Baldur's Gate 3 - Top 5 Spellsword/Gish Builds | Updated for Release!

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today I will be sharing with you my favorite gauge class combinations in other words my favorite spell sword-like characters that use both melee and Magic to demolish their foes I made this guide in preparation for Baldur's Gate 3 I think all of those builds will be viable when Baldur's Gate 3 commas out of course there will still probably some changes we still don't know all the details on multi-classing will the spell casting classes mix together when you put two classes together because there are some rumors about that but even if something like that were to happen and multiclassing will be even stronger well it will make those builds even stronger that I'm presenting today so it won't really change much except that well the bills will just be even more powerful so first things first remember that in Baldur's Gate 3 the class restrictions for multiclassing were actually removed so you won't need to have the actual scores required to multi-class into something else for example if you want to turn your fighter into a wizard you won't need 13 intellect anymore and so on and so on the first thing we should be looking at when creating our powerful Focus like character is synergies between the classes you can make a good single class spell sword-like character but most likely you will probably be multi-classing sooner or later to pick up those powerful next Synergy abilities that different classes offer that doesn't mean that you have to mix and match a bunch of classes to make some crazy hybrid character with three different or five different classes sometimes it's as simple as picking a level or two called a dip in another class in order to pick up those powerful Baseline abilities that some classes have for example Paladin for his heavy armor proficiencies his saving throws and some other useful goodies when creating your spell sword character it's also important to look at the races for example give Yankee right away get the great source proficiency and medium armor proficiency which can be very handy when creating a Gish similarly you can look at the surrealty thing that we'll get later on such spells as branding Smite on Level 3 which lets you add some damage to your attack rolls and as a spell casting slash Melee character it's very handy to have all spellblade-like characters especially ones without Constitution saving Pro proficiency will benefit greatly from the warcaster feat which you can grab on level 4 as any class so keep that in mind while building your Gish as it will allow you to hold your concentration which is very important for melee casters especially if we get the green flame blade cantrip in the full game remember that you also want to look for a mix of classes that utilize the same main attribute this is something very important to keep in mind to just not be mad which means you'd have to focus on too many main ability scores and you just spread your stats around very thin so you want to focus on the classes that utilize two maximum of three stats together so you just won't end up with a character that is just everywhere and is not good at anything so for example if you mix a cleric with a druid you want to focus on wisdom if you focus on the Paladin with a warlock you want to focus on Charisma and so on and so on now with the basics out of the way let us get into the actual class combinations the first one I got for you is a hybrid between a paladin and the BART class you can go two different ways with this combination first one is by starting as a Bard and taking six levels in the class and you're gonna focus on the College of Swords or perhaps Valor if you prefer it because it's gonna give you the extra attack feature and you will also get access to level 3 spells as a barred remember that bards in 5th edition DND are actually full level casters which means you gain a lot more spells and you also are able to cast up to level 6 spells If You're Gonna Go a pure swords College Bard if you want to but you can also postpone it a little bit and get a level of Paladin in the mix along the way so you're gonna get those powerful paladins abilities but remember that you actually won't get heavy armor proficiency if you're gonna multi-class after picking a Bard so if you want to rely on strength and use go The Heavy Armor route you should pick the Paladin first and then The Bard for example two levels of Paladin will give you access to smites smites are very powerful abilities that you're gonna add your damage to your attacks so you can go this way but you can also start out as a Bard get the six levels of Bart first to get this extra attack and also have more spells and then dip into two levels of Paladin to pick up your smites and be able to be even more successful in melee so with this build you actually end up most likely as 10 levels of The Bard with the two levels of the Paladin for smites and that just makes you a very powerful class overall because you're gonna get access to a lot of powerful bardic abilities and also up to level 5 spells so this is just something really good if you want to focus more on the spell casting aspect while still being very good with your flourishes and everything else in melee and once again the powerful smites I can stress them enough because well they are just really powerful to mix with a Gish and also of course you're gonna focus on your charisma in this character but also dexterity if you decide to forego that heavy armor proficiency and be more of an agile type of English then you can opt for the dueling style from The Bard and also pick from the Paladin the different style so you're gonna have more armor class along with more damage from dueling that you're gonna pick up