The 10 Worst Quests in Baldur's Gate 3

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in this video we're going to take a look at 10 of the worst quests in balers Gate 3 based largely on their lack of rewards tedious gameplay or negative repercussions starting things off we have the gauntlet of sh while the majority of balers gate 3's main quest line felt solid throughout this quest line in particular sticks out as being frustrating the first time you do it and tedious for all future playthroughs The Gauntlet begins with the softstep trial a stealth Mission which can quickly grow frustrating if attempted legitimately as being spotted by a roaming invisible ghost will reset any progress made once completed you have the selfsame trial where you face off in combat against mirrored copies of your own team punishing you for creating strong characters the final trial is an invisible maze for many players this was the most frustrating puzzle in the entire game as it's not really clear why you're failing it most of the time and nearly everyone ended up just jumping their way through rather than solving the maze using the intended path and worst of all there's not much reward for doing the quest properly the only Silver Lining to this Quest is that you can technically skip the entire thing by using knock on the final door so if you're on your second playthrough I'd recommend skipping it rather than facing those frustrations again in at number nine we have chicken chasing during act one in the Goblins Camp you'll find an opportunity to wag your gold and chase their chicken through a course the idea for this unmarked side quest really isn't that bad but the problems arise when you realize guiding the chicken through the course is unexplainably difficult as the chicken just doesn't seem to move where you want it to it's also easy to accidentally fail the quest instantly by speaking to the chicken using animal handling or by bringing a second party member to the starting area not only is that frustrating but if you complete the quest properly you don't actually earn any other reward even if you wagered 300 gold all you're giving back is your original 300 gold something that many players probably didn't even realize as it's not explained to you this Quest mainly made the list because it's the only quest in the game where the controls feel clunky while also not being fun or rewarding coming in at number eight free the artist beginning in act one you'll have the opportunity to meet an artist held captive by the Zen you'll have the chance to free him here either through paying off the zenam or by defeating them in battle but both options lead to Oscar fleeing the area unlocking the second stage of the quest in act three once there you'll able to locate him again in lady Jan's Mansion if it's your first time doing the quest upon walking in you'll probably be confused when the furniture starts flying at your face as there are invisible Poltergeist around messing with you after speaking with Lady janath they'll even start to attack you afterwards this Quest turns into a gauntlet to run upstairs while the skulls and random Furniture attack you these cursed items can be destroyed but they spawn enemies which are more trouble than they're actually worth when you reach the attic you can solve a simple puzzle to reveal a door with a hidden note reading this note basically explains that coming here was useless as you need to track down somebody else for some further information with this information you can track down the Mystic Kion you can complete a quest for him buy the torch of revocation off of him or just steal the torch but no matter what you pick you have to return to the Attic by going through the haunted house crap again then you can use the torch to destroy the possessed painting freeing the spirit trapped within returning to Oscar prompts a dialogue with the ghost where you can then complete the quest you do at least get a unique reward you'll receive a painting of a random companion in your party a painting that you can't even Place properly onto walls and it doesn't actually do anything pretty lame if you ask me and many other people in the community however one cool part of this Quest is that by siding with the ghost and allowing it to Kill Oscar you'll be given a unique ring which automatically revives you when down once per long rest making it one of the only quests in the game where choosing the evil outcome has a more interesting reward at number seven resolve the abduction during act two upon arrival in the last Light in players can speak with either true Soul Marcus or Isabelle to begin the quest resolve the abduction it's a quest which takes place entirely within a single encounter and has a few possible outcomes the easiest way to do the quest is to side with Isabelle the defeat Marcus and help her survive but if done this way it's not really a memorable or even a bad Quest at all however if you failed to save Isabelle or you intentionally decided to do the evil quest line siding with Marcus then you've basically screwed yourself out of a large portion of the rest of the game in exchange for next to nothing the second Isabelle is down you've just locked yourself out of several quests you lose one companion seven possible allies for the final section of the game and get immediately thrown into a second much more challenging encounter while also making the final boss of act two an even more difficult fight because Isabelle's now krick's side your