Jacob Elordi Feels Euphoric While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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the loft just cracked the pepper in my head [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by jacob lordy he's an actor you know from his role as nate jacobs in the emmy award-winning mega hit hbo series euphoria his latest project though is the film deep water an adrian line directed psychological thriller set to hit hulu on march 18th jacob lordy welcome to the show thanks for having me man so you know we've had a lot of sauces from australia in the lineup before many of them mega hots how deeply growing up did you explore what seems to be a robust hot sauce subculture down under you know what i had absolutely nothing to do with the hot sauce subculture strangely enough i have an uncle who's like a fairly large man um and he's sort of rough his guts he's from the mines and he loves he's not rough his guts he's a good bloke but um he loves hot sauce so whenever we're in like a small town somewhere there'd be like a little old lady that made some extreme hot sauce and we'd always have to get it for him and bring it back so that would be the closest i came to it [Music] oh it's on the wing it's already there you don't even have to apply it [Music] heat with hot yeah you can really tell so your latest project deep water marks the return of adrian line the creative force behind films like indecent proposal flash dance jacob's ladder just to name a few what is it about deep water that makes you nostalgic for films of the past you had an interesting quote where you said that you hoped that it's the rebirth of these kinds of films again yeah i feel like there was an era um especially in the 80s when we sort of had come out of the 60s and 70s of cinema with this sort of easy rider you know those kind of films and then we went sort of back into this studio genre which was like you know psychological psychosexual thriller through the 80s and 90s and i feel like it felt like growing up to me like there was one of those coming out every week and even though they weren't like the greatest films they had something like iconic about them like almost something noiri about them sort of like that era of cinema and i feel like we've gone so far down another end now with everything being fantastic and large and green screened i was like excited to get back into like just sort of something psychological that's still entertaining you know okay [Music] i'm feeling a little bold oh confident yeah that's not the way to go yeah okay it's a little like it's definitely like yeah [Music] i had a few people give me give me i was talking to halsey last night and she was like she was like you know take tiny tiny bites like don't put your fingers on your face and the first thing i've done is just go oh and then like go to touch my head be careful around the eyes that's where i'll be uh anya you know careful around the eyes so we had david ching on the show he had lots of nice things to say about australia but he did bury the burgers calling them an abomination because australians put beats on them and i think that it's only fair that we offer you our platform to respond do you have a defense for the australian bird absolutely i think australians make the best burgers in the world um because they put everything on them like a burger in australia isn't just um it's happening now the burger the burger in the strawberry and the burger in australia is like eggs and bacon and avocado and then a patty and then like six cheeses and then a mayonnaise and i think that's incredible i think the more the more the merrier on our burger that's an absurd statement i don't like beets though beets sometimes pineapple with the australian burgers for me that's absolutely no chance am i doing that i feel like fruit and fruit and meat my mom used to make this mango chicken salad and it would piss me off so much every time and it tasted good but it [ __ ] made me so mad i was like like there's this delicious chicken and delicious mango and you [ __ ] them by putting them together i hated that [Music] i like this little branding little marcus aurelius looking okay i'm still got the last one still saying something well why do you like this there's a little bit of a cumulative effect you know as you go you know the chemistry of all of them okay i have the chemistry of all i like that so as i understand it euphoria season two is shot entirely on kodak ektachrome film which is almost impossible to find and i know that you're romantic when it comes to cinema what would you say a show like euphoria stands to gain from shooting on 35 millimeter i think like because every other aspect of it has so much thought and so much care to then shoot on film is like another degree another level of effort that you have to put in and you actually can't get the film they made that film for the show so just in terms of history there's something quite incredible about about being a part of something because you know you have guys like nolan and tarantino always saving film always talking about you know shooting their pictures on film to save film but then to have film kind of come in and help you like to to to invent something or to reinvent something rather that's like very special to me anyway personally to be a part of something like that you know and you just see it being loaded every time you're shooting like every single frame of this could never have existed before we shot this like this is it's so yeah i don't know there's something about that precious or sacred yeah and like i you know vainly i get to be on a frame you know multiple frames of that film that's like that's pretty that's pretty unique experience you know and then another thing that's unique about the cinematography on the show is the use of color to represent a character's emotional state yeah you know i think a lot of people use colors in the way that especially how they were using the first season to be like oh i want to make a movie like drive you know or oh i want a movie that looks like this or a movie that looks like that whereas what you just said rings true i think sam doesn't use the color because someone's used it before and it's like kind of sexy he'll use it to tell a story through the character or like marcel was speaking this season about having filters that were over the lens that made it a memory that made it a dream what is it like to relive childhood and memory shots and like everything's used practically to evoke a feeling and i think that's the thing i like the most about sam and then can you draw back the curtain on that single-shot carnival scene from euphoria episode four the scope of it is so ambitious yeah i mean there was stitch points there were little stitch points throughout the thing but we spent a couple of nights shooting that