Bonding with Halsin (+romance) | BG3 🐻🦆

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open the bloody gate nobody gets in zor's orders that pack of goblins will be on us any second what's going on goblins are on our tail open the gates seor now you let goblins here where is The Druids please there's no time by the nine Hells open the gates Canon no [ __ ] former line that was the last of them inside all of you more may follow open the gate there are children here you fool we was running for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too [Music] unbelievable and who the hell are you again show some respect This Woman Saved your pathetic life well I didn't ask for any goddamn help please you were begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward the human's eye twitches he's about to blow you're right there's too much at stake worried about your precious Ides the both of you enough squabbling is pointless the Goblins have found us at least we agree on that forgive that display arin's a blo hard but that's no cause for me to join him thank you for your help out there I'm zor well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve there have been several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters I've tried cgga their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing else really we're Messengers now we'd owe you a great de dead if we're forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense before more lives are lost let my daughter go right now she's a thief hell spawn and you will wait for C's judgment now get back let me through madem or I'll RI your Dam throat out [Music] come magron give her a chance you get back keep back force my hand and I'll show you its claws a moment gona what oh I understand you apparently kga wants to see you go ahead please I'm sorry this is madness corga she's just a a what wrath a thief a poison a threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger girl you mean parasite she eats our food drinks our water then steals our most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is Restless come K we took back the idol surely do it [Music] very well she may go break your word and my serpent shall feed te it to me out Thief my Grace has its limit it hurts thank you CGA Master holon hson isn't here keep his name off your tongue lest hea pierce it you did well to speak up for the girl that snake is fickle a tragedy prevented well seen well spotted we've let a snake replace our leader she is first Druid in Hon's absence with him caught or dared by goblins none may gain s but more will die if her ritual is finished I doubt those exil by the right will survive long outside would you I would give anything to see hon return home sylvanas's blessing upon you and my gratitude as well hon is an elf with the presence of a bear he left West with The Adventurous you won't mistake the first Druid for anyone else I see you just give me a moment this may be C there it's up to her now life or death now what was it you needed I do what I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you you seem healthy enough a bit tired around the eyes maybe a tad pole a mind flare tadpool that's a serious condition come follow me I might be able to help this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods together with some goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon [Music] after [Music] rather too common as of late at least that's what Master hson suspected I pity you got me instead of him he understands these things studi them still we have options all right let's see what we can do it might but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening looking closer you realize you've seen this thorn in the Wilds it's calor's kiss a Brier from the Dale lands and a deadly poison I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happened to you victims can identify each other not that the others know their victims of course how' you pick up the parasite hson was desperate to find where all this was happening a mine flare ship but master hson was sure look you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous if you transform here we're all dead but you seem like a good Soul you deserve a chance to save yourself this is a vial of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more master hson and I were tracking them studying trying to figure out what the hell was going on because you should all be changing there should be a small army of mine flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal for one that thing in your head is like nothing we've ever seen from mine flares it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you Powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn turn you into one of them not yet anyhow could be but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old Temple of saluna and I've no idea why when Master hson heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back I think so I hope so I sent Birds to find him but they can't get close without goblins trying to shoot them down you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite if you can find hson and get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound thank you it would mean everything to the grow to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there all I can say for sure is they all went to the old Temple of saluna and master hson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your go on say it you think I'm a monster what that damn nose of yours has gone poking in our business Mr olon I can explain no need it couldn't be helped kga what is the meaning of this you think yourself quite the Spy don't you go on tell him what in the cloak word kga have you lost your mind hson is weak wrath the but in the shadows we are strong we are safe there is no other way you and alen welcome un touchables to your midst you defile The Grove for the sake of Harmony Olan speaks truth who among you disagrees who would see this Grove in ruin the choice is made k burn the tainted away start with a snitch as you say Allan no you you don't know what you say in Shadow we are purified K's voice breaks and her lips tremble she heard reason in your words when when The Darkest Hour fell it was us that brought light Sylvanas demands we illuminate Shadow not hide within it how was I so blind careful CGA the Shadows don't forgive I belong to the Shadows no longer you've no power over me you would question my power Mother Earth hear me grant me your wrath wrath thought me a danger seems I've proven him right I was thinking I could make a safe a foolish notion to think we'd find comfort in Shadow I endangered a child I betrayed the circle's trust we will stop the right and I will stand trial my fate lies with sanus may he have [Music] mercy it began with a letter there was no messenger it simply appeared Olan came soon after an army was coming she said goblins Dr and more still Legions upon Legions The Druids of cloakwood knew the dangers this would bring they ordained that all circles cast the right to Shelter From The Storm Olin taught me to harness the tree father's power to wall Us in in return well you know the rest I would turn turn the Grove over to them I won't forget the wounds I've inflicted I pray hin returns to heal them in full we will grant them Safe Harbor until they depart meanwhile help us contend with the goblins perhaps we can dissuade them from attacking what who if he ain't one of us and if he's here he's down in the pits down in the pit it's no less sounds ominous among creatures that love blood Sports better step to it poor lad I could give you peace you know but no you got to keep silent don't you where do they flee to you stubborn rats please stop here to see your friends friend of you come and join him if you like say will take over his work