Baldur's Gate 3: How To Learn To Play D&D With Baldur's Gate 3

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foreign with Baldur's Gate 3. upon us we have kind of a unique opportunity here with Dungeons and Dragons I'm actually here with Dan Dillon to talk about the game we've both been in Early Access for quite some time I'm very shocked at how much the Boulder's Gate 3 experience is almost virtually identical to the D D tabletop experience yeah yeah and it starts you that way right off the bat as soon as you get into it and start building your character I mean it's like building a d d character it's it's set up and built exactly the same way for those that don't know who maybe are playing the game sure how close is it because it it is remarkably close to my eyes of like yeah it's all the same stats it's all the same skills it's the same roles yep skill proficiencies classes subclasses playable races all of that yeah what stands out the most to you is in terms of like how close it is uh it's probably the the fact that the class structure is exactly what you would see in your tabletop d d experience now they do some things you know their own way to make it fit for the video again environment that it lives in but I mean it's the same right if you're building a fighter you're going to be building a fighter that you are familiar with and if you were to play ball just Gate 3 first and then try out d d with your friends for the first time it's going to be completely familiar right you're going to see all of the same fighter features and that you're you know used to using from your character in the video game this is a great introduction for people who are curious about d d to maybe actually learn a bit about d d yeah like this game to me teaches you combat rounds and everything else yeah since the combat is turn based and I mean even outside of combat even in dialogues and interactions where it has oh this skill is going to be needed to get this person on your side or whatever it'll tell you what skill it's using it'll tell you what sort of check it's going to be you'll see the D20 role and see what you need and what you're adding to it you know you get to use all of your features like if you're uh you have a guidance spell that can be used to help boost it that all that all that is there so that's really just sort of visually walking you through through would you actually recommend this like if you had a friend that was like Hey I really want to learn d d but I know I'm a dungeon master right now I mean yeah pretty confident in giving them Baldur's Gate 3 and saying oh you're gonna figure it out using this other than like Improv absolutely like if you're just talking about getting a hook into the imaginative feel of the world of d d The Sword Coast or Forgotten Realms in particular yeah for sure and then if you have someone who's a video game player and you know this is just they'll be ducked to a pond in this sort of thing then yeah this is a great introduction to d d for them I don't always get to play as much d d as I would like yeah this is a great way for me to figure out if I like a character in some ways even from like the the choices you get in the video game in terms of like what you get to say you can figure out the personality or figure out okay maybe I actually like being a tank far more yeah once I've played a little bit Baldur's Gate three uh instead of being a squishy wizard I'm like wow I seem to die a lot because I'm putting myself in The Fray uh in a bad way uh I think it was like like educational moments there yeah and the way the larian has set up the combat system it mirrors DND so well in just the pieces and parts of how the combat functions I think it's a really great way to try out different play styles files and since it's you know not twitch reaction based video game real-time combat it is turn based I think it's going to be very applicable to to getting a feel for how a class or you know a spell set might work on your regular DND table but you can kind of beta test it out a little bit on your computer the one thing Baldur's Gate Theory can't at this moment do is probably teach you uh improv necessarily or the back and like it does like I love the dialogue options and there are a ton and choices that actually matter in this game yes another thing that's really important to d d is things can go off the rails and I kind of feel like Boulder Skate 3 can go off the rails as well you can like make some choices that heavily impact the storyline this is not completely linear yeah there's so many different ways that a lot of these encounters can play out there's an encounter where you run into a gnome yeah who's in a who's in a situation and they are in some Dire Straits and you can help them or you can take the kind of jerk move and make their situation way worse and I never thought to take that option but I saw someone do that yeah and it blew my mind that that was even a thing that you could do in the game so just the uh obviously you can't do absolutely anything in a video game this game gives you so many different paths and makes so many different choices available to you and makes them meaningful that it's really inspiring someone who doesn't get to play Deanie as often as they'd like this is a very cathartic of like yeah just jump in on my own time and and play some DND for sure and that's the thing we hear sometimes like oh I can't find a group I'd love to play D D but I don't have anyone to play with like this is going to be a great stand-in for that especially with the just the breadth of options that you have and approaches I would absolutely advise someone if you're curious about DND check out Baldur's Gate 3 play that and you're going to get a sense of the action economy you're going to get the sense of how social interactions work you're going to definitely get the sense of how weird d d can go uh depending on your tension Master we've already seen some very interesting romantic options in the game uh and it really does like capture that humor so I feel like the art it's the classes all of it is kind of there yeah and speaking of the dungeon master that's one thing that if you've never played D tabletop that you will get a sense of having a DM sort of narrate and React to what you're doing because the narrator in the game yeah that that voice over I I love it it it's so well done it takes over that dungeon master role where it sort of narrates to you you know things your character might feel or sense or perceive that are not immediately apparent on the screen and instead of just giving you text to read it actually speaks it to you and it speaks it to you like a dungeon master that's in the moment and loving every minute of this and that is going to help the transition for someone who's never played in a session of d d before because it's it's different than than other hobbies and other things that you can do right it's not the same as playing a board game or a card game with your friends and so having that narrator that that DM voice sort of giving you let me dip your toes into that pool you're going to be ready for it when you're sitting around the table with some friends playing d d I really hope we go love uh tabletop role players out of this game I hope so too yeah and I hope I hope we get a lot of uh just just back and forth cross-pollination on it right that we can get uh we can get so much inspiration on how to run your tabletop games from the video game just having the ideas of multiple levels to a combat you know if you just add the rooftops as something it's it's so easy when you're you're thinking about a combat as the little grid map that's printed in the adventure or what you're drawing on a match thinking about things like rooftops multiple floors to a building the interior of the tavern not just streets that is drawn yeah thinking about that as a DM can really help you set up some some just very memorable encounters that would have otherwise been kind of ho-hum
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 39,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, gaming, roleplaying game, ttrpg, forgotten realms, eberron, Wizards of the Coast, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, tabletop, RPG, Todd Kenreck, dnd, Wildemount, Critical Role
Id: muae7HTroAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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