Baldur's Gate 3 | Astarion. Random comments compilation | Act 3 (Bonus video)

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I trust I've made myself clear so it is our lives depend on it now repeat my instructions back to me please in that case this will be an easy exercise step one and next purple darling it's the purple seam the purple seam indeed you then have access to the letter and the flute continue wrong I'm afraid bottom right quite right you start at the bottom right corner and remember to play them clockwise after that Kash the blighter is called Kash listen to your friend it's Ki Ash and pay attention to the TR part yeah back of the throat and so we have gone through the necessary steps again let's hope practice makes perfect in the end best of luck with the protocol may my cold dead hands soon be refilled with the warmth of life so they can shake yours in gratitude this is the flute Gail kept on his person a faint magical Aura envelops its wooden [Music] surface Bravo I didn't think you had it in you [Music] just be grateful that my ears can't bed what's to tell I was SED by a vampire named Cazador everything before that is so long ago its ancient history and everything that came after well um that's rather not for reflect on it I was a magistrate working to keep the peace in Boulder's Gate imprisoning troublemakers that kind of thing I can't remember much truth be told centuries of Torment will do that to you I was attacked a gang of vagrants a tribe of wandering G took issue with a ruling I'd made they beat me to death store when Cazador appeared he chased them off and offered to save me to give me eternal life given that my choices were eternal life or bleed to death on the street I took him up on the offer it was only afterwards I realized just how long eternity could be you know for all the time I've spent lurking in the shadows I've never ventured into the underdark before hardly a luxurious setting but it definitely has its upsides for a vampire or it's undersides because it's you know what I mean weon at ready L company's calling what do we got here dead Hoon walking seems like got any reason I should sever your head and toss it to the RO another belligerent dwarf this is getting [Music] tiome in that case let's talk business your [ __ ] all friend n caused a rockfall trapped tighter than a hornet's ARS couple of known slaves stuck with him too little bastards But I'm warning you that [ __ ] Soul ain't settled up soon soon there'll be hell to pay for the lot of you cult buggers we have to free near before we can take his head sounds like a lot of wasted effort let's just do the job and get out of here all this talk of slaves is just depressing another ass sticks it piss pot you flirt now jump to it or up to the lift and straight to the Shadows now that's how you motivate the staff [ __ ] you got one of n's Moon lanterns J well then pixie lamps if you're headed to moonrise you won't last without it top lands are clogged with the death dark choke you in no time you DED it's there in the name shadows up there black as the lower dark a few sniffs could fell an ogre if the cures and moonrise we should go near and his Lantern be damned after all shadows will be the least of our worries if we start to turn Afraid of the Dark are we very well let us save near if we must excellent the last time I have to spend with these under dwarves the better God I never thought I'd be so relieved to find a light in the darkness or to see so many Harpers clanking [Music] about [Music] well at least you PR for me this Lantern only likes the way when I am hurting night and day my pixie dust is bright as day my injuries can light the way it seems like a fitting punishment for a poet that you'd be the judge but I didn't mean to hurt anyone well now let's not go throwing stones glass houses and all that through a narrow crack in the wall you hear something shift against Stone the pulse of a crawling living thing your awareness unfolds expanding through every wall in the Tower every mind a vast living network extending down into the dark where something wakes what in the hell's oh no not again it's a trap tendrils snap like iron cords around your wrist that present in your mind looms large closer now you stop resisting your arm bending with the movement of the Flesh and suddenly an opening appears with a soft sucking sound your hand pulls free the flesh within the wall Retreats oh thank goodness I was worried I'd have to get involved now let's keep our hands to ourselves H again the sickening Slither of Flesh on Stone barely an arms length away there is no hesitation this time the tendrils lash out like a waiting Predator the tendrils tighten and suddenly you elsewhere come what's happening speak to me wake up thank goodness I was almost worried clingy little [ __ ] this absolute and she wants to meet you in danger the sick serve oh that's grotesque don't stare you'll only encourage it twist them up it's you our little Idol thief from The druid's Grove oh you're a patient this is the children's Ward triage is back that way is that arabella's father she's tending our little idle Thief has some terrible luck Arabella hey I had a feeling you'd show up it's sort of our thing like it's fate or something ferocious looking Beast although your stuffing might be leaking wait that bear dark Mo the Wicked the terror of cloakwood you stole away more children than any vampire and look at you now a fearsome Hunter reduced to this ra poor Beast it probably only wanted a cuddle it's big but still young Heavens help the hunter if its mother caught them is that blood on the shelves probably cold and congealed the ogres can't hear me and I can't smell them a fair trade I'd say you haven't told them and you've kept your clothes on this whole time how unlike you why not let them see don't be shy God damn it don't pout spawn just destroy the Beast and I'll happily Reveal Your Secrets instead of your skin yes fine we'll kill this damn creature of yours then we have an understanding I look forward to our next meeting well now you know I perhaps I should have uh but I'm not used to asking for help and being met with well help but what's done is done so how about we stop discussing it and just kill this Beast although I it should probably get dressed first you never asked me to take my shirt off I always thought there were sign of my humiliation I never realized there might be more to them but Raphael told us he can make the impossible come true I have to trust try my luck I don't trust him he doesn't trust me we are using one another for our mutual benefit you should try it [Music] sometime thank you honestly though I was just trying not to think about them but there's a lead [Music] now I us Sugg just be sickened thinking it was his sadistic pleasure but there's more there was method to it the depravity of the Act was a distraction I have to get to the truth of it well if you must know I'm actually a princess of house nightstar and I'm married to a tarasque named Jonathan anything else you'd like to know an ah the heart stopping blood sucker ever since I last liaison I haven't been able to get you out of my mind nor have I no matter how hard I try now you're happy to leave if I'm uncomfortable huh how novel I'm fine let's just get this over with nervous to see me again is he how sweet ah and the Heart stopping blood sucker I hope you've changed your mind my neck is yours anytime and I will keep refusing until the end of time I'm done bowing to the whims of others Never Say Never oh she doesn't bother me that much if anything I pity her fine such cruel words I appreciate the thought truly but if this is something you want to look into well hearing her out won't kill [Music] us well death never stopped me before I don't know why should now don't worry I can tolerate her I would like to see her dead in a ditch but I can tolerate this such harsh words for an old friend I appreciate the thought but I'm not the person I was last time we met and if she can unlock the kind of power she's promising well hearing her out won't kill us don't worry if anything happens I'll protect you all you have to do