Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion Romance Epilogue Patch 5 (Vampire Spawn | Ascendant | Mind flayer)

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since the nether brain fell you and aaran have seen more of fyon than you ever thought possible one night he tells you that these last six months of happy memories are the counterweight to 200 years of Misery the next day you receive an invitation written in a frail hand inviting you to a gathering back in the place where your journey together began her chance to meet with the friends and allies who were by your side in the battle against the absolute thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou shouldst take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more and how have our friends fared without us I'm glad it would be so easy to go through everything we did and come out the other side bitter and twisted but they deserve happiness we all do and I will forever be grateful to have found it with [Music] you [Music] I do feel a little bad keeping you all to myself after all I get to see you every night go on go mingle enjoy your time with the others bless them with your presence I'll be here when you're ready I'll always be here my love I suppose going through the kind of Journey we did will leave its Mark and not everyone can be as lucky as we've been I would not want it any other [Music] way um tempting but you make a better Ambassador for us than I do I'll keep skullking here I do it well after all a Pity to have gone through all that and still not found happiness go on talk to the others We Have Forever After all six months from the fall of the nether brain you and asarian were hosting a grand masquerade in the refurbished Ballroom of cazador's Palace a young elf wearing an ivory mask in the guise of a skinless skull handed you a note as he passed you in the crowd an invitation written in a frail hand inviting you to a gathering of the friends and allies who stood with you against the absolute aarian pouted when you read the invitation to him he'd gladly accompany you but he would have been happy to host the party himself as it is you'll Gather in a familiar place and one allog together more suitable for your reunion I'm flattered by the attention darling but don't you want to check in with some of our Earth while companions I'm sure they've missed you and how have our dear friends been without us to guide and protect them really you sure I was certain they'd be half dead and begging us to take them back well Miracles never cease still it is good to see them and good for them to see us side by side flourishing we do turn every head the moment we walk into a room and rightly so I may have power but it would be nothing without you you complete me and together we are unstoppable so Heavens help the fool that tries to get an our [Music] way no I can see more than enough from here but you should go mingle chat laugh have fun my love and if our friends drop any interesting Secrets bring them right back to me until then I'll be here but don't fret I will be watching I am always watching really I'm amazed at doing as well as that I was sure everyone would be half dead in the marck well Miracles never cease and I am blessed to share it with you my love no everything I want is standing right here well of course they do they were never anything without us leading them I'm amazed if you even survive this long honestly of course my darling look at us we share a palace share power live lives Eternal in each other's arms what more could anyone want God's not this again I give you wealth power pleasure every decadence that can be afforded to a person but you'd rather what sleep in the dirt again you are my consort and I will see you living the very best life even if you don't appreciate it why don't you go and mingle have fun with your socalled friends I'll be here when you're done already done yes well that's to be expected they never were anything without us I'm amazed they've even survived this long honestly I almost wish they would it's been some time since we've seen a real challenge you're not done already surely we have an eternity for chitchat my life love the others only get you for tonight I can't keep you all to myself six months since you faced your father and refused your Birthright 6 months since you cured yourself of the urge your life is your own now and you are already becoming someone new but the memories of the past will not leave you alone you receive an invit a one day in a hand you recognize immediately Challenger of gods it reads surely thou wishest to see thine true Family Once More Withers who raised you when your father struck you down he bids you join him as a gathering of your allies and friends so once again you return to the place where you formed your your first memories you are calm you are you you can do this Hello darling I wasn't sure our withered old friend could live up to his promise but here we are at least I assume it's you in there it's a little hard to tell how have you been since um everything I am glad genuinely few would make the sacrifice you did I've taken a turn as an adventurer and hero it turns out no one actually cares about murder as long as you murder the right people and apparently I'm rather good at [Music] it yes but you say all sorts of things honestly I don't even listen half the time it has made for a nice change though inspiring hope in people instead of Terror well I do try to inspire a little terror I'm still me after all I did at first but then I realized these Shadows this Darkness it's all a part of me I spent too long Define by what other people did to me the choices other people made for me but that's over now this is who I am in all my glory for better and For Worse that being said I haven't completely given up on returning to the sun if the opportunity presented itself well I wouldn't say no but until then I am happy we've had quite the journey you and I from the moment I first threatened you I knew you were someone special someone to