is sloppy he'll kill the prisoner too quickly as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority your mind lurches reeling suddenly as if bitten s sorry Mom I didn't realize he's all yours just ju just don't be too rough maybe moonrise Towers might still want to take him please please let me out there's no reason for this the lock clicks and opens thank you I I better go before they catch us I should be able to make it to the Grove on my own they need to know they're in danger Elson I I don't know he changed into a bear but I lost sight of him I don't know if he's still alive pardon the viscera one should cherish all of Nature's bouny but goblin gut are quite far down the list you aided a bear without knowing if it would Savage you a true friend of nature or perhaps a lunatic either way I owe thanks I am the Druid hson I must admit I didn't expect anyone would come to my Aid who in their right mind would infiltrate a goblin infested Temple unless that look in your eyes I've seen it before are you feeling all right Oak father preserve you child you're infected aren't you the Mind flares spawn but something's different you're aware of the monster inside you you don't bow to the absolute like the true Souls do how is this possible H that looks very alien as alien as the mind fls they do not belong on this world it's no coincidence that you found me here Al wager you're after a cure for this parasite I've been studying these parasites for a while now ever since I discovered these so-called true souls are infected with them someone is using very powerful magic to modify these tadpoles they're using them to exert control over the infected I'm sorry to say I can't undo that magic which means I can't to cure you but that doesn't mean I can't help I didn't find what I came here for the way to remove the tadpoles but I found the next best thing I found out where they come from that must be where these enchantments are placed on them and it's where you'll find your cure I overheard that the cultists are sending all of their captives to moonrise Towers Innocents go in true Souls come out given that all of these true souls are infected it has to be the source for this magic if you want to find a cure you must head there and discover how the tadpoles are being manipulated gladly but first I must return to the Grove as you made short work of the blin's leaders there's nothing stopping me come join me in your own time I can see to some matters there and we can discuss what comes next amidst more bucolic surroundings than here a scout just reported the Goblins leadership has been decimated we might escape this place yet I took a collection from all of us it isn't much but you've earned it it's not enough but it's all we have hen will likely want to thank you too mind he returned just a while ago I believe he's catching up with corer as for us no armies at our heels amazing we can finally leave but perhaps we need not speak of farewells we'll join your camp tonight to celebrate if you'll have us you took it upon yourself to undertake the right of Thorns I ought to Exile you from this place forever instead I shall listen to the explanation that you owe me an error most grave master I beg your Grace Grace is bestowed by Nature not me you will stay as a novice a new you have forgotten the ways of The Druids the natural order of things it is up to you to prove the lessons have been learned once more so as you say and so it is done Master she shows great insolence but time will humble her and the Grove still needs her you will soon see why but enough of that for now I owe you my thanks The Grove stands nature prevails and again I am in your debt speak to wrath he will reward you for your efforts the journey to moonrise towers and all the dangers that that entails but that's tomorrow's problem take some time for yourself tonight rest celebrate come morning I'll be by your side go on now don't waste a night like this talking to me we'll discuss your problem [Music] tomorrow in truth I rarely imbibe the stuff goes right to my head before you know it I'd be breaking into song or declaring love to the first person I laid eyes on then you have never heard me singing when which makes you very [Music] fortunate go on enjoy yourself seek out some wine before it runs dry there are a lot of thirsty people around here I trust you enjoyed your evening after all your efforts it was well deserved it may be some time before you afforded another such night there is much to be done and I promised I I would help you however I could I'm certain a cure for you can be found at moonrise Towers but it's complicated the journey specifically it's extremely perilous though it seems you're well accustomed to navigating danger wait there's more you need to know to get to the towers you'll need to pass through a terrible place a cursed place this curse shrouds everything in Shadow you will not find life light or anything natural there any who linger are twisted by the curse they become Shadow beings tormented dangerous Souls you're half right you have to get to moonrise but you still have a choice of how to get there you could go Overland along the Risen Road or through the mountains easier at first but you'll run into the shadow curse eventually you could also go under there is a tunnel somewhere in the ruined Temple of saluna it leads to moonrise Towers through the underd dark long ago a man called Krick Thor built a secret stronghold deep down there before rallying a whole Army of dark justicious sha worshippers sounds rather ingenious aridan and his lot were looking for a way down there they were promised riches if they retrieved A Relic called The Night song but I think there's more from this stronghold krick's forces could access both the Temple of saluna and moonrise Towers but he was defeated before he could launch an attack if you can find this place I'll wager it will reveal a more direct path to moonrise towers and May maybe even bypass the worst of the Shadow curse already if only I'd gone with you instead of aradin I would like to join your Camp if you'll allow me I can offer my skills my counsel I've long sought to return to moonrise Towers it seems our Fates have aligned unfinished business and a lifetime of regret to repair I helped overthrow cthc thorman his dark justicious years ago but I failed to prevent him from unleashing Darkness across the region before he was defeated I spent years researching The Curse trying to put an end to it nothing has worked yet if I can join you and get close to moonrise perhaps I can lift this curse same as you may find a cure for your infection May sylvanus guide us Oak father's blessings to you I studed one up close closer than most would care to be to those things a Dr attacked me and I defended myself afterwards I was able to examine the tadpole that emerged hideous but fascinating like nothing else in nature I'm glad to say hopefully I've chosen a successor as first Druid Franchesca of the high Forest I sent a bird to summon her precisely who indeed you do not know and neither do any of the others The Grove needs to move beyond the mistakes of the past what it needs is an unknown quantity an outsider who can enforce the y father's teachings without bias this is why I chose Franchesca she will restore Simplicity and Purity to The Grove in my absence contrary to how some think of us we Druids can play politics when necessary it's had the whole region around moonrise Towers in a Chokehold of darkness and despair for years now those who remained are Shadow Cur if you don't die at their hands then you become one of them we have to get to moonrise but the less time we spend in its blighted surrounds the better precious little but I'm quite certain it can still be found one of his cohorts a dwarf called Brian had a clue on his person if you find his corpse in the