is drink formula gruna I trust you haven't forgotten what happened when I drank something she offered this formula won't be any kind of to you if that's a formula I can smell it's even Fowler than her blood of gods below say no the only thing she's offering is pain and I I I don't want to see you hurt I don't care what he's offering I wouldn't have been so quick to sign with the devil then again it's not my name on the page so what should I care useful as the hammer would have been I'm relieved with not in the devil's debt once His Kind has you under their thumb they won't ever let you go pleas noral citizens has a shrine within the city located in the storm Shore Tabernacle if my memory serves me do whatever you need to but I shall be paying my respects to any of the Gods on show you never felt the call of the Divine as are in oh I tried them all none of them answered a stream of pure undiluted weave I only have to reach out and it will carry me to mistra wherever she may be well go on then it's rude to keep a goddess waiting so Gail's hedging his bet with mistra I can't say say I blame him who'd want to hold a power like the crown of CES in their hands just to hand it to someone else I know what my decision would be but we're all different of course so Gail's agreed to be a good boy and hand the crown over to mistra I can't say I would have made the same call but each their own mother super Superior vonia de you still have the wits to recognize your betters good now descend you have much to answer for an astral projection clever girl she's not taking any chances we shouldn't either I hope you don't make a habit of betraying your traveling companions not that I wouldn't understand respect it even but it does leave one a little nervous I am almost tempted to tell shadowart what she did to see if I can jog her memory I doubt sha would take too kindly to anyone meddling in her little project though H so shadowart chose her family over her God I hope she doesn't come to regret it Shadow heart's parents are at peace and so she it seems credit words it's due Shadow heart is tenacious and half pain can break anyone but she bore it well and got what she wanted even if she's damned herself to a lifetime of that same pain kazador always warned us to stay clear of this neighborhood never said why though the last spawn who tried was uh sunk into the cobblestones and left for the sun to find I had an unfortunate taste for theatrics in my youth a from that was probably it may saluna tears shine on this meeting I understand geraldus take a moment and you Harper there is something familiar about you doesn't she remind you of our old friend Marcus jira's meaning is clear Marcus was a traitor laying a trap the same it seems is happening [Music] here to most people a rather old-fashioned greeting to a Harper a signal that there are shape changers in our midst so much for the Cavalry riding to our rescue this is what we get for putting our faith in a network of spies I suppose you know I never dreamed our Noble Jara would be such a terrible terrible mother it's nice to see heroes are as awful as the rest of us H it is a ritual or it describes one at least practiced by Druids of certain esoteric circles if they be learned and powerful enough the practitioner of this ritual might slow their aging extend their life well beyond its natural reach in Greener days I might have been strong enough to do it I might be yet with the right preparations any drew it so yes you might aspire to it if you wished but the scroll is not the ritual itself only part of my research into how it is worked do not look at me like that I have been cont tend to see the span of my natural years the privilege far too few in this world can claim I do not speak of clinging to life for its own sake I just look back on that life's work and I wonder is it done knowing that isn't it our duty to burn on if we can to fight for as long as we are able immortality is only as good as the life you're living an eternity of luxury sounds a lot better than an eternity of struggle I'd have thought time would dull either but I suppose I should know better than to argue with an immortal jirar aelen hell say that it's not easy to walk away from immortality most people will have held on to that scroll for as long as they could bear to and probably a century or two longer than that I don't like getting caught between the guild and the zenim you always make enemies when you take sides in a struggle like that and in this case their enemies we might not see coming until it's too late you were excellent in battle as is your way and I am proud to fight at your side I expected Night song to be overjoyed after killing her fairhead fool in instead she just seemed tired not what I expected there was a sense of emptiness maybe it's just hard to see someone else suffer the same thing it feels unfair like justice denied still it's done that's what [Music] matters parly it's going to be the greatest moment of my life the blood the screaming just thinking about it makes me [Music] smile my friend from the hag swamp you join us as we honor our are Fallen dead you're a bright light on a dark day even you my Earth while Quarry oh uh uh hello again I feel we're intruding we should leave quickly calm yourself you will not be harmed our leader has called off the hunt she was just to speak to [Music] you so The Impossible spawn walks Among Us in the blazing sun we have been looking for you I have to admit I don't love sitting down for a chat with people who've relentlessly hunted me I am offering an olive branch do not knock it aside so [Music] quickly the last time your friend came to our camp he stole our children our future when I was hunting you I was to bring you back here interrogate you discover how to save our children and then destroy you I spent 200 years bringing him victims each and everyone was whisked away to be fed on that night I know our plight is grim but if there is even a chance to save them we must take it you recognize the funeral rights of the G people the same Monster Hunters you met in the hag swamp their leader is burning the possessions of those who have fallen so the impossible sport born walks Among Us in the blazing sun we have been looking for you yes I remember your friend and how he was left trudging around a swamp hello again my Earth wild quy I did not think to see you here of all places hey you it's you isn't it I remember that stupid hair behind the glowing eyes and palet skin you recognize the faces of the children you took from the G Hunter's camp on cazador's orders you better watch out our parents will be here soon and when they find you they'll you know that pain well she's feeling the same hunger that's plagued you for 200 years what what are you looking at you it it can't be you're the one that did this to us you're the one that took us and offered us up to be kazador spawns but did you have to kidnap us we were supposed to be Hunters we spent our whole lives training studying you were the one we were supposed to kill now we're no better than you worse at least you get to roam free you want to free us why you you're not kidding huh so what are you waiting for let us out good luck if you fail well I suppose we'll be seeing you again in here you killed one vampire but released 7,000 of his spawn have you lost all they were innocent to kill them would have been an even greater crime but if you ever decide to hunt them no they include your children they they survived well that depends on how you define survived really but they are free they're making their way into the underdog as we speak this is difficult news we will need to decide what it means thank you for what you have done slaying Cazador was a great justice as for the rest well time will tell I had hoped to avoid this path I had hoped you would choose the better Road a fool I was to every op Beast like you could be saved oh please there's no need for such language I promised you cazador's death and I more than delivered I even killed a few thousand spawn whilst I was at it you should be thanking me for saving you the trouble there is no greater or lesser there is