These TWO MODS Completely TRANSFORM the Wizard in Baldurs Gate 3

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what is going on you guys Jake back here again with another Baldur's Gate 3 video we are looking at a mod today the boulders Gate 3 mod uh scene has been sort of growing at steady Pace since the game's come out there's been some interesting things come out today I wanted to show off two mods uh one in particular though um the other ones are sort of a side piece a little dessert if you will um the uh looking at the blade singer wizard mod uh it's a amazing mod link will be in the description for it check it out basically it adds a missing subclass for Wizard into the game uh called the blade singer which is essentially gives you a uh it gives you a wizard which is obviously already one of if not the best classes in the game because of all the versatility the damage output it can give all that stuff basically gives them some Marshall like Melee output as well so super interesting subclass uh to play uh and that's just show off a little bit so here we are in game I'm actually going to be respecting Gail for this because because obviously it's he's a wizard already and it makes sense so I've actually already um made the class here but I'm going to respect here just to show you guys the other mod that is involved here is the 5e Spells mod which will also be linked in the description it is a requirement for the blade singer mod for that to be installed we need to have that on anyway and all that does is essentially add in can trips and spells from DND 5th edition that are missing from Baldur's Gate 3 so it's a super fun mod anyway uh the mods the the Spells aren't too overpowered it's you know stuff that is this is this and 5e anyway and some of them are super super cool I'm going to take quite a few of them here um even if others other good options just for the sake of showing them off when we get into combat afterwards so some of the most amazing ones booming blade is great green flame blades great especially on melee based uh casters and stuff I'm going to take Fireball as well we get to pick some more can trips later on anyway as far as spells we're gonna want we're gonna want a magic mess style and shield operation of unanimous decisions that you want on a wizard Mage Armor is also super important for us here as well for other choices let's just take some more of the Nuance absorb elements is good Frost fingers let's take that one try to pick some ones that will actually get to use catapult that's also good let's go for that one and then ability scores for a blade singer wizard intelligence just like any other wizard super important as far as anything else is important we're going to be using a dexterity based weapon so I'm gonna go for uh dexterity of course as well one thing to note about this mod so indeedy fifth edition you can use a long sword as a blade singing wizard because you get to choose um whether you're using it one-handed or two-handed in Boulder's Gate you can't make that choice if you have a long sword and you don't have something else in your other hand you're automatically going to be using it two-handed this mod removes that two-handed weapon restriction because of that so that you can use a long sword but I'm gonna go ahead and not use that instead and just use a dexterity-based weapon I'm going to use rape here in this mod just to show it off I just think that fits it a little bit better it fits the vibe it fits everything else the the talk around somebody creating a way that you can add a toggle into the passive section similar to like the other toggles that exist there to choose whether you're using a one-handed using the alongside one-handed or not um so if that comes out uh you I would recommend that long swords are just better but still for now we're going to be using a deck space weapon solex Harry as far as other skills uh Constitution is also super important in this build more so than the regular wizard because we're going to be in the thick of it um and then for the rest of them you just kind of divvy out the points as you see fit I'm gonna go like that wizard two is where we pick our subclass so this is where we're gonna go to Blade singing here so we get we'll get some more spells picks here so let's see is there any others that we can pick that are new really any that I'm gonna get to show often combat I think so let's just go for some other ones uh and here's where we get our weapon proficiency so I'm gonna go rape here like I said but basically this is part of the subclass is that you get to pick proficiency and inner weapon and then that'll obviously be the weapon that you use going forward so and then a lot of the levels here are basically going to be similar to your regular wizard levels you're gonna get to pick a [ __ ] load of spells you know as you can see there's actually a lot more choice I have here thanks to the 5e Spells mod so I'm gonna skip through this for you guys just so that we can get to the good stuff uh to do with the subclass this is worth mentioning the War cast defeat on this class is pretty useful simply because you're going to be in melee a lot and that means you're going to be having to you're going to be taking a lot of hits and you're probably gonna need to make a lot of concentration saving throws um so having that is super good I would take that as soon as possible if you're playing the subclass to be honest at level six with this subclass you get extra attack which is obviously usually something that Wizards don't get it's something is pretty much restricted to the other Marshall glasses like Ranger fighter blah blah blah so it's super cool that you get that as part of this class because if you didn't you'd kind of really fall off as a melee uh you know combatant otherwise so extra attack fantastic for