Goblins Camp you may have a start well there's hardly anyone left to share the responsibility with few who witnessed the fall of moonrise still draw breath what cck Thor Unleashed is not something that nature can undo by itself I must do what I can I studied the shadow curse for years but to truly understand it and stop it it I must reach its source perhaps but we'll need to get closer before I can put my theory into practice put it from your mind for now once we near the curse then there will be more to be said miss it oh dear no it's a terrible burden takes you away from nature and forces you to deal with others problems and personalities be wary of anyone who actually wants such a role I say likely they don't understand it or they have ill intent I'm just glad to be out here amidst the oak father's Creations wonderfully if I'm honest The Grove was too comfortable for my tastes I felt removed from nature I miss my books that I can find all the wisdom they contain out here firsthand is that so well nature does a Poore waste I will keep watch thank you I had a feeling time in your company would prove fruitful there are few things that are too strong for me and cast those regrets aside you did not get caught up in the moment you seized it in other circumstances I would have done the same perhaps but best to not dwell on Knights past there are plenty more yet to come you wish to speak impressive most would Quaker the mere thought of delving that far into the underd dark what did you find I'm certain the underd dark is dangerous yes but the alternative is suicide be patient and be thorough the path will reveal itself in time it may prove impossible to avoid the shadow curse entirely but if you find any way to limit your exposure seize it with such stimulating company never better I won't have to worry about the Sun at least the shadow curses upon us as foul as I remember it perhaps even worse but with the oak father's blessing we may soon see it banished from these [Music] lands this land is more than just soil and rock root and leaf it is a living being in the form of a young Fay boy with the forest itself in his eyes his name is thanel I've met him in my meditations but since the curse was Unleashed I have not felt his presence he is its prisoner I fear and as long as he remains so his domain will lie in darkness but if we can find him we can break the curse if you learn anything of the Shadow fell or of a boy with the forest in his eyes find me at once I can't be exact unfortunately time and the shadow curse won't have been kind to any traces that would have been left behind a living witness is unlikely I'll ad admit but perhaps there'll be an unliving witness or some lingering echo of what we seek don't worry if you find something you will know it it's not easy seeing the ravages of the Shadow curse but your Camp is a most welcome Solace you've shared your fire with me your company a small pocket of light against the darkness but one I couldn't do without thank you you're too modest by far what fate would I have met without you rotting in the goblin cells dying against an onslaught on the Grove more good has been done since I met you than in a hundred years before what words cannot express my gratitude yes I think you do forgive me sometimes I forget myself gazing on the beauty of Nature's Creations Stay Together keep to the light stop who's there it'll be you unless you show yourself come out slowly yonas move in gonus Gus I'm here where are you yonus can you see our torches I can't see anything some something's wrong follow my voice come back to the light who's there ni is that yodis there you are come join me yonas harus you heard the woman two arms well done now we've got to move I know a safe place give me your map keep your torch high if you step into the Shadows you'll be fed in a heartbeat remember stay in the light or you're done for Harpers move out you there step for forward and keep your hands off your weapons easy she's with me come jira nervous I've an inkling you've reason to be this is why we're here if you see it is a curious creature that hides all manner of Secrets but if there's one thing that we know it's that it knows its own kind you should never have come here true soul stop what you doing she's the one who saved us she's the one who protected the emerald Grove yep didn't leave a goblin standing not so bad to hang around with either saved two of my friends one from a harpy and one from a mad drude with a snake didn't make a fuss of our thie either I'd pretty much trust her with My Life True Soul Within mind of her own how is that possible enlighten me now what in the hells is that thing congratulations you've earned yourself the benefit of the doubt hear me Harpers all clear at ease I'll not pretend to understand what that artifact is but I'm old and wise enough to recognize a sliver of Hope when it crawls out of the dark tell me why have you come here you're just in time for happy hour there's food in the Inn over there beds too if you require rest yellow oil in the cupboard in case the vines gave you a rash settle in then come join me for a drink you may just be the godsend we've been praying for he still won't speak just keeps going with the bloody song nothing of use on his person his original RIT of Duty signed by Elan himself fella must be one of the very first flaming fist he must know something let's not give up on him yet flame color that's your name isn't it art color and fistel me climb climb climbing up a tree wait we need you sir one of our own's been taken a grand Juke you might know something that could help us bring him back we found him out in the shadows just wandering nothing survives out there for long don't know how he made it or where he came from this is no physical ailment it is a spiritual Malay the man's mind has been gripped by the shadow fell yet it has not broken really could you bring him here you'd be glad of the help wouldn't you sir you hear me don't you sir you might not be able to answer but you hear me you know how to get through to him don't hesitate we are living we are dead two of us safe to the without a reminder of who he is of what he held dear his mind will remain lost to the darkness his fingertips sport chuses and toughen skin as if from manual labor or playing a stringed instrument perhaps if he does he isn't saying this was in his pocket he doesn't seem to have any reaction to it now but he held on to it for a 100 Years anyway he is then I must see him insensible or not he knows something I will go to see him at once join me when you can than you and me climb climb climbing up a tree it's true then he's met thaniel there's no other way he'd know that name this is just what we needed well done we need to wake him he must know something about where to find thanel I don't deserve you my friend than you and me clb climbing up a tree he keeps saying thel's name he must know more we need to Rouse him good its music might help restore him show it to him Daniel he's still trapped there he needs help calm breathe you've been trapped in the shadowfell for a century take a moment to clear your mind a century you H thanel said to find you you must help him please I will but I need to know where thanel is if I Venture into the shadow fell blind I will never find him I'm not sure I can put it into words the landscape there shifts and changes lavender whenever I saw thanel I always smelled lavender I can work with that rest now meet me by the Lakes Shore I have what we need to proceed but I'll need your help be ready this may prove perilous you're here good now we can begin thanel is trapped in the shadow fell but thanks to your efforts I know where to look now I must go there alone with the oak father's blessing I can Infiltrate The shadowfell but doing so will sap my strength I'll need your help if I'm to