Bartleby & Frookie's BEST Episodes! 🌈 4 FULL EPISODES 🌈 True and the Rainbow Kingdom 🌈

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[Music] don't worry bartleby when we're done at the rainbow castle will go straight to boing boing lagoon paw promise pop promise i can't wait you and i had the bounciest place in the kingdom bouncy fun here we come the greeting's true and bartleby hi your magazine forgive my haste but i'm in a rush to get to the never-ending chit-chat council the never-ending chit-chat council you mean the chit-chat never ends oh no no no no it's only for the day it's just called that because it's held in the never-ending forest oh okay polka dots pink i almost forgot why i asked you here would you two mind castle sitting for me today no what really you want us to castle sit for you of course i trust you true you'll have no trouble at all especially taking care of my rare and exquisite flowers magnificus admire its beauty but best not to touch it no problem bye for now off we go by your majesty have fun bye boing boing lagoon ah cheer up i'm sure we'll have just as much fun here how castle floors aren't bouncy no but they are slippery and you know what you can do on slippery floors in your socks right slide-a-thon i'll borrow the rainbow guard socks yeah no i won't i'll just use my fur [Music] zelda what are you doing here the rainbow king told me you were castle sitting true i would help but i'm going to the never-ending chit-chat or whatever too it's all part of being a princess so you wouldn't mind if i left my precious freaky kids here with you while i'm gone whoa whoa whoa leave frookie here with us but we were busy sliding [Music] come on it's okay freaky sweet i'm sure we won't have any trouble yeah no trouble at all oh great here's rookie's favorite ball smooches tata come on b we can all play together [Music] that's freaky you're really good at this oh hmm my super slide should win true back hey true [Music] [Music] you two look thirsty after all that playing i'm fine but fruit's all out of drool i'll get a bowl of water be right back [Music] fine wretch freaky i got your water where's fruity eb i don't know fetching so how about a quick slide before he comes back just you and me you're on wow [Laughter] frookie i wonder what fruit's doing in the greenhouse we better check oh so close [Music] no freaky don't [Music] whoa double triple freakies one two three four brookies the flower's magnificus now we know why the king said not to touch it not fun come on [Music] so many frookies this castle is so big how can i catch all the frookies if i can't even find them i have to get some wish help but i can't leave the five fruities alone i'll keep an eye on them while you're gone true hey yo [Music] hmm [Music] up to the wishing tree please [Music] hi z true there hello huh talking am i uh ubu is a backwards wish you have to talk backwards to it oh um z hi help wish some neat eye back up you go or is it go you up back come and sit down true [Music] how can i help well i meant to be castle sitting but griselda dropped off rookie and then the king's flowers magnificus turned one freaky into five oh boy how can the wishing tree help i need some wishes to help me round up all the freakies then turn them back into one again before they wreck the rainbow castle the wishing tree has heard you true it's time to get your three wishes i'm ready wishing tree freezing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me please [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] tree [Music] very interesting wish is true i can tell you more about them let's check the wikipedia [Music] your first wish ah yes cizer it can make you minuscule or gargantuan gargantua what miniscule means very small and gargantuan means very big with this wish you must snap your fingers to get it to stop gotcha if this wish can make me really big it'll be easier to catch all the frookies at once your next wish is joiner it can make several objects into one just make sure they're all close together or it won't work that's good to know the last wish you have is floato how exciting it can make very big bubbles that you float around in a big floaty bubble maker hmm i can't think of how that will help me with the freakies but you will think of a way true you always do thanks z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] let's go wishes thanks see you later bye [Applause] [Music] bartleby i'm back i brought some wishes where are the frookies i left them in the kitchen with some fishy poop crackers then came out here for a snack pretty smart huh [Music] if she sees five fruities she's gonna freak out okay i'll keep her busy while you fix the frookies [Music] no the things i do to help true i am some kind of something okay here it goes woof freaky nailed it [Music] [Applause] very true [Music] [Applause] i need all the fruities together how can i get them in here aha fishy poof crackers they love these come and get it [Music] now's my chance zip zap zoo i choose you wake up joiner wish come true okay let's join all the frookies back into one okay joiner spin around the pot as fast as you can [Music] cool let's see how it worked