want they're dignified Muslim and because now you're living in a different society you won't find someone from the same village it's okay it's okay abou maybe she can marry a Syrian it's fine no Turkish Musa al-salaam is an Arab Musa is an Arab or actually not an F and he married an arrow he went and married and but the end didn't he so many Arabs are we only marry Arab really Mossad was actually I missed a lot in some put that you know it's all good you so it's it's it's a time now it's a strange time that we live in and actually the only thing that can save us is the basic principles of our Deen and getting facility making the path to marriage easy is actually one of the greatest battles against Shaitaan when we make the path to marriage difficult when you have twenty eight thirty thirty I'm not gonna do other questions forget it let's just talk about this what we're gonna do we're gonna have 35 year old boys not married you what do you think that we're doing 200 for 35 years what planet do you live on they didn't do anything cut off nobody bail thoughts went in their head they didn't go to university they didn't go to work 28 29 year olds not being married this is ridiculous it's absolutely absurd it's unacceptable it's unacceptable and we create standards that don't exist in our religion and don't make any sense you have three daughters four daughters somebody proposed for the younger daughter and no proposal came for the older daughter no no no no we go in order who said you go in order with Shinya if there's a good blessing that came to your home for whichever age why would you deny it what will people say what will Allah say when you explain yourself to him and say I deprive my daughter of a good nikka because it wasn't in order what would you say to Allah you tell me that what are you gonna do ridiculous this nonsense needs to stop marriage needs to be made easy and the guys signed because Hindu tradition says the guy is the gift so the girls side has to give him gifts it's non came and said the man has to give what maha the man has to give a gift the woman is a gift to the family and now we do in Pakistan India Bangladesh Southeast Asia no no we don't want your head we don't want gifts from the girls side but there should be something at least a fridge you know that that is the opposite of what Allah commanded that is the opposite of what Allah commit you're not only disobeying Allah you're reversing what Allah said asking to pay to be gifted because you're the girl you know the guys side that's like way beyond her on I don't even know what the category that belongs the chef on is giving you like five stars for that one I do not fall into that category don't give your daughter-in-laws and your wives gifts and then ask for them back now this is happening they'll give them jewelry at the wedding no that was just for the photos really Allah Azza WA JAL will describe this you know not a coup loom in Russia and anyway it's mabini don't take a single thing from the spouse that you've given to them are you taking a huge accusation against your own self and taking clear sin on yourself when you agree to a mass you know nowadays this the fashion is they don't discuss the matter until the day of the nikah or the minute of the nikah before then when the comes up they say it's family it's okay okay and then the time comes and then the girls as fifty thousand look the guy was guy was eating biriyani and get stuck in his play 50,000 and then his uncle whispers it's okay nobody pays it if you have no intentions of paying man your new car has been valued if you have intentions of asking your wife to forgive the man you're committing a grave sin you can't even ask for a discount you cannot you're not allowed you can't and you can't give it when you know you decide she decides when it's given that's her right that's what validates the marriage don't agree to a mile you can't afford don't agree to a man you can't you have no intention of paying don't agree to a man that you intend to get forgiven oh if you loved me you would have forgiven it why do you why does money have to prove that I love you because it's mad and because you can't use that kind of language by intamin either command of Simon who Shia if they are their own free will out of the goodness of their own heart decide to give you some of it like you gave the you know the thousand for the month to her of the help and she says here's two pounds get yourself an ice cream that's up to her she wants to do that she can do that but you cannot that's not your money that is not your money these things why am i highlighting these random things these are the things that we have introduced into the institution of marriage making marriage difficult and when you make marriage difficult the door to zina is wide open the door to corruption is wide open our it's unnatural to think that an 18 year old 19 20 year old guy girl are going to be in university and they're going to be there for five six years and not develop any emotional attachments and then for them to randomly marry a cousin back in Lahore that's not going to happen and if it does happen it's a form of oppression because she's emotionally attached to somebody else and no man wants to be with a woman who's emotionally attached to somebody else or vice versa it's oppression sometimes you're denying Annika only because it wasn't you you didn't come up with it the guy says I like the girl no you will pick you will marry who we say why who said it's a mistake I don't like it I know like that girl that's not your problem that's his problem he's an adult now let him make that mistake if it's a horrible mistake so be it but Allah gave those young men and women the right to pick who they want parents can give advice yes but when you try to control what your children are doing it will only lead to disaster it will only only lead to the I'm not giving license to 12 year olds and 14 year olds is it no I'm talking about mature adults I mean I've met young women that are 25 26 year-old accomplished in their careers pharmacists physicians you name it and they like somebody and they want to marry them family says no that is absolutely wouldn't nothing else can describe it that is wooden if a woman says she wants to marry someone and