Baldur's Gate 3 - Honour Mode Speedrun and Achievement Tutorial - Setup and Act 1

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hey everyone I'm Kronos and this is part one of three for my guide on speedrunning honor mode for balers Gate 3 this guide will teach you how to complete the game in honor mode and get the faux Hammer achievement within a few hours as this is a speedrun route it will contain glitches to go fast I am currently also working on a glitch list run for Honor mode as well so if you want to see a speedrun without these use of major glitches make sure to subscribe to be updated for when it comes out first thing to note is I am currently playing on patch 5 so some of these glitches may be patched in future releases I will also give some alternative routes for the run as well to make it easier or less glitch heavy for any of the difficult Todo tricks for setup at the run the only major option that we need is to have the interact key bind here down to a scroll wheel command in this case I have shift plus Mouse scroll up this is the only control that is necessary to do the wall clips that are used within the run there are also some other useful keybinds such as toggle tactical camera make sure that that's a key that you are comfortable with using and there's also some additional settings that you can have for in instance in videos you can lower your settings if you're having performance issues I believe we also cap the frame rate to 60 to help make some tricks a bit more consistent and just safer in general since it's more stable and for gameplay we also have karmic dice on so we have less failure streaks so now we're in character creation so for our origin we can choose either a custom character which we'll refer to as our Tav or you can choose the dark urge so if you choose the tab you have less dialogue options and addition you have to do an additional skip in act three so this is what speedrunners would normally choose while if you choose the dark urge you'll have more cutscenes and dialogue that you'll have to go through but you don't have to do an extra trick in act three for our race you're going to want to select either a light foot halfling or a deep gnome gnome and this is because both of these classes have advantage on stealth checks which you can see there and here and their small stature allows you to be carried so this allows you to do some tricks such as getting picked up to have infinite status on your character and some other things that will be explained later in the run for our class we're going to choose a wizard this is because they have a lot of spells and can trips that are very useful to have for the run for our canant trips we're going to choose one of Firebolt or Ray of frost this is because you need one damage can trip to use later in the run along with minor illusion to be able to distract some of your enemies in act two for our spells this is where it's going to differ depending on the route that you take for the speedrun route we're going to select enhanced sleep fog Cloud featherfall witch bolt chromatic orb and Magic missiles so for enhanced sleep and feather fall these two are very crucial spells because they allow you to navigate through very tough sections by just jumping past them it's also faster to just jump everywhere than just running so that's why we have those two spells they're also used for big skips by being able to clip through walls we also use fog Cloud to skip some enemy encounters because of how it removes vision from the enemies we have witch bolt that is used to do caic fight and then for the speedrun route we're going to need chromatic orb for Shadow Boxing and Magic missiles just helps sft that by allowing you to kill Shadow heart faster if you want to do an easier route where you don't have to do the big nautiloid Skip and you don't want to do Shadow Boxing remove chromatic orb and replace it with long Strider this will let you do the nautiloid section without having to do the big nautiloid skip which is very useful for that section because it is pretty difficult for our background you're going to want to choose either a criminal or an urchin this is just for the stealth boost that each of these have for our abilities we're going to want to have the maximum number of strengths so that's 17 strength and then 16 dexterity then we're going to have 10 Constitution and 14 intelligence so the max strength allows you to have farther jump distance so that's very crucial for a speedrun since it's the fastest way to navigate within the game for de dexterity it is used for our initiative roles so if you have a higher dexterity you'll be more likely to go first in encounters which helps in the naid section and for intelligence we want at least 14 to have three prepared spells to start with and then we just put the rest of our points into Constitution just for safety so for our prepared spells depending on which rout you take you will have enhanced sleep chromatic orb and Magic missiles otherwise instead of chromatic orb you can have long Strider so it would look something like this and yeah so I will go through the speedrun route first here so here are my selections and then you can edit your character's appearance and whatever however you want can name your tab whatever you want as well and your guardian character does not matter so once you load into the game you're going to skip all the cutcenes at the start and now I'm going to Showcase how nautiloid skip works so we're going to cast enhanc Le and you'll notice that I will move my spells in this hot bar sometimes that is because of it being an animation cancel so when you can't cast enhanc leap for instance notice that it takes forever before your character is able to do anything while if we do it and then move a spell right after it casts we are able to move much faster so that is useful in act two when we're casting witch bolt which is why you see me move these spell slots around all the time and yeah now I will be showcasing nautiloid skip so what we're going to do is cast enhanced sleep and just start making our way over there by jumping so it's a bit faster than walking so that's what we're just going to do here and once we reach our last jump here we're going to try to jump onto one of these raised platforms and this is because these raised platforms will help us jump to the other side where the transponder is you'll notice that our cursor kind of locks into place on where some of these positions are I like to do it here on this rock so jump over there and what you're going to do is cast Dash turn on turn base mode and cash dash again so what this does is it allows your dashes to go combine and stack