Baldur's Gate 3. Astarion Romance | The Dark Urge | Act 3

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lashers Bazar let one of his walking carcasses lapse from his control let's F them back wait by the P lord it's you I thought I'd never see you again I wanted to keep you for myself but they shipped you away you talk and you out aware how is that possible oh but what an arresting voice you have you're not supposed to be here special one that's not right but I don't want to damage you you were my very first after all I learned everything about the parasites from you I remember finding you close to death beaten black and blue on the floor of this sanctum it must have been a few hours after the tadpole was placed in your skull how you got here was a total mystery but I stitched you up just enough to keep you alive then placed you within your crib I kept you as mine until you were needed by our superiors we had such a close Bond I opened you up endlessly with my scalpel and got lost in your insights the most important work the nature of which I only heard Whispers truthfully I'm not surprised to see you found your way back here all by yourself I always knew you were clever it has never been the same with another all the other victims who come here just meekly obey you thrashed you fought you were indomitable but as special as you are you shouldn't be swanning around here acting as if Free Will is yours again we're going to kill you sweet one but I promise I will stay with you afterwards lashes bring this one back to my table and prepare my knives for a long night of experiments she but the hack Doctor Who have pieced you together after whatever caused your head to get in this mess someone else must have attacked you in the midst of whatever you were doing down here this Necromancer was a grunt in the scheme of the horrors enacted against against you that attacker is the source in the heart of all these membranes there was a dagger awaiting you all along but from who this place brings back the worst memories it's like being kidnapped all over again for [Music] beyond the campsite the city waits in uneasy silence one sleep [Music] [Applause] away the gate is close as is Cazador kazador and his right of profane Ascension an imperial Suare attended by devils and spawn alike a grand ceremony to honor one exalted vampiric master and Elevate him to an unfathomable station to place him in a position of such esteem the world will yearn to kneel and offer their necks we will kill him but there's more to it think about it it sounds like kazador for all his evils has gotten further than any of my kind ever have he's on the verge of a miracle this may be a beginning not an end I can see myself now Lord King Master if the time comes and I can stay one move ahead of him I'll take his place before his blood can hit the [Music] floor what's a handful of the wretches servants if there're anything like me when I was enslaved they're all but begging for death anyway after 200 years of [ __ ] pure [ __ ] I think I deserve something better all I'm saying is Let's Be Clever about it if an opportunity arises for me to become a more magnificent bastard than I already am why turn it down let's find out more about the ritual before we Walt into cazador's front door if we track down my old comrades the other spawn we may discover more and be finally positioned for yours truly to [Music] ascend you're too adorable I'll be fine I'm sure they'll bring back memories of so many pathetic years but I'm much stronger now if we don't find my brethren they'll find us likely with be fangs we should get to them first then we can make their pretty tongues talk unless kazador change their orders they'll be in the dens of this town seeking prey so it's a quest to Free Shadow heart's parents is it and here I was worried I'd be the only one with a difficult family reunion waiting in the city be honest what do you think of the new look well I'm glad someone does perhaps I'll get used to it I have a lot to get used to right now oh we have a new look for a new Shadow heart nice as it is she still doesn't have the best hair in the camp worms crossing the well Welcome Matt of Boulder's Gate this is it I'm almost [Music] home I won't lie the thought hardly fills me with Glee even with my newfound advantages he's still an incredibly powerful vampire but he's arrogant too if he does hear I'm back he'll try to take me and expose himself in the process then I'll be able to strike neither will I darling at least I hope you'll come along for the show but regardless the plan is simple find him stop him from Gaining Almighty power and then really enjoy killing him and if I can seize that Almighty power for myself well all the better um excuse me I can't find my mom but um I'm I don't know where to go good that'll make getting lost even easier honestly kids these days guards blow like petards they don't help us she better it's getting really sad in here um excuse me I can't find my mom J and my cat is grub he's shy I'm not my mom is called Emory she went to go get some herbs for her spots she was sick and she was supposed to come back the same day that was last 10day though oh wow thank you mom loved food like this simple is best she always said Alum I'll look for her I think she'll probably come soon thanks a lot um hi it's me yenna you remember me right you were really nice to me before and um my mom hasn't come back yet she might come later I don't think she's coming could we maybe stay here absolutely not we've hit our quota for mangi [Music] Strays but I won't make it that long on my own I don't have any stuff but I can cook thank you thank you I won't get in the way I promise rean Frey valis durova Frey Val Isa blast you recognize the funeral rights of the G people the same Monster Hunters you met in the hag swamp their leader is burning the possessions of those who have [Music] [Music] fallen so the impossible spawn walks Among Us in the blazing sun we have been looking for you the last time your friend came to our camp he stole our children our future when we sent gandell after you we wanted to interrogate you to discover how to save our children and then destroy you but things have changed you have changed is it true you left your master that you broke the spell that binds you to him well I I mean uh kind of it's a long story honestly for those your friend stole from us it is a matter of life and death we have tried to save our children once already attacking kazador AR's Palace at first light even then it was too well defended but if his own spawn approached someone he thought he could control he would throw his doors open and welcome you in and once inside you could do what we could not you could save the children you damned you don't know Cazador like I do he's merciless you want me to March into the lion's den and save your children but I promise you they're already dead I spent 200 years bringing him victims each and everyone was whisked away to be fed on that night but you never saw him feed yourself he could keep prisoners for days before killing them if our children are truly gone then we ask for blood I know you can understand that spawn I suppose yes yes Revenge I can do thank you from me and all my people if you can do this we will be in your debt you have lived a life of violence and sin you have stolen lives broken families and caused immeasurable grief doing this will not write those wrongs if you're trying to encourage me you're failing abysmally but it will be a start you may still be redeemed please go time is short but we will see you again when it is done we should go I do not want to face the master if we're late for his black MK soon sister I only need one more Mark we have enough for the Master no more needed it's not for the master it's for me I spent 100 years eating rats and dogs but soon I'll be able to Feast I want someone there ready for me and once the mass is done and our Lord grants us freedom I can celebrate by drinking them dry Cazador promised you your freedom and you believed him H you were never burdened with intelligence pet but your load seems especially light these days aarian it it cannot be oh that's no way to welcome back a Brother D didn't you miss me why would you come back you got out you were free you can't mean that he's playing mind games he can't raise a hand to the master let alone kill him you have no idea what I can do [Applause] no where is he hiding tell me brother please fine you ow your wretched life to my friend now tell me what I need to know the master is preparing the Black Mass beneath his Palace there's a defiled Chapel it was hidden there the entire time hidden from us all do you really think you can stop him I'm the only one who can the sun can't harm me Cazador can't compel me I don't need to fear him anymore now go before I change my mind about roasting you brother this isn't over [Music] asaran poor fools they actually think kazador will save them you sound surprised I am capable of doing the right thing from time to time they're no threat to us they have no choice but to do cazador's bidding I pity them worst of all they don't know their Fate's already set they're doomed the only question is whether their lives will be sacrificed to a monster like Cazador or serve a greater purpose seven sigils on seven spawn and Cazador has the other six we have to face him and take that power for ourselves trust me I'd rather Slaughter someone else's family but if that's what it takes and it's not like their sweet innocence they brought kazador just as many victims as I did you're not getting sentimental are you I thought you were with me on this then we'll deal with it it can't be worse than everything else we've faced and now we know he's skullking beneath his Palace we can take the hunt to kazador all right let's go this place stinks a rat blood and [Music] despair you feel its connection its longing to be opened to share its secrets you open the book to the first page with its shifting glyphs and strange Whispers The Symbols Dart Beneath Your Eyes warping and twisting your head throbs but you almost understand the glyphs scream branding your mind with strange runes you see time Rewritten fate undone your future thrumming with power the book snaps closed you've seen too much what profane knowledge is now seared inside of you you should never have [Music] known the book radiates power but the words you read in the Codex echo in your mind guiding your eyes safely across the page the once indecipherable glyphs now feel dangerously familiar promising Unholy power to those who can take it as you pass the strange glyphs you can feel the book resisting ghostly voices whisper at you from the dark probing and fighting your mind but your will is iron and you brush past these shades of the past devouring every secret the book has to offer you see now life and death are malleable as clay to be bent and reshaped by your will by your power but as you close the book a nagging doubt Whispers in your mind what consequences will there happy for calling the dead from their rest yes no I'm not sure it is full of terrible Secrets including cazador's bloody right of profane Ascension but it told me nothing new then again it was filled with otherworldly power which I am more than happy to wield to my advantage stinks of cheese between his piggy toes how dare you what in the hells is all of this a necessity good sir the steel watch loves pretending sweet Rivington doesn't exist so we have decided to protect you dear patrons no need to thank us you'll be allowed in once I've done this batch next [Music] hello hello and welcome to the circus of the last days the finest extra PL a circus there is a circus can we go oh uh this is Benjamin say hi Benji [Music] M Benji here checks all our patrons to make sure none of you are vicious murderers can't be too careful but enough of this the circus is a place of joy and distraction so uh come inside and forget your worries not a problem dear Patron Benji just has to check if you're a vicious murderer [Music] Benji blood tasty blood so delicious oh that's a first usually I'd allow you in but in these times I can take no chances Move Along no circus for you oh forgive me I must have uh misspoken welcome to the circus of the last days have fun and be sure to catch the star of our show dribbles the [Music] Clown Buddy the dog is my very best friend do you know why why because with him anything is posible oh good puns because clowns Aren't Enough of a horror already did you hear about the Scarecrow who lost a [Music] fight I know I'm amazingy thank you to the loud mouth for volunteering for my next trick now where oh where are you a bloodthirsty Rock us a fury engulfs you you want to butcher the crowd women and children alike and soak in their innards it is glorious you my Special Assistant come on up what no don't you dare this isn't funny oh my heart the enthusiasm is too much now up up double sharp or poor buddy will think you don't like [Music] him right there oh perfect of course what fun I'm going to [ __ ] kill you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you're very special as special as can be does anyone know why why you're special my friend because I have a message just for you praise the [Music] absolute God this is the first time in 200 years I've seen these streets in the sunlight you can forget just how much color there is in the world H yes of course obviously sorry did you want something we should tell aen that loran is hunting her she has a right to know also she'll want to Cave his scalin and honestly I would not mind seeing that the Firehead fool is dead yet as I stare upon his corpse I feel sadness why a gripping in the chest as though I'd lost someone something Paladin's fatigue no doubt you were excellent in battle as is your way and I am proud to fight at your side I will catch my breath then to Camp I will bring my bones Moon Maiden be with you I expected Night song to be overjoyed after killing her fairhead fool instead she just seemed tired hardly it's going to be the greatest moment of my life the blood the screaming just thinking about it makes me smile what are you saying or rather what are you not saying mistra knows you defied her gaale well of course she knows she's mistra she bids you come to her holy Shrine in the storm Shore Tabernacle there she will grant you an audience At Last I See remaining up to me Mystic is my duty especially when I'm not the one being asked to do the seemingly impossible trust in yourself trust in the weave if you are willing trust in Mist there is a conclusion yet to be written in this sorry tale Gale of water deep and yours is the quill that will write it so mistress requested a chat with Gail unusually polite for a God I do hope it goes well we've pissed off enough Gods already so Gail's hedging his Bets with mistra I can't say I blame him who'd want to hold a power like the crown of cus in their hands just to hand it to someone else I know what my decision would be but we're all different of course this place is miserable even for the house of a God get out of this place as soon as your strength allows there's a camp you'll be safe there credit where it's due you are tenacious and tougher than I expected pain can break anyone but you bore it well and got what you wanted even if you've damned yourself to a lifetime of that same pain my silk what are the chances it's you ah and the Heart stopping blood sucker I hope you've changed your mind my neck is yours anytime and I I will keep refusing until the end of time I'm done bowing to