return I need you to stay here keep the portal open until I return and defend it at all costs no if there's any interference with the portal then our one chance is lost forever and so am I I'd rather have you by my side but this is the only way it took me years of study of seeking the oak father's favor to find a way to part the veil pray that this works Oak father hear me Aid me Force open the draws of Darkness make passage for Your Vessel of light it's ready I'll return with thaniel as soon as possible stay close to the portal buy me what time you can it's done I have him [Music] but something's wrong dreadfully wrong no it can't be yes I'll bring him back to Camp he'll be safest with us I need to examine him I need to understand what's wrong it's almost like something's missing from him come see us when you can thanel is resting but it's no easy Slumber I discovered what's wrong with him the Shadows rendered him in two when they bore him away to the shadowfell half of his Essence remained here amidst the curse what stayed behind would have been the strongest part of him but after all these years left in the darkness corruption must have taken hold it's both simple and not we need to find thani's missing half and make him whole again only the missing half may not come willingly the curse will have sunk its tendrils deep twisting thel's Essence into something else no matter how it's been Twisted by the Shadows it is still part of thel's essence it will resemble him somehow and may show signs of his power look for signs of life in the darkness wild flowers where everything else is dead the curse cannot subdue the power thanel bears not entirely in fact I saw just the SW before not long after we first came Within Reach of the Shadow curse fool that I am I did not grasp their significance at the time there is a ruin some way outside of last Light I caught a glimpse of fresh blooms there but did not investigate further I shall mark it upon your map this doesn't have to be your burden alone every moment counts and I've asked much of you already without being at your side if you want me I'm yours against the curse against the absolute anything just say the word only by a reputation she was present when we marched against kth Thor but on the far end of the battle lines from where I fought and in the chaos that ensued well our forces were scattered I led some to safety but never learned of her fate I'm glad to hear she survived though in truth I should not be surprised she was always said to be formidable and cunning I could have learned much from her no doubt there is much to admire judging by the stories I cannot help but wonder how she would have handled some of the challenges I faced as Arch Druid defended The Grove kga the shadow Druids at least now we can benefit from her presence and perhaps work to a common goal honestly I never thought I'd make it that far but the absolute is a threat to all and I promised I'd help you with your parasite so I'll remain with you if you'll have me that is so do I but one duty at a time Druids and Harpers joined together to put a stop to cic Thor we marched on Moonrise and after much fighting we prevailed even in defeat though cck turned to sha not long after we sealed him away in his tomb the shadow curse took hold no one had seen the likes of it before no one knew how to react then it start started to claim all those within its reach those who had survived the battles now fell to the Shadows became part of the shadows and worst of all I lost contact with thanel I wanted to try and find him but we couldn't stay we would have all succumbed when the arch jid of The Grove my predecessor was seized by the curse I had to leave the survivors to safety that was my first day as Arch drew it an inauspicious beginning indeed I know that all too well it's true and I can't imagine I helped with that sometimes I let the task at hand consume me and people think I'm obsessed trust me the day I no longer have to talk about the shadow curse will be a happy one what would you like to know I had a friend when I was young long ago he played with me in the forests where I grew up but eventually I realized no one else had heard of him it was Daniel of course Nat was my very first friend I get older but he hasn't changed a day I knew then that I had to be more than a companion to him I had to be a protector I am trust me it's been said you show more restraint than most in avoiding the subject until now it's a natural question but I don't have a good answer I'm afraid perhaps there's an a half orc buried somewhere in my ancestry or perhaps not sometimes sometimes I think conventional wisdom is too narrow about what someone can or cannot be stranger things have most certainly [Music] happened you're not a doppelganger are you trying to study me to learn all my secrets so you can take my place save for me my line perished a long time ago they rest in high Forest now near the shade of the grandfather tree The Grove became my family with Sylvanas as my teacher and now I have [Music] you it was a long time ago the wounds don't heal but they become more [Music] bearable I'm 350 years old of course of course there have been lovers just because I love nature doesn't mean I'm betro to it though sometimes nature needs reminding well um I didn't pick this scar up in battle I was in Wild shape only I forgot it was the season when bears are particularly social a she bear claimed me as her own and did not appreciate being [Music] spurned right now I bed down alone I'm afraid perhaps once I talk less of curses and parasites my fortunes will improve [Music] H um I suppose you wouldn't be shocked to learn I love animals in nature I I know I know well trodden territory uh well then let's see um I Whittle in my spare time and I've have something of a sweet tooth although everyone's very amused when I say I like [Music] honey ornaments utensils and Ducks I like ducks Thank Me by returning the favor why don't you come on I'm sure you've something better than carving wooden ducks well they are Fierce creatures from what I understand but as long as you avoid the high seas I think you can consider yourself safe anytime given the circumstances you're fairing as well as can be expected I suppose Bo I scared you I saw it nobody beats me at hide and seek that's him like an echo of thanel remolded by the curse we need him if we're to put a stop to all of this will you play with me spoil sport I'm not going back I like it here I made a family for myself I get to play all the time not harder impossible I don't want to play with you anymore he's fled we need to track him down wherever the curse is the strongest that's where he'll go that's where he'll feel safe why couldn't you just leave me alone why can't I just stay here playing I had everything I've ever wanted right here and you've ruined it I'm not leaving you can't make me be gentle he's much more than a child but he doesn't truly know [Music] that he's nothing to me he left me here here all this time I had to do everything for myself even when it was scary even when I was alone I didn't give up but would he even want me back I've changed a [Music] lot so wouldn't have to make up friends to play with anymore I'd have someone real I'd like that and he would too I think all right I'll do it I want to do it well done are you crying you're a bit big to be crying but I suppose that's okay bye and thank you for playing with [Music] me it's done at last soon the land will be unshrouded we should return to thanel when we can the Druid hen spoke to me while I was sleeping he spoke of you said that you fought Shadow and spite to restore me a 100 Years of sickness almost ended I feel every roote that riddles the Earth beginning to unfold but there is one anchor still holding the shadows in place the soul that brought it into being for the land to