Baldur's Gate 3 - Master Blaster (ELDRITCH BLAST UPDATE)

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all right let's get it okay that was a lot of damage by the way that was 100 damage with one Al blast oh we back baby let's do one here and then the rest of the two here did I just critically Miss damn that's all good we still got mo one here two here come on come on one here two here we keep it going action surge you know what it is one here two here yep come on we're trying to get we're trying to tring to get those crits all right we still got bonus actions right let me do another one let me just do another one you know what I'm saying can I can I aim for one of these yeah we're trying to get them crits okay we can do another one all right we back El just blast is fine El just blast is fine bro I think that's it right all right so we had four actions and two bonus actions I am hasted and and I am using the Elixir blood lust but those are very easy things to accomplish um we killed one two three four five six targets and if we crit one more time we would have killed seven i' say that's that's still pretty damn good for an ELD blaster in fact actually I don't think it's as strong as the last one but it's still still good as y'all can see all right y'all first of all what's up welcome back to the channel AOE back at you again with another balers Gate 3 video build guide now I've been seeing you know since the most recent patch that the previous lightning Elis Blaster uh wasn't hitting as hard all right uh and honestly before that patch and I said it during that video it's a little in consistent you know what I mean so I decided to do a little bit more research do a little bit more testing and I found as you just saw a pretty damn good Elders Blaster is it as strong as the previous one you know I think it's a little weaker actually just by raw damage numbers I think it's a little weaker but still being able to do 100 damage per Elders blasts while having a lot of actions while having a lot of bonus actions it still slaps all right this this build you'll be able to 100 damage on average per eldis blast as you just saw that's what I was doing okay um so this is how this is how we're going to do it just like my other video build guides we're going to go through the level progression we going through the items all right we're going to go through the consumable SL Buffs that I would use for the build and that's going to be it so without further Ado I present to y'all the Master Blaster all right so first of all real quick how you're going to level with this build is you're just going to be a fire sorcerer it's just the best way to play throughout the game just level up as a fire sorcerer until you get to around level 10ish and then respect and follow this build path all right all right here we go first level fighter two reasons one we get Proficiency in everything so we never have to worry about not being proficient with armor or weapons or Shields because sometimes if um you want to wear something you won't be able to cast spells because you're not proficient in it that's how it works in the game okay so we want to make sure we're proficient in everything so we ain't got to worry about second reason and might might be the more important reason we need Constitution saving throw efficiency because um you're probably going to be casting haste on yourself okay or concentrating on some type of spell and having a a decently High Constitution is pretty important for that all right so there you go first level fighter get defense for that plus one AC it really is the best option out of all these you you know there there is really no other choice here boom plus one AC and for the abilities you want that 17 Charis Charisma uh normally in all my playthroughs I normally give the hag hair to the Charisma character cuz it just makes the most sense you know you could you could do a lot with Charisma you can get past a lot of dialogue checks and you can do a lot of damage with that character so I like to give the hag hair to my Charisma character so that's why I got it a 17 and actually um I put the dexterity at 16 higher than the Constitution and the reason why there's well there's one main reason why it's for the initiative okay 16 dexterity equals plus three initiative and being able to go first with with plus three initiative you'll be able to go first out of most things in this game you know with the exception of a few encounters or bosses here and there for 90% of the things with 16 dexterity you can go first most of the time and it's really important that you go first because um as a fire sorcerer respecing into an ELD Blaster you want to kill things before they get a turn and this build or any spell cash I can definitely do that all right so we want that 16 decks for that plus plus um three initiative and of course for the AC bonus as well and of course having a fortune Constitution is fine um because we're a ranged character we're ranged we're trying to stay the away from damage we're not going to get hit most of the time so having a fortune Constitution is totally fine with this build you could be a little squishy why not at level two we're sticking with fighter for that super sweet action surge um the the concept for this build was one to boost the El blast damage through items and through you know class abilities and passives and the second concept you know to was to have as many actions and bonus actions as possible and of course fighter having action surge I mean you guys have see my builds a lot of my builds have fighter in it because get getting two levels to dipping it to fighter to get two levels is very small price to