the whims of others never say never forgive the mess your blood is far more volatile than I'd anticipated oh she doesn't bother me that much if anything I pity her fine such cruel words but never mind all that I have tremendous ly exciting news you see it's your blood that caused the conflagration you just witnessed imagine it's a breakthrough in the sanguin Arts the likes of which the world has never seen the grand matriarch will have no choice but to restore house oblodra after I present her with my research but listen to me rabbiting on about myself when I have you the prize bleeder on my very doorstep if you'd come inside we could discuss something far more exciting than Dr politics how I made him feel what I propose goes well beyond such frivolities we are talking about alchemical breakthroughs based on the blood that runs through your veins my friend I appreciate the thought truly but if this is something you want to look into well hearing her out won't kill us well death never stopped me before I don't know why it should now now now I do think that's enough when you see what I've been working on bygones will all be bygones I assure you ah a cozy little spot isn't it these four walls have witnessed greater alchemical triumphs than the keep of erth dur and now that you're here the crown jewel of my research is soon to be faceted all you have to do is drink formula gruna if that's a formula I can smell it's even howler than her blood of gods below well yes formula Aku through fuak were spectacular failures but gruna gruna is different believe me when you first entered this home you saw the incredible latent power within your blood exposed in all its nuances formula gruna will unleash that power within you risky but um safe say no the only thing she's offering is pain and I I I don't want to see you hurt oh Marvin this I've never been so excited for anything in all my days just stand over there far over there and drink up what are you doing that had better go down the drain and not down your gallet oh my my Heavens you lived this is incredible I'm seeing Stars I'd hypothesized you wouldn't my friend and you've proven me absolutely correct you are the world's first detonative ex sanguinor to put it simply from this day on your blood goes boom big boom it's incredible all it needs is a spark certainly not but it might do damage to anyone who makes you bleed without your express permission and naturally I always ask first I'm civilized unlike you there are other necks available for biting of course if you were so inclined what an odd question now let me offer you a little treat in exchange for the ensest vile of your marvelous blood I'll give you something that'll really throw your enemies for a loop I'll only ask a nominal fee in exchange now now darling let's not be rude she said no you should learn the meaning of the word my research will be quite worthless without proof and my proof is running through your veins I only need a tiny bit then then my life will truly begin ah I'd so hoped it wouldn't come to this but I can't let my prize experiment walk out that door I'd hope to take a sample with your permission but I can do without it ah a friendly face at last are you going to the party as well I know bit strange isn't it but then you have to be open to trying new things the venue is called The Palace not sure what it stands for but it sounds very exclusive my date's supposed to meet me here but there's no sign of him you haven't seen him have you pale skinny extremely piercing eyes looks a bit like your friend here oh dear I assure you it's not it's funny he was ever so Keen for me to come he didn't seemen the type to [Music] cancel only that it was him and a few of his closest friends said he couldn't wait to introduce me to them how often does a man say that to a girl he's only met once he was so enthusiastic I don't understand why he hasn't shown up a vampire no he wasn't was he but then why am I still here he could have had me by the neck anytime he liked mother may I I'm positively starved I'll be honest with you you could turn out to be a WG in a skin suit and it still wouldn't be the worst date I've had I'll give him a while longer maybe he's just washing his hair I'm sure that's what he's doing you sleep but the wicked don't someone is here to disturb your rest get the hells away from me peace brother we're here to take you home the master needs all seven of us for the ceremony come with us and be reborn we'll live again master kazador has known where aarian was this entire time he knew he would return the right the master needs him he must attend oh I'm well aware of what the master needs but don't we deserve better better what do you mean better after all these centuries of Torment I know what you all want more than power more than to walk in the sun you want to see him dead the right of profane Ascension will be mine and he won't see a scrap of its Glory I am going to complete the ritual as the ascendant and then I am going to kill him this is your chance stand with me name me your new master we will get our revenge and you will all live again his Liar's smile spells danger he knows full well that his kin will die in the ritual but if any of the bearers of the scar die before the ritual begins he will lose his chance to perform the right himself he needs them to run willingly to their deaths thinking they stand a chance against their Master don't look at me like that with the sweet little disappointed I'm not getting cuddly aarian pout I can't take it I can't be what you want to see in me die in the ritual whatsoever are you speaking of we are going to cheat on death the master doesn't need to lie to us he controls us fully why go through the trouble of giving us hope because it's more cruel [ __ ] we're doomed all right what do you need from us we'll help you the bonds hold he owns us we have no choice we must obey get out of here atorian before what a mess well at least you've met my family [Music] now what does it matter there's only six of them and they are vampire spawn no one ever looked out for me no one ever said a kind thing to me you're the only one other people don't have a heart like you you're you no one is like [Music] that don't sell yourself so short I'm doing this for you too you know to make sure we're both safe forever for good cazador's minions have picked up our Trail for aarian sake I hope this was the last of them I dare kazador to send more Lackey our way this is our territory I'll crack anyone who tries to come into my house and hurt my people kazador is King to greet his Wayward Son once more with open arms or iron shackles not the kind of excitement I usually enjoy being woken up for still better than not waking up at all or waking up as something else entirely vampire spawn one's proven enough let alone a horde of them those vampire spawn came for aaran didn't they lucky for him that we were here here to fight them off this is the Palace of kazador Zar entry is forbidden leave now Citizen the guard's words are clear but spoken without thought or intent behind her eyes you see nothing she must be one of the Charmed THS as staran [Music] mentioned she pauses for a moment but keeps her mouth shut it seems you're free to [Music] enter so this is it I'm home there's the same fading carpet the same tasteless art nothing's changed but Gods Everything feels different it does feel strange breaking into your own home especially if murders on your mind then again this is hardly the strangest thing we've done together although it could be the most satisfying well the second most [Music] satisfying oh no it's much worse than that they're Fanatics he of their own free will and utterly devoted to kazador each one came to our door and begged to be given his eternal gift they're sure he'll turn them if they serve him well enough he'd almost feel sorry for the poor deluded Souls but they're idiots who brought this upon themselves so don't if my dear siblings were right Cazador is hiding somewhere below the palace after so many years I would have spotted any secret tunnels out here the only place that was off limits to us was his study if the entrance is anywhere it'll be there through the ballroom I've never been less sure of anything but if I don't face him now I never will I'll spend the rest of my life running watching the Shadows never feeling safe no this has to happen here and now also there's a small matter of all that power I can steal from the bastard so that'll be nice I must be busy busy busy busy master might see me master might approve another guest for the Master's celebration I'm afraid you're too late you'll have to master asaran what are you doing here why aren't you downstairs well obviously I'm on my way down now so if you could just point us in the right direction but you're too late the the the the doors have been sealed the ritual is about to begin it's too late godi has sealed the doors and will not open them until the ritual is complete kazador gave the key to godi and where is the sadistic old sack of Bones it does not matter matter you're too late the master will be so angry that you miss the ritual he will do such terrible terrible things to you I do not have any more time to waste there is too much to do too much to prepare quietly anyone could be listening he's Cazador Skittle right hand he kept us in line when Master didn't feel like torturing us himself if kazador is going to trust anyone to lock the doors behind him it'd be that rattling old carcass godi kept us in kennels downstairs the master ruled everywhere else but they were his domain I know you're there goly stop skullking and show yourself you always were Sharp little one sharp enough to cat yourself it's taking everything I have not to grind your rotten carcass to dust don't be mad at goie child I only did my job only kept you in line you tortured us for days at a time oh yes and you sang so sweet for me none of the others screamed like you did but you're home now and you brought me a treat eh a new friend for [Music] godie not very nice not very friendly why are you here then little one if not to see [Music] godie we're here to see the master but the ballroom door is locked uh give us the key no no it is too late the doors are sealed on Master's orders godi will not open them for anyone much less for you [Music] wait godi has the key godi can give it to you here here it is take it and trouble goie no more Let The Master know I found aaran go go little fools do not keep the master waiting need to find a way forward ah the bedrooms never once slept in this is where I took our guests I'd entain them here until Cazador appeared and took them away no one ever died here though something strange happened to that girl [Music] the corpse regards you lifelessly Victoria orphan lady promise me food shelter took me here theia she held me but me blooded everywhere trade but couldn't drink richen and gagen then monster arrived Furious she tried to disobey not drink thaning creatures he dragged her away the Spell's power wains you can ask no more questions wolves will not [Music] open well I was thinking first we find Cazador and then we kill Cazador that's about it really we can Workshop the details as we go the door is covered in intricate text but you can't see anywhere a key might fit only a small round Hollow engraved with a family crest looking closer you recognize the writing it's the same Curran script from the dictionary you found the ring slots perfectly into place and the door swings open kazador skullking somewhere beneath us in this defiled Chapel the others mentioned we just have to find the entrance then he'll be mine this is all so Grand to think it was just sitting here lurking under the floor I don't know it feels older than that who knows how old but Cazador will want a grand space for his Ascension a thenen you like this feels perfect now we just need to see what lies at the heart of this place on the pillow rests a skull with a scroll clamped in its bone Pony Jaws the skull's empty eye sockets flare with an eldrich gleam you feel invited somehow to witness the skull's memories it seems urgent this skull is All That Remains of the vampire Vos he turned cador gave him the gift and then taught him the rules of vampiric existence vot's first lesson is always to dominate allow none to be your equal valo recalls when cador reached out to a former friend his punishment was to watch as vth drained his friend dry vot's second lesson is that power comes from Solitude to share with others is to be weak and to be weak is to fail and die vth recalls when Cazador rebelled against him Cazador suffered 11 years of impalement because he failed vot's third lesson is to act not in haste a near Immortal has time to plan time to act only when others will pay the price of action vth recalls Cazador his lessons learned killing him in the right of perfect Slaughter how they both laughed fio recalls Cazador boiling the flesh from his skull and then to mock him clamping his schooling scroll in vot's Jaws the skull's eyes flashed a final time and its jaws sag open the scroll with all of cazador's rituals is yours fth is no more approaching the cells you're met with hollowe faces there's an almost physical stink of Decay and neglect I don't even know what this prison is he hid all of this from me and the others if I had to guess I'd say they're part of his ritual but where in the hells do they come from you I know you you're the one from the tavern you smiled and joked and got me drunk you no you're dead you called me so many sweet things my name sounded like a lyric on your tongue Sebastian you remember me you were handsome shy you'd never been kissed you taught me how and then you destroyed me it can't be beneath the dirt and blood you notice that every prisoner has a rune carved into their flesh then they're bound to the Black Mass too bound through the scars through me I know these faces everyone that shares my scar they're my conquests I pursued them seduced them and brought them to kazador he told us he was feeding on them but he turned them to spawn he turned every last one so we'd have souls for this cursed ritual how long what how long have I been down here 170 years you were one of my first my family my friends they're gone you took them from me you took everything from me free we'll never be free while that monster lives that's why we're here to destroy Cazador you can't it's not possible and then what happens to us I I don't know trust me when I say I know the feeling but you can resist the urge whatever you do just do it quickly I can't go I'm waiting we'll be back you have my word Gods above he kept Sebastian I should have known what Cazador was capable of he's played us for such fools not just seven spawn to Plate the devil seven spawn and 7,000 Souls bound to them in blood everyone whoever trusted me enough to let down their guard Innocents idiots and The Unlucky it doesn't matter I will need to sacrifice them all if I want to perform the ritual what's the point they're as good as dead I thought they were dead if they are Unleashed they will cause incredible Carnage they will be ravenous they must die better they serve a purpose Gods I can't say you're wrong I can only say I'm so glad we didn't meet then I don't even want to think what would have happened to you I would have killed you well you clearly want to say something alive no but animated yes I'm sure they are if kazador turned the victims we brought him to spawn he'd have done the same to the children with Glee I imagine but let's not forget why we're here