Baldur's Gate 3. Astarion Romance | The Dark Urge | Act 1

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I've got one of those brain things cornered in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others I was hoping for a kind soul well not to worry I saw you on the ship strutting about whilst I was trapped in that pot what did you and those tentacled freaks do to me I'm not an idiot your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the fear what was that what's going on [Music] the worm of course that explains things on someone and to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies a kindred spirit my name's a Starion I was in Boulder's Gate when those beasts snatched me [Music] thank you my my you've been busy so did you learn anything about these worms while wandering the ship turn us into of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time he's ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and anyone that can crash a mind flayer ship and walk away seems like a good person to know all right I accept lead on as he joins your side your mind dances with thoughts of a perfect pretty corpse you have a manner of irresistible desperation about you I like it wants to tell I'm a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious so we're resting here um turning in of the night it's all a little new to me I've met the Knight normally means bustling streets bursting taverns looking up in the dirt and resting is um a little novel [Music] no tea isn't really my drink I'll be awake a while anyway I need some time to think things through to process this you rest I'll keep watch and the pleasure is all mine dreams I saw you getting a lecture from our Magical Friend I have to say I thought you'd look worse but no not a tentacle to be seen we're all doing surprisingly well given the circumstances I'm not taking anything for granted of course first sign of change and I'll have to stop that pretty little heart of yours I am open to suggestions knives poison strangulation whatever you'd prefer I don't think poisons for me nor stabbing come to think of it I always felt decapitation was a fine Choice One good swing and then nothing but we were talking about you what'll it be a fine choice now sword or ax or sore hmm well I'm getting ahead of myself this is all a worst case scenario obviously if the last day has taught me anything is that the impossible is more likely than you think now let's get some rest the sooner we start tomorrow the better our chances of keeping this hypothetical Hawk Hawk a camp and hogma willing some friendly faces well met goblins wrap me up and stole my hoes when they heard me singing hatchling love you wouldn't have half a bedroom for a lost Minstrel would you I can pay for my board with music care for it quill group Groot slang soon to be published in the songbook Affairs and ancient Abeer songs of draconic love if I make it to Boulder's Gate with my manuscript that is I know it's not the first time I've been robbed I am only glad I didn't get hurt I'll just stay one night promise then I'll be gone I know I'm ice blood but I I get cold so fast I need to be by the fire you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that scared girl who asked for nothing more than a night of shelter her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend you recall nothing of how you ended up here your head pounds and aches a single moment comes to you the flash of abject Terror in her eyes blood spilling from her lips no time for last words there are dozens and dozens of wounds on the corpse the killer did not stop savaging it even when she was long gone and your dominant arm aches it aches from stabbing over and over no matter how it appears the body is there and her blood is on your hands the question flows through your mind who are you really that you could be guilty of such bitter business Something Wicked must have woken you the contemptible pervert within must have lavished slash after slash upon the girl but where where oh where could that monster have come from the you knew yourself better you don't have much time for reflection now you need to act you may only have a few moments before the others awaken and begin to cast blame for the hot sin before you your misdeed is bright and clear as the dawning day a wave dead before her time I wonder how it happened the nation is I can't help but notice that one of us is positively drenched in blood so she was brutalized killer knifed her many times after she was dead was it you the blood speaks for itself why the parasite must be affecting you deeply the worm in your head has never slept more peacefully you know in your heart it was something deeper hungrier foreign this was peculiar indeed I'll be watching an uneasy feeling lingers in the air as the Inquisition departs you are left alone with familiar headache every one of your instincts screams against the saccharine thought you feel close to fainting again the pig's dead my friend staring at it won't bring it back come on we'll never fix these brain worms if we stop and walk at every piece of carrion you find the ball seems to be fresh only a few hours dead examining the corks you see two small puncture wounds in its neck and is it dead enough for you all right I've been drained of blood with wounds in its neck it's been killed by a vampire I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry you they are ferocious creatures but don't worry I'll keep watch tonight we won't