freaky you did it joiner great job [Music] oh i'm going to cover my freaky rookie with little kisses bartleby hey hi uh nice beard griselda hmm true why was bartleby pretending to be my precious freaky pookie well bartleby's had a bad day and so is freaky fruit's been such a good little doggie but i'm a good kitty [Music] i guess she'd rather have a good dog okay barnaby let's do some more sliding bartleby i could leave and never come back and true would never even notice but i'd bet she'd notice if there were five of me so how does that magic pollen work again abracadabra presto chango hmm uh it was worth a try i'm so happy to have you back my little frookie oh no not the greenhouse again what do you mean again [Music] [Music] how much crazy stuff can one plant do [Music] giant freaky kisses [Music] what happened to my puppy [Music] gonna break everything if i don't fix this problem fast don't worry true i've got this there no more frookie getting in no more plant problems big hero hog bring it in come on true [Music] how do i touch a giant dog that's too big to catch i make it smaller [Music] wish come true ready to make freaky smaller on your mark [Music] [Music] z said i have to snap my fingers to get him to stop oh no i can't do it bartleby snap your fingers i don't have any i got this i'm very good at getting attention [Music] my freaky went through the keyhole we have to save my puppy now it's locks i don't know where the key is the greenhouse is locked and i need to get inside looks like the only way is to follow frookie through the keyhole i know i'm asking you to do some extra work but can you shrink us down thanks sizer [Music] away what do you mean we were supposed to go to boing boing lagoon and sockslide but you've been spending so much time with your new best friend frookie but you're my best friend i am of course rookie's my friend too but just because i spend time with other friends doesn't mean i love you any less it doesn't no you're my best friend in the whole world and always will be i promise promise best day ever that's beautiful but we have a puppy to save over here come on bartleby okay sizer shrink us down please [Music] thanks griselda yes yes just hurry up wow it feels weird being small huh how big would a fishy poop cracker be right now you can snack on some just as soon as we rescue you rookie [Music] we're coming freaky [Music] come on bartleby this'll be fine cats always land on their feet [Music] oh are you okay i made it i think i mean i mean that's the important thing no bartleby [Music] somebody's glad to see us it's okay frug no need to be scared we'll get you out of here now if we can just get big again we can open the door and leave what made frookie big before it was one of those petals on the king's plant oh go get one [Music] i mean someone else will go get one it's okay b let's just think this through we need to touch one of the pedals and to get up there we'll use my last wish floato won't we just float away yes but i have an idea if we run really fast it'll roll then we can steer it over to the plant and touch the pedal that's it floato let's do this [Music] zip zoo [Music] wake up float let's get ready for liftoff wow this bubble floats fast run towards the flower we have to get to its petals [Music] keep running keep running you're almost there guys [Music] [Applause] oh well i'm happy to see you too freaky kids oh true how was your day of castle sitting not too difficult i hope well we have a lot of fun socks sliding but we had a few accidents today your highness oh i'll say that's all right accidents happen to the best of us yes everything seems to be in tip-top shape despite the accidents i'm glad to hear it oh i should check on my flowers magnificus it didn't bloom yet did it your flower is the one thing we couldn't fix we're very sorry oh my oh my oh my huh flabbergasting fuchsia [Music] accident or not its petals fell off early that means it's going to bloom sooner than i thought look it's happening now is it it's spectacular nothing like the flower is magnificus in bloom [Laughter] four rainbow kings don't worry easily see happens all the time all we had to do was say gazan tight now there was some talk of sock sliding i believe i'm in come on let's go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes this tent is staying up only took me ten tries i am awesome great job [Music] hey i forgot you were in there true sorry thanks a lot b just setting up the sleeping bags it's so beautiful out here there's nothing better than going glamping [Music] glamorous camping everyone named griselda is glamping these days i still can't believe she agreed to come with us there's dirt here you know camping is supposed to be roughing it right oh believe me i know i didn't even pack my sparkly bubble wash isn't that right frookie [Music] puppy just the helper i need to find my long-lost treasure wants a snack i brought sparkly sandwiches who packed these those are glam witches they're tasty and gorgeous just ask my freaky kids he loves them nibbles time [Music] there's nothing better than a puppy puppy a puppy i say so fluffy [Music] come get your glam watch [Music] ooh drew bottles