first steps into baldur's gate 3 | Arcane Lounge Podcast

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uh let's let's uh let's hurry this one up it's cutting into valuable Baldur's Gate three times yeah it is it is and only an hour of our day not being dedicated to Baldur's Gate three like I like I I gotta wait till the baby's asleep yeah I also have to work so like yeah I'm not actually this is not cutting into any time nothing would happen even though the work I was doing today was just setting up the stream that we're gonna do tomorrow which is going to be uh chat making all the decisions I thought it should be fun I thought I had her good and distracted over here playing with her things and I was sitting on the couch working on something and then I got up I was like I'm gonna sneak I'm gonna sit down I sat down she was like no yeah absolutely not it's it's time to play with me she started walking she did she she I don't know if her first steps were with you upstairs When I Was Gone which sucks but uh she she's just been easing up to it more and more and now she's just like I just went out there just now because Emma's hanging out and playing with her and she just stood up and just walked over to a thing but she has that funny little Mosey walk like this and it's it's it's it's great she she she can't go far distances all right her movement speed's only about 10 feet yeah over six seconds and if she dashes she can go 15 but that's about it if she tries to doubt she normally Falls yeah yeah so Dex say upon dashing yeah DC about dc15 disadvantage because and her Dex is like a six yeah so yeah yeah yeah she's she's got a good strength though strength at least uh seven or eight yeah Craig if you haven't ate strength what's your what's your push drag lift [ __ ] less than 10. isn't it times ten I don't know I was more like can you look it up oh yes I'm sorry I thought you were quizzing me I was like I have no problem sorry he's like [ __ ] you yeah I don't know all right for sure if yeah if we're if we're the if we're Joe Rogan podcast and and Craig's uh Jamie we're like JB pulled that up we're like Craig what's this he's like I'm [ __ ] why do you why do you think I know this I was like oh sorry can you look it up we're just we're just seeing we have to we have to go through Craig base knowledge first and then we just trust that implicitly I do I I trust Craig poor Craig would just be out here throwing pop quizzes at him at all times you do I I I just I just I just be tormented I just look at it myself yeah wait what you just think about yourself no I look it up myself oh I do think about myself a lot though it's a trait of being a Leo oh Lord okay hang on this is this this doesn't take me some while in some scratch paper uh but I'll figure out in a second because it's all baked because you know push Dragon lift is based on your carry weight so it's between your carry weight first oh okay let me clear that up your Curry weight is your trans core so eight multiplied to fifteen or fifteen um so a 120 uh you can push drag lift here a weight in pounds up to twice your carrying capacity what so two so 220 to 240. wow okay or 30 times your strength okay what if your strength score is oh so it's 30 times your strength score yeah whatever that is oh so um her strengths are two yeah she can I don't even think she can poke six push 60. that that that case out there that we blocked the stairs with this is 60. and she it's just like her weight isn't enough she can push that that thing out of the way of this she can she's done it one time then her strengths too she's very determined to move it though then that thing maybe might be more than 60. it might be like a hundred because it's pretty heavy more than that I don't think it's 160. all right this that would be a fun I can pick it up but it's it's hard that'd be a fun thing to do for a podcast episode is find out what our IRL stats are because some people have done it on YouTube before and they go through all the different to go backwards I guess you can just see what yeah yeah what you can bench and that's like your strength and then uh for Dex it's um it's uh I can't remember what it is there's there's a stat that tracks something with decks I don't know is it jump distance no that's still strength um yeah we should we should find out our IRL stats yeah that'd be fun how do you measure charisma a pull out the poll yeah see how much you can throw out on it oh you just quiz the people and then it's it because I mean that's really what what Charisma is it's just how much people like you so I mean yeah you just out that's pretty easy actually yeah yeah we have to do like an IQ test for intelligence yeah geez IQ test sucks I tried to do it one time years ago and I was like this is hard and I gave up so I guess my Q zero zero brain dead oh I hate this look Constitution um it would have to be like put your hand in a bowl of ice have you seen people do that oh well you can actually really easily behold your breath oh because it's uh you can hold your breath a number of minutes equal to one plus your modifier so every minute past one would be um your modifier yeah yeah I feel like I could I feel like I hold my breath for like three minutes yeah we don't we shouldn't do that I feel like my Constitution would be above a bucket of ice might be better yeah bucket of ice yeah that's so easy that is so easy we have to do it for like 30 minutes but if you do it like you cannot put your hand in a bowl but if you do it but if you're measuring D stats then it would have to be like like you would have to like the cold weather temperature is like hours like you don't have to go hours and hours making saves yeah but we're not we're not d d characters we're commoners yeah just regular old people well I guess you're right we'll wait for four months yeah we'll drive for two hours up into the mountains that's that's why I'm saying the breath Holdings easier yeah we do have to pretend we are DND characters because we are just commoners and all our stats are 10. game won't let us change when's the last time we had a XP level three where there was a skit outward oh recently because you guys went up to the mountains and you did that video yeah we were in that January January I was wondering when's the last time we've had uh like a ton of it wasn't just Jacob and all his personas yeah um dressed up in boudini characters it was just me yeah I was there that's true it was just the backyard of Maddie Saban's dad's Saban's dad's cabin Abram who built the table which they let us come up and hang out at but we were hanging out with um Maddie and uh Saban at the time and Grace is walking up to our front door and I have no idea why oh that door's not locked I don't have I don't remember what I was saying we were talking about the cabin oh yeah that's where we filmed that yep yep how would you test wisdom like a perception it'd have to be like a perception you could do like those Spot the Difference things oh that's fun or like the there's that like Tick Tock thing right now where you have to choose what color is slightly different sounds pretty good actually yeah yeah yeah but then it's wisdom would just be like eyesight I know that'd be okay yeah yeah yeah it's pretty cool oh you detect when somebody's lying yeah we should it should be like you just have to do two and then you cross slide both over each other like two truths on a lie kind of thing yeah yeah exactly exactly yeah or you just have to you just have to say something and we have to find out if you're lying or not so next week be a really good like live stream one their live stream podcast yeah yeah because you could have like your feet in the bucket of water the whole time well you over the hour during the during the like ant and whiz one and you we could just be sitting down like Emma get up and like we're gonna have a second camera and kind of like a q a section in like a [ __ ] uh con it's not gonna I'm gonna have people come up and lie to us I'm like I don't know I think if you