have to worry about nocturnal visitors now please let's go you don't rest well flitting between Dreams and Nightmares maybe you break your meditation because you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky no no it's not what it looks like I swear I I wasn't going to hurt you I I just needed well blood there in the dim Fire Light you see him for what he really is a vampire a slave to Sanguine hunger it's not what you think I'm not some monster you feed on animals balls deer cobals whatever I can get I'm just too slow right now too weak if I just had a little blood I could think clearer fight better please a strange sensation courses through you companion's mind unfolds Secrets half revealed as I was sure you'd say no more likely you'd Rama steak through my ribs no I needed you to trust me and you can trust me thank you think you could trust me just a little further I only need a taste I swear really I of course not one drop more let's make ourselves comfortable shall we it's like a shot of ice into your neck a quick sharp pain that Fades to throbbing numbness your breath catches your pulse quickens hmm of course that that was amazing my mind is finally clear I feel strong I feel happy shouldn't take long so many people need killing now if you'll excuse me you're invigorating but I need something more filling this is a gift you know I won't forget it he watches he stalks towards the forest stronger more confident ready to hunt good morning how do you feel it'll pass just be glad I'm not a true vampire abide from them and you might wake up as a vampire spawn like my good self all of a vampire's hunger but few of their powers oh no I should be Cinders in this light I hadn't seen the Sun for 200 years before we crashed here someone or something wants me alive they've changed the rules standing in the Sun wading through a revengering into homes without an invitation they're all perfectly mundane activities now as for my other quirks well we can figure those out in time you're such a sweetheart it's glad you're being sensible about these Revelations I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks although there's still time a vampire Among Us so be it but should I wake with so much as a drop of blood on my neck I will end him I just better not wake in the night to find fangs at my throat quite the opposite I'm here in the spirit of openness and honesty to work together as a team maybe we could get him to wear a bell this way at any nighttime prowling there now we're all friends again shall we go there's a long day ahead of us there you are I was just thinking about you and that delicious moment we shared the other night the very same I've I've had this condition for two centuries but truth be told you're my first in all these years I've only ever fed on big drinking the blood of thinking creatures is a different thing entirely you were delectable and now I can't help but wonder how the others taste don't worry there's enough of me to go around I'm a man of tremendous appetites I don't think they'd volunteer of course but it doesn't make me any less curious take Gail for example he strikes me as someone whose blood is Rich refined like well-aged Brandy but the gift in the hells would she taste like hmm oh that sounds very appealing I'm almost convinced absolutely Amir thought experiment so in the spirit of theoretical questions if you had to take a bite from one of them who would it be oh I'm flattered who knew you had such taste unfortunately all this talk is getting me hungry I better find something I can actually sink my teeth into there's nothing that tasty lurking out in the woods but I'll make do uh sweet dreams I've known people who are hungry for power but Gail takes it a bit too literally for my liking I wonder how he does it why he does it I'm sure all will be revealed in time but I don't like it a waste of perfectly good treasure why do you insist on exhuming the past I was a slave a vampire spawn kept by the Tsar family perhaps I still am I was never able to resist their commands but now they won't ever control me again it's simple just find a vampire that will drink your blood and turn you into a vampire spawn their obedient puppet in theory the next step is to drink their blood once you've done that you're free and the true vampire people think the biggest threat to a vampire is a cleric with a stake it's not the biggest threat to a vampire is another vampire they're scheming paranoid power hungry beasts so why would any vampire give up control over a spawn to create a competitor trust me it doesn't happen I've already apologized what more do you want unless you're looking for another nibble Maybe but there won't be any more midnight surprises I can promise you that my sweets there is nothing I'd like more I'll come to you tonight when you're snugly wrapped in your bedroll and we can have a little privacy and this time I'll make sure I'm quiet we don't want to disturb your rest later on when we are at rest I will eat you right up just enough to give me strength and just enough to leave you wishing for more it's quite a sign the Stars I mean I could take or leave your chin I can see the stars from Baldur's Gate of course but not with such clarity it got me thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring When we arrive at this gith crash will we find out how to bring the worm under control with this little adventure of ours Beyond why not you've been to the hells and back survived the crash survived