Baldur's Gate 3. Cazador's Palace all cutscenes (no ritual, Astarion romance)

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Frey thou disturov now Frey valdisca blast he clearly walked into some kind of ceremony but it's nothing you recognize you do recognize the language however these people are gir a tribe of Monster Hunters just like the one you met in the hag swamp netra so the impossible spawn walks Among Us in the blazing sun we have been looking for you the last time your friend came to our camp he stole our children our future when we sent gandrell after you we wanted to interrogate you to discover how to save our children and then destroy you but things have changed you have changed is it true you left your master that you broke the spell that bonds you to him kind of it's a long story honestly [Music] free not while his master still lives but he has perhaps earned a second chance we have tried to save our children once already attacking cazador's hours Palace at first light even then it was too well defended but if his own spawn approached someone he thought he could control he would throw his doors open and welcome you in and once inside you could do what we could not you could save the children you Damned don't know cat at all like I do this you want me to March into the lion's den and save your children but I promise you they're already dead I spent 200 years bringing him victims each and every one was whisked away to be fed on that night but you never saw him feed yourself he could keep prisoners for days before killing them if our children are truly gone then we ask for blood I know you can understand that spawn God damn it fine if nothing else at least killing kazador will feel good thank you for me and all my people if you can do this we will be in your debt you have lived a life of violence and sin you have stolen lives broken families and caused immeasurable grief doing this will not write those wrongs [Music] if you're trying to encourage me you're failing abysmally but it will be a start you may still be redeemed please go time is short but we will see you again when it is done we should go I do not want to face the master if we're late for his black mass soon sister I only need one more mark we have enough for the master no more needed it's not for the master it's for me I spent 100 years eating rats and dogs but soon I'll be able to feast I want someone there ready for me and once the mass is done and our Lord grants us freedom I can celebrate by drinking them dry Cazador promised you your freedom and you believed him you were never burdened with intelligence Petras but your load seems especially light these days didn't you miss me why would you come back you got out you were free you can't mean that playing mind games he can't raise a hand to the master let alone kill him you have no idea what I can do oh all right where is he hiding tell me brother fine you owe your wretched life to my friend now tell me what I need to know the master is preparing the Black Mass beneath his Palace there's a defiled Chapel it was hidden there the entire time hidden from us all do you really think you can stop him I'm the only one who can the sun can't harm me casadore can't compel me I don't need to fear him anymore now go before I change my mind about roasting you brother this isn't over a Starion I actually think kazador will save them you sound surprised I am capable of doing the right thing from time to time they're no threat to us and they have no choice but to do kazador's bidding I pity them worst of all they don't know their Fates already set they're doomed the only question is whether their lives will be sacrificed to a monster like kazador or serve a greater purpose seven sigils on seven spawn and Cazador has the other six we have to face him and take that power for ourselves I'd rather Slaughter someone else's family but if that's what it takes and it's not like that sweet innocence they brought Cazador just as many victims as I did you're not getting sentimental are you I thought you were with me on this then you'll help me in this nothing would make me happier and now we know he's skulking beneath his Palace we can take the hunt to kazador all right let's go this place stinks of rap blood and despair this is the Palace of casadors are entry is forbidden leave now Citizen the God's words are clear but spoken without thought or intent behind her eyes you see nothing she must be one of the Charmed thralls a Starion mentioned of course whatever the master desires enter freely and of your own will this is it I'm home there's the same fading carpet the same tasteless art nothing's changed gods Everything feels different it does feel strange breaking into your own home especially if murders on your mind then again this is hardly the strangest thing we've done together although it could be the most satisfying well the second most satisfying oh no it's much worse than that they're fanatics hear of their own free will and utterly devoted to Cazador each one came to our door and begged to be given his eternal gift they're sure he'll turn them if they serve him well enough it almost feels sorry for the poor deluded Souls but they're idiots broke this upon themselves so don't [Music] if my dear siblings were right Cazador was hiding somewhere below the palace after so many years I would have spotted any secret tunnels out here the only place that was off limits to us was this study if the entrance is anywhere it'll be there through the ballroom I've never been less sure of anything but if I don't face him now I never will [Music] I'll spend the rest of my life running the Shadows never feeling safe no this has to happen here and now also there's a small matter of all that power I can steal from the bastard so that'll be nice I know you're there golly stop skulking and show yourself you always were sharp