10 Words to Write Complex IELTS Sentences | Band 9 IELTS Grammar

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hi there it's asiya in order to achieve  band 7+ for your grammar in ielts writing   you need to write complex sentences and there  is a real way to make any sentence complex   by adding just one of the words  we're going to talk about today   these are modal verbs and without  further ado let's get started if you have a look at ielts band descriptors  you will see that in order to achieve band 7   for your grammatical range and accuracy you need  to use a variety of complex grammatical structures   and that doesn't mean that you need to write long  and complicated sentences even a short sentence   can be complex if it contains a modal verb  the modal verbs in english are can could may   might must or shall should will would each has a  number of meanings and they can be used in many   many different situations but i'm gonna show you  just some of them which are most common for task 2   and actually quite often you need to use  modal verbs in task 2 and i will show you how   here is the first example some people find  learning languages boring that's a fact   here is the second sentence some people may  find learning languages boring you see there   is an element of probability we don't state it's a  fact we say that it's probable that some people do   and indeed in english we often use modal verbs  to soften our language to make it less direct   and more polite and in task 2 quite often we don't  operate with facts we are talking either about our   opinion or what we think other people may think  and that's why it's a great place to use modal   verbs compare these two sentences people eat  fast food because they don't have time to cook   that's a fact but is it really true i  think it's better to say one of the reasons   why people eat fast food might be a lack of time  to cook so it's just one of the reasons there is   this element of probability and indeed one of the  mistakes in ielts writing is over generalizing   that means drawing conclusions that are more  general than justified and using modal verbs   will help you avoid this problem  let me show you two sentences   banning fast food in school canteens encourages  healthy eating that's a bland fact but i wouldn't   be a hundred percent sure so i think it's better  to say banning fast food in school continents may   encourage healthy eating you see in this way you  can use modal verbs in many of your sentences   so far we've been talking about probability  and let me show you how different modal verbs   reflect the variant degree of probability  or how likely something is to happen   i've prepared a table for you ok you  see a list of modal verbs their meaning   and strength and also some examples  the first two modal verbs will and must   they show that you are certain about something  but their meaning is slightly different   will which you may know as future simple tense  but it's also a modal verb is used with facts   for example i saw the weather forecast it will  rain it's a fact the forecast is always correct   must shows a logical necessity it means there is  no other way the clouds are so dark rain must be   coming there is no other way should and or to show  that something is likely to happen it shouldn't   rain in july it means it's unlikely to rain in  july or it's been dry for two weeks it ought to   rain it means it's likely that rain will come at  some point may could and might show that something   is possible and actually may show a higher  degree of probability it's cloudy it may rain   with could the probability slightly lower  it's cloudy it could rain so we can actually   use them interchangeably quite often and might  shows a lower degree of probability for example   we could say it's sunny at the moment but it might  rain in the afternoon because who knows it's not   likely to rain but it might so we can use modern  verbs to talk about probability we can also use   one to talk about hypothetical unreal situations  in task two sometimes we need to speculate   and say what would happen if this is a conditional  sentence for example if higher education were free   many more young people would go to university  so that's not true at least that's not true   in most countries and we're just speculating we're  imagining what would happen and in order to make   this sentence you use if and then past simple if  higher education were free that's your condition   then we put a comma and we write the main clause  what would happen with would many more young   people would go to university and please note  that if you use the verb to be in your condition   then you need to use the plural form if higher  education were free if i were you if i were rich   and in this case the condition is at the beginning  and we put a comma before the main clause   but if our condition is at the end we don't need a  comma in this case we just write what would happen   with would if and then past simple many  more young people would go to university if   higher education were free so with the same  sentence but we don't need a comma here let   me show you two more examples if vehicle taxes  were increased people would use bicycles and   alternative means of transportation you see how  this sentence could work in your task two essay   here is another one this measure would only work  if it were accompanied by efforts to provide   convenient public transport don't  forget to use were in your condition   it were accompanied and this type of  sentence is called conditional type 2.   and before we continue i just want to say that  writing complex sentences is just one of the   requirements in ielts writing and in order to  achieve band 7 you need to meet all of them and   you can learn how to do it in my online courses  in just several hours you will learn how to write   your essays quickly and effectively and to meet  all the band 7 plus requirements i have courses   for ielts writing and speaking and you can find  them all in the description box below now let's   continue another situation when you may need to  use a modal verb in ielts writing task 2 is when   you talk about general truths these are things  which you think are usually true but not always   and in this case you need the modal verb can  smoking can lead to serious diseases such as lung   cancer so we know it's true but it's not always  true and in this case we need to compare can and   could exercise can help reduce stress so that's  a general truth usually it helps and if you say   exercise could help reduce stress that's a  possibility so it's possible that it will   but maybe it will not you see they are similar  but there is a subtle difference in meanings   let's talk about obligations that's when someone  must or should do something what's the difference   must is a strong obligation we  often use it when we talk about laws   seat belts must be worn at all times you have  no alternative it's a law we can use it when we   talk about very strong and serious situations for  example discrimination must be stopped and should   shows a weak obligation and we use it to talk  about what's ideal or what's the best thing to do   there should be more public schools it would be  better if there were more public schools right   or all young people should be given  the opportunity to go to university   actually in ielts writing task tool quite often we  either need to make a suggestion a recommendation   or to find a solution and that's the way to  talk about it and in most cases we use should   unless we are talking about laws there are  definitely many more ways to use modal verbs   i just showed you some that you can use in  your task too and if you want to learn about   other complex grammatical structures my playlist  with all the videos will be right on the screen   in a moment and my video courses for step-by-step  preparation are in the description box below   thank you for watching me today good luck  with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya
Id: N1Wdgj_iXwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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