everything that's followed I'm not easily impressed by people but you're stronger than I gave you credit for I have your charms more than you think a smile on his pretty lips is a Touch Too composed a bit too perfect you may not mean a word he says a delicious thought the right moment I'm sorry I I need to clear my head I'll see you later I'm sure sleep tight My my what manner of place is this a path to Redemption or a road to damnation not to say for your journey is just beginning what would suit the occasion [Music] the words to a lullaby perhaps the mouse smiled rightly it outfoxed the cat then down came the claw and that love was that they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service it's not every day one meets such a Cavalier sinner as yourself a true bloody pleasure why I never you're paranoid aren't you must be the surroundings rather Bleak and learn some one feels so exposed this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes come the middle of somewhere [Music] the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and famished come to feed lavishly go on partake enjoy your supper after all it might just be your last are you not entertained well far be it from me to disappoint what's better than a devil you don't know a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain come now why playing hard to get when you're in deep over your tadpole head one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that [Music] and what is madness but a denial of reality still I have a feeling you'll change your mind before it's changed for you try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are left and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of this despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door hope [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign I've always wondered what a laughing mind flayer sounds like all those pretty little symptoms thundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out laughs now there's a bloody devil draining after us well this gets better and better shop around he said he seems sure we wouldn't find anything and he might be right we've had no luck so far Maybe but all that take your time I'll wait nonsense he's playing with us he reminds me of well someone I Used to Know and someone would like to play with people creatures like them don't play games unless they know they can win Maybe but he's not the only one spinning a web for us this is no ordinary mindflare parasite who tampered with it and why what do they have planned for us and why are we important enough that a devil comes knocking in our door if we find those answers we might have a chance rattle the door then hello moon someone or something is having a bit of fun wait don't interrupt them let me do it they sound disgusting what the hell are you doing [Music] smash oh smash yeah the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in you can sense something dark about this tone something profane that looks terribly heavy why don't you let me carry it for you thank you excellent you don't know what he read but it had an effect his eyes are hungry but but pained quite the page Turner I'll get back to it when I have more time to focus was he hiding can you summon the dead bring them back can you oh can you shut up and let me read no I won't kill them well maybe the gift I can't I won't no stop hit me go ah hello a unique read certainly a Tome of necromancy guarded by spirits I barely opened it when they started whispering from the Shadows now every time I open it the voices surge back into my mind I can't reason with them they exist to protect that book maybe maybe not it's hard to know what's lurking in here someone went through a lot of trouble to protect this tone it has to be something more than a book of cantrips still I doubt this will help us with our parasites maybe it's better to put it aside for now it's a book of necromancy full of secrets about controlling the Dead returning the dead to life and who knows what else what if isn't here it might give me an edge over Cazador free me from him entirely although I can't make any progress as long as those Spirits remember their mission and seems to be all they know still if nothing else maybe I can beat casadore to death with it fresh diesel home with me bearings we couldn't pick this humans oh you got him good another pair elves figure out the world ah the mom gloves but you feel nothing in response your related power is beyond reach until you rest everyone says that and then they spin our faces but no more things are changing we got the absolute on our side now you better learn your place go on kiss Morpho or I'll wipe that nasty look rough your pretty face end him or leave him but don't you dare grovel to this slug that's more like kids foreign as your lips touch filthy flesh you catch a whiff of lavender the pleasant scent gives way to the muddy Taste of something you try not to identify carefully Slide the ring off you enjoying that disgusting worm just remember you're nothing here clever I'd congratulate you if I could bear the sight of you oh don't be like that not every problem has to be beaten to death my dear ah stranger forgive the aroma you catch a waft of something foul metallic and sickly sweet powdered iron Vine an old Hunter's trick most monsters will think twice before making a meal of me you're a monster hunter I'm surprised I thought all girl were vagrant Cutthroats and more we steal chickens curse