[BG3] Eldritch Knight has some MAGIC with its MELEE!

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Eldritch Knight is a fighter subclass in Baldur's Gate 3. it utilizes a variety of Buffs and Elemental spells to enhance its ability in combat the class is capable of solid damage and great survivability on the front line like most hybrid classes it isn't the best at anything but it's more than viable and a great addition to your party if you want to use one at level 1 we'll select the fighter class and that'll give us access to Second win this is a nice way to recuperate some health when needed and it works as a bonus action meaning an attack or additional attacks as well as use the second wind on the same turn for fighting style I like to go with defense I actually find this more beneficial than great weapon fighting I find that the additional one Armor class this provides ends up being more value than having the great weapon fighting which allows you to re-roll the die when it's a one or two because you could still roll a one or a two again or even say a three which really isn't that big of a boost to your damage especially when you add in all your modifiers other sources of damage and so on for ability scores we're going to be doing a strength based fighter utilizing two-handed weapons I'd like to put our strength to 16 and we will boost this to 23 feet as we continue to level up and keep in mind that the fighter class actually gets an additional feat when compared to other classes for dexterity although we'll be wearing heavy armor I still like to boost this to 14. that's because I find initiative incredibly important in this game especially as you get higher level and characters and enemies start to deal tremendous amounts of damage having the ability to act first and take out a Target before it gets to act is just an incredible value for your party Constitution put this to 16 is because you're going to be in the front lines and you want to have some survivability intelligence now this is actually the stat that we use for spell casting as an Eldritch Knight however we're going to be focusing on taking Buffs for ourselves or party members that way we don't have to worry about Landing the Spells with our intelligence we'll also be selecting certain spells that don't require your intelligence in order to land the hits like magic Missile so for this reason we can actually neglect the intelligence to further that your intelligence score doesn't give you additional spell slots on an elder tonight like it would on a wizard wisdom I can leave at 10 as well Charisma I like to drop down to eight and that just gives us the number of points we need to boost the other stats for skill proficiencies I would strongly recommend Athletics as well as acrobatics and the third one is really up to your choosing depending on what you're doing for your playthrough and what else you may potentially want covered at level two you'll get access to action search you can immediately gain an extra action to use this turn this is best reserved for difficult encounters or boss fights because of the additional burst damage that allow your character to do at level three we'll build a select our subclass couple of canned trips spells as well as an expanded spell the subclass will be going with Eldritch Knight cantrips like to select blade Ward and this because it's going to work on ourselves and we don't have to worry about that low intellect that we have this will always be successful and it'll allow us to take reduced damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks for two turns again this is probably going to be your Frontline character for the party rare Frost and this is just a little bit of utility it's got an 18 meter range and it reduces the target's movement speed by three meters it's also nice to have this attack in case you want to pick an enemy off before it's their turn or to prevent them from reaching one of your party members overall I don't use this a tremendous amount but you may find some use for it and I certainly do use it from time to time for spells Shield when you're about to be hit you can use this as a reaction to increase your armor class by five and it lasts for the rest of the turn so the earlier in your turn you use this the more benefit you can potentially get and again this will always go off when you use it as a reaction magic Missile we're taking magic Missile because it's guaranteed damage we don't have to worry about any chance to hit it as a 100 chance to hit and we can choose multiple targets making this great for picking off Runners enemies trying to escape and so forth for the expanded spell sock like to take long Strider this is going to increase creature's movement speed by three meters you can cast this on your entire party as a ritual outside of combat just get some additional utility from the spell as well level four will gain an additional spell as well as our first feat for the spell I like to take Thunder Wave at this point this just gives us a means of knocking enemies back or potentially knocking them off cliffs Heights and so forth for the feet we'll select ability Improvement at this point we can bump our strength up to 18. at level 5 we gain an additional attack this means when we make a melee attack we can now get an extra attack this also works with range weapons so overall basically just doubles our damage output at level 6 as a fighter we'll actually gain a second feat and I like to take athlete here this will increase our jumping Distance by 50 percent and bump our strength up to 19. we will later boost the strength up to 20. the increased jumping distance adds a lot of Mobility which is very nice for this build at level 7 we'll gain a subclass feature as well as a couple more spells the subclass feature is war magic after you cast a can trip you can make a weapon attack using a bonus action this does have some situational use however when you get higher level keep in mind that you'll be limited to one extra attack from this bonus action the reason I point that out is because when you're level 11 you could use a melee attack and then two extra attacks that you've gained through your fighter levels with the war magic subclass feature you can use a cantrip and only make one extra attack with that bonus action so although this does have some use as you continue to level up you'll use this less often for the Spells at this point I like to pick up shatter big reason for this is it gives us a source of AOE damage and on top of that when the target's saved they still take half damage meaning it's a little bit more reliable to at least get some damage out also pick up melf's acid arrow for the