Baldur’s Gate 3 Builds: Eldritch Knight (Fighter) Class Guide

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in this baldur's gate 3 build guide i'm going to be covering my eldritch night build for early access and showing you what i found work best i'll be doing more build guides at the launch of baldrige gate 3 but for now let's look at how you can use an eldritch knight effectively in the first act of the game fighters can become eldritch knights at level 3 in baldur's gate 3 and when they do they gain access to some wizard spells in early access they will only be able to gain a maximum of 3 level 1 spells which isn't a huge amount however these can be used to hit targets from far away or do devastating aoe attacks when in melee range probably the biggest upside of playing an eldritch knight in early access compared to a battle master is the ability to use magic missile which can't miss magic missile is one of the most op spells you can get in early access because things like low lighting don't affect your hit chance with this spell nor can the target save or use their armor class to protect them additionally you can choose up to three targets with it allowing you to finish off low hp enemies while still dealing damage against your primary target in this section we'll take a look at how to set up your eldritch knight during character creation for best results you don't have to follow this to the letter and it's likely this will change at full launch of the game however this will hold you in good stead during early access what background you choose here isn't super important since strength only benefits athletics and constitution has no skills related to it however taking a background that boosts intelligence skills is not a bad idea these are arcana history investigation nature and religion there are two really good races for eldritch tonight that i can recommend for early access and those are shill dwarf and geth yankee shield doors will allow you to gain 17 strength and 17 constitution which means that when you hit level 4 you can have 18 in both of these which is fantastic githyankyou allow you to get to 17 and strength easily and increase your intelligence allowing you to get to 16 here they also have a lot more options when it comes to skills the choice is up to you but you don't really need much intelligence during character creation for your eldritch knight in early access and i'll explain why in the abilities section for skills you can take any you want that are available to you but you should try to match these to your abilities again intelligence-based skills work well as do dexterity ones if you have some points in the dexterity these are acrobatics sleight of hand and stealth you're not likely to use stealth much as an eldritch knight so i suggest acrobatics or sleight of hand if you want decks based skills eldritch knights need strength for their attack and damage roles with melee weapons they need constitution to give them a large hp pool and they need intelligence to increase the likelihood that their spells will connect however there are a couple things about early access that change how one might build their eldritch knight for early access only first the limited pool of spells means that you're either going to cast magic missile an aoe kono spell like burning hands or some sort of buff-like expeditious retreat of those three things only burning hands requires intelligence to be effective and it has limited application this of course doesn't take into account what can trips you acquire and if those are offensive then intelligence becomes much more valuable to your eldritch knight second you can gain an item about 5 hours or so in early access that when equipped sets the intelligence of a character to 18. this item is called the warped headband of intellect and is dropped by the ogre mage in the blighted village once you have this any and all ability points invested in intelligence will become worthless and third i have not found any heavy armor in early access that provides more protection than lizelle's githyanki half plate which allows you up to plus two dexterity bonus this means that investing points into dexterity is worth it for elder tonight in early access though this may not be the case at live release to summarize assuming you took the shield dwarf your abilities would be 17 strength 14 dexterity 17 constitution 8 intelligence 10 wisdom and 8 charisma you're aiming for 18 strength 14 dexterity 18 con and 18 int with the headband at level 4. at level 2 your fighter will gain action surge once per rest that will allow you to take a second action this is extremely powerful and you should use it when you know you can hit something or to burst down a deadly target quickly save it for when you need it you will also get to choose one passing from a pool of six that will affect your fighter's style of play you can peck an offensive one or a defensive one but the only one you shouldn't choose is archery since you won't be using your bow much once you become an eldritch knight when you become an eldritch knight at fighter level 3 you'll get to select some wizard spells first you'll get to choose two cantrips and these have a variety of effects however i strongly suggest you select at least one long range one for those times you cannot reach enemies because when you are close up you will melee more often than not making close range spells a bit redundant some good choices are acid splash shield touch firebolt or ray of frost additionally it's not a bad idea to take the dancing light scan trip either since it allows you to create light which can help with your hit chance in dark places then you'll get to pick two of six wizard spells and here i highly suggest you take magic missile and an aoe kono spell like burning hands or thunder wave which bolt is also not a bad option because it does damage more than once if you maintain concentration concentration may be interrupted if you're struck but you will make a constitution saving throw if so and fighters have proficiency in constitution saving throws as well as high constitution this means that you should be able to main concentration more easily than some other classes or builds as long as you aren't completely surrounded by enemies that will attack you then you'll get to pick one of 17 wizard spells and here i recommend either expeditious retreat or featherfall expeditious retreat will allow you to make dash a bonus action doubling your movement range and still allowing you to attack this can allow you to get to enemies more easily featherfall negates fall damage so if you jump off a high cliff onto enemies below you'll take no damage either are good choices once you hit level 4 which is max level for early access you'll gain an additional spell here i suggest taking either thunder wave or burning hands whichever you didn't take before or witch bolt for some versatility you'll also gain an extra spell slot so you can cast one more spell then you'll get to choose your feet and here you'll take ability improvement in order to place one point into strength and another in the constitution bringing these both to 18. this will give you plus 4 to your attack and damage rolls with melee weapons increasing your constitution modifier to plus 4 will bring your total hp up to 44 which is pretty damn good as far as equipment is concerned you'll have to decide what type of weapons you want to use you can dual wield use a two-handed weapon or use a one-handed weapon and a shield if you like it's really up to you and how you want to play but you should match this to your passive ability selected at level 2. i personally like to use a two-handed weapon because there are some fantastic ones in early access but the choice is yours as far as armor goes you'll likely be using medium armor most of early access since there doesn't seem to be any good heavy armor however this works out well because you can use your dexterity modifier of plus two completely giving you at least 16 armor class 17 if you use lyzel's give yankee half plate you can get it up to at least 20 ac with this half plate with a defense passive at level two and if you use a shield as for accessories really the only one you absolutely need is the warped headband of intellect which i mentioned earlier this one item makes this build shine in early access and if it remains in the live release you'll also want to aim to get this one there as well final tips if you're using a two-handed weapon try to use cleave first before expending a spell slot on an aoe spell save your spells for when you need them most because they have a lot more versatility unique weapons can have effects on them that will be applied to cleave like exterminator's axe which is great lysel makes a fantastic candidate for eldritch knight if you have her in your party because she's a githyanki and at level 4 you can get her strength to 18 and dexterity at 14. the downside is that she'll have less hp than a player made character but the difficulty of early access at the moment isn't so bad this should matter too much lastly use magic missile on hard to hit enemies even if they are point blank this is especially true of those enemies in dark places or ones that use mirror image it can help you deal with annoying enemies quickly so you can get back to pummeling things in melee stay tuned for more baldur's gate 3 content as we take a look at classes and builds and be sure to drop by our twitch channel if you have questions about the game if you need something specific check out our bg3 wiki which is being worked on night and day hey
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 267,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 early access, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3 early access, bg3 early access impressions, bg3 build, bg3 guide, baldurs gate 3 eldritch knight guide, baldurs gate 3 eldritch knight build, early access build, early access guide, best eldritch knight build baldurs gate 3, best eldritch knight guide baldurs gate 3, bg3 early access build, eldritch knight best cantrips, eldritch knight best spells, best race for eldritch knight, baldurs gate 3 eldritch knight gameplay
Id: brmX5-xQHPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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