your first ability score Improvement this is worth mentioning with this class as you can see I've got 16 deck 16 intelligence you kind of need to pick when you get your first ability score Improvement which is more important to you um because we kind of want to get one of them to 20. um you can obviously do some stuff in game quests rewards and stuff like that to bump some of them up you want to pick one of these because uh dexterity is obviously important for melee intelligence obviously very important for our spells so you kind of want to figure out which you one you want to want to pick which one you're going to want to play with and go for that one I think probably the most efficient way to do it is maybe go to 20 intelligence and put on the gloves of dexterity to get your Dexter it up to 18 that's probably the best sort of scenario but then you miss out on some of the other glove options in the game so this is a very personal preference situation I'm gonna just bump dexterity up to 20 in this one just to showcase the melee stuff that you get with blade singer um because I think that's the most interesting thing about this mod but for actual play it's probably more of a personal preference thing so keep that in mind at level 10 we get a super cool feature of the subclass song of Defense basically when you take damage you can use your reaction to expend one of your spell slots to reduce the damage taken so that's super super cool and really helps with being sort of in the melee in the thick of It kind of thing so here we are we've got to level 12 on this class we can pick some uh pick some good stuff here other Feats you might be interested in defensive duelist is actually pretty interesting on this this class specifically basically when you're holding a finesse weapon that you provision with which in this instance what will be because of a Rapier you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class which is super cool all because on this class your AC is pretty limited because a limitation of using the class feature for blade singing the blade song you can't be wearing armor so adding a proficiency bonus to Armor class is super useful um but you know ability score improvements are kind of getting one to twenty is is kind of too good but if you have uh the choice because you've got you know items that increase your decks or whatever defensive duelist is super interesting on this build so one I would recommend so here we are we have set up our spell book here I've prepared some spells I've been purposely picking some other than some important ones I've been purposely picking some that are um some of the new ones so that I can show them off I'm actually going to swap Fireball or uh let's go with mind whip here um I've picked up some of the new ones just to show them off a little bit um but some of these are super cool anyway and I'd probably pick them anyway so let's go get into some combat and see what we can do so here we are we are in combat so let's get going I'm gonna purposely not let call out just kill everything straight away just so that we can show off our uh our new subclass air so that's just so what I get some damage done here he's not gonna be able to do much here but whatever and that's it and here we are so uh We're Not Really Gonna oh no actually we can show off a glass here that would be cool so first of all the most important thing you get is this class for combat is the blade song class action you use a bonus action it's kind of similar to how how barbarians enter a rage sort of thing but it's kind of the opposite you're kind of musical and do some cool dextra stuff um this is the main feature of this class this is what gives you the ability to use your Martial weapons in combat and stuff like that so let's do that let's show off one of these spells and thunderstep uh in here so we do that we select ourselves and then we teleport next to a Target and we do some damage to them it didn't look like that actually did any damage so I'm not sure I didn't see it and so not sure what's going on there but but here we are so we're in combat there let's get some of the rest of us in here um let's send everybody close and then get a nice blast going on boom boom boom boom [Music] thank you sharp blast master he can't move anymore so let's go ahead and hit some people with some algebra blasts nope nope nope that's one thing annoying about that ability it's a really good ability to look at the far rounds but the continuous pop-ups are kind of annoying so I'm gonna actually counter spell with that just so we can save some spell slots on Gale and it didn't work anyway brilliant [ __ ] so here we are he's about to damage Gail here and we can expend a spell slot to um reduce some damage so you can see level one spell sort of reduces damage by five and increases by five for each spell slot the expense so if you expend a six level spell slot it reduces the damage by 30 which is pretty significant I'm gonna go ahead and use a uh let's say second level spells like here and I take zero damage from that so that's excellent and Gail is absolutely surrounded right now so this is going to be a great example carlak is not prone not ideal they're not even hitting Gail which is an interesting choice they're gonna go for the Barbarian so okay good she succeeded her concentration safe to get blasted up [Music] that's not ideal he's in snared but we moved oh we don't because we're once mad oh see last time I did this fight they didn't open that door so we just kind of got to got to chill and fight those people and now we've got all these people to sit and wait through initiative they're just gonna go sit in the corner I guess okay please very nice okay so here we are so some very important 5e spells can trips that you get booming blade and green flame blade uh these increase our single time