same reason on missed targets will still take half the initial damage not something you can use a ton and you could certainly swap either of these out for something that you prefer in general these are some of the Lesser used spells that we'll probably use at level 8 will get access to an expanded spell and I like to pick up your image at this point this will increase your armor class by nine or three armor class per illusion that you have this is a tremendous boost for Frontline character really it's a tremendous boost for any character however this is very nice to have and this is really what we'll be using these level 2 spell slots for once we have access to them for the feet I like to pick up heavy armor Master at this point this will increase our strength by one up to a total of 20 at this point and it'll reduce incoming damage from non-magical attacks by three per hit as long as we're wearing heavy armor which we definitely should be by level eight a level 9 will gain a class feature this is indomitable we become as durable as an iron golem and whenever we fail a saving throw we can roll again using the new result instead this is just a great pickup for this class to have as will often be the target of enemies at level 10 will gain a cantrip a spell as well as another subclass feature Elgin strike when you hit a creature with a weapon attack it has disadvantage on its next saving throw against a spell that you cast before the end of your next turn this is actually pretty beneficial for us because we can attack a Target and then on the following turn we can hit it with a spell if it starts to run away and just has an increased chance of us landing that spell overall we're still going to prefer melee tax when possible but again this is just a nice pickup to have for cantrips at this point I actually select true strike I know this isn't a widely popular cantrip for a lot of people but I find that having advantage on our next attack roll if we're in a situation where we can't actually attack in the previous turn is just better than anything else we have access to if you can't reliably hit the target with a cancer per spell you may as well put true strike on yourself and then have an advantage when the next turn comes around you won't see a ton of use like some of the other spells and cran trips for this class but I have certainly used this from time to time when the situation is right for spells I like to pick up Darkness at this point this has a 18 meter range and I actually find more use of this casting it on or near my other party members and just protecting them of sorts preventing enemies from getting attacks onto them to help keep them alive or waiting for them to reposition and so forth so keep in mind some of the utility that this has you don't have to cast this on an enemy specifically at level 11 we'll gain another extra attack and this allows us to have three melee attacks per turn we'll gain an additional spell my recommendation here would to be go with one of the level one spells and this is because we really want to reserve those level two spell slots for the mirror image other than that I think it's pretty flexible which level one spell you select in this example I've gone with burning hands level 12 will gain an additional feat I like to go with great weapon Master here and the reason for that is we've acquired a lot of gear at this point most likely throughout your playthrough that's going to increase your chance to hit offsetting the penalty that you receive for using great weapon master in that regard on top of that we'll start to deal 10 additional damage at the cost of that attack roll penalty so we're offsetting the attack roll penalty and just dealing additional damage overall I find this a tremendous boost to our damage long term so let's take a look at some of the equipment that I'm using to support this character for the helm slot using horns of the Berserker this is mainly being used for the plus two bonus to attack rolls when attacking creatures that have already taken damage melee attacks will also deal an additional two necrotic damage as long as I don't have full health often being in the front lines this typically won't be an issue as I'll have suffered some sort of damage but even if you're at full health this home will actually damage you at the end of your turn cloak of displacement the beginning of the wearer's turn the cloak activates grinning enemies disadvantage on attack rolls this is great because I'm always just putting myself in the middle of the enemies trying to take the hits and be the front line for the party using Reaper's Embrace for the armor and this is just my highest armor class heavy armor at the moment I've just kind of Hit the end game in this particular playthrough so I don't have access to everything but in general you'll want to use a very high armor clasp piece in this slot Legacy of the Masters game plus 2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons I'm using this mainly to offset that penalty from great weapon master hell dusk boots you cannot be forcibly moved by a foe spells or actions and you ignore the effects of difficult terrain it's really the latter part of this that I'm using this for allowing me to move wherever I want and stay on targets using the hardest hitting two-handed weapon I have at this point again I just kind of got to the end game on this playthrough there's certainly better two-handeds available in the game surgeon subjugation amulet this is once per long rest and when you score a critical hit on a humanoid you can paralyze the target for two turns using this because it the point of the game where I'm at there's a lot of humanoid targets and this is pretty good value especially when you're getting three attacks per turn you have the ability to practice somewhat often and it's fairly reliable as long as it's available ring of Elemental infusion when you deal acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage using a spell or cantrip that element infuses your weapon this synergizes really well particularly with the ray of frost that I have I can cast right across then get additional damage done on my melee attacks crusher's ring movement speed bonus of three meters just again allowing us to stay in the Target more frequently and finally gone to mail and this is really just in the slot there for the celestial haste which will provide haste on this particular character as always thanks for taking the time to watch and have a great day
Channel: MinMaxRPG
Views: 14,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eg87bJE5g6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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