he definitely went in here no my snuggle pups will get lost in this big horrible nasty maze it's a maze and it isn't nasty it's breathtaking and you can't go in don't worry true i'll find a little drool machine in here somewhere somewhere who are you oh clearly you've never heard of a maze troll before we're meanies though when i'm not guarding this maze i'm actually quite nice why would anyone build something so unglamorous to hide my precious treasure from those who would try and steal it but now my purse's treasure's in there for good reason between you me and the tree i built this maze so big and tricky that no one can find my not treasure me but a dog with nose powers oh your puppy pooch will find my treasure for sure mr troll both our friends are in there now we have to find them fine but the only way to enter my maze is to solve a riddle how many berries from these baskets of plenty can you eat before your stomach is no longer empty oh i'll find out wait for zelda we have to count them as you eat one by one by one the answer is one what that can't be right i mean way more than one berry riddle said how many berries can you eat before your stomach's no longer empty if you eat one berry it's not empty anymore little sticks that is correct oh you may enter but first let me give you a sneak peek inside whoa whoa fantastic isn't it one hallway becomes more hallways then doors begin popping up pretty soon everything's all twisty and turny and where will that leave you to lost hopelessly [Music] as i said you are free to enter but that doesn't mean you can stay in i just gave myself a shiver saying that i'm such a good meanie what do we do true we'll never find freaking bart'll be in that maze don't worry griselda we'll get them out of there but we need some wish help to do it if you're going to the wishing tree then i'm coming too you bet you are the only way we can do this is if we do it together to the wishing tree cumulative [Music] [Applause] [Music] the wishes and i are camping these three have even earned their merit badges camping sure is fun are we still talking about that camping was so five minutes ago we're actually not here about camping we're here about a maze a maze ooh i love puzzles sounds like fun it's a giant maze that freaky and bartleby are trapped in oh that's a lot less fun let's sit and have a think about this no thanks princesses don't sit on mushrooms stay calm you'll be okay the mushroom will come back down eventually how can the wishing tree help drew well this maze is really tricky wants to move around in everything if we get stuck in the maze we'll need a wish to help us get unstuck thanks for zelda you're welcome the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready fishing tree freezing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] please share your wonderful wishes with me [Applause] [Music] with me tiny wishes one two three please [Music] tree [Music] now these are some fantastic wishes let's see what the wikipedia says about them [Music] your first wish is dot spot buddy it can make as many dots as you need perfect we can use dot spot to find our way back out of the maze so we don't get lost we'll just follow the dots polka dots are fabulous this is a wish with style your second wish is roper room this rope wish is a great help for when you need to climb things or to tie things together be handy for pulling us out of a tricky spot and lastly you have slothby a rare and unusual wish indeed this wish can put anything into slow motion that's incredible i'm just not sure how slowing things down can help save our friends i'm sure you'll find a way true i have to agree and i'm always right thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wishes with me [Music] have fun with your camping whatever good luck you do i'm sure you'll do uh amazing [Music] freaky what's up with that how do i get out of here i should warn you my ninja kitty skills are set for awesome freaky oh am i happy to see you yeah was happy to see you look okay now careful where you step around here this maze is filled with booby traps [Music] hey get back here freaky we have to get out of this maze yeah kiki give me a boost rookie this is no time to be sitting on your behind yeah i take it back your behind is the best did you hear that that's bartleby we're going the right way but how do we keep going the right way there's so many hallways we'll work together to find the right ones but before we can go any further let's make sure we can find our way back out of this maze [Music] can you leave a trail of dots behind us as we walk sparkly pink it's like he knows me [Music] very clever the nice troll part of me would just leave these dots but i need that dog to find my long-lost treasure so mean troll it is we've been walking forever why does this keep happening look you've fallen here before that means we've been here before we're walking around in circles no way how is that possible i don't know hot spots still dotting so we should have known unless the troll's been stealing our dots oh he is a big meanie without those dots to show us where we've been we'll never get back out we'll solve that problem later