The Secret Code! | The Fixies | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] ah he's home [Music] no lick are you here stop your hiding i'll still find you no lick is that you hey come on that's not fair you saw let me go again i don't want to you want me to play hide and seek when i got a brand new game to play with where is it i don't see it anywhere in the room i took it to school with me for what reason to show it off [Music] wow awesome game tom thomas can i play your game uh-uh cause i'm not done playing with it yet now just try asking me to do some favor for you hmm wait was it a three or a four hmm it could have been five i forgot what about i forgot the combination and now i can't even do my homework everything i need to finish is inside of there i'm not climbing in to find out your homework don't even ask me tom thomas why do you look so upset the code for the lock i don't remember it don't you worry we'll open it i know all about a code lock a simple code lock is built with a few discs that have numbers on them in the center of each disc is a hole with a notch when all of the discs are turned so their notches line up in a straight row the locks pin can slide out freely [Music] and to get the notches to line up just turn the discs to the locks code and the lock will open it's that simple looks like we gotta take a look inside the lock ah i see no like where are you there's work to do i won't do it i'm not gonna help such a greedy boy no look won't you help me out here and i won't be so greedy anymore all right you broke me down homie as soon as we're done you're gonna let me play with the game right [Music] there's no room in here hang in there we'll start turning the discs one at a time and you yell stop when they're lined up stop turn the next one now stop stop now try yes [Applause] hooray and your code was really simple way too simple the secret numbers and letters that you use to lock something up are called the code or the password and to make sure your password's a really good one here are some things you should know never choose a password that's really simple for someone else to guess like one with numbers or letters that are all the same or are all in order it's also a bad idea to make a password out of your birth date or name it's better to think of a password that's a bit more complicated and don't forget your password once you come up with it write down your password on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place but don't show it to anybody else and then if you happen to forget your code or password you'll be able to remember it with the help of that piece of paper and why did you ever put a lock on your backpack i was hiding the game from the other kids then why did you take it to school today i wanted to show it off to my class and did you show it no way if they would have seen it they'd be like i want to use it i want to play and so you hit it and didn't show it to anybody not to anyone then why take it to school silly to show it off there you're just some show-off you're just some greedy oop sorry once greedy boy will you let us play now play away [Music] we're not bothering you are we can you jump a little easier you're shaking the whole desk you'll miss for sure no problem [Music] anybody can do that but i bet you can't do it if you tried bouncing the ball off the floor first just look oh what are my parents gonna do to me maybe we should call sunka simka and what's simki gonna do to us when she sees this so got yourself in trouble huh you shouldn't be playing with a ball inside and now we have your lamp to fix but how only my dad can reach all the way up there why just your dad you have a hot air balloon over there that doesn't fly it's just a toy see well it might be just a toy to you but for us fixies it's absolutely real [Music] if an object is lighter than water it floats up to the surface and in the same way if something is lighter than air it floats upward did you know that hot air is lighter than cold air well it is and that means if you warm up the air in a balloon it will float up hot air balloons use special gas burners to heat up the air inside of them so they will get lighter and the bigger the balloon the more people it can take up into the air i know what you're saying but where do we get a burner you think fixies don't have their own burners huh sure we've got them bring it down here and i'll go talk to our parents no no and no the human child must never see us listen now simka we already don't approve of him seeing you at nolick he won't look pappas please you're the one who told us how you dreamed of flying since you trained to go into space yeah for two years i waited on standby but i never went up and you've never flown in a hot air balloon either honey so let's call it a deal i talked them into it there's just one condition you can't watch okay [Music] you can come in now now prepare the burner coming right up permission for takeoff permission is granted and off we go hooray it's flying don't you peek turn around oh it was an accident [Music] i'm going to evaluate the damage maintaining proper altitude [Music] so they've reached the spot air balloons are really awesome i wonder who figured out how to do that it was the montgomerys [Music] the hot air balloon was invented in the 18th century by the montgomery brothers from france in those days there were no gas burners so they heated the air inside the balloon by burning straw at first there were no passengers on their balloon not counting the fixies of course i mean how else could a balloon get up in the air without them unfortunately the names of the first fixies who took that flight were not recorded in the annals of history following the fixies flight the next passengers were animals a ram a rooster and a duck and it was not until those three safely landed after flying a full four kilometers that humans dare to fly in hot air balloons themselves ever since their invention hot air balloons have also gone by another name montgolfiers [Music] all right simka please let your parents know that i'm so very thankful okay by the way now you can turn around you know simka let's fly the balloon just like them there's no way nolik we would need to use the burner and kids aren't allowed to play with fire i'll give you a ride look i still need to put it back up on the shelf so climb in and let's do it [Music] [Applause] what do you mean like brothers okay then like brother and sister [Music] and suddenly the earth is attacked by an alien spaceship [Music] if help arrives here on time we'll be saved move faster