get another action right and you know a game like this is an action economy game the more actions more the more bonus actions you got the better all right at level three we are sticking with fighter for One More Level actually and we are going to use the subass champion why because we get improved critical hit so we are replacing lightning charges because they got nerfed to the ground pretty much I did the testing trust me Lightning Chargers are still good but it's like it's so it's such a shell of what it once used to be all right and you'd know if you tested as well after the Patch so basically um we're just replacing lightning charges with crit okay we're we're turning our lightning Elish blast into a critical Elish blast pretty simple change uh so we're trying to stack as much of this improved critical hit passive uh through this the champion sub class and through other through other items that I'm going to show you um and of course this effect can stack making it um pretty easy to land crits especially if if you have advantage and with this build we're going to have Advantage with every single El blast attack at level four we are going into a dip into Rogue we're going to be at Rogue for a little bit here okay you probably know where this is going but we're going to pick level one Rogue and as far as the abilities go it doesn't really matter I just put expertise on on acrobatics because I don't want to get knocked prone you know you either make an Athletics or acrobatics checked when when people kind of shove you you know what I'm saying so uh having a having a high acrobatics helps in that and because our deck is pretty decently High that's good too and of course being knocked prone is another way of losing your concentration on stuff like haste and we don't want that okay uh and as far as other other skills go I just went with the other Charisma stuff uh the thing is I already have a b to my party with high Charisma so this is pretty useless but I didn't really want to get anything else so it's up to you whatever you want abilities don't really matter we're pretty much here for rogue for a little bit to pick up something later that you're probably going to see at level five we're going to be a rogue again and we get these pretty sweet bonus actions cutting action hide cutting action Dash cutting action disengage so these are normally in action for most characters but because we're Rogue these are now turned into a bonus action which is actually pretty useful most of the time I'm I'm dashing at level six we're taking our last level into Rogue and why man you know y know why fast hands gain an additional bonus action all right Level Two fighter and level three Rogue you're probably going to see that in a lot of my builds because it's hard to pass up extra actions and extra bonus actions if your class has two fighter and three Rogue with an extra action and bonus action they're going to be useful in some sort of way even if they're a Healer even if they're a control support character they can do more in battle and and that's what it is that's what it is you know what I'm saying so we get the level two fighter action surge we got the level three Rogue Thief fast hands uh and now we can already cast what is it now we can cast about uh four Elders of blasts actually we can't yet because we don't have any s any sorcerer levels but we will in the future like I said for the first nine levels level as a sorcerer and resp at level 10 to what I'm doing now all right but of course level three Rogue Thief subclass fast hands baby at level seven we are finally taking a dip into our main class I call it our main class because we get our main damage spell this is the class we get the least levels in but it's our main class in my opinion because we get a Elders blast all right you go do your can trips I'm saying Al just blast and then you you pick whatever you want I like getting friends friends helps in in Charisma Charisma dialogues and there's a million Charisma dialogues in this game so so friend is top tier and of course elra blast is our main damage dealer as far as a subass goes there's only one subass that I really want here okay and it's mortal reminder when you land a crit against a creature that creature any nearby creatures must suceed a wisdom saving throw or become frightened and because our Charisma is so high that wisdom saving throw is pretty high so they're probably going to be frightened um uh and frightened means they can't move and they also have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls it's really good so you basically do AOE frighten every time you crit and because we're focusing on crit you can probably you can low-key control Battlefield by frightening all the monsters you know what I'm saying with the many with the amount of uh action economy that we have we can do a lot of that all right the fiend is a decent option too if you want some temporary hit points but you know the more offensive um the much more offensive option is great old one and I like to go with the with the good old stat a good defense is a powerful offense and I'm all about that glass Cannon offensive so I like I like getting great old one um and as far as the Spells go again these don't really matter just just pick whatever you want I like to pick the the the um you know the trifecta of warlock spells which is hex hellish rebuke and aror of agius but most of the time at most I'm C casting hex and at most um we don't really use our spell slots anyway because we're going to be Elis blasting everything and anything you know what I'm saying at level eight we are taking our last level into warlock to get a very important thing which