so you can get a much longer Dash distance distance you'll notice this is a very long distance and we'll be casting Dash once more at the other side so we can get the maximum distance to go to the transponder so once you do that you're going to toggle your Tactical camera so you have a better view of where you're going to jump to and we're going to jump to a spot where it says path is interrupted you don't want it to say any of the other things such as not enough space or Target is too far you just want it to say path is interrupted so it might take some searching around but eventually you can see where it is you'll notice that there's this white outline as well that's your max jump distance so you can kind of Judge based on around there and then you can see if you're scrolled too far out you won't be able to see it as well so just be careful with how you do this so once you find the spot where you can jump to I'm going to aim at that that spot and what we're going to do is cast jump and our interact key Bine and we'll be doing that rapidly to be able to clip through the wall so you'll notice that happen at the bottom left where you have my keybard overlay and what we're going to do is right when we see the jump make it you'll see the landing animation on the other side you're going to need to skip the cut scene as soon as possible in order to not fall down out of pounds so let's give it a try here so it's going to look something like this and there we go so once you make it to the other side you can see you're just able to go and do everything while in this combat I will also showcase some examples of failing the nautiloid skip for instance if you don't skip the cut scene soon enough you'll see me fall through the ground or if you see me jump at an incorrect position which is either from the starting position or where I'm aiming the cursor you'll fall through the ground and die so once you make it through you're going to cast dash one more time and you'll see how far this Dash can really go so here we're going to just make our way to the top of this stair step right here forward so it's around here just before this uh like outcropping I guess and we're going to just do one last jump all the way to the other side so it's going to be like this you'll hit this cut scene once more and then just hit the transponder and that is act the prologue the nautiloid now I will show the route without Shadow Boxing and without the aoid skip so here we're going to cast enhanced sleep same thing as before it's just faster to move around while jumping we're going to just jump this way and we're going to go and say hi to lasel here so it's just in this direction here once we hit the cut scene we're going to just recruit lasel just smash one and right click and then here we're going to just have our tab jump forwards and keep on going ahead since it doesn't really matter too much we're going to kill one imp with our Tav making our way forwards with our laelle going to just have lasel kill the last two imps we end our turn here for both characters and then have our tab keep jumping forwards here vict and have lasel kill this last imp so once we we do that we're just going up here don't have to worry about lasel being slow since all we need to do is get all the way across so we're just jumping to this area this is where the uh transponder is we're going to walk right up to this door and we're going to recast enhan sleep on Ourselves cast long Strider and then we're going to cast Dash turn on turn base mode and dash again then once you do that you enter the door skip through the cut scene and we're going to make our way to the transponder by tasting dash one last time and jumping across here and we're going to start paing here until we hit the cut scene skip the cut scene and then then we're going to weave between these two enemies here so it's going to be pretty precise pathing and then just hit the transponder and that's all of the nautiloid so after that you're going to have a bunch of cutscenes here just go skip all of them and now here we're going to do Shadow Boxing so Shadow Boxing is a combination of two things one of the tricks is called node fling which I will show a video of it here basically what is happening is you can drop an item at a location very far away and it sets a node at that location so you're able to send objects over by interacting with them for instance a box or a crate when you interact and open it move it quickly it will teleport your stuff all the way to where you aimed it previously so that's what we're going to do here we're going to scroll our camera in and position it so that we have this rock here at the very left of our screen and I just want this little part sticking out to show so it's going to be around here it's pretty lenient so you don't have to worry too much about that then from here we're going to press W and D until our camera goes a bit different which is like this so it'll look somewhere around here for instance and then you're just going to tap s until the camera resets to this position then from here you're going to open your inventory and you're going to pick an item I like to use a scroll of revivify it doesn't really matter and then you're going to aim at around this rock right here you can see that has a dark and a light face so you're going to aim around the middle of it and then once once you can see this Chasm uh text pop up we're going to aim two spots below that it's going to look like one two and then release your mouse cursor and then that's where I have set up the node and that is around where the mountain pass entrance is and that's where we will be teleporting to from there we're going to go back to our character and then we're going to cast enhanced sleep and we're just going to make our way to Shadow heart on the way after two jumps we're going to pick up this Barrel right here this will be used in act two later on and then we're going to just keep jumping to Shadow heart so once we make it to Shadow heart we're going to skip through all of her dialogue so we just Mash through with right click and one then from here we're going going to cast magic missiles to kill Shadow heart did you do that and then two swings and just take a few extra if you don't kill with magic missiles loot her corpse and then pick up her body once you do that leave to your camp and from here we're going to go jump over to pick up this bottle of water and that's going to be used for the cck fight act two then jump back to these two crates here and this is where we're going to set up Shadow Boxing so since Shadow heart is dead we're going to use the node fling to teleport this wooden trunk to the mountain pass