kazador needs to die everything else come second hey hey you come closer oh God it can't be it is you I knew it I'll kill you once I get out of here I'll kill you camp Monster Hunters the girl camp Oh Gods my parents Camp Chesser Focus resist the Beast inside you you missed it's your fault you did this to us didn't he tell you he's the one that kidnapped us he's the reason we spawns I'll kill you yes now that you um mention it I may have done that I don't look at me like that cador's orders quite the deviation from my usual routine of course capture not lure I didn't bring them in with sweet rolls or anything I really forgot about them felt nothing the moment I handed them over to him huh parents you've seen my parents I miss them I I think or perhaps it's the hunger I don't know it's so hard to tell you should go leave us here we shouldn't be out there we'd hurt our families behind the exhaustion starvation and fear recognition stirs in her eyes and with it hope you you really mean it cador's got this staff it controls the doors if you get it you can set everyone free if you get it somehow good luck if you fail well I suppose we'll be seeing you again in here I had no say in the matter it was my Master's command I could feel guilty happy in the knowledge there was nothing I could have done differently I could never have saved them but now now there's a choice to make I'm sure I will whatever the hells that might be next we find kazador and once we find him well let's hope fate is on our side I'm not sure I've been weighing my options on the one hand they're the key to my unlocking eternal power and freedom on the other well it's my fault they're here yes it was cazador's command I had no choice but it seems now I do that will very much depend on what happens once I face kazador but I have to find him before I can face him so let's focus on that shall we now this is unexpected you who follow on the heels of our poor lost son has he sent you here to parley on his behalf H will he not even speak to his own family you would turn on him how delightfully treacherous very well I give you one chance return with my wayward boy and perhaps I will let you live but cross me and I promise I will deliver you an eternity of suffering I hope we understand each other now go Gods you're beautiful you went after cador without me and why in all the hells would you do that if you wanted to help you should have asked me this is too important for you to handle without me but what's done is done and if he's expecting you to bring me in maybe we can turn this to our advantage he won't throw the doors open for us he's no fool but there may be fewer obstacles in our path if he's expecting us well of course it's a trap but now we know it's a trap and that's half the battle not literally of course the actual battle will be long and intense but at least we have some idea of what we're walking into our next step is to get me to him all you have to do is lead me to kazador I can handle him once we get [Music] there thank you I won't forget this let's do this let's go kill the bastard is it time can we finally go and end kazador apparently not yet you still need to lose one of your hangers on before we can face him good I'm getting restless just sitting here I need to do something you return and true to your word our prodigal son stands before us do not slouch before me boy have you no respect for your s look at you crawling back after abandoning your family you should be begging our [Music] forgiveness forgiveness you've never forgiven anything every mistake every slip was punished I strove for perfection in all things even those as imperfect as you a pity you amounted to so little despite my efforts no no [ __ ] you and [ __ ] everything you've ever done to [Music] me they told me you had changed I dared not believe it oh thankless child did I not bless you with our Immortal gift did I not make you what you are you son of a [Music] [ __ ] you truly forgot my power you truly thought our bond as Creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me oh you are weak my child you are a small pathetic ictic little boy who never amounted to anything but today you will finally do something worthwhile you will burn and I will ascend no stop him get me out of this witness the birth of the vampire ascendant Dominos no no no healing seep for you wake up get your hands off me worm H I'm not the one in the dirt one last thrust and I'll be free of you I'll never have to fear you again but if I finish the ritual you started I'll never have to fear anyone ever you think me a fool that I would allow anyone to usurp me speak the words and Ascend in my place H the runes I carved into your flesh bind you and all 7,000 souls to the ritual complete it and those who bearing the scars will be sacrificed you included you are simply a means to an end I made you to be consumed I am so much more than what you made me I can do this but I need your [Music] help these people died years ago trust me on that all that's left a feral spawn desperate for blood if we release them how many people will they kill tens of thousands hundreds of thousands but if they die and I Ascend I won't have to rely on the parasite to walk in the sun I'll be free truly completely free free isn't that what you want you can see the fear in his eyes but also the hunger the thick smell of blood in the air and the promise of power being so close is intoxicating to him all he can see is the power of the ritual and the freedom that power brings the freedom to do anything to be anything [Music] you you're right I can be better than them but I'm not above join [Music] this [Music] [Music] a [Music] is is it over is he yes he's gone what does that mean for us I I don't know your choices are simple really you can hide here living in the shadows like parasites or you could be more than what he made us to be you can choose differently of course but the consequences are on your head and what does it mean for them now that's a better question 7,000 spor from ancient conquests to stolen children cador's staff controlled everything during the ritual if it controls the cells too you could decide their faith [Music] 7,000 asarian Unleashed on the sword Coast it'll be a well-dressed flood of Mayhem at least the poor wretches in the cells are innocent they shouldn't have to suffer just because I led them [Music] here [Music] [Music] they'll need someone to lead them take the tunnels into the underdog find somewhere well not safe but less perilous what no we can't just try to keep them out of [Music] trouble I I think we're done here let's go that's it he's gone after all these years this centuries it's really [Music] over no well maybe a little but I'm not sure what I've lost what I've gained it's all to much I'm God all those spawn free in the underd dark I need some time I think I just to let it all sink in let's just go this place reeks of death and I want to feel alive again let's just go I'm done you killed one vampire but released 7,000 of his spawn have you lost all sense they were Innocents to kill them would have been an even greater crime but if you do decide to go hunting them no they include your children [Music] they they they survived well that depends on how you define survived really but they are free they're making their way into the underdog as we speak this is difficult news we will need to decide what it means thank you for what you have done slaying Cazador was a great justice as for the rest well time will tell I pray the spawn will stay in the underdark we will show no mercy if they return here he'd hate to hear me say this but I'm so [ __ ] proud of aarian he could have had it all but he kept his soul instead wasn't sure he had it in him but he's changed so much overcome so much Darkness oh I could smooch that pointy little face so aaran didn't fulfill his his master's Ambitions for himself at least that means he's his own man though I'm a little surprised he didn't covet those Powers they say that the only thing a vampire can feel is hunger nothing else touches them not grief or Mercy or any sense of what is just who knows there is often more ignorance than Insight in what they say I should probably start getting used to the Shadows again who knows how long I have left in the sun no I made the right choice although I do regret the options I had maybe never seeing the sun again is just the price of freedom I think I do assuming we survive of course because horrible death is always just around the corner with you there's something I'd like to show you if that's all right something out in the city I'll try to restrain myself if you do shall we this way it's not far the graveyard is appropriately silent there isn't a proverbial Soul around you couldn't wait 10 seconds before being an absolute freak nearly 200 years and I never came back not since the night I woke up down there I had to punch a hole in the coffin and Claw my way through 6 ft of dirt then when I finally broke the surface wretching up dirt and concealed blood kazador was waiting from that day on I was his until today exhilarating terrifying exhausting for nearly two centuries I sto the streets like a ghost well the person I was lay here dead and buried now I need to figure out who I [Music] am what I want you I want you you were by my side through all of this through blood lust and pain and misery you were patient you cared you trusted me when that was an objectively stupid thing to do I feel safe with you seem and whatever the future holds for me I don't want to lose that thank you well I should probably fix [Music] this [Music] cute I've been dead on the ground for long enough it's time to try living again with everything that life has to offer I guess that depends on what your idea of a little fun is if a night of passion is on offer I could be [Music] persuaded you know I didn't care for you when we first met but I do know being with you is about more than last St manipulating you into a tactical Alliance I love you I love this and I want it all [Music] [Music] it feels ridiculous to still be thinking about Cazador he's gone I'm here I won but I still keep reliving everything that happened playing it over and over in my [Music] mind I have to hope so and if not at least there's only so much damage they can do in the underd dark but that first Rush of Freedom can be intoxicating I didn't always make the best decisions when I first tasted it they'll need [Music] guidance no no um much as I'd like to become a lord ruling over the underd dark's vampire spawn we have unfinished business with a mind flares after that who knows everything that happened to those spawn is my fault anyway I suppose that's the less convenient side of Freedom having to live with the choices you [Music] made back at the ritual all I could see was the power on offer and the safety it promised I was so blinded by it just as Cazador was but you saw something in me someone else I could be someone who could break the cycle of power and Terror that started centuries ago you saved me back there I may not have appreciated it at the time but I do now thank [Music] you so am I a f as all that power would have been this feels more me when I look at my future anything and everything feels possible now and I get to share it with you as a part partner and equal you saved me from myself and let me walk A New Path where I can be free truly honestly free this is a gift you [Music] know thank you I won't forget it yes love [Music] yes my sweet what is [Music] it it would be nice not to have to rely on you as my great protector but well I do appreciate the thought nothing special of course you're only the first person who I truly care for [Music] pay your respects to the real lady of the house I see what a clever creature you are it's your lucky day I am receiving compliments at this time and you are most welcome to make an [Music] offering [Music] oh you flatterer but you are of course correct my tale is quite the Marvel the unwashed rabble who frequent this establishment have much to learn from your deference and I must suffer their foibles alone but they do say a burden shed head is a burden hared the Dr two of our most popular cortis an the night with them seems to be rather lifechanging if you can afford it of course they are siblings but judging from the throngs of clients they draw most of the city is as disgusting as they are can't you hear from here they're talking about the new top cat in the criminal underbelly go and listen for yourself as for them personally one never washes and instead douses himself with rose oil while the other can't hold his drink that's rather a broad topic we get all sorts here but there is one frequent visitor whose very presence offends me he dresses fabulously but stinks of the hells something infernal to be sure [Music] abhorent a new face looking for another chapter of dirty law for your biography you have but to ask and we can grant you a moment of pleasure don't be [Music] shy I used to work as a corisan back home and my sister as an artisanal masseuse but men are treated like dogs by the underd dark matriarchs so we fled we found surfaces crave the body of a Dr like a drug life is easy in our line of work perhaps once we have saved more gold another adventure will begin we've had busier days but life is comfortable here with Mamel I'd have to restrain myself far more than any play bindings do if I worked in another field this is a place where I can be myself boundlessly there are so many who come to me speaking of a fixation that no one else has ever been able to share with them and never will again a once in a lifetime moment of passion every day what could be better don't you want to try it trust me you don't want to miss my signature meeso Baran and love trick and is that your partner with you what a gorgeous couple perhaps we could come to an [Music] agreement we are twins we can make up a little show of kissing each other but when we are hired at the same time there are often many other clients in the room to attend to well there are two of us aren't there use your [Music] imagination sorry pet I'm I'm not quite comfortable with doing this again yet don't be so nice to me it makes me want to be nice back I'd like to try doing things like this again now I'm free to find my own desires and don't worry I'll dart out if I don't enjoy it faster than I used to run from the Sun Charming there must be a sprinkling shower of gold first coin let's go this is thrilling quite the merry little party we have assembled here shall we I hope you're not afraid of the dark my darling I must snuff out the lights before we [Music] begin it's all part of the experience the room is bathed in total darkness so there is nothing to distract from your [Music] ecstasy [Music] the lady Nim moves your hand to where the clasps of her blouse lie all right sweethearts you dare to dance with a professional you'll get your desire his skin is like lusted pearls almost translucent and so delicately smooth he's so perfect it could move even the toughest soul to tears it's so easy to see why that body alone ruins so many lives you're looking at me rather curiously speak up tell us what you want to do I wish to drink and to be drunk for this I feel we should be paying you aarian lavishes attentions on everyone present with flawless technique unfaced It's All Pure Instinct but when you meet his eye for a moment there's a look about him that reveals he's a million Realms away I never quite realized how burdened I was until I met you the threat of the Shadow Cur the politics of the