Quinta Brunson Faces Her Fear of Hot Ones While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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yeah I haven't milked since I was like a baby this is crazy right [Music] now hey what's going on everybody for first we Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by Quinta Brunson she's an actor comedian and writer fresh off of her big night at the Emmys where she won best lead actress in a comedy series for her performance and the hit sitcom she also created abbid Elementary which returns for season 3 Wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on ABC Quint Brunson welcome to the show hi Sean thank you for having me and it's a Monumental event because I remember a few years ago pitching you before the hype train had fully left the station and I remember the note we got back being something to the effect of she's never doing the show she's afraid of the Wings yes I've never even watched the show I'm so scared of the show oh well I'm not even kidding Now's the Time to live it and it's too late to turn back now you are stuck here are you ready to start I should know we the leather I'm like sweaty okay here we [Music] go I'm so scared and there's nothing to be scared of you got this this is good M so good so this is a pressing Abbot Elementary question from our editor Colin is there any sort of backstory to the anti-drug rap performed by Zack Fox's character in season one a lot of people auditioned for the role of Tariq and my writer J was like quter just call Zach you're wasting your time um and Zach was perfect for it and once we realized we had Zach's abilities that's when we knew we could actually have a performance and Tariq was such a funny character we were just like how can we see him more and um that's kind of the backstory of how fade came about we just wanted to see more Tariq do you kind of let Zack Fox do Zack Fox things or do writers rooms churn out bars like that they do I thank you for asking that this is a nice show until it's not but um no Zach um I want people to be clear that Zach is a fantastic actor he is already a fantastic rapper writer performer but he really just comes in and acts he performs the the lyrics that are written for him by our wonderful staff but Zach just comes in and executes he's he's a great actor I just think more people should know cuz people will be like oh my God he's just playing himself no he's not he is coming in and he's acting and he's really [Music] great I'm shaking okay smokey J so I imagine a large percentage of people watch watching this interview probably hold the belief that their work life is hilarious and R for comedy do you think that there are certain fundamentals that are essential to determining whether or not a specific job can carry a TV sitcom I do I think a comedy has to have an engine and I think that workplace comedies you need to be able to count on having an environment where there is a situation that would naturally arise every episode both I and Larry bulmore have been trying to crack a TSA comedy for the longest time so it all depends and sometimes it just takes the right person for the job so could it be a comedy maybe but are you the person to provide the engine to the comedy that's what's really important is there a piece of feedback that you've gotten from a real life teacher that you hold most valuable or treasured there was a man that stopped me while I was walking down the street it was a mailman and he ran out of his car his mail car what do you call it mail truck hops out he's like hey he didn't say anything else he went hey you know what you need on that show a postman and he disappeared he didn't say good morning he didn't say hey quenta and he disappeared and he just gave you a note he gave me a note and I took that to heart I was like I might put a postman on the show I'm not saying that how I want to get my notes please don't yell them at me on the street but uh he was so passionate and I I just felt like man that might be my most important viewer I'm going to do everything for him now I hope he watches [Music] this we're going to Pace ourselves with this one little toe in the deep end figur it out but I think two and three are the two best sauces in this lineup yeah that was really really good uh-oh this one's got a little right so I have a theory that 20 to 25 minutes is the ideal watch time for a show because it invites a blanket it invites a snack it invites the couch but it's not so much that invites any sort of real commitment as a sitcom traditionalist what do you see as the strength and beauty of a 30-minute time slot oh because I'm not asking you to stay you don't have to take your shoes off but come on in have a chat with your old friend just come in and sit but you don't have to stay too long and I think that's the beauty of short television or 22-minute 30 minute however you look at it and it doesn't take up your emotional energy I think that's important too some of my favorite shows emotionally drain me but my favorite comedies don't do that I just had a ball with Nick and J and Schmidt I had a good time you know with the crew from Martin and we just had fun and we went on a little adventure and I'm going to sleep you know the Spanish scares me you can see the spice flakes on this one I don't like that don't psych yourself out you know okay you just eat it you justat swallow it exactly and now that's another Wing done do you have a suggestion like do you take it to the back of the tongue or do you take it on the top of the tongue ooh you know what I think so little about this that I probably hit everything do you still have a t at this just toward to Earth yeah when I make my show cold ones I'm going to invite you on few questions um where we eat ice cream it's going to be really fun and we're going to ask you about what got you into this maybe maybe we do that I look forward to the spin-off this wasn't that bad none of them too bad I'm kind of eating this so far there we go literally you are figuratively okay get cocky your approach to studying improv at Chicago's Fame Second City Theater that's almost like charmingly old school in its approach why was it important for you to seek that kind of stage experience I feel like an approach to the Arts is having humility that there's always something to learn about the Arts and I think a really defining