right now we have to stop the troll from stopping us dot spot can you make us one big giant dot [Music] like [Music] hold on we'll never get out of this maze if we get stuck okay i'll go first then you what did i just say [Music] ah troll huh it's just a door painted like a troll troll oh just another freaky troll door this one's worse than the last i get that a lot to keep going through my maze you need to answer another riddle if you don't solve the riddle by the time this birdbath sinks into the floor you must leave my maze forever riddle us your riddle mr troll we're ready um it's the part of the bird that's not in the sky it can go in the birdbath and yet it stays dry what is it it can go in the bird bath yet it stays dry maybe it's a smelly armpit i can't get a good look at it quick try catching it this bird is too quick we have a better chance of catching its shadow shadow the bird is in the sky but its shadow is on the ground and its shadow can go in the bird bath and not get wet i know what the answer is it's shadow little sticks right again [Music] you may pass again but i'll be around every corner to give you more riddles until you finally give up see you soon i mean see you soon how are we ever going to stop this troll from stopping us let's think about this we need to get away from him but he knows this maze inside out yeah he's sneaky we'll just have to slow him down enough so we can catch up to fruity and bartleby and i have just the wish sloth bee guess who's back cool that [Applause] [Music] let's put the brakes on this riddle ridiculous troll huh here's your next riddle what jumps in the air [Music] [Music] and keep him nice and slow thanks this way you couldn't have waited until i went through first francis is first you know that his color remind me to add this to the grismost laundry list where are you my smelly collar cans smelly's with me over here wherever here is bartleby we're coming i must [Applause] [Music] what is with this crazy maze so frustrating frookie now is not the time for wait you're behind saved us last time keep going work that tail boy [Music] true i am so glad to see you did you miss me of course bartleby are you two okay yes but we're trapped down here and frookie's thinking about giving more drooly kisses help we'll get you out right away [Music] no you're out of power that must mean yes it's me again no more riddles for you two i'm kicking you both out of my maze now hold on this pet i remember now this is where i buried my treasure the doggy found it [Music] my magic riddle sticks i can't get them out of that pit without my shilleley i am not saving this awful mace without my furby kids do you understand me yes wow you'd make a really good maestro you know that don't worry i have a wish that can help get everyone out of there [Music] zip zap zoo wake up [Music] [Applause] i need your roping help to pull our friends out of this pit can you help us [Music] let go of that thing no it's my treasure he's got it your treasure is no good if our friends can't bring it up because they're stuck down there oh this is all my fault i need to fix this i'm coming to save you [Music] riddle sticks now i need a new shillely and i'm not strong enough to do this on my own yeah that dog has jaws of steel mr troll we can help each other out of this mess you want us to work with him he's been trying to stop us all day the only way we'll get everyone out is by working together griselda [Music] you got it ready roperoo i wish working together didn't mean having to hold a stinky feet ew i watched them just last year oh that's never good no grab my hand come on drill machine let's go pull with me rope we can do this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my treasure kids oh thank you thank you thank you thank you everyone working together did the trick i knew it would your treasures a dog bone yeah a dog bone that's why i needed a puppy to find it you put my precious frookie through all of this just to get a little glittery dog bone you are a meanie you're right i've been such a meaty to you today it's just to stop people from coming in the maze and getting lost i hope you can forgive me [Music] here this is for you you kept saying you were a mean troll but you can be a nice one too you just gave your treasure to my treasure wow how can i resist this little cutie i suppose it wouldn't hurt if you visit fruity now and then really oh thank you thank you princess group hug uh how are we gonna get out of here what's glamping it's sparkly you like it come on true switcheroo [Music] phew bartleby could you pass me an empty flower pot please oh you're not bartleby good work little helpers i just wonder where my big helper bar will be went [Music] fishy poof crackers ah it's raining it's raining it's pouring and bar is snoring are you forgetting what day it is today is it sleep on the grass day nope brush my fur day no eat a big lunch day no silly we're going to help zelda with her gardening today whoa now stop right there where do you think you're going with true's flowers it's okay b i'm giving them to griselda so she can add them to her garden oh that's so nice okay enough chatter let's get these