Baldur's Gate 3 Modding Tutorial

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welcome back to my channel my name is Diana and I'm a gaming content creator on Twitch I am also a modding addict of lifetime I am so utterly entirely obsessed with modding that it's not even funny I have over thousand plus Sims 4 mods over thousand plus Skyrim mods the list goes on so with that said I decided it would be very fun to make this modding tutorial for Ballers Gate 3 since this is my new latest Obsession there are a couple things that you're going to need for this all of the links will be in the description below you're going to need balers Gate 3 mod manager you're going to need balers Gate 3 mod fixer and you're going to need the said mod that you're wishing to install now I would heavily recommend that you install balers Gate 3 mod manager on the same drive that you have your balers Gate 3 game installed so for example if you have this on your C drive I would recommend installing this mod manager on your C drive as well just make sure that it's on the same drive as your balers gate game to avoid any form of conflict that might occur also you are going to need a program like WinRAR on your computer just so that that it can read the files that you're going to be installing from the mods first things is first you have to install balers Gate 3 mod manager this is a link that I use specifically for mine pretty much just read the instructions go down to assets and hit balers Gate 3 mod manager latest zip and download this now that this has been downloaded if you are installing this to your C drive make a separate folder for it outside of program files and your user files with that said all of my games and everything like this are on my e Drive so I simply dragged it from my downloads folder right here these are the contents of balers Gate 3 mod manager which you should now have installed on your PC next up you're going to need balers Gate 3 mod fixer what does this do it pretty much makes mods work with balers Skate 3 as it says here this pack forces a story to recompile allowing pack mods to work with the full releas of balers Skate 3 pack mods are essentially the file type in which the mods are created for B sh 3 you're going to go ahead and hit manual download here and slow download once your mod fixer download is done we're going to go ahead and head on into Windows C and we're going to go to users your name we're going to go to app data local we're going to look for laran studios and balers Gate 3 now there should be a mod folder here in which we're going to click on this and go ahead and drag from our downloads mod fixer pack right here which we can just open the folder and take the pack file and drag it on here into the mod folder now that that's taken care of we can install mods seamlessly so let's go ahead and take a look at this when you're installing mods of any kind I heavily recommend that you read the installation instructions if any mod for balers gate tells you to use at your own discretion or that it could mess up your game or ruin your save files I personally do not recommend using a mod like that so just to be safe make sure that you take a gander and read before you install something with that said most visual mods are completely fine to install mid playthrough though if they recommend that you start a new playthrough for it then just listen to the modder they made the mod they know best I don't recommend installing heavily scripted mods such as gameplay altering mods M playthrough because that can really bork your game so here in the installation instructions it says download the mod unzip the archive and drag the do pack file into your mods folder launch the mod manager drag mod we're going to be doing all of this right here right now so I'm going to go to files and I'm just going to hit manual download slow download as well so once this is installed I have it here in my downloads and I'm going to keep this little tab open here now we're going to navigate back to where we just were in our balers Gate 3 mods and our user app data section of laran studios in balers Gate 3 and we're going to just go ahead and drag astral hairc colors. pack right in here you don't need to worry about the info. Json file or any of your mods now this is here the mod is installed in our mod folder now we can exit these and launch balers Gate 3 mod manager mine is right here so I'm going to go ahead and launch this all right so what you're going to want to do here is drag astral hair colors or whatever you just installed over from the right hand section to the left hand section you can hit save load orders to file if you so choose we can just do that for the sake of everything and we're going to go ahead and hit export load order to game your entire load order has been exported to the game and you can launch it your mods should be installed and they should be working seamlessly now so just a double check we can go ahead and go into my game and I will show you when you do install a few mods you will get this error message however most of the time it really doesn't mean anything so you can just hit escape and move past it escape and accept I'm going to go to edit appearance and we have mods installed let's go ahead and see if the one that we just installed is active and working which was a hair color changer so hair colors we have got a lot more now so everything should be working seamlessly and you shouldn't be having any problems if you're having problems you most likely did not install the mod correctly you probably missed a step or you don't have mod fixer or something along those lines I do have one more note to add make sure that you update your mods whenever balers Gate 3 has an update otherwise things can get ruined and wonky and you really don't want to have to deal with that anyways that's about it I hope that this tutorial was helpful to anybody who was wondering how to mod balers Gate 3 or maybe was confused at any point in time if you guys do have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section below hope that you take care and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Day_Sky
Views: 6,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modding, education, gaming
Id: mXvEfkdNr-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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