Baldur's Gate 3 - Archfey Warlock Playthrough - Ruins, Owlbears and Grove

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foreign hey everyone Jeff here welcome back um it's more Baldur's Gate time we have our defling mother Shadow heart and Gail this is the party we're gonna be going through with until we find um food any new companions that I might not be aware of that uh this is all I know from Early Access so this is what we're going with we're about to uh slay some balance some fake paladins that's the plan right now let me know how the audio is and whatnot with the game I know it's still kind of a work in progress here um I think I want to be up top we might actually want to split the party too now that I think about it like I feel like Gail and myself should be down here actually I feel like I think carlex so I don't know if agreeing to this hump was such a wise idea myself on top all right so she's gonna be right there I hardly afford distractions I guess my amp am I am he's separated no um kind of float down nice all right so he's gonna come in this door as well let's get on with it no these guys are all going to hide and we're going to open this door I believe all right I gotta be careful here cut it out it's the nose out there how about a dragon would that worry you I'll give it a bloody good fight that's for sure only thing you give a dragon is back hell what are you doing get off the boxes we're hiding idiot put the board uh do I have line of sight I do and I have advantage and I have high ground um this is fine violence hasn't gone unnoticed it's about to be returned I hope these are the people that farlac was talking about outmatched oh that's not good oh that's not good at all you can knock out or flee a temporarily hostile enemy in return later they might resent you but will not actively become hostile okay well see I don't think we're necessarily gonna have to do that I suspect oh I can't get line aside from here is that real not really not well that's a whole problem and then I'm gonna run over here and drink a potion and arlac is going to open this door and is going to absolutely wreck this person amp you can also join the battle if you'd like all right whose actual turn is it now oh that's happened amp's turn yay all right that's not enough movement what if I flew what if I flew there I think that's all right yeah critical Miss okay you know what that's fine Car Lot gets to go again or like doesn't get to go again with my friends huh that's awkward oh that was a lot of healing oh no oh [ __ ] are you serious oh everything's everything everything's going terrible um ah drinking other potion this could be an expensive fight scarlet no oh my gosh in my impstead this went terribly very quickly has Shadow already been gone yet I feel like Gail hasn't take Swift as my feet can carry me are they not in the fight what's actually happening oh okay it's finally Shadow Hearts turn that's good um now that we're here 55 to hit him oh 80 to 80 Traders dead I like that um just pass I don't like that Carlock is just bleeding out on the ground that's uh problem please stop shooting My Wizard [Music] um I really wanted one before I always be a gentleman all right so we've got this guy here coming up and it's kind of worrisome I could drop some grease here I could just let him do his damage in this scorching Ray of this person okay good good deal good good deal um now 20 chance for hold version work okay oh it shows you if you're gonna take HP damage now all right you're gonna come over here though so next turn you can walk down um person still 20 chance it's not very good foreign this is probably gonna hurt I have a feeling oh yeah [Music] oh he's level five I did not realize okay throw I would like to throw a potion [Music] right there fantastic and then I would like to not out of here uh hopefully she's not dying I would not like to no I don't want to do the chandelier everyone's up um let's go not great let's go down the ladder let's run away ready for another round in position all right we're gonna make him come back downstairs he uses action on dash that's the best thing that could have ever happened and Palmer strike didn't kill fantastic all right now okay this is all right I would like to bring Legacy of averness searing smite huh interesting I would like to Reckless attack I would like to do I not have another bonus action or is it because I use it on frenzy I guess I don't know meat sorcery this I have like low anything low deck save except plus four from his stupid paladiness what if we just [Music] yeah what if we just did that that guy in particular ly welcome back and if any of Mommy's little friends want to pick up where the others left off they'll find nothing but a pile of Ash yes it was Flames are getting hot not big enough now get out before you get hurt what what is she doing should we should we run should we oh my God um hello oh no what is happening just try it yeah quick trying to fix my uh my second window here hmm transform fit to screen yes yes okay should we go let's loot this guy The Sword of Justice plus one enchantment I like to loot all of this I like to loot all of these people oh a burlap sack just give me just give me it we can use this later yeah let's talk to her now that she's done being on fire good letting off a little steam that was crazy granted the fire lasted a little longer than it should hear that infernal engine for a heart lets me burn as hot as the hells since we're running in overdrive since I left of earnest it seems like a problem won't be seeing my mechanic anytime soon so I'll just make the most of the extra heat just don't get too close until I found a way to calm it down a dynamic Geo of truly shitty bosses but it's a bit early in the game to be getting into tragic backstories let's say the scar show for later after we've worked up an appetite for tragedy meanwhile I'll need to find someone who can tune up my engines sooner rather than later believe me when I say this thing is hot time I face down those paladins they let slip there was an infernal mechanic in the area fling he might be able to stabilize things if I can find him okay what'll happen if you don't maybe I can run like this indefinitely but maybe not hmm thanking you a tune-up would give this rust box of mine a new lease of life she destroyed everything also going to short rest all right stop and I'm gonna pushing on I'm very tempted to just short rest again but I guess we're mostly okay all right can we give can we go ahead and give this sword to her four to Fifteen it's 2d6 plus four versus yeah it's a it's a little bit better for sure um can we sort inventory inventory not as bad as it could have I would like to sort by weight please thank you medium armor I have padded this is a leather my face will guide me if chain shirt you need never a dull moment you need armor it looks stupid but it's fine it's important shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times is there anything else in here since she just like completely wrecked the whole place sure I'll take everything there was a refugee a supply pack more burlap sacks some gold or is a Rapier some different clothes we could put on and potatoes as a resident brotato lover like I am why did you pick those up all right also we want that Rapier I'm not proficient with rapiers well Rick I thought I was that's fine there's so many things over here we don't need padded armor okay given what we've just done oh and there's that shovel we need to pick up a shovel this might be nearby it's important to have them let us teleport back to here because we are now