flowers onto the wagon [Music] what was that some kind of crystal smells pepperminty what kind of crystal smells pepperminty hmm we might be able to tell if we clean it up a little something's happening i don't know what just happened i think this crystal just made your juice ball switch places with that shovel wow what do you know an actual working for real switch-a-ma-jig switch emma bob yeah switch them a thing switcheroo switcheroo that's good yeah yeah that's what i said have you ever seen anything so amazing just think of all the things we can switch [Music] wow [Music] what just happened i don't know you're me and you're an extremely handsome kitty cat switcheroo switched our bodies i can't be a cat what about me how am i supposed to be a human or a girl i don't know how to be either we have to switch back how do you hold anything with these paws oh what are all these fingers for all they do is wiggle around when are you going to get here to help me with my garden the grismos are ruining everything help me true she thinks you're me say something like what wait who said that hold on just let me guess we're on our way see you soon on our way true we can't go to griselda's like this we have to we promised we'd help grab that crystal and we'll try and figure it out there okay but the second we get there i want to be a cat again i don't know how you people live without fur i'm freezing hmm put the bench where the bush is in the bush for the benches no no that's not right either put them back where they were okay let's try switching back before we talk to griselda [Music] it's hard to get a grip on anything with these paws who is that back there oh no here she comes let her do all the talking yeah for a change [Music] true bartleby you two sound weird [Music] anyway everything that's here should be there and everything that's there should be here and trey what are you doing uh hands still dirty from uh gardening okay um what's this surprise oh that's so sweet of you true oh crystal it smells like peppermint it'll be the perfect centerpiece for my garden drew we need the switcheroo back why didn't you tell her it wasn't a gift i couldn't say anything without showing her that we switched christmas put this on the top of the birdbath right away it's my new centerpiece so guard it for all you're worth [Music] all this gardening is exhausting time for a beauty nap [Music] oh and i want that crystal to be sparkling so i can see my face in it so be sure to shine it every couple seconds thank you [Music] i really need that crystal back but everything's getting switched [Music] we have to stop all this switching never fear this ninja cat um girl we'll get it back uh bartleby i don't know what to do next with your body [Music] i'm the cat i can leap ninja cat feather duster dirty trick [Music] i'm used to landing on my paws look the beams are going everywhere true even rainbow city [Music] yeah mustard [Music] [Music] there's no way we can fix this on our own we need some wish help oh cute [Music] please take us to the wishing tree [Music] hey [Music] sound wishes you move over here please and bouncy wishes you can move over i here greetings true and bartleby i'm just switching some of the wishes spots in the wishing tree oh more switching can't things just stay the same anymore true there's something wrong with your voice you sound like bartleby no nope my voice sounds the same as always e no bartleby my eyes must be seeing things my ears must be hearing things oh i must be dreaming wishes help me wake up please i can't be sleeping on the job thanks bouncing wish it's okay you're not dreaming b and i switched bodies yeah true dug up this crystal thing we call the switcheroo and it zapped us and now i'm a human and she's a cat i miss having fur great gravity what a problem this is come let's sit and have a think about this how can the wishes help you true well first we need to get the switcheroo back from the grismos griselda thinks true gave it to her as a gift but she did not oh that's that's awkward really awkward but maybe a wish can help us give griselda something else that she'll like even more and once you get the crystal you can switch yourselves back and everything will be normal right uh not exactly we saw the switchroom beams blasting towards rainbow city huh landed on my feet it is time to get your three wishes wait true's the one who asked for the wishes but right now i'm true the wishing tree always knows the real true but she will need her wish pack all right huh perfect fit [Music] wishes with me [Music] your please wishes [Music] magic power [Music] these are some great wishes bartleby i mean true let's check the wikipedia [Music] your first wish is snorfl this smelling wish has a very strong nose for sniffing things out if it's strong enough to move things too it could help us push all the switched out stuff back again strong sneezer too i bet your second wish is zillion one of my favorites you can make exact copies of things whether you just need one copy or a hundred copies what can i make a copy of that'll help me the switcheroo i could give a copy of it to griselda so i can get the real one back and your