Take On the World with I will miss our time together but then again maybe this isn't goodbye so much as it's um see you later darling I I think of you too I wish things could have gone differently but well no you dwelling on it is there cheeky I've been very well behaved thank you I've taken a turn as an adventurer and hero it turns out no one actually cares about murder as long as you murder the right people and apparently I'm rather good at [Music] it let's not get carried away darling I'm still me perhaps more me than I've ever been hardly good people don't spend as much time lurking in the dark as I do you know it's funny at first I thought I was trapped by the Shadows cursed to live in them forever but in time I realized that darkness is as much a part of me as my this is only a curse as long as I refuse to embrace the Shadows so I decided I would I decided not to be defined by the choices other people made by what other people did to me my past may be done but my present my future they're mine this is who who I am in all my glory for better and for worse and to you no I imagine not I am sorry I wish things had worked out differently for you but well no you to dwelling on it is there exactly what I feared without the protection of our little friends I was just an ordinary spawn again burning in the sun I fled the dark and found refuge in the shadows until night fell I'm sorry I didn't seek you out that night I felt ashamed like I'd lost everything just as you claimed your Victory I didn't want you to see me like that but time lent perspective it wasn't your Victory it was ours and for all IID lost i' gained so much more I had freedom strength a whole new life and it was time to live it you know me oh so well don't you but yes there's nothing wrong with being rewarded for good work and when it comes to killing I do very good [Music] work no this is all me I swear this is who I am in all my glory for better and For Worse then so be it I've been through Hells metaphorical and literal and this is what I am I will not apologize yes no uh of course I'm very busy too go and mingle I'll be here darling living my best life after everything this feels nice I chance to take a breath metaphorically speaking well look who it is at least I assume it's you in there you squids all basically look the same so tell me what have you been doing since this uh travesty really really Gods people will accept anything cazador's Mansion has become my Palace and played host to every kind of banquet and Suare and masquerade imaginable and of course has seen its fair share of headism clandestine deals and the occasional disappearance whatever it takes to build up my influence over those who matter I'm spinning my web power grows slowly but I have nothing but time now rather wonderfully actually I've been making all sorts of new friends they're the kind of friends that would see me burn the first chance they get but that's all in the nature of the game isn't it but the important thing is I am doing wonderfully finally having a life that's worth living and who knows what's next there's an entire world out there ready for the [Music] taking perhaps the next time we meet we'll have grander Conquest to toast I did miss you you know there is a sense of loneliness that comes with power we did share a wonderful Adventure you and I and pity to see it end in some ways but we have great new lives stretching out before us and great new adventures to go on I will never forget the time we spent together though and I know you'll never forget at me until next time darling oh that is so sweet I hope you're not expecting me to say it back because um well of course I've tried to taste everything this world has to offer her it has been a joy I've been rediscovering what it means to be alive more or less try to wound me all you like but I'm so much better than he ever was I achieved what he only dreamed about and now my ambitions can take me anywhere I want you see this is why I always liked you you can see the big picture what needs to be done oh I wouldn't say ruler any old fool can sit on the throne I would be more of a puppet master for all my freedom to walk in the sun it's still much more fun to pull the strings of power from the Shadows they are welcome to try I could use a new trophy of my wall I appreciate your cander even if you couldn't be more wrong we've already had one heart to heart best to leave it at that don't you think I'm not sure I can manage another bout of sentimentality a sentiment with the greatest affection I can think of better ways to sour our stomachs how have you filled your days since we tore this sticky Tyrant from the sky a powerful pairing if love cannot cure a vampire what can oh boo suggests a variety of Arcane remedies but love love is the most potent and by far the easiest to pronounce and what of you what are you making of this new found lease of life we earned then I couldn't be happier for you A fitting reward for the sacrifices you made in getting here I've told my students plenty of tales about our escapades You're Something of a hero to them you know I'd be delighted to introduce you to my current cohort as a guest lecturer perhaps I'm sure there are plenty of questions for you I don't see why not two heads are better than one unless you're dealing with an ettin of course you'll be most welcome to stay with me in my tower my apologies Tara that would be our Tower Withers has a Keen Eye for a nice vintage why were we scaming in barrels and crates for supplies when he could Source [Music] the enjoy the rry of the day thou [Music] the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to account hear me thou Heroes wals friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you sowed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth solving to [Music] you ha
Channel: フェンリス
Views: 81,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Astarion romance, Astarion
Id: HUbfuPRU9Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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