Pickled Vegetables // Easier than you Think ❤️

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[Music] hi everybody now there are some things that I always keep in my refrigerator and that's eggs milk and pickled vegetables whether they be onions or dill pickles or anything else because they're crunchy delicious and they go so well with just about anything now I've got all my vegetables here that I'm going to be using today and they're nice and clean and my mason jars these are quart size and I'm going to be using three of them and I have the rest of my ingredients right here and I'll be showing them to you as I go along now before I get started I wanted to mention this now many of you have asked me where is the ingredient list where is the recipe it's below in the description box if you're watching my video on your TV or on your cell phone look below the screen right where the title name of my video is and you'll see the word more if you tap on the word more the whole list of ingredients is going to come up that's the description box I'm going to start out with my red onions these are also called purple onions whatever you want to call them I have removed the skin and I'm going to cut them in half the long way now you don't want them super thin just thin enough to where they'll look pretty in the jar see and you can go along with a grain and I'm done with all my my onions now I've got a bowl right here with very cold water and there's some ice cubes in here I'm going to throw my onions into the water for just about 15 minutes that takes the punch out of that onion Flavor now when you open the jar you don't want to smell those onions so strong that it's not going to take away from the Flavor now they're only going to be in the water for about 15 minutes you want to make sure that they're submerged all the way now I'm going to set them aside and I'm going to move on now I'm going to be using two English cucumbers you can use a regular cucumbers you can use a little mini ones now the reason I like to use the English cucumber because the skin is nice and thin and you don't have to remove it and because it's so limited in seeds perfect now I'm going to be using my little crinkled slicer right here this is very sharp so I'm just going to slice it like this now you don't want to slice them too thin because once it goes into your jar you know they do soften up and you want them a little thick so that they don't get real limp on you see how pretty they look and I'm going to continue the process so I'm done with my cucumbers now I'm ready to put them into my mason jar this is a 1 qu size I'm going to put in two garlic cloves and I like to cut them in half and just throw them in here now you can leave them out if you don't like garlic but it just adds a beautiful flavor to the dill pickles and I'm also Al going to be adding some red pepper flakes just about half a teaspoon I do like to have just a little kick in here now you can add as much as you want see I'm going to drop it in there and now some onion Flakes I'm going to put in a teaspoon now this is half a teaspoon and here's another half now here's my Dill I'm going to drop in a couple of sprigs of Dill right here now I'm going to put in my cucumbers now you want to make sure that you put your cucumbers in here and don't leave any air gaps in there do the best you can now I also have a few pieces of yellow onions that I'm going to throw in there I just think that they give it a delicious flavor and I'm going to add more of the cucumbers in here now I have a carrot my Ron likes for me to add some carrots in here I'm just going to cut them in half like this see two long pieces and I'm just going to put them up right here on the side and I'm going to continue on with the Cucumbers now we can add the rest of the onion pieces in here and I'm going to put another sprig of Dill in here M this is going to be delicious now you want to push them in there and that's good I'm going to set these few slices set them aside I'm going to put the lid on it temporarily and I'm going to go back to my onions so here are my onions I already drained them well see here they are and you can hardly smell them but you're not missing out on the flavor I've got my jar here it's also a quart size now before I add the onions I'm going to add the garlic just going to cut it in half drop it in here I'm going to add just a few pieces of jalapeno I don't remove the seeds but you can remove the seeds if you'd like I'm going to drop a couple of pieces in there now I'm going to add all my onions in here now you want to make sure that you pack them in here really well this is a very easy process now I'm going to push them down because I don't want air pockets in here [Music] three small onions usually do the trick these were just perfect sized in here look at this I don't like to waste anything one last piece of jalapeno right on top and I'm going to replace the lid just temporarily so I have these two ready I've got one quart size mason jar and here's my cauliflower now now I may not use it all so that's why I don't have it already pre-cut because I don't know if I'm going to use it all or not so I just go in here and just cut it like that and then I take it along one little bit at a time I can always use this you know another time with another recipe I'm going to add my garlic