third wish is ah yes looksie the seeing wish it can help you spot things that our eyes can't see hmm i don't know why we'd need a seeing wish but i'm sure i'll find some way to use it you always do true thank you z and thank you wishing tree for sharing your wonderful wishes with me [Music] good luck to bartleby uh youtube art will be true [Applause] [Music] how are you flowers magnificus hello bee sleeping lemon yellow now i'm a bee well i better practice my buzzing [Music] huh [Music] oh ice cream break b we need the switcheroo first ice cream later oh right it's time to get it back and put a stop to all the switching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i really need that crystal back i'm not gonna take it i'm just gonna make a copy [Music] perfect and we'd like one copy of the switcheroo please but don't copy its powers a rested princess is a happy princess okay everyone let's see how things are looking in my [Music] oh no the crystals are going everywhere [Music] what is going on why is it raining crystals oh oh no oh no oh no i rubbed it [Music] wow that's weird did everyone just get taller i'm a dog why my dog i'm really sorry griselda uh why are you talking like true you and your gizmos weren't supposed to have my crystal it's a switcheroo and it switches things and people and cats it switched our bodies that's so weird that's me i switch bodies with my freaky kids [Music] what's that is [Music] oh oh no how are we gonna find the real switcheroo now don't feel bad zillion it's not your fault you got startled you're a good helper i can't believe i'm a dog a really adorable dog but a dog [Music] freaky be a princess come on b we gotta find the real switcheroo i'm with your [Music] this isn't troops stop okay things are looking really switched up around here where did all these trees come from uh true it's like a giant game of crystal hide and seek how are we gonna know which one's the real switcheroo with all the copies well first we'll have to gather up every last crystal there is okay but how can we find all the crystals if we can't even see where they all are we don't need to see them you just have to smell them oh yeah they smell pepperminty [Music] wish comes true hi snorful i need you to find all the crystals wherever they are they smell like peppermint can you sniff them out for us [Music] uh [Music] what is that sorry [Music] got it hey i'm getting good with these finger thingies i guess that's all of them thanks norfolk now we gotta figure out which is the real switcheroo luckily i have a system grab them nope [Music] nope can i help no i got it [Music] i'm cramped i'm cramped this is gonna take forever [Music] there it is again no none of those crystals was the switcheroo maybe it's one of these there has to be a way to find out which crystal's the real switcheroo without having to polish them all let's think about this our last wish is luxie it can see things or regular eyes can't right what's on the switcheroo that we can't see my paw print i left paw prints on it when i tried to grab it that's what looks he can search for to find the real switcheroo that's a super incredible idea let's do this zip zap zoo i choose you wake up [Music] we're looking for one special crystal that has a kitty paw print on it are you ready to look that wow [Music] [Music] nice tail control you know what they say b practice makes perfect thanks luxie you've been a huge help great job drew now um he switch us back quick okay whiskers no whiskers tail no tail kitty sense of self-importance uh no tail i'm back are you so happy but we've got a lot more stuff to switcheroo come on can we celebrate for a second okay one second dance party okay let's go let's switch to a thing or two [Applause] [Music] no sense wasting all that practice [Music] thanks cumulo nice switcheroo drew [Music] tail wagging isn't fun anymore huh that crystal looks so gorgeous in my garden i didn't realize it wasn't for me great news griselda frookie you can have all the crystal copies just don't ask me to count how many there are i can't count that high i'm chasing back to you quick teaser back off dr i kissed a cat wait tail gone fingers back ability to curtsy perfect so uh what are you gonna do with that switcheroo drew well i know the perfect spot where it won't cause any more trouble there safe and sound back in the ground a snoozy sleepover prepare for the buzz of doom [Music] you're a worthy opponent master pillow we will meet again who's ready for a yummy surprise kitty natty ninja cats are always ready for surprises popped peppy peppers that's like my fourth favorite snack after of course fishy poop crackers fishy poof crackers with zesty cheese and limited edition extra light poof fishy poof crackers hold it popped peppy peppers check sazooni juice balls check bendy straws uncheck [Laughter] [Music] thanks little helpers and check there everything's ready for the sleepover okay back to snacking oh bendy straws i feel like a princess you never know when a real princess might show up i'm here for zelda it wouldn't be a party without you i know where's frookie rookie kids is right here [Music] care for an ice cold zazuni juice yes please but