Baldur's Gate 3| More Things I Wish I Knew From The Start.

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in balers Gate 3 it's always nice to have a little bit of knoow into the game's mechanics that are not covered by the tutorials in this presentation we'll cover more things I wish I knew from the beginning and just like what the title suggests this is a continuation of a video that bears almost the same name if you haven't seen it yet I'll leave a link in the description and on this screen one of the things I mentioned in there is that the campsite is accessible at any time in addition to this fact it's worth noting that the resting area changes to match the environment of our current location the one we're most likely very familiar with is the Riverside when we make Camp within the druid's Grove if we access it while we're inside this blacksmith's home for example the layout shifts accordingly it's quite nice because the Adaptive environments keep things fresh and interesting but more important importantly some of them have a lot of loot in this one which looks to be a Sellar of a wooden house it holds a lot of camp supplies and other items for bartering we can access this same location as long as we're inside a similar looking place what this all means is that the campsite is worth checking out as we visit New Landscapes who knows what we'll find within them this area is also a great place to have conversations with our party mates because each one of them are isolated you see there are certain topic responses that some members might find disagreeable so being able to talk to each one of them out of earshot to others will be beneficial my only initial mistake was I waited till the end of the day to speak with them and that means I missed out on several interesting dialogues so every time something eventful happens maybe related to one of our companions or something about our adventure take a moment to speak with our teammates in our example here carlac just joined our group and as expected everyone else has something to say about it carac got the brwn of a warrior and the Ws of a Survivor best of all she speaks her mind plainly and fully show her due respect while we're in the subject of encampments this is a good time to give you a head adds up that in normal difficulty camp supplies are highly abundant we can find them almost anywhere and with due diligence it's one of those things which will most likely not run out of understandably item acquisition is a very intensive activity but two things that we should also not forget to pick up are water bottles and cffs they're very useful as an alternative to using Create water magic we can toss the said items to dowe fires wash away grease and even clean up acidic or poisonous spills left by enemies which happens a lot during combat there will be many instances where one of our foes would begin their offense with something that uses any of those types of attack and is even made worse if they get an upper hand with the initiative dice roll there is however a simple method in mitigating the damage they can do but before we get to that I think it's important to mention first a couple of strategies we can use prior to the encounter starting with the minimization of a possible Skirmish by having a dedicated spokesperson for the party which means a character with high Charisma in our example here we have a half elf Paladin with a Charisma score of 16 and is supported by a FR can trip as part of their race feature on top of that I also set two of Shadow heart's can trip spells to guidance and thury to assist with the dialogue skill checks if available it's a highly effective combination as far as I can tell with the front man established it should make things a bit easier but before approaching a group of possible enemies it's good practice to scope them out first and check their stats this may seem tedious but taking a few minutes to check important details such as how many of them are there where are they positioned and what are their character strengths and weaknesses would allow us to prepare just in case a fight breaks out at the very least their character levels will be a good indication if we should proceed or turn back and explore other areas first in normal difficulty foes one level higher than our party are manageable two levels would be quite an ordeal in tactician mode enemies one level higher would already be very challenging because of their higher HP and I would not dare engage them unless my team are fully charged as we approach their group it's a good idea to split up the entire party and position each one away from each other this is just in case somebody attacks with an area of effect spell or something similar for our range damage dealers like I mentioned in the previous video we can point them towards an advantageous spot if possible or at least somewhere safe like behind some cover from here the variables greatly expand depending on our team build in comparison to our current opponents but at the very least we're now prepared for what they're capable of turn-based mode by the way is very interesting because it's a feature that can be used to to our advantage if our party just got out of a fight and one of them is badly wounded as well as being poisoned we can essentially just pause the game while we look for an antidote or cast a healing spell when there's a need for a precise timing so that our Firebolt would hit an explosive container as an enemy creature passes by we can do the same thing during a typical head-to-head fight our melee Fighters have to get up close first before they could do anything the problem is depending on the initiative dice roll it's most likely that they'll get hit by attacks and other negative effects before their turn especially if the dexterity modifier is very low in the previous video I talked about a jumping trick that would allow our fighters to close the distance and attack at the same round but there's an alternative method that's potentially better what we need to do is to use one of our party members who attack at a distance as bait while the others sit back at a distance in stealth mode for our example here we'll be using Gail once he initiates the fight everyone participating in it is now locked on by the turn-based mode except for the other three party members as long as we remain hidden and out of the enemy's line of sight we can sneak around the map to get a better position and or be able to approach an enemy and land a hit even before The Clash begins this is a very useful move that you might want to consider and it's also available outside of combat in this scenario for example we have a couple of items that I'd like for aaran to piler but there are a couple of NPCs walking around with the mode activated we don't have to worry about the narrow time window and focus instead on what we're doing in a recent playthrough I also used the TBM trick to get the jump on a trio of powerful ogres in the blighted village their leader called lump the enlightened had in possession of a powerful headband that would set any adventurous intelligence score to 17 there are many options to what we can do with it like simply giving it to our tank to bolster their defenses or maybe hand it over to LEL as a powerful eldrich knight the only downside to this is that we'll be missing out on a powerful summon which might come in handy over the course of our campaign but that's up for you to decide ideally our party lineup should cover all six abilities so we have a higher chance of succeeding the skill checks we encounter regardless I think it's worth mentioning that investigation skill checks in particular are usually non-destructive this means that if one character fails other team team members can take a shot at it first before moving on to other options there will be times however when the dice rolls are simply not on our side while exploring open environments there's always a small chance that all four members will fail to detect a hidden treasure chest nearby when that happens assuming we already have a shovel all we have to do is to use it on the approximate spot where it lies and our character should be able to D it up so there we have it more things I wish I knew from the beginning shout out to all you viewers of the previous video who left their own tips and ideas in the comment section such information are always appreciated thank you for watching
Channel: That Other Gamer
Views: 36,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3, bg3, larian studios, gameplay, tutorial, how to, guide, walkthrough, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, 5e, pc, xbox, playstation, games, gaming, videogames, crpg, fifth edition, 5th edition, tips and tricks
Id: CK2AcW2QGgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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