Bonding with Gale (+romance) | BG3 ❤️

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approach the sigil on the stand magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically as if malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous a hand anyone hey perhaps I should have clarified a helping and anyone thank you whatever you're doing is working wonders now a quick little pull should do the trick foreign hello I'm Gail of waterdeep apologies be better at this that magic say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you're on the North Lord as well I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall so I was plummeting to certain death a spider glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you how did you survive before that vast burning wreckage behind you somewhat contradicts your story but here you stand so who am I to argue still swashbuckling heroics aside I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you too were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region are you not no you sugar coating it is there the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers it's a process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a doctor surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most clerics skill most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them as we've established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together most EX parasite shared is a parasite halved or something to that effect Oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone it was an act of four-sighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor um be with you in a moment gentleman's only as dashing as his least groomed Locus be that as it may Sarah morphosis what does it make you think of spot on day one fever and memory loss day two hallucinations and graying skin day three hair loss and blood leaking from all orifices need to go on my point is this our orifices remain blissfully unblooded our heads remain clear and our blood temperature normal any expert will agree this is abnormal that alas is where my knowledge fails me a rogue might call it luck a priest might call it fate as for myself I'm a pragmatic I see the silence before the storm something to sleep on we should get some rest in Magic are you guys I meant to ask are you studied in Magic namely are you a wizard which you are not if you meet any Elder Wizards let me know there is a master I'd like to seek advice on from a master else we can't just leave the kin I'll not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Baldur's Gate at once can we all just take a moment please what's the point in blazing spells that we don't bloody use them we should stay these people aren't Fighters we can help or yell louder that's fine too thank you it's the right thing to do and you know it she's right Roland we're better than this Zerg fine I'll stay too unless you both end up with your throat slit by Goblin blade thank you Roland we should have left by now damage instead we're just sitting here practically begging to be attacked staying is a mistake you don't understand my apprenticeship with laroa can begin shortly I cannot be late yes that laroican the greatest wizard in Boulder's Gate I've heard that name before a young man yes lives in ramaz's Tower in the upper City the very same word in Waterleaf has it he's a bit of a cat but you say he's an accomplished wizard the greatest spellcaster along the sword Coast as if I'd settle for a lesser mentor that case I'd very much appreciated if you could arrange an introduction should we reach the city full acquaintances you're after you have to look no further than yours truly few can match me in either magic or Talent in years to come you will boast of this meeting I can assure you may we meet again in Boulder's Gate my friend you aren't gonna shoot me your hands are shaking put it down can't fight back that's the point get out of the way she didn't kill your brother ARCA you're better than this shoot before you lose your nerve tiefling if you ever had it to begin with looks like the absolute sent me a protector you're gonna kill her too you move you're right I wish you weren't I really do damn you damn it if a goblin lives or dies you'd better be right it's all right ARCA let's go believe it or not but I witnessed a similar standoff back at the yawning portal of course an establishment like that invites all sorts of outlandish entertainments oh a drow a Dragonborn and a cleric of cyric walk into a bar your standard Fair maybe someone was cheating at cars maybe it was some weird lovers quarrel in any case out came the crossbow and a hush fell over the entire room I stood up and yelled Shadow dark ale for everyone the crowd cheered the tension drained into five dozen tankards and soon all was well again in a place like the yawning portal the most powerful magic is calling for a round of drinks mind you all I did was call for rail but you went and stood in front of that crossbow ah drink to that please I'm sorry this is madness korga this is just a what wrath a thief a poison a threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless we took back the idol surely do it very well she may go break your word and my serpent shall feed Tina to me out Thief my Grace has its limits that thank you Koga Master hulson Carlson isn't here keep his name off your tongue lest Tila pierce it hiring business isn't it all this traveling and adventuring why don't we take a little break allow ourselves a few moments of rest gives me a chance to talk to you about something well rather important we've been on the road together for a while now haven't we survive some perils overcame some obstacles ever since you were kind enough to free me from that stone I've seen you demonstrate remarkable guile and courage the way you stood in front of a crossbow to prevent a murder the way you got korga to release the girl in short grown to trust you I was being quite sincere I assure you the reason I make a point of saying this is that I've grown confident enough to tell you something I've yet to tell another living Soul except for my cat you see have this condition very different from the parasite we share but just as deadly it's a rather personal but suffice it to say that it is a malady I've learned to live with not without some effort what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item absorb the weave inside [Music] I'll spare you the finer details but begins with a simple biological deterioration muscle spasms disorientation a slight ringing in the ears and there for too long it's been days since I last consumed an artifact and before we were abducted it's only a matter of time before my craving returns that is why I Turn to You I need you to help me find magic items to consume it is vital dare I say it you have my thanks and fear not your implicit trust is well placed and will be rewarded with any and all means at my disposal I'm sure we won't have to look very far to find what I need faeroon overflows with magic infused treasure as do our packs as a matter of fact we have such an item already in our possession primed for the moment the need arises I hope I can count on you think of it as tribute the Kinder King might pay to a more powerful neighbor to avoid Invasion as long as I pay there will be peace should I ever stop Along Comes a war I can assure you the battlefield would extend well beyond the borders of my body alone foreign approach to my problem is most encouraging but it is a delicate process to keep my condition stable I do not yet need to consume an item or keep it close by it will not be too much longer My my what manner of place is this a path to Redemption or a road to damnation about to say for your journey is just beginning it would suit the occasion [Music] the words to a lullaby perhaps the mouse smiled rightly it outfoxed the cat then down came the claw and that love was that they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much at your service neither the fox rather hiding in a word a silent Observer about to break the silence of course what I have to say merits some privacy as well as some more let's call it refinement this quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes um the middle of somewhere [Music] the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed lavishly go on partake enjoy your supper overall it might just be your last are you not entertained well far be it from me to disappoint what's better than a devil you don't know a devil you do am I a friend potentially an adversary conceivably but a savior that's for certain come now why playing hard to get when you're in deep over your tadpole head one skull two tenants and no solution in sight I could fix it all like that and what is madness but a denial of reality still I have a feeling you change your mind before it's changed for you