faster come on get off the train move it move it time thomas we came here to play oh finally you're here i need some aliens for this game what kind of aliens are you talking about just plain old aliens you know the ones they come destroy the earth in just about everything we don't want to destroy anything at all why can't we be the train engineers huh train engineers you don't know anything about driving a train oh we know plenty about trains humans invented the railroad long ago but back then the rails were made out of wood people didn't start making metal rails until the end of the 18th century but the first railroad cars had no engines to give them their power instead they used horses to pull them along later horses were replaced by the steam engine wooden coal would burn in their furnaces to boil the water in the boilers making the steam that turned their wheels and the fixies were there to help those trains go making sure all of the parts could work together smoothly but now steam engines have long gone away the railroad uses electricity now for its power these electric trains race along the railway at almost the speed of an airplane [Music] so you might know trains but you'll still be the aliens this railroad is mine so you're gonna play the way i want the train is unloaded and leaving [Music] and i will [Music] hmm hey why did you stop [Music] this doesn't help either it's not going at all simka [Music] no lick where are you did i hurt your feelings or something mom is dad gonna be home soon no is something the matter we've been attacked by evil aliens the train has to be fixed right away or we'll never escape them uh you want some tea ah i've got to think of something cinka nolik i know you're in there please forgive me if i hurt your feelings i'm really sorry there's nobody but you that can save the world from the evil aliens all right it talked us back into it well let's go and check the rails no look follow me i'm faster [Music] well so much for being faster it looks like i found the break tom thomas the rails are broken i know and so you know but that's why your train's not running just like a real train model trains run on electricity but there aren't any batteries inside the locomotive to pull the other cars the engine gets its electricity from the rails each piece of the rail has a wire in it if the rails come apart the electricity can't flow through the track and get to the train and without electricity the trains engine just stops going so reconnect the rails and your train will run again put them together ah yes [Music] hooray the train's running way to go so will you play with me now and which way are we playing this time whatever you want i'm with you the train rushes down the track with no luck guess it's engineered when suddenly from out of the sky comes an alien spaceship [Music] [Applause] greetings to you o people of planet earth i come from far away from another galaxy have you come to destroy everything no i've come to fix it all oh yes honey only a thousand times or so a robotizoid r 300 would just be the greatest with megavision i want it i really do uh i do well tomorrow you'll find out but now it's time to sleep tom thomas wow that is one great present and we got tom thomas absolutely zero for his birthday uh we're just terrible friends so how does this robot work okay so let's give this a try shall we first we'll take a walk and how does he have any idea where the robot's going i can tell you one of the robot's eyes is a video camera the robot sends the picture to the screen on the controller so the player can see where the robot is going yeah and that's just one thing they know how to do a robot is a smart machine that can do very difficult or dangerous work for humans with its strong metal arms a robot can move heavy objects or put together parts to build cars and other machines robots are often sent into outer space or to the bottom of the ocean to help scientists there are also robots that can understand what people are saying and robots that can talk and even make jokes just like people i've got it now let's turn you around [Music] ah what was that uh look you know he destroyed him no stop you were playing with that right you think tom will notice oh i know what you're doing all night i'm off to bed i'll get him to work i'll stay up until i do cinka let's try it no we're gonna need some help when your tv has broken when your cell phone has croaked your laptop fairly working the kettle's had a stroke don't ask us where we're going for it's not far and wide but any kind of problem is [Music] our work will never end [Music] [Music] one two three inside will be all day and night we fix things right one two three inside will be all day and [Music] we make things night we live to keep on working and work for us is fun so we'll just keep on working our work's never done and deep inside of gadgets if you look when it's dark you might just see us race around like multi-color sparks one two three [Music] inside will be all day and night we fix things right one two three inside will be finished to fix what's wrong [Music] wow you got it we need to hide robotizoid r300 i can't believe it [Music] well happy birthday to you tom thomas i'm sorry tom thomas last night your robot you know i broke it dad it works perfectly don't you see [Music] i'm so proud of you you fixed it i couldn't fix it at all i tried everything oh you want to tell me that the robot fixed itself what a joker [Music] mom dad thanks so much i love it [Music] and how about thanking us [Music] i should have known it was you who fixed the robot happy birthday happy birthday quiet down get ready for your lesson be quiet quiet down please oh it's so hot here in today's class we'll learn about oh what was that huh it must have been an earthquake yeah it was an earthquake hooray sorry there professor ooh i have to find an outlet so i can plug in this van it feels terribly hard it sure does well keep looking you'll find one now then where was i oh right today oh no it's impossible in this whole laboratory there isn't one free outlet look at this [Music] just pull out one of these wires and then you'll have a free outlet i can't i fear i could pull out a plug for something important ah volt himself would get all tangled up in these wires don't worry about it professor you genius we'll find a free outlet for you that's right my colleague a cup of tea will do you good so just go relax thank you my colleague and as always i'm eternally grateful fixies have opened schools for their children in all sorts of different places like factories stores and