Asmongold DESTROYED By Ultimate WoW Neckbeard Quiz - Test Edition | ft. Mcconnell

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Warcraft quiz test edition there are two pseudo modes you can play in the two moons our studio mode and standard mode there is no button you need to click on to choose one of these modes it is simply a way on how you can approach the quiz in studio mode you are allowed access to two extra lifelines in addition to a 50/50 lifeline phone a friend and ask the audience or a chat if you were a strong Studio mode is for players with people watching them and want to include them in the game bonus lets you ask one of your selected friends or colleagues for help with a question ask the audience or Chad if you're a streamer lets you ask your audience or chat for help by letting them vote for what they think is the correct answer for this I recommend using a straw poll standard mode is where players who are alone and friendless in the cold emptiness of their parents social life in other words you are the only one playing it in the comfort of your home or on your bus whatever if you're the kind of person I've just described then standard mode is for you it's like studio mode except you've only got access to a 50/50 lifeline consider this an opportunity to face a greater challenge now listen the point of the game is to answer all 15 questions correctly without a single mistake that's what I do you fail it is over but I'm not stupid and I need views so I want you to focus on getting all 15 questions right no mistakes no cheating however in the event that you get a question wrong continue to play the game and instead simply start exams how many questions you've gotten right and how you've gotten wrong now we can do that be new to this game and have no idea what is going on let me give you a quick rundown of how it works is a game that consists of 15 questions which in ascending order increase in difficulty questions are themed around all things Warcraft lore gameplay PVE pvp geography etc etc etc all of which are in Johnston theme our YouTube each question includes four options one of which is the correct answer you must select the correct answer it's progress unfortunately the game is on moderator I have no way of knowing what is happening on and behind your screen and I would rather not know therefore you have completely way to play the game in any way you want for maximum entertainment ice I strongly suggest that you follow ready here they are always keep the volume at a reasonable level to hear the music and the video dialogue trust me that makes it important absolutely no cheating no use of third-party websites or friends right calling you large party thinks answer to a question unless it's part of a lifeline no skipping the videos unless you have seen it for the second time throughout you must answer all 15 questions correctly and you can only use each lifeline once what is a lifeline it's something to help you out if you are struggling with a question after the fifth question you will get access to a 50/50 lifeline which you can use to eliminate to incorrect answers leaving you with a correct answer and one incorrect answer two questions are marked as check points these are questions 5 and 10 what does this mean well imagine you have lost in question 7 this means that your best progress will drop down to having answered the first 5 questions correctly if you lose on question 14 your best progress will drop down to having answered the first 10 questions correctly now I hope I have explained the whole thing as best as I could I think it is time at last start the game to make it by finding videos writing click on it and Admiral God let's do it all right when we go down and I'm gonna click on it start the quiz oh let's do this I'm ready well then let's do it which of these body related features are not customisable on any playable character model a earrings so be bosom C beard D tusks this is the most unfortunate V I've ever clicked we're gonna have to go with B guys I'm sorry to say there are no boob sliders at least not yet one of these is a strong synonym to the word breasts which is not a customizable feature therefore the correct answer is Ernest easy question super cannibalise is a racial ability which pertains to which playable race a undead be troll now see gnomes D workin all right probably Morgan I'll go with Morgan you know dogs like to eat people you know that's what it's or at least yeah we'll go with a let's go thing these are easy questions even though the lore says the trolls half practice cannibalism the correct answer in this case is undead a easy easy already level for about to get out of about to get out of Northshire abbey time how much wool cloth would a tailor require for the creation of fifty four bolts of woolen cloth a 160 to be 216 C 108 D 156 actually waitwhat you paused it I know I don't know what it is timeout pause it I know that wasn't in the rules I don't think you're a lot of closet I want pause it okay I actually don't know what the answer to this is holy [ __ ] this is only the third question III think it's C I think it's too this is embarrassing but listen I don't do like this tailoring [ __ ] okay I just I don't do it so we're gonna go with C I swear to God like if I why don't you just use it all right look I'm just gonna click on it he's going to see Oh simple mathematics one wound cloth equals three wool cloth 54 times I I didn't know like III didn't know like I don't know really what else to say I didn't know yeah I didn't know okay so it's Aiden simple mathematics one wound class equals three well III didn't know fifty-four times three equals 162 I'm just gonna get it out of the way I don't want to think about it okay [Music] prior to being merged with travel form what was the name of the shape-shift spell which allowed druids to better navigate through bodies of water AC form Nobby Moreno form C swimming form D aquatic form yep there it is that's D that's an easy easy [ __ ] D easy [ __ ] D all right that's such an easy question dude I can't believe like that tailoring [ __ ] just completely caught me even though they're all related to water in the aquatic everybody loves D that's right how many backs in total maybe you loves to extend a character's Bank storage space a 5 B 6 c 7d that's a seven that's a big old [ __ ] seven boys let me tell you guys I know this one dead like I bought this and there's an achievement