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yo what's up you guys ethan again back on it another epic adventure for you today what we're checking out this gigantic i don't even know how many square feet i'll let you know down in the description i got to do more research on it still it was built in 1989. it's valued at just under 15 million dollars she's been sitting like this for about a year and a half to two years we're gonna go inside we're gonna take a look i'll see you guys in there all right guys so we are here inside the front door this is where we're gonna start off and you're just going to notice right away that we're in the main foyer just take a look at this amazing staircase and then if you look up you have a chandelier and like the ceiling is painted like the sky that's amazing this is all nice and like etched in like that just the detail into this place is incredible you have windows everywhere so much natural light these iron rot uh railings just amazing what's over here we have the closet got an umbrella a piece of marble and chandelier not too much going on look at this so i'm unsure what the future of this place is i don't imagine i mean they might knock this down knowing the area it's in but it was built in 1989 for those who are wondering look at this the uh this wall sconces you have a big slab of marble we've already spent two minutes just in this front entrance guys this is going to be such a great video i can't wait to show you guys this place oh there's a bathroom wow look at this it's like it's fabric the wall it's not wallpaper it's like a fabric crown molding there's no mirror so we can't say what is up you guys but just know we did say it in spirit nice sink no water okay just checking in here oh my gosh guys this is massive so you have a um [Music] i want to say an office like a den you know i mean imagine if you're living here you're ritzy ritzy this is a uh um just under 15 million dollars this house so this looks expensive i don't know if it is it might be if it is please let me know i'm not one on fancy furniture but if you do know anything about this guys definitely let me know down below this looks just very fancy this furniture i just you know wow the wood and obviously that's going to be real wood you know pot lights all throughout the chandelier was removed i don't know maybe that was the chandelier in the closet you guys have seen that sitting in the closet i don't know if they removed it you put it in there but this is just like i there's too much to look at i feel like i'm gonna miss stuff oh got a little exploring buddy with us today that's marble i don't oh it's red marble probably a name for that again if you guys know what this like type of marble is let me know i you guys have educated me on a lot of stuff and i appreciate the ones that educate nicely there are some that aren't too nice when i don't know what something is people aren't too nice all the time but i appreciate the 99 of you that are that help me out okay we got a big house to check out let's keep rolling oh wow it's like terrazzo holy crap hey buddy [Music] again the marble fireplace just amazing you have three doors to the backyard just look at the size of this room for 19 this house feels newer to me than 1989 but obviously it's not i did do some research before um i came in here oh my gosh look at that oh my g okay look at this how many fireplaces is that already that's already three and we are only into like four rooms oh look at that it's that is amazing yeah we're gonna be here for a while i think i gotta have to do this video i'll take tons of photos um i'd have tick tock by the way too guys i don't know if some of you might have known that i will i'm back with remembering stuff but if i remember i will put it in the link down below that's stone or is that cement oh it's solid look at you got pillars one two three four five six pillars that is just freaking phenomenal and then look at the even the door handles so much detail i just walked through so many cobwebs again with a random chair every time there's always a random freaking chair couch looks expensive is it comfortable oh is it ever oh is that a nice cozy freaking couch man it just sinks right down nice flooring wow this is incredible guys crown molding i'm not going to point that out every time unless there's something special about the crown molding it's probably going to be in every room like this oh my there's like grapes and fruits and stuff in the crown molding holy crap wow like almost un like just there are no words there's two fridges they're both sub-zeros one there and one there did a house like this about a year ago that was kind of not like the same theme but they fridge matched the the cabinets i thought that was that's obviously very custom that might be the blueprints if it is i'm not gonna roll them out i think the address is on the um it would be on them and i'm not gonna obviously show that six burners what is that is that a can opener what is that let me know guys what is that i've never i mean obviously i've never lived in a high-end home like this so some help would be appreciated fridges we don't open remember you guys we do not open refrigerators okay got like a preparation area here for like the butler would get your food ready you got a mini fridge there did you put your wine in