Baldur's Gate 3 | Getting the Most Out of Alchemy

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Alchemy is a powerful tool that should not be ignored especially in the higher difficulties it allows you to make potions elixirs grenades and Coatings out of all of these elixirs are the most potent since they can last until the long rest Coatings and Potions are also powerful depending on what combination you use before a fight starts I like using oil of accuracy which lasts 10 turns and if I don't have a wizard or guarded a party for haste I can use a potion of speed as well the problem with this ocean speed is that it only lasts three turns unlike the spell Haze itself which lasts 10. so there you go this gives me an extra action to fire more shots let's wait for this to expire to segue a bit some of you may have noticed that I have 27 strength on my glue stalker assassin wire cleric this comes from this Elixir Elixir Cloud giant string which may seem useless on the ranged character but since I have this bow which adds my strength modifier to damage then it all makes sense so you can disregard all of the tool tips since they don't really factor in all of the effects but if you actually use it in combat you will see all of the modifiers added in foreign [Music] going back to Alchemy itself you can craft oceans one at a time or multiples depending on how many materials you have at hand but there is one way to make this even better and that is with the transmutation wizard so the best way to do that is rather than using one of your main companions very well no in this case I would say the best tire link to get is Brina bright song not because she's a bird but because she is a light footpath Link so Lightfoot have links have an ability called halfling lock it's their innate racial ability which allows them to re-roll all of their Attack rules ability to checks and saving Pros if they roll a one so this will come into play in a bit so now that you have Brina you have to respect her ah I shall be here in life as thou and now we turn her into a wizard the kind trips and spells don't really matter for abilities the only thing that really matters here is wisdom not even intelligence and let's get medicine you have to get medicine a bit so when she gets to wizard level 2 she gets to pick her specialization yeah and this is where we get transmutation and this is what we're looking to get every time she crafts a potion she she can make a medicine check if she rules above dc15 then you can make two potions rather than one again spells don't matter is this even further but this is the base requirement that you want so next up we are going to make her a multi-class board again abilities don't matter foreign for two reasons that is expertise and access to enhanceability okay there we go so enhanceability this gives us advantage on a chosen ability score so in this case we will take wisdom whenever we cast this spell and make sure to give her expertise on medicine okay with this you're pretty much set but we can go a step further and get her to Bart 4 just for the extra ability score Improvement and put that on which Step if my party level is level 10 but let's keep it at level 6. okay now we can start crafting you can put all of the Alchemy items on her never down moment so in this case she will cast enhanced ability I will switch them myself and if you have somebody with guidance and then let's do turn based mode just so the guidance doesn't run out okay so extract all of your ingredients [Music] and then you can start crafting so my first one of my personal favorite elixirs is bloodlust this gives you the ability this gives you an ability similar to action surge on check is successful so she's able to craft two instead of just one again let's uh keep on making powerful elixirs okay so she gets two of her time so this is particularly good for elixirs and potions that have rare components foreign medicine check it is with advantage and expertise plus the guidance so this will get better the higher she gets since at level nine you will get an extra point in proficiency so instead of just having plus six to proficiency it will become plus eight and then if you can go get another ability score Improvement you can get a plus five to with the modifier besides being able to craft two items instead of one there is another reason why this particular pinchman is powerful so now we just get her to wizard level six go back to wizard spells don't matter keep on going and get wisdom to 20. [Music] foreign level six so as you can see my dumbass of arranger has no Proficiency in Constitution this is important to him since he keeps on concentrating on Hunter's Mark so to help him with that and one of the story rather the level 6 feature of the transmutation wizard is the transmitter stones so you can give resistance to each of the elemental types give bonus movement speed give dark vision but this one in particular is the best one in my opinion this grants the holder of the stone Proficiency in Constitution savings so you can give it to somebody else and now this guy has Proficiency in Constitution saves so the thing is even if this vessel is at thy disposal yeah even if this happening isn't in their camp or is it in the party Thou Art the proficiency remains since I still have the item [Music] so even if you leave camp aign it's still there so that's it for the guide if this helped you out please consider liking the video or the YouTube algorithm [Music]
Channel: fafilose
Views: 13,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, Guide, DND, Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, alchemy, crafting, transmutation
Id: STtwtLTeC7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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