as a Bard you can however just as well decide to go the strength route with the Charisma and just focus more on being a paladin first and then transition into The Bard now a bit more defensive but still as powerful if not more version of the Paladin mixed with the sorcerer called usually the circadin the circadin will have even more spells available to him thanks to the sorcerer's bonus sorcery points feature which you can convert your spell slots into even more Smite uses you can also use metamagic Feats like quick and spell to use haste or Fireball as a bonus action you can start this build with 5 levels of Paladin to get the extra attack feature and then transition into the sorcerer all alternatively you can go to level 7 of Paladin for one of the amazing hours they've off provide namely the oath of devotion being quite amazing or if you want to be a Gish faster you can stick to the Paladin 5 or even than two if you really want and then go all the way as a sorcerer it's also very Worth to consider taking the draconic ancestry white if you decide to go for the draconic bloodline because it will give you access to the spell from the warlock spell list called armor of agatus which gives you bonus hit points and you will deal 5 cold damage back to the attacker and it also scales with levels so it will be actually even more powerful as you level up this version of our spell sword will also make for a great frontliner and a great tank because we're gonna be able to also get the shield spell in the full release of the game which is just another tool that we can add to the already existing ones that we have that will make us even more resilient in combat this build would also benefit greatly from the green flame blade spell but we don't have it confirmed in game yet but I do hope it's gonna come because this will make this build even more powerful on the offensive aspect okay I know we are going a little crazy with the Paladin Gish builds but they are simply very strong and I can't omit another powerful variant especially with the latest reveal of warlocks getting The Pact of the blade with a lot of features from the hex blade namely first ink blade and vocation which will let us make another attack and also of course using our Charisma to add damage to attack and hit rolls we will most likely want to start out with two levels as a paladin to get smites and heavy armor proficiency and then transition to take three levels of warlock for The Pact of the blade that will however delay our extra attack quite a bit unless we continue as warlock for the first ink blade on level 5. alternatively we could go 5 levels into Paladin and then grab three levels of warlock but that will mean we will most likely want to start out as a strength based Paladin and then respect our stats to mainly focus on Charisma once we grab those aspects of the blade features or if you don't want to use the respect feature you might start out with a dexterity Charisma based Paladin and then grab the Warlock levels this is another build where we would benefit greatly from the green flame blade but we are not sure if it will make it into the full game as a spell you lose out on the shield spell with this build unless you dip one level into the sorcerer class which honestly wouldn't be too bad especially with the white draconic bloodline giving us armor of agatus it is also very important to note that you have to start out as a paladin in order to get heavy armor proficiency if you do it the other way around you actually don't get heavy armor as a proficiency if you start out as a warlock so it is important especially since we are going to be taking the pect of the blade from the Warlock to add our Charisma bonus to our attacks so it is important to note that obviously you won't have very high strength in this case and also possibly dexterity but if you don't want to use the respect feature you could just go as a dexterity Paladin and then grab the Warlock and you will be totally fine with using Charisma to your bonus attacks and also you will just be more a thank you thanks to the dexterity from the medium or even light armor now we got the combination that pairs very well together because of the fact that birds typically lack good damage spells and waterlog bars can nicely fix that with their powerful Eldritch blasts but not only that you can still be a great spell sword up close thanks to the College of swordsbard which will will give you flourishes full level casting and some great Buffs the recently announced level 3 pact of the blade features really helped this class out to be very fun and strong build especially with getting 5 levels of Bard we will get font of inspiration which will let us replenish our flourishes on short rests and also some of our spell slots thanks to the Warlock short rest feature usually want to grab three or five levels of warlock first for the extra attacks from firsting blade and then transition into The Bard alternatively you could go 6 levels of warlock first and then grab six levels of college of swordsbar to grab the medium armor and shield proficiencies if you're gonna start out as a warlock the sub because you want to take doesn't really matter that much because it is not tied to the pact of the blade that we're gonna get on level 3 but most people will take the fiend because it has in my opinion a bit better benefits and if you decide to be more on melee combat then range to make sure that you're gonna grab the useful warlock spells especially armor of agates finally our last but not least combination is going to be the Eldridge Knight fighter in combination with with wizard the way we will build this character is by grabbing the Eldritch knight subclass from the fighter on Level 3 and getting it to level 6 to grab both a second attack abilities