going to go to the ruins uh this way oh carlock's not with us that's not great she's still over here of course whoops does she have on Candy Dodge I need to look um I thought she got that later she has unarmored defense thank you but I don't think that's good yeah she gains two AC right now like for now it's better at some point it might it'll probably be better to switch it out do you want to go up this way are they definitely come from up the top I'm gonna go and short rest again um yeah game is packing is so much better than it used to be carefully now well that guy is about to have a bad day they were uh surprised [Music] surprise surprise surprise I guess we should bring them into the battle so one thing I'm really bad at in this game is I always forget to like bring the whole party in it's been a long rest after this fight I think so we can just like that not another step and then Gail can uh yeah oh grease right here fine I'd love to thanks yeah I've seen a I've seen a couple bugs still already but I push my luck again compared to most AAA games they come out now I'm not going to complain all right let's hex hey um I'm just gonna ask dexterity I'm not I don't know because he's just gonna die he's not gonna die okay well almost jump is so he's poisoned and asleep it's outrageous don't worry [Music] no no no no no don't run that far okay it's kind of fire baby it's fine um I will recklessly I probably should have just frenzy there but it's fine not enough resources no I'm gonna go I know it's not like [Music] super optimized no sore locking you know hex blade pretty good but I feel like for this run it's appropriate where did that's right I can reapply now um put them up satisfying enough that seems completely unnecessary Reckless attack is so good I'm gonna rest after this fight anyway so might as well use it all um that's not gonna work out great how's the sky this guy concentrate okay you fight well perhaps our survival isn't such a distant Prospect found leaves tools he's encumbered of course oh that was the whole thing I was gonna transfer these things can I shift click oh you can shift click oh that makes me so happy I need to sell all this stuff after we get to uh I mean I guess after we'll go to the Druid clip bro I just walked into the entanglement damn it I almost went Shadow Monk our gloomstalker assassin for the first run um but I wanted a Charisma character and I figured if I wanted I can do some nonsense with invocations on the bed now yes I will rest now maybe it'll turn on our tadpole abilities oh what's up yo this is new he never used to do this the blade of Frontiers oh it's shaking you oh maybe that's why my mind flare ship you just can't get enough of me can you Carlock advocatus diaboli the stink of averness baldurian the devil's head and yours if you so much oh great fire Roars through you the fire of the first hell you are the blade of Frontiers racing through the wastes of avernus just ahead a diabolical figure red skin single curled horn blazes with flame bloodied great ax held high he chases the fiend ignited with ranker she is an infernal War devil a threat to the living He evil incarnate your allies are fraud a soldier in the arch Devil's Ariel's Army either I cut her down or she burns the sword Coast to Ash I've tried to tell you I'm not what you think I am she's like I'm a literal ticking time bomb another Vision colax blade raised slicing through Devils zariel's servants as her eyes Dart around seeking esque the man shudders with carlak's desperation is a victim of the blood War not an agent of it but baldrin's helmite no all right you saw the truth I may be an effective Soldier but I never wanted to serve zariel legged it away from her the first chance I got and yet you served scratches Stand Down the man catches his breath and his lips straighten she had dread twists his face no Devils cannot be trusted would you listen to sense this doesn't have to end I'm gonna try to avoid killing any followers in my first playthrough you know monsters right better than anyone look into my eyes you see I'm not what you think [ __ ] you really are no devil are you I've I've been deceived I think the Gods thought I was gonna have to take your head you would have died in the attempt but there have been enough threats today truth I'll do you one better allies are good and ruins them bastards days while we're at it sounds like your kind of venture I've not grown any tentacles yet thank baldrin but luck won't be on our side forever yes you have my blade Your Leader willing of course yeah well Soldier what's the word sure hey and a thousand stories I've pledged my life but tonight I was the rampaging Beast I see the good in you kalak I promise not to lose something that's fair even when the hell's burn hottest that's fair the famous blade of Frontiers in the flesh clever this shadowheart's clearly trouble hero blade name strangers gave me my friends call me will excellent if we ever become friends I'll know what to call you damn she is Savage all right let's talk to Carla blood will Source sense even more glad he decided to stick around takes a pretty slick mover to track down old kalak Fair still the man's got a reputation for being lethal with that blade I'm glad it's on our side all cool you could talk to will but I'm kind of like fairly uninterested right now let's uh let's just hit Ben we have an enormous amount of supplies what Shenanigans are off with tonight nothing let's go pet scratches this is important to me yeah you good boy this game's perfect okay we will now head out to the ruins let's save because I think it's been a minute let's go ahead and well you know what maybe it's an all right out there you put in the tail out I love that I just got her sitting in there we will be deceiving him because that is what we're quite good at quite good indeed Maybe you know [Music] probably your traffic the odds of that you're getting a knife in the goats I mean we could go the other way can we just attack the boys oh no he's not blood I don't want to use my these tools I know there's another way in it's like right over here um I can't believe that it's fine it's fine we're gonna we're going to slaughter all the all of them anyway oh hello dirt now ocean of Glorious vaulting [Music] I wish I could get like a straight top down camera but we're going this way guidance 20. it's a 20. hmm I know you know what we're gonna get it okay all right doing it the other way let's see elbow equipped I feel like that wasn't necessary might be the steps there uh Gail Gail these mortals be my guy what the world no surrender I should be able to get a good cleave here and that's good enough they are all right there huh [Music] can't believe Gail did that all right we're gonna drop this right here oh and then I kind of want to just stand over here so my concentration can't break I'm just gonna hot gate it yeah come on through it's fine and then you need to step up and I really want to change Shadow heart to either Tempest or a work lyric though for this build um and I just like bless you and you and you [Music] know that's unfortunate for you cool cool in Rage throw let's um I put pretty sure I put a javelin on here for a reason no angle trying to hit me like from here no that's it's gonna be out of the way everything's interrupted I don't fancy that chances um yeah we'll just walk inside over here and just okay here Gail is a clown apparently oh look yeah good he he was able to take some damage blood a disadvantage because the target is oh because I have to stand on top of him to do it okay I'm just gonna pass okay deal good AI um you could