Grove I was forgetting who I was but you lifted the fog thank you you I discovered you I have lived a very long time I have taken many lovers my heart does not stir lightly but it does now I still have hot blood in my veins nature gifted us our desires and the means to act on them but we mudded its beautiful Simplicity with rules social strictures clothes so I am not not bound to Nature I am Unbound in nature I want more than to fight at your side or sit around the campfire with you I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine I think you feel the same way you sought my needs here in Camp with the care of a lover not a host but tell me I'm wrong and the matter can rest I do do not wish to sour our friendship but I have to know if it can be something more you have bonded with a staran body and soul his scent lingers on your skin if there is to be anything between us it must be with his consent and perhaps someday his participation some treat their relationships like a Walled Garden tidy tamed cut off from the world that is their right but it is not for me I do as nature does and let my heart run wild desire flourishes wherever it finds purchase it has its place but it is not for me the wolf Mak for life but the bear roams free and partners as its Instinct dictates I need to stay true to my nature and you to yours perhaps you are like me or perhaps [Music] not I understand and I still cherish our relationship still I could not have forgiven myself had I not taken in the plunge better to have tried and [Music] failed I was wondering when you're going to ask me about this I guessed the man can't stay quiet about enjoying the freedom of Nature's gifts I bet he'd Outlaw clothing if he could I'm happy for you to have as much hous as you wish but I do have one question it's not because you know we haven't in a while a I know I was being foolish but thank you for saying it go right on with houseon farbeit from me to hold your hunger against [Music] you sergeant if you are here I presume W's rock is secure and preparations for my inauguration are complete no Lord gach we were interrupted another quake in the lower City more severe this time so you came cowering to my Chambers I'm flattered Sergeant but even I cannot command natural phenomena to cease forgive me my Lord but there is panic in the streets the people are afraid perhaps the people would be calm if you kept your nerve I expect better from the Flaming Fist and to run scared from a slight Tremor in the Earth get back to your duties duties duties duties patrolling and saluting and following and bowing and scraping yes sir no sir rip and cut your throat sir your plan is falling apart heart lordling give me a reason not to cut you to Ribbons control yourself Orin we need to focus on reuniting the stones or the brain will break free these Quakes are just the start neither of us expected the prison bearers to kill Krick they'll be traveling to the city let's make sure we give them a borian welcome my prodical blood kin is among them they live barely I made mince of their ugly mind matter and if they dare return I will strip out that [Music] awful come to finish the job what are you doing stop [Laughter] no stop it that [Music] tickles look at it come crawling home and stained with the bone Lord's soot and you carry his Stone even with your head meat tumbled you tickle and torture so brutishly a blunt and tasteless Slaughter I could end it now but I'll be p patient father will see us together again he will see you bleed the city of stone and steel is an endless scream in Nature's womb I have felt no peace here until now your eyes s there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and trust a shield I pray you will all three s bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally oh my love how could I say no close your eyes little ones be still as Stone to Earth and remember to breathe I I see you I see the bond between you so tender so fragile but do you see it for yourselves a staran a tumultuous past hides behind the heart is fraught so let us begin with the joyous when is he happiest guilty is charged sometimes literally here how your bond thrums with pleasure strong vital pulsing with [Music] affection many things Delight the heart but only one makes it sing tell me what does he desire more than anything oh you're very sweet I wouldn't say know some gory Vengeance personally but that was an adorable answer there is hollow between you something brittle and strange we must dig deeper grasp the pain hiding within fear sits in in the soul of all to tame it we must name it aarian what is his deepest fear ha well when you look this good I I have to say you know me better than I thought I'll have to be more mysterious in the future your bond is false and I know why because your heart belongs to another close your eyes and she will show herself to you I see how you slip Slither closer belly dragging in the filth father is you waste time soft soothing these flesh bags for the knife do not worry Slaughter kin my blades are still sharp and sweet they will greet you soon enough it's not enough we have a gallery of villains to look out for but now we could be infiltrated by a shape changer I can't even tell if any of you are acting strange because you've been replaced or because this group is full of [Music] weirdos naughty naughty naughty little master [Music] you have disobeyed your father's wishes one time too [Music] many for she who fights with monsters should look to it that she herself becomes a monster when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you another will Embrace what you have rejected and that other will be your death but your father loves you dearly you may re inherit yourself yet Slaughter your line become the last of Your Name Lord Bal shall have but one chosen memories floodback snatches of your story written in the blood of a thousand victims years spent in worship of Bal leading his Savage congregation in prayer sacrifice and Slaughter you were their master and he was yours cruel Master a dread Lord a devoted father all is as you feared you are a spawn of Bal his air his Sion and yet you know you will never be free of your urge if you don't confront your past you are not the last of your name not not yet there is another the Abomination wrapped in flesh you saw in the colony Orin it's time for a family reunion but be wary of your confessors your friend turn to foe knowing what you are you choke down the acrid mushroom a memory Embraces your unlovable carcass you see a Grand collection shelves of Jarred floating pickled organs neatly labeled Taxidermy beasts and Men elegantly displayed from your killings a study no doubt arranged neatly by your gentleman's gentle Goblin as you and your butler perform a Viv section Scolari's claw slips calipers cutting the a order of the living screaming victim this is not your first time unraveling a long Ines in left-handed but each time you swear up a storm hoping it will be your last as the memory begins to clear away one thing is certain the butler lies not about his past [Music] service that's a heavy weight I know you can carry it but it's heavy all the same you are so much more than your parents you're more than the Affliction that wants to consume you you are my friend and you get to choose your destiny choose well all right please I suppose that makes you quite remarkable though not in a way I'd Envy perhaps from what little I can recall hearing of bal's mortal children not all succumb to his influence perhaps you can still resist your nature if you want to I'm not surprised you've become death incarnate Mighty yes and altogether unpredictable and intractable one day perhaps soon Bal will demand your falty you'll either Master the strength to defy him or you will succumb I know how I Choose Or in toys with us where she could destroy us whatever her motivations I hope she reveals them quickly a b Spa gosh I know what it is to have a closer connection than most with the gods but with Bal that's not a bond I'd like to be bound with you should be careful very very careful that foul Shape Shifter Orin is like a scavenger Beast probing us for weaknesses do not let her shake your [Music] resolve [Music] you are a mortal child of Bal be careful with whom you share that fact I hear many of your kind have met premature ends so bal's chosen is a doppelganger I should not be surprised they have ever been among his favorite servants Orin is testing you either she thinks herself a predator playing with her food or she fears what you might do she spoke to you in a rather familiar fashion more Shape Shifter Mind Games I suppose if we squint with suspicion that every face we see she will have already landed her blow hm the last time I fought doppelgangers the balpa svok was using them to subvert the city government Aid his rise to power but Orin he's more Predator than politician I think she simply wants to make us feel hunted isolated tell the lordling that Orin is watching seems that gorash and Orin have had a little falling out we should would leverage that I have battled great evils been mocked by villains of All Sorts but Orin she is beyond even Thor her mind is Twisted beyond recognition what is she capable of and where will she strike [Music] next Hells it explains so much listen to me I knew another like you gan's ward one of Boulders Gate's great Heroes bal's blood ran through their veins too they burned away their own Darkness with their own Inner Light they chose courage they chose honor and so can you the urges are calling on you again aren't they I haven't seen you sleep through the night once in the past days well it certainly shed some light on the sleepless night you spent tied up trying to slip my throat bloody Hills a born probably more baluan parents scare their children with stories of your kind than mine I thought your kind was extinct goes to show you should always check your facts so how are you feeling Keen to reconnect with your family or ready to throw yourself in an [Music] oet you know I didn't realize you and I was so alike I I felt paralyzed to do anything about kazador for so many decades I gave up on myself I gave up on any hope of Escape after a few lashes B controls you in much the same way I don't know how you could beat him but I do know this you must try the halflife of a mind adult slave is worse than death don't become his I wouldn't live another Century as one for all the moonstones in [Music] evereska precious little Bal [Music] babe yes my sweet what is it [Music] oh [ __ ] I did I do something wrong why what's [Music] changed I may be guilty of a bit of embellishment here and there but I'm no liar when I vowed we'd save you we will save you this little adventure of ours has taught me that we can't let our lives be rule by fear or else we never really live I'm Not Afraid not of you not of your darkness and not of our future I am and beautiful none of people mention that I'm not going [Music] anywhere ah Buu has an inkling that this is not the question you mean to ask I saw some hints of things when our minds mushed together but jira confirmed it for me you are of the same blood as our old friend a ball spun and as close to Minsk as if they were his own kin that makes Minsk your [Music] uncle H better not to ask he has many dozen cousins and not all are so open-minded about we who walk on our hind legs is he there is a less in this we are born into a bloodline yes but we need not be bound by it te Minsk he does not have a clear memory of the face of his father but he does remember tugging on the thick red whiskers that sprang from his chin a bearded for the ages bu could have nested there happily through even the harshest of rashim man Winters now look closely at Minsk and what do you see your gaze is naturally caught on my handsome face the face that is loved by all but cast your eyes down just a little not so far as to make Min spush do you see it buo is correct no beard there are more whiskers on his t any face then on the mighty chin of Minsk if Minsk did not inherit the Flaming red hair of his mother or the bushy red beard of his father why would this spawn of ball inherit his [Music] wickedness I have many more thoughts about beards to share I did not know you cared to hear [Music] [Music] [Music] them [Music] please wait I did not want this I could not stop it it's this place this city I can feel it's corruption eating away at me I should not be here no one should be here it has made a monster of [Music] me I am an arch Druid every fiber of my mind is attuned to Nature give it time you will sense the rot as well sylvanus has abandoned this place it's nothing but Stone Grime smoke pain the trees choke here the animals hang from butcher's hooks nature is dying in the gutter there is only one God fit to be bowed to In This Place the last God who will ever be knelt before then all of this will tear itself apart my body is trying to fight the corruption but it's losing and my mind will succumb soon [Applause] after I will not allow it I will not surrender control H even in this place there are still [Laughter] Innocents did you enjoy the show H it was but an opening act blood [Laughter] [Music] sister look at it Father's favorite all lost and wondering have you forgotten the way home should I set your lap dog to screaming that could help you find the way better to be dull and brittle a mind mangled Beast no Talent no Beauty in your [Music] atrocities a blunt blade like you is not fit to carve Ball's Glory thickheaded and foolish to let the Bay Heights end corrupt you gash betrays us blood kin he sets a leash to our Slaughter uses us to drive the herd towards his tin men's oppression you must kill the Tyrant smear him across his Rock rotten Halles and pluck the netherstone from his carcass then we Jewel sweet Slaughter kin the winner claims the stones balls true chosen the loser rots on his altar agree and I will bring my assassins to heal they watch you always longing to spray the Crimson from your veins refuse me and you'll learn what happens to those who defy Ball's Doctrine so will your friend so this was orin's intention a combat against a fellow Zion of Bal witnessed by the Lord of murder himself accept and you must kill Cortes refuse and your companion's life may be forfeit as might your own Oren assassins will hunt you like prey for Slaughter the promise of Slaughter of pain and humiliation and the sound of blood drip dropping into the gutter but first first you must make gutspill of the Tyrant do not underestimate his steel watch seek their cradle in the lower City and skewer their skull meat make them rust and blood then you can Gore the lordling again and again and again but listen listen close bone killer come to my temple before you turn gash to Caren and I will ready your friend's corpse to greet [Laughter] you Bal is waiting Slaughter kin do not disappoint him so we kill gash or hen dies it is not an easy call on the one hand killing gach would be fun on the other hen can be very annoying H we probably should sa the Druid though he does have his uses [Music] the corpse regards you lifelessly my becoming Unholy assassin prove thyself before the Tribune effort of murder speak the word at the door bring proof of two sacrifices sarus the Spell's power wains you can ask no more questions kin's people borian friends thank you for joining me on this exceptional day it's him gash this is it I can practically taste his blood from here the tling is letting her passions get the better of her the situation is delicate do not be swept up in her emotions so we