Cardi B Tries Not to Panic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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just want to go home to my kids I get it this is crazy [Music] hey what's going on everybody for first week Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we're joined by cardi B she's a Grammy award-winning artist with more number one singles than any other woman in hip-hop history and she has yet another record climbing the charts as we speak it's called Bongos alongside Megan the stallion as to be expected in Immaculate music video to match check it out but first cardi B welcome to the show hey what's going through your head as you prepare to take on The Gauntlet are you nervous at all are you naturally a hot sauce person I'm I'm nervous because it's like I'm setting myself up to have diarrhea so it's like I like know what's gonna happen like later on but this is worth this is worth it though it's worth it because I'm telling you like my fans been begging me to do this show for so so so so so long I have to give it to them and I'm so scared oh my gosh foreign [Music] [Music] she's cute she's cute I don't know [Music] I like her so I want to congratulate you on a Flawless rollout for bongo's great song Ace the video bodied the performance at the VMAs earlier this week and I know that you're very picky about the beats that you choose to work with do you remember your initial reaction to hearing that dembo-style Bongos beat for the first time like did you immediately recognize its potential to be a hit um I don't I don't know if I like uh realized it was like a potential to be a hit I just as soon as I heard I was like hey [Music] hey like a drum I I automatically liked it and and um even with my man's right like even with my husband like like you know I'll be I'll be playing him like not every day but like it's like you know we go to the studio a lot so it's like oh what you've been working on what you've been playing on and then you heard the song he's like oh this is fire and then I was really impressed with the Harry Reid headpieces and their ability to hold their position you know even in the face of such intense choreography what were the conversations like surrounding hats for the music video Bongos like it just has a theme that you could just hear tropical music beach pool party so is that how can we make Beach luxurious and that's exactly what we do honey that's what we're doing like nothing more luxurious than hats and big feathers and big everything everything Grand I love being I'm extra I'm a Libra I want to smell it angry goat bell pepper Mr shashido shishito oh and I like shishito pepper you do yeah I eat it in Noble all the time okay okay let's try it [Music] I could I could taste the shishito mm-hmm a little garlic trips a little bit mm-hmm she's not spicy so far you're good don't worry you're on top of it toshedo Wings wow creative working for you so get up 10 from Invasion privacy is in my opinion like a top tier kicking off the album Pure Bar kind of song what in your mind is the aim or goal of just a great album intro song yeah you never really know what the shishito peppers you know when you eat them like they can all be like one out of ten of them kicks you know yeah she's a little scammer because see now all of a sudden I feel a little something Tango in my mouth yeah so um a lot of people tell me that I should put my pain my struggle in my music a lot of my pains and a lot of my struggles or whatever the crap is going on I feel like the the masses might not be able to relate you know what I'm saying like like the masses might not be able to relate like it's like oh my gosh they're tearing a new [ __ ] on Twitter on me because I said this this and that the average person is that girl shut up I got I gotta work up at 7am in the morning I gotta do this this and that so it's like I don't really like to make music like I would normally do an intro like I would just literally like to make my intro of everything addressing all the [ __ ] addressing the [ __ ] addressing the [ __ ] that I gotta go through and then and then just the whole album just be about fun because I like fun you know what I'm saying I like fun so I think the first like my intro I feel like is it should be like just me popping my [ __ ] part of my [ __ ] and after that all right let's pop some puss pop my [ __ ] then pop some puss [Music] passion fruit is one of my favorite fruits I feel like we're kind of on your palette a little bit she's cute passion fruit there we go that's what I was hoping for [Music] eign there we go see no reason to be nervous cardi you had this all along no actually I've seen some clips I've seen some clips how would you describe the aesthetic appeal of Thierry mugler to somebody who wouldn't know the difference between Tom Brady and Tom Ford he's just really one of my favorite favorite designers and this is like this is a dream like all right so like a couple of months ago I saw like a piece of vintage piece that I wore but I'm like squirting through Instagram and I see it I'm seeing it and I'm like wow I really had that on my body and I started like tearing because I was like it's just like such a such a proud moment that out of anybody in the world he picked me and he trusted me to put on a museum piece that means everything's in me and I'm just so happy that I met him he was so amazing to me and I cannot those are the type of things that is like when I'm old ER and I have my own grandkids we're like yeah come yeah because you know Terry McClure oh he's yeah he be he had me with his [ __ ] when I wore that thing so grab me [ __ ] was shook yeah cause I was a bad [ __ ] I was a bad [ __ ] [Music] oh this is this is a good interview oh I could I could smell it though damn I could smell everything