underestimate how cold your feet would get I'm telling you if okay you put them in there for 30 minutes yeah someone's pulling them out I think you vastly underestimate how warm my body is at all times yeah I wish I [ __ ] wish I don't care about any technology I wish we could freak you Friday yeah I want to wake up and just for a day for you to be in my body and I want to be in yours yeah it would put so many things in perspective for each other we would both just be like oh [ __ ] and we both just get we both like I see it all the time and I'd be like I'd be like jeez it's my [ __ ] back Christ like it would just instantly and then we'd switch back and be like I love you so much I love you we'd be healed forever like we would never what if I wouldn't give you your body back whoa you'd be like I like it in here yeah it'll be like I'm in constant torment please help chronic I get one I don't think I should say that what Craig baby cut this out maybe maybe but maybe but if you don't then this is fine and it's just it I get one day to start an only fans yeah I guess foreign hey everybody you're here still uh did you just go Lincoln bio slay I was about to be like whoa we're rich I'm just kidding um anyways uh so we're gonna do a funny little game we're gonna we we saw in Tick Tock like a few weeks ago that so people were doing like this thing where they list a bunch of like funny names and they try to get the other people to laugh and uh I thought that was fun and then we forgot and then we forgot again and now we're actually gonna do mosquito yeah there's [ __ ] mosquitoes it's that time of year we live near water yeah well okay not really we don't live near water we just have a we just we we live near water yes I was being big on purpose you live next to a really big lake yeah thank you yeah we do there's a huge Lake yeah right in our backyard yeah holy [ __ ] that's crazy [Laughter] it's like didn't Ethan do that on uh uh he did a live stream the other day and he was he almost accidentally like he wasn't in the set oh he almost doxed himself he was like anyways and he says like three seven he says like two things and he goes and he looks around for the button and he's like what is wrong with me anyways um so yeah we're gonna do that if you guys are down uh oh and uh so Craig and I have got some names since you're participating I am and you're gonna be subjected to Craig and I are our Google banter um if Craig just has a list of normal names that might make me laugh more if it's if it just builds and builds to to just what would be nothing we'll see is it bad if I get water here um I mean yeah it is I don't know about how much water you spitting out like I don't think you go if you do this and then it's like if it's like you know blender water physics you know going across the entire thing like that bad if it's like you know a couple squirts I mean it should be okay um you can you can like do like you you will instinctively turn your head yeah we don't have to be we're not going to be on the mic considering we're not the ones we're the ones not trying to do it all right who's going first uh I think you I should go first all right put that water in your mouths that I go in my mouth put that away you just put it in between your teeth whoa you just got a little storage in there oh I drink the water I'm sorry thirsty I'm not playing I'm sorry I just had a little thirsty okay I'm sorry I'll play the game yeah it's just gonna be me talking you can't can't be laughing already this is gonna be way too easy pops dirty on the inside I thought I thought you said that you weren't gonna you weren't you weren't gonna spit don't spit that's not enough water you need to put more okay I'll I also took too much I think I don't think you need a lot because we have to fill those up like eight times okay there's more water right there all right are you ready you prepared these are some names of some people bingus mccringus stunk Fawn peepee bottom Doug Waterson Connery bonnery chip cliff fungus of Minnesota whale barge difficult miffle my throat go to my lung oh God damn it angleaginus the first Tristan piston that's a good one damn it dude do you swallow it oh my God all right we'll keep the same water in your mouth no you're swallowing you get more oh I thought unpredictable of all those I'd probably would have laughed at that one I don't know why all right are you good uh yeah yeah that's a lot yeah okay you ready okay Gunther puke so I was left my own bingas wingus sorry Arthur P spunk well me Emmett giblet a Dilbert that's a straight up um I think that's Gus it's all gibberish I think I guess what's called link shmink and the last one I have is mix Mink's nut that's it sorry I couldn't spell my own that's all I got oh my God I definitely laughed at a few I was just able to keep it in I was just I just had I just got strong realized how hard would be to read back [ __ ] Ward bomb that was the you laughing made it funnier I was like that was funny straight up straight up when he said straight up I was like no I'm this it's coming out it's coming out I was like okay okay there was what God damn I can't remember it yeah the whole garbage um yeah I didn't even get the son of I just that was funny what was after what was after what the single word oh after Dilbert yeah link shmink yeah link shmink God damn it so stupid this [ __ ] brain this should just be this should just be a segment now we should have a segment where it doesn't always have to be names there's gotta be some songs we gotta try to make each other laugh okay because when we played Cards Against Humanity with Colton and Mia that was it's so I don't know what it was we said Giggles or something it was difficult it was so hard because it I don't know what it is when Colton starts laughing we all break and I don't know why and the one that got Colton so bad that all playing cards against me and we have these alternate rules with Jenga and you play Jenga if you laugh you have to take a Jenga piece out say it's a lot of fun it makes the game way more tense but we I thought it was gonna be easy and it wasn't because Colton was dying at a card that it didn't say The Hunger Games it said the hungry games oh no the girl from The Hungry the girl from The Hungry Games that was so funny and I wasn't even laughing at the card I was laughing at him thinking it was funny it was stupid it's probably multi-layered yeah yeah because once once because if Spencer starts laughing then Craig starts laughing you two just you two feed each other so it's a true reaction it's just one person starts but oh man that that was a lot of fun I like that I like that a lot I think plus me as as always as a maniac an absolute psychopath didn't laugh once maybe one time just [ __ ] didn't do nothing not that she didn't think anything wasn't funny she's just really good at just keeping that down I was like dang I was really hoping as we were reading names that like divine inspiration would kick to me when you were like listing off yours I could write some more it was just such a rapid fire I couldn't even I was I was just bracing myself you got it's an attack yeah it's an attack on the that's what they are it's just like my [ __ ] um all right we're gonna jump into questions you guys can ask us those on which uh I'm trying to get another blue sky invite link for Arcane arcade so I can grab that but you know whatever uh if we have to be arcade Arcane on what I have one do you wanna no that you should that should be yours no I have extra oh then yeah where'd you get those I found them it grows Blue Sky invites the what the tree the one that the Wasps live in they they generate Blue Sky invites talk to the Wasps they've got them I want those wasps killed no I want them exterminated no Blue Sky invite for you then yeah wow yeah uh Colleen asks hello everyone since the d d movie is out and has been for a while and there's talk of a sequel I almost said Squeakquel like the Alvin and the Chipmunks that would also be a good uh theme for the water without