buy our time but make no mistake that monkey is mine a moment please my friends an old acquaintance has come to pay their respects my respect you're lucky I've agreed not to sh my beat up your my favorite assassin I'm so glad you've returned to my side hang on what you know each other we have important matters to address my reunion with carlac can wait oh I've forgotten your memories are quite lost aren't they Ain told me she'd made a fool of you to think you H and carlac traveled together all this time and she hadn't the faintest you were one of my nearest and dearest let me clear up some Mysteries then it's about time I think you and I initiated this plot we discussed in depth the failures of our predecessors and how to avoid them we understood that if we were to unite no one could stand in the way of the dead three so unite we did first we obtained the crown then we Enslaved the brain from there it was but a small step to the most successful religious hoax ever perpetrated in bal's name you set your bloody daggers to cause panic in the streets Killing In The absolutes Name you would have carried out that part of the plan had Orin not ruined your hard work next the threat of the absolutes Monstrous armies formed by merkel's General Krick Thor in such circumstances people crave strong leaders leaders that bring law order and protection leaders like me Bane's unyielding hand author of Justice you are soon to witness the people of Boulders gate granting me complete power over them all out of fear of the absolute the faithful will do anything in the name of their God it was all going so well until you vanished Ain informed us that henceforth she would speak for the Temple of Bal and act on their behalf but she she made a mess of things unlike you she cannot control herself hang on what the [ __ ] is going on here have you gone soft I find that hard to believe one's true nature always Rises to the top when Krick fell I feared the worst that our plans would fail like so many before because of Discord among ourselves now you've returned we can achieve all of our dreams still you brought Thor's netherstone you know it takes all three to control the brain without Thorns it's become vexingly willful the Quakes are a clear warning if nobody steps in soon it'll free itself from the authority of the crown I expect it'll start with turning the sword coasts infected you among them that prism of yours won't last indefinitely next The Grand Design the Mind flare Empire reborn if we're lucky we'll become slaves if we're unlucky well a bleak Prospect but it's a fate that can be avoided if you and I renew our old partnership together we can still restore authority over the brain it's not but it will not follow new orders unless the nether stones are united to give the command when it finishes executing its current orders it will be free to do as it wishes that will be bad for everyone once it is freed from its shackles I doubt we'll ever be able to bring it under control again there's an old wisdom a brittle Alliance can never be mended it can only break with cck gone Orin proves treacherous she wants the nether stones for herself she only cares for blood and your blood and mine are of particular interest to her or in Changers shaped faster than you and I changed clothes you know she's tricked you before she's Ted me as well I'm well protected but she's extremely good at what she does if Orin obtains all three nether Stones she'll plunge the coast into chaos and paint the city in blood I can't let that happen I want to lead this city to Glory not Scorch its Earth so I Turn to You the former ruler of the cult of B let's make our pact a new a Divine oath sworn upon spirit and flesh I Do no harm to you nor you to me furthermore you'll have nothing to fear from my steel watch while our pack stands Thor's stone is yours to keep when you slay Ain and take her Stone you bring it here so the three are united once again Together We Rule fyon as Kings no more than Kings Gods We Rule as the absolute the urge the deplorably brutal urge sickens within you when you level the world over that dead world must be yours alone but first You Will Rule then you will ruin what do you say shall we be allies I can detect no deceit this Alliance could serve us well and if it does not well we need not honor it h let's be allies said the Viper to the Frog what as's eyes blink in a consistent Rhythm he stands calmly confidently you fully intend to share his kingdom with you perhaps a demonstration of why you need my help will motivate you to make the right decision your Camp is compromised one among you is an impostor a faceless who I can't say I'd suggest a thorough investigation you'll find I speak the truth a doo ganger hidden among SAR The Faceless in your Camp is like a knife at your throat remove it quickly or any alliance between us would be exceedingly shortlived Orin is elusive shall we say the grip of the steel watch may be tight but sand still slips through its fingers some conflicts are best resolved quietly the people are cattle obedient until [Music] panicked even horror has a home find her nest and slay her there the Bal Temple your old haunt now reeks of her ior H do you even remember how to find it it's a secret even to me you're resourceful I trust you'll sniff it out if the trail goes cold follow the bodies before you do come and witness as I make history as the first Arch dukee of Boulder's Gate then allow me to peek it for you your brain twists and stretches under the Watcher's gaze the pain almost brings you to your knees before fading you will follow me and you will show due respect distinguished Jukes Patriarchs dearest ravengard I will heed your call a new chapter begins Ena Gort swearest thou by balan's blade to defend the citizens of Boulder's Gate from enemies within and without I swear swearest thou true faith and falty to the Same by word deed and decree so that none may suffer I swear gather guests Grant ye [Music] consent Enver Gort the council appoints you Arch dukee of balder's [Music] gate my friends the steel watch stands ready let its blade fall on any who would diminish our city and you honored guest will find me in my office above when you return do not come empty-handed it's hard to keep a good woman down isn't it carlac I don't know you managed it for a solid decade I never meant to harm you dear merely to help you realize your vast potential you sent me to the hells you let zarel take my heart as though any of it was yours to give away the greater good carlac something I wouldn't expect you to understand you feel no regret do you all right how about fear then oh you do quite misunderstand I've already made a deal with your companion we need each other do we now you ought to reconsider divided the Elder brain will create an ithd army yourself included in its ranks together we can tame it I'm sorry you feel wronged by how things ended between us all those years ago but now we must look to the Future you make it sound like we were lovers or friends but that wasn't it I tried trusted you I respected you it was my job to protect you and that's what I did I was so young I didn't recognize evil when I saw it when you turned on me I was too dumb struck to realize what was happening no way he'd hurt me I thought he betrayed me for reasons I still don't quite understand but I suppose evil has no real cause it just is until it isn't you utter brat you're going to burn this place down good no you have to stop her do it now howling like a great wind through a canyon it engulfs your mind drowns your senses above the hell Rises a screech gleeful and maniacal it is the way and the truth absolute leave them alone the Screech quiets the hell Fades your mind is hollow save one lone voice veins chosen has fallen his netherstone is yours you have done well you heard the Elder brain it's regaining its autonomy it cries not from pain but exaltation we must stop it before it breaks free one nether Stone remains Orin we must find her and take it from her after that we take control of the brain and you should start wondering what you will do then we shall [Music] see my for the corpse says nothing more you did not ask a question [Music] there's one more Stone in our pockets which means once step closer to Glory or however this sort of tale ends I wouldn't want to presume I'm still thinking about carlac about what she said cut there really is no justice in the world Minsk puts on quite a show of Brawn even if there's no brain worth mentioning I mean I hate to judge the proverbial book but that area for may be all cover and no Pages against the darkness swarming his senses a single light glows rage flaring brighter every moment you killed her he won't stay down for long tell your relity to protect him from the Elder brain's influence quickly no this one will not Aid our cause get rid of him this wretch has stood against your father before you tremble to end him every part of your rangerous body yearns for [Music] it don't be foolish he is too unpredictable he will only be a hindrance to us no I will not be coerced into protecting him you do not see what I do his thoughts his mind pure chaos the Mind flare pours poison in your ear I think tell it I will tear the prism from your grasp and throw it into the deepest lava pit I can find long after our bones are dust and Ash the walls of its prison will still be burning now help my friend she Bluffs surely she would not risk the fate of all for one simple life fine have it your way his mind unfolds beneath yours a still Lake pulls you down into its depths images flash by battles fought and Friends Fallen his rage grows colder Bur grows deeper as a familiar face crystallizes before you jira you killed her you are being dramatic the instance hesitation is enough with a sensation of terrible rening something vast and nameless Falls away from his mind there it is done chahir I do not understand good that means you're back to your old ways we have a lot to discuss But first you have someone to thank in the sudden silence your minds merge once more more memories Sensations but passing too quickly for you to track in the same breath you share everything that happened to you the naid the absolute the chosen of the dead three you you saved msk while he danced like a mind Flair's meat puppet [Music] why a level head and a kind heart it is well that Buu kept me from crushing either I would be rid of this parasite Minsk takes orders from only one tiny beast and he is much cuter than any mind maggot he is he is where is he so we can add one bald wall of muscle to our little group I'm sure he'll come in handy maybe it's a door stop Minsk is an open book with many pretty pictures bu is ready with the musings oh the pale scoundrel has his charms it cannot be denied but my friend it gives me no pleasure to tell you estaran is not what he claims to be just last night Minsk was dressing one of his many heroic wounds in Camp when Hisar and stumbled upon the scene I tell you he grew pale as death itself he licked his lips and trembled so violently that mince thought he might Fate on the spot the truth is painful but undeniable historian is a coward how can he fight the battles to come when he grows soft at the first sight of blood just one moment [Music] you are sure and you could not have told me this before Minsk may have been mistaken Buu presents compelling evidence that asarian may in fact be a [Music] vampire Minsk has met many vampires and never one whose smile did not hide treacherous teeth but but as you say this world is a strange and wondrous Place Minsk has seen the soul of an angel in a child of ball once even a kind Banker if the son can bear to look upon Asian's monstrous face then so can Min scanu for now at least go for the ne boo hamster F go re present me well from gifts thine own or I shall rent thy flesh from [Music] bone a grasping hand an offering vile enter now the dread Lord's trial you gaze upon murder's progeny child his most ill trusted zealots his faithful departed prodigal servants each returns to do his bidding eternally this is the court of the dread Lord's tribunal I am its custodian Here Come Those who seek to transcend aspirants of his most profane order the would be Unholy Assassins ofall but these are not aspirants you have brought traitors of ball and to our midst harer worm the abdicating hero your Keen sense for this city has withered in your absence and you man of stone As you stood a statue a helpless ornament your city warped changed became ripe for the plucking sok bal's least favorite son still tied to Daddy's Apron Strings I see you disappoint me child of murder I expected more of your return sarok anev a relic of your cursed line a bporn who failed to become Chosen and yet the history he shares with your companion seems to run almost as deep as your own what purpose do you have in bringing these Heretics to the court of Bal speak or death will be your final [Music] word simple we beat him about the brow and butt until he was dead svok once fancied himself BS chosen until we put him in his place feel no shame for forget getting him history shall do the same these two have long meddled in my Affairs and my fathers do not parlay with this madman serok once had his chance to taste of goodness but he spat it back out now he may taste boot leather instead you speak of the past I speak of the future well aspirant do the shades of yesterday speak for you too there are two paths to the Temple of Bal to carve your devotion into flesh or to be the carcass that is carved [Music] upon you get to my age you have already done everything be my guest we have already smashed sovok soul from his body once boo says it is your turn and so the Harper and the idiot Ranger raised their weapons against saravak once more you disappoint me child of Bal I had heard such Tales of you Tales of grandeur and vile Glory but The Company You Keep has tainted you and pull you away from our father's Grace I understand I once fell to hubris as you are falling now but no more Bal will never again have caed to question my devotion not even for a ball born you will die as you have lived a heretic forgotten and unloved blood to blood is bal's sacrifice and I shall be the knife that spills it yes nothing so Grand he was just another broken little ball Bor who tried to clamber to Glory over the corpses of others there was a time when he might have made more of himself he was certainly given the chance after we threw him down but he slunk back into his father's Shadow instead there is nothing more to say of him thanks for freeing me so quickly no idea what those Bist Burks had planned with me but those chains were starting to chafe though I do wish you'd figured this all out before I uh put the blame for father Lan's murder on that poor Refugee well at least it's over now you might not be finished I am it's plain to see that I'm well out of my depth here but you well you gave these reprobates a proper seeing to you clearly have what I don't courage Insight heroism the city needs you I overheard these pigs talking there's a BAL Temple deep within the old unders City that the cult is using a century ago it was destroyed by a group of heroic sorts let's hope history repeats itself eh mind who you call history hant the wrinkled orb is correct boo remember the stench of the temple still very good now let's talk and find that Temple The Spill of murderous loins approaches once more show a proof of Faith spillage worthy hands hold proof of Faith as the dread Lord desires walk in blood there certainly is a strong ambulance down here I don't