try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are left and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door hope [Laughter] Richard Cheese I'll be around watching you squirm like a tadpole throw a nice juicy brain all those pretty little symptoms sundering skin dissolving guts they haven't manifested yet have they one might say you're a paragon of luck I'll be there when it runs out feel as flattered as I do if I did a dime with a devil don't let his Bluster fool you all that talk of desperation merely illustrates his own I think he wants something from us badly I mean that knowledge lies our opportunity there's no such thing as an absolute certainty let me play The Devil's Advocate mine is too eager not dismisses offer out of hand if there's one quality all the denizens of the hells embody it's ambition quality they share with many humans come to think of it by figuring out his true intentions Fact one there's something very strange and very powerful about our tadpoles Fact Two a devil offers to take it away Devils aren't known to Aid Mortals out of Simple Kindness whatever Raphael wants we must be the key to getting it along with our tadpoles so I say for now we wait if I'm right Rafael will seek us out again and when he does a mighty bargain to be made remember his call mirian rhyme down came the claw perhaps we should start growing our nails oh you'll have to speak slowly I'm finding it quite difficult to concentrate it might condition gnawing at my insides like a teething displacer kitten that is most gratifying to hear may I thank you oh not hit the spot I can feel it work the magic it's like a lullaby that sings to sleep the demon inside and metaphorical demon I hate to point out but no less dangerous and no less bound to wake up again to continue its ravages such as the nature of all monsters grateful as I am the course of our camaraderie is much better sir by not taking that particular detour not just yet sincerely though I understand I ask a lot from you with few answers in return but in time all will be told my lady I bowed your boundless kindness addition is worsening again I need to consume some powerful magic or it may become volatile thank you it is a strange experience each time I knew I can't lost soul is a lunking through the darkness that is me only to be sacrificed on the dread altar of the heart but this doesn't feel quite right it never feels right but it relieves this doesn't relieve oh you do plenty for me more than you realize but this cannot be remedied the magic isn't having the effect it should have it's not like the last time like a rainstorm that quells a forest fire it drizzles the ember's still sizzle the fire remains undefeated and not certain what's going on but nothing good I need to think I need to retrace my steps to a Glade of calm thank you for the artifact the great deal of trouble it was too a great deal of trouble indeed my condition likes being ignored as little as I do you must consume another artifact soon thank you good gods however there has any effect a Mr have mercy on us all listen I need to speak to you to all of you you'll be unconscionable of me to remain silent yeah it might just be about to remedy that to know who I was you have to know who I really am what I am is a walking shadow of the promise I once held and what one might call a wizard prodigy from an early age could not only control The Weave but compose it much like a musician or a poet such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself the lady of mysteries the goddess mystery she revealed herself to me and she became my teacher in time she became my muse later even my lover oh yes we enjoyed each other's company body mind and soul but even so I desired more you see no matter how powerful a wizard we Immortals can become we never scratch more than the surface of the weave mistra Keeps Us in check there are boundaries she doesn't let us cross yet time I was with her I stood on the precipice gazing into the Wonders there may be on I saw to cross her boundaries try to convince her pouted pleaded swore my ambition was only to serve her better Jenny smiled and told me to be contented football as it seems to me now I shared a bed with a goddess you know I wasn't satisfied so I sought to prove myself worthy to her instead we come now to the Crux of my folly I share the story behind it or would you rather head straight to its sordid finale very well here goes Once Upon a very long time ago a mighty Lord lived in a tower a flying Tower to be precise I'll save his history for another time but the gist of it is that he sought to user the goddess of magic so that he could become a God himself he almost managed but not quite his entire Empire netherill him crashing down around him as he turned to stone the magic that was Unleashed that day was phenomenal roiling at the Prime Chaos that outdates creation even the weave itself could not withstand the onslaught fractured and shattered and all magic was lost to the Mortal realms the day she restored the weave reuniting all its scattered shards or so I thought until in the course of my studies I learned of a book never ease tone in which a piece of the fractured weave had been sealed Beyond her reach what if I thought what if after all this time I could return this lost part of herself to the goddess you know me my gestures can never be grand enough so this dear raw power draped in Romance would convince mystra to take me by the hand and welcome me into a hitherto forbidden domains I was mistaken entertain the fabled book and took it into my study as for what happened next here place your hand over my heart let me show you cause he realized games into the dark side [Music] the teeth it's claws it's Unstoppable as it digs through and becomes part of you and gods is it ever hungry what is it what are you seeing green thankfully the moment I absorbed the fragment wasn't enough to kill me outright this nethery's blight this is orb for lack of a better word is balled up inside my chest and it needs to be fed as long as I absorb traces of the weave from potent enough sources remains quiet I would have it a fully destabilize rather worse actually I will erupt I don't know the exact magnitude of the eruption but given my studies of nethery's magic say even a fragment as small as the one I carry in a level a city the size of Water Deep I know all of this it must feel like a betrayal say the word and we'll part ways you'd have us to paint that nethery's Jack in the Box should be a blip on the Horizon by now absolutely we're all risky in our own ways we stick together anyway right great relief if indeed you truly are a soul that steals my own from all my new rallied heart thank you thank you all I understand if you stand against me I'm humbled if you stand with me either way I will do my best not to let you down I stand at a precipice but if you do not give up hope neither shall I I'll fight I'll resist as long as I can now even I am tired of the sound of my own voice let us Venture forth process was perhaps the most powerful wizard that ever lived child who would be a God the elves called him and he tried with a spell of his own devising he endeavored to use up in one Fell Swoop the power of the goddess of magic mistril she was called then imagine what it must have felt like to to be a God to know yourself to be untouchable to be mistaken as karsus aimed his spellita she begun to unravel and with her the entire weave too late did he realize what he had Unleashed it would have been the end of everything had not Mistral sacrificed herself the goddess of magic is all magic by dying the entire weave was lost and the spell that challenged a god failed it was the end of Mistral the end of karsus and the end of an entire civilization as the child who would be a God was turned to stone his Empire Came Crashing Down around him the floating cities of netheril were no more an event that came to be known as karsus's folly loving them has its side effects as well now so many centuries later I tried to follow in the footsteps of casus not to destroy mystra to prove my love for her try to control only a fraction of the magic that was Unleashed that fateful day I merely sought to return one tiny diamond to an imperfect Crown Gail's Folly one might call it history repetition it's the way things go it should ever come to that if I ever know I am no longer able to stop it I will do anything I can to ensure no one but me pays for my mistakes I will find the remotest place on the surface of faerun or perhaps Far Below in the depths of the underdark I will await that death alone I promise I will not betray your trust you kept me by your side despite the Menace that I am if worse comes to worst thy will be long gone before the curtain Falls thank you there's that confidence I like thank you for seeking me out amid all this merriment I wasn't sure would have a