only evil and it stands before me look at the hate in their eyes they won't ever stop hunting me we gave you a choice and you chose power as your kind always does but I still have hope for you that you will make a better choice will you stand against evil will will you help us destroy this monster then you are as much a monster as he kill them kill them all my children my sweet [Music] ones what have they done to you I'm hungry father I'm so hungry it hurts father the hunger it never stops please do you know of anything that can be done I've been fighting it but I think you're right better that than they start feeding off humors one more Mark then we can go the master said we have enough the black man is ready to begin it's not for the master it's for me I want a beating heart there ready for me when the mass is complete and we finally granted our freedom after 200 years of rats I think we deserve a real drink there is no time we are expected back at the palace relax the Black Mass won't start until Master drags a starian from whatever hole he's hiding in in we have time to find one more person what did you say of course not we were merely discussing a celebration to be held in the Palace of kazador Zar you should come it'll be the talk of Boulder's Gate as if you know anything about it come brother we have wasted enough time so it seems I just need a minute then we can go the master plans to expand his territory you listening take candle keep vampire spawn turned into mist didn't know they could do that they can turn into mist now I'm not the only one with new tricks kazador promised you your freedom and you believed him H you were never burdened with intelligence Petros but your load seems especially light these days aaran it it cannot be well that's no way to welcome back a brother Dar didn't you miss me why would you come back you got out you were free of course that's why he came crawling back he wants to ascend with the rest of us he heard about the ritual and the power our Master will grant us so he came back with his tail between his legs hoping all would be forgiven you always were an idiot Petra [Applause] no why does Cazador need me what is he [Applause] planning brother please you heard them tell me what I need to know now the master is preparing the Black Mass beneath his Palace there's a defiled Chapel it was hidden there the entire time hidden from us all keep talking the Black Mass it will be his Triumph he'll complete the ritual and emerge the vampire ascendant he'll walk in the sun he'll be free of The Hunger he'll wield power no vampire has ever possessed best of all will'll join him his loyal servants walking in the light as living Vampires will be free brother you can't believe that you can't be that stupid we deserve this asarian can't you see we've given him everything our blood and tears and he's finally going to reward us and you will be with us when the time comes it's fate written in your very flesh yes and they'll be trembling in fear when they tell him they're no threat to us they have no choice but to do cazador's bidding I pity them still though a living vampire H who wouldn't be interested it's the ultimate freedom freedom from the Hunger freedom to live a real life in the sun no tle required and if I were to ascend instead of him freedom from kazador Once at for all well it might be and there's only one way to find out I have to know I have to face him I knew I was right about you you're a true friend and now we know he's skullking beneath his Palace we can take the hunt to kazador all right let's go this place stinks of rat blood and despair will leave for the Black Mass soon I only need one more Mark we don't need another the master said we have enough it's not for the master it's for me I spent 100 years eating rats and dogs but soon I'll be free to Feast I want someone there ready for me once the mass is done and our Master grants us our freedom I want to drink Cazador promised you freedom and you believed him ha a star Oran it it cannot be but it is and as arrogant as ever as if you'd know the first thing about the Master's plant he's going to give us freedom he's going to give us power not if I kill him first I just need to know where this black mass is happening kill the Master it it's not possible you can't raise a hand to the master let alone kill him you have no idea what I can do tell me what I need to know or I swear you'll burn aarian please I'll tell you everything just release him there's a defiled Chapel under the Master's Palace hidden there the entire time that's where he's preparing the Black Mass what the hell's happened to you what are you I'm cazador's doom whatever changed you brother whatever you have become the master still wants you he will not stop looking for you we'll see you soon atorian I'm going to remember this you sleep but the wicked don't someone is here to disturb your rest get the hell's away from me peace brother we're here to take you home the master needs all seven of us for the ceremony come with us and be reborn we'll live again the right the master needs him he must attend what a lovely invitation but I'm afraid I'll have to decline I intend to kill him you see we will live again asarian the scars on our backs are sealed with the cruelest power seven spawn seven sigils you're number seven the final piece of the right he needs us all for the Black Mass our Fates were sealed in his writing long ago a promise to his favorite spawn fulfilled in the Crypt beneath his [Music] Palace this is our only chance to be free to end centuries of slavery you will not ruin it asaran this needs to end one way or another they mentioned my scars and a right I need to get to that Crypt and find out what these damn markings are really for you're back in the canel where you spent days 10 days being tortured by cazador's SED itic servant godie nasty little runaway but you always find your way back to godi if I had my way I sore off your legs that it put a stop to your wandering but the master says no says he needs all of your blood on the inside for for Mass but he needs you obedient too no bucking no biting now struggling a well behaved little doggy you think you're free then let's tighten your chain all that you've seen since the crash all the Wonders and Horrors suddenly seem inconsequential only one thing matters Cazador your master your lord your creator his will tightens around you once again and it is as if you never escaped him cador's presence fills your mind like blood in a blister once inside it seeks a vulnerability to exploit a weakness to latch onto and it finds nothing you expel him from your mind as if he were an unpleasant clot in a fine vintage impossible you're a spawn no you're our sign see his I've never seen it up close there's even some chicken scratch inscription on here and God knows what Lang though I have seen it somewhere before I know you're there golly stop skullking and show yourself you always were sharp little one sharp enough to cut it's taking everything I have not to grind your rotten carcass to dust don't be mad at goie child I only did my job only kept you in line you Tau Ted us for days at a time oh yes and you sang so sweetly for me none of the others screamed like you did but if you're not here to see godie why are you here little one isn't it obvious I'm going to kill cador how dare you you as if you could lay a finger on the master you ungrateful little brat godi will not let you get away with blasphemy godi will see you punished you can't be here no one in no one out you're new Cazador never kept guard dogs before the runway spawn you reek of the Master's scent come with us come to master uh excuse me I will not be ordered around my own house by some blowing mut we bring you to him we get his favor who are these wretches you I know you I I recognize that voice you were in the blushing mermaid you smiled and joked and got me drunk you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue I want to hear you say it again say my name among the scars on his face is one that is recognizable identical to one of the runes carved into a Stan's back that scar kazador did that to you