cloves you can leave those out if you don't want them but the garlic cloves just go so perfect with everything here and I'm going to drop some of my cauliflower in here and my R said that I should add these few slices of cucumbers in here and I think he's right I think they will look great in here now you don't want your cauliflower florettes really big I like them just you know bite size and you also want to make sure that you push them in there get them nice and comfortable don't leave any air pockets and here's the other piece of carrot I'm just going to slice them not too thin you can cut them the Long Way cut them into fours or threes and just put them in here like that now I've got sweet mini bell peppers right here nice and sweet so you can use these put them in there because they're so good when they're pickled now I'm just going to slice them up like this and I'll drop them in here I'll put a little bit of of the red you can use regular bell peppers if you'd rather do that you can use banana peppers and the color is so pretty now I'm going to add a little bit more of my cauliflower come in there I'm going to add jalapeno In Here Also now we don't remove the seeds but you can remove the seeds if you want to do that or you can cut them up into slices I'm going to add them in here long waist like this I'm going to stack them in here on the side and I've got some yellow onion I'm going to get some pieces and just break them up put them in there just the mixture of everything it'll be perfect now I've got some celery ribs right here with the leaves I think the leaves are delicious in here cuz they're a lot more intense in flavor so so I'm going to put a few of these in here and then a few pieces of celery and push them down and you know when you have friends over you can bring these out of the refrigerator and just set them up in pretty bowls you know with some cheese and crackers and you can snack on them and if you like to have beer with them good for you now I almost forgot my pepper flakes I'm going to drop them in there you can leave them out if you want because there is jalapeno in here but it adds nice color and you can never have too much heat at least not in this house now I'm putting in half a teaspoon I'm also going to drop in about half a teaspoon of onion flakes you know me garlic and onions I love to play with seasoning I'm going to add another half a teaspoon so that's one teaspoon and I also have some pepper corns in here you can put in as many as you want it doesn't take too many I got it all in here this is perfect look at this so pretty now I have them all ready now we can head to the stove so I can prepare my brine I'm going to be using this deep saucepan right here and I've got my heat set a little bit higher than medium I'm going to add my water I have 3 and 1/2 cups of filtered water 3 and 1/2 cups of distilled white vinegar I have 10 and 1/2 tbspoon of sugar and I have 2 and 1/4 tbspoon of kosher salt and that's it this is going to make a perfect brine now I'm going to whisk it gently like this and I'm going to wait until it comes up to a light boil making sure that everything is dissolved really well now as you can see it's come up to a nice boil and we know that our salt and sugar are dissolved so I'm going to turn off the heat and now we can go back to our jars so I just poured the brine into this Pyrex measuring cup because it'll be easier to pour this way now sometimes you can have a little bit left over because sometimes you pack them in a lot tighter than others you see so I'm going to pour it in here slowly just like that I'll be pushing them down in just a little bit oh man it smells delicious already now I'm going to push them down just a little bit and make sure that there are no air pockets in here perfect now I'm going to replace my lids and I'm going to let them cool down really well then you can put them into your fridge now you want to make sure that when you put them into your fridge you wait until at least tomorrow before you enjoy them I know it's very tempting but it's better if you wait now the longer they sit in the fridge the better they will taste they'll be good for at least 2 to four weeks but I'm going to tell you this they may not last even a week because these are so good you're going to want to pick on them all the time these are perfect with your sandwiches with baked chicken you know when you barbecue out you can add them into salads like potato salads macaroni salads anything you like and you can enjoy them all alone like this these are some of the ones that I already have in the refrigerator these are my pickles and here are my onions these haven't been in the fridge that long you don't want to double dip you always want to make sure that you have a clean Fork take some out and enjoy them you don't want to put them back in there again M so these are my delicious pickled vegetables if you like my recipe give me a thumbs up send me a comment and tell me what you think and if you haven't subscribed please do just tap on that subscribe button it's like a vote and I would really appreciate it and don't forget to share thank you
Channel: Rachel cooks with love ❤
Views: 214,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UY-Ra48-ERs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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