just jump through right be fine yeah it's fine I would like to Reckless attack well she's gonna get hit [Music] this is acceptable let's cancel cloud of daggers probably should have done that before hitting there all right will you go kill her please smack all right that was obviously easy hilarious that Gail decided to do what he did probably could have set this off too but it's been a long time since I did this drow poison huh you know what I love to do thanks control of her to pick up stuff all right oh yeah let's get going be quick save of course um all right who's got lights element is not around so it might as well uh nobody what's the story Is that real did I really bring a party with like no lights that's crazy okay whatever you know what I'll be fine be fine I can't remember where we're supposed to go in here that's the front door let's go pick up the thieves tools look no handle I think it opens from the other side I've got a lot of books to read I'm not gonna do that while I'm streaming though it's just a lot we have literally no light can she see yeah she can see because she's um I might have to pick up the dark vision invocation I'm pretty sure that's the thing through actually do any of these things have I mean Ravens should have dark vision but across that bridge when we get to it looter's trunk pick up all the things milk can no more prayers only dust and science ancient indecipherable text covers the plaque the dead tongue whoever worshiped here must be longer a book about the ball spawn prices interesting interesting interesting I haven't done this part since literally the first day of Early Access like three years ago so I don't remember anything except there is a room hidden and some skeletons go back this way there's so much stuff fine dust coats the pages of this weathered book beneath the bone white powder hundreds of short obituaries I recorded in tiny script drowning infernal rot fever those are not the ways I want to go we just can I put a candle here and like drag it no I don't know how to get this candle off my hot bar now oops oh hey perception [Music] that opened the door somewhere I just don't remember where was that open before the Dank Crypt okay here we are Place wasn't built for the living copulent chest you say I hit us a short rest it's better than nothing gilded chest on death and Resurrection you say I think this is an important book just tell me things right now oh my God we'll get to that later heavy oak doors oh oh no no no no no this room's trapped this did that disarm all of them or just the single one yeah I thought so did I really fail again unbelievable unbelievable roll again I'm not using my inspiration on that this is bad though foreign naturally the key and the Watchers guide um sure so we need to get across watch how you go there's a trap step carefully there's a trap heavy objects I feel like that's not heavy enough oh guys no no no no no well that I am a magical projection of Gale of water deep and if you see this manifestation that means I have premature okay maybe maybe I should have separated them before I turned on return to off turn base mode Place wasn't built for the living I knew it's there I knew it was there Phil all right can you just like yeah cautious that's fine you guys you guys stand over here got a long road ahead carefully Ansel you're not in range of I wonder can we not fail this time okay cool great these boots have seen everything oh don't don't just walk over it my guy a pathing is out to get us we used the key quick save before we have to do that again what if they just didn't have I wonder what was saying that there was that they commanded protection and we Charmed I'm not sure [Applause] that took the edge off so let's light this place up a little bit ignition not particularly have a very good bite in the dark sort of party yes why not he is why not there is work to do right what now can't slow down chest is back here more strolls of protection from the evil and good a key I think one of the keys goes to this door yes yes no good knowledge without doubt oh yes with such a massive lock I'm sure this will be fine three I'm gonna Channel my warlock powers I thought it needed 20 there for a second that would have been bad oh come on I'm gonna reroll this one I use my inspiration it's okay warlock magic go has the lock opens the loose page comes with it magic Pulses from the parchment what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what religion less whatever Gods names of gods once lost but now restored after the second sundering the last three names in this book sit close together but are so devastated by the scroll as to be unreadable dead three entire pantheons have dwindled and been born silently recorded Sage secrets of the Thundering unlike the Book of the Dead oh oh I got double inspiration there hey I spent one to get two also I'm gluing or is that guidance that's juggle scribe of the dead I didn't think anyone still worshiped him jergel they say gerbil not the name right all right let me push the button what if it matters that we took all of them just one cup down here let them come the darkness can be to our advantage done okay it could be to our advantage but also it could like not be too on our advantage I'm just saying [Music] got to move let's go um do these guys have spells I feel like they might but I don't know so let's just like chill back here okay they have spells uh the entire party is that it's great great good bulking up was the bunching up was a great idea um I am immune to thunder damage so there's that I should probably equip him with like a bow or something well he's not doing anything for a little bit that was a beating all right it's fine car likes my tub absolutely destroy everyone [Applause] hey you um I'm gonna I'm gonna topple you that didn't work at all protect me I've got this hey Frenzy Reckless attacking yeah we are what I rolled a did I roll two twos oh my gosh oh goodness that's not great I just got wrecked um cheese I need to like get out of this silence how smart okay we may have done a little bit of Overkill there but that's fine yeah you don't have a weapon idiot no longer silenced my roles are impressively bad right now Reckless attack again okay why get over there oh that's okay we can throw something we have to throw no I don't wanna why is it it's like timing out on me okay okay well that was pretty decent I mean if it wasn't for that one guy I think it wouldn't have been as exciting my dice rolls right now all right I don't have I do have turn on Dad yeah it's kind of like whatever valuables even after death yeah well we took them first instead just hilariously terrible not helped a lot of effort to hide one sarcophagus special Amulet of lost voices speak with the dad I would like to speak with the dad thanks um equip save believe this is Withers hello I am the Crypt Keeper listen to my tails so he has spoken he sounds way better than me so those standards before me right as always what a curious way to awaken now I have a question for the what is the worth of a single mortal's life what are my options here uh um curiosity nothing more will stop answering my question so I ask again what is the worth of a of a single mortal life to him probably some skin care the one of the matter is mine depends on the mortal each life is of infinite value no life's only value is this currency that depends on a person's Deeds no life is we're all equal [Music] by what standards thou shalts judge very well I am satisfied I feel like you're he's always satisfied we have met unless you attack and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell