Street Food Tour of Bali - INSANELY DELICIOUS Indonesian Food in Bali, Indonesia!

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she mixes up everything over a pile of rice lavar is a coconut like relish mixture in bali and this one is made with the bee hive i think it's everything on a single plate that you want in balinese food [Music] hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in bali indonesia and today is gonna be a big day of indonesian food in bali we're gonna go to some of the most legendary must-eat street food stalls and local restaurants in bali it's gonna be some seriously amazing food and i can't wait to share it all with you today we are starting off this morning in sanur which is right on the beach it's beautiful location and this is a street food stall some people consider it to be the best nasi bali hi photography yes nice to meet you hello hello nice to meet you i'm angie hello i'm ayer very nice to meet you and hey they got here first in line yes you got the best they already have seats right in front of the food they're setting up food it looks amazing thank you when i reached out to you and asked where i should eat in bali this was one of the number one suggestions this was one of the top recommended places that many of you recommended so a big thank you uh i can't wait to try the food especially after seeing it's just it's so colorful there's such there's such an assortment of dishes [Music] the morning breakfast wait is over and by the way let me just quickly introduce you to made i'm hanging out with made today he's driving us around how's the food made is the best driver made has just shown me that today we got kind of like lucky because there's a lawar which is uh lavar is a coconut like relish mixture in bali and this one is made with the bee hive i think it's the bee hive so it's it's actually very rare to find in bali these days and it is a delicacy and i think we i think we got a little lucky to get it today oh that is that is unbelievable oh i got a piece of chicken in that bite and a shred of coconut next up i'm going just for i'm gonna try to get a bite just of the the loire with the beehive and the coconut it's just like like solidly coconut like roasted old coconut so it has a crunch to it but then at the same time you taste a little bit of like a an earthy slightly sweet beehive taste to it it's just packed full of coconut amadeus there's three different types of sambal the the red sambal which is yeah and then there's sambal which is fried sambal and then shallots yeah okay the raw sambal okay you can taste the bitter melon in that bite so that just adds another dimension of flavor you got a little bitterness plus spicy plus sweet plus salty plush coconut every single taste bud flavor you can imagine all on one plate [Music] now this is a high quality breakfast that will wake you up in the morning those flavors are so strong and so good and so complementary and like i said you have every single flavor on a single plate i think most of the dishes are all chicken and it's halal as well so come check this place out wow it's called warung menweti it's truly a legendary place so thank you all very much for recommending it okay we've got a lot more to eat today so let's continue to the next place the next restaurant that we're going to it's another a very very well-known restaurant it's actually just down the beach from here so we're gonna just walk there [Music] we made it to the next warung and this one is called bang and they're famous for their fish head soup i ordered my drink of choice which is este tawar which is just iced tea that hits the spot oh that's refreshing this is a war room this is a local restaurant that again many of you recommended this place so huge thank you to all of you who recommended it this is a place that's known especially for their fish head soup but you get a whole set with fish head soup and then also fried fish and rice and oh and it has just arrived the whole set oh it looks and smells amazing okay i'm gonna start with just some of this soup let me just taste this broth you can see there are pieces of the the fish oh i got a i got a i got a cheek yes okay here's a half a face right here and uh and an eyeball and then this kind of looks like i think it kind of looks like cucumber okay let me just taste some of that broth first oh that's a broth of wonders maybe there's a little bit of turmeric and like fried garlic and shallots in there but the like unique factor in there is the cucumber that gives it you can taste that like you know how you always uh hear that cucumbers are cooling and refreshing you can taste like the cooling even though it's a hot soup you can taste the cucumber cooling in there you can already tell that's just gonna be just extremely hot that cucumber's insane though the set comes with the soup and the fried fish and then the fish fried fish comes with sambal which is always excellent and one of the joys of eating in indonesia i'm gonna squeeze in the citrus i think this is a little mini lime all right and then dig into the fish it's just fried to golden perfection and i'm not sure if this is a it looks kind of like like king mackerel possibly okay i'll put this onto my rice onto the rice kind of mash this up a little bit oh and this sambal looks incredible you can see that that chili oil down below there and there might be some maybe there's some soy sauce they added in here too [Music] after tasting both the soup and the fried fish you know exactly why this restaurant is so popular that fried fish is absolutely like perfect sometimes when you have a piece of fried fish like this it's overly it gets really dry that is like it's remained moist yet it's crispy on the edges ensemble is fantastic too it's like a it just has a hint of a sweetness to it you can taste that that citrus in there uh you can you can taste the chilies it's wonderful that's just an insanely superb combination that just melts in your mouth [Music] this is another award-winning sambal i could just eat like spoonfuls of it look at that chunk of fish it's like oily you can feel those omega fats and then with just just covered in that sambal it's just it's just absolutely insane you won't believe how moist and juicy that fish is while still being deep fried okay we just finished with that fish head soup and that fried fish that was absolutely extraordinary and we got here just at the right time there now hello they are now packed i loved it i loved it it's exactly 9am right now two back-to-back extraordinary meals okay let's continue eating we're on our way to denpasar now and on our