he bound you to the Black Mass the No More Games say my name Sebastian you still make it sound so beautiful you were my first and my last I can put this right I swear I'm here to stop the Black Mass to kill Cazador kill that monster you can't it's impossible tell me where he is and I swear I'll end him the grand chamber his staff controls everything if you can get it maybe you can free us hurry please please God's above he kept Sebastian I feel ill all the fools and villains whoever fell for my PL they they're here he didn't do anything at all I can't say the same of all my victims there's only one reason they'd all still be here he must need them for the ritual each of the seven we must have brought in a thousand over the decades they're all Lambs for his Slaughter and if I was to take his place they'd all die by my hand everyone whoever trusted me enough to let down their guard Innocents idiots and The Unlucky it doesn't matter I will need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual thank you yes this will all be over soon it's just sickening seeing them again I don't know what else who stands before us is this truly our prodigal son do not slouch before me boy have you no respect for yourself look at you crawling back after abandoning your family you should be B our forgiveness forgiveness you've never forgiven anything every mistake every slip was punished I strove for perfection in all things even those as imperfect as you a pity you amounted to so little despite my efforts no no [ __ ] you and [ __ ] everything you've ever done to me oh thankless child did I not bless you with our Immortal gift did I not make you what you are you son of a [ __ ] you truly forgot my power you truly thought our bond as Creator and cre ation was all that stopped you from killing me you are weak my child you are a small pathetic little boy who never amounted to anything but today you will finally do something worthwhile you will burn and I will Ascend even now you resist H very well but you will not stop my Ascent e Dominos here lies Asian's Tormentor the one who's haunted his nightmares all this time get your hands off me worm H I'm not the one in the dirt one last thrust and I'll be free of you I'll never have to fear you again and then what will you be without me a shade a spectre in the shadow the void of all purpose you might have made me what I am but I can be so much more than what you created me to be but I am grateful for one thing you showed me how to really save a moments like [Music] this [Music] a is is it over is he yes he's gone what does that mean for us it means you have a choice you can hide here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than what he made us to be you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them the poor wretches and the cells are innocent they shouldn't have to suffer just because I led them here [Music] they'll need someone to lead them take the tunnels into the underdog find somewhere well not safe but less perilous what no we can't just try to keep them out of trouble that's strange knowing I'll never hear cazador's voice again knowing it'll never command me to Bow against my will I'm free from him forever invigorating terrifying all of the above I'm still trying to understand it really what do you mean dead how [Music] why because he was my master or because you thought I couldn't resist finishing the ritual myself [Music] I I do believe you I know you only did what you thought was best for me and who knows maybe this is what's best the kind of power that ritual offered could ruin a person even me Gods I would have liked to kill him though you're so good to me still this will take some getting used to Cazador being gone I just need some time to let it sink in to figure out what it means now that he's gone thank you and uh thank you for what you did I thought cazador's story would end with more of a bang than a whimper but well you did end it I'm grateful they they were alive all this time they they were just hidden under the palace Hills after two centuries Cazador still had new Horrors to reveal what did you do with the poor wretches I I don't know I don't know what I would have done what I could have done even just I I just need some space I'm sure this will all start to sink in soon I thought things would feel different when he was gone that I'd be reving in my freedom instead I just feel blank I suppose not whe building the blade myself makes a difference it's all a little anticlimactic Cazador took up so much room in my life my memories of him my need for Revenge now there's just a blank space where he used to be assuming I have a life to build it's a little hard to plan anything knowing there's still a tadpole burrowing its way through your brain controlling them may still be an option but it's a dangerous game I'd live with the risk of something going wrong of the tadpole finding some new trick reasserting itself and making me a slave again maybe never seeing the sun again is just the price of Freedom less giving up more reassessing what I want what I really want Hello darling I was just thinking about Freedom we've dealt with the parasite and you dealt with kazador I'll never be in someone's power again you would not dare I would and I will you will be consumed and all the power you've lusted after will be mine help me do this please your mind's join and your two selves become one you can feel the knife in your hand see the scars on his back and taste his hunger for power yes yes I see it what are you doing don't no oh no [Music] a die perfect ungrateful child wretched child time to take your place AK Dominos H anas aaro in sacrificio what are you doing all those people asaran stop don't you dare I can feel their power flowing into me no f pest tantum quam poik s [Music] me I can't feel it that ACH in my stomach that hunger it's gone I'm free I'm finally free oh oh it feels delicious I think the answer to that is whatever they damn well [Laughter] please come on let's get out of here I have a brand new world to explore this is it the Hopeless dream dreamed by all of my kind I am the greatest vampire Empire to ever walk this land even the pale night would have knelt before me Everything Has Changed I felt so very little for so long my edges dulled over the numb years rotting in the BD and kennels now I can hear it at last see it at last how all the lonly creatures of this plane are begging to serve how to call upon them scrying foot pths in their safe houses rats below our feet in their filthy holes the crows in the night above they will obey and you too I can tell your heartbeat racis you hold your breath while I speak you away my command the world will stir in fear everything will be ours everything I already hear the world whispering in sweet surrender and I feel alive I can face anything now let's get back to the hunt I can't believe you let me do that killing all those people a pleasant surprise well what's done is done and there's simply no point in dwelling on the past is there no you have given me a glorious new future and one Wicked turn deserves another so tell me what you desire what can I do for my dearest pet truly and what was I supposed to learn from this please everything is about power sex relationships violence they're all just different forms of control and now you think you can stand there and tell me how to feel because because what because you care your hands are as bloody as mine darling why would you go along with any of this just to pretend you're innocent now it seems I misjudged you I thought we might have a future together even an eternity but perhaps you're not worthy so what's it to be darling is this it of course we can you're the one that I want the one that I love and you could be so much more if you want it one little bite and you could be mine forever my dark consort my right hand my most beloved spawn and you will all in good time but we mustn't Rush these things you may need time to adjust shall we have one last night together before you join me in immortality one for the road so to speak then come with me my love and live your final [Music] night [Music] on your knees