it maybe eh wow dining room i'm assuming probably right off the kitchen like that i don't know the formal dinners in this room that they've had over the years just amazing it's very cold in here like i know it's cold outside it's about 9 10 degrees today but she's chilly one she's a chilly one okey-dokey let's uh let's go take a look upstairs and believe me when i say there's a nice surprise in the basement we're gonna save for last wow look at this guys oh my gosh absolutely incredible i don't even reminds me of versailles palace that's a room you know what we'll call this video because that's what this reminds me of palace versailles palace like so much detail in every inch of it it's amazing yeah like it's every square foot is so detailed what is this a closet yeah bathroom number one of course every bathroom is going to look like this what's up you guys where to close that you guys know how i am with that come on a bidet and it's not even the master bedroom i just can't imagine being able to own something like this but not live in it because obviously someone bought this um a year and a half maybe two years ago someone bought this place and they never they it's just sat here so i don't know if their plan is eventually to renovate it if they're gonna wait until it's you know if it's just an investment property if they're gonna you know demo it and build new i don't know holy yeah this welcome to 1989. oh my gosh yep what's up you guys i could say it a million times in here there's mirrors everywhere what's that a closet yeah it's a closet wow here's a bedroom probably not gonna spend too much time in you know bedroom like this just show you quick what is that wallpaper it's got a texture to it wow crown molding every single effing room nice built-in desk bombay fancy nice big closet nice windows it's like a bay window you could sit in there almost there's a tennis court in the backyard we'll show you that i'm probably not gonna we'll go we'll take a look outside we'll look so i don't think we've got to the master suite yet i'm gonna assume that's coming up soon but we'll find out nice bathroom really nice oh i don't okay i thought this was a closet i don't like how the shower is like buried in here claustrophobic very claustrophobic feeling about that shower nonetheless it's nice i like the tile but i don't like how it's shoved in a corner like that looks like it was a closet and they put a shower in it almost like this was maybe a little girl's bedroom by like the flowers bed frames still there wow the crown i can't get over that like that's not fake crown molding either that's the real the good stuff there you go looking down wow in freaking incredible i'm gonna say this is probably a closet yeah i mean a closet the size of some people's freaking apartment okay maybe this is the master suite area this is the whole wing of the it definitely oh my gosh my goodness this is just unbelievable what's up guys oh my gosh that's kind of creepy i'm not going to lie i think that's very creepy so yeah yeah you got enough freaking out let's what is that you plug one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 things in as you would need to do that in your bathroom right you need 22 plugs obviously that's a shower that you could have 15 people in there is there a crown molding in your shower and there is la toilette in the bidet with a window with some nice trees very cool and of course you need crown molding when you're on the toilet that's awesome that's just but then there's this center piece here which probably look like we ignored it first but obviously we didn't this was just amazing um amazing just sometimes there are no words to describe what you're looking at there's a nice closet with a pillar in it probably support beam to be honest the way that's just thrown in the middle like that there's another closet with a what's up you guys you've even gone to the bedroom yet like yes but there's just extra space that could have been used for i just what is this another closet i'm rambling at this point yeah another closet to store your gucci and louis vuitton versace clothing i guess you need that right obviously another skylight another closet here's the master bedroom that's cool the roses that's not roses is it other fake obviously wouldn't be alive if they were real i don't even know what to say this is amazing like it's just it's been a long time since i've been able to bring you guys something this level you know i i'm so excited okay and we'll check this one yeah what i thought got a lock so they could lock anyone out if they wanted to have time in there but this i can't even imagine cannot look at the cobweb oh there comes doggo okay so i think what we're going to do is we're going to go down using these steps yeah do you see this yet the black bathroom that's so messy so cool right this place is insane right so i almost think this could be like a maid staircase like a servant's entrance same with the side door here very well could have been a maid who lived here oh you missed this laundry room okay this looks original to the 90s 80s these cabinets i've seen houses in this of this era like sorry explored houses of the of the late 80s era that have had the same cabinetry really this washer and dryer for a house like this okay if it works it works i guess you know just a random