way to go eat sape [Music] the next place that we're eating is called sate pleching arjuna and this is a very well known satay place i can't wait this is a type of satay that i've never tried before in indonesia [Music] i just ordered they have both beef and pork for the satay and they're doing all the grilling back here in this little little shed back here and so he's grilling little skewers and he dunks them into this oil chili and then of course grills them on an extraordinarily hot fire you can see those those like burning hot coals and they actually has a blower which is attached to power here which is is keeping those just fanning those those coals so that they are just flaming hot we ordered two different types of sate beef and pork and so the beef one is called sates sapi and the pork one is sate baby and i'm going to grab that one right on the top there that's just it's just caked in that sambal oh that ratio on this first first satay is literally like half meat half chili sambal i can smell shrimp paste i think shrimp paste in there as well okay it is a little bit spicy but it looks a lot spicier than it is however the chilies are very very fragrant and i'm pretty sure there is some like shrimp paste in there what i love it's it's not sweet at all it's just like pure chilies and then the the smoky meat just protrudes underneath it okay next up for the pork satay oh it's the same sambal but the pork is a little it's a little more tender as well as a little more sweet you can taste that the pork has been marinated in some maybe like a sugary ketchup money soy sauce blend okay now i'm gonna try some of that soup and there are beef pieces in it as well okay this soup is amazing such a like clean beefy broth it's salty you can really taste those crispy shallots in there and then that that beef is so tender oh it's just been boiled away in there oh that's a a lovely soothing broth okay let's keep going with these beef skewers [Music] i love it it just really focuses on that sambal that sambal has a nice chili flavor [Music] just sliding them down [Music] the beef was a little tough the pork was more tender but the sambal was fantastic and that's just a nice a great classic place to eat sate plaiching in denpasar in bali next we are back in the car and we are driving to eat another what is probably one of the most well known of all satay places little it's actually under a tree and now this is another satay i can't wait to try it [Music] we drove over to an area called kuta and we are stopping next at sate baby and that literally means pork satay under the tree and that's exactly what it is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] they're making all of the satay at the front and those are those are definitely the type of grills that have possibly in their entire life have never been been cleaned or washed but that adds to you can tell that that adds to the flavor of the satay because the the the crust of that marinade just gets caked up on the grill and it just kind of starts to caramelize and this is all pork satay and you can smell the chilies in the air you can either choose to get just the the satay but i got the complete set which comes with the the pork satay and then is it which are rice cakes and then they give you a couple of chilies on the side as well and another another feature that you've gotta you've gotta recognize here is that the you can see the juices of the pork going all the way up the skewer that is a that's a sign of a good satay and you can see that marinade on there it is just caked on there and caramelized on there you can see some chili seeds as well oh yeah [Applause] okay it is amazingly good it's a little on the sweet side definitely those like grills that have been used in use since their beginning adds to the flavor of that satay and then what you can do is you can pick up these green chilies to add some more heat to your mouth after you eat that sweet satay oh oh the flavor of those chilies is amazing and then finally you can use your stick to poke up the lantang which is the the rice cake [Music] and that's just completely plain but that's just a different form of rice to go with your satay thanks to my friends over here hi nice to meet you they said to put some ketchup monies onto the one top right yes okay and all for the satay and on the satay also yeah oh okay okay so this is a an indonesian sweet soy sauce which i will drizzle on is that good or more that's good that's good okay that's a full set i am officially completely just bathed in satay smoke that's my favorite scent the big tree happens to be a big mango tree that the satay is under and they just they literally grill that satay by the fistful they grab a fistful of satay for me to be honest the satay was a little on the sweet side i would have i would have liked it more if it was a little less sweet however i can and i can still appreciate the tenderness of that pork and the smokiness definitely the smokiness of it and definitely that uh like eternal grill is what adds adds to the flavor of that satay [Music] next dish is probably the number one dish that bali is known for [Music] one of the absolute must eat balinese food dishes is babi guling which is roast pig and they i think everybody has their favorite place everybody has a place they love to go uh but one of the top rated baby ghouling in all of uh bali is packed unfortunately you have to get there here really early to see the entire pig they've already chopped it all up and dismantled and and chopped it into small pieces the entire pig but they roast the whole pig here and then they have all the different side dishes and when you order a plate of baby ghouling in bali then they they first scoop you a plate of rice and then they dish everything and then it always comes with a bubbly pork juicy soup as well and it comes with some some crispy pork cracklings and then there's a satay there's some lawar there is some sambal under here and then some pieces of the of the roast pig skin and then under that is some pieces of the actual roast pork and you can see that sambal in there too and let me i okay i'll just i'll just make my first bite count a little bit of everything including pork and skin and lower and all that sambal oh that is a that is a worthy first bite [Music] oh that's that's insane oh that skin is so crispy if you don't have it at the right angle and you bite down it will just like cut a hole in your gums that's the kind of crispy skin you want when you eat bobby goulding oh that that's unbelievably good that has all the components of a wonderful bobby ghouling i want a pile