Baldur's Gate 3 Build: Best Bard Build Guide Level 1-12 That's Strong! (Easy To Use)

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free and this Boulders Gate 3 build guide I'm going to show you a Bard build that I have been using and it's really fun to use so let's get started we're going to be choosing the elf race for this build and we're going to be going with half Alf and then I'm going to be choosing the fire bolt and this scales off intelligence so keep this in mind and we're going with the bad class these are the con trips right here that I have been using and these are the Spells now this build guide is just a quick video to show you the build that I've been using and I'm going to go from level one all the way to level 12 instrument violin background sage and then these are the abilities that I'm rolling with a little bit different to what everybody else does so I'm doing eight inches strength 16 decks 14 Constitution 12 intelligence 8 wisdom and 16 charisma a lot of people do 17 Charisma but I do 16 because the extra point doesn't make a difference now you'll see here that intelligence is up a little bit the reason why is because with this particular build these here scale off intelligence so I'm using firebot which is intelligence and that's why I have a little bit into intelligence so just keep that in mind with this particular build now at level two we get Jack of all trades your vast experiences make you more likely to succeed in any undertaking at half of your proficiency bonus rounded down to Ability checks not efficient in this is extremely good and also a song of rest you and your allies are revitalized as though you would have taken a short rest and then we can also pick another spell for level two now you could really just pick whatever you like here but in this one but what I usually go with is the cure wounds heal a creature you can touch this is very good when you start to get companions and you will have a companion or two by the time you get to level two all right from level two to three I do a little bit different to everybody else we can choose another spell either choose shatter or clutter daggers is what I go with clutter daggers is more fun for me but our shadow works very well for this build I go with College of Swords now the reason is is because we chose the sage background we we actually are already proficient in these here and I like to just have this because it's a good mix and it's kind of like a bad sash melee build that I'm doing and I just like to do it now the problem is we have to choose a fighting style and at the start of the game from level two to three you might already have different weapons but at the start we don't have a one-handed weapon and we and so these really don't aren't going to make sense unless you have a weapon that is suitable so for example when you are wielding a melee weapon that is not two-handed or versatile on one hand and no weapon in the other you deal an additional two damage this is what I choose because by the time I'm at level three I will probably have a weapon that is suitable for this so now I'll quickly go through these but I've got this here which is shadow really good one so damage all enemy creatures and object creatures made of inorganic material such as Stone have a disadvantage on their saving throws but we also have these melee weapons as well uh melee sorry attacks that are really good and work quite well with this particular build then we also have our health as well but you can change these up if you like this one is also very good which was a level one spell though but this is what I have at level three from level three to four you can get a can trip and I go with the blade Ward just for a bit of extra defense there take only half the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks but you can choose whatever you want here for spells you can also choose whatever you want I suggest a level two I usually go with cloud of daggers at this point or if I'm not using clouded daggers to go off Shadow and then for the feet I go ability Improvement and I give my Charisma up to 18 because it was only at 16 before so now it's higher at 18. from level four to five you now get level three spells the one I like to go with is plant growth this is quite good at um slows the enemies moving through this but you could pick one of these um stinking cloud is also a very good one but because it has some very good melee stuff I'm not essentially looking for something crazy here but I do like the plant growth now the reason I chose plant growth before just because I even this is a melee build sometimes if there's quite a lot of enemies I can keep a few enemies in one area while I'm fighting other enemies and level five to six you get another spell nothing really happens on this level this is the one I go with but you can choose any one you want you can even do a level two spell if you want to just go back to level two spell because maybe some more damage like this one is pretty good heat metal but just go through and choose probably a level two or a level three spell that you think would work well for you but by the time you get to this point you're going to see what your play style is and you will know what type of spell that you're going to want to pick just go through them and see what one is the right one for you there's no specific spell to choose at this point in time it's just how you feel and how your play style is working and sometimes actually I will use some use like a health one or something like that if I can just at this point because I might need that extra boost in health or something along those lines depending on where you are at that level at this point we now unlock level Force Valves and the one I like to go with is greater invisibility turn a creature invisible attacks against it have disadvantage it attacks with Advantage so this is a very good one for yourself to get yourself out of the advantage attacks at level eight you are going to be able to pick another spell you can just choose whatever you like because you're going to have a lot of spells at this point of time but more importantly you are going to get a feat now this is a bit of a mixed up um badge so I do have a lot of melee attacks with this specific one so you go with Savage attacker when making weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result this works very well for me with this specific build from level eight to nine you now get level five spells and I go with the mass secure wounds this works well with this specific build you are kind of close all the time and a lot of melee so we do get hit quite a bit and this works very well I just like to have this one but once again you could go through choose whatever you like the Spells aren't too important you just do what you feel works for you Because by the time you get to that level you're going to understand what works best for your class all right so level nine to ten we now get some more features so we get the bonus gain from robotic increases to 1d10 and then we get another can trip and I've chosen this one and we can do another spell I've chosen this one but now we get magical secrets so this is where I get a big damage one so what this does is make a flurry of frost crisp air and condensed snow crystals erupt from your hand and we do 8 to 64 damage and then I've also chosen this one which is poison a Target and possibly Afflicted them with the disease of your choice so these are the two that I've chosen but you can pick any of these obviously the higher the level the higher the damage but these are the two that I go with now you also get some more skills that you can just go through and put into I put them into Akana and perception level 11 where you get another spell where you're gonna go with this one cause a creature to start dancing making it unable to take actions or move it attacks have and attackers have advantage on attack rolls this is the one that I go with and then for the last level now at this point you can pick a level 12 we can pick another spell I'd when I get to this like level 12 I just pick whatever because I'd to the 70 spells and stuff that I have already but this is what I'm gone with more importantly we have a feat I do ability Improvement and I get my Charisma to 20 and that is the bud that I have now let me just show you what some of the stuff can do some of the biggest stuff we have some real so essentially what this will do is if someone is in the way in this triangle we do frost damage the very very cool one that I really enjoy and this one here we can essentially put different types of poisons on the targets we obviously don't have a Target right now we could do it to her so I'll thing is poisoned we have the daggers which is one of my favorite this is more of an early on uh spell and then we had some health spells and we still have all of our melee as well then we have all of our early on spells but like I say as you progress through the game and the levels you're going to kind of you're not going to have a build that's exactly like this because if you would have built your build out to suit you but these this spell here is one of my favorites this is awesome and I would highly recommend spell for this build and then we also have this melee stuff as well alright guys I'll see you in the next Baldur's Gate 3 build guide
Channel: Sike
Views: 94,605
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Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 bard class guide, baldurs gate 3 bard guide, baldurs gate 3 bard, baldurs gate 3 bard build, baldurs gate 3 bard class, baldur's gate 3 bard, baldur's gate 3 bard build, baldurs gate 3 bard build guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build, baldur's gate 3 bard guide, bg3 bard guide, baldur's gate 3 bard best school, baldurs gate 3 bard subclasses, baldurs gate 3 valour bard, baldurs gate 3 swords bard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2023
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