Zendaya: The Puppy Interview

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hi I'm zindaa I'm here with BuzzFeed and today I'm going to be playing with puppies are you joking oh oh my gosh they're so tiny hello hello come here come here hi hello hi hi hello come on oh are you scared it's okay take your time take your time get in here hello here just be safe and warm come here come on sweetheart and it's okay oh it's okay where'd you go here you can come over here make sure everybody's comfortable [Music] hello thank you for the kisses they're so tiny it's like I want to be so careful with their little bodies it's such a special experience I think being able to shoot in the places that we got to shoot and be with the incredible actors that we got to be with so every day I just felt so lucky I'm just very nervous I think too because like okay okay do you want to go all these Heavy Hitters and you want to be like good and no matter what you always kind of have impostor syndrome a little bit like you always feel like you're just like am I even good enough to be here so trying to also just enjoy it too hello oh you want to come back now okay a lot more than the first time which is really special I think the first time I had so much fun I was only there for a week I just got like a taste of it and I was like oh man I can't wait to come back we were shooting the finale of euphoria season 1 and I was literally in the midd middle of shooting that and then I ranan off I did Dune and then went back to Euphoria which was so crazy I loved working with Denny so much everybody was so welcoming and it was such a warm set even though like I was just jumping in there in the middle okay careful YouTu careful split it up okay okay these two are going at it y'all can't decide if you want to be outside inside what y'all want you want to bite you want to play you want to lay down and these two are just like I'm just trying to nap like I'm just trying to chill hm there you go you going to start whining again that's what it [Music] is I love lady Jessica because she's terrifying and I think Rebecca is so brilliant at bringing that character to life when she uses the voice and all that stuff I just I find it so fun you can't jump on top of everyone honey you got to share I also think that everybody secretly wants to be fade rala too because it just seems like such a fun character to play actually the first day that I got two set I was watching them and it was a scene between him and stellen it wasn't my first time meeting Austin but it was very like wo hey you know it's like he was so nice and approachable but obviously the hair and makeup is a little intimidating so there's a lot of contrast come back I know it's okay just come back come back come back [Music] back yes I had like a lot of downtime I would often at least in Budapest I tried pratically every restaurant in the in the area and then I'm one of those people that once I find something I like I eat it every [Music] day they're their little sounds I can't I'm sorry I just want you to be happy ooh I got the spot right there that's the spot yeah that's nice it was amazing it was so much fun she shouted me out the end no biggie are they all siblings how old are they they're about no way I wish I had more hands cuz I want I know you guys all want to be held I get it but you've you've been quiet the whole time or you you're the little [Music] one they like picky your favorite children you know or your favorite puppy they're hard to pick I would say oh I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry we did Jonah VAR for the met one year that was one of my all-time favorites I did this butterfly dress for greatest showman a long time ago that was one of my favorites still Tom Ford breastplate was really fun oh oh my gosh yeah you like that one I know me too me too I like it too when I was younger there was quite a few Disney like Pilots that I audition for before for shake it up but they all ended up either like changing their name and becoming like a different show or they didn't make them or didn't end up making them I think all the kids for like this that are my age from that time like we all audition for them you know what I mean which is actually really lovely I me many of them got their own shows and everything which is lovely so I feel like if you don't get the role that you really wanted there's always a reason and whoever it was meant for is who is meant for so you always got to try to remember that so I I honestly try not to remember the one that never happened cuz they weren't for me they were for someone [Music] else oh 10 years my gosh time is uh time is moving I would say yeah I mean I love music and I think it's something that you want to come in here come on that I just do for myself meaning it's very like personal and I haven't done it in a long time I only really do it for Euphoria or have done it recently for Euphoria so I mean I would love to to get back and be creative again in and see what music comes out of me cuz I love music and I love that outlet maybe maybe one day I don't know I want to say that I get made fun of cuz I am not on Tik Tok so like my my friends and my younger nieces are like they're recycled you're just sending old videos come here as of quite a while I've been trying to spend less time on the internet and read and do other more productive things so I haven't been doing it so much oh ow your teeth are sharp well puppy teeth are like needles [Music] careful squaring up okay put the paws on you okay all right who's the last person I S mean to um probably Tom yeah he's gets the the most of it I oh oh oh oh okay you did not like that you did not like that I know it's okay my dog is going to be so mad you be like where were you like what do I think about yeah other than at this moment it's puppies this is all I'm I just want to make them happy I don't know I think whatever I'm stressed about I think my Roman Empire is just thinking about all the like very cringy videos of me when I was like a child that are on the internet it will never go away and you never know when they're going to just pop up you