laughing thing is Alvin and the Chipmunks no just made up movie names oh okay we'll do that next time we'll do that next time um okay there's a sequel how would you write it and who do you cast one of my friends suggested adapting a module and going from there love y'all with a sparkly little heart um I think that would be cool if they did adapt a module but I think that with the way that that needs to work they need to not do that um because I don't know I I liked how they just kind of included a lot of references to other things while doing its own story because when I watched the movie it made me go oh these are some cool ideas that I could make for a campaign and if they make a movie about a campaign already it's gonna feel like they're trying to advertise that campaign and that you should go play it and I think that instead they should try to if they're going to make a media out of something like that it should be to like enhance like things that are already existing so that you don't go into rhyme with a frost maiden and you're like oh I'm gonna run it like the movie um but instead you you can there are ideas that you can take from instead um so I don't know that that's just my idea behind that but I do think that uh they should um either have a cast of entirely new characters or I don't know I think it would be cool to see the characters that were in the first movie again in a sequel um and they're doing like something else but I have no idea to be honest yeah I think it should be new people yeah yeah well it's like new characters yeah it's a whole vibe I agree it should be a different area they should do [ __ ] Water Deep or ball just get Marcy is laughing out there Emma's making her laugh yeah um yeah yeah I the only thing I wish the d d movie had was a little fourth wall break but I get that they didn't want to do that because they wanted to like I don't know set their fantasy Universe I guess but you know that to me would have been a fun d d movie if it was like you you occasionally got to see some of the The Meta stuff and the like they're there but they're very like subtle like that yeah I don't know I thought that would be kind of fun it should be a new cast of of characters but the Paladin guy should come back oh yeah for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely definitely um yeah I don't know I don't know maybe we watched that like a week ago yeah we did and it's it's still good it's still fun sure we watched it with my family because my parents hadn't seen it and I hadn't seen it and we had a good time Leland watched the whole movie yeah he just sat like the whole time and he it was crazy because Marcy was playing and then she'd watch the it's funny she watches the action scenes and then she goes back to playing so she's like I'm bored oh I'm bored oh but Leland literally sat on the couch watched the whole movie and was invested because in the very beginning of the movie when the the baby is on screen like the main character's baby and it's he has to hide in the wall and it's and it's crying she's crying um he Leland looked at me and went baby and like started crying I was like yeah and then he would point and he would like point at the displacer Beast he went Kitty um he yeah it was wild he was scared of the mimic he wasn't scared of the like the liches like zaztam or or the the Lich lady like that didn't freak him out but the mimic did he was like no no but he yeah it was it was just really funny to watch him watch a movie we're like that's crazy he wasn't just like ooh pretty clever colors he like knew what was on screen it was crazy that's cool yeah it was fun it was a good time um Emma put it perfectly and I haven't stopped thinking about it ever since she said it but we watched it and she was like that was good and um her uh her boyfriend chance watched it with us too and he was like that that was crazy and he doesn't really know D D so we're explaining stuff to him and then Emma was like it's a good theater movie and I was like yes it is a good fun little romp that's that's what it is so I guess yeah if there was something I wanted out of a d d movie more me personally I don't know if this is a good idea or not it would be cool to get like a like a more serious darker story but that's not what d d is for everybody that's kind of what Baldur's Gate 3 is Baldur's Gate 3 is like this is the this is this is like like like some this is good writing this is uh it's real dark it's it's pretty it's pretty it feels pretty real feels very human quote unquote human so I don't know that would be cool fun thing to explore but I don't think they'll do that what about you Greg um yeah cosign most of that yeah but I'm sure yeah cool happy wolf asks with the recent announcement of starfinder 2e coming out what and is compatible with Pathfinder 2E what kind of sci-fi class would your characters be for example space Bounty Hunter techno Mage Interstellar influencer Etc well I have no idea I played Star Finder like a little bit and I I liked Envoy Envoy was fun but I thought I was an Envoy Envoy is like the barred one what was I um the pilot pilot one the the pilot one I think I don't know yeah it was a while ago I don't know what what was the first one uh uh Bounty Hunter technomage Interstellar influencer Etc I don't know maybe I guess as xerophys could be a bounty hunter it kind of makes sense no I think it'd be cool to have space cowboy Huck as a bounty hunter that'd be really good that'd be very cool yeah Space Cowboy do you did you ever play Star Finder not really uh we we my home table thought about it for a little bit and I think we wound up deciding between that and what is it called whatever company does the Star Wars one and we decided to go with Star Wars just because Justin knew a lot more about it yeah that's cool narratively so we did that was it fun oh yeah it was a ton of fun I mean just adjusting like photos oh yeah it's always sets he makes sense he built all the stuff we had for like his do you remember it sorry no I'm not gonna go out do you remember exactly what system it was just because I know not anything about it I think it's the fancy flight system the original one with the custom dice whichever one has the app that you can get the dice through because the dice are super hard to get away it's custom dice uh yeah well what's customers in like there are these d12s but they are like some sorts of blank sometimes other things yeah yeah yeah pretty much um that was a ton of fun but Justin also is I think that's why we decided about to go that route because Justin knows just so much about it it was just really really well fleshed out where we would be all kind of in the same lost place that's cool so you can be lost in the system and lost in the narrative we weren't lost in an error but we were kind of lost in the system as we were starting new stuff yep sure sure yeah that's I feel that there's there's something about that that I love though and it makes me kind of it reminds me when I first started playing d d where I just didn't know like what the system was or what it was capable of or what's going to happen there's there's something fun about like discovering like a new system like that and kind of playing anything like I don't know where this goes and I'm gonna and it's all a mystery to me right now because yeah and that's how I feel about Pathfinder right now it's a lot of fun to like I don't know what I'm gonna get when I level up and it's a great time you you all all of you guys have abilities I've never heard of before I'm just constantly excited like when the last episode you were like FaZe bolt is what you cast out I was like the [ __ ] is that you can do like an AOE heel at level one God damn it you can raise corpses you can telekinesis objects and AOE heal at level one in Pathfinder what a [ __ ] Giga chat of a system yeah God damn it that's cool that's how it should be yes the fact that we don't have a lot of resources that we're using per rest that I noticed too there aren't a lot of like you guys don't