for it I know exactly what it is it's gonna be C the correct answer to this question is six plus one equals seven C okay okay okay dude well done contestant those five is barely a challenge I mean let's be honest but you need help for these upcoming ten questions here you go a fifty-fifty lifeline enjoy and use it well good luck what is the word son in Torun language a Musha be Apollo sea swallow D on che oh [ __ ] I think it's on che I think it's deep I don't know man I think I'm gonna go with D shied you the 50-50 men you already [ __ ] lost you want to lose again what does that does that mean I should do it or not I probably all right fine let's [ __ ] do it again on che is the Sun correct answer is d boys I thought so I wasn't sure [Music] okay [Music] on the official would a warcraft youtube channel which expansion cinematic trailer has the highest amount of dislikes a warlords of draenor be mists of pandaria see Shadowlands d cataclysm okay I'm gonna go with be like I'm pretty sure it's miss append are yeah I mean like shadow ends is bad but I don't think it's as bad as mist like I'm gonna go and be the correct answer to this question has a total of 42 K dislikes only 2 on the official channel of water Warcraft of course and and the correct answer to this question is none other than the Shadowlands see wait why no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] I I don't even believe that I don't even believe that dude because I know I I don't believe it I want to see it I know I want to see it I don't believe it man I don't believe it 42,000 dislikes okay what's what's the Mists of Pandaria 1 wait only 13,000 people dislike this you're just wrong like you are in the minority of people that think mop was bad okay I'll just flat-out say it like I didn't say mop was bad but the trailer I'm saying like the trailer like the trailer comes out and they have like this goofy [ __ ] [ __ ] with a panda I mean like what the [ __ ] is this alright let's go [Music] Wow the correct answer to this question and amazing has a total of 42 K dislikes on YouTube on the official channel never a better source and and the correct answer to this question is none other than the Shadowlands see [Music] we would've never expected that Hong Kong I don't think anybody gives a [ __ ] about that anymore okay here we go which of these characters have never had a herbalism reagent named after them a azshara be tell Andrea see Azera D Grom Hellscream okay what's obviously not C R or D it's either a char I or two laundry you want help I can't help you everybody why they have to have like these [ __ ] ass profession questions like like where's the blacksmithing questions like I don't give a [ __ ] about picking flowers like this is stupid man I think it's to laundry abut it's probably a trick question and it's gonna be a shara like I don't know like it's either I get baited or I double bait which one man I've got we have about 10 more seconds three more seconds I'm gonna go with the shara no I'm gonna go with Andre I'm gonna go Oh eenie meenie miney moe Oh okay let's not do that I'm gonna go with to laundry [Music] process of elimination Grom Hellscream roms bot is the wrong answer AGG rums blood is the herb Azera is also the roads airline seats yep they're cold tell Andrea there's a herb from wrath of the lich king which sounds kind of similar to this name but it's not the same tell Andrea is the correct answer [Music] holy [ __ ] man come on dude all right all right here we go that's easy the pre Cataclysm warlock quest line which taught how to summon an infernal involved the accidental summoning of a foul whose name was a El Gallo Grande be el Galena Grande see El Franco gracias de El Pollo Grande let's see this was an I think it was in fair or less or not very lost felwood it was indeed a Paulo Grande El Pollo Grande let's go this is it right here literal quiz God police these words are a mixture of female male birds some are from Spanish some are from Portuguese maybe someone from Italian I have no idea but one thing I do know ok here it is is that the correct answer is d there it is [Music] easy real well this is it in Dragons trouble traxion has a chance to drop a mound which has which identification number in its name a 12 - B BC now routine - now we're talking about now 16 I know I know mounts real good if teen I'm good at know one ounce I take a should I take a lifeline for this one guys I don't know this mount is a chromatic array it drops from attracts Indian dragons yes it has the word experiment that is rush me and the letter the letter that you should be after if you want to get this question right yes e 14 - eh just kidding B as in 12 - B as the Craig answer okay when a that was interesting much now the real fun begins good luck here we go which of these bodies of water cover the majority of Frostfire ridges northern borderline a the frostbite deep be the iron see see the colossal depths and D the barrier see I think I'm gonna go with iron and see the entire and see it's gotta be iron see I did should I should I honestly on this one I pry you probably want to use a [ __ ] lifeline okay wait you know have one available you already used a 50-50 yeah but I have the thing like an asked a chat right no not yet look at look what you have available if you fail this this will be your third strike so you need to get this right okay I say I just go there and see I think that's what makes the most sense but I don't even know I have no idea [Music] this is question for the level and all I want to say is that we're getting quite deep yeah that's right deep indeed so deep that the answer is actually colossal depths how the hell was I supposed to know that that's that's because it's [ __ ] how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know that when am I going that's sailing around there's nothing even over there there's think it's completely not like doesn't even make sense all right I thought that was in a shot others didn't [ __ ] that throws in bash here look at me see I'd see abyssal depths [ __ ] okay this is question for the levels wrong and all I want to say is that we're getting quite deep yeah all right yeah yeah that's right deep indeed so deep that the answer is actually colossal depths some [ __ ] [ __ ] some [ __ ] wolf shows can I even see it on the map in which month of 2019 did Blizzard issue temporary bans to players who exploited the draught of ten lands leveling