darling he will always see you as degrading yourself if you continue to be with him but perhaps you wish to degrade your self and he knows it tonight I shall drink every drop of your blood own your body kill your mind it will only hurt a bit the pleasure will be far greater than the pain a you have given me everything thank you as he drinks more and more you feel feel yourself fading from Consciousness when you wake again you will be his forever more you are so beautiful and you will be beautiful forever thank you for trusting [Music] me you were drained dry and at the height of your delirium I granted you one drop of my own blood things will be a touch different for you than they were for me when I was a spawn I'm imbued with unfathomable new talents I'm fairly certain I can extend Mephisto blessings unto you sing s you need not fear anything you will be stronger swifter sharper but you won't be different you already perfect before it's hard to improve as for me [Music] well you probably expect me to turn into a sea of mist run wrong side upon rofs and to call on Legions of wolves in battle this will all happen in due time but for now patience is required I hear The Whispers of the night but I can't yet speak its language it's going to take a while to become acquainted with my new self have I it's possible I think my instincts have become so quick that the world around me can't catch up everything is moving at a grinding Pace I feel like I will live thousands of hours every day everything lies ahead I can see my path to a waking Dream from the Crimson Palace I will govern day and night cre a city of Spawn who bow before me cast a fog over the world for my [Music] children I wish we could Retreat into our Palace already and spend a decade in each other's arms but first we must manage the trifling matter of the brain perhaps it will listen to us perhaps it too will serve love look what's in front of your very eyes we could have everything Boulders gate is a city of opportunity like no other and I don't intend to let one like this passes by my con sword we are so close to our Triumph I can almost taste it you want to talk that's very cute spawn is an ugly word I really do prefer consort don't you worry you have sued of my blood it will be no trouble to extend a fragment of my protection to you just don't stray too far but you never dream of doing that would you why would I need to you're going to be wonderfully obedient as much as I wish to sequester you in a deep chamber of my Palace and keep you all to myself there's much to be done first we'll take Boulder's Gate then we'll take the world we'll dominate it until the sun itself melts and then we'll give ourselves to the Knight of course of course I will and you'll drink mine I can't wait to taste your lips after you've tasted me why in the hell is you bothering me now just so you know I have everything I ever wanted everything lies ahead I can see my path to a waking Dream from the Crimson Palace I will govern day and night create a city of Spawn who bow before me cast a fog over the world for my [Music] children you refuse riches beyond belief the world would have knelt before us United very soon I will discover how to call my Legions of wolves become a sea of mist run wrongs side up on roofs everything vampires do best you could have two what a waste I was pathetic then H what do you mean why would you say that you will regret leaving me more than anything you live to [Applause] regret there's no use in us fighting any longer is there you are a a person of rare Talent you aided greatly in my Conquest even if you did not end up a part of it and if we were beholden to one another well how is that too different to being enslaved it is for the [Music] best transed [Music] he I was trying with you you know in the only way I can try the gravest crimes committed in this world are committed for love a hunger cruler than bloodlust I know how to play with it and I can't resist playing the hand I know I would have ruined your love used your trust until you were nothing so for what it's worth in the end I respect you for making the choice you did I never thought you had it in you I hope if not Partners we may be partners in crime [Music] yet [Music] not a skill that's cropped up in my newly found repertoire I probably need to read some Tome to figure out how but I will ensure our little mission to defeat the brain succeeds you can count on me for that let's make our pact a new a Divine oath sworn upon spirit and flesh I Do no harm to you nor you to Me Together We Rule fyon as kings no more than Kings Gods We Rule as the absolute what do you say shall we be allies an ally could be useful at least for now and when he's no longer useful well we can dispose of him then then let it be RIT by the Black Hand of Bane I Lord Enver Gores swear I shall do you no harm we will rise together over toriel as a roaring son let me demonstrate why you made the right choice your Camp is compromised one among you is an impostor a faceless who I can't say I'd suggest a thorough investigation you'll find I speak the truth a shave shifter could be anyone I mean it's not me but it could be anyone [Music] [Music] else [Applause] [Music] calmness greets you as the submersible slows to a halt unlike the Iron Throne you remain intact so it seems will the families of all the hostages rescued from the throne God that was close I could almost kiss the boards here but well that would be disgusting wait elevator gyroscopes Tripes a quad tropex no it can't be I hear it through the floor powerful indestructible the ultimate Watcher the Titan of course they built an indestructible superwater why wouldn't they I don't relish the idea of maora visiting our camp let alone offering us anything resembling a deal when the Devils start approaching you you know you're in deep I am now the blade of aerus for as long as demons and Devils imperil the sword Coast they will be my prey so the blade of Frontiers is dead long live the blade of a verus I just hope he stays focused on battling infernal forces the undead have it hard enough already well Grand Duke ravengard a position like that comes with a lot of wealth and luxury if you survive long enough to enjoy it will gave up freedom to save his father I will never understand people like that will gave up his father to have freedom hm an understandable decision sacrifices must be made after all especially if the old Duke's fall means his [Music] rise the pleasure of Torment the torment of pleasure One Taste one Indulgence but the delicious Agony remains a pity for you the one taste is all I'll give well I hope I'm not interrupting aaran what a pleasant surprise I must have drawn more blood than I intended I think I'll nip out for a bit let you do love birds chirp who would I be to meddle in personal [Music] affairs and what do you have to say for [Music] yourself well of course I would have sweet Hells it's not every day you can do a horizontal dance with a devil so what was it like tell me everything it happens my dear best not to dwell on it not if you can move on to the next [Music] Conquest if you want healthy advice go talk to a druid I'm just telling you what works uh well Works my be putting it a little strong but makes it feel less terrible at [Music] least well of course it meant nothing she's a devil she's hardly going to fall in love were you actually worried I was angry oh you sweet little thing I'm not going to abandon a feast just because someone else had a nibble so what was it like tell me [Music] everything afterwards you felt empty alone ashamed it happens my dear best not to dwell on it not if you can move on to the next Conquest well no not particularly but it's better than facing up to it at least it was a mistake you didn't invite me so what was it like tell me [Music] everything so do I I've never tried my hand at seducing a devil just remember to fetch me next time I'd hate to think you were holding out on me well of course I'm jealous it's not every day you can do a horizontal dance with a devil so what was it like tell me everything it does sound Divine you'll have to catch me up on all the Gory details