would you happen to have a bendy straw so thoughtful of you true hello party people so far so good everything's going just this plant now we're just waiting on the rainbow king that must be him now welcome rainbow king huh your majesty a lovely lavender evening to you true and bartleby i'm so excited about your sleepover i was just making sure i didn't forget anything important not my blankie or my pillow or uh hmm hey if you need a toothbrush i got lots oh there's my tail cleaning brush i was looking for that works like a charm and i found my gum bubble chew hmm you want some ew no thanks no it's not a toothbrush i've got one of those oh what could it be don't worry your majesty we've got everything you could possibly need purple persimmons true your particular predisposition to planning is perfection personified what he said thank you rainbow king please come in rainbow king well that's it everybody's here check next up party [Music] ready ready [Music] [Laughter] uh oh looks like we're down to our very last party plan a delicious number berry pancake breakfast in the morning all right everybody let's get ready for bed [Music] good night everyone good night [Music] indigo injustices i just remember what i forgot to remember my mumu i always have my moomin with me at bedtime moo moo that's not on my list can you sleep without it well it has helped me sleep every night for the last three or 400 million years but i'm sure i'll be fine i'll just count little helpers until i fall asleep one two three four five six seven eight six four hundred and six wait i skipped one i'll start over one two two rainbow king do you want me to get your moomoo for you it's no problem goodness greenness no we'd have to go all the way to the royal greenhouse for my moo-moo that is pretty far to go not to worry true i'll fall asleep soon okay if you need anything just ask good night rainbow king good night true a blue bother i mustn't keep everyone awake i really don't like using sleeping spells uh i can't remember why but maybe just this once starry bloom help me snooze i'm feeling snoozy already [Music] what a lovely summer rain so refreshing bartleby you're talking in your sleep again so are you rookie you're flying huh what true look out [Music] what's going on freaky kittens come down [Music] it's okay rookie snuggles you're safe with me now yes you are i definitely didn't plan for this they're sleep floating fascinating i've read about it i never thought i'd see it in person we should pull them down no don't touch him if you do you'll sleep float too can we wake them up [Music] guess not well we can't just let them float around bumping into things we need some rope or strings or a butterfly net or a string or a super long straw or string good work little helpers wait where's the rainbow king he's there going out the window wake up wake up we need to catch up to him and wake him up oh cumulo sorry to wake you kimilo but we've got to go save the rainbow king oh wait i forgot to get changed um do we need to get changed too nope keep your pjs on [Music] we're still having a sleepover i've just got to be ready for action good idea can you two take result and freaky back inside thanks little helpers [Music] the entire metropolis is sleep floating fascinating yeah but everyone in rainbow city will sleep float right out of town we need some wish help and quick to the wishing tree please cumulo [Applause] [Music] where are you i need your help uh true i'm right behind you oh right sorry okay we need something bright to find rainbow king and something to get the citizens down something sticky this is sticky um no thanks and we need something loud to wake everyone up if he wakes up too suddenly maybe everyone will fall down right i didn't think of that so uh pillows but everyone's still floating so we do need something sticky tape glue no hair dowel z we need wishes you're right we do need wishes but sit and have a think [Music] okay true how can the wishing tree help you well we don't know what will happen if we wake up the rainbow king suddenly the other sleep floaters might wake up too and then fall down so we'll have to bring everyone down safely first good thinking true and when everyone is down safely we'll gently wake up the king and he can break the spell the wishing tree has heard you true it is time to get your three wishes i'm ready tree fishing tree please share your wonderful wishes with me [Music] share with [Music] two me snugly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] true these wishes are incredible i can't wait to see what the wishipedia says about their powers [Music] this is snuggly snuggly snuggly's a blanket wish that can go big enough for lots of people to take a nap on and if you sing a lullaby it'll act like a magnet to anyone who's asleep you'll be perfect for gathering everyone and keeping them safe and sound your next wishes whoa glow logo is a light wish you are exactly what we need on a dark knight and for your last wish pointy the bouncing wish pointy is great at bouncing on its own [Music] yeah it's a cat thing it's what i do or you can jump onto it to bounce extra high i'm not sure how a bouncing wish can