chance to speak to people I was hoping you'd spare me a moment or something rather magical I wish to show you [Music] a lesson and trust me when I say few have experienced the pleasure I offer to teach however something best experienced in more intimate surrounds once the revelry has ended and the Stillness of the night has been restored for now please enjoy the celebration when it is done [Music] foreign miles away [Music] just pondering what I lost Mr commands all magic salvation if such a thing exists is hers to bestow or withhold and yet even now more than I fear losing my own self and soul I fear losing my command of her art magic is my life I've been in touch with the weave for as long as I can remember there's nothing like it it's like music poetry physical Beauty all rolled into one and give an expression through the senses is it the same for you fair enough though in the end we're still playing the same composition perhaps I can show you what I mean by reaching into the weave together then follow my lead now you a familiar feeling like a kind word and a kind touch at the same time it's warm and comfortable now repeat after me air ah yes the scent of rose water and a sense of well-being sliver of weave that tastes sweet on the tongue very good now I want you to picture in your mind the concept of Harmony as true as you can you see who is it sense the unmistakable presence of mystra the lady of mysteries that's something something pleasure of being cloaked in peace you are safe you are nestled in the cup of mysterious hand you did it you're channeling the weave how does it feel you're hard to please aren't you The Weave connects you the moment feels intimate you realize the weave is making you one have but to imagine your desire and Gail will know it I I didn't think you keep quick fire gusts of embarrassment trepidation and finally elation sorry I wasn't expecting but it is a pleasant image to be sure most Pleasant in fact most welcome The Weave evaporates and as it does so you realize the night feels suddenly cold and lonesome oh there it goes how easily things slip away from us no matter how hard they were in the obtaining good night I enjoyed sharing a moment of magic with you I do enjoy our conversations what do you need [Music] oh I was surprised but pleasantly so just like I said amid the madness that has befallen us seems almost out of place to think of a romantic walk and yet now more than ever it's important to recall what makes us human well you know what I mean a stolen glance that sudden heartbeat sometimes the little things are worth more than kingdoms they promise things to come I assure you it's not you're wrong you did well that's it component the verbal component even the focus on the inner self that invites Mr in but I was still your conduit to perform such a feat alone requires much and arduous study of course as a sorcerer these talents come to you quite naturally I do hope you cherish that gift even in such fraught times as these there's peace to be found in the Stillness as evening draws in just a while away many hours just like these with my companion I'm in Far comfiest around she preferred it when we were alone curled up before a crackling Hearth with some ancient esoteric tone between us Inc glinting in the firelight buyer getarons lost nose no Tara is not any cat she's a tresem and given your confusion I'm guessing you've never met one brilliant creatures fine company for any self-respecting wizard should be proud to see me keeping such fine company the savior of those poor tieflings no less precious little to be proud of recently after I was afflicted with my condition lock myself in my tower for an entire year using console wallowing in My self-inflicted Tragedy I've given up on myself but Tara never did was our encouragement her research that led me to my treatment once we knew that magically infused items were the key she went out to find them for me saved my life she has a good heart should recognize the same in your actions here I'm sure she'd approve of me lending myself to your efforts remind me of her somewhat there's a stealiness in you an unwavering tenacity even in the face of to be frank quite dire odds wish you were here for me to make a formal introduction but I would never ask everyone to take such a journey she's safer at home he was always telling me I needed to spread my wings so to speak find mortal friends instead of hanging onto mistress coattails so that's what I'm doing I hope very funny but as we all know nymphs are sticklers when it comes to their bathing routines you my friend haven't been near a fresh spring in a 10 day or more not that I don't appreciate your Musk actually rather like it well this seems as good a time as any for me to stop babbling on we're like to recite that list I fear we'd be here at dusk tomorrow many things I assure you have a conversation better save for another time condition as volatile as it is I fear any undue excitement they tip it over the edge so to speak go enjoy your evening nothing better for the heart than a good night's rest mine is gladdened to know I'll have the pleasure of your company again come morning who there Wanderer stay like course a moment to indulge an old man elminster the very same Gail and a fair bit miffed he is too finding himself forced to expose his best pair of boots to so many miles of country road on your behalf meet elminster Omar a good friend of mine but rather more significantly he's the most famed and respected wizard in the realms am I indeed most famed and respected errant boy more like I Was Bitten span I that time nor my own self to find you she sent me Gail you know of whom I speak but why out with it elminster please young man has your surgeon away from bought it he washed away your decorum as well as your patience nigh our 10 day I've gone without honest fair worthy of the name drank naught but what the sky entitled my thirst why some bread cheese and a cup of wine would appear unto me a feast sorry you ever crunch me I might have rest and ripped past before I get toilet oh Father uh well this way then hmm to your camp oh don't dawdle now lad you're the one who's in such a frightful hurry oh nigh on 13th centuries old and he still thinks with his stomach the best follow and see if he's more disposed to speak plainly once it stopped its grumbling A wise choice better to indulge our curiosity than elminster's appetite yes what a delightful wedge of old as Turin that was doesn't do to Parlay on an empty stomach you know next ones words frivolous when they should be grave plan t two Thai chest after all good deal to Stew over if you will words ladled with import should be savored so as to better absorb their meaning wouldn't you agree alminster um you see I am that is to say Gail my boy I've come to address a most pressing matter I'll speak as plainly as I can for swearing the accustomed Frills that decorate my speech I'm here on behalf of mistra the message and the charge I bring you are hers [Music] thank you for that most considerate reminder you know where you went wrong Gail no we didn't dwell on that Here and Now but even so you're to be given a chance of redemption Mr would consider giveness she would consider but she considers to be forgiveness Mr is aware of the Misadventures that have befallen you both she knows of your strife with the absolute that most Insidious of evils they choose the instruments of their will with great Precision sometimes the single drops we think we are do not realize what waves we are building up to be do not discount yourself and by the same token do not discount your enemy you must know that the absolute is dangerous than you can possibly conceive threatens all who live even those who are undying if threatens the Gods the weave the very fabric of the universe itself that is why I have come here to charge you Gail with its destruction it is mistress belief that only you can be all precisely mystra has granted me the power to stop the clock as it were on the orbs rush to overpower you instead you will be able to unleash its lethal combustion at will interesting this could be help or hindrance we shall have to see you must find the heart of the absolute whatever that may be and use yourself as the Catalyst that will burn it from this world he is not but it seems that mistra is he brings me no pleasure saying this my friend but such is mistress will yours must be the sacrifice that will undo the absolute and for your sacrifice you will be redeemed such as mistress promise with that I've said my sorry peace the need only bestow unto thee the charm I was bid Italian [Music] it is done both charge and charm of being committed into your care to you I commit into care Gail himself I encounter you to Shepherd him well on this strangest of Journeys foreign or some other Fortune altogether like moons makes swell and waned and nessian seas so too the sky's