later and is that your partner with you what a gorgeous Apple perhaps we could come to an agreement enjoy yourself of course but I dearly hope you aren't only having sex because we haven't in a while if your beloved one wants to join we could work out something to our mutual satisfaction two of us two of you four oh gorgeous people sorry pet I'm I'm not quite comfortable with doing this again yet don't be so nice to me it makes me want to be nice back you have but to ask and we can grant you a moment of pleasure don't be shy an intriguing pair takes me back to my youth more than interested if you feel the same well there are two of us aren't there use your [Music] imagination I'd like to try doing things like this again now I'm free to find my own desires and don't worry I'll dart out if I don't enjoy it faster than I used to run from the Sun perhaps you'd care for a little extra company oh I suspect we shall be more than merry quite the merry little party we have assembled here in ku's all custom from our home groups of five or more meet quorum to qualify as ories four or fewer are simply a gathering legally speaking at [Music] least the lady Nim moves your hand to where the clasps of her blouse lie all right sweethearts you dare to dance with a professional you'll get your desire his skin is like lustered pearls almost translucent and so delicately smooth he's so perfect it could move even the toughest soul to tears H nature used all of its powers when it sculpted you aarian it's so easy to see why that body alone ruined so many lives you're looking at me rather curiously speak up tell us what you want to do I wish to drink and to be drunk I hope you like a kiss with teeth Druid as long as you like to be caressed by claws estaran for this I feel we should be paying you aarian lavishes attentions on everyone present with flawless technique unfaced It's All Pure Instinct but when you meet his eye for a moment there's a look about him that reveals he's a million Realms [Music] away so we kill gash or hen dies it is not an easy call on the one hand killing gach would be fun on the other hon can be very annoying H we probably should save the Druid though he does have his uses so we kill Gort as or Gail dies H it is not an easy call on the one hand killing gash would be fun on the other Gail can be very annoying H we probably should save the wizard though he does have his moments you're almost pity Oren taking lasel like that give her half a chance and she'll rip out the shape shifter's spine if the shape changer wants gash debt then let's kill gash and get yenna back not that I care it's just that children have a habit of disappearing in the city let's not let any more slip away notice some blood has pulled on the wooden floor you notice the blood Source a body hidden under the [Music] bed the corpse regards you lifelessly murdered by my son it's to be expected some families just don't get [Music] along [Music] [Music] I know the look is meant to be very murder heavy but it's a bit much even for me the amunet of B it's hardly a Triumph of fashion but it does have its use es My Chosen my Slayer violence incarnate you will become a testament in blood go child of ball claim the crown of carsus control the absolute and command a horde fit to butcher this world in my [Music] name Jahira must it truly be this way the path was not of our choosing Minsk but we must walk it all the same what about you will you protect the world from what she has become I really hoped we could avoid being porns for a dark God but here we are I suppose I'm with you my dear wherever this leads it seems the father issues are only just beginning a the choice is made you'll never stop killing you're going to sit nicely in my lap perhaps naked as I give orders to our nocturnal horde from my Palace Throne bal's Army will be an unsurpassable dowy I cannot wait for you to claim it the child of Bal I'm glad Papa has blessed our dirty little [Music] plot the choice is made you'll never stop killing H I live through the downfall of sarok I believe in the rise of B when I see it if the only way to control his possession is to bow to it I suppose that is how it must be himself has sentenced you to an eternity of Madness to be consumed by your urge you'll never be free will you he's going to take over I've had periods where I was so hungry I was all but robbed of speech and reason if you become as I fear feral scrabbling all but a caran creature I don't think I'll be able to look at you it'll remind me too much of my worst self if that is to be your fate I will um enjoy our time together while it lasts but soon enough we'll have to say our goodbyes in a thousand years when I've all but forgotten how to love yet again you'll flit back into my heart and I'll weep one wondering what happened to my mad love the sole way to atone for thine actions is to do better in a new dawn that dawn has come he's right you're no monster you've saved me more times than I can count the heart of a savior hath overshadowed the mind of a murderer thou Hast vanquished thine urge today thou are born a new you get to start over to be the person you want to be not what someone else made you to be that all was going to blow and soon before you do anything I am your ally we are in danger another tentacled freak what in the hells is this thank you that was too close I am a mind flayer yes without me you would be a slave to the absolute I owe everything to that oh I don't like this one [Music] bit so we owe our lack of tentacles to one of the very creatures that kidnapped us at least you showed it what you thought of its offer nicely done don't look at me like that I know what you're going to say the answer is no no that was before I knew the cost before I knew it meant transforming into some grotesque Beast I remember how it hurt when I turned into a vampire my body red and warped while I was utterly helpless the grip of death owned my heart as it beat its last I don't want to turn into anything else I can't do that again I can't watch my body be taken over it isn't about the pain it's about being beholden to the tadpoles influence if we Master the tadpoles it would be different but right now that Mastery depends on an athid and it's GI yane slave I am not I just don't want to lose my God's given good looks really wouldn't that be a [Music] crime I'm really not sure [Music] as you pick apart his mind you discover his worst memory that which brings him the purest Terror complete Solitude after being disobedient sealed buried alive voiceless will this be forever a year of horror then the release he will never disobey again [Music] damn it damn you all right I'll do it life Pulses from within the parasites thoughts whisper at the edge of your mind it wants to share itself with you it wants to be let in go on don't be afraid it only wants to help you evolve commune with it you'll see it only wants to help [Music] you disappointing you have lowered our chances of success with your actions oh [ __ ] I did I do something wrong why what's changed oh come off you're wonderful I don't care what you look like what you cannot do is make my decisions for me I've had more than enough of that in my life I bet I still get more stairs walking down the street than you I am and beautiful none of people mention that I'm not going anywhere I may be guilty of a bit of embellishment here and there but I'm no liar when I vowed we'd save you we will save you this little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be ruled by fear or else we never really live I'm Not Afraid not of you not of your darkness and not of our future H Cazador used his tortures to strike Terror into me but I've rarely been more afraid than on the night when I feared Bal had claimed you for good but I trust you don't kill me and if you do then I've gotten sloppy and probably have it coming we learn we grow loosen our clumsy bindings Aid us Necromancer dead changeling and Tyrant remain at odds kill them you have a place in my grand design the Elder brain turned her into a meat puppet what the hell's else can it do expected with please darling you have the vampire ascendant on your