I I Skeleton Man these coins can be can power infernal engines hmm a strange coin I wonder what it's worth Carla so hey we've got this Soul coin right thing is I think I can use it my engine can anyway as Ariel used to top me up every now and again when she wanted me to go after an especially um we're just putting souls in her nah it'll be fine yeah yeah sort of next time we find ourselves Toe to Toe is something we want to squash drop a coin in see what happens oh my God [ __ ] yes now I just need something to sink my teeth into no she's perfect okay let's um give her the soul point she has the option to consume it great fantastic on I go I don't think there was anything else in here for us let's have Withers just wandering around like uh Madman this way probably with myself as the leader since I have better perception lever who knows if I missed stuff in there okay now we're out here um let's teleport back to The Grove because now we need to do Groove things should make like an actual save uh entering group I just went on a little Adventure while it's gone please open the gate thank you can't help but notice that said he had Arcane hunger span me a moment if you if you oh boy something important to discuss with you we've been traveling together for a while now and it's just about time that I've shared something with you it's rather personal matter that Allah prefer to keep quiet but needs must when the devil drives I have no choice but to speak you see I have this condition very different from the parasite we share but just as deadly is it contagious no nothing like that or if I fail to treat it then the consequences would not be contained to me alone what it comes down to is this every so often I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the weave inside he's a magic item tax and say no more on the matter not now anyway just trust me when I say it's all of vital importance is it it's been days since I last consumed an artifact since before we were abducted it's imperative that I find and consume strands of weave at the earliest possible juncture we've already done the finding in fact you have one in your possession you know for yourself how hard one such an item was and it will be no easier when even more are required to assuage my Hunger which one is he talking about danger and you're in cost splendid bit of boldness will serve us well as luck would have it you're already primed to give me exactly what I need okay [Music] what's all right we're gonna give him something oh okay yeah that's fine no thank you that weird oh the taxes I don't feel it work the magic it's like a lullaby that sings to sleep the demon inside a metaphorical demon I hate to point out but no less dangerous and now let's bound to wake up again to continue its ravages such as the nature of all monsters man he is Hamming this up did you get used to it and worried my tower in waterley was never been so so he's also got an ULU but sincerely though good great I understand I ask a lot but in time all will be told it's more appropriate for twitch honestly my Lord I bowed your boundless kindness you're gonna make me have to steal from people all right anyways children for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable um chill out to the dead at the gate horns horns I'd be lying Dead next to the government if you'd stalled any longer my duty is to this Camp it's a little racist God forbid you risk your precious Tale But I shouldn't be surprised full Bloods ain't known for courage he just won't stop you see the tiefling's jewel clench he's about to erupt um honestly I just want to stand back and watch with a thunk the armored man collapses nice unconscious enough the Goblins have found us no doubt the Beast will be back we need to pack up and leave immediately immediately fighting goblins let's try to avoid any more punching we need to find a heel now that's settled thank you mess with an infernal heart whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve why are they forcing several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no fighters to be fair he does kind of look like a fighter I've tried Koga their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing else I don't know how deep I want to get into the the whole druid Grove thing Goblin got you the Druid how sins a renowned healer but he didn't make it back from aerodyn's I guess we could try and find holes if it's not too serious they could try his Apprentice Nettie she's with the other Druids in the inner Grove they've withdrawn there to prepare this damn ritual of theirs I think you should yes no harm in trying the Diplomatic route we owe you a great debt if we're forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense before more lives are lost okay first start today at the hands of goblins then a foulblooded out for me I'm done with this hell hole all right bye we must have history never mind their history let's look for help yeah I'm looking for a bee fling who knows something about uh or something refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you we beat offers all the Goblins ACT first if you do the ritual will be complete before too long I know it's drastic but more monsters seem to terrorize this region every day yeah we Druids we'll be safe I guess so as for those that took Refuge here well May Sylvanas guard them as they continue their travels as I said it's a drastic measure but the survival of the Grove is Paramount there just aren't enough supplies to support everyone man these guys are some bits and Bobs I no longer need bips and Barbs there are two ways to buy and sell items trading is quick and easy will let you haggle for the best value strangers over us um I would like to get rid of something like something like all of these [Music] um oh no it reset straight well that's fine he's got a lot of things gloves of missile snaring you can intercept missiles from range attacks reduce any damage but wow wow only 352 okay calm down rain dancer please dragons grass Edge Wonder armor chain shirt ring mail plus one it's heavy armor okay I'm going to give you a lot of trash now actually probably you can use bottles for something no I don't want to reset my trade offer I would like these gloves nice stupid apprenticeship nice all right um and then from here I'm just gonna go to trade and we're just gonna not the javelins I want to keep the jablings I guess we had a torch what else is there Morning Star Goblin bows you have anything no not really Sylvanas guide your path that wasn't bad you got some stuff we don't even know these people we don't even know that does we can't just leave they're kin I'll not gamble Our lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for balder's gate at once or just take we can help oh yeah louder that's fine too you should all stay everyone stays Charisma face it's the right thing to do and you know it she's right Roland we're better than this zergen fine I'll stay tuned unless you both end up with your throat slit by Goblin blade thank you Roland thanks Roland and you uh we should have left by now infernal machine instead we're just sitting here practically begging to be attacked staying is a mistake and what about us there's every chance we've doomed ourselves by helping these people we will end up photo for some goblins blade all because Leah insists on helping every wounded fall we see our best chance to make it to Boulder's Gate is on our own this place is lost newest Apprentice the greatest wizard in Boulder's Gate hey I've heard that name before a young man yes lives in Ramos's Tower in the upper