really have spell slots you ins like do you have spell slots but I have have you used them yes how do you use them they're just like DND I just I got I have three first level spell slots right and what are your first level spells uh I have is Facebook one of them no that's a can trip um I have a lot of can trips as a source is it anime Dead one of them yeah okay dead and heal are both first levels and I have other ones baby I was just thinking about cast them so I won't say your cantrips are just really good and uh beer Bots uh rage is it doesn't have a limit on it and I was just noticing that there it just maybe it's just the classes we're playing I'm not sure but there just seems to be less per day limits which I really really like yeah and I've been discovering that I really like after playing Baldur's Gate as well which does the same [ __ ] into yeah like um there was one that I noticed but I'll talk about it in a second sorry go ahead no I was just agreeing with you like think through cast speak like that is what's happening all the whole day speak with Dad speak with animals you cast it once you use that spell slot well actually not even true um I got speak with that on Shadow heart yeah it's a ritual yeah and it's a ritual so she doesn't use spell slot and then she can recast it throughout the entire day the spell should just be [ __ ] this yes this is this oh that's how it should be and it's great I love it um a lot of things are like the pommel strike the the um a lot of the abilities like that out their short rests so which is just really fun um I like the um there's a bow attack you can do as a fighter I don't remember what it's called I think it might be like brace or something where you use 20 feet of your movement and I think you get like an advantage or something on the oh that's cool on the attack yeah but I mean it's so easy to rest in that game too though you just teleport to Camp like it's not like a d d game where you have to like think about where you're gonna rest or plan it out not saying that that isn't Fun that is fun to play in in games like that but it's what what this is doing is making me realize like obviously it's a video game but man uh having your abilities is more fun than not having them yeah yeah because it's not it doesn't become a now what can I what what am I gonna do now like what what new thing can I interact with it's more like okay Shadow Hearts out of spell slots we're [ __ ] if we get into a combat we just have to rest you know and but the game makes it easy for you to rest and the game progresses when you rest so I don't know it's just a lot of fun it's very cool um that's that's something I think I I want to think about going forward with something that we're writing which we've hinted at on this podcast multiple times in the past but I'm not going to say what it is no but yeah I um I looked up the brace thing you actually rolled damage twice and you take the higher result when you brace that's very cool it's like it's dice it's like damage Advantage yeah that's good that's fun that's very good oh so uh I I wanted to tell you guys um when when the full game came out uh I was gonna play around in it and see how I felt about it but you're just getting a little lower as we're going there we go um when we do our Baldur's Gate descent into avernus which is I want to run after witch late um I don't have plans yet but I I have plans but I don't we're not setting anything up yet we're not like getting character on anything but I wanted to use a lot of the rules that were in Baldur's Gate 3 and see which ones I liked and see which ones I didn't so um so far there's a lot that I like and I'll go over them with you guys and stuff like that but they're I don't want that game to feel like it's this video game but there are aspects of it that I do kind of want to implement and be like it is kind of this video game I don't think I want to be against that cool great uh sounds awesome okay I have a question for you because there was a there was a there was a message in one of our chats and I just wasn't sure is Mia playing the game no oh she was she watching she's watching me do it got it okay um I didn't know she posted she put something in chat I was like I don't know if this means she's playing it or not I think it's only a matter of time because I think her concerns a lot of what as it was a two large concerns both very valid online yeah about the game I think her large concern is the fact that it's it's sold and described as turn based but I don't think it really is turn-based in the same way like we think of turn-based video games what do you think of like Pokemon or older final fantasies where yeah there are turn based games but I think that's like the game lexicon like the game industry likes to con the only that's adaptable to what d d combat looks like yeah sure because I don't think it is traditional turn-based it's just d d combat and I think that she and like most people probably are getting a little confused about that and they go well it's not really for me like but it's a little different yeah because it's just it'd be [ __ ] chaos if it wasn't and it gives you time to think I think it's just I think that's something that as she sees me play a lot more shows oh there's a lot of interaction in it and it's not just because I attack I do the thing I in the same way I'm not a big fan of what would be the gamer lexicon turn based things yeah yeah I actually think Pokemon is the one that's the most fun for me but the ones I've played in the past are just like it the first couple fights are fun and then I get really bored yeah and and what's really cool about Ballers Gate 3 is it continues to make every combat fun like no two combats are the same it is wild you can you can die like I I had to do a fight last night three times because I I kept tpking um and every time I did it it was different and it was so much fun like I I didn't really care that I was dying over and over again it was just the combat wasn't it wasn't like okay this guy does this thing now and then this guy does this thing it was like okay I'm gonna try a new strategy I'm gonna have will cast Fireball and then I'm gonna have um Shadow heart take a speed potion so that she gets an extra action and then the enemies adapt I was like whoa it's different crazy how much fun it is I think that maybe also desert to preface I don't know if I don't know if larion or anyone who is selling the game is depicting it as a turn-based game I just think that people are trying to translate in the way that someone can understand but I think more accurately and I'm starting to see this conversation it's getting Sprout up as the game's only been off like a week to the public of course it's been out for a year for uh Early Access um it's more similar to games like x-com and like real-time strategy games oh yeah I guess it is because there's movement you can interact with there's different I didn't even kind of set it in which we're just describing there's more there's different strategies and ways you can interact with things and I think as we get just a better understanding of the game because it is so kind of different yeah um but I think Mia is starting to go go oh I I see what people are talking about now that's not what my issue is yeah yeah there was a Warhammer game I played like last like right when we moved in because the sets came out I was on a little bit of a Warhammer um um cycle and uh uh uh it was RTS and now I'm thinking about it I'm like it it is actually way more RTS than it is um turn based except instead of moving units with guys in them it's just one person yeah yeah with a bunch of things it's kind of how XCOM is yeah at least at least the newer ones that's the funny thing is that I've always been describing Boulders 3 combat as turn based as a positive and I never thought about it in the way of like oh that's what people think about when they think about turn base because I just don't play them a lot because I'm not a big fan of the old bulger's gate