reward for doing all that you can earn one additional elith parasite power from zerel in Moonrise Towers like I get the evil Quest sign wasn't meant to be as beneficial but this is probably the second most punishing quest in the entire game and it's actually possible to just get unlucky with Isabelle and she sometimes just goes down on her own early on meaning this can happen to you by complete accident the only saving grace for this Quest is that you can easily just not do it don't speak to Isabelle ever and the quest never starts saving yourself from all of these potential risks at number six our fiery friend also known as caras companion quest line While most of the quests on this list are bad because of disappointing Rewards or locking you out of certain content the word bad might not even correctly describe carlax as her storyline is certainly the most controversial of any companion mainly because it was intentionally designed to be a Bittersweet end for this beloved character you'll start the quest by bringing infernal iron to the blacksmith Damon who helps you temporarily patch her infernal engine to prevent her from burning up but soon after doing this he informs you that she'll die soon unless she returns to the hells and that's about the entire Quest outside of that help her to experience a somewhat normal life for the first time in ages and can even help defeat the man who ruined her life but in the end you can't fix her her only options are return to the hells to continue fighting forever turn into a mind flare husk or stay in balder's gate to die what left many players confused is that you're able to learn that the Gans in act three are familiar with engines like hers as gort's steel wash guards mistake her for one of their own so why didn't larion just make the Gans the solution for her instead this Quest received more backlash from the community than any other because no matter what you do it doesn't actually matter matter larion did at least acknowledge the issue and attempt to resolve it by adding the endgame cinematic explaining that she's working on a fix of her own in a verice but many players were hoping for an expansion to her content with some possible DLC to go there and help but with larion announcing that there will never be any DLC content for balers Gate 3 it seems carlac story may never be resolved in a way that many players wanted the community is just going to have to accept that not everyone in fyon can have their fairy tale ending number five investigate the suspicious toys near the refugee camp in Rivington you can stumble upon a donation of toys meant for The Refuge children stuck outside the city however interacting with these toys causes them to explode starting what initially seems like an interesting quest to track down whoever donated these dangerous toys further exploration into the Rivington Mansion progresses this Quest where you'll discover that a nearby toy maker was blackmailed into doing this by the workers of the fireworks shop tasking you to investigate said shop in the lower City during your investigation of the shop you'll learn it's being ran by gort's thugs to disguise their use of smoke powder and no matter what you do the quest turns into kill gort's men because they're the bad guys that's all there is to it there's no depth no way to go to the guards with what you found or even try to Blackmail Gort with information that you've discovered his secret operations in the end the reason they wanted to hurt the refugees is cuz these people are evil not much of a story for a quest that started out pretty cool many players posted about this Quest online thinking they must have screwed up something or misunderstood somewhere but that's the thing they didn't the quest simply feels unfinished and out of place compared to the rest of the game for number four I'm including every quest which involves 20 NPCs in a single fight more specifically quests like avenge gut Circle infiltrate the moonrise colony and confront the Elder brain I wanted to make this one a shared option because it's not that the quests themselves are bad they all have interesting stories decent rewards and they don't really lock you out of any content these quests just share a feature that during the quest the combat is incredibly frustrating to do for some of these fights it felt like the game desperately needed a fast forward option I really love this game but any encounter with 20 NPCs involved in it I will find any way possible to avoid because it doesn't feel like the game was designed with those battles in mind performance takes a hit it wastes your time and you'll be bored doing these encounters on a second playthrough because of it thankfully every Quest involving a battle like this have alternative ways to handle them or secret paths that you can take so it doesn't end up overall hurting the game but they still suck number three dribbles the clown early into act three after defeating a doppelganger version of dribbles the clown in the circus you'll be given a quest to track down the original dribbles the Clown's missing limbs so he can be reanimated by a necromancer on paper the quest is just a boring fetch Quest requiring seven unique body parts that can be found all throughout act three not only are the limbs quite well hidden and easily missed even when standing in the correct location but one of them is found just outside Ball's Temple an area that many players would do as the final task before completing the game finishing this