little one sharp enough to cut yourself it's taking everything I have not to grind your rotten carcass to dust don't be mad at Cody child I only did my job only kept you in line tortured us days at a time oh yes and you sang so sweetly for me none of the others screamed like you did but you're home now and you brought me a treat hey a new friend for Goldie [Music] but you're too late to see the master the doors are sealed he will not be disturbed doors can be unsealed do you have the king perhaps but the master ordered the doors closed until he was finished Gody will not open them for anyone much less for you [Music] Dodie was wondering about that godi knows the master was searching for a Starion he must have forgotten astarium was lost here here it is now go to him help him achieve his destiny stand on a clean metal platform a beautiful but Antiquated elevator there are some scuffs to show its Aid signs of things dragged onto us over the years but it seems to be in good working order what in the Hills I never knew this was here this was always kazador's private quarters only here that came in here well him and the Unfortunate Souls we brought to feed him approaching the cells you're met with hollow-eyed faces as an almost physical stink of Decay and neglect disgusting Cazador never fell on wretches like this how did they get here what is kazador doing with them I should have guessed there was more to it than Raphael would ever have told I know you you're the one from the tavern you smiled and choked and got me drunk you're dead you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue Sebastian you remember me you are handsome shine you'd never been kissed and then you've destroyed me it can't be beneath the death and blood you notice that every prisoner has a room car flesh then they're bound to the Black Mass too bound through the scars through me I love these faces everyone that shares my scar them I conquests and brought them to kazador he told us he was feeding on them but he turned them to spoon he turned every last one so we'd have souls of this cursed ritual how long how long have I been down here 170 years you were one of my first my father my friends they're gone you took everything from me [Music] Free Will Never Be Free while that monster lives that's why we're here destroy Castle you can't it's not possible the grand chamber just ahead not even if you can kill him what then what happens to us all right I don't know trust me when I say I know the feeling but you can resist the urge whatever you do just do it quickly I can't go and fight we'll be back you have my word that's above he kept Sebastian I should have known what kazador was capable of ah clear us for such fools not just seven spawn to placate the devil seven spawn and seven thousand Souls bound to them in blood foreign trusted me enough to let down their guard innocence idiots it doesn't matter I will need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual dead I thought they were dead if they are Unleashed it was incredible Carnage the ravenous they must die better they serve a purpose it should be I don't want to be like them they're pathetic horrible don't hate me I just did what I had to I swear I did what I had to well you clearly want to say something alive no but animated yes I'm sure they are if kazador turned the victims we brought him to spawn he'd have done the same to the children with Glee I imagine but let's not forget why we're here the door needs to die everything else comes second come closer oh God it can't be it is you I knew it I'll kill you once I get out of here I'll kill you camp Monster Hunters the girl camp oh God my parents camp Chessa Focus resist the Beast inside you oh you promised it's your fault you did this to us didn't he tell you he's the one that kidnapped us he's the reason response ah I'll kill you yes now that you um mention it I may have done that I don't look at me like that kazador's orders quite the deviation for my usual routine of course and capture not lure I didn't bring them in with sweet rolls or anything I really forgot about them felt nothing the moment I handed them over to him huh parents you've seen my parents I miss them I think or perhaps it's the hunger oh I don't know it's so hard to tell should go leave us here we shouldn't be out there we'd hurt our families behind the exhaustion starvation and fear recognition stirs in her eyes and with it hope you you really mean it cazador's got this stuff it controls the doors if you get it you can set everyone free if you get it somehow good luck if you fail well I suppose we'll be seeing you again in here well you clearly want to say something not sure and they're the key to my unlocking eternal power and freedom on the other well it's my fault they're here yes it was cazador's command I have no choice but it seems now I do and what am I owed what about the injustices I've suffered am I not entitled to anything all that matters now is killing as a door I've earned that if nothing else we can deal with the prisoners when the time is right after all they're not going anywhere who stands before us is this a prodigal son [Music] do not slouch before me boy have you no respect for yourself look at you crawling back after abandoning your family you should be begging Allah forgiveness have you fallen so far that this for you I don't need anyone to speak for me no you always had a gift for words I fondly remember your empty boosting your tired jokes your endless Brattle no shut up I will not speak to cattle this is between me and the boy I've made a [ __ ] you truly forgot my power you truly thought our bond as Creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me oh you are weak my child you are a small pathetic little boy who never amounted to anything dude but today you will finally do something worthwhile you will burn and I will ascend no seven