know if it's the bats or the decaying everything but it's quite homey oh master master master you have come home to your Royal dwelling but why did you exert yourself so getting here I was waiting to open the door lady Ain told me to allow your passage but but if she hadn't I would have been naughty and slipped you inside anyway the temple is all tided and ready for your worshipful Act of Mortal Combat the eye sockets of our Graven God's icon are all polished up ready to Glow menacingly as you bludge and your sister to death I've restacked every part P of skulls and mounted more skeletons on the walls for a gozy touch we are unfortunate bunk mates as she refuses to leave your estate every day she kills me as I'm trying to beautify the temple for your return up to Thrice some days being killed by you is so much more pleasure measurable Master yeah I would have told you so but didn't dream of interrupting when you were enjoying yourself so a thousand succubi could give me no greater Delight there's a botle of Blood on the floor as you walk in careful don't slip this is a foul place better bear it already Buu is bristling and not from the cold I confess that the last time I came here I thought it would be my tomb you can see why the corpse regards you lifeless L Orin my daughter I tried to kill her but she killed me first I wanted to be false chosen sarok told me she must be my offering I was close my hand around her throat I failed no she worshiped him loved him so did I see hid a blade beneath her pillow bled me from aund wounds cut off my hand while I still breathed and laughed as I died vter gate Bron District the Spell's power waines you can ask no more questions look your savior approaches see how it crawls towards us not a dream now no no it is Blood and Bone carrying the tyrant's [Music] Rock saravo Crimson was not yours to spill he was mine you had no right to take him did it think it could protect did it think it could save only the blades can offer [Music] salvation no no no no no no he didn't he didn't filthy big mouthed little liar you think I hurt from such meaningless Vapors do you forget what I did to [Music] you how you screamed my knife slit your skull your brain juices sticky and sweet a little hole big enough for the worm your body a blood sack to feed it the favorite of Bal turned meat puppet strung up by the Senus and plucked by my hands this is the truth you had forgotten you were the favorite The Chosen Orin was your subordinate you led the cultists of Bal and orchestrated the absolute plot it was your Genius your cruelty Your Design at your moment of greatest Triumph when all the pieces were in place she betrayed you infected you and took your place husk maggot a ball spawn Slip Sliding in filth with these pigs you don't deserve the murder Lord's [Music] blessing my grandfather ruled this city a slaughter house ripened for my blades and you stole it enough enough enough the Run must be called come close my death's heads but keep your blades unblooded B Demands a jewel he wants to taste my domination an altar flowing with his own unwilling flesh draining dying drip drip drip you should have trained harder [Music] [Music] master [Music] Master you are the chosen one he is near he comes for you [Music] k I respected the other but you live and her blood is returned to me you are my [Music] chosen I have a gift for you child you will use it to lerate this world a gift from your God your father an offering of his affection for you or confirmation that he owns you the Slayer form will be yours made cruler stronger the prime incarnation of murder It seems impossible to stand against your father but you have fought this long against your NE nature there might just be a way domination Slaughter mountains of corpses you standing at top them You Must Destroy This World it is what you were made for for a moment the brine pool of your brain clears to die die to rest to save the world from yourself to accept to become his prophet in any Disobedience subject to his lash you refuse me you are my spawn your veins course with my Unholy blood your life is mine accept your inheritance or I will reclaim it you were made to conquer to devour you reject my blood and so I will reclaim [Music] it I will make another who is [Music] worthy for the first time in over a century silence Falls over the Bal Temple no chance no scream no [Music] prayers in the end your own death brought you more joy than any you wrought on this land you are slipping into peaceful Oblivion but your journey is not [Music] over thou Hast defied B thy Lee and father and in doing so Hast earned a place among Champions and heroes but alas thy courage was in opposition to the Divine cosmology that bound thee to the Lord of murder Thou Art now faithless Godless and doomed to wander the Fugue plain for eternity I will not permit that though all the powers of life death dictates that it should be so I too still hold some power and I invest a portion of it in thee who hath challenged the gods and now liveth to tell it thy fight is not over and it is thy fight for one who can look upon Bal and oppose him can survive any crisis so rise Challenger of gods and prepare for battle once more death will not claim thee whilst I Ure I could only give what thou Hast earned B tried to extinguish thee but his wrath is imprecise he only succeeded in killing the part of thee he knew the urge that drove thee to terrible acts the spark of brutality that made thee his but there is a new part of you that ha grown during myy travels that part Bal couldn't not extinguish and so instead of destroying thee he ha made thee a new he's right you're no monster you've saved me more times than I can count the heart of a savior hath overshadowed the mind of a murderer thou Hast vanquished thine Earth I I know all but to State truths is to interfere for the minds of Mortals are easily swayed my place for the most part is to observe this intervention the Reclamation of thy soul is beyond mine ordinary remit but Thou Art extraordinary and so are these times today Thou Art born a new a genuine pleasure to meet you again my friend Minsk had his doubts about you little Slayer but Buu had none greet the bloodless Dawn child of [Music] none do not thank me trust in thy courage and the conviction of thy companions as it was so it is again a hero has risen from a legacy of death well done again on besting Bal and all that it was very twe especially the part with that poor excuse for a skeleton waved his magic wand and made it all better yes you are so very scary I knew you had that sweet heart all along I was alarmed by you sometimes scandalized even but somehow by your side I still only ever saw you I want you by my side as well now that you're free we can craft a new future together oh I am alive thanks to our skeletal traveling companion no doubt every breath in this place reeks of corruption I will return to Camp the air is cleaner there just my pride I can't believe I allowed myself to be knocked unconscious and Spirited Away like that impressive that she managed to move my bulk come to think of it I wonder how that was managed but in either case it seems I was insensible for much of my ordeal small [Music] mercies and a hard one Freedom at that well done congratulations are in order I fancied myself the the sage advisor sworn to guide you through what it means to be a child of Bal and while I maled on that solemn responsibility you went and took care of it on your own well done truly well done indeed though now you will never see a god of death cow before a miniature giant space hamster every choice has a cost I suppose the path of a b spawn is not an easy one nor does it ever truly end but you found your footing where so many before you have fallen wherever you lead from now we will follow I believe you have an appointment with a nether brain lead then Nature's servant awaits another ball spawn buried by our hand ball should learn better than to send his offspring against us they might as well be babes dropped bare bottom into the rashim on winter you have vanquished the Slayer as I knew you would you are strong you are Mighty you are you you have conquered your urge you have taken back your own soul I'm so proud of you if I had a bottle of dragon youw I'd open it in your honor you're cured you're free this merits a celebration you did what you had to do to get yourself right to choose the life you wanted to live very [ __ ] proud of you mate seriously it was no easy thing overcoming those urges that gripped you I'm not sure I would have managed in your shoes well done good I knew you had what it took to quieten your demons I'd hate to have lost the real you you are quite remarkable your new lease of Life suits you rather well what do you and your newborn Vitality require of me nothing like ridding oneself of a God's unwanted influence to lighten the load on your shoulders huhuh I wasn't sure if we'd lose you to that Darkness entirely I'm glad to know you found your way back to [Music] us so we have the final Stone I need to see it for myself there it is so innocent but such potential you have done very well indeed the nether Stones pulse with psionic energy permeating you pulling you in line with their Rhythm the Trum quickens Rising cresting on a single feeling a location a morphic pool beneath the city itself so that's where the chosen imprison the brain to conceal it one would imagine and to maintain the illusion of their own control above ground you are right to be cautious a fight with the most powerful being in all the Realms is not to be entered into ill-prepared once we cross into the Elder brain's domain there will be no turning back we will end this one way or another in death throm or Freedom finish your business here before you proceed the brain will be waiting for us the events of the last days weigh heavily upon you sleep's rest is slow to come to one whose mind is so full the absolute is not a God but an elder brain controlled by the chosen of the dead three they mean to use it to take control of the sword Coast all who carry the tadpole are governed by the brain and by extension The Chosen it will take but one order to transform them into an army of Mind flares this would have been your fate too were it not for the dream visitor's protection with his help you have uncovered the cult for what it really is a plan of Conquest orchestrated by the gods of death themselves together you have the power to thwart the dead three if you follow this path to its end the Elder brain will not answer to the chosen it will answer to you and what then you are prone to impulses as uncontrollable as the gods themselves will you even have a say in what you do will you liberate the true Souls from their parasites and their religious delusions or will you use the power you gain for your own purposes [Music] you will not have long to wait all you need to do now is sleep but sleep is not for you hear me G the Reckoning is upon us the city thirst for Domination March join my power we're under attack help me thank you that was too close don't look at me like that I am a mind flayer yes without me you would be a slave to the absolute I owe everything to that oh I don't like this one bit needed to do was subdue orus and find allies in the outer world you that would be a terrible idea the moment he is free he will attack you your only defense would be to kill him and in so doing you would Doom us both even though he is subdued you feel orus is revulsion a pulsing hatred that cannot be contained the emperor is telling the truth to him you are just another wretched athid you carry a tadpole as far as orus is concerned you are already a liid a sworn enemy just like [Music] me denial will change nothing you have already benefited from that tple of yours you seek to reverse an inevitable process a process of evolution when I first escaped from from the Elder brain I too wailed against the change but the longer I have inhabited this form the more it has grown on me even if my original body remained intact after I transformed I would not return to it doing so would only impose limitations as an athid I have far surpassed who I ever was before you too should embrace this change [Music] I believe will'll have a better chance of defeating the Elder brain If you embrace your latent lith potential I've been studying you for a while now I believe I can trigger the next stage of your tadpole's life cycle while continuing to preserve your Independence you have seen what I can do imagine yourself with the same strength the same intelligence the same devastating beauty if you let me I can evolve you but in case you change your mind look after it use it when you're ready to evolve you or your allies it has Vitality enough for you all but we mustn't lose focus we need to resume our journey you heard the chosen the brain has gone to the city and the Army marches to follow we must not let them Reach it we must find the brain and bring it under our control so we owe our lack of tentacles to one of the very creatures that kidnapped us and now it's offering us power if we're willing to evolve we both know what it is capable of but I'm not touching it that was before I knew the cost before I knew it meant transforming into some grotesque Beast I remember how it hurt when I turned into a vampire my body red and warped while I was utterly helpless the grip of death owned my heart as it beat its last I don't want to turn into anything else I can't do that again I can't watch my body be taken over I'll happen murder my way to whatever powerful artifacts we can make use of point at the back and I'll stab just don't ask me to sacrifice my body it hasn't been mine for so [Music] long thank you the heretic Prince would shatter Us in an instant the great Dominion shrunk to the head of a pin can this be true is the gith yanki prince really a threat to his own people or simply a challenge to V's [Music] rule return to the astral prison slay orus The Pretender serve me and I will asend you you will be no mere Warrior nor kith you will be B of lth commander of dragons my only My Chosen kneel before me make your promise your parasites resonate you feel lel's ecstasy as she moves to kneel before her Queen water and blood they envelop you they drag you downward you are submerged in past present and future in this Endless Sea of understanding you find truth LEL believes a zis device cleanses the parasite but it's used for extracting memories and killing the infected vth does not welcome her finest Young Warriors into her Royal City to reward them but to consume their Essence in her quest for godhood the Lich Queen doesn't intend to reward Lael but to devour her vth speaks only in lies no it can't be I believed you I believed everything shakes you speak against the Eternal queen mother gith son lives caged by a prison of your design our people deserve the truth but you have denied it to us I have witnessed too much and you have given me too little finally I can see orus will live and I will hear his Creed this is my word your word is nothing you are nothing the krai will bring you I will tear your flesh from your bones and devour your skulls marrow while you beg for death I will consume you I will unmake you so lael's finally seen the light and turned on her mistress it took a little time but she got there though it's not over yet Masters rarely let their slaves go without a fight I'm Glad You Came not to my door not yet but to the final Reckoning one more thing before we begin [Music] though [Music] [Music] for the first time since the nautiloid your