Otis Camera Tutorial - Baldur's Gate 3

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if you've been playing ball with gate at all since launch you've probably seen some lovely gorgeous jaw-dropping pictures like this and then floating around on Twitter and then Reddit and the internet and this is all thanks to Otis and here's a lovely camera tool so today I'm going to take you through the installation of all things that you'll need and we will set up your first shot and you can be on your Merry way and continue on your virtual photography Adventure so first things first uh what you're gonna need about four different tools for this whole thing to work um the first thing is reshade uh you could use reshade 5.9 or above I'm not sure it was an update by the time you this video goes live um you also need the igcs connector tool which you can get on GitHub and the link to all these things that I'll be talking about will be in the description below um so yeah you get the igcs collected tool there's an add-on for reshade you'll need another add-on as well uh Shader Toggler we'll talk about that a bit later and you'll definitely need the camera tool itself which you can get from like I said the patreon page and get six dollars and you get access to that so for installation we're going to begin with reshade and you're gonna just download reshade from the the link in the description and when you started up the installation it's going to search for the games on your computer it might take a bit of time depending on your PC but you know you can always manually search for it and mine is already pointing at Boulders Gate 3 dx11 okay so you can just press next and then it's going to do a little bit of analyzing all right so here we get to choose our rendering API and we want to choose DirectX 11 and 12. I'm sure I read in the documentation that you could use Vulcan but it's got some problems so I would avoid that um completely and just use a dx112 here click next and then for you it'll probably just prompt you to install and you can just follow the instructions that come up and it will be installed how will we know the reset installed well if you go to the binaries folder in your Baldur's Gate installation so for Ballers K3 you know for bin and where there's the Baldur's Gate executable you will find a whole bunch of reshade stuff that has been added here as well as a folder for the shaders and its location in this folder will be important for the next step so what we want to do next is we want to extract our two add-ons the igcs connector and the shade photographer so you can download these from GitHub and they both available Link in the description let's go down there download it it's uh very small and once you've extracted them and once you've extracted them you'll get these two folders I'm going to share the talking about right and the igcs so we're going to share the talk about and we'll get this dot add-on 64. we'll copy that go to the folder with our cutable and just paste it in there and mine's already there so I'll just replace it and then we'll go and do the same with the igcs connector copy that and put it in the same folder places okay okay and then we're gonna copy these two folders shaders and textures and just copy those and then we go in back in the same folder with the executable again we find reshape for reshade shaders click in there and you'll see shaders and textures and we just want to copy and paste our files in there mine are already there so just they'll just be added on the right so okay so now that that's good and then after that that's pretty much done and then you obviously need the the camera tool itself now we're just going to test the installation and make sure that the game and reshade are running correctly we should see that immediately upon launch so you'll see a banner come at the top of your screen here um when mine is loading and there we go reset 5.91 so the home button will open appreciate but on your first launch is probably going to take you through a tutorial so you just um you go through that but eventually you'll come to the screen where we've got a this window and a bunch of tabs now we're going to just be in home and if you scroll down I don't know if you'll have all of these but you have some presets already installed and you should also find our idcs depth field connector there and you should enable it and also make sure that you can drag and click and drag it to reorder it but you always want to make sure that it's at the bottom it's the last thing that is going to be executed and if we go to the add-ons tab you'll see that you've got generic duplicate and close that Google triangle for now but we've got our connector and we've also got our Shader photographer which we'll go into details later and the same with the igcs connector as you can see camera data not available because we haven't opened e-camera tool and we haven't even loaded up anything so I think the next thing we're going to do is going to go up into the game and we're going to set up a shot and get the camera tools ready the reason why we want the Shader Toggler is so that we can turn off different aspects of the game such as the environment or obstacles that we'll be getting in our way we're not taking our shots I won't be going into any detail on it but I'll have a link in the description where there's another video by Julio who takes you through it and shows you exactly how to use it so anyway moving on so one of the first things that we need to do as well is to make sure that when you start the when you're starting to use the camera tools that you turn off the depth of field settings in the game I didn't do this at the beginning and it didn't look really nice