proven Gods ordained the title fates of mortal days and yet an ocean born in lonely hours come have come flow come all that is beyond the breadth of our Dominion be our moon unto yourself even the waves of Fate can break upon the shores of will my friend farewell alminster I'm glad she chose you an audience with elminster is never less than memorable God of Hope to introduce you to him in less dire circumstances but those are hard to come by these days [Music] dodgering Act is merely an illusion one he's most Adept at maintaining elminster is the most formidable wizard in the Realms perhaps in existence for mystra to have sent him the severity of her bidding could not be clearer all way more heavily on me time seems so infinite when you're young a month is an age a year is a lifetime and there's a strange feeling to realize how little of it one might have left of course we offer the clearest solution to our problem all I have to do is find the right place and time close my eyes and let go then the Slate will be clean wrongs will be righted the absolute will be gone and I along with it if there was I'm sure the goddess of magic and the greatest wizard who ever lived would have identified it but alas only one solution is offered that remains ahead of us for now the heart of the absolute must be discovered before I can stop its beating let's save such certainty for the moment such a decision is upon us we may feel differently once we know what we're truly up against I've never seen such a concentration of Shadow Magic you must forge on but carefully it will corrupt any who lack the power to control it oh of course oh sometimes I forget who I'm traveling with take some getting used to walking amongst peers again I've inflicted the Shadows on this land was no ordinary spelled caster certainly had no fear of mistress punishment for doing so necessarily magic has no inherent morality its effect is entirely down to the inclinations of the Wilder even Mr herself abstains a passing judgment on those who use the weave her job is to ensure magic exists not to dictate the purposes to which it is applied perfume of Decay hangs over such dark magic but that isn't to say it can't be put to good use well at the very least neutral use now I think it's time we moved on to lighter subjects for we too are lost to the darkness is there anything else keep to the light stop who's there so you can fry Us Alive I don't think so come into the light hands high Jonas move in bonus I'm here where are you Eunice can you see our torches I can't see anything something's wrong follow my voice come back to the light that make it you know this is join me loudness [Music] purpose it's quite thrilling fight off such Grim creatures as this region throws at us especially being at your side I am once read a book that explained in some detail the effect of brush with danger has on one's desire for other forms of stimulation have you ever read anything on that subject I can't imagine anywhere that could turn my heart from you cursed or otherwise it'd always be as beautiful and as impressive perhaps it's just a thrill of our near Undead experience talking standing at your side through such darkness and disrepair it only makes me want you more unfortunately this is neither the time nor the place to indulge such feelings so you must be patient and push all such thoughts aside for now I'm here on behalf of Gale of waterdeep he to extend you an invitation for a private conversation in a more suitable locale you are speaking to a mere projection of Gail his appearance his voice and a certain measure of his personality reconstituted in this case to play as Emissary and Usher would you care to join him what little I could glean from the portion of his mind that is open to me it is a matter most urgent gladly simply follow Yonder path and soon you will find him I love this tone of nine there's an almost reverent silence that accompanies the peak of Darkness when he'd almost believe the dawn will never break the Cradle of Eternity timelessness of lovers are most beautiful of fantasies I will be soon I am perhaps just one hard day away from being without any troubles at all this may be my last night alive I wanted it to be under a canopy of Beauty and wonder with company to match this place might bring me peace I thought it might make the weight of what I must do feel a little lighter but I'm not so sure Babel crone coward or Hero death is assured mistra's forgiveness is not if you knew the end was near would you not want to ensure it had meaning I am terrified I will not claim otherwise my face could scarcely conceal it even if my words sought to deny it there is no point in running from the inevitable better to meet it on my own terms feel it ever since we said foot in a strange corrupted land the closer we get the heavier my own heart becomes stay with me a while Willie they will come all too soon even in this place one moment with you could seat me for a lifetime and prize the fear from my heart I'm so very glad you came share this with me I know this is all unreal but I created it for you you must know that you're you're very special to me things were different if we were home I'd have taken time to do things properly to say it all better but time is short I'm in love with you that's a relief they would be a shame to spend my final hours making an ass of myself and you're a bad liar I live the life of a Hermit for some time before I met you safer for all well not conducive to pleasures of the flesh I want it to be perfect the bond with you in the way the gods do intertwining our Spirits in visions of the weave are you sure I could conjure up any sight that you could dream of and a few you could not I could use the weave to make us feel Sensations Beyond Reckoning I could do more than woo you I could wow you yes you are trust me I would know let's do it your way then so long as it's with you small gesture towards your comfort foreign how about the perfect night in waterdeep yes let's imagine how it would be mean is this you and I stand in the room that is the Center of My Universe sculptures paintings the walls livened by the spines of a thousand books the grand piano plays Delirious sweets all by itself and as we look out Beyond The Arches that lead to the Terrace we see the weary Sun take its daily dive into the sea [Music] [Music] thank you my favorite spot many times evening turn tonight and back to Daybreak once more while I sat here lost in words it's called The Art of the night and it details the first Thousand Nights of a newlywed king and queen I turned everything they did into an alt the art of conversation the art of taste time honored and newly acquired the art of the body the exploration and acceptance of the self and the other the art of the night itself I say we take a page from their book thank you then let's set the book aside and be blank slits on blank sheets delightfully new what do you say [Music] Stars will be our bed come here [Music] foreign ourselves to the pleasures of mortal flesh is but one stitch in a vast tapestry let me show you more foreign [Music] together in a masterpiece of intimacy never have you felt such Wonder such love I wanted to talk to you about our night together if you ever walk to the very edge of a great precipice and shuddered at how easy it would be to step into the void but since elements that told me are mistress expectations of me felt like I've been walking along such a cliff face the great drop to nothing that's never out of my sight you let me away from the edge without your words your touch I fear I would have sought purpose and solace in that void reminded me what living can feel like indeed oh God my resolve like a lit flame in a well in a gale I hope the end is much farther away than I had suspected I hope that night meant as much to you as it did to me and I hope we all have more time together alone oh yes yes we do and perhaps the sooner it's done the better there's nothing that would give me greater pleasure you must know our relationship is the brightest spot in our otherwise Bleak Endeavor to know you love me for the man I am and not the magic I command none have loved me so purely before you are everything to me and yet our relationship is only a nascent fraction of what it will become you give me hope I've not had that in some time [Music] grateful mostly for meeting you having someone who cares that I'm here alive not reduced to a cloud of netheries vapor someone apart from my tressive that is I'm many things to many people I'm never a man to throw the L word around lightly I said exactly what I meant I love you you should never never doubt that [Music] plenty of them and all complicated turn away from one you once loved but now that I see our relationship with all the illumination hindsight has to offer I mostly feel any regret I thought our first wizard of fall under her spell nor