Baldur's Gate 3 News: Patch 2 Is Here!

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hello welcome back for another's Baldur's Gate 3 video it's T-Bone here and we're talking about patch 2 that is finally live as I talked about my video yesterday and as they talked about in the last Community update this patch will be covering changes for carlak and a couple other features and mainly focusing on act three so they talk about how they introduced Withers wardrobe of wayward friends that's a tongue twister say that five times fast to where if you have a party member who is in Co-op you can store them or bring them back whenever they enter your party and they leave you can store them there so they're not just standing around in your Camp which is actually really cool so if you have a lot of people who just drop in and drop out and you have all these people standing around your camp and it gets really crowded that'd be a convoluted mess so it's kind of nice that you can put these people in this wardrobe and they can sit all nice and comfy in there they talk about plenty of performance and UI tweaks they've added new epilogue scenes for carlak and are working on additional in-game scenes featuring other characters additional car like moments have been added in Act 2 and act 1 as well allowing her to be better allowing her to better reflect on her infernal engine and options available to her so the highlights right here basically introducing the Wardrobe performance optimization across the board reducing the size of saved games which is actually really good um if you save a lot like me so you can do all the different permeations your save files are massive so I'm glad that they produce the size of these this helps out tremendously uh I'm gonna jump in the car carlax stuff and talk about that if you want to skip ahead a few minutes so you don't get spoiled go right ahead but let's dig into that so the patch brings additional car like scenes to conclude the ending in which carlec decides to travel to Vernis so I thought this was already in the game but I I guess they're expanding on it I'm not sure I'll have to do a uh go back to my previous playthrough where she was my romance and see how that goes if karlik is in your party at the end of the game and the blade of avernus offers to go to the hills with her you can now decide whether to go with them go alone with carlak or let them go by themselves okay so that's basically the same because they can go off together anyways now but you can just either go with them or go with her by yourself or just leave it how it originally is add a new moments for companion Avatar carlec to reflect on the state of her engine between acts so that's as her as an avatar so that's only if you're playing as Carlock not if she's in your party add in new moments for Avatar car life to reflect on the possibility of her engine going out after getting her second upgrade okay so I'll have to play through these and see how they are in game but basically they haven't really changed all that much I would assume that you know they would give an option other than going to avernus but they don't they don't have that here you can't fix the engine that that makes no sense um yeah so moving on I have to play and see I'll let you guys know after I play through and see how it goes a few of the different permeations all right if you guys are ready to come back then let's dig into some of the other stuff blockers fix potentially getting stuck in combat as a player character cannot be selected to you in their turn fix issue causing getting stuck in dialogue UI improvements added delete all but latest oh that's nice option for each campaign so you can regain a little storage in a wiggle room add a new icons for equipment that is easier to tell if they've been equipped by selecting either character how did item Rarity filters and inventory that's really nice your turn notification now lists what the character's turn is the character summary on level up will now update and reflect changes with inability scores so they did a lot of UI changes performance optimization improved CPU load May performance improvements related to controller movement improved performance optimization across the game hopefully they fix the uh PC movement Mouse movement as well they finally fixed the memory leaks which is good I need to hot bar icons for a number unlocked and available spells so you can have more intuitive combat fixes portraits and the turn order UI sometimes disappearing under certain conditions I actually just noticed this right before the patch it started doing this for me combat log will now have entries for all items looted from corpses that's nice fixed health bar animation they have various controller fixes uh character sheet fixes I assume a lot of these are getting fixed for the PS5 launch which is actually really good a lot of different combat and stuff for controllers the controllers felt really good but I felt they needed a lot of work and I'm glad they're doing a lot of optimization and stuff for the controllers multiplayer UI fixes secondary local players not having quest locations fix some host error messages dialogue interface settings enable compact feed on split screen if you dismiss your companion to camp and show them into the chasm Withers will now be able to resurrect them so you can shove them into the chasm again probably uh it wasn't that should have been there already that's weird clicking a party member's portrait on the map on the mini map will now select the character and focus on them fix client server inconsistencies for tack of opportunity causing client to incorrectly indicate that the entity will react to you even if it can't prone or unconscious that's actually really cool projectiles now waiting for items to leave inventories I've noticed that the delay on shooting with projectiles fix the hide under dialogue options the helmets can sometimes causing your character to lose their hair after the dialogue I've noticed that portal to the House of Hope will not only become a visible fixed on sewer stormheart Nova blasting right through the isoils dude this is very exciting because this was my problem for the whole battle I would hide behind the thing and the lightning blast will still get me if I didn't kill him like immediately in the first turn then I was screwed so this is actually really good fixture resources not getting restored on your next turn if you join combat late fix certain spells not taking into account inherent conditions fixed flow and scripting character creation level up you can skip the character creation level animation that's nice because that does kind of get annoying especially if you're respecting fixed cares Creations sometimes getting obscurity tool tips on the controller spill tooltips character creation will now always show up in the same horizontal alignment fixed class icons overlapping and level up bar character summary on level up will now update to reflect the changes in ability scores that's nice fixed hailing numbers appearing in cinematic dialogue when you press the button in the think Crypt when talking I'm taking another Stone from Orange dead gortash no longer floating in the air that's actually pretty funny fix your head clipping into will as you kiss on the ground so patch 2 is not as much as I thought it would be I thought they would offer more options for car lack but it doesn't look like it is they just basically have what's there and then expand it a little bit or give like one option um and yeah that that I I don't like that at all um and the only time that they have interactions added from one in act one and two for her infernal engine is only a few players an avatar so if you have her as a companion basically nothing's changed so that's rather disappointing this patch is actually rather disappointing for me uh let me know what you guys think down in the comments uh like subscribe if you think I have earned it and I'll see you next time T-Bone out
Channel: TiBone
Views: 443
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Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, bgiii, baldur's gate 3 release date, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 info, baldur's gate 3 news, baldur's gate 3 information, baldur's gate 3 review, bg3 news, baldur's gate 3 dlc, baldur's gate 3 dlcs, baldur's gate 3 expansions, swen, interview, gaming news, xbox series, larian studios, baldurs gate 3 news, news, swen vincke, Tibone, baldurs gate 3 patch, baldurs gate 3 update, baldurs gate 3 builds
Id: S02xZRijDMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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