is not the spell again I just I just want to make sure I have armor of agius hex and hellish rebuke just in case I need to use one of those things most likely not but just in case okay but of course the most important thing is agonizing blast when you cast Elis blast add your charisma fighter to to the damage it deals unless it is negative you can get Charisma up to 24 someone said 26 but that's like that that's crazy so you can get it to 24 pretty easily all you need is the hag hair a helmet that you get in act three and the mirror that you talk to in act three it's pretty easy it's not too hard to get your charisma to 24 and that's a plus seven damage to your Elder's blast on top of the 1 d10 that you're rolling and this of course Stacks with a certain item that you probably know it but just in case you don't I'm going to show youall later all right so agonizing blast a very good damage dealer and this applies to every single one of our Alish blast crazy uh and for the second Alish infiction repelling blast is always good and of course uh at level 10 you get three uh Elders blasts you know it fires off three blasts and if each of those hit that 4.5 turns into 13.5 if my math is correct all right so they get pushed out of the picture Okay um you can definitely go at devil site you can definitely do that if you want cuz devil sight Darkness combo is classic okay but you're probably going to want to be uh casting haste on yourself for the most part so that's why I didn't pick devil sight but if that's what you want to do you can do that but for me repelling blast was the was the better choice at level 9 we are doing our last multiclass dip and of course we're going with sorcerer because of the Good Old Source rot points now that we get some Source R Points we can use those to start using our bonus actions to cast alers blast and that's why you don't want to use ERS blast until Level 10 you want to wait just be a fire sorcerer for nine levels trust me it's good it's solid but at level 10 if you want to start Elis blasting bang all right all right this is the this is like the viable level that that you can do it you can definitely Al blast earlier if you want but it's a lot less effective than being a fire sorcerer okay also some of the items that that really activate this build um actually not there's only one or two items but still I I wouldn't recommend Elis blasting until Level 10 and that's why I I told y'all with the first nine levels just be a fire sorcerer fairly for any spellcaster you know what I'm saying fire sourcer just owns act one and act two and then in act three things start being resistant and that's when you switch it up all right so there's that that's a little rant um but yeah so we're doing sorcer this is our last multiclass far as the can trips I just chose the elemental canant trips these are useful you could blow up stuff with Firebolt you could freak you can um turn off fire with frost you can create icy surfaces with frost and shotgun grasp is good um cuz there are some things that that are weak to lightning in this game that are very important I don't want I don't want to spoil too much but let's just say you can you can um shocking grass is a very cheap way to get to a uh a big bad dragon that you could fight later in the game okay so it's really useful and of course light I like to cast light on my on myself on on the staff that I'm using just cuz there's no reason not to right as far as the Spells uh you want that Shield you want that Shield okay so now your level one spell slots are going to be used for shield and nothing else you can use hex you can use hex if you want if it's a high HP Target but if you're dealing with 100 HP targets and lower which is most of the things in this game you don't want to waste hex on it all right you want to use hex on like Raphael or some or the big ass dragon that I just mentioned but Shield definitely your level one spell slots for your reaction and what and as far as a next spell that that you want to choose here it's up to you I like choosing ritual spells ritual spells don't cost a spell slot they're super useful enhanced sleep is ritual disguise self is ritual Feather Falls ritual very good spells okay um another good spell is fog Cloud but luckily we go with the subass draconic bloodline for that free Mage Armor right here and we go with the bronze lightning to get that fog Cloud so now we have fog Cloud enhanced sleep and shield three very very good spells that are useful throughout the whole game fog Cloud I'm going to make a video on on how to pickpocket uh I found a new way to pick pocket it includes fog cloud and it's super easy um I'm I'm I'm finishing my my pretty much final playthrough on uh for this game and my inventory looks like you know those scroll you know those level six Scrolls that cost like you know 5,000 each I have 20 of each of those Scrolls plus like a 100K in gold on on on one of my characters um and that's because I've been abusing the fog cloud or Darkness pick pocketing strategy again that video is coming probably next week so watch out for that cuz I like I like to do an educational video on Wednesdays Monday and Friday I the build videos Wednesday at the educational I'm pretty sure the next one I'm going to show youall is how to pick pocket effectively and become rich and never have to worry about anything okay so anyway we do that boom I like the black color boom and that's level nine at level 10 a nothing too crazy here we get some more we get we get our sorcery points going on I picked another ritual spell but again it's up to you whatever you want to do whatever your party needs pick that FEA the fall is a ritual spell