heal Krick Thor must die we did as we was told General followed every order the facts suggest otherwise you were ordered to retrieve the artifact you failed to do so ass no no it was men she got the orders she enough a blast of mental energy washes over you filling the room your Tad pulse squirms urging you to obey you failed to retrieve the artifact you failed to protect your true Soul you do not deserve to live Mercy General please PE General th let our newest arrival speak you have seen what these creatures are capable of and you have seen their inadequacies isn't that so what is your judgment you know I'm loyal tell him enough true Soul tell the general how the Goblins served our cause thank you I'm glad someone noticed I'm sure they were very enthusiastic but Zeal without efficacy is for children not servants we are too close to the ending and the new beginning I can cuddle failure no longer kill them quickly what no you cring old bag [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] I'm so sorry my Lord she's an unbeliever outside my control try again [Music] [Music] dispose of the r as you see fit or better yet put that true soul to use you have far more important matters to attend to or have you forgotten of course not my Lord thank you you heard the general the Goblins are yours deal with them however you wish they are yours you can release them kill them or feed them to each other for all I care just deal with them here in the seat of the absolutes power your authority over them is complete they will obey any command report to me upstairs when you're done there is a Tremor of Shar ecstasy as she finds a mirror to her own desire perfect you crave what all true souls should to be touched by the absolute I have already been blessed to stand in her presence it was Bliss she gave me everything I wanted to take without asking to feel without doubting and to kill without consequence in a word freedom I choose to serve and I'm glad to your words are dangerously close to heresy true soul of course and when Boulder's Gate Falls it won't be long until those that serve General Thor well will rule the sword Coast alongside him you can be among them I have a mission that will earn you the General's favor that's it play along the closer you can get to the general the closer you'll be to the answers you seek [Music] there is a relic that General Thor requires he sent his most trusted advisor disciple balazar to retrieve it The Relic is beneath the Thor family melum that is where you will find Bazar but we have lost contact with him go there Aid balazar if you can and bring the Relic home and I accompanied him it was destroyed shortly after he left moonrise hardly a surprise we're protected here but outside the Shadows are hungry it is something that General Thor desires and that he has ordered us to retrieve that is all you need to know she's suddenly nervous on edge talking about The Relic makes her anxious I am in awe of the power The Relic must hold to be of such importance General Thor will not leave moonrise without it party is gathered you are ready or so you hope as you step into the silent water a forign dread travels through you it curls its way up your leg squeezing tight lady sha I can feel her all around this is her domain this is the shadow fell you cleared the way for me true Soul what promising flesh you are as a reward I shall let you bear witness to my masterpiece this is the dark lady's domain he does not belong here my name is balazar trusted adviser of General Krick Thorn surely he spoke of me if he sent you to my Aid I had been trying to reach this place to retrieve something of Great Value and thanks to you the path is unblocked Bravo Now get on with it try not to lose your footing I'd hate to see good flesh wasted on a long fall into Oblivion all I have felt you coming the first in a century you who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart not a dagger a spear my lady sh's spear her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark justicier is to turn your heart from everything but loss you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death well well well what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin for I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know of me won't matter once I become who I meant to be lay a hand on me in friendship not quite Shon and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to [Music] discuss Our Lady of Sila hear me she who guides the moon Maiden Zuna mother of the socalled Night song The Night song is no [Music] [Music] more [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Unshackled From Shadows she will rise in moonlit glory and carve a path of brightness to the accursed one's second death so saith the wise [Music] Alondo that Beacon of angelic wrath has taken a fight to kic on the rooftop in the first line of defense are dead but storming the tower won't be easy and if we wait too long kic will gather his strength and retaliate for now though he's on the back foot for the first time since he returned from the grave this is it the spearhead moment you brought us this far so how shall we proceed if you're hunting one target among many the key is to isolate and corner it my Harpers and I will be the Noose that closes in around K and as it tightens you go in for the kill Floric left some of her flaming fist they'll Scout the prisons and the barracks below to ensure we're not taken by surprise say the word and we're off at ready Harpers in this Al light there will be victory in this Al light we will avenge the Fallen the time has come gck will taste of Death At Last you said it was under control it isn't you I answer to Gores oh the general voice is this where we salute salute yes with Cleavers through his blood starved flesh how it crawls with failure like flies on lick wet Carion you forget yourself Orin I have played my part you've built an army for our masters true enough but what of the astral prison a rogue true Soul flaunting it under your nose all this time and you ran from her sure that they would follow and deliver it into my hands here if you would cease these distractions the distractions have been yours Krick perhaps we never should have dug your daughter up so you haven't lost your Edge but you're still not as sharp as Orin I wager the Slayer against the undying one that' be fun to see his Crypt breath sings to my senu again again again again again but he must lead the murder march to Border's grave if the weapon is truly in your grasp cck might I suggest closing your fist Orin and I can wait for you no longer the plan proceeds we're going to the city and we expect you to follow Army and the weapon in [Music] toe an elder brain one of the cruestv by mere mortals there we are it wouldn't do to fight in front of our guest behold Duke Renard the absolute H preserve us you wag your word flap in vain olding once the the worm holds the whip your shredded flesh will serve us there you are as predicted what is it I wonder that draws one toward death like a moth to light you could have run away absconded with the prism the one thing that could prevent me from fulfilling my destiny but the lure of one's Destiny is irresistible isn't it perhaps you hope to learn your place in history before you are erased from it a bright flash of clarity before the snuffing out finer Champions than you have tried and failed but perhaps they lacked the fear that drives you your Freedom hanging in the balance let us speak plainly my Lord Merkel gave me the one thing I desired the one thing no other God could grant me my daughter's life returned her heart beating once more for that he asked that I serve as his chosen join aurin and Gores to grow The Cult of the absolute and then take control of it he's never had a more devoted follower I have fought great Wars before in the