Quest without a guide requires a lot of time and extensive exploration so after all that work you probably expect to at least meet the original dribbles of the Clown again cracking jokes at the circus right but no the only reward are the spell might gloves the same gloves that you could have just pickpocket off the quest Giver from the start but probably worst of all about this quest is after completing it and long resting one time the entire circus leaves losing access to multiple vendors who provide unique items instantly with laran adding the epilog I figured dribbles could have at least showing up at our party to thank us but for now this Quest comes off as the biggest waste of time in all of balers Gate 3 at number two we have raid the emerald Grove earlier I mentioned that the abduction Quest was the second most punishing in the game well raiding the Grove easily tops that during act one you can speak with minara in the goblin Camp to give her the location of the Grove and initiate the Goblins raid beginning a Slaughter of all the teelings and Druids inside raiding the Grove this way doesn't prove much of a challenge as you'll have allies on your side for each of the fights there's also not really any unique or interesting encounters when done this way while the quest certainly is memorable for its dark themes and has several unique cutcenes including the Goblin party afterwards the consequences for this Choice makes it easily the worst decision you can make for the entire game completing this one Quest blocks you out of many Act 2 and three story lines you'll lose access to carlac Will and hson immediately then you need to pass a dialogue check to stop Gail from leaving as well multiple late game equipment vendors are killed here and five available allies for the endgame gather your allies quest line are completely wiped out too all in exchange for one night with manthara who even after doing this requires another dialogue check and additional quests in act two to get her to join your camp but because of community feedback larion eventually chains her to be available without even doing this Quest so the only reason to actually do the raiding the Grove quest in the game is to either role play as a murder hobo or sleep with Menara I feel bad putting such an interesting one as the second worst quest in the game but when they removed Menara from the list of exclusive rewards for the Quest this went from C tier into his own category of dumpster tier and lastly we have save the gandhian located in the steel watch Foundry in act three the player can speak with the leader of the gandan to begin the worst quest line in the game the first step involves a visit to the Iron Throne where you're faced with one of the most unique encounters the game has to offer you have limited turns to save all the gandhian trapped in this underwater prison and escape the ship alive afterwards because it's Unique many people found this one to be a fun little puzzle but saving everyone is quite challenging due to the time limit so let's say you managed to save every gandan in here your quest is still not done your next step is to return to The Foundry and delve deeper inside to save even more enslaved gundian during these encounters whenever you kill an enemy they can drop a motivator which must be interacted with or it instakills the Gans nearby Additionally the Gans in this second room tend to get themselves killed through pure stupidity even on the easiest difficulty you'll struggle to try and keep them all alive afterwards they'll help you to destroy the steel watch Foundry and if the iron hand gnomes are around you'll need to choose sides siding with the iron Hands Grants you their help in the final encounter against the nether bra while choosing to decide with the Gans leads to nothing and I just want to point out that this is almost certainly not intended when I datamine this quest You'll see that there's supposed to be a reward that the gundian gave you a steel watch Ally for the final battle of the game that would have actually made this Quest worthwhile but as of patch six roughly 7 months after the game's release there is no known way to get this I spent hours personally saving every single gundian to test it out to make sure and then I spent several more hours researching every balers gate community on the internet and as far as I can tell there is no steel watch Ally at the end of this Quest so unless it's something that no player has discovered yet the entire quest line to save the Gans is painful tedious and completely unrewarding do yourself a favor and ignore them unless you work at laran Studios then please add the steel watchh Ally to the game like it's intended or feel free to leave a comment saying I'm an idiot and it's been in the game all along now with that rant off my chest what do you think was the worst quest in balers Gate 3 do you agree with the order of my list or did I miss one completely let me know in the comments below if you found any of this information useful leave a like and try checking out some of the other content on my Channel as always thanks for watching have yourself a wonderful day proxy out
Channel: Proxy Gate Tactician
Views: 166,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, BG3 Secrets, Baldur's Gate 3 Secrets, Baldurs gate 3 quests, quests, bg, proxy gate, proxy gate tactician, baldurs, baldurs gate
Id: uOhk-lMChag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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