so I just picked it it's a very good spell to have and these uh these metam Magics twin spell and distance spell not really relevant not really relevant twin spell is more relevant just because you can twin spell haste you can twin spell haste by the way uh and i' i' 100% recommend doing that if you can twin spelling haste on on this crazy damage Elders Blaster and another damage dealer you can win the fight in like less than one turn so I I recommend twin spelling haste every fight if you can it's very useful and that's level 10 pretty much the next level though is where we get our our most important meta magic and you probably know which way I'm going with that all right so at level 11 going sorcerer again this is our last multi class like I said we're so we're staying here for the rest of the way going sorcerer for the Spells Missy step you got to have it you got to have it nothing else is useful uh we're going to be concentrating on haste and I I'll tell you how to use haste cuz obviously we're not going to be a high enough Source word to be able to use haste or to have it in our in our in our spell list but there are haste Scrolls in the game that you can definitely use and you can do that instead okay that's what I mean by doing that or you can use items or your other party members can do it there are a bunch of ways to get haste without having it in your in your spell list all right so don't worry about that but yeah you get that Misty step and of course the most important metam magic and the one you're probably going to be using for your sorcery points if not all the time is quick and spell you can cost you can spend three sorcery points to use a bonus action and cast a spell and what's that spell that we're going to cast as a bonus action El just blast good job guys okay um so yeah that's that that's that's level 11 and of course the last level we're sticking with Sorcerer And we finally get our feet level 12 last level sorcerer here we go can trips doesn't matter bone chill just because they you can have something not heal but you're probably just be casting out blast anyway but just in case you need them to not heal there it is spells doesn't matter okay you're going to be concentrating on haste most of the time so I just chose another ritual spell for me but for you choose whatever you want man again we're going to be 's blasting 99.9% of the time so it really doesn't matter and as far as the feet of course we just want that plus two Charisma plus two Charisma cuz why not why not and of course if you got if you got the hag here now you have 20 Charisma you put on the birthright 22 Charisma mirror loss 24 super easy super easy all right there you go and that's the leveling progress now I'm going to show you all what items that I use and I'm going explain each item why I use it some Alternatives boom boom all right so I'm using my boy Gail what I'm saying I got will Gail and my other main character darker Edge character my main spellcasters on my my three campaigns that I normally make build Builds on for you guys I've played each and every one of those campaigns differently so I get different items and different you know character paths and origin characters and I'm trying to make these videos you know real real real you know what I'm saying so anyway here are the items again I'm going explain each item why I use it I guess where to get it I don't know and then the item progression and what you would use earlier levels all right so boom we're GNA start we GNA start with the hat the birthright you can get this immediately at sorcerer sundrees in act three the big town near the lower City Waypoint okay it's in lower city um and it's it's just the best hat that plus two Charisma means uh a plus one to your attack rolls a plus one to your damage a plus one to your spell DC Charisma is just super useful and the higher that Charisma the better okay um as far as what I would use before this before I was using using this hat in act one I believe I was using a scorching Ray hat where the is that uh I don't have it on this character but there's a hat in the M myON Colony it's a scorching Ray hat and it comes with scorching Ray and uh magic Missile and scorching Ray you can get those items really early on on item items and having spells on items is really good early CU you don't have spell slots to supplement that right so I was using a scorching Ray helmet for a while and then in act two I found um bro did I throw you my items oh here we go then in act two like I said you're going to level you're going to level as a fire sorcerer okay for the for act one and act two until you get to act three and now using this which the Hat of fire Acuity when you deal fire damage you gain Arcane Acuity and Arcane Acuity gives you a plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and spell DC per turn remaining so at the at the least when you first deal fire damage this is a plus two okay and that's really really good and of course because you're a fire source for early this is a very good helmet to level with and I just you I used this this hat all the way up until I switch to Al blast and then use the birthright again you can get at sorcerer CES yall know where that is okay the cloak cloak of the weave I'm just using this for that for that plus one spell attack rolls uh this is a crit build so you can use shad Slayer cloak cloak the problem with Chase Slayer cloak is it says while hiding the number you need to roll a crit is reduced so it has the crit sentence but it says while hiding okay this is not a very sneaky character the Dex is decent but and it takes too much effort honestly to hide in this game we do enough damage anyway