side how could we lose then we'd better make it count you've never tasted so sweet darling all of that and the stones didn't even work I swear this is never ending in theory yes you have resisted such a fate so far and this would be a complete EV Evolution and you will be in a liid for the rest of your days is this really something you would be willing to accept let's not be Hasty about this I think this warrants more a private discussion away from that silver tentacle elid so we can't wield the stones unless one of us becomes an lith it I hope you're not actually considering this oh we still have other options we could free the gift Prince with the oric hammer perhaps he'll have a bright idea just consider the Alternatives before throwing away that beautiful face of yours you're asking me oh darling I don't know flip a coin if you need to just don't you consider consider transforming the tentacles won't suit you at all darling a bold move it's a gamble but if we play this right it could work well for us all right let's see how this plays out I'm going to assume you meant that as a joke I do not want you to transform into some slimy Beast we'll figure something else out I I'm sure of it uh that is a risky move but if you think it's the right one I can't talk when we have a city to save darling at least the bits of it that are worth saving look at this place a symbol of the City's power and Grandeur to a brain infested husk maybe I should help fund the repairs when this is all over it would be the civic-minded thing to do and it means we could install secret tunnels spy Halls maybe even a murder pit everything we'd need to rule from the Shadows but of course with my power and your tentacles how could we lose aside from my once beautiful lover turning into a monster oh wonderful I admit I'm a little torn you are repulsive but just think of all the power you can access it's a compelling mixture in an ally I do miss your pretty face though oh my love you can't expect me to kiss that now can you no our kissing days are done so let's focus on defeating the brain otherwise this whole mess would have been for [Music] nothing there it is the crown of cus the sight of power the sight of domination that's it we have to use the nether stones on the crown it's the only hope we [Music] have I know you I saw you in my dreams I know you I know everything about you your thoughts your feelings your weaknesses and so do they there it is the crown the very thing that has been amplifying the nether brain's power and the Very place that we will be able to dominate it that's where we should use the nether stones well that's just [Music] disgusting there you are the rat catcher became aone murder in confli you are spectacular specimens and you will make spectac ular [Music] THS shut it out it's on the precipice push it over spare me join all right it's time let's end this the brain is on the cusp of its vinyl thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps it can be ours my love the whole world we only have to take it [Music] what in all the sweet Hells are you [Music] doing together cona [Music] Ru come on [Music] and in my name the wizard did it he really did it he blew up the brain a TPO I I can't feel it anymore well thanks to that bomb of his we're not going to turn into mind flares of course it did cost us a wizard poor gaale strange I miss him more than I thought I would of course it did cost us a wizard but well it was his [Music] Choice H Victory our enemies are dust at our feet we're free of that stupid parasite and I'm free to enjoy all the power kazador left me and and here I was worried I'd become some grois deformed Beast I would say no offense meant but uh well look at you you were a worthy [Music] Ally I'm glad the gith prince is taking his fate so well I'd be devastated if I was that [Music] ugly well that's a pleasant sight here's hoping they stay in their own plane I'm sure MRA will summon me soon enough but until then I prop I'll see your Reckless abandon and raise you unrestrained headism what do you say because I think we've earned [Music] it yes we should see if the uh elf song's Still Standing it's been so long since I had a fine wine and we have more than earned it you're joking after everything we've been through you expect me to do manual labor why stop at arm there's a whole world out there we just have to take it true we have served our respective purposes we're free to go wherever we wish it feels so good Freedom true Freedom finally I can feel my strength growing every day that passes I gain new abilities you know now that our enemies have fallen I might be the most powerful person in the world and as you're my consort that makes us the most powerful people in the world and neither would I together we can do anything The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like then you shall we'll travel the lands together tasting everything fyon has to offer perhaps we'll find somewhere we'd like to stay for a century or two perhaps not we have a beautiful bloody future to look forward to my love I can't be sure what it holds for us but I know know one thing this is going to be [Laughter] fun my love you always know the right thing to say The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like oh darling I love the way you think we will need to be careful of course there are still powerful forces in the city we can start slowly quietly charming and manipulating key figures building up our network of Puppets before long we'll have our hands on every string in the city and they will dance however we tell them too my love you always know the right thing to say The World Is Ours for the taking so what would you like just when I thought I couldn't love you anymore true if he ever branches out from fighting The Infernal he'd be a formidable threat the absolute may be gone but others will rise against us maybe even our old allies we may need a purge or two just to secure our position well of course I don't want to but if they get in my way let's hope they have more sense than that anyway taking power in this city will need to be a subtle process we wouldn't want to Spook the cattle after all it is indeed we can travel the lands together tasting everything fyon has to offer perhaps we'll find somewhere we'd like to stay for a century or two perhaps not [Laughter] don't be stupid darling you're mine remember the tadpole is gone which means your future is mine to decide how lucky you are that I chose you as my consort chose you to help me take Boulder's Gate then sit by my side as I rule it there's no backing out now we'll be together forever I can promise you that we're free of that stupid parasite and I'm free to enjoy all the power Cazador left me and here I was worried I'd become some grotesque deformed Beast I would say no offense meant but uh well look at you behold my tears what do you say because I think we've earned [Music] it how wonderful but you try not to limit yourself you've just saved the world now is not the time to become Bor by all means go and live however you wish as long as we don't get in each other's way I'm sure all will be well it's not so bad in the dark only about half the baluan sewers are active the underdog you poor thing I have a palace you can sleep on one of aund couches until you're on your [Music] feet such nobility and self-sacrifice I thought a mind flare might have a stronger sense of self-preservation than that but well goodbye true we have served our respective purposes we're free to go wherever we wish what do you think you're doing you've butchered so many before each death a gift to your father this one you will take from him this one is just for you it feels so good Freedom true Freedom finally I can feel my strength growing every day that passes I gain new abilities and you've changed too of course a different aesthetic but with such power a shame I was looking forward to having you as my consort but we can still be powerful allies darling please I can't have something like this as my lover the mechanics alone no a simple Alliance is far more useful to us both I can build up my power here in the light while you