and i remember they were editing it as we shot it they'd take the card out and then run it to a building and they'd edit it to make sure that the stitch points so sam worked that out in real time like he was like where can we stitch it he it wasn't composed until they composed it on the you know sort of on the on the spot and was such a cool shot to watch i love watching the phoenix angry goat [Music] pepper some of them have a little bit of a delayed reaction now that we're teaching you everything about hot sauce today but some of them why do they do that you take a bite you feel good about it and then about 30 seconds later it connects [Music] me so i've heard you talk about studying the groundbreaking work of actors of yore from brando to james dean to montgomery clift is there an actor that you'd say influence some of your more unique character development tactics like i was interested to read that you'd keep a journal from the perspective of your character i think james dean said something like how can i lose i've got marlon brando in one hand and montgomery clift in the other and i think that actually kind of applied to a lot of what i was doing that i wanted to do with nate was to have the sensitivity of montgomery clift to have these eyes like a wounded deer you know but then to have the brute force of brando coming in and ripping stella's clothes off you know what i mean like so i think funny enough your question is the answer like i've that's probably what i i drew from all of those kinds of people how can you have like a a great softness and a sadness in your eyes but still be like yo what the [ __ ] good you know what i mean like yeah this this weird contrast is what i try to dance between i think with it and then off the top of your head without thinking about it too much your favorite brando movie of all time and why uh on the waterfront um just for the one-way ticket to palooka ville when he's in the car with his brother that line is [ __ ] crazy you know it could have been somebody that could have been something you know you was my brother like that kind of thing i like that that's a different movie that's um godfather too but same sentence the point stance point stance something about it you know what i mean that kind of thing [Music] guess i'm a spice guy huh you're a spaceman spy is that what you call yourselves yes please it's a very exclusive club yeah we meet i'll take it i wasn't on it i have many leather-bound books oh a big one well as we get more confident this is the time you should be getting less confident is that a thing the closer you are to the peak you get more confident but it's the most perilous part of the journey well i like that outlook i've never heard it delivered quite so eloquently i like that i like that as an outlook through the whole thing but no to answer your question typically up front big bites cleaning wings as we work our way down the line you start to see smaller and smaller lights from this side of the table that's not me small to big yeah there we go there we go that's how we're doing it all right jacob we have a recreate segment on our show called explain that graham we do a deep dive on our guest instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so we'll pull the picture up over here on the monitor you just tell us the bigger story so know that you're an avid photographer on set not just when you're stealing other people's phones for selfie prints what began your interest in photography and why is it important for you to bring a camera onset i think heath ledger definitely started it um because i'd seen uh i'd seen a documentary of his and it was sort of all told through his photos and and super 8 footage that he had and when i left home the journey seemed so big and so unrealistic that i knew i would like forget it so my mom bought me a my canon camera to just like make sure i was snapping every single beat um sort of keep it all i guess yeah this is the first magazine i ever did it's called uh v-man and i was that thing was reflective of me so there's another picture on there and it's the film version of what the photographer was shooting while i was hanging out what do you do with all your photos do you archive them i just hold them yeah i've got them all i've got most of them printed and i just go back on them and you know get teary every now and then this is uh quite the celebrity row here at msg you got simo leo on one side and then you got leave schreiber on the other side do you remember what you're pointing at here and it's probably me trying to act like i knew like like did you see that sport did you see that just happened right there that three was crazy you know like i have no idea what's going on oh number three blocked him good huh got him so good so i was trying to be one of the guys you know because you can also there's so many cameras watching you when you're on the front row so it's like not it's an enjoyable experience but the whole time you know this little voice in my head is like don't look like an idiot like look like anyone scores i'm like you know it's like me and spike lee like you're gonna see this now i think i'm a phony [ __ ] man [Music] i've seen great men fall at this point too so not the champion jacob the champion may maybe tear up hello your dad oh you're so much [Music] so we had jeffrey dean morgan on the show he had some interesting thoughts on an actor's psychological approach to playing a villain saying that a villain doesn't know that they're a villain how would you describe your relationship with playing a detestable character like nate jacobs if you'd even call him detestable yeah i mean you know i've been over this so many times and i've been dragged across the coals for it and i and i've had a conversation with my mom i was like i will not stop defending him like because like that's my that's my baby you know i've like i've made him and there's no way i don't think anyone could give a performance if i was sitting there being like man this guy is like a detestable piece of [ __ ] because then i wouldn't want to play him you know i wouldn't want to say the words i i think for me as a performer it's my job to open my heart up in my mind up a little bit and empathize and i think we could all sort of benefit from doing this in life a little bit too even if someone's objectively shitty just sitting back and realizing they come from somewhere and they come from a set of circumstances that are probably different to yours and whilst it doesn't make it right i think it's beneficial to to even just consider it for a second you know as an actor it's imperative i think personally just so nervous man it's like survive survive survive survive survive freakishly hot all right typing in i already know this one's gonna yeah whoa yeah whoa that's no that one's no joke well you know if but if there's someone