potion a april-b may see February D March brother you want to call preach I'm sure you'll be able to tell us I don't know I have no idea have to I've to ask audience what when did it happen what did it happen Oh Mike and this is the most fun that is the most unhelpful nobody [ __ ] knows dude is this gonna be number four in one quiz four times in one quiz no no dude to fellow says it's D what are you doing which one is it guys they don't know like no don't know a lot of people are saying D man this is some [ __ ] [ __ ] dude this is man [ __ ] you guys man [ __ ] you guys shot I do a poll I feel like I need to do a [ __ ] poll give me a second I'll do a poll and we'll figure this out okay ah drat okay which one is it all right let me see most people all right yeah the poll is up okay all right most people are putting D all right easy let's just go with D okay come on please a month which starts with the letter M come on man and the SEC come on matter is obviously a and come on man the final letter I was gonna put my H D is the correct answer thank you thank you wait all right three more here we go in the early alpha of world warcraft cataclysm Mogilny in town known today as dusk Haven was originally called a Waldron home the Grinberg see phantoms cloth d our more I'm gonna go with the grim I mean I'm really just guessing here I mean on it I'm just I'm just guessing you guys are just saying different should I don't think that it's a I don't think that it's see I think it's due there Hal more Granberg how more sounds like a stupid name so Blizzard probably could have done this one and changed it but grim berg sounds good too I'm just gonna go with me I don't even care like I I don't I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go with it I have discovered that people who are quite competitive and especially when they get so deep into the quiz for example question 13 which is the question in question would rather seek as many clues as possible and with that deduce the correct answer a wise decision would be to I probably think that I've eliminated three letters so we all know what it's it's gonna be the answer well wrong it is d see a B's DC ABC Vaughn man B yes it is B good guess I got lucky there it's [ __ ] this is fun what was the name of a crowd control ability which was originally intended for priests but never made it live since patch 0.6 of would've Warcraft a sleep be placate C pacify D repose Wow I think I'm gonna go with pacifying I [Music] think I want to go the pacifier [Music] come on come on gonna sleep actually no come on I can't no repose yet not yet not yet I'm not placate in URM nah you know what come on I am actually feeling sleepy Oh yep okay sleep is the correct answer [ __ ] man no no no because it sleeps in the game sleeps in the game it's in the game who me see where's the NPC abilities abilities there's like a million sleep abilities in the game no that's called hibernate bro there's like a million sleep abilities in the game is there any pacify abilities in the game wrong you were wrong you were wrong there is the funny thing is I was thinking I'd be sleep dude I was thinking that I was thinking that so hard like I was like oh there's so many other things in the game that have sleep they probably would have made it a priest ability to like dude one man holy [ __ ] [Music] yeah okay good asleep uh actually no I can't if so repose yet not yet not yet I'm not placate in URM night you know what I am actually feeling sleepy yep sleep is the correct answer [Music] I will get this one right now what was the name of the witch doctor who boldly defied Neptune's wrath going so far as inflicting pain on one of the tide hunters ancient cracky a min laughs the serpent be MOG the undying si Jin Oh the hexer now de Nez Lee Ock the dire okay okay [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] man away [ __ ] man alright alright okay if I have to guess um say B I think it might be B but mogh founds like that sounds like an ogre name [Music] [ __ ] dude how the have fun dude like are you [ __ ] ki oh my god okay I don't even know why I'm I'm a gun izing over this I have no idea like you guys are [ __ ] emo yeah I don't know like I'm just gonna random I guess I'll go with I'll go with D hey okay okay I understand you're expecting it you're expecting the assembly line of jebaited no not today you know what I'm not going to be predictable screw that let's go I'm gonna tell you the correct answer do you want to know that what the correct answer is so do I let's go ladies and gentlemen up on your feet here comes the correct answer I'm going to announce it the correct answer D okay okay I understand why don't you bait okay no not today you know what I'm not going to be predictable screw that let's go I'm gonna tell you the correct answer you want to know that what the correct answer is so do I let's go ladies and gentlemen up on your feet here comes the correct answer I'm going to announce it the and yes wait wait wait wait it is it is be what they want it's a it's a oh my god congratulations [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [ __ ] rubbing it in for sure man choppin your Sawgrass and thank you very much I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I didn't mean dick you also please don't forget to provide your feedback on what you think about the new sound effects oh sorry I want you can join my discord server who the community is or you can follow me on Twitch where I strew you know uneven subscribe me on youtube for future updates later that was terrible he sounds five [ __ ] questions wrong dude like I'm so posted dude you're supposed to lead us dude you're supposed to [ __ ] you dude [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 560,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold wow, asmongold world of warcraft, world of warcraft, asmongold wow quiz, asmongold who wants to be the ultime neckbeard, asmongold quiz, asmongold neckbeard quiz, asmongold millionaire quiz, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, porcupine quiz, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, wow quiz, asmongold porcupine monarch, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell quiz, mcconnell roasts asmongold, mcconnell wow, asmongold destroyed, asmongold takes quiz, asmongold takes
Id: 6oeZvVTvcjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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