games and the icewind Dale games are you know from the from the early 2000s and the 90s because they're not they're the they're like they're real time but you pause I don't know what this is called you pause and you tell everybody what to do and then you unpause and then they do it all at the same time and then you pause and then you can tell them what to do and then pause and I mean that's the closest thing I would call it was turn base yeah yeah that that is I hate it like I it is it was so hard to wrap my brain around it it is very chaotic yeah I I just did not enjoy it and so when I would like so that's the old games uh dragon age is kind of like that too and to be fair I I do like they did figure it out a little bit more in Dragon Age and it feels like better because it's not as old and oh it's because it's all BioWare like BioWare did did a bunch of that yeah and um I so when Three is coming out I've been like oh and it's not that shitty one that you know that we've been playing with for years it's this new d d turn based version and it was funny because when it first came out and we were doing our rehearsal for our wedding um uh Logan was there and I was telling everybody about it and Marshall was like that sounds so cool and Logan was like yeah no and I was like oh what he's like I just don't like d d combat and I was like oh okay weird and I was like huh and then I kind of understood like in the moment I was like that's kind of strange and then like the next day was when he uploaded his like d t combat like sucks video and then we went at our honeymoon and then we came back and that was the first thing I did was I made a video being like Logan what the [ __ ] are you talking about so yeah that was just funny how that history had a good observation about that actually yeah you said that it's like d d combat but from the DM's perspective only yeah so and she's like oh that's way different than what I thought it was going to be so it's like the DM controls everything which is kind of a cool thing yeah yeah you get to see the hit points of the monsters you know what actions they're taking you know might actually know how much damage they do like you're seeing you can see their armor class um you yeah you know what they roll even um so yeah it you can even right click on creatures and get their resistances so it yeah yeah it's pretty cool it's pretty cool um I don't know what we were talking about we're talking about we we went from Star Finder I think we may have tangented it into well as you liked from Boulders game got into that yeah yep oh we were just talking about Star Wars and then it went yeah yeah man sorry guys we went off um rule system uh Newt one lizard asks if you had to fight a planeswalker to the death with the only items in the room who do you think you'd have the best shot against and what would be your strategy um I don't know uh Karn what uh the biggest planeswalker this much water magnet there you go some large he's like oh no that's not how Carn works the biggest place is he the biggest one yeah how big is he oh I guess you guys technically new nickel ball is the dragon God bottom yes but like like of the humanoid ones yeah yeah he's huge you know what we have a Wiki for that oh Jason because I'm stupid he can't delete what's what's if there's nothing there and I just I just kick him over he'd be like ow oh um frass guy just closed my eyes and I go unfortunately that's how it works for her I shouldn't have snakeheads she just goes you're [ __ ] Stone oh well [ __ ] yeah uh uh uh uh um uh Ellie Wick tumblestrum I'll just kick her over just kick her yeah I'll use the not my prop nazuel blade that's sitting that's sharp yeah that thing it is sharp I kill I get her I get her I get her I mean come here she'll be like ah yeah and she'd summon a bear but well they're tied for height a Johnny and carnival six six whoa some tall guys what about you Spencer I think I I think I'd just die you just perish most of them yell I don't think I can't think of one that I could I don't know okay I would there's two that maybe people have a chance against there's there one of the unsets have urza but he's just his head on like a table fridge yeah and then Astro the last onset just has a dog I was in a space suit are you talking about the on the or is the one where you have to go to a website yeah yeah abilities you're just a head you're just a dog that's probably the best friends I just want to say that's really [ __ ] funny that they printed like go to a website and it's RNG that is that is really funny I don't know if it continuously updates because before the time it would give you any Planeswalker plus or minus I actually don't think it's up anymore oh well that's because I think I tried to go find it and it was like nope yeah but I think somebody made one that's up somewhere so yeah yeah um yeah that dog I just I I'd use I don't know oh do you think you could seduce someone seduce one and then kill them later like yeah long con I don't know you mean like trying to fall in love with them yeah and then like when they're when they're weak and they're in their wow and they're I don't know what state like like that like Ben sorry this book uh like Benny in New Vegas you know right after you sleep with them you just kill them God I don't know get that coat yeah they're all there's not one real ugly one or the bunch you can do that with Jace probably how about he reads your mind he'll know you're long gone no that's his whole thing damn it uh uh you're you're right you're right you're right all probably a Johnny who is already dead yeah okay not Johnny uh I'm sorry uh uh Gideon who's already dead there you go you get in yeah because he's so trustworthy yeah he's like you've never done nothing wrong you're like God just be like oh I wish I could get out of these demon packs that I signed and it you look at him like that oh I'm so tormented by all these all these demons and he's just like I'll help you and then and then you he's riding he's bouncing enough all right yeah um I can't stop listening that song it's a good song I I I didn't listen to it as a joke at first I did and then I was like this is a good song you like it it's pretty good modern day love story freaking mosquito in the land I'd kill him oh I caught that bug mosquitoes flies really slow thank you yep um sorry I threw away all the questions that's right they're gone um dang wow it didn't actually reload all of them uh the buyers regret YT hey y'all really enjoying the eberron campaign thanks so much we are too I honestly after game two I'm like this game hits different this game hits [ __ ] different Jackson incredible DM everybody's made soup like like everybody's characters just everybody popped off yeah like it's every time we start a new campaign everybody's like cool I'm gonna take everything I learned from the last campaign and I'm gonna make an even more interesting character with 10 more layers of nuance and I go anyways God damn it even I love Colton to death even Colton has been just going like nuts with beerbot like beerbot's been saying some just Cold's been saying some Banger ass one-liners God damn being a DM I've been thinking I really really could I I've been thinking way too much about when I went because seraphis was like barebot you uh you you must be scared or something like you're paranoid all the time you're questioning everything and he's like like Colton just looked at me and he was like I I for a long time I followed orders of people maybe I didn't agree with and now I have the chance to question that and I was like whoa that makes me think about his character so differently yes so different from being like we have a paranoid uh warforge to oh he's holding himself back holy [ __ ] that is crazy anyways um sorry uh ever on tangent what's a PC or character id you've been wanting to try but haven't been able to yet uh I don't know I don't know if there's some new spells I got for leveling up yeah I'm just like yeah just cooking is this is this what do you what do you