moment for me was Keenan and ivory Wayne's just finding out how much he studied comedy clearly he was a natural but I was like if he studied then you know i' definitely have to study too and yeah it's been nothing but helpful so I consider like going to a second city that was studying the craft and learning how to do different parts of it I'm proud of myself I'm proud of you thank you I'm putting it on the back of the uh-oh this one right you recognized immediately uh-oh before I've been seeing some contemplative looks and then coming around to it this one we're in the game now yeah we are in the game oh no oh no but you're doing great that's okay like you said it's about you said a bunch of really great mumbo jumbo earlier about that's that's my wheelhouse right there so is a sketch comedy obsessive hosting SNL seemed like a huge moment for you last year it does can you break down the process and mechanics of writing an opening monologue man um SNL is like my mouth is hot yeah let me Focus that's the show yeah the show you're on qute yes it is um just a crazy experience through and through it's weird it's one of those things where there's no way to actually make people understand what an intense uh experience it is you're rewriting that monologue I think from Wednesday until Saturday night and you're testing it out you do a dress rehearsal you test out what you have at that dress rehearsal maybe something doesn't work it gets cut on the spot it's the only show I've ever you know because it's the only show that's live in that way that they're live editing as the show is going which is another thing that I think people just don't know that you know the sket scrip change here you go right here action and Q card change the fact that they're writing the Q cards just at the same time that they're filming is just wild to me so the monologue process was just another one of the crazy parts of SNL that is constantly changing while you're while you're getting ready for Saturday oh no I took too big a bite hold that was adventurous there we go put it to the back I love it I love it but that six down oh no this one's coming for me do you have any sort of spidey sense about where the next generation of great TV showrunners will come from whoa next TV show Runners that's a good question I could tell you that I think that some of them will come from Tik Tok whatever thing happens next but I know what I look for when I'm watching you know videos online and I see talented people I think there's like talent and then I see the people who are able to create worlds and to deliver things on a schedule and once again it requires education I know even when I started and and knew that I wanted to be a creative showrunner I got some books I did some reading I saw how it was done in the past I saw how things were changing and you just have to educate yourself for some reason sometimes people think they don't have to educate themselves about entertainment and that is sad to me did I do better than other people so far so good far okay stop smelling it I know I think It prepares me in a way to okay is that okay that's what prepares you back Ready Set Let's jump uhoh I know immediate I know [Music] uhoh milk [Music] time yeah I haven't milked since I was like baby this is crazy right now okay how does something as subtle as evolving Janine's wardrobe you know how does that serve a character oh my God it's everything you know when the show first started a lot of people were like oh my God like the budget is so bad Janine's hair looks so bad it's like it looks bad on purpose she's a girl who doesn't quite know what to do with her hair and wardrobe yet but she's proud of herself regardless and that's what I wanted people to take away uh you know with that kind of character everybody's not you know perfect or knows how to do it all Janine a character now who has started to watch some YouTube videos and she was like that's how I maintain my curls and then she went maybe not that shirt with that skirt that's fun it's way for us to show her brain on the outside of her head and it's important to really have those things for all characters but especially like a young black girl character as well eloquent delivered beautifully a little nervous right after that first bite you know you kind of get you kind of take take a little shock you know but then you settle your feet yeah and you lock in the second one's kicking a little bit I'm not going to lie or the last one we had that one is still still taking up residence well this one is going to move into the house and start squatting on the Loft so this one is the bomb Beyond Insanity just you want to eat it [Music] okay that's too big wa oh my God it's so yeah yeah yeah oh my God my time oh God yeah that's too big that's too big that's too [Music] big [Music] oh oh my God I know oh my God it's still fighting but you have kind of an understated reaction to it this one does grow a little bit yeah probably a new experience for someone who does not enjoy spicy food but it's all right cuz this one's got a nice long windup that's not even fun I know get like that I get it I understand completely I get it but you have good composure yeah you have good like lock it in kind of energy you don't do this job unless you have that's exactly right so I know that you have a great appreciation for sitcoms from the classics to the TGIF Golden Era that we grew up on to documentary style shows that paved the way so if you'll humor me I want to do a quick thought exercise while your brain flash fries in hot sauce where I'll throw out an iconic sitcom and you just give me sort of your unfiltered take all right okay The Jeffersons fantastic good good show fun best spin-off ever to spin-off no but it's a good spin-off King of Queens is actually the best fof Boy Meets World Boy Meets World great in Philadelphia Mr phia Legend um interesting cast one of the first interracial couples on on our on our TV screens that we just allowed in every day um good toena that's fun fun name such a fun name parks and rack oh genius cartoony difference between office and parks and wreck was there was a bit more of a cartoony feel to that and um one of my main producers and director oh directors Randall Einhorn he helped set the style for both and you know the office is a little bit more drab recession office but parks and wreck was a bit more light