to blame this is actually this is from australia i think it's from your hometown actually and blame me like i invented the thirteen angry scorpions yeah like i was before i was an actor i was just sitting home perfecting my chili wrist in the hot sauce in the hot chocolate my uncle like it's good i don't know why i was southern all of a sudden are you good buddy can you talk through the moral dilemma that you have as an actor in the streaming era who once asked yourself in a vanity fair profile am i the face of this robotic terrifying new age i was a little dramatic which i can say now that i'm in deep pain um um no i think it's fright sorry don't apologize this is the show i think when there's that much content in the world and we can just sit on our couches and order food and order groceries and order clothes and essentially not move and just watch an endless stream i don't think it's good for cinema i think it's good for storytelling but i don't think it's good for people either it seems like a very sad way to live that's a great fear to me and because i started in a in somewhere that could maybe cater to that it was like very frightening to me as a young man and then i was also like you know you're very convicted when you're like 18 19 you're like hell no man not me man absolutely not me man especially a young ambitious actor watching brando and watching james dean yeah and then you know i thought that my gods would be looking down at me just like spitting on me weeping at like you know like how dare you out around name [Music] okay cheers i'd like the last one immediate straight to the back of the throat yeah straighten the back of the throat just like that this i think will be a transformative experience for you this wing right here this sauce straight to the back of the throat yeah they didn't even they didn't even have to buy you dinner first [Laughter] the loft just cracked the pepper in my [Music] so i've heard you talk about forgetting your lines at the euphoria audition and then blowing a self tape because you're copying zac efron's performance and charlie saint cloud for a show that required an american accent you do dig you do dig they say one thing about you you're a digger i'm a spice man who digs i'm a spice man who digs i'm gonna have to go here when you think about auditioning rock bottom moments what immediately comes to mind for you um rock bottom moment probably i went through this one one time i feel like i just got way cooler when i speak and i went to this one place you know because i don't try to speak less um and it was for some show and i was like usually learn my lines but then sort of try to play a little bit and in the middle of the scene this casting director was like oh can you like she like stopped me i was like can you just do it exactly as the words are and i was like oh i don't know that i'll be like reading off the paper and she's like do that do that read off the paper and i started and i was just felt so dejected that i just left i was like in the middle of the thing i was like i'm not who you're looking for because um i had a lot of pride i guess maybe that story makes no sense because my mouth is so up no you know what they tried to confine you to the page you know they wouldn't let you color outside the lines yeah wouldn't let your peacock creative spirit fly yeah let me fly gotta let it go you gotta let jacob fly and speaking of spreading your wings yeah are you ready to move on to the next sauce oh yeah this is the pucker butt extra me and green [Music] okay come on man right so growing up in australia i understand that you're a pretty good rugby player before a back injury sideline your playing days and push you towards a career in acting what's the key to a good dropkick that seems like a difficult athletic skill to perfect yep lemonade dear um gonna tell you a secret yeah okay oh it's kind of like there's this cathodic release through through your uh muscles oh as you enter shavasana um i can't drop kick i wasn't the kicker what's the best stadium food to eat during a match at lane park it would probably be some form of a sausage on bread that's my go-to i have a very simple palette i don't like to be you know although i said before i love burgers with everything on them um i have a fairly simple palette oh i'm quite relaxed that's what you gotta do the cathartic release okay one to go so i should eat this whole one absolutely here we go [Music] okay all right what we're doing see at the bottom see at the bottom [Music] a terrible idea but it was yours uh-huh so i'll stand back it's yours yeah i'll stand by it [Music] you said i'm a champion closing out another episode of hot ones and what we're gonna do here is prey on your hot sauce fueled vulnerability for a quick association game okay okay i'll point to a sauce and you just tell me the first australian slang word or phrase that comes to mind okay 13 angry scorpions bloody hell [Music] go again about to bomb beyond insanity oh this is an impossible game crikey and last but not least the last dab apollo the one that we just ate through it's like you bloody ripper [Laughter] jacob o'lordy taking on the hot ones gauntlet had not explored the hot sauce subculture of australia got a crash course today and aced that test and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um i'm super stoked really really glad to be here um um yep yep got this guy just got this check it out [Music] look at you oh yeah that's an actor that's an actor right there shouldn't be in it you know what i mean he's immersing himself in the experience that's commitment to craft hey what's going on hot ones fans this is shawn evans checking in with a very exciting announcement we've read the comments we've seen the emails and after six years more than 250 episodes we can now bring you the full hot ones experience and one convenient package i'm proud to introduce you to hot ones boneless chicken bites available exclusively at walmart and walmart.com each bag of hot ones boneless chicken bites is packed with approximately 35 breaded seasoned white meat chicken bites as well as individual packets of the classic los calientes and the last ab apollo for all your saucing and dabbing needs the full hot ones experience ready to heat and eat whenever you get the craving to spice things up at home hot ones boneless chicken bites it's a party in a bag and everyone's invited [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 4,684,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, hot ones, sean evans hot ones, sean evans, jacob elordi, Australian actor jacob elordi, euphoria, euphoria cast, jacob elordi hot ones, jacob elordi interview, jacob elordi intrview 2022, the kissing booth, jacob eloridi kissing booth
Id: BDbBia1GwUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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