will I be the last it was an amusement to her mortal to be trifled with amused and eventually discarded I regret the way I hurt her of course I do but she would have seen me destroy myself to earn her forgiveness there's no love lost between us not at all into the benches rotted surface a strange half-faded sigils a magic circle of some kind thick with darkness and decay ritual Circle and the complex one at that I've seen such construction before in the writings of the weave Pash around Raven that his vision was not so Essentials are written in a curious mix of tongues ancient kalashite netheries something else I can't quite make out reading it correctly it was used in the creation of moon lanterns mostly drained but even now contains a powerful dose of Shadow weave it's guarded pixie corpses might still contain enough essence with one of the broken Lantern casements yes I think I'll be able to craft one more Lantern and with a slight modification of the casting gesture it might be able to wield the Shadows instead of repelling them though mr's eyes may be upon me should forbid me doubling with such Magic when it destroyed wasted arguably forget what Mr wants think about yourself and what lady Shah's power could do for you Gail make the lantern spread her will very well stand back it doesn't take much the sigils fade the circle's tainted magic dissolving harmlessly Into The Ether a wizard who slept through his kalashite lessons eh I wasn't surrounded on all sides by the darkness of the Shadow cursed lands I think it was Mr herself brushing again not weak subtle Mr knows it is a risk to make herself known here however briefly after all this cursed place is not hers but Shahs came here with a purpose left some tiny part of herself to Watch Over Me I think Boone to help us reach the heart of the absolute in one piece strange though as she would reward me for such a service now she's hardly been forthcoming on that front since my banishment ah have some overthinking things our blessing is a blessing now this one should come in most useful you said it was under control do I answer to gordash [ __ ] oh the general voice is this where we salute salute yes you forget yourself Warren played my part you've built an army for our masters true enough but what if the astral prism a rogue true Soul flaunting it under your nose all this time and you ran from her sure that they would follow and deliver it into my hands here you would cease these distractions the distractions have been yours catherick perhaps we never should have dug your daughter up so you haven't lost your Edge which are still not as sharp as Orin I wager the Slayer against the undying one seems to my to my kin again again again he must leave the murder march to borders grave is truly a Julian grasp Catherine might I suggest closing your fist Oren and I can wait for you no longer the plan proceeds we're going to the city and we expect you to follow Army and the weapon in tow [Music] ards [Music] an elder brain one of the cruelest and most powerful creatures in existence enslaved by mere mortals look at that crown it radiates with power unlike anything I've ever seen to have it to hold if only I could but I can't must do as Mr commands what choice do I have more than just a goddess counts of my courage whole worlds hang in the balance I love you too much more than myself more even than mistra very well whether I condemn this world or not I Choose You [Music] in death the body is calling the energy radiates from the stone remarkable truly now the picture comes together the salute is neither God nor man it is the elder brain you saw held here by those three against its will Crown it was controls it and these Stones control the crown it has been dominated to master an elder brain subdue it our enemies are formidable a temporary reprieve but a welcome one with the brain on its way to the city its influence here is weakened crowns markings suggest it was forged in netheral an ancient empire whose Mastery over magic rivaled that of the Gods it is a crown of domination the stones were taken from its crest they are never stones imbued with the ability to control the wearer of the crown the Crown's nethery's magic must be the true source of the parasite's abilities this must be what elevates their potential and it must be the reason nobody could heal you if the crown can do this to the parasites I dare not imagine what it is doing to the brain netheries he's chosen a powerful indeed to have such magic in their command we must rest control of the brain from The Chosen before that happens we must take their stones our chances of success are slim but we must not fail if we fail everything ends I will be your Shield but you must be the sword and when the chance to strike comes you must take it for there may only be one chance can't help but feel like I've been fumbling in the dark for too long it had a lip torch thrust into my hands [Music] the crown the one the Elder brain was wearing Magic so pure so complete I didn't even recognize it at first most nethery's artifacts contain only the faintest amount of their former power the ghost of an echo of a memory the crown was different I can't fathom out such a Wonder survived surely everything of its ilk was destroyed along with netherill itself but no matter it exists I must learn more of it I know what nearly happened and I'm sorry for putting you in that position but I've stepped back from the precipice now I've seen what may prove to be another way a better way that Crown sits on a gargantuan Elder brain bent on destroying us and everything we hold dear understanding its true nature might unlock the means of Arabic to learn more about what we saw an artifact as powerful as that Crown must have been documented somewhere zluck would have it we'll soon find ourselves near one of the finest book collections this side of candle keep sorceress Sundries I need to go there and learn all I can indeed the journey awaits One Foot In Front of the other is tried and true I find their collection of rat homes is unparalleled nethery sex are hardly commonplace but I'm certain they'll have one or two stashed away you'll have to forgive my eagerness but if my suspicions prove to hold water could be the answer to all our problems more excited than I've been in months I can't tell you how curious I am to learn more about the crown controlling that elderberry believe me when I say how important this could be for me for both of us potentially life-saving so long as we can learn how it could be taken and used the system [Music] there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a sword and Trust a shield I pray you wield all three stir up bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally thoroughly magical let's have at it close your eyes little ones be still a stone to Earth and remember Ed wreath glorious your band is sweeter than Nature's Dew I see you know you but do you know one another okay the Learned wizard the Charming gentleman the walking apocalypse listen think if the wizard were given the choice what food would he be an apt metaphor no I hope it won't lose me some kisses so let us turn to the joyous when is Gail happiest Bravo that is indeed where my mind wanders to when times are hard but now we must ask the Deep the difficult we often gaze through a veil of but love accepts both The Petal and the Thorne Gail what is his greatest flaw hearing it said out loud yes here it is true it seems determined to make a sacrifice of me but perhaps fate can yet be defied perfect score seems you know me better than I know myself I press my my impenetrable disease is beautiful beautiful your love is one few have cherish it go in peace ceilings and know that you made one whose heart was long quiet Beast with love and you Mr decarios Heavens fancy seeing you here Tara that can't be you Khalid I suppose you won't be terribly shocked to find your old friend Tara amongst the pigeons they've always been a personal favorite my is that a ring for us you shouldn't have enjoy yourself now Tara looks like you've got yourself set up quite nicely here she isn't my trezim she's my friend and from the looks of things it appears she's eating pigeons oh right did you hear that Tara um stop it well these must be important Birds indeed Mr dakarios forgive me for feasting on their bodies and Bones so very voraciously oh she's agreed just about Tara remains as willful as ever I'm glad you finally made her acquaintance given the length of my time away I feared she might have given up on me no better [Music] that's Tara loyal Brave and apparently unwilling to follow even the most basic of instructions when our own safety is at stake I wouldn't have her any other way I'd actually been thinking about introducing the two of you anyway over a Sumptuous home-cooked meal if that sounds at all to your taste my tower in waterly boasts an excellent kitchen