Asmongold Reacts to the BRILLIANT Animations of WoWItsHard

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dungeons classic versus shadowlands [Music] like lfgbrd yeah who wants to do a dungeon come on who wants to play with me accurate very accurate [Music] to be fair i had to wait forever to get me up my brd groups back in the day too this is accurate okay i will lead the way oh no well the ironic thing is that they are actually all three of the rogues are gonna go into brd it's the point that's left out is the fact that all three of the rogues are actually just pickpocket bots this is accurate yeah it's three pickpocketing bots oh they had to pay a warrior and a priest to take them okay oh wow wow off into a grand adventure fight at my side oh god you must be joking ow i hit my [ __ ] head oh [ __ ] that hurt i hope i'm not bleeding oh [ __ ] who cares i think so oh no you must be joking automate [Music] that's that's the game now boys that's the game now hi there hello the [ __ ] hurry fire wow this is hard oh minus five [Music] jesus chase okay um god damn yeah i thought it was gonna be a random dungeon and it was just gonna happen so big mechanic was gonna happen and like it wouldn't even do any damage that's like my uh that was my expectation one shot mechanics yeah questing classic versus bfa versus shadowlands [Music] the hell is this green hills of stranglethorn page 135 oh [ __ ] that was jeff jeff did that [Music] oh he's looking for the other pages just go buy them on the auction house [Music] eight hours later wow he's got the whole book [Music] this was fun i like this quest i will never be able to equip that yeah it's about accurate in battle for azeroth not you again now that we've brought you here can you find a way to heal azeroth oh my god with the arrows was it gonna be like a big oh no yeah it's about right come on go hit the button go hit the butt don't go hit the heel azeroth button you can do it oh no [Music] [Music] is secure that's about right wow what the [ __ ] this looks good this is awesome uh if they actually want this to be accurate have it to where he doesn't even clip into the spear but he dies anyway yeah yeah okay it was almost accurate tbc arena in one minute yeah mods link his channel that one was really good [Music] good [ __ ] paladins that's right boys that's a warlock for you oh and then the pet comes and kills him yep exactly [ __ ] exactly this is such a good game dude tbc is going to be lit you're an emerald dream come true i want a man with soft hands preferably four of them what the [ __ ] where's the warriors wait where's warrior in arena dude viper sting was such horseshit i never liked viper sting is low it's not funny it's not fun it's not funny like bro that shit's not funny i agree annoying things in classic wow [Music] oh no [ __ ] days i i hate days i've always hated days it's the most annoying mechanic ever oh wow perry oh he runs away and gets all the other mobs accurate they're paladin completely useless completely useless oh [Music] doesn't matter doesn't see i used to love whenever vanish was broken like whenever van i do remember how vanish was broken for like five years those are the best five years man because it was so funny to me whenever a rogue would try to use vanish and it wouldn't work it was so [ __ ] good man [Music] oh it's gonna heal up to full you're gonna get it you're gonna get it don't worry about it medicine man all the medicine man he's gonna auto yeah he's gonna auto run off yep yeah that's about right dude shadow and zarina balance i did not see this i've just been lazy okay just be patient with me hey all right warriors going to win i don't know that actually is accurate yeah that's exactly what happens oh no not this song [Music] not this song there's a paladin power in this is gonna one-shot him right uh uh where's my uh [Music] yeah i hate them so much man that's right that's right good good [Music] what a great video there i really think it's just very well put together very clever uh very relevant uh just just a great video wild classic gold farming [Music] okay thank you thank you i appreciate that six silver that's about right [Music] okay so he's trying to make that into a bag you know what he's gonna get in that nothing body oh yeah that's right i'm roboting [Music] so right here you know this is an unrealistic video blizzard would never actually uh they would never actually do this you know what i mean it would never never happen okay it's just not not gonna happen oh scamming warden staff in the box oh my god for 200 gold thank you so much mister you knew what was gonna happen [Music] this is actually why i just had that happen right there begging us [Music] hey dude hey yo that's big dude man i need to get some more money i need to raise some more [ __ ] money okay this is obviously a very good video this is a great great absolutely incredible video classic wow leveling uh-huh [Music] yeah it's a lot like warrior too pretty suck that's why they use abilities out of their spell book okay dude okay dude yeah they're pretty good at leveling that's pretty [ __ ] annoying accurate man very accurate okay mage oh no [Music] bro i [ __ ] hated when this [ __ ] would happen man there'd be one of them that would resist and i can i can already tell you what's gonna happen the other ones are gonna run after the mage and they're all gonna kill him [Music] i played a mage back in the day i remember how this [ __ ] used to work okay i i it's like you play the game you already know what's gonna happen [Music] oh okay where's the wind fury oh there you go oh wait it's a pet battle music wait they're playing the [ __ ] pet battle music here okay okay [Music] okay [Applause] yeah that's about right he tagged his [ __ ] man i used to do that [ __ ] too as a mage because back then dotting something until your dots actually did damage it didn't tag it and so you'd actually have to uh sit there and [ __ ] wait for your dots to do damage for your tag dab and the opening with your testy i did [Music] oh look [Music] wait wow look at that that's my team right there your team it's a big dumb idiot oh good with that shitty axe from dire maul oh they're bots yeah that's about right [Music] look at that dude [Music] oh no help me [Applause] they're sitting there waiting at the berserk right oh my god this is so good they're chasing mcconnell look at that oh yeah it's a one rep paladin yeah i get him yep this is actually pretty accurate okay wow they got him okay [Music] that's that's actually true alliance always wins whenever it's a pre-made versus not a pretty bit powered in one minute oh i guess it's one minute long because that's how often they cast a spell that's good [Music] oh [ __ ] warrior's gonna win by the way [Music] yup no i don't know if i want to finish this video like this is [ __ ] [ __ ] like this is a [ __ ] video why is this watch your tone with me boy what the f no [Music] he's he's doing his rotation wait what's going on here who's he punching oh oh yep get to work mr paladin get to work get your buffs out come on was he an org when's he annoying [Music] [Laughter] this is [ __ ] dude this is absolutely [ __ ] like this guy like listen and the worst part about it is it's obviously at the end of a duel where a warrior lost a duel like a paladin commissioned this video a hundred percent like paladin 100 was like i want this video to be just like this like this is because it's not this is not real okay wait that's not how it actually is this is some [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] some straight up [ __ ] [ __ ] and he's dancing and then he hearts the way right this is so stupid dude what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] 176 mad warriors classic burning crusade trailer let's see what this are is prepared that sounds badass this is so stupid this video is so darn man that's not funny no but nobody nobody nobody's laughing at this wait what wait what why wow it's like classic wow yes projected tbc performance a plus get [ __ ] get [ __ ] you're out you're finished [Music] this arena [Music] what is going on i love the mute this is cool [Music] are they gonna turn him into a warlock [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] it's got to be a war walk [Music] see you [ __ ] knew it you you [ __ ] knew it man everybody knew it like a hundred percent yep there it is boys that's the speed run come [Music] yup that's me by the way that's me [Music] i'm such a meta slave and i love it [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,267,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, wow classic, classic wow, shadowlands, wow shadowlands, asmongold shadowlands, classic tbc, asmongold classic tbc, classic funny videos, wow funny videos, wowitshard, wowitshard reaction, wow it's hard reaction, in ~1 minute, classic tbc funny, wowitshard shadowlands, asmongold wowitshard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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