what are you responding to right now the question oh no I mean it's like you guys in this earliest part are now like the current thing you're trying to work on the current like thing you want to do you're Now can do yeah yeah spells [ __ ] spells and Pathfinder insane yeah they're cool they're cool very ready the tombstone one that's like ninth level but if I if I live it should be there's a spell in the [ __ ] disrespect puts you in the ground and then put the spell makes a tombstone yeah and we were just like what then you get to decide what it says on it Jesus Christ it is just [ __ ] me that me that big dick it is soon the yeah just done on them just just you're [ __ ] dead dead Tombstone and it says pee pee poo poo he died like a doo doo and wow their entire life up to that point you did everything to get to that [ __ ] man that's that's relentless azarefis is honestly a character I've wanted to play for a long time Tara is like Tara isn't Tara's somebody I made for the campaign ended up being like wow I really love this character but a zerefus I've been a woman played for a long time I I've played stick before this yeah you played stick in a uh Jordan years ago ran a I think it was before we were streaming ran a um game in uh Shadow run Shadow run but we didn't play Shadowrun we played um Savage World Shadow run and it was a lot of fun and yeah I played um I played it we we all uh like our team was around like insects for some reason it was really funny and so uh my character's name was roach and I was an orc with a shotgun and it was a lot of fun and I was like I was like bro I I had the car like that was my character um and then you were uh you were stick you were stick and you vomited at everything and vividly remember one time when somebody got like iced and like their brain came out of their nose and you were like and it was a lot of fun yeah and I was a drug dealer in that and that's the only like one of the few things that and I remember I kept with the character we were gearing up for everyone you're like I think I'm gonna play stick and I was like yes sticks stick was great and it's sad because roach and stick had a had a fun relationship and I've had to forget all of it and be like no you're just so you're just a little [ __ ] guy I was sleeping with your girlfriend it's the opposite now yeah we haven't got to that yet you know stick doesn't have a girlfriend yes you get somebody I got somebody yeah they're they're they're almost they're a friend of yours that is a girl yeah yeah that's more like and we were just like yeah well you'll see stick lived in your character's your like Penthouse that had many many rooms but I had to sleep in a closet [Laughter] you were very like stat stick was always running with Jesse Pinkman yeah like you were just you were just Jesse Pinkman yeah and it was it was a lot of fun and it wasn't blue it was not blue um what's a character concept you wanted to play for a while Craig um you gotta you got a character on the back burner you've been like Ugh want to play this so bad yeah I mean I guess I talk about a lot but that one palette and I want to run um that was lazarus's alternate um yeah but yeah he he just looks like a angler an anglerfish yeah yeah and he was like a cannibal I think it'd be cool um it would be cool and then the character that um uh if we wind up doing um bulge [Music] um that character is very because so so Lazarus was based on my other character kale who have very I have a lot of it's very important um the all the other person that because I only really have two that are like that important is um the character that I might bring for Ballers for descent yeah cool so cool cool whatever that is which is Cavalier fighter I'm a huge fan of [ __ ] Cavalier Fighters oh yeah oh yeah yeah please play that you know please play I think the plan is too it just comes down to how it all kind of lays out yeah we'll see I'm playing warlock yeah I'm not sure I'm not going to say what other people are playing because I'm not out of every campaign we've ever run besides maybe icewind dale ice ice when like a lot of our campaigns just don't have the room or the space or it's too clunky and weird to play somebody with a mount yeah ice Swindell could have worked because yeah that came it's a little built for it yeah but not like descent or the way that I'm gonna run descent I think the trick is whether or not I do something similar to um to Spencer doing even fall we have the brother sister combo because I also kind of want to play because that character has a brother that I also was originally going to bring for our icelandale game oh cool that we played those first couple sessions with yeah um they're related so I don't know if I want to start one and then switch into the other or what I'm gonna do we play so we played um before we started our icewind Dale stream we started our own home icewind Dale game and we played like two or three games and yeah it just never continued after that but yeah I do yeah I remember that that's funny um that's cool that's cool soon's cool yeah you want to see yeah yeah I was told that you there was gonna be like three monks like you guys were thinking about characters for descent and I was like three monks like I yeah I was I thought you and and Mia were gonna be monks and then Colton's like I might play monk two and I was like I will say that I'm fine okay the reason I'm fighting with how I want to do that is because I know that that might be a potentiality that me and I go monk together and then if Colin did say that it's potential it's possible it's like our uh I think four Fighters I wouldn't be surprised BG is also a character I think has earwarned my way into my heart and I'm like I would love to put that big old cat fighter from the from the the um yeah uh redwick that we did yeah the character I played in that is is no potential to come back yeah yeah have we said what you're playing and what I mean we've heavily implied oh I'm playing I meant for that I played in the questo one shot and then uh we were talking to Colton about it Colton was like oh interesting and he's like what are you we made Colton go oh God as he started like figuring out he was like what what's like what's your class and he was like oh warlock of and uh you what did you say I didn't say anything I think he just put it together he was like warlock he was like what's the name of that oh yeah I see where we're going yeah yeah sorry if you haven't watched icewind Dale but that's for the Iceman I'm a toot our own horn it is our best game on yeah it is it is phenomenal I'd I'd watch I Swindell I would sit down and watch it in the background it's just good it's a quality content I I don't know if we will and I gotta get it out of my head but like when I think about Baldur's game I'm like there's a little bit of me he's like oh I gotta recapture some of that magic and it's like no you don't no you don't you just you let the game be the game and you see what happens because you know but it's the same table it's the same table though so I'm like it's gonna be fun it's gonna be a good time and if anything it's just gonna improve off of what I learned with icewind Dale because I had never run a game for that group like and uh never for uh Mia either yeah and now that I've run that game and strix Haven with having me in it and then having you four again um and just kind of sitting in that group for a little bit and then this game's gonna be like half pre-written half um Homebrew um it's gonna be good it's gonna be good that's something to say because I think a lot of it is when I think about Lazarus and my time in the channel live is like the first real like comfortable character I got um Mia's comfortable character is going to be in Bulger game because she was able to do immolation um Swiss and Stella yeah who were my um Baron Tiff and oh I can't remember wherever so now I think we're going to get yeah I'm gonna get some some bangers oh God it's gonna be it's gonna be a lot of fun it's gonna be a lot of fun