Bizarre Indonesian Jungle Food! Welcome to EXTREME Indonesian Cooking in North Sulawesi!

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I'm worried I don't have enough stomach space to eat enough of this do you think I can eat all this [Applause] welcome to Indonesia's North Sulawesi with foods and culture completely different from Jakarta this is nature's boiling pot that's so nuts food that might be considered an occasional delicacy elsewhere in Asia seems pretty commonplace here but there's a reason for that they are very very hunt base so they're more in so going through the jungle and higher over food they can find today I'm on a mission to sample some of North Sulawesi traditional operates but they're not for everyone I smell there's some gay meanness in the air from ancient foods said to have healing properties it just smells like is there some medicinal property - this is - food that most in the West try to stay away from there's a big bowl of rats here some might call it scary but in North Sulawesi they call it lunch [Music] today on the best-ever food review show we are having another fun food adventure I'm with Michael hi we are at lung one right now and this like very pop high in the mountain what kind of foods will warm you up the most snake I know you're gonna do that yeah Michael is a local here and everything we'll try today is food he grew up with some of it he'd even call comfort food for generations agriculture has not been the norm here but why would it be when the jungle is so full of food what's the most like normal thing they have rats I think that rat is the most normal thing Jesco so instead of pork beef or lamb here you're gonna find bats wild boar snake and even rats this countryside restaurant has all that and more we are headed into the kitchens right now I hear a torch going oh this is a nice kitchen even though this type of food is fairly common here this type of restaurant isn't with locals usually eating at home rather than having a fancy lunch out why did you decide to open this type of restaurant and not a bagel shop or frozen yogurt some Courvoisier oh because it's like the signature dish of Nina Hassan right for locals like this one which one is your favorite pick was he like friends all right I was trying to feel better about rights unlike city rats which collect parasites and diseases these rats come from the jungle and have spent their lives forging on organic food like seeds so that pale is white is white so which mean this is a good rats to go quickly through what's on the menu we've got rat the hind quarter of a wild boar and what is this this is snake that's been seared with a blowtorch I like snake big snakes are even better cuz I or me you can bite into it these rats there's a big bowl of rats here and okay yeah bring your throne after this we're gonna chop it up and then we're gonna fry this we're gonna get rat and stink what's do those two how to cook rat step one start with rat next chop it into small pieces now it's ready to be cooked and it seems that most of the menu options here are cooked more than one there's no orders at our medium here it's all well done and then well done two more times after that possibly to eliminate any living bacteria the rat is sauteed with basil lemon leaves lemongrass turmeric to help cover any gay meanness in the meat the smells in here as they're cooking is very strong masking flavors oh and heaps of chili powder too he's scooping everything into this big old container and then that is done the snake of the day it's chopped then boiled in hot water oh that's a way he knows like when it's ready or not I'm concerned for your huh next he washes the snake to remove any gamey odors left from the boiling process I smell there's some gaming as' in there it's like the taint of a snake who just did the Tour de France sort of run just like the rat the snake is cooked with the heaps of powerful spices oh the snake is going in right now whoa look at all that snake finish it off with a bit more seasoning and we're ready for our countryside luncheon do you think I can eat all this [Laughter] [Music] alright we got a little bit of everything here but the whole Lion King I want to start with the snake and let's just jump into it so you say that's rice man so I got right what am I crazy over here yeah you got to fill up with some rice so I'm gonna get more snake let's see I got an arm here some hip bones here this is a femur here's a kneecap it looks pretty good Cheers okay it fairly gave me very gelatinous there's some powerful flavors in there the lemongrass the tumeric come through in a big way I'm gonna grab some one I've had it before where they completely took all the skin off the skin is very dominant here that's kind of the main texture I'm feeling look at that buddy oh guys is that not the most delicious pie you've ever seen hmm I was too big of a bite I'm not having a mental block right now we need to Tony it out we had some facing hmm it's a good palate cleanser I do believe this is an acquired taste I think if I grew up with this it wouldn't be a big deal but it's still just a little intense for me I still got some heebie-jeebies a little bit moving on to the rad party oh it's like a rear thigh I'm just gonna try to peel the meat off of there will you just do handsy Oh am i offending the local people quite a bit we really respect what hands do you using for example this one you should greet the people and this one is used when you go to the toilet so I did wash it before we ate I got a little bit of protein right here but with some rice oh that's pretty gave me two legs dark I need flavor from chicken multiply that times five add some liver flavor that's how you eat it I don't know neither tell me what to do take the whole thing and use your pan and use your teeth to find the meat inside whoa we're off like a garbage disposal I feel think I'm gonna choke on a bone it's like tying a knot in a cherry stem we're taking off the meat with our tongue yeah just enough for me yeah yeah I'm gonna get some rice visually this way you can fill both intense for your burn but as well as they gave meanness actually to be honest I've had both of these animals before and I've liked them both perform here they seem to be particularly gaming I'm not sure why it did this thing flavor they all guess I can't go to gaming us but also the tender is different from the chicken but like better you enjoying it that's enough for me with the tummy full of jungle meets we're now headed to Michael's childhood home where he has a few more surprises in store a big question