and a wine salad arrival on darling self not to mention a Larder stocked with my homemade hundor sauce [Music] a water Davion delicacy spiced to leave exactly the right amount of heat lingering on the tongue and Sir with that most sharp tooth of Aquarian residents the quipper fish I make it to my mother's recipe it's quite a wallop Mr she well we've got something to look forward to tell me when it saved the world I'm glad you came not to my door not yet but to the final Reckoning one more thing before we begin though for the first time since the naughty light your mind is clear it's unsettling I gave you back your privacy by shutting that illithid in your pocket out of your mind it can't hear us I brought you here because I'm true to my word and I can make all of this tadpole business go away which means you and your lovely friends can remain blessedly free of tentacles let us speak plain I'll admit you've impressed me I wasn't sure you'd make it this far but no matter how far you come you're still on the road to ruin a road that leads directly to a confrontation with the Elder brain at best it will kill you and everyone else in this city at worst it will assimilate you and you won't have enough Free Will left to even wish you were dead you have the key to destroying it in the palm of your hand though very perceptive yeah yes I can give you the means to break him free Greek devil the orphic hammer an artifact capable of shattering the chains that hold Prince Orpheus is held securely In My House of Hope even now isn't it just and it's even more convenient that you can give me exactly what I want in return I want the crown that dominates the Elder brain and you Lazelle of Khalia want to free the Forgotten Prince do you not I want nothing more then it is settled is it not a crown for a hammer bargain of a lifetime Lazelle handing that Crown to this devil will be like feeding gunpowder to a lava worm agree to nothing then you will die along with every other soul in this city I never quite realized how burdened I was until I met you the threat of the Shadow curse the politics of The Grove I was forgetting who I was but you lifted the fog [Music] thank you [Music] you're too modest my way to you don't even know how extraordinary you truly are but I do I have lived a very long time I have taken many lovers my heart does not stir lightly but it does now [Music] like I said I've lived a long time traveled far and wide I've lame with elf maidens under the bows of Oaks I've had a kneel and the pirate claw my back and cry my name until he was hoarse and I've been to the underdark I want more than to fight at your side or sit around the campfire with you I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine I think you feel the same way why else would you have been so concerned about whether I had a lover before but tell me I'm wrong and the matter can rest I do not wish to sour our friendship but I have to know if it can be something more you have bonded with Gail Body and Soul his scent lingers on your skin if there is to be anything between us it must be with his consent and perhaps someday and his participation still cherish our relationship still I could not have forgiven myself had I not taken the plunge better to have tried and failed you see an altar dedicated to mistra whatever you want with this idler I prefer we make it quick not sure I'm comfortable catching mr's eye even if it is made of stone foreign trust me take a lot more than a few gold pieces and some fervent thoughts to convince mystra to break her silence on my account at least commune with her as you see fit I have no wish to stand between you and any inspiration she might deign to offer what are you doing here I and we had to remove him from the premises but unfortunately we couldn't stop him from being a nuisance just outside can't blame him for taking the roorkan's contract to retrieve the Night song there's a fortune on offer and so far no one's been able to claim it it's all I deal with these days people claiming their trinkets are the real Night song looking for the mountain of gold the Rogue can promise there's even a pamphlet take one they're on the desk you must be mistaken the Night song is a relic something quite ancient to hear Master laroa can talk but if you really do know something he'll want to see you head upstairs you can find the way into his Tower up there they prefer an environment of quiet reverence bold you might have heard that our library has a collection other shops would lack the skill to curate between us even Marston American with reluctant to house them in his Tower the pen is mightier than the magic wand apparently they're locked away here for their and our customer safety finest Reserve includes the soccer codex the is folly so my Lord castes himself then release Arcanist who attempted to replace the goddess mystery great magical knowledge lies within those pages but not many can withstand it right now it's very important when getting home some cases would no doubt have much to say about the Crow's true nature could read them bye books as temperamental as these are not on sale cured in our fault when none can harm them nor can they do any harm consider yourself lucky to have learned of such a book's existence and then forget about it the annals of Casas are best left unread it's almost like you I prefer the company of books the only way to gain access to the vault is through my office before you ask you're not allowed in there either you certainly have even simple knowledge of these tones is enough to stimulate most casus preamble to a civilizations downfall committed to parchment by the very hand that wrought its destruction the truth of the crown I hope all that stands between us and Enlightenment is the turn of a page [Music] this isn't what I expected is this much more crown of causes and this this is no mere Journal it contains causes his original plans for the Crown's Construction his designs for godhood gods have ascended through fast stranger means a circle drawn on a globe a walk in a swamp the destruction of a magical stone why not with a symbol of such innate Authority crown and netherstones were originally one construct seemingly sundered at the moment of karsus's downfall if we can collect the crown setting and the three netherstones and with the correct invocation of certain spells and gestures detailed in these notes I think well there'd be risk in such an Endeavor but only proportionate to the reward just think of it the power of the Gods in Mortal hands at last would be free of Doctrine and Dogma confined only by the limits of our imaginations we must discuss this further but quietly privately find me later and I will show you something truly divine I will show you what a crown like this could mean for both of us [Music] I can hardly wait oh very still Nicola uh crank's aim is much improved but uh still leaves something up to chance yes sir all right crank ready aim we have a visitor that is McClure you may go I see you know Night song you wouldn't have entered my tower without the Knight song in hand surely my worthless Apprentice wouldn't have allowed you to waste my time and you must have an answer to my request if you want to keep your head of course the Night song you have it or not gee then you do know her you've been to Shah's Temple to the shadowfell you've looked upon the night song's face tell me and choose your next words carefully where is she now I'm growing tired of this repartee my friend let us cut to the chase beautiful isn't it worth more than your life too I bought it from a color shite Warlock very little of your soul left to him [Music] it combined the celestial to the wearer's service with a snap of the fingers and this this can keep her in place forever it didn't work out for poor Catholic did it was a fool A desperate mercenary who hauled out his soul to whichever God flooded him I serve no God but that which stares back at me in the mirror the Night song will be put to a grand purpose equalizing man and God whoever helps me attain that which I seek will be greatly rewarded I intend to achieve greatness and I intend to do it for a long long time he would seek the power of God for the pettiest of reasons his own gratification I seek them for the better of all what's that I didn't quite catch the words but the tone was was clear enough pitying not insolent you chose one power without knowing an even greater one lies within my reach a crown of casters once we acquire it your Ambitions will be dwarfed be able to stand against mistra and rest her powers from her for the betterment of all crown of Kansas nonsense insisted you could possibly handle its power perhaps you could not but netherills power is in my blood and mystra I know her in ways that most mortals can only dream of ah so it is you mistress discarded lap dog and now you think your bark is caused to make me