HUGE SHARK HEART in JAPAN!!! Tokyo's WILDEST Seafood Menu!!!

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the moment of truth it is right here the heart of our shark let's go for it [Music] you could spend a lifetime in Japan and never try all the unique surprising and unusual seafood they have to offer I love all kinds of bacon I've never had bacon from a whale the acclaimed chef of Kabuki Lombardo Hashimoto has a menu boasting delicious award-winning seafood balls piled high with the best flavors of the ocean or sea but today I've challenged Hashimoto to go off menu [Music] digging up the most unique seafood what what what it's from the ocean I can tell you that for a maritime feast you will not believe it looks like if a witch at athletes foot from shark hearts is this good for men stamina to whatever the piss is this fish is a mystery to me and so much more I'm gonna eat the black part of the eye so ditch your friend with the seafood allergy and prepare for the most unusual seafood feast of a lifetime [Music] the area we're in right now is kind of the sumo area of Tokyo as you walk around this area you will see little ornate sumo things all over the place also this is where they published one of my favorite magazines sumo monthly you can stay up to date with all your favorite sumo people whoa look at this really get like a nice silhouette about man but aside from sumo right now we're going in for some seafood and guys not certain exactly what's gonna be on the menu but we're gonna go find out today we're trying six unique foods did I mention we're going to be eating the heart of a shark hashimoto will let me start off easy with nama Shiraz ooh you might call them tiny sardines right now he's putting these sardines in a little Sunday cover that's like something I would put ice cream into a little bit of scallion on top some soy sauce on top of that and then is ready to eat everybody charting is like this it's something that can even go on top of rice here in Japan almost just like another condiment another flavoring well right now I'm just going straight for it just like this yeah mmm a little noodle you feel like it was like a cold seafood spaghetti it smells very fishy but the taste is much more balanced appetizer finished now Hashimoto will take me through today's entire menu starting with an entire tuna head there's a whole giant tuna head you can actually see in the back it's got muscle and fat striations in the top of its head there's so much meat in here thank you for picking that up if I pick it up my hands will snow like that for a week what's next Chuck Huff I'm sorry did you say shark heart oh that yeah it has a pungent strong locker-room kind of smell coming off of it strong yeah do you know what kind of shark is this Japanese there are mole kazamia it's a mole cough is that one endangered no problem yeah there's a lot of controversy around shark meat because some people cutting off the fin and then throwing the rest away but there are still a huge population of sharks that aren't endangered at all where all their meat is actually utilized and this is an example of it right here this is called a cornet fish but I've never eaten it before they look insane it's like very light and has a rubbery skin on the outside it doesn't feel like scales at all small for you it's personal and listen I'm not laughing at this guy but that's a ridiculously small mouth I don't know how this thing survived in nature or evolved but somehow it's eating through this tiny mouth also on today's menu turtle heads but it's not what it sounds like oh I want to try this out he's of crazy not on today's menu but still worth mentioning hashimoto proudly presents a Tupperware container full of mullet fish stomachs these look like little belly buttons is gonna make some of you guys hungry for sure and he's got a next-level tentacle in octopus arm that's bringing up bad memories my ex-girlfriend left me for one of those oh wow this thing is super hard now that we've met the food it's time to cook this tuna head takes nearly 2 hours in the oven so we'll start with that yeah that's gonna be one salty ahead there's like little pockets little sections of meat everywhere that we're just gonna try to dig out and eat next up we're gonna throw it in the oven it barely fits in there but that is gonna work for the next two hours they love buddy with the tuna head cooking we move on to the shark heart that was a nice sound I am here insas the shark heart continuously for a couple hours flushing out any blood inside once ready it's sliced into thin bite-sized pieces and tossed with a mix of ginger salt and sesame oil before being fire roasted for about a minute the smell of this shark it was a little offensive it was like a locker room for shark garnished with scallion and now it's time to eat a shark heart and hopefully get cool shark powers like the power to swim [Music] hold on is this good for men's stamina or something yeah good baby nice there we go mmm wonderful salty smoky charred flavor very spongy and just has that familiar of organ meat kind of texture and no fish locker-room taste it's really good it's a bit nice go for it please enjoy your own cooking I mean it's hard to even tell that came from the ocean very beefy flavor that's awesome well shark hearts first time but not my last time know what I mean no I'm kidding I love sharks but I'm still gonna eat them shark heart awesome tuna head still in the oven next up turtle hands wait what yes Tamino tey is the shell creature that lives between rocks in seas where the water is very rough they are boiled in hot saltwater and you'll never imagine what's inside these look just like gnarly little fingers would big which claws at the end this freaky looking food is delicious and a perfect bar snack consider it the strange seafood version of bar nuts so here it is I have no idea how to eat this we have at least 100 tries if I get it wrong the first time please should eat cut just pull one off yeah oh [Music] how do you eat this - it is squirting everywhere cut the UDC ah inside this is just a little tiny piece of meat it's like a little crab claw hmm okay it's good no strong flavor yeah yeah yeah very mild little metallic flavor kind of like honey you know like oh this is a big one and