City the very same word in Waterleaf has it he's a bit of a cat the best wizard I guess I should say he's an accomplished wizard of course I had to guess the greatest spellcaster along the sword Coast as if I'd settle for a lesser mentor in that case I'd very much appreciate it if you could arrange an introduction should we reach the city if it's powerful acquaintances you're after you have to look no further than yours truly no few can match me in either magic yeah in years to come you will boast of this meeting I can assure you may we meet again in Builders gate my friend all right well [ __ ] yourself he exists children I saw you at the gates you fight well a few words for the kids spare a story or two bad news children you're all gonna die why are you teaching the fight it's that we'll teach them to beg for their lives that's fair the Goblins will chase us to Boulder's Gate and these kids know it a warrior like you could lift their spirits good yeah thanks we've made the children happy OCTA let's see what octo's got you saw you fighting those slimy bastards fancy a bowl best to fill your belly now while we still can what what is it what what's at the ball you want it or not um good suit yourself but the only way we'll make it to Boulder's Gates and run hard if a Knoll catches your scent you'll need every bit of strength albums all the way down will we leave okay Auntie Ethel uh fish isn't the talk of the camp Oh my God thank goodness you came along when you oh there isn't a bit of color in those cheeks cheetah the harsh cold feverish and Tittle will search out I've lotions and Potions Galore just let her do her thing and you'll feel right as rain sweetie oh just just a healing potion nothing fancy here I'm full you just look like you might need a pick-me-up I'm sorry to go on about it all right you're looking awful peaky I sense a trap I've seen it all I once had a fella have been caught dabbling with a dryad the wife was none too pleased and introduced him to a part of oh he got murdered but worry not I fixed him up and depending on the lighting he looks good as new my point is whatever ails you I promise I've seen worse I hardly think that a mad old woman's lotions and Potions are going to cure us we should keep moving what is it pickle I agree feel like burn them only bad things to an inferno around here there we are from El Toro what's your story I spent a good bit of time in the house enlisted against my will by the arch Devil's Ariel same as you I suppose if you're from El Torell the Devils were delighted when your city was swallowed up I thought they had you for Keeps glad you got out I got lucky it looks like you did too and fancy machine Machinery with you a little gift from zariel keeps me burning hot it's very hot by the smell of it might be burning out a piston ring or linking oil mind if I take a listen be my guest but don't get too close or your eyes will melt shut your eyes will literally melt it just bursts at her chest you really are burning up whoever put that engine together tried to house metallicize demono valves inside a ragnac's aloe case those those aren't very worse I might be able to help but I'd need infernal iron and a prayer that my hammer Will Survive for work infernal iron thing isn't meant to operate outside of the Furnace I'm not sure how much longer it will keep running the way it's going will you be able to turn down the temperature a little worried I'm gonna go in for a handshake and cinch someone's arm off one of these days I'd worry about surviving the night first but help one help both if we can cool you off it'll stabilize your engine and allow you to touch whomever you please good touching whoever um where can you buy that since some during our travels it has a pull to it absolutely magnetic once you know what you're or I can show you where I'd look yes please also what do you have Warhammer plus one quarters f plus one all plus one a bunch of plus ones um a bow that gives you Hunter's Mark that's neat those two Shields one saving throw got some decent things okay did he like actually show me where he'd look and we pinned this it's in the blighted village right which I decided to not um decided to go ahead and not get the Waypoint for when I was already there all right we run let me go this way the mission right now is to get Carlock her Iron Heart whatever we are halfway to Four Leaves gross I was raised in the city I'm all used to feeling cobblestones underfoot than grass and fallen leaves things happen up here I've agreed with you nothing quite like I left potatoes on the ground unacceptable oh hello thought you was busy with the foul bloods in Allison's Grove not no more the contract didn't mention no goblins I would have prepped The Lads but better weapons the kind that leaves off your crew dead little pig gobloods for a relic supposedly buried round these parts you're too cool to spend it it's called The Night song supposed to be hidden under the temple where the Goblins jumped us to the temple and wish you a happy funeral Brian kept hold of it like his own sodja goblins made sure to the fat old chunk all I've got is the contract can show you where we turn back if you feel like dying don't thank me take it I'll be well on my way to Baldur's Gate when you die what a dick I'm just glad to be rid of the bloody thing I'm not going to be opposed uh killing this man later if it comes to that we're wasting time I'm also looting that guy all right um first [Music] I was just thinking the same thing but so you would be looking in here it says I see there is a web uh I wonder if a long way foreign trap be cautious okay disarm I'm sure nothing will go wrong I'm sure it'll be fine okay okay I think we're good yeah we're fine we made it peace the dice hi Cliffs blueprints intricate blueprints um a great sort of sickle in the dagger weapon spear another step sword I feel like foreign can't have enough shovels that's for sure thongs and a hammer Hubbard more hammers hmm I really need um I've got to keep moving don't look I really need some light some light would be great she doesn't have any spells to give light okay you know what don't burn yourself we do have a torch right oh you use tools oh I wouldn't look at this cracked wall oh I could go for a good meal I mean the fire damage you say okay well what if you held a torch and you take your sword of justice and just like communist flashing damage huh what if I had a Hammer mall I'm gonna throw a hammer at it that's it okay I'm gonna throw another Hammer [ __ ] you know what enough of the nonsense let's just attack it was funny though um let's be on my way you know as much as I do want to like explore down there the whole point of this was to find infernal iron which I think is going to be in this chest right here if I had to guess then we need a 15 for we'll get it it'll be fine everything's fine nice natural naturally getting it okay infernal iron and a steel forged sword um 26 plus three piercing this can help diamond patch up my engine yes it can um let's just go back there we're doing one one thing at a time we're not doing everything we're gonna get lost maybe road to Baldur's Gate is a long one we'll see who knows how long it'll take these folks to get their own foot if they make it let's go please let's go get that infernal iron for our good friend carlak also got a soul coin for her [Music] I talked to icaron there's a bunch of people I haven't talked to but it's fine one at a time yeah how fast the search I found it let's let this work um the weight of it and that blaze of Chaos I can't imagine this where my heart should be must be quite the