tremble there is no need for me to bark my actions will speak for themselves in time then go ax I'll open a fine vintage in your name once word of your failure reaches me hmm we shall see won't we do as I say and you will be rewarded Beyond imagination fail and you give up the prize to the next motivated mercenary to encounter my contract the choice is yours but make no mistake I always get what I want Charlotte and laroica thinks he can best day mailing he's even more clueless than I believed we should inform her of his delusions no doubt she'll have great fun in dispelling them a magician in a tower hiding away from the frightening world what are you so scared of magus not the Night song surely why she's nothing but a relic to be purchased and pursued my God person at last there you are my dear you will address me with due deference I am Dame aylin and you are a wealth without honor without Pride with nothing but a tower full of trinkets oh my apologies I meant no disrespect I asked our mutual friend here to make an introduction that I might get to meet the famed daughter of soluna give me for that impudence perhaps our friends can bridge the gap and do what I believe they came here to do my steel-hearted friend speaks true Give Me One Good Reason magus why I should not strike you down where you stand huh Dame Aylen I have discovered a device that would allow your immortality to be shared it would cause you no harm no pain of any kind serve your mother soluna I believe she who has blessed our realm with so many gifts honor her by sharing yours dare to threaten me with the same magic that held me in torment for a hundred years you do not seek to share my gifts you seek to poach them I had hoped to appeal to your better nature perhaps I overestimated you hmm no bother I have an arsenal of implements capable of convincing you to see reason a pity you didn't prove a more reliable Ally you could have reaped the rewards of my good favor I'd hoped you to keep an open mind but it seems you're determined to make this as difficult as possible bye at the ready once I taken control of the asimar she must go directly into the caging ruins no master laroccan I would never have assisted you if I knew you planned such Horrors you lied to get the Night song here made us all believe she was nothing but a relic I have seen what true leadership can accomplish but never under your tutelage I could make it it's no wizard in the realm will touch you if they're all like you I think that sounds like an excellent bargain [Music] attest you so Mama dance is dead the bastard is dead I have now that the bastards and bits laroican was a cruel and vicious man by day I'd attend the shop but at night he'd fire the most nonsensical questions at me and for everyone I answered wrong he beat me I could have killed him with my own two hands but I kept thinking it was all a test it had to be I thought it was the price I had to pay to become a true wizard I realize now he was just a sick sick man I see things clearly now if I wish to master the weave I must do it myself thankfully I have everything I need right here let them come I happened to cross a book on the tower's defenses and they are considerable I'll move Cal and Lear in immediately laroican refused to let them stay here they are gonna love the tower I wouldn't have this the tower my family without you what can I do to thank you and you'll have me I'll learn everything I can about the tower in the meantime even if I have to rip this place apart but know this Ramos's Tower and its master are now your friends and when the time comes we will stand by you as allies elminster oh hello my boy no don't mind me I'm just enjoying a lung full of bull durioner yeah there's a distinctive Aroma although perhaps not one worthy of bottling I hear you've been browsing in the most esteemed of emporiums sorcerous Sundries indulge my curiosity what wonders did you discover there I trusted he would be sensible enough to exercise caution in this matter and to seek the truth by now you are aware of the evil we are up against [Music] the very tool with which its eponymous Creator unmaiden Empire and Magic itself perhaps now you understand what is at stake here my boy though what Mr asked of you was extreme it was not without Merit nor demanded lightly what are you saying or rather what are you not saying Mr knows you to fight her game well of course she knows she's mistra she bits you come to her holy Shrine in the storm short Tabernacle there she will grant you an audience Mr is willing to speak to me again was this your doing elmidster [Music] she knows what I see just as I know what she sees in you I was not born an old man I know all too well what it's like to have a goddess fill your heart with you it's like gazing into a mirror that shows centuries long past is the past elminster and the future is well still to be decided by me not by mistra if there is another way I trust you can find it it is not in your nature your mind just stop looking to accept the first answer to any Dynamo do what you can put that mind to work trusting yourself trust in the weave you are willing trust in mystery there is a conclusion yet to be written in this sorry tale Gale of waterdeep and yours is the quill that will write it I've often asked myself the same question never really found a satisfactory answer you clearly sees something in me that I can't the wisdom and intelligence required to overcome almost insurmountable odds perhaps the oldest stupidity required to attempt it I take it as a compliment either way you don't get to be 13 centuries old without becoming a sound judge of character and cheese apparently I regret many things in my life choosing to be here intact and unexploded it's not one of them for now to have a few more days in your company no I wouldn't change a thing I don't think I deserve you at times I told you of my ambitions the likes of which many would Ball cat and yet you remain at my side [Music] Birds alone are not enough permit me to show you please close your eyes a moment s new Mortals ever Glimpse what you're about to see but don't be alarmed I'm here with you now open your eyes [Music] thank you [Music] the outer Plains this is where Gods dwell observe us from afar where they make playthings of us all of this from us the power the possibilities they only want us to serve them pray to them and ultimately to die for them but what if we didn't need them what if we wielded their power instead and helped ourselves in all the ways they refused [Music] I could make this illusion a reality you by my side foreign [Music] God's Powers paired with a mortal conscience and a little heart tadpoles the orb these threats to our existence the gods could Aid us if they wish but instead they cower behind IO so let us act ourselves with the power of the crown any foe would be rendered impotent any obstacle will be dwarfed by our might I used to believe mistress forgiveness was worth dying for I was wrong you showed me just how much I have to live for you I forget my goddess [Music] I love you tell me you feel the same way tell me you want what I want please [Music] it won't I swear to you it's merely a tool a means to an end you told me once to choose you the one who loved me that's what this is all about do you doubt me [Music] what more is there to be said [Music] foreign [Music] I hope you're right I truly do godly power perhaps I can live without but you are everything foreign [Music] you put the Stars to shame let's sit here another while I want to drink you in so all it took to get mistra's attention was to learn how to reforge an artifact that once destroyed her it's obvious when you stop to think about it well I doubt it's an apology for asking me to die on her behalf whatever it is important enough to send elminster you can be damn sure she's serious this is a conversation that's long overdue on both sides I owe it to her to hear her out come up may afterwards [Music] after you uh she stands just as elminster promised mistra goddess of the weave mother of all magic the old man wasn't lying she's opened the summoning Channel how you feel it Gail's right the very air around the statue crackles with magic as though the weave itself were coursing beneath her Stony skin undiluted weave I only have to reach out and I will carry me to mistra wherever she may be come on then Gail we'll be here waiting for you when you're finished time was I'd have given my right arm for a chance to speak with Mr again the left one too maybe a knee am I you're right I am a strong capable wizard there's no more than a casual reunion with an ex-lover omniscient ex-lover s would feel like feel like I hate it you're kind to say so but this is hardly my first time in Mrs presence it's more the matter of what I'm going to say to her during my time locked away in water deep I prepared a quite comprehensive speech for her on the subject