um oh man I have so many ideas I have so many things uh oh sorry go ahead we should do a state another state of the game but like you should do I was talking about that there because while I was looking through the channel there was like a like a uh I don't know a channel update that'd be a cool little thing to do yeah just kind of what's going on what's coming up yeah a little Channel update oh what's coming next year yeah what will the next couple like what we'll do what's what's watsi's next one yeah yeah we'll do here's our Q4 uh Q4 to q1 into next year I gotta be honest I have no idea what q1 Q2 and Q3 start or end I know they mean the quarter of the year but I don't know I don't know when they start and when they where I know q1's here January 1st and end of Q4 is the end I don't know where all the other ones are seasons it's 12 months so three months per but that's not even what the seasons are the [ __ ] winter starts in November yeah now yeah anyways who knows um honkshu never alone because pinworms sad face asks whoa what a roller coaster I also just want to point out that somebody in the Discord asked when the pinworms started and somebody found it they were like but as if as if they knew like that they were like oh the pinworms are here and it's like you guys know that well you guys remember the pin by the way over a year ago oh for sure so long ago um I don't know if you all caught the previews for the future of MTG but what's got you almost excited for the upcoming sets [ __ ] Fallout holy fall sorry sorry I I didn't I didn't see anything I was in the middle of playing Baldur's K3 and then I see our group chat and Craig's like Jacob you have to pay attention to me right now I can't believe I'm the first one to tell you this and you sent it and I was like the [ __ ] is this but but there's this upcoming E3 like it's just his Fallout and you're like oh no it's magic and I was like and it's for Commander Decks that are like Warhammer they're gonna be Fallout and I was like that was I was [ __ ] losing I'm so excited I'm so excited the only thing is that I think they're gonna be like I think they're gonna be like their Wasteland Warfare stuff and it's going to be probably more three four Eastern whatever themed but if they've got an old if they've got oh if they've got like Fallout one two New Vegas in there if Joshua Graham is a card I will I will eat a pack I mean there's on camera I think that looking at Warhammer which I would say has a more dense lore yeah yeah and they went pretty hard into it you're gonna get everything you want out of it and no way because there's already so many factions based up you're going to get faction based minutes [ __ ] have with Caesar as a card I will I will go insane I want you to sometimes you're gonna get something like that I will eat a pack for Joshua Graham because I don't think I will because I don't think they're gonna make him a card he's from the he's from a New Vegas DLC it's not gonna [ __ ] he's a beloved character Bethesda hates their fans I mean I'm just kidding they'll they'll for sure at least have a reference like a flavor text right yeah if he's in a flavor text I'll eat one card you're not eating cards I will eat a card I I will but if he is a card for if he's two cards he two packs all at once but like slowly throughout the day I'll record myself I think they're not gonna make him a [ __ ] a [ __ ] hard I know they won't so I'm not eating a pack they're not they're not they're not they're not all of that two of those decks are gonna be dedicated to the Brotherhood alone they they love the Brotherhood so much 76 floor is going to be in there you're gonna have one deck Brotherhood deck for sure yeah Brotherhood Brotherhood NCR for sure then Institute I mean I mean yeah I was like no way we don't get away from synths and robots from Institute and then one Yeehaw yeah yeah wastelander California you've got the railroad [ __ ] them you've got Caesar's Legion which is New Vegas you've got the NCR no you've got the Brotherhood you've got you've got the uh did I say Institute Institute for sure yeah it does at least three yeah yeah you've got uh mutants I feel like um The Institute and railroad could be one deck right yeah yeah different commanders mutants could also an Institute but Institute I don't know if they'll do factions like that I don't know how they're gonna do it um you've also got varying levels of Brotherhood you have they have two versions of the East Coast Brotherhood there's the outcast slash Maxon it also I don't know what they're doing they probably won't do anything with timeline but you've got like the current Brotherhood which is like this new which is Fallout 4 Brotherhood you've got ancient Brotherhood from 76 you've got sheltered Brotherhood who are on the west coast I don't know what the [ __ ] they could just do all of it in one deck um that's complicated it is complicated but I just don't know how they're gonna do it and the way I look at it when it's only four decks I'm like I think is that confirmed it's only four I looked it up I mean and it has to be I think it's only four yeah yeah but no way we don't get like we wouldn't get a ton of what we works for for sure also less than a year let me check right now crazy I'm just saying I I am still excited I should say I love all of those things I'm still gonna love it to death it's gonna be super fun it's very hard with it it's in q1 so we'll get that January look at that in April oh it is the third thing in q1 yeah so it's gonna be like April well that's okay that's really exciting and obviously I'm very super down for this um but oh you've also got you've also got gangs um you've got um You've Got The Enclave there's no [ __ ] way they won't do the Enclave because Bethesda doesn't understand whatever it's fine um but it's whatever it's I'm cool with whatever I'm um I'm I'm happy with it so the trick is but I'm just saying there's that many factions there's only four decks my ass Joshua Graham's in that if we look at it it is less about what Bethesda or the original Creator wants and more about what the Watson creators make the only real like like collab collab we've seen like 50 50 that we've seen of course they could not show it is Lord of the Rings yeah where like the team was like heavily involved um but I just want to say though Dan's Workshop wasn't neither was um uh uh I don't know what the BBC BBC wasn't either um I mean there are just fans that are very passionate about it within Watson that are doing these things and he's like that's the thing is it's like I they were were we good to Lord of the Rings and they were really good to uh warnhammer so I I have a lot of faith and I would I that's why that's why I'm saying because we've never gotten something the closest we've gotten to something like that is the Wasteland Warfare minis they did do New Vegas stuff with it they did um they did Caesar's Legion they did the they did the sakurotrons and it was like holy [ __ ] and they did NCR I was like whoa that's cool aryan's modifias but you know it's it's cool that they did that so we'll see I'll lose my [ __ ] um if Hoover Dam is a land card that's all I need for sure I'll go oh cool uh this is gonna be amazing that's that's it so whatever yeah it um we're we're we kind of got [ __ ] sniped by by watsi with by that by that uh announcement that they did with all of that is very wild how the the Western [ __ ] uh setting holy [ __ ] Thunder Junction God damn that looks weird this is a joke with her with our home game that we play with Justin or RDM at the table that runs our match together that we've completed I don't know if I've said that but we completed the whole thing like five year Journey it's done super um level 20. uh he made a character that was a planeswalker named uh Carston who's very very cowboy-esque and then they announced Cowboy set he has done that so many times and like he brought he brought up the idea of Rin and seven destroying the world tree before it was even announced in the lore so we always