service of other gods and other powers but for Merkel I would condemn all of fyon to death you are all that stands between me and my destiny and you have brought the prism here I will kill you now and then I will raise you as my [Music] servant with [Music] pleasure impossible death cannot take me I am its Master my Lord hear me nothing I am forsaken you you have no idea what you've done h Isabelle in death the body is cooling that energy radiates from the stone remarkable truly now the picture comes together the absolute is neither God nor man it is the elder brain you saw held here by those three against its will the crown at top the Elder brain its markings suggested was forged in netheril an ancient empire whose Mastery over Magic rivaled that of the Gods the crowns nether magic must be the true source of the parasites abilities this must be what elevates their potential and it must be the reason nobody could heal you if the crown can do this to the parites I dare not imagine what it is doing to the brain one of them I know Lord Enver gach an arms dealer and a slaver a worshipper of Bane the god of tyranny the other is a mystery to me but the way she spoke it's most likely she follows Bal the god of murder C was a follower of Merkel which means the absolute is a front for the gods of death and our enemies are the chosen of the dead three we prepare for for the fight of our lives and the lives of everyone in fyon the army of the absolute is marching on Boulder's Gate within the city an elder brain brimming with power ready to turn everyone within its reach into mind flares all it needs is an order an order the death Gods chosen are on the cusp of giving we must rest control of the brain from The Chosen before that happens we must take their stones our chances of success are slim but we must not fail if we fail everything ends I will be your Shield but you must be the sword and when the chance to strike comes you must take it for there may only be one chance thaniel rests well he's healing very rapidly now that Oliver has returned to him no more than my right hand can absorb my left Oliver is helping thanel to recover they both lie dormant like trees awaiting spring once the curse is lifted they can stand as one or as a pair whatever they wish I hope they will remain as a pair it will be good for them both to have a friend once I'm gone still I would like to return here someday see thanel and Oliver again in my meditations or perhaps in person if the oak father wills it I hope he does I knew I could put my faith in you if only we have met sooner I can't say for certain but we'll see it come to pass long before this place recedes behind us don't worry all is at hand we can depart whenever you're ready I have but perhaps there is more that I want anyway once the curse is lifted nature can take its course without me I belong to your side and I'm glad to be had glad to be with you I mean good now Our Roots can deepen together I swear I can already feel a change in the air like the curse itself knows its time is short the curse has been lifted the land's cleansed of the Shadows krick's reign of living death is over your courage has been tested and in this at least you have [Music] triumphed [Music] now [Music] for [Music] beyond the campsite the city waits in uneasy silence one sleep [Music] away worms crossing the gaping Mo of the city Nature has little control over what happens beyond that bridge I have he speaks to me during my nightly meditations he is well and Oliver also at times they are one and at others they divide easier for playing perhaps and the land thrives also I doubt you would recognize it perhaps one day you and I can both return and see it for ourselves um excuse me I can't find my mom she went looking for herbs that's what she said said it was for the spots she had them all in her hands and face she said she wouldn't be gone long but that was a whole 10 day ago the herbs you know for salving sords would take effect immediately it seems unlikely this child's mother will return it does get quite cold out here I um I'll have another look for her first thanks a lot um hi it's me yenna you remember me right you you were really nice to me before and um my mom hasn't come back yet she might come later I don't think she's coming could we maybe stay here yes you've got a fire and everything I can cook really good whatever you want thank you thank you for a while after the shadow curse was lifted I felt hope in a way that I hadn't felt in years I thought that nature would heal and balance between it and civilization could be restored once and for all yet since we neared the city I've seen more and more signs that I was being naive refugees orphans the downtrodden all being left behind perhaps the shadow Druids were right in their own Twisted way if such Sorrows are the fruits of civilization perhaps there can be no true balance between it and nature look around us you will not have to search for long to see exactly what I mean that poor girl yenna this city will devour her as sure as any wild Predator would do be it through malice or just neglect her fate will be sealed by this place sociey should be judged based on how they treat their most vulnerable Boulder's Gate May deserve harsh judgment from what I've seen so far I wish I knew truly a problem for another day perhaps I just hope there is another day I never quite realized how burdened I was until I met you the threat of the Shadow curse the politics of the Grove I was forgetting who I was but you lifted the fog thank [Music] you you're too modest my wager you don't even know how extraordinary you truly are but I do I have lived a very long time I have taken many lovers my heart does not stir lightly but it does [Music] now [Music] I still have hot blood in my veins nature gifted us our desires and the means to act on them but we mudded its beautiful Simplicity with rules social strictures clothes so I am not bound to Nature I am Unbound in nature I want more than to fight at your side or sit around the campfire with you I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine I think you feel the same way why else would you have been so concerned about whether I had a lover before but tell me I'm wrong and the matter can rest I do not wish to to sour our friendship but I have to know if it can be something [Music] more I was concerned perhaps my imagination was playing tricks on me my stomach was in knots like some lone 90-year-old if we do this I need you to understand exactly what I do not ask of you I will not ask you to dedicate yourself to me I roam as nature Wills me to and your heart remains your own I just wish to share in it some treat their relationships like a Walled Garden tidy tamed cut off from the world that is their right but it is not for me I do as nature does and let my heart run wild desire flourishes wherever it finds purchase it has its place but it is not for me the wolf mates for life but the bear roams free and partners as its Instinct dictates I need to stay true to my nature and you to yours perhaps you are like me or perhaps not when the others are sleeping we'll slip away together and we won't get much [Music] sleep oh you came I was concerned you might have had doubts or that this might have all been too soon perhaps a little do you know how hard it's been for me to need to contain myself I'm almost frightened to touch you if I give in I may not be able to stop until I've devoured you do not misunderstand me I want this as do you I [Music] think [Music] just as nature intended come here to me [Music] [Music] forgive me I uh lost the Run of myself um sometimes if blood runs hot enough it's difficult to tame the Beast I need no further [Music] encouragement you like [Music] it are you certain it will be Untamed vigorous and well [Music] large [Music] speak to me lover that was