and fun you know this optimistic lead of Lesly no Martin the best I just love Martin I just love Martin I've been rewatching recently thank you bet for showing Martin non-stop I just [ __ ] love Martin it's just my show I don't even know what I have to say about it good group of friends getting through Curb Your Enthusiasm the best so sad it's ending best oh I love them all I love them all uh I'm so sad curb is ending I know I knew it had to end someday but I'm so sad I really I'm really sad I don't know what I'm going to do without that show I think my nose is running is it it's not that bad no you look great thanks so all right are you ready to move on to Sauce number nine yeah let's do it now I'm determined to get through since I'm so close I knew knew that this I knew it would come full circle I knew it [Music] would still choking I like how you examine I'm trying to find a spot that [Music] is that was way to the back developing a technique over here I might steal that from you you got to take it like a shot it's coming back to fight I threw it to the back it's like Venom in my mouth like how it takes over and we're so close to the finish here we're so close to the finish so Abid Elementary is shot at stage 16 the tallest Sound Stage in North America do you have a favorite piece of history or lore about that old haunt I understand that a lot of classic films were shot The Goonies was shot there yeah I love that movie and I love um all love movies I love The Goonies one of my favorite movies um and below us is a pool the bottom of the stage is a pool you know at the end of The Goonies when they shoot the the kids are in the water in the ship that's underneath of us so that's a cool fun fact this is crazy can I spit go for it why are they coming why it's like they're all coming up out of my throat and into my my all the wings have now formed the union you know it's just it's hard to shove it all into the pillowcase you know what I mean but the good news is we are at the end this is the last dab we call it the last dab cuz it's traditional on here to put a little extra on the last ring you don't have to if you don't want to I can do it respect I'll use yours I'm not going to be able to open this I don't think I can move right now you go and then just be very careful [Music] no one said I had to put it on the part I'm going to eat yes it's right we don't have any fine print cheers quenta what a run cheers than oh God this is for my nephew and niece cool ant points through the roof oh [Music] God [Music] it won't go down really working that hyper we don't have people work that camera so [Laughter] much in scene the wings of death Quinta they're behind us all right and to close things out we've covered a lot of ground but even as you collect Emmys and walk Met Gala carpets I know that you're very much influenced by the meme culture that you're raised in you in your book you compare memes to hieroglyphics and also write and she memes well memes would not exist without their ability to morph and carry new meanings as they pass from person to person and neither would I yeah if you could pick any four memes to canonize in a time capsule for future generations to study which four would you choose for future generations to study that one of the lady and the cat do you know what I'm talking about and she's like put me on game and the cat's like do you know what I'm talking about the cat's like um you know what I actually think is a great meme which one the one from this show it just all but choking on that what the [ __ ] it's so good it's so good I haven't seen he has like a nice [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bleeding from my nose and that no you're clean oh my God that was my makeup there's one that I just love and it's Shrek's head on a woman's body and he says I'm calling the police I don't know why I just love that one because you could tell somebody like sometimes things don't make sense sometimes it's just a feeling and uh so I love that one you know this is cuz of recency bias but there's one of uh Tokyo Tony who is um CH Black China her mom and she goes well yes and you see how that means nothing but I like it because people use it to just respond to things and I think it's also cool because not only is it a a moment a video it's also a meme but it's also just words that people have taken and unless you know the origin of that video or meme you don't get know that but the well yes still makes sense you know you can answer something well yes but people don't know where it originates and I think that's the beauty of what I talked about in the book about how memes transform travel turn into something new and I think that's a really good example of it well I think you've transformed into something new today qu I can't believe I got through this taking on the wings of death living to tell the tale and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life what I have going on like my show yeah oh my God please watch my show abbit Elementary it airs on Wednesdays on ABC which is a network that's on television it streams next day on Hulu please watch the show please watch the show thank you and and and can and way I did this for you I love you woo [Music] woo I'm so sorry that's disgusting thank you thank you a what a good and the interview was lovely you yeah you asked me question that no one asked me before so thank you camera guy Bill here for a spicy PSA here at hot ones we love sports baseball football go long touchdown basketball heck and even fancy HSE back riding and we know you spice Lords are tuned in too so the next time you need a little snack to go with your sports make sure to make it a hot ones Buffalo Bonanza our hot ones buffalo sauce is made with real butter cayenne pepper and even a little bit of celery it's the perfect companion for chicken wings dips and all your favorite game day snacks so don't fumble this one and order your bottle of hot ones buffalo sauce today that's heatness.com heatness.com heatness.com for all your Buffalo needs
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 1,248,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, quinta brunson, quinta brunson buzzfeed, quinta brunson emmy, abbott elementary, abbott elementary funny moments
Id: uBSQ3yOt3Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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