Baldur's Gate 3: Larian Reaction to Launch and Thank You To Fans

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foreign like every single one of us on like release date we're just hitting like refresh looking at Metacritic we're just seeing all responses on Twitter and like jumping on like the um Baldur's Gate subreddit and just like what's going on what are people saying like do they like us and then there's this overwhelming positivity weeks later but it's almost like hi that we just don't understand like how our stupid little game has touched so many people and we get this like heartwarming messages from people saying like I was in a bit of a dark place and then I started playing Baldur's Gate and it sort of like elevated me a bit and I was like it's a game where I spent a day looking at how much does a cow weigh like how is this making people so happy but like we all love it and we just love seeing like what the fans have kind of like made of it and as well like it's such a I don't say a story there's such like a a legacy from Boulders gate one and two to like see that we've kind of made people happy and see us as like a good successor to those old ones yeah that's been really heartwarming are you on YouTube shorts or Tick Tock or any of that stuff like seeing all these all this content constantly be thrown out there like what's amazing about Boulder Skate 3 is it has uh there's so much coverage of it of so many people playing it and finding these unique moments it's so fun to watch these videos I watched the uh Ford gnome Barbarian uh YouTube video and that was just fantastic because like as someone who is in charge of a barbarian and I love shorter races I don't think they get enough love like dwarfs are my all-time favorite so saying short reps like race is represented like I love it um and just watching these like four guys close chaos for these like tools I give them like yeah we love that and we're all constantly internally at Laren like we're sending each other videos we find like we have a dedicated Channel just for like basically popping up like have you seen what this guy's done like like she over here she's like broken like our bears like come check it out like it's fantastic and we love seeing that stuff we're sharing it constantly that's fun I mean that that had been like one of the best parts about the launch as well like moving from early access to that like all this must have started flooding in to the entire team we were somewhat known in the industry for like divinity original sin one and two that sort of like our original name out it's like people like we specialize in sort of like crpgs like thoughts are about like we all play this sort of stuff outside of work um and then just to go from this like game that has a weird skeleton dude as a main character to then like pop off as like this accessible this gate is just insane like I was um I have a really cute fluffy dog right who's called Sonny and he's a key sound and like everyone wants to like pet him and play with him like all the time whenever I take him for a walk or um whenever I'm on the tube in London like people like stop me oh kind of can I shoot your dog like yeah it's fine it was release day and I was walking back to the office I brought the dog in with me because it was just a bit of fun um and I was walking up and someone like approached me I was like oh someone wants to stroke their dog and I forgot I was wearing my Baldur's Gate t-shirt and the guy walked up and said good luck for release day today and I was like what I was like do you not want to stroke the dog is this not about the dog me what it's really nice this has to be amazing for you to like it's just it feels like a pop culture moment it's insane like when packs open this morning and Sven was standing by the booth like he wasn't there yesterday just instantly he was like swamped by people like wanted to meet him and like take photos of him it was just so like nice it's like you know this guy that I like have fun with and like work with and I'll drink a glass of wine with and you just want to take pictures with them I'd like to spends like the nicest guy as well like he's always interested like he loves it when people like tell them about the game they play and like telling weird stories about stuff they do and he's just such a friendly guy so it's like sure I'll take a picture of you um yeah but it's odd to becoming these like gaming celebrities like I I don't want to say overnight because it makes it sound like a crazy thing but in the same way it's very much been like this past month we've we've been watching the steam charts like we all are just like sitting there watching the numbers come in and we're like oh my God we were not expecting this yeah um it's been emotional like in a fun way like and we've put a lot into this game and see that pay off like it's been like magical almost it's gonna feel a little bit like Frodo and Sam like getting to the mountain bit right like there's just some pause uh Sven you know talked about it as kind of like the black hole like that moment right after a game is complete yeah I can't imagine where I felt like at the studio yeah it was weird we sort of we weren't like down tools exactly like we we internally like there's still things we want to polish like there's still bugs we want to fix um but yeah there was that moment of just like what do we do now like what's our mission like this game's come out we still want to work in it and obviously like the PlayStation and like the early releases today so some of us are still like we still have things coming um and for the Xbox release later in the year like there's more waves of kind of excitement coming it's a weird being a Pax and seeing fans directly it's kind of funny they're all fit together the day of replacing PlayStation 5 launch the game's out your ad packs interacting directly with fans yeah this is I think it's been my like second event like I've been to and like had a chance to interact with people like I was at egx in London a couple years ago like when we had I think it was a release of the Sorcerer And it was a much smaller Booth back those days so it was um like we were relatively popular but there wasn't like hordes of people like queuing up for merchandise we had we sold out of like a couple of things but it's been insane today like the minute we open up like the doors for packs there's just a massive queue all the way around the booth for people like we want bg3 t-shirts and like we can finally get them out to the players um it's just so odds like just seeing these people like I want merch of the thing you worked on like yeah it's like I'm grateful the bought like the game and played it and like getting my feedback and it's like no we want more I remember how people are asking like when's the next thing and I'm like I don't know like this your studio is so transparent and so player focused this has to be just a remarkable experience we're very fortunate about like Freedom we have as a studio to like hey we work on something that all of us love and B like Sven as a leader like he's open to suggestions about everything and he wants the game to be as good as like the rest of us if not more like he's in the trenches like he's sitting there with the writers like constantly like what if you do this what if we do this he works really hard in the game but he also respects everyone he works with and like trusts their decisions he might come to me and be like Ross can we do this as much as he is the boss I'm also like I don't agree and he's like he's so open to stuff he's not like no I'm the boss like you must do this he's like no I hear your points yeah sure let's keep it that way um so that's been really good um something as well just because you mentioned like playing the game and having those moments even us like Antonio larion we had like I had moments watching the d d movie this year where like we weren't given any sort of like pre-work like we didn't get to see it for anyone else so I went to the same Cinema I was like everyone else and I'm sitting there like giggling when like Harpers came on I was like I was just doing stuff for the Harpers and game and they're doing like this giant screen in front of me it was just like there's an hour I went with my partner and I must have been so annoying I was like chatting about everything that came up uh during the movie yeah yeah it's like oh my God displace the Beast like I love these you're not supposed to do that during a movie in the theater that was that [Applause] where's you're so cool just seeing like blown up the stuff that like I see every day at work I'm like I just got that in the game too it's just so cool is there anything that you want to tell fans at the end of all of this I think the fans really made the game for us I think everything we've like ever read from the forums and like read it and from Twitter like we do read that stuff the amount they've appreciated the game like we love our fans they're such good people like so I guess like the thing I want to tell them is just like thanks for being there like it's been a long Early Access it's been like three years that people have like went to chapter two when's chapter two and I just want to thank them for the patience and for all their feedback and it's helped us make the game it is today
Channel: Dungeons & Dragons
Views: 187,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, gaming, roleplaying game, ttrpg, forgotten realms, eberron, Wizards of the Coast, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, tabletop, RPG, Todd Kenreck, dnd, Wildemount, Critical Role
Id: CdYLbbTZdQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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