Baldur's Gate 3 | How To Play Co-Op With Friends

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Baldur's Gate 3 is finally out in 1.0 and if you're not playing it you're kind of missing out especially when you think about this insanely deep Co-Op campaign experience it's a little bit confusing to get into so if you're unsure about how it works I don't blame you let me explain to you how Co-op Works in Baldur's Gate 3 and definitely use those time stamps to get to the part that you need as there are a lot of different configurations for Co-Op that we tested and you might want to skip to whichever one pertains to you Baldur's Gate 3 offers four player online co-op two-player Split Screen Co-op and a whole lot in between including combo Co-op all of which I'll touch later first let's start with online co-op in order to play online co-op and Ballers Gate 3 one of the players in your group needs to choose the multiplayer option in the main menu select create at the bottom of the screen to make a Lobby and then invite the friends if you're playing with specific friends be sure to keep your lobby private and not public when the game Star every player is going to have the opportunity to create a character or select An Origin character if your friends join later they will be able to make a custom character but not play as a pre-made origin character a point I'm going to come back to later from here on out the host has the ability to save and when they do they create a point where you can load back in later whenever you want to re-enter that campaign when you re-enter the host will assign everyone to their characters or you'll get assigned automatically and you're just going to pick up right where you left off if you do decide to add someone mid-campaign they can create a character and join as I mentioned sending any extra companions back to your Camp they'll also be able to level up their character to the host level so as to not be totally underpowered however that custom character will be stuck as a permanent slot in your campaign and cannot be replaced by a companion later on so don't just go joining people's campaigns without committing to stick with it and checking with the host first and I'm gonna have to be sure to reiterate this point throughout every person you add to your player count post launch of the campaign like going from two to three players or three to four players takes away a potential slot for a companion finally I do want to mention it is possible to switch hosts by sending the save file to a friend but we're not going to cover the details of that here you can find that elsewhere just know it's possible to do later if you're in a pinch as for local co-op you need to both be playing controller to access this feature instead of choosing a multiplayer game just choose a new game and once you're at the Character Creator simply press X or a depending on your controller and just like that you're in split screen anytime you come back to play in this campaign again just simply activate your second controller and you'll be in split screen mode similar to online co-op if you start a campaign alone and add a split screen Co-op partner later they will have to create a new character and not be able to choose an origin player a friendly note to PC players be sure to use DirectX 11 instead of Vulcan to launch the game if you're gonna do split screen Co-op because it does not work in Vulcan as of right now during our testing we were able to play in combo Co-op which is crazy this means you can play with a friend in split screen while also playing with friends online on top of that you can actually double up and have two players playing split screen on one system while connecting online to two players playing split screen on another system we're really happy to see see this feature because it's not something you see very often in modern video games with everything I mentioned above you've probably figured out that there is no shared progression it's best to look at it as the host has the save and when you plan on playing in your Co-Op campaign you're going to want to make sure that that host is available or else you're just not going to be able to play let's say you have a party of three people and one person isn't available you can still play without them and just reassign their character to someone else or if you have another friend who wants to join just temporarily taking over that third person spot is fine they won't actually have to make a custom character it's only when you have four people and your three-person campaign that the game realizes okay you need to make a custom character so in summary the host has the save and you can just join as long as they're available but everybody else is not going to have that progression saved to their game probably the craziest part of bg3's Co-op is the player agency the non-host players have outside of saving they can do anything they want go anywhere they want talk to any NPC they want the non-host players truly have zero limitations in the campaign one thing to keep in mind is you can listen into conversations your friends are having by clicking on the ear icon next to their portrait when they're in conversation it's important to key in your friends when you're having a conversation that seems important because only occasionally will the game force you to watch a cut scene altogether Additionally you don't have to worry about loot drops as your inventory can be shared between all four players pretty much whenever you want outside of combat finally I want to note that if you have less than four players playing you can bring the origin characters along in your party we've kind of talked about that already and you can also switch who controls that origin character whenever you want in the session menu as far as we can tell there is no difficulty scan failing when you're playing with your friends you choose a difficulty setting before you start your campaign and that's going to be that in some ways Co-op does make the game Easier by allowing you to focus on less than four characters but it also adds a lot of chaos so that's just simply up to preference finally there will be no cross play between PC and PS5 decide what system your squad will play on and stick to it and that is everything you need to know before you get into Baldur's Gate 3's Co-op it's one of the most expansive Co-op systems we've ever seen and took a lot of testing to get everything down if we helped you and your friends at all show us some love in the comments or by liking the video and considering a sub please note that this is coming out before the launch of the PS5 version but everything I mention here should apply all the same otherwise I'm gonna peace out so I can keep playing this 100 hour Behemoth with my friends catch you next time on another episode of the co-op Bros
Channel: The Co-Op Bros
Views: 70,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dslJdyw04HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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