How to Save Vanra & Find Auntie Ethel: Full Quest Guide | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

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time to press ahead [Music] you asked me to come here Helms don't you remember how many times do I need to say it you sent words about a lead said that I should come see you about it of course Madam let me just [Music] forgive me why are you here my daughter Sandra my little girl she's missing you will thank you I haven't slept during since she disappeared I'm terrified something has happened to her name is vanra she's seven years old and it's right here like me we were in the blusher mermaid when she was taken just stop by the docks thank you I'll head home can't stop being around these idiots any longer come find me the moment you hear anything [Music] [Music] be bloody hung over in peace oh why hello Captain Grizzly At Your Service what could I do for a long drink of water like yourself oh not this claptrap again listen Laura was here all right knock him back pints like there's no tomorrow I saw heck no ass of this so-called kid and when we tried to kick her out she pulled a knife on my front man that she didn't tell you that bit huh she's dangerous and I couldn't call myself a captain if I stood by and did nothing I hate that it's come to this but I'll pay a horde of gold to whoever scuppers her permanently oh you're my fun I wanted you to stain your soul with the blood of an innocent mother oh well guess I'll just decorate the room with your insides they'll match my new carpet beautifully hello petal miss me did you think you were the first that I didn't plan for it petal Marina ran off with the child I was promised because of you I had to find myself a new one and little vanra was so very tasty I'm already showing doesn't it suit me so well sits in my belly growing power in time and have myself a fresh yoga hike to train unfortunately that leaves me in a pickle for one I'd love to rip your guts out the version is bad for the baby you know so walk away walk away and let me a fine hag make [Music] you'll kill me touch me and the girl dies and I'll simply return than ever a woman in my condition should be relaxing in the bath not dealing with this nonsense I leave you to my crew Macy and should you somehow survive stay away our van will suffer oh God so I knew I should have done this before I got here foreign these people are under my protection I'll not let you harm them hearken to my words Wicked creature return to the pit of evil from whence you came oh wait no Ethel spawn would speak like that forgive the welcome but we're being hunted by a hag The Vicious Ethel herself we feared you her minion she's already hexed one of us and any of us could be next Marina our leader was onto something unfortunately Ethel found out how I don't know she hexed Mirena in recompense and everything we've done to try and lift it has been for naught you're the one that saved her the one that ventured to the depths of Ethel's lair I can hardly believe it you look so normal she's upstairs but be warned she's not as you remember her was like a good moment to talk to me the doll fine the doll [Music] [Laughter] on my way my face protects me laughs it was Dragonborn he removed my hex uh that's annoying [Applause] huh you have no idea how wrong you are I have worshiped her for decades past and will for decades more foreign [Music] scaly little thanks for knifing the bastard that makes twice you've saved me I'm starting to think you're my guardian angel you too I've come a long way since we last met decided I was sick and tired of feeling stupid helpless so I decided I wasn't going to be a victim anymore this group is made of survivors people like me who've been hurt by hacks brought them together to fight back and it worked the shitty Red Cap proves it soul is foreign [Music] he'd listen about you how you marched into Ethel's Lair as if it were a tea party you're as tough as I remember in this time when you put Ethel down she'll stay down check the safe in the back I've done my homework on hag since we last Tangled with Ethel and take whatever you need I know it by heart anyway s foreign s to poisons just do make sure you read the label before coughing be sure to savor each purchase resources [Music] this is where the hack must be thank you oh the big top hero finally showed up I told you pepper you can't hurt me without killing little Sandra I have your feet so do the heroic thing die is there a challenge too all right what did you Vedra oh no stay down you cost me a fresh young hat I'm going to paint the wall with your guts you little stain [Music] Mommy laughs [Music] everything is going to be all right he brought her back you brought back my sweet sweet girl I doubt I'll never sleep again fear shall be swiped from under my nose here token from the pirate life I left behind thank you for being braver than half this city put together you hungry sweet girl [Music] let me bake something you love bacon remember hmm would you like that honey hello we should speak up she's dead isn't she Ethel is dead yes for telling me I'd be an awful mom that was nothing but a pregnant half-wit oh and the girl you saved her too right thank the gods you hear that Connor Ethel is dead oh you didn't change back still oh a zombie I thought with apple gone oh I'll find another way to turn you back somehow [Music] oh I know damn it I know Connor I love you I've loved you since we were kids and you picked me blue bells and asked me to do some affair but you're gone and this thing isn't you not anymore not everyone can be saved I learned that lesson from Ethel I just needed you to remind me here thank you for killing Ethel but I'd like you to go now I'll be fine I know I'm stronger than these I need some time
Channel: Gamerpillar
Views: 21,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur’s Gate 3 Save Vanra, Baldur’s Gate 3 Save Vanra Quest, Baldur’s Gate 3 Find Auntie Ethel, Save Vanra Baldur’s Gate 3, Save Vanra Quest Baldur’s Gate 3, How to Save Vanra Baldur’s Gate 3, Find Auntie Ethel Baldur’s Gate 3, BG3 Save Vanra, BG3 Save Vanra Quest, BG3 How to Save Vanra, BG3 Find Auntie Ethel, Save Vanra BG3, Save Vanra Quest BG3, How to Save Vanra BG3, Find Auntie Ethel BG3, Save Vanra, Save Vanra Quest, How to Save Vanra, Find Auntie Ethel, Vanra, Ethel
Id: gwUHcKjvHj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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