so I just chose something more more for the build okay cloak of the weave for that plus one spell attack r and I guess you could use cloer protection if you really wanted it you know because that that plus one spell attack really isn't making much of a difference because we're going to have Advantage anyway but you might need it there are some targets with that 20 AC that are really hard to hit and you're going to need that plus one so for me I chose cloak of the weave before this you could just use cloaker protection all right you can use this throughout the whole damn game really for any type of build this is a very good cloak and if if someone in your part is already using this they can use the cloak of displacement they get disadvantage on attack RS against you there are a lot of good cloak options but for me the best was cloak of the Wii for that plus one spell attack rolls next Boom the chest the potent robe y'all know what it is yes you get this from rescuing the T Lings and keeping alira alive uh now now I know I seen I se I seen some of you dark urge players saying I'm playing Dark urge I had to kill alira yes but make sure you're saving before every long rest as a dark urge when you're in act one when you're near the end of act one okay make sure you start saving before taking a long rest because one of those cutcenes is going to be alir going into your camp and saying oh I want to sing you a song the key is once that happens you load back into that save before that long rest you walk up to Al's dumbass you knock her out how do you knock her out press k no you don't press K you click down here passives knockout turn that on it's going to turn it on for all your characters they can get knocked out from a melee or an unarmed attack so just beat up alira okay with a melee or an un unarmed attack until she's knocked out then take your long rest and then a random ass dragon born who knows how to Mongolian throat sing comes to your Camp I suggest you let her sing or let them sing because the Mongolian throat singing is quite amusing to be honest um okay but uh you kill them instead you kill them inad dead and then you don't have to worry about Al fear of being dead that's that that's the way that I do it it's very very easy but but then then again make sure you're taking that you're saving before those long rests when you're an act one I don't I don't know exactly when that cut scene happens with alfir when she joins your camp and starts being all extra um but it it definitely happens near the end of act one all right definitely before you leave the first area somewhere just before you leave so just remember remember that if you're playing Dark urge but yeah why do we use this why do we why do we use this chest your can trips deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier this stacks on top of agonizing blast so this is another plus seven for for if you have 24 Charisma to your ELD blast so now we have plus 14 to each and every single one of Al's blast and there's three blasts per attack so that's already 14 * 3 42 that's that's average bro not not even including the 1 d10 that we're adding from the other other blast okay so boom we're just stacking our damage again just like the last time but this time instead of using lightning Chargers we're using crit and we'll go the we'll go over the crit items later so far our only way of uh our critting is our level three fighter Champion but we have more ways to do that so don't worry then the gloves spell my gloves I actually did not use these on my on my El blaster on my lightning one because it was too much of a penalty okay and we weren't using the risky ring like we are now but this is definitely the best gloves now to be able to keep up with the damage that it was doing before and of course this is just a great weapon Master Sharpshooter version for spell casters when you casting a spell that requires an attack roll you can take a minus five penalty to the roll and deal an additional 1d8 damage and that 1d8 damage is uh depending on what kind of damage you're doing in the first place which is force damage so that's more Force damage and also the same thing for agonizing blast and potent robes so now we're doing a ton of force damage and if I'm not mistaken there are very few things in the game that that are resistant to force damage and of course Force damage can break down brick walls and doors so Force damage is very very useful throughout the whole game but these are clearly so far beyond the best gloves for this build spell my gloves and you can get this um oh you can get this cloak by the way at hellick boom in our secret inventory you can get these gloves by collecting all the dribbles the clown pieces okay I I think there's seven pieces seven or eight one of those uh I will not tell you how where where each piece is that that's that is not the kind of video just Google it you're going to Google this dribbles the clown bothers gate three there you go and then you get these gloves as a reward the the reward the the person to get the quest from and to get these gloves from when you're done with the quest is in the circus uh she is wearing a robe has a staff she's kind of tall she looks like a nun that lady I don't know I think her name starts with the L I think it's luscious or the crous something like that you'll see her in the circus she will give you the quest and she will give you these gloves all right as far as the boots I've I've shown These Boots so many times these are just just really good boots it's a Missy step that that refreshes off of a short rest and uh you can't be in webbed and Tangled and snared and can't slip on Grease or eye this just