slab of marble on the wall no big deal there's bathroom number a thousand i think and there is a uh little um storage okay let's go take a look-see at the old base mint okay let's go take a peek with that guys where does that go oh just outside so we're going to need a light in here because i'd rather use my light than on a sleeper's power it makes it feel more i don't like turning power on even when it works just doesn't make it feel as abandoned you know what i mean like that's not an excuse to say that this isn't this is 100 is um an abandoned house but i just i don't know using a flashlight rather than power makes it feel more if it i guess an explorer if you will so we're gonna take a look at the basement here you have crown molding in here as well what's up you guys of course it's an odd low toilet don't really like that so down here feels a lot more to the original house upstairs look like it might have been updated we don't even need the cookie but this is good so i just found the weirdest thing come check this out okay i'm actually creeped out by this remember those mirrors we walked by yeah oh my it's a two-way mirror on the other side of a living room look at what the couch is pointed right at the pool tell me that's not creepy like what is the purpose of having a two-way mirror well yeah that's what i'll show you guys on the other side that's a straight-up mirror so that's what i'm saving for the end guys there it is watch either stands there i'll go to the other side over here and yeah let's see so we're going to see do you want to be able to see me but i'll be able to see him so you're saying you can't see me but i can see you yeah weird i don't like that almost nice living room dark it smells kind of water damaged to be honest kind of moldy i'm not gonna lie okay let's see here where is he yeah weird eh pillars oh what the heck this actually doesn't end weird no i don't like this this gives me the creeps i just a corner room with just mirrors oh i don't know walking in there just gave me a weird feeling i don't know tv like that and you live in a house like this who am i to say anything i'm not gonna i i'm gonna i said it in spirit okay i'm not gonna do every mirror even though i will maybe i will do every mirror it's so dark and big the pillars man did i miss anything over here what is this why is there a lock on it what the heck [Applause] does it unlock okay that could actually be the garage i'm gonna check that off camera because mainly because i don't have a free hand to just grab it and open it kind of takes a two-hand where does this go oh there is mold okay is there mold oh is there ever mold it's full eh ew it's full which is weird it sat for over a year like this it's lots of bugs and like there's leaves look at the water damage like that's gonna collapse eventually oh yeah nasty man wow that's incredible you can barely see in there that's where we were standing guys yeah that's so weird i don't like that that's freaking even the fireplace there's a mirror like the same thing so odd okay a little mini pool potential hot tub i guess oh look at the mold oh my yuck doesn't smell too bad but it's bad enough that i had to take note of it it's definitely from the water being outside like it's definitely why it's like that what's up you guys moldy toilet um oh look at that black mold oh yeah there's a big old shower with there's a shower within a sh that's mold yeah it's mold i thought that was a design no that's a mold that's black mold yeah [Music] all right guys so we're gonna show you the exterior look at that look at that we're gonna take a look at that actually because i'm pretty sure there's um a fountain yeah 100 yeah that's a fountain the water probably comes out of the lion's mouth i'm thinking but this is just like insane you just don't see stuff like this all right guys and i don't think we're gonna be able to get in it because it's like way over there but it's just it's an empty tennis court anyways but there you go all right guys that's gonna do it this place was freaking cool place i found like i've known about this since like june or july and i just never checked it and my good friend d-dog's finally down haven't seen him in almost a year and we were able to knock this one off so super excited that plane sounds low please imagine heck no wow guys i didn't even notice this check this out get the the lion on the steps that was probably a fountain right there wow incredible all right so like i was saying hope you guys enjoyed hit like if you did like it leave a comment down below tell me what you think hit subscribe if you haven't already we're like 400 subs from like 70k you guys are amazing so after that being said catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Ethan Minnie
Views: 364,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Abandoned Toronto, Abandoned Canada, Abandoned mansion, Abandoned house, Abandoned places, Abandoned castle, Abandoned palace, Abandoned drug dealers, Abandoned estate, Abandoned millionaires, Abandoned billionaires, Abandoned million dollar, Abandoned time capsule, Abandoned untouched, Abandoned forgotten, Urbex, Urbex ontario, Urbex canada, Curbex, Exploring, Urban exploring, Abandoned Ontario
Id: 0wjpKTx1kZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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