something I had dreamed about for some time and now I realize just how woefully meager my dreams were compared to the reality I would still be there with you now if the sun hadn't intruded on us and the City hadn't stirred for the day now am open to anything if you can find a piece of furniture that is up to the challenge relationship such terms belong to civilization a little unfamiliar to my lips you know what we share is more fluid more founded in the principles of nature you should feel free to roam as your heart desires you are all I want but I will not hold you to myself let others know the happiness of being with you this city of stone and steel is an endless scream in Nature's womb I have felt no peace here your eyes s there is pain endless and deep but also devotion blazing like the sun you're in love are you not you are wise to admit it when it comes to love vulnerability is armor truth a Lord and trust a shield I pray you wield all three s bring the one you love to me I will look into your hearts and see if your love is eternal or doomed eternally gladly we each know the other's heart to the fullest there is little to fear Here Close Your Eyes little ones be still as Stone to Earth and remember to [Music] breathe glorious your bond is sweeter than Nature's due I see you know you but do you know one another hen Nature's gentle Steward and Furious Defender listen think when is he most comfortable this is the truth I live for the Wilderness comfort for the farm animal snug in its pen your bond beats in pleasure it is an honor to behold we strive to do our utmost to prove ourselves worthy tell me of what is hson most proud this is the truth I sense I will never surpass that moment when Nature awoke from its nightmare our touch has been that of sunlight but now we must ask the Deep the difficult life is full of Victory and loss you cannot have one without the other hen what is his greatest failure it is true nature suffered while I dled and allowed myself to be distracted the curse is no more true but imagine if I'd been faster Bolder better lives would have been saved more than I care to count but I must move on nature demands that I do I had high expectations but even still I am impressed you may know me better than I know myself I press my finger to your bond and find a shield impenetrable it is be beautiful your love is one few have cherish it Go in peace seedlings and know that you made one whose heart was long quiet beat with love and you I was hoping you would ask my my I can tell you are a special one from a single glance you have but to ask and we can grant you a moment of pleasure don't be shy an intriguing pair takes me back to my [Music] youth silly we are the gift one free ride with me or my brother oh perhaps you have greater Ambitions yet trust me you don't want to miss my signature mearan and love trick and is that your partner with you what a gorgeous couple perhaps we could come to an agreement well there are two of us aren't there use your imagination so long as all are willing I see no reason why we should deny ourselves Charming for being a friend who helped amyra we will charge a little less let's go this is thrilling quite the merry little party we have assembled here shall [Music] we I hope you're not afraid of the dark my darling I must snuff out the lights before we begin it's all part of the experience the room is bathed in total darkness so there is nothing to distract from your ecstasy the lady Nim moves your hand to where the clasps of her blouse lie I can't quite believe it a night of passion with the famous hen I might faint before I can spend myself Legends spread of you throughout the city we heard tell that you can change into a bear I hadn't realized I was that popular but we must give the people what they want mustn't we will tonight at last be the night I die during an act of pleasure fur tickles your bare Nethers as the two drows scream in Terror and Delight the drow filled with a at your and hen's habits throughout the night time and time again very well I wouldn't want to risk damaging the room I suppose the Dr filled with awe at your and hen's habits throughout the night time and time again all of Nature's Bounty pales next to you do you need something indeed our time with them was certainly bracing takes me back to some youthful Misadventures in the underd dark it was a long time ago I Was a Fool hearty young Druid intent on seeing the beauty of Nature's unworldly forer and Subterranean glow for myself certain events transpired and I found myself a guest of a noble Dr house for a Time well something between guest prisoner and consort perhaps the passage of time has a strange way of polishing even the most arduous of memories into precious keepsakes had circumstances been slightly different I may have been put to work in mines or killed outright the the house matron took an interest in me and the patron also they saw me as a novelty perhaps I was chained in their bed chamber for n on three years it was not ideal but not without its positives either I did what was necessary to survive and perhaps a few things that were less than necessary don't misunderstand me I feared for my life and wanted my freedom back but I was willing to wait for my moment and eventually it came lol's Noble houses are constantly at each other's throats and eventually some Rivals of my hosts sought to unseat them it was chaos Dr against Dr The Clash of blades echoing throughout Caverns the feel of War blood that I could not see I took my chance and fled while all were distracted I never looked back until I breathed fresh air again and never learned what came of my hosts I received a dispatch from The Grove life carries on there in our absence just as nature intended My Chosen successor Franchesca has proven to be a wise choice perhaps the wisest I ever made as Arch druid [Music] one grand Victory may not be enough to absolve a host of small failers that is where true leadership lies not in winning a single vast battle but in fighting a thousand smaller ones making 10,000 difficult decisions finding balance where none seems possible day after day I was all too eager to surrender my responsibilities towards the Grove perhaps I was never meant to be Arch Druid to be a leader still though I cannot help but wonder if there was more I could have done perhaps Oak father willing I may yet have the chance someday forgive me the shadow curse occupied me so entirely and for so long I almost missed the purpose it gave me now I must find a new one I had hoped there might be a greater sense of balance within the city that its walls might enable Sheltering within it to Foster Community peace yet it is not so unnatural steel beings Patrol the streets the printed word shows discontent and those in need are treated with disdain is this truly what progress looks like sometimes it is difficult to see exactly what we are fighting to save here sometimes the shadow druid's desire to separate nature from all this seems prag Matic not fanatical indeed but I cannot shake it from my mind all the same I was harsh on myself before on my leadership of the Grove the decisions I made perhaps too harsh considering this place my heart Soares just to look upon you what do you need my mind still drifts to that dream I shared with you for a better future for all those who need it but that must wait I remain yours of course ready when you need me pristine darkness in every direction silence but for the gentle rhythmic slap of water on rock as your vessel cuts through deathly silence the air is stale and putrid it's close have the stones ready your blood slows your senses strung so tight they could snap in an instant [Music] you think you know why you are here you think that by killing the Chosen and taking the nether Stones you can destroy me you are [Music] wrong [Music] [Music] it's