okay okay okay [Music] what's it like to record uh clean for radio version of a card because I just did it like practically two weeks ago and I was like so over it because it's like it's like you know like my new song I'd be like [ __ ] eat this ass like a plum yeah yeah yeah yeah so like you know I'm doing the clean version and it's like all right baby eat it up like a plum and it's like no they still you still can play that for pop radio whatever and I'm like baby eat these peaches and plums and I was so over it like it's like I'm not trying to look up like because I cannot say that like that is that sounds so corny like that sounds like a Kidz Bop whatever my but I have no choice so baby eat this baby eat these peaches and plums [Music] I've been looking at this it's like what is this this look like it's very interesting okay let's try it what is this honey [Music] awesome no it's the first kind of jump I feel like that was a little jump I agree with you yeah why are you talking about like I agree with you like you didn't know that this was good so it could help but to notice that in your 73 questions interview with Vogue you said that you wish people would ask you about current events more so it seems like not a week goes by that I don't see you know a whistleblower testifying about alien extraterrestrial material or UFOs and government cover-ups where are you on that whole thing like do you have any thoughts on Aliens and the possibility that they visited Earth I don't believe the aliens are real I really don't believe that aliens are real because it's like okay so if aliens are real and they're smarter than us right I feel like it's like why they just haven't invaded us so aliens if they're smart they know how humans are humans are like Despicable they want to take over everything they just want to have power over everything and then people be like but why were aliens will want to invade Earth Earth is ghetto they probably they probably they probably like so Advanced like they probably they probably think that that Earth is like a small fry and it's like it's not about that right it's The Art of War I'm following that don't make sense so it's like if they so smart like people think that they are they would have been invading us just so they could just have us and not I just know that they ain't real I don't care I don't care [Music] this sounds good whiskey small ghost yes it sounds good hmm [Music] you're pondering I see some pondering going on a little kind of a Sharp hit yeah yeah oh [ __ ] you caught me so she's good no wait [Music] oh she's back oh my God kind of like the taste but the trail it leaves behind some violence in the trail that yeah she left some violence behind celebrate hip-hop 50 there are now so many different archetypes for what a legacy rap act can look like from Queen Latifah to Jay-Z Missy Elliott to NAS when you look into the crystal ball and see cardi B in the year 2043 are there any artists anybody that you look to as a role model for how you might want to age or mature as an artist who I look up to it will be like Jay-Z Rihanna because I just feel like they're they're like super moguls and I feel like I feel like my my tongue is drunk I feel like my tongue is drunk like it's like I'm trying to say something and it's like I can't even focus on the [ __ ] question because it's like that's the show that's the show for better or worse it was like what the [ __ ] you asking me my mouth is hurting on that note are you ready to move on to saw seven this one kind of looks gross so I kind of Wonder a Tropic star here Ginger oh she's not gross [Music] suspicious look because I know she's coming yep I knew she was coming yeah yeah but she's good [Music] I'm torturing myself okay [Music] this is spice all worth it yeah this is how I imagine my breast milk to taste like so as a rap fan I've always been appreciative of a good esoteric Sports reference like when you did that nod to WWF Hall of Famer Jimmy Snuka and the off the top rope Superfly [ __ ] when you work in a reference like that is that like a salute to the person or is it more about you know finding a name that fits a particular rhyme scheme or metaphor I really wanted to say Triple H but it didn't right it didn't rhyme so I just said Jimmy Snuka so I was like yeah that worked and uh so it's kind of a little bit of both then yeah because I was picturing like like on like on top like jumping like a wrestler like yeah but I really wanted to say Triple H but it's like that wouldn't even rhyme like it's not even going with this floor or anything so I just said Jimmy snuck up on the top bro Super Flash [ __ ] and then as a wrestling fan do have an idea of like what like the uh wrestling the Wrestlemania fit for cardi B would be very skimpy but I got I feel like I I'm my my entrance have to be like Grand like what's her name her name was it was not right Melita or Molina do you remember her that she used to like walk in with two guys and then like she would do like a whole split on the ropes she would like answer like on a split like I had to like enter like Grand like that she was just crazy with that I'm telling you she looked like a poison from SpongeBob splitting that open oh oh she stinks [Music] oh my God oh my God I'm scared I'm scared I knew that that would go that way never gets any easier for me either by the way I'm scared I'm scared we're doing laps I'm scared let it out okay what can I do whatever you got to do whatever you gotta do you have a lasting memory from taking David Letterman to get a chopped cheese sandwich you know as a fan of both Dave and New York's greatest sandwich it was quite the cultural moment to witness okay when does it leave all right when does the leave my tongue so it's gonna kind of be like this we're gonna kind of be in this hot tub