meme about him going he's just a watsi plant yeah dude and we're just a play test group he's like yeah all right I'll report back Mia this [ __ ] is like Carson Cowboy land we're like okay Cowboy then get sent like Justin what are you doing my guy what are you doing we were talking about that a while ago like in our group chat I can find the goddamn receipts but we were like somebody we we were just talking about magic somebody's like what kind of setting would you guys want and Jordan and I were like do like a western would be so [ __ ] cool and then me and I were talking and we were just like I feel like I'm being wiretapped like I'd legit feel like I hate to say this because I [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Watson God damn it I hate and I love them but I it really because of what they've seen from what they deliver with magic and with with all these announcements stuff and I'm like the the it kind of just feels like us sometimes when I see content that comes out of like the the actual cards and the lore that they do with it it just feels like a bunch of nerds oh for sure for sure we I feel like we're in tune with that sometimes because I am constantly getting just like here here's Lord of the Rings here's [ __ ] Fallout I'm like are you I'm sorry like yeah like it's just crazy it's just crazy so yeah it's really cool just just go real fast for the next year we have which is another fun point that um I think I was making uh yesterday that you can there's now going to be so many Ravnica sets because the year starts off with radical remasters yeah uh similar to dominary remastered that you can track people joining the game by which dumb which replica game they joined in because you guys weren't playing when Ravnica was a thing previously yeah so this will be your first Ravnica set oh that's fun Mia started playing in the third well I started playing in the second one so now it's like everyone you can track them where they're that's cool that's fun so there's Ravnica remastered there's Murders At Karlov Manor which is in Ravnica setting but it's not gonna be based around the guilds so the first set not based around the guilds that one looks really cool Fallout Outlaws of Thunder Junction which they've said is an entire villain set villain it's based on villains of the series so all that thing you sent is very likely to be all those characters oh my gosh yes for sure yeah yeah it's it's like it's the five of them in the sunset walking up and it looks like rakdos Chase um uh tiny bones veraska Jace uh OKO the new character we've not seen before and raktos oh my God very cool uh modern Horizons three uh Assassin's Creed yeah that was really weird yeah Bloomberg what's glutenberg Bloomberg is the little rat fighting that the little rat Knight and the little mouse little yeah the little Despereaux or whatever yeah he he's a little he's a little Knight and I think they're all animal based it's very cute and then dusk mourn what the [ __ ] is dust more in the house of horror biblical Angels it so that's something nuts I I tried to explain it before uh in the chat but my mind was blown the entire time that angel is a massive wall yeah and her feet is a door the entire plane is a mansion that's cool it's a haunted mansion plane that's all it's all contained within one huge space that isn't Mia did send me that yeah yeah okay um that was what I was saying though because I was like I love a lot of this but a lot of this is right like they just they they were like oh looks like Tyler likes to spend money on Magic the Gathering here's Haunted Mansion here's Assassin's Creed here's uh just fall out uh here's everything you [ __ ] love and it's like she oh my God oh my God yeah pretty crazy very excited pretty crazy new stuff and then they talked about the next year or the year after that large Concepts a lot of very cool [ __ ] come too so yeah it is hype as [ __ ] we're hoping for Destiny we we want Destiny crossover so oh my God that'd be crazy it is not next year or next year but God if we're in video games now yeah yeah people have been posting that they've been posting like um MTG X and it's something else that saw somebody do like JoJo's bizard oh my God it was so [ __ ] cool I wanted to so badly post uh uh that with Attack on Titan and I was at which you know would be really cool but I was like I'm winning enough yeah I'm I'm winning a lot yeah I need to sit down he's so [ __ ] cool oh [ __ ] so cool yeah yeah do you know what's I don't know why I'm randomly thinking about this right oh there was more to this by the way it also said also Mr buds your impressions of random characters murder me every time don't let these two deviants stop you wow and then to the two deviants I apologize you're fine oh no of course they posted um a picture of Grimace blowing up Rorschach God that would have made me spit water everywhere yeah I'd have been gone that's super funny um thanks I not often I am uh here we go uh in the in the eyes of the audience I praise you all the time [Music] we were in bed the other day and you were like we were talking about Metacritic for some reason oh we were talking about it because I said the Metacritic review for Baldur's Gate wasn't out was late by like two or three days because a bunch of critics couldn't finish the game yeah and now it has like four reviews it's above like 90 or something like that and you were like what's like the highest rated what's stardew Valley I was like and we looked it up it's 87 and you were just like that's dumb and I was like oh it's because it's right when it comes out yeah it's right when it comes out um and and and to be honest Bethesda would let you have a sequel so just you know 87 is enough for a sequel according to Bethesda anyways um uh uh the greatest [ __ ] video game of all times like 84. so New Vegas um but uh uh uh you were like what's what's that list and I was like you were like does any game have 100 and I was like there's I don't think a game has 100 but I'm but there are there's I think I could tell you like what the top five are and you were like what's number one and I was like I think it's Ocarina of Time and I looked it up and it is it is still 99 and it's still number one and the number number two is is it red dead surprisingly red Dead's like six it's red dead two is really high up there no it's not six it's I was very surprised how high Red Dead Two is up there yeah um no number two is Tony Hawk's Pro Skater yeah oh for sure and then that makes sense that makes sense yeah yeah and then um I think I think it's like GTA four or five and then it's um yeah then and then it's like tons of games that we are we already know and [ __ ] like that but yeah pretty pretty cool um breath of the wild is up there obviously but yeah it was it was surprising to see that but you have to remember these are like reviews like when the game came out yeah so like that that's that all you have to remember that this isn't now this is the the weekend the game launched this is what everybody gave the game and so yeah yeah that that that that yeah anyways I was I was surprised to see Red Dead 2 up there it is a great game yeah they're putting it on the switch no yeah no I think I saw that today I know I hope so that'll be cool I I 20 FPS Craig I want motion controls I'm gonna like this on my horse you go like this to yeah yeah well I'm trying to catch someone with a running yeah I'm like come here you Witcher ran like [ __ ] on the screen I saw there's no [ __ ] way someone put running on there link like toon link with a cowboy hat and cowboy boots on he has a gun wait wait
Channel: Arcane Arcade
Views: 15,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, d&d, dungeon and dragons, 5e, game, live, play, funny, characters, players, monster, idea, inspiration, rpg, dm, how to, pre written, xp to level 3, zelda
Id: KEC00jfHrPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 17sec (4097 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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