and I was kind of underwhelmed I thought I was doing something wrong and I was right you need to turn off the depth of field settings because they result in a much less effective bokeh so if you can see just like in here how it's just really kind of but this is what we are after here so you need to turn off the depth of field setting inside your in the post process Tab and the video and then you're good to go so here I am in the auto dock I have post characters next thing that's the top there and first thing we need to do is to activate our camera or camera two I allow everything is closed off there and we get nice dialog boxes telling us everything that has just occurred so now we have a camera tool that we can use in the game so just quickly to go through these settings um hot sampling allows you to scale up your image so whenever you are about to take your um your image you can scale it up to 4K or whatever resolution you feel like to be honest and take it at that picture and have your window rendered at that resolution for a brief moment in order to take a picture and then you go back down again so that's very useful tool uh there'll be instructions on that and then later on okay configuration camera control um here you'll find controls that will slow down or increase slow down the speed of your camera or increase the speed of your camera in whatever Direction whether you're moving forward backwards Left Right rotating and there's a whole bunch of other stuff on the on the right here you could talk about talking about shake and rotation that's really cool stuff that you could use if you're actually creating a video and Below all of that is the camera control device I've got a set of Gamepad but you can use a keyboard and mask or both at the same time if you feel like it um I'm not too I'm not too keen on the keyboard mouse controls because the first time that I turn them on they turn out very wonky if I if I do this if I show you like this you'll kind of see if I turn on the camera it was much faster than this before but we don't have to worry about that because that's why we have these controls here these will allow us to control how fast the camera moves so if you get kind of surprised by that this is where you should go to um to slow it down to control the camera and image assessments yeah not to I'm not playing with these anything I'm not playing with any of these yet key bindings uh it's very important for what we're about to do so we need to uh just take a note of some of the keys we'll be using very shortly so enable disable camera increasing and decreasing fov resetting fov and moving your camera up right left right and so that's all pretty much all the Deep on the numpad and the uh the arrow keys on the right hand side of the keyboard we also want to know how to toggle our HUD uh you can just press delete for that and how to pause the game we can press numpad0 for that and you can see here on Gamepad bindings you can find the findings on the GamePad as well and then there's a theme you can use whatever theme you like and log my whole page and about okay so now I want to activate our camera so the default shortcut is insert and our camera is now at our goodness all right our camera is activated as you can see I forgot to change my control device back to Gamepad only that's the way I like it and now we have control of the camera which is fantastic um I'm sure you're saying oh what about the Hub yes there is a shortcut for that too you just press delete and our heart is gone so we've got a clean frame from which to compose our images so I'm just gonna go close here to Tab and try and get it [Music] it's not where everyone is kind of infinite that'll be like a cool bidding shot slow down and have it you know kind of come up and reveal your tab so we kind of found a place where we wanna take screenshots so I think he is good so we can pause the game numpad zero and our game is paused superb so what we want to need to do now our shot is composed we could take a screenshot like this and it still looks pretty good but I think we could do better so we open appreciate press home and we're going to go to the add-ons Tab and under the items tab we're going to go to the igcs connector and we're going to start a dip the fuel station on the depth of field control so if you click this button and whoa things are kind of make it a bit weird and the controls he looks a bit intimidating but it's not I'm gonna guide you through it no problem at all so max broker size is going to influence how big or small the actual broker itself is it's all you can think of it like um the book of scale so a smaller size will have a really really small broker and the bigger size will have a are much larger I think for this particular scene I think I would like a book of maybe let's see if I can see some of the stuff in the background maybe about 15 I think would be good and then our next option is focus Delta that's going to help us to choose what we are going to focus on in the particular scene so here we also have a magnifier that will help us to magnify any particular part so for example I want to make sure that um Bridge of her nose is kind of a local speakers I want both of our eyes so if you move an amplifier over to the application using the sliders and then we can actually increase its size so we can see both of their eyes at the same time and just yeah and then we can play with our Focus Delta until we get a result so what's gonna happen is that because our book sizes because of our book is size and because of the angle of the shot she parts of her face are going to be a little bit out of focus so we need to choose so I choose the right hand side the right eye there yeah so I'm using this