Target damage so well and he misses of course he does of course he does let's try that again real quick there we go nine to ten damage really uh nice little boot score damage here uh we're not really getting the extra attacks and stuff which is a shame Carl ax showing off again [Music] good Lord what a monster Jesus God barbarians are great aren't they let's go ahead and stick one of these up so you can see that they um blade singers don't necessarily get like the you know they're not necessarily the how do I call this they're not the strongest melee combatants but if it just adds options you know what I mean like obviously as a wizard your spells are going to be the most powerful things that you can do um but having the melee uh ability is just super cool and it lets you do extra stuff in combat that you necessarily wouldn't uh otherwise so and having those kind of options are always always great so you can see I'm actually not playing this very well because I purposely send Gail in just to you know show off the subclass a little bit but and so he's obviously getting targeted by everybody right now which is not ideal for him and now obviously everybody's slowed so this is ideal the AI is playing way too well for him to show off the subclass but uh frankly in the area of the game I'm in right now I cannot be asked to find somewhere else to uh to do combat with because it does just sort of uh got the the running one your slowed is so funny legit okay so what else can we do let's show off the booming way here as well there we go 35 damage right off the rip um we're slowed so we're not getting to show off too much here but um still excellent excellent abilities here who lost Spirit Guardians so let's just throw one of those up again oh I'm actually gonna use my action search here just to get these guys off the board because they found that annoying me kill logo and then get the gray weapon Master One on this guy boom gone for sorted should probably pop a heel on Gale actually is that another slow Jesus Christ good job bud good job bud please help me [Music] Jesus how many slows do they want to do like one is enough man [Music] okay all right that's throwing a big masculine wood here just to get a girl back on his feet a little bit God said it's hot in here and let's get now okay some of the spells that we can show off um the steel wind strike ah we covered too far away that's that's unfortunate and he is still and snared Jesus Christ okay let's try roll roll off roll off him psychic lands shall we nine percent uh it's because I'm a mobile God damn it okay chain one maybe 70 that'll do there we go not slowed anymore and then said strike is gone as well ideal let's get him in there can we drink a potion on this fella he's looking a bit biggie [Music] no I don't have all my actions okay Let's do let's do a nice level three one here zero damage you can see how that really does just make you so much more survival you know come on these okay I'll just get some of these guys going shall we oh this is nearly the whole fight Bang for attack bang and then the final kill what shall we use for this guy here uh Let's do let's do sword burst that's another new spell there we go so you can see you can get to do some cool stuff especially with that uh the subclass gives you options the 5V spells gives you options uh some honestly some of the coolest stuff I showed off was from 5e spells but that's probably um an unfortunate timing of having to have that installed at the same time and honestly um it kind of proves the point of what the wizard is it's it's it's an options you know kind of class you get the most options in the game to approach any situation you know change if you want to be melee focused like I was here change the spell book to be all melee Focus spells like the cantrips so booming blade green flame blade uh the ones that teleport you into places and do damage or teleport you to people and do damage you know there's this spell uh over here called um the one I didn't get to use steel wind strike uh basically you get to Target a creature and teleport to that creature and do um a load of force damage to people which is obviously amazing and it gets you in there lets you do some more attacks afterwards uh Hasting yourself is something I didn't do in that fight which is something that you know Hasting anybody is going to make them amazing uh this thunderstep spell teleporting in doing damage um you know it's just the amount of options available with 5V spells is great it's highly recommend that and the blade singing mod awesome to just get another wizard subclass another subclass for the best class in the game so yeah how could you really say no to that so appreciate anybody watching really appreciate that check out the mods links for all of them in the description shout out to the creators of those because obviously doing an amazing job and other than that leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel I'm going to be streaming uh probably will have already started when this video goes up because I'm actually doing it uh starting it tonight as of recording this video I'm going to be doing the streams for the tactician jack of all trades uh stuff that's gonna be super cool so subscribe hit the notification Bell so you get notifications don't miss the streams that'd be really sick of you and other than that just have a fantastic day peace out everybody foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: AbsolutelyJaked
Views: 6,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, stream, streamer, jaked, absolutelyjaked, gamer, game, live, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate, mod, modded, modding, wizard, class, new, dlc, op, guide, showcase
Id: X0XsyUN5W-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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