experience give me just a moment and I think hammer away there you'll have to install it I'm afraid I don't think there are thick enough gloves in all the Realms to protect me back so happy why why didn't am I so pleased right now I'm still burning hot as Hell's Hole but I feel less tangible pleasure and as for the heat I haven't got any solutions now but I'm not giving up now we need enchantment the combustion chamber had its own insulation or if we had some kind of Enchanted coolant find me again in Boulder's Gate ah okay if I'm worth my salt I'll have figured something out by then take care colic and hopefully the next time I see you I'll have something promising to report pocket any infernal iron you find along the way so what do we all get what what what happened with that Hamels upgrade didn't cool me down but it did juice me up I don't think I've ever felt more powerful oh sooner rather than later would be good I feel like I'm burning serious good Lord oh [ __ ] yes I'm ready to burn all night taking off I could eat a giant Badger is it almost time for dinner what lady she had like some new Buffs now or something the hell's take me um I can't tell maybe the journal says something um nope not really unless it gave us inspiration it must have done something I'm very curious as to what is still alive I don't see any effects though for it so let's just we'll get to the city soon I am not where are we going now you're an idiot the hidden cash sure I don't intend on doing everything on this playthrough I think we're gonna leave The Druids to grow stuff alone foreign pretty sure even Gail can get there now don't fail the Athletics check the heavy chest can't go wrong with the heavy chest anything two silver ingots some gold not insanely exciting but decent View the top of the non-loaded [ __ ] way is there there's stuff on top of the ship I don't think so all right so that being the case let's go can't get there um let's go to where the owl bear is I think is what I'm going to do I'm not like super animal friendly so I don't know how that's gonna go but I do want to um get the Albert Cub I guess but I mean at the same time we don't want to kill the mother owl bear so I don't know just gonna go in there and see what's up kind of did our car LAX stuff for now I guess we could go to netix we could go to Nettie I'm sure this is going to be just fine an unusual place to find a shrine speaking the very same magic keeping his chest sealed I can feel it aura so Gail just consumes magical items like I do wine yeah really mean to talk to you but that's fine group apart nevertheless as quirks go that's a new one for me none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever still no artifact talk thing won't yield its contents easily um what do we just pick up latest okay I mean I think we're gonna want to use that yeah let's let's use the potion and maybe we can talk to Mr Owl dead Helm here feel the Quake this is Albert steps before sure it'll be fine beaked face of the darkness I what's this something weak something tender won't even have to chew you before I feed you to my son soft meat it's a splinter well I've got a bigger threats than you with worse I'm trying to be nice oh let us intimidate the owl bear I'm sure this will be fine oh my gosh actually just gonna fight me anyway Brave stupid but Brave and I'm too tired to deal with brave you can go but you make one wrong step and I'll rip you to shreds arlac is inspired okay but hear me out hear me out what if that's a friendly looking Shadow no a path like before me and you not or any attention I'm trying to with Heist that's what I I just wanna okay apparently I wasn't allowed to do that well well we're not playing a nature friendly person this time so I don't know what hex we want to hit with probably dexterity can't give up you guys are you guys are in the fight right okay we're not doing anything to this Alberta cup it will not count on me okay wait am I silenced moving are you gonna go up and around Dash wonderful order of operations matters there the last board is set breaking distance forging race I did a fair bit huh armor oh no [Music] yes you do I didn't do anything I didn't do anything what the [ __ ] all right can you please healing word this man and a guy's role in my favor I'm just gonna stand there uh yeah cup looks from you to his dead sorry Cub like she freaked out on me oh my God hungry a single strike will end his suffering no hungry food give it food you watch speechless as the Cub begins his mother can provide for the cub perhaps it'll live there's a Burger King can we rest I mean I guess we can rest sure um we got the head of the broken spear combine with shaft of broken spear oh no come by vision of the absolute um absolute night blind Target that failed 637 throw deals additional two D12 damage the certain creature that's to certain creatures that sport multiple sets of eyes I mean I guess that's technically better than what we're using it's also technically magical so that's neat it's also looks cool okay Alberto obvious steel presence the Cub continues to Gulch can you please stop eating your mother Swift is my feet can carry me examine the egg I'm picking up the egg an owl bear egg these are supposed to be worth a fortune didn't have to be like this it didn't I just wanted to loot that guy uh what was the armor we picked up medium armor Undead creatures that hit the wear receive 1d6 radiant Beast that hit the weird beasts that hit the wearer deal an additional 1d6 radiant um okay so it's kind of like depending on what we're doing let's get that to Carlock Gail again took the brunt of everything oh sorry missed out there this is Albert I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this chest here balloons seal [Music] oh is that me being able to talk to whatever we jump to the side Maybe there's a button I'm curious a prayer dedicated to Saloon imploring all to accept the moon maiden's blessing and share oh I'm ready what's next I wonder would you like to come over here and as to your religion on this because mine was not so great perhaps ULU night prayer how useful really everyone prayer bear is the same symbol as the chest I think it might just be the key oh convenient uh pickup what's next oh Gail thank you oh ready and Willy read [Music] accept the mood maidens Devin you probably could be so practical oh we just had to read it right there that's kind of funny no never mind or even destroy it if possible oh but why rubbish isn't offering to saluna at best it's worthless at worst who knows could be cursed they'd be do not trifle with that Moon witch or her trinkets only trouble will follow um hello why do you care so much we don't get insight on this oh because we have enough troubles and burdens as it is common sense your suede come on now I'm gonna use inspiration okay okay we did it fine perhaps you can sell them for a couple of weeks well I just want to feed it to Gail to be honest with you when there is 50 HP or less they don't provoke opportunity attacks that's kind of useful [Music] all right well Lights On My Feet let's hit I can't carlett keeps asking for a rest camping in the cave will I don't even really want to talk to you let's be honest Withers we meet again as predicted showed up at my camera I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need of myself we can respect now amending of the threads between life and death should thou or any of thy compatriots perish I will cleave soul to body once more and true revive because it is my calling there is little else to explain can you help me change my class I I don't want to change my class