I have is what is Indonesian food for me what is Indonesian food is like comfort food actually have some effects on your body here I live up in the mountain all the food is like very high temperature kind of meat so he's gonna warm your blood up with two parents from different tribes you could say Michael had a diverse culinary experience growing up hello nice to meet you Michael's mother is a preacher a lot of this area became Christian after colonialization by the Dutch and this particular dish is kind of like a local Christmas ham but with bamboo usually get it when there's Thanksgiving Christmas Easter all this location so we've got a bunch of ingredients on the table we've got pork fat Betty all banana heart right yeah I haven't seen the full thing these like the flower of the banana that's so cool so when you go to the store and get a bunch of bananas this is the baby version of that it's called funny it just smells like crap I think I've had this before in Vietnam is there some medicinal property to this Innis this will all be mixed into the bamboo starting with the ground lemongrass ginger whoa I've noticed that tons of scallions being used here especially in the last place mounds of chilies she worried about me yes he's worried about you asking like she's like Isis he looks a little pale can you handle all this place it was so spicy the whole time can you tell her spicy I'm talking right now why did we do that yeah I can handle it trust me so now she's putting in all this pork fat actually look that she can't be an introduced us to the poor usually they will use wild more how long has this country been independent from the Dutch it's been 82 years I mean in Venice from the - from here we're only mixing half with this kind of relief and when's the last time your mom made this about Thanksgiving during those Christian holidays serious Christian holidays because after the - coming they introduced as well the culture of be thankful so once in a year they will gather around you thanks to the religion and also family gather around to celebrate the togetherness this is your Thanksgiving turkey yeah in a way [Music] she's gonna put it in the bamboo and just stuff it all the way home even though it's full he's gonna reduce until how anything combined with a bunch of pork fat you can't go wrong after stuffing the bamboo its capped with some leaves and cooked on a fire for about an hour so while that's roasting Michael and I are headed just down the road for a snack he guarantees I've never tried before we're and the guys are like okay that's so far up in a mountain right now and we're gonna eat that this natural geyser has pools containing boiling hot water basically it's Mother Nature's crock-pot he is cooking something in this Bank down here what is it you boil a corn insane of course yeah of course this is amazing it's like boiling very hot temperature of water we can cook you up this smell here it is very soul free it's like old eggs or maybe you could say it's like a little farty hello sir how long does it take to boil the corn about an hour oh yeah he's finished look at this timing we didn't even set this up we just came here randomly so he's opening the corn is still in the husk oh wow do you have the iron hands like the guy at the first restaurant it's very warm and smelling it a little bit sulfur me that's really fascinating you haven't had sulfur egg corn before right I don't know if I've ever been to a geyser before it's very manageable not too hot should we dig in Cheers yes yeah hmm really good there's a hint of sulfur enos and this is a hint not much it's not party I cannot believe that they're just cooking corn in the earth this is nature's boiling pots that's so nuts how many batches does he make about like this much like all of it oh it's just like super perfectly cooked corn on the cob with some kind of interesting sulfur enos and there's but it's not overly horrible or just so fresh and so yummy sir thank you so much back at Michael's house our Christmas bamboo has finally finished cooking this was beautiful thank you so much for cooking for us today can you tell me the name of it normally you would say hi or would I or means for you the most below means below so these are the faith about that you put inside a bundle what's that this is water spinach then we've got our double has your mom ever watched YouTube oh use it sometimes what do you watch like makeup tutorials oh cooking shows that's so awesome right here you've got a little bit of fat a little bit of rice and then the banana on there - let's do it mmm that is so spicy super aromatic I think it needs a higher ratio of rice in there is there some meat on there towards adjustment you don't eat with meat though with this because something back from the culture itself and the only thing they can afford it is chunks of fat so didn't mix it up and they made it work they definitely didn't mmm I got a big piece of fat in that one this is juicy and tender it kind of bursts open I'm gonna get some of this double-double oh is that I might look weak but in the inside I'm just kind of weak okay here we go mmm so fresh oh if I could give your mom a yelp review maybe a five out of five five out of I absolutely okay I'm gonna try a little bit of this move I think I've had this kind of plant before it's pretty earthy we got some of that grassiness some pork fat look at these beautiful colors coming together go for it very intense flavor chewy texture a bit bitter I do like the banana one one which was you favorite minam c-can you tell her that you're lucky that she's your mom my mom about that she's a damn good cook I'm so glad that I was able to experience so much of north sulawesi with you and to get your point of view on all these different foods especially some of the ones considered a bit more extreme unusual and it was such an honor to be able to eat your mother's for yourself to be mikaze thank you so much and for you guys this video was made possible by one trip Vietnam one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south right now in Hanoi Danang hoian and Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,518,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: north sulawesi, north sulawesi food, indonesia food, indonesia street food, indonesian food, jakarta food, street food jakarta, snake, eating rat, eating snake, geyser corn, traditional indonesian food, best ever food review show, bizarre foods indonesia, sonny side, Sunfuric corn
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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