messing with your mind don't listen to it use the stones [Music] a by eliminating kri Orin and gach you have simply Unbound me exactly as I intended the crown is now mine to command mine alone don't listen to it focus on the crown the crown is not my weakness it is what made me what I am I needed the crown to build an army I needed the chosen to bring to me they would not have surrendered it freely so I gave them what they wanted power just enough that they would play their part in my design their part has ended the next orders will be mine I won't allow it again dominated and you you had your role to play too who do you think told the chosen about the astral prism who do you think planted the knowledge of orus power and the fear of what it could do when the chosen sent my THS to retrieve the prison who do you think let the emperor slip its leash knowing it would be the one to bring you to me were you a part of its plan I only needed one netherstone loosen from The Chosen grasp to guarante my freedom you brought all three back to me in doing so you have liberated me this was your role and it is complete now you will witness The Grand Design we can't afford to let that happen [Music] [Music] this is not [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] the I pulled you out just in time the situation is worse than I thought this is an elder brain no longer the magic of the crown has caused it to evolve it has become something more another NE brain I was as surprised as you were it has been anticipating our every move from the start I underestimated it we will need to rethink our plan Victory eludes us my love but let us press on the stones may have failed us but this is not over while we still draw breath do not seek me again we are done you will live with the consequences of your actions for the little time you have [Music] left [Music] [Music] all this Devastation but we shall Prevail my love we shall Vanquish this blight and watch the healing unfold with the end upon us so long as I'm surviving and I have you by my side I am fairing as well as anyone can be I know we can think of all that we've already survived our our foes should Quake to see us approach them of course but it shall not be the last we shall Triumph our time together does not end [Music] here you are persistent you have function leave them join us witness Perfection witness the ground Des [Music] there it is the crown of cast the sight of power the sight of domination the nether stones may yet work this time impossible pain fear Terror reconsider assess implore surrender there at last it is subdued spare me join me wield me become absolute and thus I honor my mother's Legacy The Grand Design once again ended by my line the brain is on the cusp of its finy thought and it's taking all of orus strength to keep it there an opportunity [Music] perhaps my master I must obey I must end when we joined battle for the last time I did not want to presume we would survive to feel your touch again seemed like a distant dream that made last night all the sweeter part of me wishes we could stay in this room forever you and I but there is a new dorm breaking and I have a part to play the wars of late have left many with nowhere to turn many lost their families their homes some never had them to begin with they need help help that this city canot provide right now I shall Aid them to make a new place for themselves in thel's realm under nature's watch now is the time for us to take care of each other already people are gathering to depart the promise of a new life inspires great haste at last count there were nine whole wagons of children in tow they are my duty now Daddy hson they call me who am I to tell them otherwise and so you shall as soon as you come to visit there will be much for you to see and not a soul among our numbers who will not wish to praise the savior of Boulder's Gate and I well I shall have my own selfish reasons for wanting to see you again if you wish the same then I will watch The Horizon for you each day and fix your image in my mind each night until I feel your touch again was eager to leave the city after the nether brain fell although you remained for a 10day to help the wounded some of them accompanied you when you left their homes were rubble and the promise of a sanctuary sheltered from the city was appealing they helped to build the place you now call home hidden from those who are not welcome open to any who need shelter one day hon returns from a patrol of the borders with a letter held in his jaw you read it to him as you scratch behind his ear an invitation to a gathering of your friends and allies those who stood with you against the absolute the Gathering will not be in the city that you saved though it will be where your adventures together began thou W called here some from above some below for With Thine bond together thou Hast kept the wheel of fate spinning when it threatened to Halt though thou W drawn far apart in the months after the collapse of the absolute tonight fate renews thy Bond once more thou should take care to preserve it it is a great weapon wielded in the hand of good go know one another once more I was eager to attend tonight yet I cannot help but fear that it may be a mistake do you know what I speak of oh to have your confidence you must think me like a mother hen all these months and I haven't been away from what we built together there's a whole Community out in thel's realm that has never known a day without our presence being away from it I cannot help but worry how they will fair in our absence [Music] you are right of course what we have made shall outgrow us both and Oak father willing stand as our Legacy tell me are you happy with the path we tread together I took you from a life of high adventure to one that can be described as any anything but I thought perhaps that seeing everyone once again and hearing of all that they've been doing it might awaken some regret about the life we lead you could have done anything gone with anyone yet you chose [Music] me I am glad to hear it forgive an old fool in need of a little reassurance I am still expecting to stir from the dream you must be eager to speak to some of the others I shall be fine do not allow me to keep you of [Music] course your Embrace makes me feel safer than any armor could do you truly even need to ask of course who could not open their home to a beaed hero of Boulder's Gate ah and I did promise the children I would bring them back a surprise oh imagine their faces I live to serve I shall never Tire of that of course seeing them free and happy may be my proudest achievement and now they have more Playmates than they could ever wish for to make a child smile is to dabble with the power of gods as far as I'm concerned be sure to take your own advice this is a special night for all of us you cannot bear to be apart from me I I see oh no perish the thought I can barely imagine stooping to such barefaced pun mongering the children's sense of humor is rubbing off on me perhaps the balance of the world restored the balance of these lives mortal and otherwise brought to C hear me th Heroes wols friends I have waited long to tell you these words it is over for now thou played thy part in weaving the fabric of Fate itself but for every thread you swed so did the gods unravel another sleep rest Revel but be ready for thou May yet be needed until we meet again I wish thee every possible Fortune health wealth love and above all problems worth soing to [Music] you
Channel: Modron
Views: 64,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldursgate3, larianstudios, halsin, daddyhalsin, bear, ducks, romance, druid
Id: 8DY5z_03ixs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 4sec (9064 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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