of our former relationship and the manner in which it ended and last recent events have rendered the majority of it moves so I'm gonna have to improvise unless you have any words of wisdom to impart before I go you'd make a fine three dragon anti-player you know I think it's best I keep a cool head going into this approach it like a particularly high risk round of three dragon ante let mistress show her flight and then I can see how strong a charts we stand at winning the Gambit I'll only be gone for a matter of moments the Outer Planes experience time quite differently to our own wait for me please you look well but I assume we're not here solely to exchange compliments so why am I here why because you had no right to ask that of me cast me out remember you were my lover my chosey yet still you know so little of me the past cannot be undone with self-pity nor can a future be forged only with the truth will you see the see the way ahead the fragment of magic you try to return to me was not of my creation calcite is a path born magic wrought in the brief moment cases ascended to godhood hungers for power just as he did and it could never be stated you Unleashed something that would consume all magic in existence and yet you thought only of serving yourself so that's what you're scared of the crown of casters reforged I could take control of the carside weave you can no more control The carsite Weave than a weather thing could control a storm that it entered your body and consumed no more than your powers was a miracle but we will not be grown wrong the only reason the orb sleeps is because I have allowed it to feed on the True Weave temporary measure but one that will not be enough to with each day that passes the Elder brain threatens to become a new kind of God it's worshipers a scourge of soulless illicits if you will not use the orb to end this Abomination then you must find a way to separate crown and host when you've done this you must surrender the crown of courses to me great ask indeed you've given me much to think on as you always did so be it follow the needle of your own wisdom we shall see how truly it leads you back on Mortal soil once more after all this time relieved drained proud of myself for summoning the courage to go to her in the first place and if I'm being totally honest bit light-headed as if it wasn't enough to have seen her again she didn't exactly summer me there for small talk like sight weave within me this whole time I knew the orb was no ordinary ball of magic before it to be Carson's malignant creation gods how did I not see that as always I Endeavor to be invigorated by your candor rather than eviscerated by it blunt as your summation is it's correct I dared to call myself an archmage while acting The Apprentice the Hallmarks of the most excellent idiot unfortunately at least now I'm armed with the truth and mistress expectations sounds like the door to Redemption is open at last all I have to do is walk through it carrying the crown of casus perhaps I see a few other options open to me if I ever want to reclaim those parts of myself the orb snatched away I'll have to disagree with you there having not one but two parasitic entities within your body does very little for one's faith in one's personality still I should take the compliment with the same generosity it was given so thank you if I can promise you one thing in return for your faith in me it's this I will use everything in my power to ensure we defeat this evil I will not let you down now I believe we have a date with an elder brain to get to shall we is something on your mind you can always unburden yourself in me [Music] strangely no once a mere glimpse of her face would have been enough to turn my insides over not this time in her likeness I used to read a thousand stories she was Beauty wisdom Elegance power contain universes but now as hard as the only redeeming qualities and a lover who condemned you to death I'd much rather gaze into your eyes than hers yours are capable of tenderness feeling no God could ever compare my love I hope you enjoyed our Voyage Through the cosmos I was hoping you might have a moment to talk about it hope you don't think less of me great ambition should not come at the expense of what you already hold dear I see that now I suppose I invited that caution I hear in your voice and I'll do my best to ease any lingering misgivings highest ambition I Harbor now is to see you smile always strolling these streets together would have been quite magical in other circumstances this is all a tad apocalyptic for my liking I hope that wasn't our last kiss I'll take a thousand more if I could when I'm glad you have such confidence in our endeavor Fess my own's not constructed from such immutable materials I don't dare to imagine making such a decision when there's the small matter of the enormous brain beneath the crown still to overcome ask me again when the elected Scourge has been wiped from this city and I'll have an answer for you until then let's not account on anything I'm cautiously optimistic though with the time left to us and the amount still to be done it's best we don't take anything for granted we'll shape these final moments of ours minus Hume not I not mistra not even you whatever my fate might be I'll be glad to greet it in such fine company I need a ream of parchment longer than an elder brain stem to capture the tumult I feel at that particular Prospect if that's the word you need to hear if you call on me I will not let you down oh it occurs to you as he gaze at the monstrosity above all remains an option one that could put an end to the absolute once or plotting something are you come on man now with it I'd rather know before we take on that cerebral monstrosity oh my God [Music] [Music] says the crown of Casas the site of power sight of domination place where the nether Stones can enforce control [Music] foreign [Music] your feelings your weaknesses and so do possible reconsider assassins implore surrender at last it is subdued Sammy join me wield me become absolute and thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my line the brain is on the cusp of its final thought and it's taking all of orpheus's strength to keep it there an opportunity perhaps [Music] I must end [Music] but it seems that Gail's mind is elsewhere the crown it's somewhere in the giantha if I Salvage the stones I can reforge it [Music] the power of casus would be in my hands [Music] uh [Music] what about then what would I do with it once I have it [Music] foreign and I intend to heat it a wise man learns from his mistakes and strives not to repeat them I shall bring the crown to mistra shall cure me of my Affliction and I'll finally be free [Music] I'm sure if this adventure has taught me anything is that there are things in this world far more valuable than power you for example you're always wiser than me when it mattered most besides going quite fond of this merry band of ours and I quite like to see what happens to it I'm sure Mr will summer me soon enough but until then I propose we celebrate our Victory the Mortal way with a drink in our hands and Reckless abandon in our hearts that might be the smartest thing you think I'm curious after all the Wonders and monstrosities we've witnessed working beside you seems more unreal than any of it I've forgotten what it felt like degree to Sunrise without fear of it being my last soon I'll deliver the crown to mystra and be rid of the orb at long last I'll be free oh him huh I've been thinking a lot about that Gale of Water Deep sounds a bit pompous don't you think I thought I might take this opportunity to reinvent myself or uninvent myself to be more accurate well now in the company of plain old Gail dakarius the most brilliant wizard of intentionally limited renown At Your Service now I believe this is the moment where I should get to my point so to speak I love you more than I've ever loved anyone mortal or immortal and you've proven your love for me in more ways than even the greatest mathematicians would dare to count that being said I wondered if you might consider accompanying me back to waterdeep as a new member of the dakaria's clap I suppose I am Tara will be delighted not to mention my mother but I'll be just as happy without such ceremony so long as we're together you will oh thank goodness for that we'll need to make the arrangements of course that Aquarius clown is scattered far and wide and you'll have invites of your own to send out I'm sure but that's all to come the day is Young and there are thousands more days ahead of us
Channel: Modron
Views: 106,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldursgate3, larianstudios, gale, romance
Id: RXUt79ouma4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 14sec (9254 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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