of that sambal okay soup is nice and salty but also really good it has kind of a little bit of an herbal flavor you can taste some maybe some green onions and cilantro in there and then it's just very yeah it's definitely porky and salty that's good another like sweet caramelized pork skewer and now for that crunchy bit and it almost looks like fried chicken skin that's like a pork crouton oh it's so crispy and garlicky as well [Music] crispy juicy porkiness i've had quite a few plates of baby ghouling now in bali i think this is one of the better plates everything is really fresh everything's really vibrant and the ingredients taste very high quality the the pig is they've done a really good job with their pig here i'm gonna ask for some of the sambal can i have some sambal [Music] i'm glad i noticed it on someone else's plate who's sitting next to us but they they missed serving me the sambal goreng which is the the fried chili uh sauce well they're just chilis but fried but normally they would serve it on a complete on a complete plate if you are local but you might have to ask for it if you're a foreigner this is the sambal goreng you can see some garlic in there these are chilies okay now now we are talking here okay that just made it the best baby ghouling i think i've had in bali so far oh man you can just eat this sambal goating by the spoonful it's so good [Music] that sambal goten just takes it to the next level that was an absolutely sensational plate of baby ghouling and now if you look at the line this place is packed it's right at lunchtime now all that that hit the spot that was so good and actually they're they're really nice here as well uh they didn't give me the the sambal goreng they actually was very kind of them because they they thought maybe i couldn't i didn't like spicy but if you love spicy make sure you ask them to to give you the extra sambal goreng that really bumps up the flavor level to the next level it's even good without that but with that it's just yeah that's one of the best places bobby guling i've had really really top notch great place [Music] we made the drive i think it was about an hour and a half i definitely had the the food doses on that drive but made brought us to this little waarung and they are famous for mujayer which is uh a dish that we're gonna we're about to find out what it is and this is a a nice little place so this is where we're eating next oh i can't oh this is beautiful i have these little little cabanas here overlooking the the farm we've got two different types of fish and i think they're all tilapia freshwater tilapia we got one bakar which is grilled and they really know how to grill a fish fast with that blower on super high high charcoal heat and then also one of the bubbling away over here and they're cooking they're preparing one uh it's in the wok now and it's you can smell a lot of herbs and spices in there and yeah i'm not sure if it's like a stew or a curry but it smells incredibly good [Music] we got our own little private table and we are sitting down for some mujayer this is an ah that's a great dish to say it's served on a tray with rice and the water spinach as well as peanuts and some sambal mata which is the fresh sambal and you can just see how it is just caked in that curry paste you can see it's kind of chunky uh i'm not sure what's all in here but uh yeah i can guess a lot of a lot of things that fish and then you can add a little more of that chili that curry paste and put this onto your rice mash it mash your rice down a little bit and maybe get a little bit of sambal on there [Music] yeah it is awesomely good it's like a almost like a nutty tasting curry sauce and it tastes kind of chunky with lemongrass there's chilies in there probably a lot of galangal as well that's that's fantastic and you can mix it with some of the kangkong as well which is the the water spinach and a little bit of the sambal on top of there it's wonderful it's really awesomely good now this is the mujayer bakar which is the grilled fish and they they topped it with some sambal and then they just roasted it over a crazy hot fire with a the blower and again i'll set this on the rice add some of that sambal mata on it that's good too that's like a little bit of a a sweet chili glaze all over it while it was grilled and then you do you do have an incredibly like charred flavor but you got to give it up for the not yet that's the that's the dish here and this is what i think most people order yeah that that's what you have to order when you come here okay i'm getting down to the the bottom of the fish here and what i just just discovered is that within stuffed within the fish is a bunch of the chili paste the curry paste or the herb paste mixture like a sambal in there that you can and pick out of the carcass and dig little pieces of fish and you can you can eat with all that that sambal in the middle there oh look at that [Music] oh yeah that's fantastic i love how they squeeze in some lime to give it an extra flavor another fantastic meal on this indonesian food tour of bali day [Music] this place is called kintamani and that was good we just made it back to ubud and i'm gonna end this balinese indonesian food tour right here it's been an absolutely amazing day of food bali is really a food haven and i hope that this video has given you some ideas of what you some of the must eat things when you are in bali i'm going to leave all of the information in the description box below so you can get all of the restaurants i tried in this video and all the information below and i want to say a big thank you to made who drove us around all day he's the best driver in bali hands down and he's an amazing guy and he loves to eat as well thank you madei and i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it i'd love to hear from you in the comments section below and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now i'm going to be sharing with you lots more food and travel videos goodbye from bali thanks again for watching and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 4,431,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Indonesian food, Indonesian street food, street food, Bali, Balinese food, Bali food, Bali Indonesia, Mark Wiens, street food videos, street food in Indonesia, Balinese cuisine, Balinese dishes, best restaurants in Bali, Bali restaurants, Bali street food best, food videos, bali food guide, Indonesia, things to do in Bali, things to do in Indonesia
Id: wfdVDc4awuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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