know people are going to use them in my deep fried Instagram pictures you just never know it's like jump scare I was a Disney kid y'all like there's going to be a few videos that are going to haunt me for a long time but it's all right you know we got we all got to start somewhere the one picture that does haunt me though is is this picture it's a different time guys well I thought it was cute to have like uh one heel and one like sneaker and I was like ooh like Best of Both Worlds or something like that I don't I don't want to talk about it it was cool at the time time okay it's what the kidss were doing I thought I was being cool so that's what I was giving you know what I don't regret it uh me hello I don't know Riz is short for Charisma right everybody's kind of got their own I think someone who has beautiful Charisma not on the Dune cast but I personally worked for me is Mr sh Holland so no definitely him in the sense that like I'm I'm more shy and like kind of quiet so it takes a little bit more to like pull me out of my show but he's great at just like talking to people and getting to know people and like you see him on talk shows and stuff like that he's just naturally very good at that whereas for me i' I've definitely had to like pull it out of me a little bit so he's got that natural gift you got the shy R yeah yeah that's a thing both my parents are teachers my mom she's taught fifth grade and I think that I would be a good like Elementary School teacher come on I know it's okay my love it's all right come be with your siblings who have now chilled out and are taking a nap and you're still going you're still oh you're still going yeah as you can see I got away with kids yeah follow it follow [Music] it candles I love candles I heard that really great for you chemical wise or whatever I'm not sure I just feel like you know burning fragrances in your house probably not great but I love them they get the Vibes going they smell delicious and they make everything feel homey so you know nice good candle for me have a favorite to be honest I I think I'm very like sense specific in the sense that like certain things like make me have a headache like right away like if I smell it I'm like woo I can't I can't smell that for too long so I like more like mint and and lavender and things like that things that you can keep smelling and it'll probably not hurt your head or anything like [Music] that oh you're disrupting the piece okay we can make a little room for you like a little headrest like I have certain family members that like my sister she'll call me and I call her back and she never answered I'm like what is that about it's the same with my mom it's like you just blew me up and then I call you back nothing silence oh I'm busy I believe you called me five times before this I always find that that's my case I'm also a fatim I know a lot of people don't like that but I'm straight to the FaceTime I don't need a call I don't you know I just want to see your face get right to it I don't want to send a text I want to see your face modern day you know people don't always like to answer their phones I don't know if I have like I'm trying to think people not answering FaceTime people not answering fa right or people having a problem with with it I'm like Get over sh that's what my little nieces do they drive me absolutely crazy when they don't put their their face in the camera I'm like I know what you look like I've seen you since you were born gosh like no it's fine okay I'm behind on the bear I know I know and they just sweeped which is amazing cuz I think they have a wonderful cast and they're all super talented so I'm going to get back on it I think probably tonight coolest thing a fan has ever given can you breathe in there just want to make sure that like you're breathing I've seen some beautiful fan art and they've given to me in person which has been really beautiful like they'll give me like these books where they like a group of fans will like write sweet messages and things like that which is nice it's almost like having a scrapbook from them and I keep those I don't know just sweet letters things like that I I think it's all very very lovely so I think I'm always surprised because you make things and you don't really expect that anybody is going to like actually see it or connect to it or whatever you know you you're just inside of it so when you meet people and they compliment your work or they say that it meant something to them or whatever it means a lot um especially when they're in your same field I think it's really cool I think my honestly most honorable moments are when people like just people I meet anywhere literally my waiter at a restaurant told me this beautiful story about how they personally connected to Euphoria and and their family and those things I think mean the most to me uh I feel like I'm the most honored by [Music] those honestly I would go to the mall like I miss just going to the mall like I used to just like be I I feel like every like middle school or whatever you live at the mall like you just walk around you you're at the food court you're going to the movies non-stop like you're just chilling and I haven't really been able to walk through a mall [Music] aimlessly I don't know I would say you know Spider-Man just because it would be cool to have like live in a city where Spider-Man exists and it would be cool but also like causes a lot of problems so I don't know if that's really the best thing for me thank you so much BuzzFeed this is a dream come true these little beautiful puppies are ready to be adopted and need a home make sure you go to to Pup Culture rescue and give them some love and yeah go watch Dune and Challengers thr that in there this is amazing and I don't think I should move because they're asleep next next interview all right what's [Music] next [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 2,214,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Celeb, Dune Part Two, Puppy Interview, Zendaya
Id: LuengVxrfVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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