your crops seduce your daughters the list goes on I wish I had half the power settled folk think my people possess alas I am a simple Wanderer a simple Wanderer and Monster Hunter and I'm no witch doctor or Cuts wrote something terrifying no doubt Dragon cyclops cobal nothing so dramatic I'm hunting for a vampire spawn his name is a Starion but I fear he's gone to ground I hope the hag of these lands can help me flush him out if I can afford her blood price not this time my orders are to capture him oh Baldur's Gate my people wait for me there I don't know I'm sure a vampire spawn could still rip out your throat if he felt like it he is right unfortunately they are only weak when compared to their masters during the day we have the advantage but at night when they hunt you'll not find a more deadly Quarry that's historian no impossible these days I'm making the impossible look easy may I excellent yes darling not anymore which is all that matters really I didn't do anything I was kidnapped just like you it seems casadore wants me back it was him I'm sure only here notice and the girl it was a group of girl that attacked me that night in Baldur's Gate I would have died safely [Music] well he didn't mention the slave Clause at the time and now he sends a girl Monster Hunter for me it's a message he's reminding me of his power even the middle of nowhere he can reach me and he wants me back so you know the power vampire lord possesses he can change sheep turn into mist call walls to do his bidding Shug off blows like they're nothing you know and you'd be lucky if death was the worst thing that happened to you first we have to uh well if we kill his lackeys he'll just send more we just have to be vigilant keep our wits about us and kill any Monster Hunters on site [Music] the corpse regards you lifelessly [Music] our children he knows where they are wise woman questions but not the one I hunt Hunter vampire historian the spell is you can ask no more questions darling I was just thinking about you remembering our time together the things we've shared and I don't just mean that loveliness I'm growing to like the whole package honestly and you clearly like me too it's so come now don't be coy your body's already given you away feel it as I was getting lost in your neck your little shakes of excitement you enjoyed it didn't you so did I More Than Words Can Say you deserve reward I'm so very pleased with what you gave me we could take an evening to ourselves get away from Camp get some privacy I know somewhere quiet somewhere intimate somewhere we can indulge each other wonderful I just hope we don't have to wait too long before we can steal away but once we can I promise you a night you'll never forget see you there lover a quiet evening for once perfect for two people who'd like to take some time to themselves catch my meaning and I do mean sex to be clear we've been waiting long enough let's find our own little piece of nowhere somewhere we can lose ourselves now we get all this madness there's a secluded place nearby that should do nicely wait until the others are asleep then come and find me there indeed you will my love I can't wait there you are I've been waiting waiting since the moment I said eyes on you waiting to have you don't I you're here and I don't think you want to talk I think you want to be known taste it won't do any of this wand [Music] pleasure yours mine our Collective ecstasy that's what you want isn't it to lose yourself in me I thought so [Music] [Music] oh you sleep Lyons I thought you'd be exhausted after last night [Music] I was holding back a little it's true I didn't want to lose control delicious as you were I didn't want to go too far now shall we get on I want to go before anyone else thanks me for saving their tails it's a poem a gift from my old Master Cazador he considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas he composed and carved that one over the course of a night he made a lot of revisions as he went you recall the sharp complex lines of the script It Was Written in the language of the hells [Music] infernal I who knows the bastard was insane now let's go we've wasted enough time already suppose you want to hear about Cazador I don't want to say a damned thing that that won't do anyone any good is a vampire lord and Baldur's Gate a patriarch of his coven and a monster obsessed with power not political power military power I mean power over people the power to control them completely he turned me nearly 200 years ago I became his spawn came my Tormentor [Music] out into Baldur's Gate to fetch him the most beautiful souls I could find it was a fun little ritual of his I'd bring them back and he'd ask if I wanted to dine with him and if I said yes he'd served me a dead putrid rat of course if I said no he'd have me flayed the hard to say which was worse thank you but this isn't about sympathy it's about knowing what we might be up against the Mind flayers aren't the only monsters out there and they might not be the only ones hunting us all I'm asking is that you keep your eyes open and watch out for anything lurking in the shadows what more could I ask how is that all I won't lie it's tempting if I keep the tadpole I risk transforming into a grotesque monster if I lose the tadpole Cazador has control of me Body and Soul and I return to the Shadows Grim either way so why not sell what's left of my soul to a devil better he has it than kazador figuring out what's happening to us confronting A