lur Below in the shadows oh don't be like that you can't have thought we'd stay together it would never work sweetie not when I look like this and you well you're monstrous and it's such a Pity because you were beautiful you would have looked magnificent is't ruling by my side but just because you're a monster it doesn't mean we don't have a glorious future ahead of us so come on darling let's show this world what monsters can do exactly my thought together we can rule this city and the cattle won't even realize it's happening I'm offering you a chance to be useful to be more than the monster you've become I thought you'd be grateful but if you won't accept my kindness that's on your slimy head it is a shame though you were something special I'll never forget the person you used to be the beauty I bedded The Warrior I fought beside the hero that saved this city the people may not appreciate you now that you're a grotesque freak but I do after all you helped me attain Perfection I owe all of this to you so thank you now get the hells out of my city excuse me these are the only games worth playing but fine you don't need my friendship and I don't need you sliming around my Palace excuse me what plans lurking in the sewers feasting on rat brains [Laughter] but fine if you want to make your own future have at it and if you crash and burn that's on your slimy head I really thought the stones were going to work our options are getting Slimmer and Slimmer I hope you're not actually considering this oh we still have other options we could free the gift prins with the or Hammer perhaps he'll have a bright idea just consider the Alternatives before throwing away that beautiful face of yours of course you will and of course you're not I wish I was surprised you'd volunteer but I'm not it's so perfectly you all right if we're going to do this then let's do this I'm fine with anything that keeps you from transforming into a mind flare personally I'd use the hammer and take our chances with orus I'm most willing to lose him a bold move it's a gamble but if we play this right it could work well for us all right right let's see how this plays out I always dreamed of walking these Halls you know my dreams never included a giant brain or smoldering ruins but I'll take what I can get huh I can't say all I know is that by transforming you've given us our best possible chance to survive this oh as well as can be expected when facing down the end of the world it's certainly different it will take some getting used to I admit I did love the person you were but I understand why you made this Choice oh uh actually I think the last time we kissed was our last chance to share a kiss no offense but I mean how would that even work [Music] now I can't say for sure but we've come through a lot already it would hardly do to fail now then we'd better make it count we' better survive this because I never want to stop doing that I I can't feel the tadpool it's gone we're free maybe whatever changes me was permanent and we didn't even have to turn into mind flares to do it oh sorry I I didn't mean to well you know he seems to be taking his new monstrous form pretty well maybe he is worthy to be the GI Prince h now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them I'm sure miss I'm not sure about um drink in hand but I think we've all earned some reckless abandon how about you any thoughts on what's [Music] next yes we should see if the uh elf song's Still Standing I won't embibe but I'll be happy to be away from here and in your company I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the oh no oh god well it was it was nice when it lasted I'm sorry I I have to go it seems that's the end of a St dar's love affair with the son that'll be hard on him after everything that's your suggestion aren't you tired I'm tired it would be good to travel it's been so long kidnappings aside oh you can't mean that after all this [Music] I I can't feel the tadpole it's gone we're free and I didn't even have to turn into a mind flare to do it oh sorry I I didn't mean to well you [Music] know apologies I just got swept up in um well surviving I'm not sure about um drink in hand but I think we've all earned some reckless abandon how about you any thoughts on what's next uh just remember who you friends are will you in case you start to become well you know hungry at this point you've earned it just don't start any Grand designs and I'm sure we'll all stay friends you are braver than I could ever dream to be I hope we will meet again on a cloudy night the underd dark is a um popular option just try to avoid the vampire spawn I can't promise they'll be as friendly as yours truly as long as you're not expecting anyone to follow you I wish you all the best though I have a feeling you'll be just fine what are you doing stop it you've butchered so many before each death a gift to your father this one you will take from him this one is just for you Hello darling I was just thinking about Freedom how I'm free of Cazador how I have a whole new life stretching out in front of me and your well what are you is the person I loved still in there I'm glad although I'm not sure what the expectations are around uh us do you still want to be together as much as I want to I'm not sure if I can maybe it's better if we're friends for now you're precious to me and I don't want to lose you but this is a lot perhaps we'll adjust perhaps we won't but you mean too much for me to walk away so would I and I hope we can find some place for love in our new whatever this is but even if we can't I'll never forget the person you were I'll never forget what you did for this world and what you did for [Music] me thank you my love thank you I don't know it is a big change and as much as I care for you I don't know maybe it's better if we're friends for now you're precious to me and I don't want to lose you but this is a lot perhaps we'll adjust perhaps we won't but you mean too much for me to walk away a Pity because we were rather excellent together a love for the ages I'll never forget you I'll never forget what you did for this world and what you did for me no I think you're right it's probably best to leave things here I see and how does this newly evolved version of you feel about me do you still want to be together well that's that then this is nice a little tame compared to one of my parties but it has a quain charm I wasn't sold at first but the forest is rather good for a get together you could scream bloody murder out here and no one would ever know how lovely to see the others doing well as long as they're not doing too well of course I will never get tired of seeing that face hello again [Music] beautiful I should take a tour I just to see what the rest are up [Music] to is it you who paints the airu no more amni and chees is for you not one Juicy Secret to be heard Such a Pity just the same old chatter does no one here get drunk and spill Secrets H perhaps I should stretch my wings again who knows what people are gossiping [Music] about thank mother GI the psionic projection is holding oh I simply must have this one it's practically sanguin wither certainly knows his wine all resurrected an excellent samier well they can't all be winners why is the night a always sweeter it's such a rich perfume for this I have missed this place and these people well some of the [Music] people [Music] [Music] [Music] is good song Good Company Withers can pluck wine from all over the world but is there one bottle of fresh [Music] blood this seems pretty red but no not even close rank I'd take rat over this any [Music] [Music] day the whole gang is here wish I'd had time to polish up the [Music] [Music] [Music] horns [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what oh boo Minsk has not yet left the table so this is still the
Channel: フェンリス
Views: 17,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vampire ascendant, astarion, astarion romance, vampire spawn
Id: QjL_hQCPmm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 30sec (9030 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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