warehouses anywhere where there's lots of machines and appliances and places to hide from humans and this is where we hold our school right here inside the laboratory of professor eugenius it's a fantastic place for me to hold class every day new devices materials toys and even food are brought here for examination and there are lots of scientific devices and tools to study here as well but most importantly we never need to hide from the head of the laboratory because my colleague professor eugenius is someone i'm proud to call a friend he loves fixies helps us any time we need and we'll never let our secret out [Music] what should we do first we have to start out with pulling apart these wires that'll take a second [Music] over here no [Music] we need to pull out this one stop this nonsense will ya [Music] thank you ditch it digit well the way i see it in order to get the nod out that's over here we need to expand the loop that's over there and then push that wire through it and then do it again from the other end that's it very good girls hey pull it hard perfect [Music] hey check it out the screen wire up here isn't plugged into anything then no one's using it so that means we should go and pull it out from the outlet got it [Music] [Music] there here's another wire that isn't plugged in i found another wire no one's using oh i mean think and i found it together now lick why are you so upset because you guys are doing all the work how about this fire nobody's checked it yet really [Music] oh wow [Music] what did you find some treasure knowledge uh-huh there are six free outlets under here great now professor eugenius can plug in his fan and his kettle and even his soldering iron to get electricity to a device that doesn't use batteries you need to plug a pair of wires into an outlet but it's important not to let the wires touch one another or the electricity can burn them out that's why wires are covered in plastic or rubber so the electricity won't pass from one wire to the other or to us when we touch them so always be very careful with wires and never ever touch a bare wire you could get killed by the electric shock oh what would i do without my wonderful friends thank you ah sorry i just i didn't i wanted to i should go go ahead that's a great idea and we'll start our class uh what were we talking about all about wires well it looks like our class is over time to go play hmm how about that then i'll play my pawn and i'll play my pawn we need our spool and it's missing oh congratulations professor have you seen it anywhere the spool i haven't seen we're playing chess can't you see do you like board games like dominoes for instance just about everybody has played it but do you know where it came from domino's was invented by the ancient chinese they made tiles and decorated them with dots like on a pair of dice and this is a game that looks a lot like checkers but it's a lot more challenging it's called backgammon backgammon originated in persia and from there it spread all over the world but the most challenging game of them all is the game of chess chess was invented in india and today the game of chess is loved in every country it's played by adults by children and even by computers chess is a real sport but the most important thing for playing chess is not the power in your arms but the power in your brain hey look i found it [Music] uh yeah what's going on that's our spool please let us take it back there's something we have to do with it but we're using it can't you wait it's a replacement for the missing pawn oh nola can work for a while as the pond's replacement yeah i can do it all right you can take it and you stand right over here one two three up we go class so how do we play you're going to play for the whites and now i'm going to capture your knight and we we're gonna knock over yours take that whoa whoa whoa young man slow down it goes back here [Music] get back to your square what for pawns don't move like that and how do they move only one square per move and only forward of all of the pieces the little pawn is the weakest what a mess so which one's strongest huh this it's the queen she's the most dangerous threat to the other king ah how come i couldn't be queen then that black king would have to deal with me oh yes [Music] in chess each player has a black or white army with eight pawns two knights two bishops two castles and a queen all of them work together for their king trying to protect him while attacking the enemy's king if the king finds himself in a position where he can be captured the attacking player says check and if the king finds himself with nowhere to run from the attack it's called checkmate whoever check makes the other players king first is the winner hmm i'll move my queen yeah and me my queen huh then i'll just capture your queen really then i'll just capture yours grandpas should i go now not yet so do you feel like surrendering ha you're kidding do you know it forward hooray we'll step aside forward he got away all right and once more go forward great grandpas where do i go now don't you see the edge don't go anywhere now you're the queen what the rules of chess say that if a pawn makes it all the way to the other side he could become anything that was captured earlier hooray then i'll be the queen and i'll be the strongest piece in the whole game hey queen get back here in case you don't know this isn't over yet we capture the pond with the queen queen this is your new place check check yeah now come to here checkmate my colleague of course it is it is meat yeah i lost hooray today professor we found the missing part for you so that means nola can leave with us i'm not going anywhere with you this is the greatest game you'll ever play in your life all you should have seen how i put professor eugenious in to check me really well grandpa's helped me a little actually it was grandpa who's telling me where to move but i'm the queen now [Music] secret
Channel: The Fixies
Views: 1,464,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon, animation, the fixies, fixiki, Cartoons for children, Nolik, Simka, Papus, Grandpus, Tom Tomas, fixiki episodes, fixies episodes, cartoon films, fixiki in English, fixies, фиксики на английском, fixiki english, the fixies english, fixies english, fixiki in english, the fixies episode 1, fiksiki english, fixies cartoon, fixiki 2016 new in english, лунтик на английском языке, the fixes, фіксіки англійською, fiksiki, fixies russian
Id: X7ic17zx0gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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