little highlight here you kind of line it up knowing that okay once they line up it's perfect so you also see this once you get used to it that once all the highlights are in are in line your the characters here kind of like shines so if I show you for example look here so since this is in Focus maybe that's not particularly but I can tell almost and bang you see I can see the height I just get a little bit brighter so I know so you can kind of eyeball it but that comes with time and then we can turn that's just a magnifier it's very useful for choosing what to focus on you can also you don't have to focus on this you could also focus on subject in the background like for example Lazelle so she's kind of in Focus now um maybe you want to focus on stereo and maybe we can just and now he's the one who's kind of in focus and shock so you can choose what you want to focus on in any particular scene so for us we're just going to use TEF ER and now we come up to our Booker setup now the aperture shape is going to decide what shape your broker is going to take so the aperture shape poker is more shaped more like a the aperture you'd find in a real world camera and the circular blocker is just a circle it comes down to preference or whatever you know just choose what you think looks nice um I choose aperture because I kind of work with cameras almost on a daily basis so it's natural for me but you can also for the aperture shape you could also change the number of vertices and you could even have a triangle shape booklet you can have a pentagon you could have where whatever you like up to about 16 sites and but I think that's not just a circle so and we do have circular bucket for that specifically so I'm just going to go aperture shaped and the quality will the quality settings determine how um how how clean your book comes out if I may say so so if I was to render this uh so I'm just going to crank up some of the settings so that we can just so just for illustration purposes so I'm going to increase the box so you're going to see what happens when the book is too big and the quality setting is too low so if we just start a render you can kind of see how it's drawn the the easy houses drawing the book itself is kind of weird and because the book is so big it's it's it's blurriness is bleeding and overlapping into places where we don't want it to be so we can kind of dial that down so that was just a little illustration so if I take this quality up to about 15 right keep the size you can see how it's just taking a bit longer but the quality of the blur the quality of the worker has increased but conversely it takes a bit longer you might be wondering there is a toggle in the settings that allows you to have your render bar here um oh I like this shot I might as well save it before we do anything but that allows you to have the the progress by here by default it'll be up here so I'll just change that back so we can all have a look at that and our social problem as far as a little bit so now or progress bar by default it's here so the progress bar will come up here but if you wanted to be in the reshape menu you can just uncheck that so as you can see the max bucket size is a bit too much even though the quality setting was good the bokeh was just a bit too pronounced so you can drag that back let's take it down to about 10 which I think is a good size and hopefully when we render this time we don't get too much of that and yeah so it doesn't look as um it's not as aggressive as it was before and you can start to see some of the broker shapes taking shape here at the back and along the fire and here come the highlights and that is just that looks good so you can see we're already starting to get some results from what we're doing here it actually looks pretty good so every time you start a station you and you want to return to gameplay start session and you render you must end the session as well so anyway quality so yeah so quality just affects the quality of the work so it has diminishing returns if you crank it up to like 50 uh you can see it's going to take 8925 uh passes or going to draw the book in 808 000 almost 9 000 frames that is going to take a while and yeah it's gonna look good it's gonna look very good but that's gonna take forever and I would not recommend you stick around for that let's just make the 20 is good it's a good place to start and then I think once you start experimenting you get a feel for what works best for you so I'm going to use 15 for quantity the number of vertices is seven yeah okay I think that's all right and then under that we've got rounding Factor so this is an aperture specific setting um it controls how rounded the edges of your squarely shaped aperture become so you can make it more circular it almost becomes a circle but you could round the corners a little bit in order to kind of give it a different shape and then rotation angle just controls at what angle you want your thing to be pointing which is very useful if you're using a much lower amount of vertices like if you're using four or five or six even you can have the you can make sure that the uh rotation there's always one pointing straight up or you want it at a specific angle or you want it like this or anything that you decide and then a ring angle offset kind of like twist and turns the inside of the of the bokeh and then anamorphic will kind of mimic enamel anamorphic lens and squish your broker into kind of more of a vertical ellipse so if we render that out you'll kind of get a sense of what that looks like it's okay uh I wouldn't use it uh all the time it's called probably got its own uses um so in the session and so if you turn that back to zero and then spherical aberration