called Improvement and two spell casting levels because Eldritch Knights progress their spell casting at the rate of one third of a full spellcaster then transitioned into the wizard to cast more useful spells and Buffs you could also go all the way to level 8 as an Eldritch Knight but you will be very light on your spell usage that way but with a lot of fits and abilities for improvements you could grab along with the fighter level 7 features and then in the late game grab 4 levels of wizard to round out your spell casting abilities it's a great build offensively because you will have a lot of Martial prowess but you also gonna have some useful level 3 spells along the way but it will come online pretty late game because you're gonna grab the level 3 spells as a wizard pretty much towards the end of your playthrough but it's still a very powerful combination if you want to be a bit of a spellcaster but still just have amazing fighting potential when it comes to ability scores in this combination you actually don't need to grab a lot of intelligence because in First Act if you don't mind spoilers or maybe you're gonna find it yourself there is a headband of intellect which gonna raise our intellect all the way to 17 so we don't have to start out with a lot of with a lot of ability scores here unless you're gonna use the couple's spells that you're gonna have from the Eldritch Knight offensively instead of defensively for mainly using the shield spell Etc then maybe you want to raise the intelligence a bit more but still there is an item that actually Rises your intelligence to 17 so you can focus fully on strength dexterity and Constitution dexterity actually not that much needed unless you decide to go the dexterity route then you just can focus on strength Constitution and a bit of wisdom for your spell saving throws now as a bonus some honorable mentions for single class gishes who are also viable if you decide on something simpler for your first playthrough I got you you could simply go pure water log grab pect of the blade thristing blade on level 5 for extra attack Gray green flame blade if it will be available in the game and go to town with being a classic spellblade but hopefully will will fit this role as the blade of Frontiers second option is by going College of swords and most likely a Serial tiefling Bard all the way with full spellcasting progression powerful flourishes and probably grabbing the dueling fighting playstyle going Zario tiffling here would be ideal as you will get some nice smites as you level up to Dish up additional damage occasionally note that you will most likely want to use lighter armor with this build and go with Charisma and dexterity to rise that Armor class another honorable mention is the monk with the four elements subclass but we don't have enough information on it yet for me to make a full build for you but from what I heard larion is buffing it significantly with more key points usage and stronger spells comparing to the tabletop counterpart so fingers crossed it will also make for a strong spell flinging class along with martial arts instead of a sword think avatar The Last Airbender type of character there is one more subclass that we forgot to mention that could be considered a bit of a Gish namely the circle of the spot through it for your abilities course you will want to focus on your wisdom and Constitution to maximize your health and also the damage from your Chile like country and also your spores damage dexterity you can keep at 14 to utilize that Medium armor proficiency you will most likely be restricted to using clubs and quarter Stave to use that Chile which will add more damage to your attacks it's important to note that symbiotic entity one of the key features of the Droid of the spores is scaling with levels so it's not very good to multi-class this kind of subclass but you could go for one level of the cleric for the for example domain of Life which will give you even more powerful healing spells if you decide to be this support healer type of a Gish you will still be able to do decently in melee so don't be afraid to go into combat and swing that club while also being able to cast some good offensive spells along the way and that will do it that's my list of my favorite Gish like characters in Baldur's Gate 3 let me know what you thought of it I would love to see you in the comments with your ideas because I know there are plenty other builds that we can use and I would love to brainstorm with all of you about the possibilities in Baldur's Gate 3 also thank you very much for watching my video just seeing this community grow the last two weeks is crazy I just can't thank you enough you are making my day so much better by just being here and then making me enjoy this hobby even more so visit me also on Twitch TV Kendra where I will be streaming different games all the time also up to the release of Baldur's Gate 3 even today after this video comes online I will be live so I hope to see you there if you want to see if you want to have a place to hang out I will gladly welcome you there thank you very much for watching and I'll see you again very soon thank you [Music]
Channel: KainRa
Views: 118,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldurs gate 3, Baldurs gate III, Baldur's Gate III, BG3, BGIII, wolfheartfps, baldurs gate, baldurs gate III, baldus gate 3, baldur gate 3, baldur gate III, bg, baldurs gate 3 best classes, baldurs gate 3 mutliclass, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 trailer, baldurs gate 3 bear, baldurs gate 3 romance, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 gish, baldurs gate 3 spellsword, baldurs gate 3 spellblade
Id: BkXQxadD0m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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