he's a Muslim there's no reason for you to stop it you have no right as a family to stop it this is wrong of you to do you're abusing a right that Allah gave you abusing it it should it should not happen and for young men the last bit of advice is for young men become men earn a living be dignified don't offer like dates for math know how we used to give what in what other thing are you us a hobby other than the kid can't you want to give for math you know no be dignified you know earn earn a decent living for yourself don't say I like her I don't have a job but I don't know their only her family is only interested in dunya yeah that's why we have math only interested in dunya you're supposed to be concerned about dunya too when I attend sound receiver coming at dunya attend the Quran don't forget the portion you are owed in this life it's a worldly decision too it's not just a spiritual decision how was how is somebody gonna provide for my daughter where is she going to live is she going to live a decent life these are respectable questions these are decent questions so these things we have to take very very seriously in our communities and when it comes to the subject of marriage I didn't talk today about what happens after marriage because there's a whole set of little we do after marriage that for another time I'll yell at you another time but right now let's just fix the institution itself let's make marriage easy for our young people especially the ones that are ready and capable you know - Tata I'm in catania Tazawa whoever among you is capable let them get married capability if capability is there no other barriers should be there and for those of you that will find this controversial it's okay I'm leaving here anyways soon so that you you deal with it and troll me on the on the on online so I'll tell you if you know your if your son wants to marry somebody who just took Shahada yesterday right or the girl wants to marry a guy who just became Muslim a week ago or something and you say well he only became Muslim because he wants to marry the girl it's not a real Shahada who decides what a real child is who decides can you tell why something happens when Osama you know the famous narration of Osama came that he was about to kill someone in battle in battle he's about to kill someone and the guy falls loses the enemy loses his sword and he's about to strike him down and he says a shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah Muhammad Allah he took Shahada became Muslim did he become Muslim because when he fell down it hit him really hard on the head and all of a sudden Islam started making sense was like hold on a second I think that we need to stop this and I'm ready to be Muslim now obviously he took Shahada because he knows Muslims don't kill each other so he took advantage of the opportunity because he's losing if he was the one on top he wouldn't have taken Shahada would he so he's on the bottom when he takes Shahada and Osama sees it and says yeah right he killed him and when that happens this news reaches the Prophet slyzer that he is it obvious like 1000% the guy took Shahada for the wrong reason it's obvious to anybody who sees it the Prophet says what will you do when that Lionel becomes for you on Judgment Day that's what the prophecy that Shahada will complain on Judgment Day I wasn't respected and that's in the most obvious of cases when somebody says they've taken Shahada who are you to question their reasons that's between them and Allah it's ok as a matter of fact even among the Sahaba there were those somebody said I want to marry you and the woman was a Muslim and the guy was a non-muslim and she said you're not Muslim he goes ok I'll become Muslim she's looking fine honey became Muslim when they got married done you could stuff for Allah he married he took Shahada for a woman yeah but the Prophet was ok with it why are you having a problem with the Sunnah is okay you're more Sony than the Sun now you know so what you need to do now what you and I need to do is understand that we are in a challenging time and our children are exposed to the worst kinds of Haram are no big deal now they're accessible they're easy and they're not hard to fall into and in that environment when the opportunity for nikah is there please it is a grave crime for us to deny that opportunity to consider of course give your children advice I think this is a bad nikka for this reason this reason this reason but the decision is yours the decision is yours you have to share sincere advice do you know you do but at the end of the day they'll have to make their decision and if it wasn't bad decision so be it it's that's okay too that's their mistake to make that's a better mistake than the mistakes they will make outside of marriage you understand that right and that you won't even know about and you'll tell yourself no no no my son my daughter they would never really really because because you come from like angel family your son and daughters don't have hormones they don't have emotions they don't have attachments didn't have obsessions they don't have temptations they do don't be deluded into thinking you're he's a good boy though he prays yeah what is prayer gonna do well it's pretty if you say no Salah thought on how I did in fact shot you want one card that works to an extent well it look who you need us within a filter you're denying that fitrah so this I know I went on a rant but I felt like I had to do it milazzo it shall make marriages easy for our community and bless the marriages that are happening and larger then give the husband's the strength of character the understanding to be good husbands and the wives the kind of commitment loyalty and understanding to be good wives and their families that's the end of the question answer session [Music]
Channel: TheProphetsPath
Views: 41,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: people, Hadith, love, life, the prophets path, peace, humble, theprophetspath, Quran, islamic reminders, benefits, Allah, emotional reminder, Islam, happiness, soft, Islamic video, kind
Id: _LwQ0qFMkbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 25sec (4825 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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