God Called the absolute and then finding time to kill my old Master before he can control me once more yes that's an option but I wouldn't bet eternity on it was so I was hoping you'd say that until later then [Music] fight for the fate of faeru you can change that but only if you embrace your potential I have to go the enemy is closing in be back [Music] wake now you'll feel better I promise [Music] I had the strangest dream last night there was a visitor promising me protection and all sorts of delicious powers from the parasites in our heads given our shared Affliction I suppose you had a similar dream excellent now we can see what these tab tadpoles can do for us is there a reason you're such an utter drip I mean do you have some sort of condition honestly it's like you hate good news did you actually want something or are you just here to spoil my fun you know if that parasite isn't your taste I'd be happy to consume it in your stead I don't relish the thought but if you're going to just leave it sitting in your pack well one of us should try it oh I have my reservations no question first of all it looks disgusting second there's a non-zero chance that it'll turn me into a purple glistening monster but if it doesn't who knows what kind of power we can unlock and power is always worth a little risk excellent I'll have a ramage around and help myself in my own good time thank you your generosity is appreciated I had another visit from that dream figure I take it you did too it claims that if we Infiltrate The Heart of the cult that's giving out these parasites we'll find the answers we're looking for it gave me another gift too just like it did the first time it appeared rather generous if you ask me and while we're at it we can see how many more of these little worms we can Harvest now was there anything else there you are my friend are you now don't make promises you can't keep darling thankfully I've had my needs met this evening I found a bear he took a little of My Blood I took all of his you're comparing ponk to Vintage wine you can make Merry with either they're not the same but kazador fed me rats and bugs and when you're used to drinking from a sewer even plonk is a marked improvement it is appetizing as you'd think still that was the past I'll never have to grovel for him again exactly I can be better than him stronger more powerful more oh you meant be kinder pet bunnies that sort of thing I have no objection to being nice of course once I have the power to bend others to my will foreign yes you can't look at the world and tell me I'm wrong oh I hope so a little corruption sounds fun I spent centuries as the victim of a corrupt man it was the Mind flares that plucked me away from that they gave me a gift the strength to take my own freedom I'm embracing this power you should too food hungry won't bite food eight more what a delectable little pet no run oh now look you've scared off the little snack blood hurts look cut as the wound closes the cup begins testing his weight on the leg good no hurt teeth claws bigger strong Fight Win foreign [Music] show you adorable let me know when it brings you something fresh hello not food you nice here the cave smell like rotting meat Goblin coat smells like goblins yes fun [Music] nothing both animals look fine [Music] just a bad dream it's all right goblins had me in a cage pokes me with pointy sticks now it was just a nightmare we're safe here with mistress he'll settle in give it a little time still young I remember gomwick would let me sleep under his cloak when I was a pup it helps I suppose I did you've been good to us to both of us government would be happy I'm with you I think like it here used to mother ate him thank you looking at something I'm looking too but not seen very much another Quirk of my affliction preening in the Looking Glass Petty vanity of course I miss it I've never even seen this fix not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red I I don't know I can't remember my face is just some dark shape in my past another thing I've lost what I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me what do you see oh go on very good now just tell me I'm beautiful and we can call us a day I thought we had something special still you're nice too I better get some beauty sleep it seems I need it if I'm to catch up with the competition here's my little treat with their cheeks all flushed you will you will come to my bed tonight weren't you ah you need a bit of enticing let me see hmm how about this one all these accolades from the tieflings are nothing compared to the sound of my name cried from your lips not half as sweet as when I tasted you hmm let me give it another go every part of your perfect body Whispers temptation is as if the gods made you just to ruin me well they worked on you last time didn't they how about if I said these little words everyone's favorite I love you I am it's hard not to with you now as much as I relish standing around and saying all my favorite lines at you I'd much rather we got to experience each other's uh full portfolio of talents once again I'll be waiting I hoped you would come I have missed you and now you're all mine and I'm all yours until morning at least see where the Knight takes us
Channel: フェンリス
Views: 250,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astarion romance, dark urge, astarion
Id: r7hUAvgy4Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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