really good boots bro like they are very this might be the best boots in the game just because you get it super early and nothing can really replace these there's there's a space hunt boots that come with dimension door but this requires uh this refreshes off of a long rest so you can't even use this every battle and Missy step can be used for a bonus action which is normally more preferred anyway when you're using a Mobility skill so I love these boots and of course you can get these by either letting near die to the poison in the underd dark Grim Forge or killing near once they get out and saving the iron hand gnomes and I would I would recommend you to save the iron hand gnomes from the underd dark okay uh instead of letting near die from the poison most like so here's what I learned through so through so much many my playthroughs the general thumb is to keep as many NPCs alive as you can because those NPCs might activate a quest or might be a vendor later that sells really really good so you want to make sure you keep almost everyone alive if you're playing the good side uh for the bad side I guess you just murder everyone right but that I'm letting y'all know that that's a big tip okay um so yeah these boots they and they are not interchangeable the best boots for every build pretty much let's go on to the amulet so the amulet we're using a this is a crit build so I want it to stay with the theme and of course uh once we land a crit we can uh you you can paralyze a target for two turns and paralyze they can't move or take actions and attacks against the enemy are always crits if if we're within 3 m and um again it's very easy to crit with this build along with the ilod power boom right here which I don't even have in this character that's crazy what the so yeah it's very easy to crit so you can practice amulet pretty much the problem is it's on it's on a short it's on a long rest so it can only it can only really be done once uh if you want a more consistent choice this is a pretty squishy character and we don't have warcaster for an advantage on our constitution saving throws for our concentration checks so a more consistent option would be amulet a greater Health the reason why I I'm not using this is because I normally like to put this on my support character cuz they concentration spells are more important to be concentrating on okay um but also this character is uh is away from damage and normally never gets hit range characters like this one that do a ton of damage so but again if you if you want to be safe you could definitely wear this that means whenever you cast haste in yourself um which is probably going to be through a squirrel or through through one of your party members you could probably count on concentrating on it because you have you have Advantage now but for me I like to stay with the theme and and and obviously this kind of amulet Amulet of Greater Health you can literally use for every single build in the game it's kind of boring right kind of like these boots but so I I'm sticking with the crit theme and I'm going with the the the crit amulet and of course you can get this this at in act two in the house of healing off of uh the Dr Thor boss there and by the way all the thorn bosses in act two in that in that shadow area if you just bring a high Charisma character you can just talk your way out of everything in there and they get get pretty much the same amount of XP so there you go the ring the risky ring this makes it super easy to get advantage in all our attack all our Al blast attack roles yes you have you have disadvantage on saving throws which kind of sucks I know but because this character you can cast out Blast from pretty far we're going to be we're going to be pretty far from taking damage anyway so the bad thing about this ring normally doesn't happen at least not for me okay you want to make sure you're positioning your characters out of sight the there's something called losos line of sight make sure once you cast your elders blast you go out of the way of their of their spell casters or their archers cuz they will definitely break your concentration if you're doing that haste type or if they're just trying to cast a spell on you okay so you gotta you got to make sure you you you be aware of your of your positioning when wearing this ring all right but this is definitely the best ring it gives you advantage on everything all our elers blasts now have Advantage making it so much easier to crit let alone hit you know what I'm saying and the second ring is the callous glow ring so normally I like I like to pair this ring with the coruscation ring to get to get the guaranteed are near a light source anyway there's so many lights the the sun is also a light source by the way so there most likely uh whatever you're hitting will will probably near a light source and will be illuminated anyway or one of your team members um is near them with light cast it on them there's so many ways to illuminate enemies you know what I'm saying and most of the time they're probably illuminated anyway so the callus glow ring like you saw earlier in the video which deals radiant damage by the way it was pretty much always rocking and of course this is just an extra two damage on top of our other crazy uh parts of damage but this isn't too much damage though to be honest it's plus two so it's it's plus six per per L attack roll which is okay uh but if you want a more debuff then you can definitely use the coruscation ring this will make the enemy useless including bosses radiating orb gives them a gives them a penalty on their attack or per remaining turn okay and because Elish blast hits three times