mind is clear it's unsettling wouldn't that be Exquisite but no I'm afraid the tadpole is still there but I did shut out your other visitor for a while so we can enjoy some privacy the elith can't hear us huh what's the catch I'd ask you to be patient but you've been patient enough now is the time to speak plain I admit you've impressed me I wasn't sure you'd make it this far but no matter how far you come you're still on the road to ruin a road that leads directly to a confrontation with the Elder brain at best it will kill you and everyone else in this city at worst it will assimilate you and you won't have enough Free Will left to even wish you were dead you have the key to destroying it in the palm of your hand though very perceptive yes I can give you the means to break him free speak devil we're listening the oric hammer an artifact capable of shattering the chains that hold Prince orus is held securely In My House of Hope even now isn't it just and it's even more convenient that you can give me exactly what I want in return there it is of course power you free orus and in doing so save the city the sword Coast perhaps the whole world and your own precious skin too and you give me the crown that dominates the Elder brain and you Lael of Kia want to free the Forgotten Prince do you not I want nothing more then it is settled is it not a crown for a hammer a bargain of a lifetime lazel of Kier power ancient and full of wonder I have craved it ever since the arch wizard carus created it long centuries ago and brought Doom to the Empire of netheril that was the great age of humanity and Neal's flying Sky cities with the Apex of civilization I was there the day it all fell apart entire cities plummeted from the sky like angels with broken wings the screams oh the screams hundreds of thousands of people watching in horror as the ground came up to meet them it was not a happy meeting and cus was responsible not driven by malice but by ambition he forged a crown imbued with all the powers of magic a crown that would make any who wore it a god men cannot contain so much power the crown destroyed its creator and his empire fell with him cis's Folly the BS and Scholars call it I call it hope the hope of creating a better world and the Perils of UN checked hubris I knew then that the Folly of Mortals could be the Triumph of devils and that I could use that Crown to unite the nine under one Arch devil Supreme me zorio wouldn't like that much but even I'm not so desperate to spite her I'd put the hells in this bastard's hands [Music] I am no mortal and I do not fail the hells require order to function it is what separates us from Mortals and demons with the crown I would impose perfect order Unity efficiency control my kingdom would control its borders and stay within them it was stolen from right under my nose all those centuries ago the arch devil mephistophiles snatched up the crown and squ it away in one of his vaults he's not more than a frigid archist so much power and potential kept inert he made a miracle into a museum piece I raged but only for a decade or so then I waited ever watching for more than a thousand years for a mistake a mishap a misadventure and these chosen who have caused you so much trouble accidentally did me a favor they brought the crown back into play through the aid of a diabolist somebody capable of opening a portal to the hells deep in the hells they must have raided mephisto's Vault impressive I must admit but they'll be dead soon if you don't kill them the Elder brain will it doesn't have feelings in the way you'd understand them but it seems rather angry it is inevitable when you destroy the brain and you will because you must the crown will be yours for the taking and when that moment comes you give the crown to me in exchange I give you the hammer now a simple transaction it seems but it's more than that he's offering you an alternative to the Mind flare in your head take Raphael's deal and you could free or fear with orus free you would have no need to rely on the emperor but there's no guarantee that orus would be on your side and if you take the deal you'll have to fulfill it you'll have to deliver the crown of carus to the Devil Himself he claims his ambition is to unite the hells but can he be trusted to stop there do you trust him more than you trust the emperor we should to do as the devil asks the prince of the Comet must rise again I won't stop you but time is running out so don't stay away for long if you see reason I'll be here waiting right up to the moment the world ends useful as the hammer would have been I'm relieved with not in the devil's debt once His Kind has you under their thumb they won't ever let you go the means to loosing the prince of the Comet was within our grasp and you refused it why I wanted to follow the open Valley the easy way out you chose the the brambl path I'm annoyed by it and I admire you for it we find a way into Raphael's Lair and we'll take the oric hammer and smash orpheus's bonds YK giar chafi crash head the githyanki will be free there you are I thought I'd lost you something was blocking me from hearing your [Music] thoughts me too it's concerning that something could come between us like that especially when we are so close to the Elder brain do you have any idea what it [Music] was you didn't feel it then perhaps my protection but I was sure never mind we must press on I will boast to your mental defenses and make sure this doesn't happen again come here I'm not going to start an argument I just want to know why you turned the boss down cheeky we might be in a brothel but I'm not that kind of girl you should reconsider though the boss might be a devil but he'll treat you more honestly than anyone else in the [Music] city plenty but right now I have one job you I'm talking to you openly mortal to mortal and I'm begging you to sign the contract if the brain wins the iled Empire returns and worlds you've never even dreamed of will die Raphael can stop it he wants to and he knows how you're the key you always have [Music] been he's a devil it's his nature he needs to get his [Music] due I won't pretend he's an alterist but he's looked at the balance sheet no world no souls and it's hard to get leverage on an ithd they make terrible [Music] clients I doubt it but even if you do you won't survive the fight I'd reconsider if I were you I welcome thee to the devil's fee where every hellish curio is a oh it's you your little scrot of a friend left this on my floor the last time you visited I presume you have returned to re-engage my services you forgot what we did I find that hard to believe but if you speak truth perhaps I could jog that lazy memory of yours you seek answers Lord Mammon seeks coin I will happily mediate make me an offer Mamon I knew it I did the first hit's free eh my you have changed fine just this once you stand before mammon's picklock latch Keeper of the nine Hells my business is not information nor hellish curios not really I break people into the hells that's my thing I opened a portal for you and Lord GES my word this is embarrassing perhaps I should have explained our terms better you asked me to jog your memory jog I did our microact is complete would you like to make another transaction now now that would be but a drop in mammon's Oceanic coffers you can do better oh yes I should think that'll do deliciously the two of you wanted to steal something from mephistophiles so I punched a portal into the arch Devil's Dusty vaults and then I oh gosh my fickle memory fails if only something would jog [Music] it oh come now don't be Mis I mean I suppose that'll do stingy bastard you Ras stole the crown of cus pissed off mephistophiles to no end I expect you'll pay the price for that one day you also attracted the attention of another devil Raphael his House of Hope is furnished with a great deal of treasures many related to carus but alas he lacks the crown itself he's rather ambitious one can only Wonder what he has planned for the crown the answers to that can probably be found within his house then perhaps we should drop by and surprise Raphael it'd make a nice change so Keen to return to the hells oh I suppose it's warm this time of year very well if you wish to die in a verus that's your your business mine is charging you for it of course such a task will require quite the substantial donation to Lord mammon's coffers such a task will be tantamount to suicide and for what the devil has nothing that you need you put me in a difficult position mortal you you are almost certain to fail almost and so there is a chance you might succeed fine I'd like to be able to carry all of my precious stock without the need of a team of oxen there are gauntlets of Hill giant strength within the House of Hope free passage and you fetch them for me deal very well here is the what I couldn't have misplaced I've been robbed out the shop is closed you and everyone else can go to hell without my help can't resist the faintest hint of a Temptation can you I suppose that makes two of us that little disguise hope gave you is adorable I can see right through it of course and so will Raphael he's going to notice you nosing around his house I hope you're ready to face a very angry devil why don't you run off and tell him Cilla you love tattling to Daddy don't [Music] you hardly a challenge your little Ploy gave him an excuse to cross check lots of paperwork enough to keep him happy for months the only thing that'll keep Raphael happy is dismantling you peace by peace poor deluded hope she's stubborn Raphael loves stubborn if she just agreed to serve him he'd probably have released her a long time ago as things stand she's his favorite toy we're all mad here but hope in hell why that's the definition of [Music] insanity Raphael offered her the world she didn't want it he sweetened the deal she said no no matter how many times he ued the ATI she just laughed in his face he didn't like that eventually he took her by force trapped her and swore he wouldn't let her go till she gave him what he wanted conversion the stubborn ass has endured more torment than Annie Soul should be able to even when he took all of her skin she held on to Hope Raphael finds that puzzling and he loves puzzles [Music] you being here is another puzzle you don't seem like you want to die you want my advice enjoy whatever life remains to you when Raphael catches you you'll never enjoy anything again a lost little mouse is running through the house oh god what the [ __ ] have I stumbled into a thief in the night greedy and here to take why are you here little [Music] thief this is very naughty whatever are we to do why don't we play a g game you win I give you everything you desire but you'll enjoy yourself more if you lose it's a surprise off with your clothes you'll be crying out my name soon you'd better know it I am harop Raphael's personal Incubus glammer and transfigured to look like [Music] him you what oh have you you know you need not run away should you win you can stay here if you wish very well I will be Raphael himself all of him and every time I make laugh in your shape you will know a shiver out of the blue A tingle from Beyond you will know now your reward for giving me such a present I will tell you one and only one of Raphael's Dirty Secrets whisper it to me what do you want to know no but you didn't come all this way to ask that did you you wouldn't sell yourself so cheaply I hope a treasure like you deserves to wrap their hands around Raphael's mightiest Rod the oric hammer Raphael hides nothing from me can deny me nothing aside from what he keeps in his safe the safe lingers behind the right hand painting of Raphael he almost spends more time staring at the those portraits than he does it [Music] me although I'd love to watch you struggle to open the safe without it this key should help you've labored enough [Music] pet now shall we bid one another good that which you seek is still so close yet so far magic blinks away at your words I I'm all for thieving but let's not be Hasty steal this and the devil will notice so we have the hammer now all we have to do is actually I'm not really clear on what we have to do but I assume we're smashing something yes the hammer is ours to think orus releas is within our grasp when we next enter the astral prism the prince of the Comet will soar again for now keep focused Raphael will come to take back his treasure this is our chance to find out how much this devil bleeds time slows for a moment and the air becomes thicker the master of the house is coming you [Music] there are many things in your world that I loathe litters of kittens chattering children the noise and the cake chaos of it all in my world in my house there is order and there is decorum you came here uninvited and you stole from me in doing so you brought the chaos of your world into mine I will not abide it you think I'm on your side the only reason you're here is because Raphael allowed you to be I permitted you the freedom to decide your own fate you could have been smart selfless saved the world instead you came here and risked everything it's the Fatal floor of mortal kind take away their free will and they call you a tyrant allow them to indulge it and they become tyrants you would have been Heroes if you'd only dealt fairly with me instead you're not so different to doomed cus overreaching your limits and burning your world to Ash wrong wrong wrong they will save their world and smash you to Smither RS it's the This Charming naivity that makes your company such a joy to me hope I'll even forgive this little Rebellion once you're suitably chastised this isn't a rebellion it's a Revolt I'm [Music] revolting then hope dies today Commander you can salvage a trophy from these insects when I'm done with them these insects struck me down beneath the shadowlands they are worthy opponents their skulls will make fine trophies to stand against a devil in his own home that takes courage I'm with you how tiresome am I to understand that you wish to die with them I wish to fight with them it's all the same in the end if you have any last words make it quick it will only take a moment to finish you you contemptuous creature you fought well we could use such strength in the blood War you did us a favor Yar so I'm going to let that slide now I'm free of Raphael's blasted contract I can return to the front lines whoever your enemies are they have good reason to fear you and I'll gladly lend you my skills against them when the time comes until then good luck to you little rabbit you're a finer Hunter than any wolf you know for all the sense of dread and horror seeping through this place I really feel quite at home here defeating a devil in his own home feels very very good actually single shiver feeling barely perceptible but you can sense it nonetheless a phantom caress hands dancing over your skin though you stand alone it is almost as if the air itself is undressing you you recall Harp's words every every time I make love in your shape you will know you will know one last tingle up your spine leads to a stifled moan you struggle not to cry out in public the sensation goes but it could return at any point how many hundreds of times will harap use your person I heard that moan it's the incubus isn't it enjoying your body just as I get free from bondage you fall into it it'd be funny if it was anyone but you my love I know what it's like to lose control over your own body it's a wretched thing true infernal creatures can be fickle let's hope he gets bored I can't imagine getting bored of