though I want to change someone else's class so can I like Shadow heart he's just counting ah another thy name has been recorded I shall be here in my camp for whenever thou Hast need of my services yes yes can you as thou desire only a hundred dollars that's pretty cheap nice uh cleric yes do we want Tempest or do we want war I think I want Tempest that that and then I think we want like this and this like so we could also drop charisma but like I'm kind of happy with this oh no that's fine um confirm all right but now we had to level her up lyric level two yep [Music] subclass features destructive Wrath neat cleric three lots of spells and other spells shatter and gust of wind all right no time for Danny no not again let's talk to Carla see what's up I like Gail but I'm keeping all my good Gear Well out of sight that's fair everything fancy he touches meets a Grizzly end end of the day is coming well you've been naughty and you know what happens when you're naughty God's damn it anyone but her oh drama handlers the word if it's all the same my pup here has been unruly and his leash Needs A Yank oh that sucks for him I know he had a deal will still breathe at least those can be buried after that's no kind of talk for a lady by the way kalak zariel sends her regards you told me Devils only she's a tiefling not a monster he's out here the little popsters found his bark Clause G section 9 Target shall be limited to The Infernal the Demonic the heartless and the soulless carlak meets the criteria by virtue of having no heart oh yes thanks for the reminder well birds in the fires of avernus the lightning storms of disk strike his flesh the soul passes through each layer of the health gaining their essence and their torment yikes [Music] he has horns now that's better [Applause] what the hell have you done the price paid you know the terms get used to the new form Pat There's No Going Back some magic even I can't undo now let's see how the Frontiers Fair without their precious blade keep an eye on him would you I'll be keeping mine on you oh and well don't forget our pack still stands Tata yikes you just turned into a From Dusk Till Dawn the vampire looking [ __ ] um I guess we'll talk to him now that he has horns God's damn her straight back to the hells just look at me I did what was right and mazura made me pay for it I'd be hunting devils and demons she said traitors and hypocrites heartless evils of All Sorts but not not zariel's victims Not Innocent tieflings I'd count my lucky stars for it but I reckon luck is on holiday I'm only alive because my Patron still has use for me it's from Zora who grants me the power to conjure armor and cast Eldritch blasts before I was infected I could even call the hell beasts and summon festering clouds but I promise you every thrust of my blade and every flame I sparked was for the good of the coast the one little question that put me out of house and home I can't utter the terms or circumstances of The Pact I can tell you most all else but The Pact I'm forbidden unless mazora permits it again the moment I pacted myself to mazura I have not regretted for a heartbeat it was my proudest deed it was like the sacrifice scratches is my solemn word okay hope you're keeping well friend yay master friend I stayed with him until I knew he was gone I'll never forget him but I'm glad to have met you does he have a magic collar on he does have a magic collar on right hmm well we'll deal with that later let's go talk to carlak and see what's up because uh I'll be honest Soldier I'm reeling will hardly knows me but he chose my life over his been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that um gobsmacked really but grateful really grateful I could learn a thing or two from a man like that hopefully we won't turn into mind flares first bull yeah all right I guess now we go to sleep who who wants to talk to me if it's okay I was gonna say if it's hysterian I don't care it's Shadow heart I care a little bit something's wrong I feel I feel like ah Darkness protect me uh um no I'm fine forget it I I don't know I'm fine it's past whatever it was she gonna be upset if I cry stop looking at me like that I'm not sprouting tentacles just yet I'm not gonna look I it's difficult for me to talk about I'm sorry situational disadvantage now we're just gonna let it go and we'll we'll deal with it later sure it'll be fine sure everything will be fine everyone's sleeping nothing's Terrible's happened shocking honestly but all right cool let's go oh well let's leave the camp I guess thank you where are we going now um I guess we should find the Healer which would mean we should go to the map which would mean she should go here I'll have to deal with a little bit of Druid stuff but I'm sure it'll be fine I don't know how to get this candle off of our hot bar now because we could probably replace it with something else is our hot bar locked yeah well figured out that problem I feel like we kind of wasted our talk to animals potion but at the same time like whatever I want to do another run where we actually play as a talk to animals person seems a little too interested in me I don't feel like getting my stuff stolen by the kids please last room last through thank my daughter go right now let my people go baseball and you will wait for caucus judgment now get back oh let me through Miracles Ricket and throw it out and the Bear calm down Mr bear oh my God give ounce um no and you'll find trouble all the same unless you get out of my sight a moment Gianna what a moment oh I understand apparently Corker wants to see you go ahead cool yeah yeah just let me go yeah there's so much to do I'm sorry I'm sorry it's stupid snakes please I'm sorry this is madness cougar she's just a watch Sparta a thief a poison a threat she looks like a Karen I will imprison the devil and I will ruined everything through it Druids be that girl you mean parasite she eats our food drinks our water then steals are most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless come cougar we took back the idol surely do it some Jungle Book Vibes there um nature no persuasion let's persuade and hope we hit oh okay that's unfortunate no The tiefling Remains until the right is complete the snake this is its intentions unclear oh Advantage oh we have there's no way we failed this rule we tried we tried to fail it oh Shivers because um it is as you say sisters to me oh I said it right I was just messing around my Grace has its limits thank you Koga what is going on with her his name off your tongue bless Tila pierce it what that woman has more Venom in her heart than a snake in its fangs but at least the child is safe thanks Gail what is youth is not a time to be forgiven for one's transgressions okay ha and you don't you're holy without Vice or sin every occasional lapse in judgment no you don't strike me as quite that boring Shadow heart something the matter yeah what's up I don't know what you mean it's nothing really all right now we're 18. we can do this let me do this okay progress has been made finally you're not going to let this go are you you might wish you had probably not I was ship sure the Mistress of the night it is my holy mission to oppose saluna her teachings and her followers okay it hurts now that you have the truth please don't make a big fuss about it true I didn't think you'd react so pragmatically perhaps I should have told you sooner yeah but why are you in pain all right as I said Shah is my Patron my mistress goddess of darkness and loss I assume you've heard of her my lady Shah is the night singer the patron of darkness and loss most