TWISTED Cuban LECHON in Cuba!!! Pork Hammock!!

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I have a question for you now will you eat then oh yeah why not I thought you would be like Ora this whole trip there's nothing you're gonna throw at me that's gonna freak me out [Music] today begins our best ever food journey across Cuba starting in the West in a town known as Vinny Alice Vinny Alice is a region dominated by agriculture fruits vegetables coffee and their country's infamous tobacco here we are day one VIN Galvez my first morning in Cuba today is all about a classic dish of this country I think so anyways it's a classic dish in the Philippines we're talking about that it's shown well look at that it's like a pool of oil oh my this place has a special way to make it because they make it like in a hammer they are like you Norman I call this longtime friend in Cuba native oral patron will join me as we take on the classics of Cuba this area is famous for tobacco somehow I'm gonna have auro teach me how to smoke no I never I never put anything in my mouth like smoking wise no I never so grab a horse grab a friend and get ready to soak up the traditional flavors of Cuba [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] overall auto listen we got our coffee here this Mazal amazing man smells like coffee yeah outside of Havana deep in the countryside evangelist exists a small complex called los Lorenzo's housing five families Oro and I are the lucky guests of the local community here and there's no better way to welcome guests than with the pride of Cuba all right let's try out this coffee this is throne broiler it's like Cuban jet oh man this is one of the strongest coffee in the region in whole Cuba normally to prefer the coffee first you get the powder and then you put hot water and you filter it right they do it different they build the coffee with the water right now makes it even stronger it's kind of smooth for being so intense but man I feel this immediately I'm super alert and a little bit nervous yeah it gave me anxiety Aurel you are a man of no vices you don't drink you don't smoke no you don't even like coffee no so what is your advice my advice is dancing bro I don't get ready I haven't told you yet but the rules of my families are from this area they have a culture of acceptance this region is famous for that right people being too kind too naive to kind of like shy like I just find out today that how I am has to do a lot with this region this is where this wasn't made right yeah I made in Cuba there rudia Hubert was colonized for hundreds of years by Spain during that time African slaves were brought to the island to work the fields now hundreds of years later Cuba is a diverse melting pot of ethnicities this person this person this person though they may have different backgrounds they're all Cuban and they all share the distinct culture that makes this place what it is you grew up in Cuba how old were you when you left my early 20s almost 13 years how do your parents feel about that like the kids got went on to bigger opportunities that they couldn't find here are they sad that you're gone it's hard for me to know if they are sad or no they always like they're happy for you I'm like no but tell me we are suffering so I can do something for you then oh yeah is your your life walk I tried the tone in the Philippines not once but four times [Music] Dinah's like a work of art man oh my lord it's the very same dish inspired by Spain but here in Cuba they duel each other a little differently is this an old gate door this looks like a medieval torture device I love it yeah it looks like that right yeah that's why you call Hamas first in each crevice of the pink they rub in a mixture of garlic onion cumin lime and calamansi juice then a rubdown of salt finally they prepare the pig to roast on a wire hem why do they do it this way he say like this is to make sure like how far they put it you know if they need more heat they can put it low and if they need less heat they can put it up and they can turn it around if you want so instead of adjusting the fire necessarily they can just move this around your easier it will look like me in an hour this pig is gonna hang out here for four hours in the main time Aurel shows me Cuba's most addictive vice and what is still a hard to come by forbidden pleasure in the u.s. enter first of all thank you what is your name Jose Luis Jose Luis yeah nice to meet you Cuba is kind of famous for its tobacco not just that like this area is like the most famous area for tobacco in Cuba and in the world what makes the tobacco here so different from anywhere else in the world Paco needs a a climate where it is like here they have a little bit of heat but it's not too much and I get chilled but it doesn't froze you know me so for that it makes the air dry here very special I'm the Treacher's for the tobacco brilliant can here own for us it's like dried tobacco leaves and he's gonna turn that into the drugs all I know is that you know growing up there's this embargo with Cuba and there was the like these prized cigars that were illegal to have in the US but if you had it it was like a secretive thing you can't tell anybody how you got it but nowadays I think people can get Cuban cigars in the US so it's lost a little bit of the mystique oh wow Oh in the leg twisted twisted oh yeah look at this guy confidence right there what's cooler than me yeah oh what's that you ain't doing that or are you next by the way really yeah you gotta do it dude [Music] actually the flavor is not bad it's interesting because it's like eating spicy food ah you go through the pain and after the pain the flavors come back it kind of cinches the inside of your mouth that is the highly coveted Cuban cigar that here in Cuba standing in a tobacco field next to two ox that has nothing to do with it but that's pretty cool huh hey stop okay cool [Music] roasting has been underway for a few hours now you