all of that myself but you never know I know what's done is done you made your vow but I'm sorry all the same won't be long now they'll pay for what they did to me pristine darkness in every direction silence but for the gentle rhythmic slap of water on rock as your vessel cuts through [Music] come [Music] [Music] an overwhelming Force pushes into your mind the brain it is here th anomaly erase remove extinguish honestly I was expecting an all powerful brain to have a layer that was a little uh flashier not immaculately designed or anything just to have a sense of drama to [Music] [Music] it deathly silence the air is stale and putrid it's close have the stones ready your blood slows your sens is strung so tight they could snap in an [Music] instant Interruption anomaly and [Music] now you think you know why you are here you think you can atone for giving me my power child of ball by destroying me with another ston you are wrong [Music] [Music] a [Music] it's messing with your mind don't listen to it use the Stones by eliminating kri Orin and gash you have simply Unbound me exactly as I intended the crown is now mine to command mine alone don't listen to it focus on the crown you plac the crown upon me in the depths of moonrise towers and there I was born the crown is not my weakness it is what made me what I am you brought the crown to me B spone thinking the Army I amassed Wick it would be from yours your plan was devious your cruelty unparalleled I would have followed it where your mind not destroyed by your sister but with you gone the three pitiful chosen fought like children in your wake I gave them power to harm one another with while I crafted my design I used the chosen while they thought they used me but the the orders are now mine to give I won't allow it again dominate [Music] [Music] it when the parasite entered your room ruined mind you became a porn in my [Laughter] design who do you think told the chosen about the astral prison who do you think planted the knowledge of orus and power and the fear of what it could do when the chosen sent my THS to retrieve the prison who do you think let the emperor slip its leash knowing it would be the one to bring you to me were you were part of its plan I only needed one netherstone loosened from The Chosen grasp to guarantee my freedom you brought all three back to me in doing so you have liberated me this was your role and it is complete now you will witness The Grand Design we have to stop it it's now or never [Music] what this is not [Music] over I really thought the stones were going to work our options are getting Slimmer and Slimmer I pulled you out just in time the situation is worse than I thought this is an elder brain no longer the magic of the crown has caused it to [Music] evolve it has become something more a nether brain I thought so too but that was when I believed it was still an elder brain it has been anticipating our every move from the start I underestimated it we will need to rethink our [Music] [Music] plan I have a saring encounter with the nether brain from every angle I know why we failed the problem was not the stones the problem was you you can make only one move at a time but the nether brain calculates every possible move at once it knows what you will do it knows everything you could possibly do you cannot outmaneuver it to defeat it you would have to think like an athid better yet be one your mind is not capable of this mine is you will give the stones to me I will assimilate orus and then I will be able to leave this prism to face the brain assimilate him sah no now is the time to liberate him do do not stand against me I will consume his thoughts his knowledge his brain so you would kill him he is gi's Heir you'd be the gith yane people's betrayer you'd be my betrayer I realize he is of some significance to you but he is of even more value to our the [Music] cause in theory yes you have resisted such a fate so far and this would be a complete Evolution and you will be an En liid for the rest of your days is this really something you would be willing to [Music] accept before you decide let us speak the Yan so we can't wield the stones unless one of us becomes an lith it I hope you're not actually considering this or we still have other options we could free the gift Prince with the orthic hammer perhaps he'll have a bright idea just consider the Alternatives before throwing away that beautiful face of yours I'm fine with anything that keeps you from transforming into a mind flare personally I'd use the hammer and take our chance with orus I'm most willing to lose him a bold move it's a Gamble but if we play this right it could work well for us all right let's see how this plays out mother gi's only son has suffered long in his prison refuse the emperor better yet crush his revolting skull and let this prison be his grave then smash the crystals with the oric hammer and free the prince from his bonds the comet will guide us to assure Victory against the brain Mar Salah orus the emperor might be right but we're not out of options yet let me transform I'm I'm not long for this world I can feel it you can trust me to use the stones as we planned to defeat the brain and nothing more it's the perfect solution say you agree please I'd rather be a mind flare than have to watch you become one you still get to live do it as you if this is the end for me let me be the [ __ ] who saved the world I trust you do what you think is right and I'll stand by you but if you change your mind just say so I'm here and I'm ready for whatever comes next I trust you have aired opinions and Grievances and made your decision are you ready to become a mind [Music] flare then you will have to trust me you will have to give me the [Music] stones after all we've been through I have been your salvation from the very beginning I told you we had one solution you rejected it I told you I sought only one thing Freedom you have denied me this you have exhausted our alliance and in so doing you have ruined us all I did everything I could to avoid this but it seems you have whittel my options down to a single one in order to survive I must now join the ne brain [Music] [Applause] [Music] as the githyanki prince takes his blade a silent cry pierces your head it's unlike any sensation you've ever felt you really of ithd you took advantage of my powers and you slaughtered My Honor [Music] Guard nonetheless it seems we must be allies your majesty the prince of the Comet gifts true air it is an honor do not patronize me you rejected the athid when it no longer suited your your needs no doubt you freed me because it suits you now I will neither forgive nor forget your abuse of my powers that is false you had the opportunity to surrender yourself to my honor guard they would have given you a noble end any worthy individual destined to become gake would have done so my guard would have freed me and I would have stopped the Elder Brain before it evolved into another brain all that suffering avoidable were it not for the choices you [Music] made in this we are aligned I am obliged to overlook your your transgressions we will destroy the nether brain together and put a stop to This na Empire before it expands into the Stars the gake was correct about one thing the nether brain's power is beyond us the hardest metal in the world would not cut through its mind for it is made of thought itself at this point it will take an athid to unleash the full potential of the nether stones [Music] just as I was free I will do it I will become elith I will sacrifice my soul for my people I will end The Grand Design my prince you cannot this is not your burden to bear the nether brain will be only too pleased to claim me my prince no Even In My Darkest Hours I knew it was my destiny to save my people I could never have imagined this would be the way gift card T Keem crashed [Music] be all to wield [Music] these let us seek out the nether brain and finish this once The Grand Design is ended kill me it is the very least you can do you always pick the most romantic spots to chat oh as well as can be expected when facing down the end of the world I can't say for sure but we've come through a lot already it would hardly do to fail now then we'd better make it count we'd better survive this because I never want to stop doing [Music] [Music] that I always dreamed of walking these Halls you know uh my dreams never included did a giant brain or smoldering ruins but I'll take what I can get impossible pain fear Terror reconsider assess implore surrender there at last it is subdued join me wield me become absolute thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my life the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps my master I must obey I must [Music] end hopes nightmares and the screams of Legions upon Legions of unborn alits the pain rips through you obliterating all thought all feeling your tple Burns in your [Music] brain silence free of urge and worm your brain is battered and bruised but it is yours yours at last w [Music] [Music] now [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] yeah [Music] everything you did everything you sacrificed it was worth it for this [Music] we did it we actually did it and the city's Still Standing I I can't feel the tadpool it's gone we're free and I'm still standing in the sun this is incredible maybe whatever it changed in me was permanent and we didn't even have to turn into mind flares to do it oh sorry I I didn't mean to well you know even when my time in the prison stretched out like eternity when Escape seemed impossible I never lost hope I knew that my destiny was to liberate my people to return to them triumphant I was wrong it seems I can only fulfill one part of my destiny my people will be liberated but I cannot return to them not like this you helped me destroy that Abomination now help me destroy myself you must kill me but first Lazelle I need your promise carry my hope carry my burden call my dragons culos and cuos and rise to the astral sea destroy blackith release our people be our future and our Legacy it will be done I will never be free while my people are still Bound by V's chains enough talk give me my freedom freedom from this form yes but for how long my mind screams it will never stop until it has slipped away from me entirely I will not be gate I did what I did to save my people the rest is up to them someone else must rise within the ranks to lead the Revolution against vth give me my freedom from this form release my soul to the astral Seas while I still have one to call my [Music] own [Music] gar tavim [Music] crushed kill [Music] us I can never forget you your name will be etched in our slates you will be called Mair [Music] liberator [Music] to the [Music] [Music] skies now there's a sight to see not that I'll miss them with the gith Yankee gone there's nothing left but the Silence of the city smoldering waiting to be rebuilt but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown it's somewhere in the gantha if I Salvage the stone I can reforge it with the crown in my hands I would be unstoppable the cast side weave would be mine to command I would be more than the greatest wizard who ever lived I would be a [Music] god want need deserve choose whatever word you prefer but it is what I'm going to do mistra has dictated the terms of my potential for long enough the crown would grant me control of my own destiny at last think of all I could achieve all that I could Grant to those whose Ambitions are arrain by mistress yoke I could raise a new netheril right here in [Music] FY it's I who should be saying such things do not think think I leave you without a heart as heavy as your own I owe it to myself to follow where Destiny leads I'll never forget you that I promise if you ever felt differently there will be a place waiting for you in the heavens I've never been on first name terms with a god before it could have its perks I can't imagine mistra will take it lying down floating however Gods relax still good luck to him I'm sure he'll go far so what's next for us the world is our oyster and she has many pearls we can choose [Music] from yes we should see if the uh elf song Still Standing I won't impi but I'll be happy to be away from here and in your company I honestly don't mind what we do once we get to the ow what the oh no oh god well it was it was nice when it [Music] lasted I'm sorry I I have to go aarian will keep to the dark now I wager at least he'll find plenty to Feast [Music] on we did it Soldier the city's going to be all right and so are [Music] you engines finally cooked held on just long enough so how' I do so are you my friend my companion I adore you [Music] careful [Music] hot I never gave up I did my best I did my [Music] best oh that's the one thing I can't beat isn't it I wanted to live in my city with my friends but life is still the living and I [Music] saw goodbye son goodbye see goodbye no stop I won't allow this carlac you're coming with me back to Aus we can't let her die not like this not [Music] now you can't so what do you say die here now or live on with the blade of aus at your side zariel won't touch you I swear it carlac sh fine I'll go well with here but we have to go now I can't hang on much [Music] longer it's over and it's all because of you you who were destined to become a thr thanks to you there will be no El liid Empire no death Gods [Music] tyranny you have earned your place amongst the legends of the sword Coast you are the saviors of Boulder's Gate he slept like a babe straight through the night dreamless Thoughtless and almost entirely free for the first time you feel alone calm you breathe Bal may have been your beginning but he will not be your end of all those you killed in your father's name one lingers in your mind even now quill the dreaming Bard her death weighs upon you still a burden you will carry for the rest of your days but fortunately you will not have to carry it alone Hello darling I was just thinking about Freedom how I'm free of the parasite free of Cazador how I'll never be in someone's power again and all it cost was my life in the sun now I belong to the Shadows so what happens next you do you think it's possible I suppose there is a chance and if there's a chance no matter how small I'm going to take it and it would mean setting off on another adventure together is that what you want is this what you want I would understand if you wanted to go your own way good because selfless as I am I really did not want to let you go we are rather excellent together you know and United there is nothing we can't do I can't say what the future holds for us but I know we'll be facing it together and we're going to have a lot of fun their faces Gods thy actions barely worthy of the name did truly believe thy Ploy would succeed did believe I would not notice thou sought to bolster thy strength by taking away the souls of Mortals but Souls vanish when their hosts become mind flares did think the other gods would not notice Gods thou may be yet thou Hast proven thyself [Music] fools everyone the supplication of Bane the whimper of Bal the death mule of Merkle filed by Mortals I over estimated thee they did not Vermin away thou wil trouble us no more
Channel: フェンリス
Views: 49,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astarion, astarion romance, the dark urge, tav, female tav
Id: PMAich9yqMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 278min 26sec (16706 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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