guys this outer part is so interesting the way it Terrace feels so strange you can feel as its tearing apart and the meat is strong it's stronger than like um-hmm for me it looks scary but the taste is no big deal just mild little salty it's the edamame of the ocean we are three Foods in and I'm feeling great the tuna is cooking away but we still have another two unique foods inside this little bit this is known as a cornet fish these things get up to two meters long and they're prized for their sashimi and their liver this is a little embarrassing I feel like this was like a gift but like someone left the price tag on here wait how much face or the place yeah yeah okay sorry I thought that was a price tag the chef cleans the fish removing its organs and holding on to its liver the remainder of the body is split in two he removes a section of the pole a scouring the top then slicing it into thin piece he said the last time he worked on one of these about a month ago not bad he's certainly not feeling rusty Cornette fish sashimi then some salt then some fire plate garnish and II wait a second the liver the liver gets a pinch of salt and a dusting of flour before it's seared in a shallow pool of melted butter after it cooks a bit a splash of sake sugar soy sauce and more butter that right there is homemade teriyaki sauce losing lovingly over the liver garnish and now we are ready to eat again a little bit of liver a little bit of sashimi but first sake it's okay I love it we have the sashimi right here the smell that was coming off of this it's exactly like burnt hair but very unique I think it's going to taste different than that little dip Cheers mmm oh boy she all right robust think but still tender fish like butter that's been out of the fridge for like half an hour that's good and then for sake yeah I am sassy Misaki Vigrid I like how you roll man moving on to the delivery here I'm gonna try this piece right here it's like already it looks very fatty a little crumbly even let's try it out oh thank you mm-hmm so rich like it is so clean creamy fatty and just like a little bit of seafood flavor to it but not very much and then the teriyaki sweet and salty combination that is like perfect for drinking the tuna head is nearly finished but I need to walk off some of this buttery liver I got a job in the valley but today [Music] [Music] our tuna head has been inside the oven now for two hours it's ready to come out sir take it away it's gonna look like a horror movie look at this tuna head yeah it looks like it's been through better times than this well this smell is so good so if you look closely here you can just see on the bone here how much of the roasting has affected the skin but I guess maybe the meat is hiding inside I'm gonna find out today longtime fan of the best ever food review show tad will be my tuna head eating partner this might surprise some of you but I have no idea how to eat a tuna head sir take it away so this is the cheek meat we're getting into right here and you can just hear how insanely crunch fi the skin and outside layer has become oh thank you it's hard to even realize that this came from the face of a tuna there we go let's go with sake first it's okay okay I just want to try this nice fatty tuna alone mmm like sticky it doesn't have any super strong flavors at all sir we're ready for a course - this is known to be one of the most flavorful places under - nose it's actually the meat that's between the eyebrows right above the nose maybe this truthin got waxed before we got our hands on it I didn't see any eyebrows that's a lot of meat so here a classic bite we have the crispy part here it's golden brown not black very meaty part here it's just so complete very rich very perfect this is like the coab a of tuna heads right here when this whole tuna head adventure started I had no idea how this would work but it seems every nook and cranny of this beast has new textures and flavors hold on that's a little horrifying but guys look at this huge crevasse that's left behind this is a black part of the eyes what I'm gonna eat here we go hmm mmm not at all as a grape flavor actually kind of breaks apart in your mouth it's just kind of gooey salty and then gelatinous it's a little fun sir if there was a big finale whoo this had what would it be oh he's gonna go farther into died oh it looks very big meaty robust what is it it's actually the muscle that connects everything between the head and the body it looks terrific very dark different color than anything else we've tried so far this is gonna be our dessert tuna right now the last bite let's go for it Becca mas mmm this is so much more fun than I expected like anyone can go out and just have a bunch of sushi and it's yummy but here it's just so fun to experience all these different textures and flavors all within this one little head Hashimoto is a culinary master a creative food architect who taught me that often what might look frightening scary or confusing on the outside can really be delicious on the inside sometimes it's worth getting to know those who are the most misunderstood before we wrap it up I want to say thank you so much to Tokyo by food they are offering over 85 different food experiences in Tokyo and next year it'll be even more cities throughout Japan for everyone who makes a reservation they buy a meal for 10 people in Cambodia they get to eat you get to eat it's a win-win for everybody also for you guys this video is made possible by one trip vietnam one trip is the highest-rated tour company in vietnam doing tours from north to south in all major cities including hanoi knit chang Danang poem and saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time Ibiza all right man have you seen this magazine these guys are so round you know they would assume all [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,208,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan food, japan street food, where to eat japan, best ever food review show, sonny side, japanese street food, japan seafood, japanese seafood, seafood japan, shark meat, shark japan, cornet fish, tuna head, turtle hands, japan turtle, japan tuna head
Id: 9bRhbD_JuN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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