fear the dark like children because in darkness they see their fears reflected but Shah teaches us to Step Beyond fear Beyond loss in darkness we do not hide we Act pain hope the promise of Better Days all of these are heavy cloaks that bend our backs and burden our hearts we shed those cloaks before shall We Stand gloriously just realize we're doing this the Vanity's Immortals all in front of these Druids we've just met [Music] um we tear down the lies the world is drunk on the institutions they trust the so-called gods they worship the lives they cling to we destroy false Idols topple corrupt organizations fight Heretics wherever they're found there's often suffering death even many people break before they Embrace Shah's truth curious most are afraid of my lady I think I did well by joining you most agreeable company um you already know my biggest secrets what more can you ask what's up with the pain and you're what besides my life's calling in the greatest problem I've ever faced well I like night orchids and can't swim is that the sort of thing you meant you've never been swimming it's a deal [Music] no I can't I mean I literally can't there's certain things I can't remember right now Shah Secrets must be preserved above all else trying to get to this I have had certain memories suppressed voluntarily so that I can serve Shah without compromising her if I manage to return to Baldur's Gate and fulfill Charles Mission then my memories will be restored oh that's not good of course it is an act of face not to be undertaken lightly not good when I succeed not good okay well that's extremely ominous Let's uh character wanted to talk to us I guess we'll talk to her first then we'll talk to Nettie ridiculous we just let him run off go on say it yes you think I'm a monster yes who would say so I know you're kind you see only villains and victims a Viper Bears her fangs defending her brood I call her mother you call her monster no matter I took back the idol of Sylvanas and the writers resumed we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders and mine perish if he stays you showed great metal at the gate the metal of a skilled sword don't ask me to I want you to provide your services to sephlaur offer to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove that's better than I'm sure they'll drink it as well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not the Viper must strike I don't like her you will do more than speak this tale ends but one way with the Outlander rot cleansed and that's kind of uh forever shrouded kind of want to end her but I feel like this whole place is like she's an archdruid level five seems like a bad idea let's go talk to Nettie it's our experience like we haven't really gained much recently I see you just give me a moment heal the bird a moment there yay it's up to herna flies into a wall no which was it you needed you found her but I still don't know what she can do for you she's talking in third person and every other Soul here I can help if something's something I'm no master handsome but I can manage come here let's have a look at you I know on the beta she tries in Early Access not beta she uh a bit tired around the eyes poisoned you poor a mind flare tadpole [Music] I I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able to help we need to be quick this way I'm just going to inject you with poison my guidance is worn off I like that little like effect where it pops up with the effect and it's like it's a line through it very intuitive this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods together with some goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon after can I uh can I have that tadpole seems so give Master halson a right start please please you know stick that thing why he joined the adventurers on their expedition to find out what was happening I pity you got me instead of him he understands these things studied them still we have options you don't have to be here for this all right let's see what we can do that shifts on easily hesitating something's off what's what's that but first things first tell me about your symptoms what are you gonna do with that thing strange happening I'm telling you everything you need to know hey believe me on that I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happened to you the tadpole crawled into my eyeball protected from on high sounds like the drow Master halson said he was tougher than he had any right to be how'd you pick up the parasite halson was desperate to find where all this was happening a mind flayer ship but master halson was sure look you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous if you transform here we're all doesn't know that all four of us have that bull but you seem like a good Soul hey should I was a chance to save yourself this is a vial of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms I promise swear it I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more master halson and I were tracking them studying and trying to figure out the back where the hell's was going on is coming in the room because you should all be changing there should be a small army of mine flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal where's my mind flayer skill tree for one that thing in your head is like nothing we've ever seen from mind flares it's one of their ones for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet anyhow could be good news but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old temple of soluna and I've no idea why when Master Houston heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot yeah whatever he found there I assume that's you didn't make it we're gonna go to the goblin camp and do things there the thing is I've sent Birds to find him good the places none of us can even get close you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite you can find halson and get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound jolly thank you it would mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you what happened out there but those adventurers were the only Witnesses and they're long gone all I can say for sure as they all went to the old Temple of Sedona and master halson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vile remember I will not be poisoning myself come on I will not okay here's what I'm gonna do now uh we're gonna teleporters and yeah seriously she's she's just handing out poisons keep it in case I know we can use it to uh poison the Goblins food though so we're gonna do that anyway um I'm going to go because I need to do adult things sadly and then um I have birthday dinner with my wife later so I hope you all enjoyed it and I wouldn't save um I'm just gonna call it go to Goblin Town go to Goblin Goblin Goblin camp yeah and that's what we're gonna do uh but yeah thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed it um I'm gonna It's Gonna Leave This up on my YouTube if you want to see the rest of it so uh it's gonna be part of the playlist but uh yeah probably back tomorrow if I can find some time I'm not sure I'm just gonna be streaming the whole playthrough just whenever I get a chance two and three hours here from there but yeah
Channel: Gaming With Jeff
Views: 1,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, gaming with jeff, bg3, bg3 warlock, bg3 lets play, bg3 let's play, baldur's gate 3, crpg, larian studios, larian
Id: 77WMQP1U4eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 0sec (8820 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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