give me Elvis witness the birth of the vampire ascendant no healing suit for you wake up get your hands off me worm I'm not the one in the dirt and I'll be free of you [Music] I'll never have to fear you again but if I finish the ritual you started [Music] I'll never have to fear anyone you think me a fool that I would allow anyone to use up me speak the words and Ascend in my place the rooms I carved into your flesh bind you and all seven thousand souls to the ritual complete it and those bearing the scars will be sacrificed you included there are simply a means to an end I made you to be you made me I can do this but I need your help these people died years ago trust me on that all that's left a feral spawn desperate for blood if we release them how many people will they kill tens of thousands hundreds of thousands if they die and I ascend I won't have to rely on the parasite to walk in the Sun I'll be free truly completely free isn't that what you want [Music] you can see the fear in his eyes but also the hunger the smell of blood in the air and the promise of power being so close is intoxicating to him all he can say is the power of the ritual and the freedom that power brings freedom to do anything to be anything you you're right I can be better than him but I'm not above to join this all right [Music] laughs [Music] is is it over he yes he's gone what does that mean for us what business is it of yours it will become everyone's business if you try to Feast on half a city this is just a friendly War your choice is a symbol you can hide here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than most you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them now that's a better question seven thousand Spawn from ancient conquests to stolen children cazador's staff controlled everything during the ritual if it if it trolls the cells too you can I heard of John the sword Coast what could go wrong no she's right the poor wretches and the cells are innocent they shouldn't have to suffer just because I lured them here [Music] they'll need someone to lead them take the tunnels into the underdog find somewhere well not safe but less perilous what no we can't just try to keep them out of trouble [Music] all right I think we're done here let's go that's it it's gone after all his years this centuries it's really over I'm glad you think so because I'm not so sure I just feel numb must have lost what I've gained too much God three in the underdog I need some time I think I just to let it all sink in it let's just go this place reeks of death and I want to feel alive again probably start getting used to the Shadows again who knows how long I have left in the Sun I know doesn't mean it stings any last he never seen the sun again is just the price of freedom I think I do assuming we survive of course because a horrible death is always just around the corner with you there's something I'd like to show you if that's all right something out in the city I'll try to restrain myself if you do shall we this way it's not far the graveyard is appropriately silent there isn't a proverbial Soul around [Music] nearly 200 years and I never came back not since the night I woke up down there I had to punch a hole in the coffin and Claw my way through six feet of dirt then when I finally broke the surface wretching up dirt and concealed blood kazador was waiting from that day on I was his until today Maybe but he did take it there's almost nothing left to the person I was just a name on a rock for nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost my person I was laying here dead and buried I need to figure out who I am what I want thank you I want you you were by my side through all of this through bloodlust and pain and misery they were patient you cared you trusted me when that wasn't objectively stupid thing to do a few safe with you seem and whatever the future holds for me I don't want to lose that thank you well I should probably fix this [Music] foreign [Music] I've been dead in the ground for long enough it's time to try living again everything that life has to offer [Music] I guess that depends on what your idea of a little fun it is if a night of passion is on offer I could be persuaded you know I didn't care for you when we first met but I do know being with you is about more than last or manipulating you into a tactical Alliance I love you [Music] love you and I want it all [Music] thank you [Music] it feels ridiculous to still be thinking about Cazador he's gone I'm here I'm one I still keep reliving everything that happened playing it over and over in my mind invigorating terrifying all of the above all right I'm still trying to understand it really I came so close to losing everything back there to losing myself back at the ritual all I could see was the power on our furnace safety at promise I was so blinded by it [Music] just as Cazador was [Music] but you saw something in me someone else I could be someone who could break the cycle of power and Terror that started centuries ago you saved me back there I may not have appreciated it at the time but I do now thank you you did more than that you believed in me believed I was enough just the way I am when I look at my future I think and ever and everything feels possible now and I get to share it with you as a partner um equal you saved me from myself and let me walk A New Path where I can be free truly honestly free this is a gift you know thank you thank you I won't forget it you're so adorable when you're thinking what to say well now's as good a time as any it would be nice not to have to rely on you as my great protector but well I do appreciate the thought nothing special of course you're only the first person who I truly care for [Music]
Channel: フェンリス
Views: 98,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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