help but i'm sure we'll think of something zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] come on everybody we've gotta go save the rainbow king [Music] thank you wishing tree [Music] oh wow watch out cumulo maybe it's just me but this is way too many sleep floaters i agree it's gonna be very hard to find the rainbow king in this mess i have an idea take us down to the park please cumulo time for my first wish [Music] zip zap you wake up snuggly wish come true ready snuggly snuggly see you said singing a lullaby makes snuggly a magnet for anyone who's asleep right that's right well let's get humming [Music] mom [Music] it's working and look here comes the rainbow king [Music] oh rainbow king put snuggly to sleep snugly's losing its power [Music] rainbow king we need to do something or he'll float away with everyone that would not be good i can barely see him now huh who could be calling at this hour rainbow king he must have pocket bubbled me wake up rainbow king wake up please it's no use oh rainbow king if only you could tell us what's wrong oh mama even just a clue two-word phrase you know that points us in the right direction yeah like that that's what's wrong rainbow king always has his muumuu at bedtime and he can't settle down without it that's why he's sleep floating we've been doing it all wrong instead of waking him up we need to help him have a good night's sleep of course more sleep is the answer to our sleep problem yeah i knew that yeah all we have to do is get rainbow king his moo moo cute low come on bartleby what what go go cumulo to the rainbow castle [Music] okay on a scale of one to dark this is dark how are we gonna find our way i mean i don't have that cats can see in the dark thing it's always been a great disappointment to me i remember my mother once bartleby oh sorry time for my second wish [Music] zip zap zoo i choose you wake up low glow wish come true you're up low glow rainbow king set his moo moose in the royal greenhouse this way here's the green house but there's got to be millions of them how are we going to know which one is which fortunately every plant is clearly labeled all right let's go look for the moo moo plant okay moo moo plant uh moo moo plant hmm well i mean it's not this one wait for me not this one it's not this one either or this one maybe it's that vinyl one over there nope not over here where is it [Applause] guys look is that the rainbow king he's floating way too far we need to find that moo moo fast but we've just looked everywhere and there's nothing nothing but this giant flower pot this must be it true shine the light over here it's the momo plant the fruit of the momo plant gives off a soft glow in a gentle hum that is helpful for sleeping so where's the fruit way up there now i understand why the wishing tree gave me pointy here's e can you hold woblo it's time for my third wish [Music] zap do i choose you wake up pointy wish come true okay pointy let's bounce ready let's bounce bounce [Music] how are we gonna get it drew i've got an idea bartleby i need some kitty natty help i see where you're going with this true let's try this again pointy [Music] ready [Music] nice work bartleby i'm very proud of myself thanks for your help pointy you too wow glow zoo zip zap wishes in my pack [Music] okay let's bring the rainbow king his mumu come on cumulo [Music] there he is this will be tricky if rainbow king touches me and makes me sleep float it's up to you to save the rainbow kingdom no pressure rainbow king i have your [Music] the rainbow king isn't sleep floating anymore his mumma must have broken the spell oh and look it's working all the sleep floaters are floating back home to their beds [Music] thanks snuggly you were super helpful tuck yourself back in the pack now [Music] let's go home i'm sleepy sleepy but we're just getting started we just saved this whole town let's celebrate phew what a night my sleepover didn't exactly go as planned yeah but you saved the kingdom true you're my hero and don't forget we still have number berry pancakes to enjoy in the morning you're right this was a pretty good sleepover after all [Music] hey that smells like berry pancakes we made them just for you thanks for saving everyone in rainbow city and you you remembered how much i love bendy straws oh thank you true for bringing my mumu oh thanks everyone that is so good barbie you've got to try some best pancakes ever hmm [Music]
Channel: True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Views: 2,674,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true and the rainbow kingdom, true rainbow kingdom, true cartoon, animation, tv, kids tv, kids, preschool, cartoon, cartoons, cartoons for kids, netflix, netflix jr, educational kids programming, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes, true and the rainbow kingdom songs, true and the rainbow kingdom theme song, true and the rainbow kingdom wishing tree song, true and the rainbow kingdom full episodes trues birthday
Id: oXM4MuUTio8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 12sec (5292 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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