can see it's mostly finished for right now they're gonna do a flip they're going to dismount it and then flip it I've seen so many flips in my day egg flips pancake clips but never have I seen a lechon flip there's so many hot juice instead of pooled in here oh ho that shoppin is awesome oh that's pretty crispy it's like a cookie like a pea cookie can you ask him if it's over tongue no made up they are copying I mean they usually don't need this part here the device sounds good now they're gonna put it back on how much longer is this gonna be on here one hour more this is gonna roast for one more hour and then dinnertime [Music] I wonder can L volley your father at one level all the time you left Cuba until now it's been well over ten years it's a good amount of time any city any country would change in over ten years what changes did you notice some of the changes like how the country feels decayed and it feels no advanced technology wise mentally the country feels that it doesn't have a clear direction of where it's going but in other hand I'm very happy when I came here because it's very interesting how in the deep roots of Cuba the culture is so pure and the education is so well preserved and they don't do it because they want to show the war anything it's like we love what we are we love to become from actually this kind of being a little emotional because I'm like them this is like boom Letran my man is it looks beautiful as one of the cooks you're the first one who gets hold of the pig is there some great section that you break off and sneak for yourself he said that he loved the little piece of skin because they become very face piece oh this one's really bubbled up this one's almost think I'm like a pork rind that's crunchy but almost become fried in its own oil it's like a teacher on all right I'm gonna cut off this nose for you I want you to dry it I don't want it but different texture it's kind of squishy they're dry yeah there's no girls but it's just hard it's like you need to fight for it it's kind of like a bacony nose I wish my nose tastes like bacon it tastes like bacon whoa no I don't know your nose well I know your nose but I don't know how it tastes it's hard not to know it it reaches out and greets you when I show you here the most favorite part Wow get this some crispy bits some juicy bits you just cut this from me underside what is it called feel it let's try it all right that's a ten this is different yeah leave that side better cuz they were cooking this side of the underbelly sided it's been like bubbling up in its juices all day so juicy and the season he really came through sir mucho gracias juicy succulent the tone is just the start joining our countryside feast fried goodies made from plantains and taro root next boiled cassava known locally as yuca and hungry a staple of this region made with the base of black beans and rice then garlic katusha pepper cilantro onion and pork fat I would like to take a moment to thank all of you here it is my first day in Cuba the fact I get to come together with all of you meet you and be met with such kindness and hospitality it's really kind of blown my mind so just want to say gracias when you grow up is this a typical kind of dinner very typical in a place like this this is something that you eat three times a week especially in the countryside you cook after you walk the whole day it's noisy like you go and watch a bunch of you - its stomach I'm gonna try some of this rice lots of good rice and beans savory hearty great texture like so moist it's so simple but if you see every element they dance with the main dish which is a bit a pig the rise of the Reds our difference but he's a star hmm that just like dancing is it the salsa dance this is how fun mmm okay this big juicy bite on this election whoo it's unreal you know I've only had lasagna in the Philippines they take so much care with the skin and how they put soy sauce and different stuff on it oil to make it crispy I can say I appreciate that skin warm but the meat inside here especially like that pork loin it's undeniable that's some of the best meat I've ever had how long have you been a band is that water in your cup oh oh it makes me warm inside it feels like Christmas morning hmm you guys live in the countryside do you like that more or do you like the Havana lifestyle more is it they like to visit Havana but no they like laid-back the city is no healthy for them too much rum [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] my first taste of Cuba the food I had no doubt about but the reception the length sees people went to make me feel at home was even better our cross country Cuba food tour is just getting started next time or when I began our journey East stopping first in the country's capital Havana where we'll be searching for Cuba's one-of-a-kind Street for the snakeskin you see I got it you see how long and be sure to check out our second channel more best-ever for review show for raw clips and deleted scenes that didn't make it into the show well ro thank you for joining me on this journey today we have a lot more adventure to come but hey today pretty good start this is just the beginning guys check out Aurel on instagram or else not just my friend he's also an artist he's a dancer a musician he's all those things wrapped up into one very unique and interesting person that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time a piece what's that mean bass piece in Spanish Spanish I tell you before oh I don't know Spanish [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,463,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cuba, cuba food, cuba travel, cuban food, cuban travel, americans cuba, sonny side, best ever food review show, vinales, vinales travel, vinales food, vinales tourism, what to do cuba, cuban food tour, cuban food in cuba
Id: SxrjdTfR6cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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