so we're going to pick it up and we're going to cast chromatic orb of fire here and onto the ground nearby us turn on turn base mode so the Fire doesn't go away and we're going to open this box we picked up with Shadow Heart In The Box and we're going to place place this box on the ground so notice that it took three damage you want it to take between one to three damage on the first tick when it lands on the ground and then when we do the node fling it'll take one more tick when we leave uh turn base mode so what that does is it breaks the box and make Shadow heart spawn at Mountain Pass and because of that it Rev Dives her and lets us go all the way there if it does too much damage for instance if it does four damage and the Box breaks pick up Shadow heart and try it again with this second crate here if that doesn't work try it with another Barrel or something here there's a barrel there's a crate just whatever works it's important that you don't move a box or crate accidentally as that will reset your node fling and quick saves and quick loads don't work as they don't get stored for your node fling as well so you have to be very careful with this trick so once uh you do this you're going to do is open the trunk and then quickly drag it to move it basically so as if you're moving an object so open it and then move it and then it'll get teleported to where you want it to go so it's going to look something like this and you'll notice the character icons pop away so that means that uh Shadow heart's no longer there in this camp and we're going to leave turnbas mode and if it works we should get experience and then it should turn to night so once we do that we're going to do a long rest skip through the dialogue here and you'll notice Shadow heart is back alive so once you do that switch to Shadow heart and leave Camp you're going to have a bunch of cut scenes here just right click and press one to skip through them all and then you're going to just jump here and enter the mountain pass so once you enter the mountain pass you're going to switch to Shadow heart and we're going to set up the infinite status glitch this will make it so that your spells have infinite status any spells and any abilities that are generally turn based will remain permanent so what's going to happen here is we're going to kill our Tav so they'll take around five swings so once the Tav is dead you're going to take all their items turn on turn base mode and then pick up their body as you wait the so if you don't want to do the route with Shadow Boxing what you're going to do is switch out your spells here so I swap out long Strider magic missiles for fog cloud and enhan sleep and featherfall just make sure you have those three and you're going to cast featherfall and hand hand sleep and same thing like before what you're going to do is jump two times to the right and pick up the barrel but then from here we're going to just make our way to Mountain Pass manually and it'll be following this route where we're going to avoid all the combats here we're inv voiding the brains to our left here we're just jumping up top here and we're going to make our way past uh the portal from gaale so it's going to look something like this we're going to just keep jumping past scale we don't really need him for the Run jump up top here and we're going to jump just past these spike traps here if you're enhanced sleep or feather fall is going to run out just cast them again and from here we're going to jump into this bush you don't want to jump too far to the right because the grow fight cut scene will start I'll show how it will look like to you in separate video to the right there so so instead we're going to jump to the left here to avoid it and jump forwards and jump down to the bottom here and that skips past the grow fight from here we're going to jump across the river and we're just going to jump in this direction down this path we don't want to jump to the right there because there will be a goblin camp and it'll have extra encounters and extra dialogue we also don't want to go too far left and have ATI ethyl's cut scene there as well so we just want to make sure we avoid those two and we're making our way across this bridge casting Bo again and now from here we're just going to jump across to this side and we're going to jump right behind this uh web patch since there's a bunch of traps and we're going to jump to this bench this table here and that's right in between all of these mines and then we're going to jump past this barrel and Skip past all of these mines so once we do that it's the last set of jumps here jump across here jump past these goblins here and another two jumps and we are at Mountain Pass you have this cut scene with Shadow heart just Mash right click and one and then enter the mountain pass from here same thing as before we're going to switch to Shadow heart BL at camp and we're just going to kill our T here so it'll be these swings same thing like before we're going to loot our tab so loot them all turn on turn base mode and pick get her up so now that we're in the mountain pass we're going to revive our tab with a revive by skull switch over to your Tav and then select fog cloud and featherfall so these two spells are very important for the run for this section we're going to skip past a bunch of enemies and what we're going to do is cast enhanced sleep and featherfall and notice that our have has these pretty much permanently since these turn counts don't start falling unlike uh Shadow Hearts here and you're going to make sure that shadow heart is not grouped with Tav here and just start making your way down so it's two jumps I like to jump on this rock then I jump to around this tree branch here and then you have to be quick here otherwise you might get seen it casts fog Cloud here it's kind of bugged visually but you can see it's there and then we're going to jump all the way across this area skips past all these enemies jump down to the bottom here and enter the shadow cursed lands and that is all of act one for the speedrun route that is it for part one of the honor mode speedrun tutorial of act one and the setup in character creation so hope you all enjoyed it if you have any questions or comments about it or suggestions on the Run please feel free to leave a comment Down Below in the description and I will answer it and yeah that is it hope you all enjoyed and see you in part two
Channel: Chronos
Views: 38,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gbzo0xKFT-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 22sec (1582 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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