that's six turns so that's minus six to their Attack girls so you could turn someone like Raphael actually Raphael's spellcaster you could turn someone like uh jurer Raphael's little assistant he'll never be able to land a hit cuz you're radiating orb him so you can definitely use that instead but for me I wanted to stack as much as much damage as possible so I got the Callis glow ring you can get both of these Rings you can get the risky ring from one of the vendors I think her name is araj oblodra in the moonrise Act 2 okay if you want to know where any of these these items are specifically I have uh act one act two and act three guides on every single not every single item but the best items and all these items are definitely on on on that list so if you want to know where any any items are that I'm explaining just look at one of those videos instead of this video it's much more clearer it's much more uh informative you know what I'm saying and of course you can get this from the balazar there is a there is a vault with a 30 DC lock uh near baltazar's little little office you go in there it'll have this ring super good ring okay all right let's go on to the weapons okay so as you've noticed we're actually not using a staff we're not using a staff last time we were using Marco heser Okay we're using Marco hes Kier in combination with our light staff for lightning Chargers because that worked with our spellcasting modifier but it doesn't do that anymore so it doesn't add too much damage right so what does that mean that means well it's not worth to do this anymore so instead we're just dual wielding some swords and daggers cuz why not why not and we can because we're first level Fighters so we can pretty much wear whatever we want all right for our main hand uh for so the these are all stat sticks these don't do they're they're just stat sticks all right uh our main damage comes from our hands cuz we're H just blasting so look at these all three of these are stat sticks and of course the knife of the undermounted king probably the best stat stick in the game the wielder scores a crit when rolling a 19 so now um whenever we roll a 18 or lower we get a crit because of our champion fighter so now it's 18 the number is 18 and of course when when we roll a two damage or less we roll the dice taking the highest results so now not only do we have advantage on our attack roles we have advantage on our on our damage roles so we're going to be doing Max damage pretty much all the time it's crazy okay the second stat stick is raps City I love this this dagger I think it's one of the best if not the best one-hander in the game gain a plus one bonus to attack rolls damage and spell save DC for every F you sleigh up to a maximum of three and this works on inanimate objects by the way you can equip this rap city and hit three barrels and it'll give you this bonus so it's very easy to activate this buff and having a plus three to your attack rules plus three three to your damage and a plus three to your spell sa DC is crazy it's crazy as soon as I saw this weapon my first playr I knew this is one of the best items in the game and it is and it is um you can unequip this and keep this buff but I think that's kind of cheesy you know uh uh you can probably use another uh dagger to help with the crit if you're Min Min Min Max maxing but you know it seemed a little cheesy to me but you can do that if you want I but I want to keep the weapon where it was you know you pay some respect to the weapon is a really good weapon man a lot of builds are aren't using this weapon I and I don't know why it's super duper good okay and definitely the best stat stick so wraps today boom you can get the knife at The Crush Crush at the vendor I think their name is aak see the cool thing about making those act one act two act three item videos was now I know the vendor names I feel smart anyway you can get the knife at the crash at the vendor there and you get the rap city doing the uh vampire uh aarion story you know what I mean the main boss drops this weapon uh he also drops a sta staff that is very lackluster but this dagger is definitely s tier okay and for our last item slot the Deadshot yes I'm definitely going to make a lot more builds with this bow I forgot this bow existed until I was doing some research and this is just stacking that crit you know now we need to roll a 17 or lower to crit and of course with the rap city already having the buff you can just change this out where is that item oh you can also use a sword of Life stealing I didn't even think of that that sounds crazy actually does that apply to the elders last damage if I feel like that does if that does this is and you're Min Min Min maxing you once you get the rap city buff change into this cuz again it adds an extra 10 damage and the the the one of one of the goals of this guy of this build is to stack damage on top of each other so if it does crit this is this would be a crazy item um but if it doesn't it only applies to the sword then then it wouldn't be best in slot other wise you just you could just use another item to to lower your crit and there's like other daggers that do that that I can't find one here you go so you can use this which is orange weapon so now with this setup um and let's let's let's assume you were hiding with the shade Slayer cloak so now we would need to roll a 15 or lower all right to roll a crit and we have advantage on each and every single one of our attacks and that's really freaking strong okay but again you got to be hiding for this and I I I'm I'm never hiding I'm all offense I'm all offense so I'm I'm I just use cloak of the weave and to not be too cheesy