so I'm going to turn up the quality momentarily in order to Showcase what this does so I'm sure you saw in the previous shot how would our broker kind of had this Halo highlight here this is what spherical aberration controls so here we've got a control that kind of controls how big it is kind of we can scale it up and down so it will result in a thick halo around the Pokemon resulting in a thinner one and then this is think of this as opacity it'll control how transparent the book is or how much color is inside and it all starts with kind of like a ramp and Peaks at the edge of where our previous setting was dictating so you can kind of see it so it kind of starts off really blurred like a radio blur or radio opacity something that kind of spreads out and then it hits the edges of the thing of the movie of the board I don't know what to call it then we come to inner and outer ring rendering uh I've had kind of weird results with this one um like inner you know I've used mostly inner ending but I think Auto rendering in an outer rendering have different processing is all kind of results in a different kind of image I'm not sure but just experiment because it kind of gives random it gives interesting results like for example all right if I render in in that outer ring let's turn the quality down put it on 10. inner ring is just it's pretty normal it starts from the center and it works its way out say to the outside right inner to Outer correct and then but if we do outer to Inner ring if we change it it doesn't it doesn't change immediately you have to kind of cancel the render and then when you change it a second time and then it'll start on the outer and work its way in I feel like the outer to the outer to Inner gives a much Brighter Image for some reason I'm not sure why exactly uh I'll save that so I like that so if we so that that's what that does so you can choose it can let it do random or you can choose what you wanted to do but just take a note that right now it's kind of a bit finicky you have to kind of when you're changing it you have to start or anything cancel them start again um highlight and boost Factor will control how the highlights of this broker will come out so play with these and see what settings are I have no recommends to setting for this because I'm still kind of just enjoying the randomness of what it's creating in some of that hideous images of I've got stored in my hard drive but yeah so that's pretty much it for um setting up your focus and yeah so just take advantage of everything that you've got on your hands and yeah just have fun with it and when you're done like you start to render let's say we want to keep this all right so it's going to render and you would want you to think that yeah this is great I could take this this is lovely right um so I like to use the reshade screenshot too which you can find configure in the settings link to add-ons settings and if you go down you can close the general screenshot you can set your screenshot key and the screenshot location all right I'm so just changing these because by default they are set to save inside your binaries folder where there's all the reshade stuff so just change that otherwise therefore this is going to get crowded very very quickly and another reason to take the screenshots with reshade is the rtgforce experience will also take the overlay which we do not want to do right like this and it'll probably show I'll show this shortly later the text overlay as well and we don't want that and the screen the the reshade screenshots manager um also works well with the hot sampling so for example I'll just do a quick hot sample uh tutorial so what consumption pretty much allows us to do is to create a 4K image of this so what we're going to do is we're going to Auto tap uh we've just pause the game and chosen our shot so we're going to go into here and we're going to choose a resolution and make a note of your current resolution so you can see it back later um but mine is already there in the but anyway I want to get this to about a 4K image so choose that and you just set right then we can start our depth of the field session so now that we're switching the slab we can pretty much I know the kind of things that I've already taken this picture at a smaller resolution so our my settings are already dialed in and we start to render and it's going to do its thing and naturally it's rendering more pixels so it's going to be much heavier on your machine so expect some fans to speak to spit Make some noise and then once that's rendered we can take the picture we can go back to our previous resolution and just you know you know in the session if it goes black and boom we're back to our normal resolution and if we check our delete that if we check out images we've got our nice 4K where is the information now we got a nice 4K image of RTF it's absolutely gorgeous as you can see it's just ah she looks good I like that good luck taking your pictures oh and before you go how to get out of this just at home and put everything back and close the game and deactivate the camera and then sometimes this is gonna happen but just place home again and boom we are back in the game and ready to continue adventuring actually you know what just just for sake this for the fancies oh look at him polishing his blade there what a numpty um [Music] tides of chaos I am slowed fantastic enjoy your day
Channel: Donut Tai
Views: 4,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, otis_inf, frans bouma, virtual photography, custom camera, bokeh, depth of field, tutorial, reshade, igcs connector
Id: 7_zJ5PWZ5lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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