I think for a little bit I know I know but body it still on top still on top going for the uh lifelines when does it stop burning [Music] when does it stop is that the spiciest thing you've ever eaten um mm-hmm oh my gosh when does it stop it doesn't stop it it doesn't stop we got some ice cream you want some ice cream [Music] oh my God all right okay I gotta get I gotta call my composure which was asking me oh about uh taking David Letterman to get a chopped cheese sandwich you know did you have a lasting memory from that kind of an amazing cultural moment to witness I that wasn't even like my favorite part I didn't really care about that part what stays in my mind for a long time is that I went to FDR's house if anybody loves me know me I love FDR you love FDR yes and I love Eleanor Roosevelt and you know Hawaii got us through the Great Depression what a war only president that got like the fourth time while he's in a wheelchair as I grew up reading a lot about Eleanor Roosevelt she had a very sad life and like when I went to her uh her house well she she had different house from her from her husband because you know um FDR mama she was always around like and she didn't really like that like everyone wanted her space just like me I want my own space all the time I saw the room where Churchill and FDR was talking about the nuke that is crazy to me like like I'm really here like I like I don't know why I'm obsessed with war article I could hear it with the aliens yes it's in you I'm obsessed with World War II like I love World War One Like You know I like reading about that but World War II like I'm obsessed with just learning everything about it so for me to be in the same room that Churchill and FDR was discussing the nuke is like it was just such a moment for me like y'all probably think I'm crazy but like it was just like dude I don't know I don't know oh my God my mouth is not burning anymore you know that's all it took you just had to walk down and you know do a historical re-envisioning of FDR you know yeah that's all it took all along we just had to talk some American history because I I don't want more foreign but after the last one kind of it like kind of clears everything out the pain a little bit right sure as a rap mom is there a children's book that stands out to you for having like the hardest bars like is it llama llama red pajama uh I I love that book episode something I think about that book I could only I could only picture my head when like the Migos was doing it good memories I love having good memories of them in my head I'm dying yeah I'm dying I know wait how is this one so this is the last ad we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here to put a little extra on the last one you don't have to if you don't want to by the way let me use yours because mine's is closed sure I'd be honored here you go cardi get me ready oh my gosh plots like you have just tweezers it's amazing [Music] the face says it all that's all you know what guardi that is that is good that is good in the wings of death they're behind us okay I mean eating is all over I get it I get it I get it what does it it's not even about the spiciness it's just like the taste of it it just tastes like heart yeah yeah yeah it's big so to close things out I love this quote of yours in a 2017 interview that you did with Al reacting to Andy warhol's quote about Fame being art you said to me music is Art and fashion is Art but fame fame is an art but the person you become when you're famous your Alter Ego that's art how do you think about the connection between who you are in and out of the spotlight no cause I'm a person [Music] yeah so it's like you know like like if something's really spicy I feel like I can breathe oh [ __ ] why the most what the [ __ ] the more I talk about it just burn my mouth [Music] um [Music] just wanna go home to my kids I get it oh this is crazy I mean ain't no real difference between you balconies and cardi B they both some sensitive ass [ __ ] um that's all right that's all right because cardi you gave it your all today and it was so much more than we deserved and now all that's left to do is roll out the red carpet for you cardi B this camera this camera this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life um see them happy that I'm gonna make my fans happy pain what had a good time and your questions were so amazing and different because I hate when people ask me the same [ __ ] you know what I'm saying thank you [Music] I mean who don't love ice cream [Applause] thank you this is crazy oh my God [Music] torture from here do you think it'll be more of a hot sauce person or less of a hot sauce person I don't I don't want to see buffalo wings for a [ __ ] I think that's fair I think that's fair hot ones fans it's been years in the making but at long last the next big thing in Wings is finally here introducing hot ones buffalo sauce our spin on Buffalo is a rich and tangy combo of cayenne peppers distilled vinegar and yes real butter which means that you can put hot ones buffalo sauce directly on wings no mixing or melting required it's the best damn buffalo sauce I've ever had in my life but don't take my word for it camera guy Bill Buffalo's favorite song gives it to blaze and thumbs up don't you Bill that's a Buffalo Bill guarantee [Music] [Applause] that's to get your hands on the brand new hot ones buffalo sauce [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 5,139,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex networks, spicy food, foodie, burgers, food documentary, cardi b, cardi b bongos, cardi b latto, cardi b wap, cardi b hot ones, offset, Rihanna, Bongos, megan thee stallion
Id: pfAiLSwczQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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