I just stick with the rap city but those are definitely other options for more crit so now once you're but but with this setup we need to roll a 17 or lower which is still pretty good still pretty good and those are the items those are the items okay oh you can get this from the vendor outside of sorcerer sundies um there are two vendors outside one of them one of themselves the armor of agility the other sells this the Deadshot and just figure out which one it is all right so now I guess I should go over you know what consumables to use what Buffs to use and um how to go crazy with it okay so as far as the Buffs go first of all the Elixir you want to use is the elixir of bloodlust all right now if you wanted you can definitely use the elixir of crit which uh do I have you can definitely use these which again Stacks the crit even more but I just feel like instead of instead of uh critting for one L I feel like having an extra action is just better because that means an extra Elish blast that means three more damage that we're doing and that and assuming that that crits that that's already better than Elixir viciousness so I feel like on average most of the time Elixir blood L is just the better choice for most damage builds um but if you want to follow the crit thematic the crit theme you can just use this instead all right but we're going to show Elixir blood lust you definitely want to be blessed okay by one of your members in the party and you definitely want to be hasted by either yourself okay through you can you can haste yourself by using a scroll haste scrolls are very easy to come across in this game all right and like I said I'll show you all how to pick pocket so you can become rich and never have to worry about money in the game or squirrels okay but that's for next week um and those are the main Buffs you can get warding boted if you want you can get Bic inspiration if you want but if you're if you got blood lust if you got haste and you got bless on then you you're already you can already get popping so let's just go ahead and uh make sure our spell might is on here our little passive let's let's just do another round of damage all right why not here we go let's get it okay damn she didn't die come on now can I not attack her path is interrupted suck my dick therey go oh did I get her I think I got her all right cool all right cool keep attacking yall know what it is keep attacking all right that action surge you know what it is boop boop boop damn damn quick and spell boop damn look at that 40 damage Jesus well we got we got one more we got one more there it is man seven targets dead the new Elis blast build the critical stack one hope yall enjoyed the video that's going to be it for me all right y'all have a good one I appreciate y'all and of course if y'all like the content please please take that 5 Seconds to click on stuff click on the like click on the sub you know click click on another video godamn okay all of that actually helps don't ask me ask the the the freaking ruthless YouTube analytics they take everything into account so the more clicks the longer the longer you guys watch the video it all matters all right so do all the stuff I appreciate it okay um again the upload schedule is as follows Monday and Friday are going to be build guides for this game for now I do plan to play more games all right I don't just play balers Gate 3 I mean you can't just play one game your whole life you know what I'm saying so I do plan to play I I do play more games um just for now we'll be focusing on balers Gate 3 because you can do so much with this game you know what I mean um and I feel like a DLC is coming soon I've been told the DLC is coming soon from reliable sources so we'll see but yeah so Mondays and Fridays are build guides for balers Gate 3 and then Wednesday are is the educational one where I'm going to show y'all I just finished act one two and three best items on where to get them the exact spots okay very long videos took very long to make now the next one's probably going to be for next week uh next Wednesday I'm going show youall how to pickpocket okay there are multiple ways in the how to pickpocket I think I found the best one that uses the least resources and is the least what is it risky because if you've tried pickpocketing in this game the NPCs aren't that stupid you know once you steal their they notice and they might tell a guard they might attack you and it might actually up your story but I found a way that's safe easy um but it does require a few spells but luckily all those spells can be found on items so expect that for next Wednesday um but yeah I I I I wanted to make a an updated Elish blast guide cuz I knew Elis blast was still strong I actually need to find out a way to to do it and here it is high Charisma high damage good items lit build so yeah thanks for watching y'all I appreciate it and I'll see y'all on the next one all right with y'all man peace
Channel: KotaKobe
Views: 28,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wyll, karlach, shadowheart, dark urge, dnd, 5e, laezel, astarion, gale, withers, dungeons and dragons, tiefling, gnome, dwarf, drow, elf, half elf, paladin, warlock, sorcerer, barbarian, wizard, druid, cleric, bard, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, dragonborn, duergar, githyanki, human, halfling, illithid, ability check, saving throw, bonus action, background, feat, attack roll, stealth, sleight of hand, charisma, persuasion, deception, equipment, act 1, act 2, act 3, mind flayer, concentration, action surge, bg3, lae'zel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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