Baked Macaroni & Cheese Recipe

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hey guys welcome back so I'm finally sharing my tried-and-true macaroni and cheese recipe I've made this at potlucks family gatherings and it's always been a hit there's no eggs in this is not three million cheese's as I see pitches that I use in this and I'm finally sharing the recipes so everyone can stop actually what I use so yeah the first thing you're going to need is two bags of macaroni realistically you only need one but I like to fill my full pan to the brim so I'll be using like two palm full of the second the second bag and you can see that in a second I know everyone already knows how to make well boil macaroni but what I see people usually do is add oil to their macaroni water do not add oil to any type of pasta water because what it does it makes your pasta really slick and whatever sauce you're putting on top of it it does not adhere to your macaroni cooking is a science guys so right here you just see me stirring it making sure that the pasta doesn't stick together I'm using natural sea salt just probably just like a teaspoon I'm from the Caribbean so you know we use our hands to measure we don't really use like measurements so that was like a teaspoon of salt I'm gonna bring it to a boil and for my baked macaroni and cheese I like to over cut my pasta just a little bit just a tiny bit because I don't like hard pasta and my mom baked macaroni and cheese no this is my secret ingredient Velveeta cheese we'll be adding it to a cream sauce which is the best way to make baked mac and cheese go and just add a bunch of grated cheese to like a pan you're gonna end up with a hot oily mess I love this cheese because it has 50% less fat than other cheeses so you're not it's not like a oily weird texture and it just melts better into the sauce and also has like a really distinct taste which is really really good it just it's just guys don't fight with me on this one just try it also for your cheese's you're not gonna get shredded cheese's in the bag because those are coated with like um it's coated with something to make the cheese's not stick together and I don't want that in my sauce so Velveeta cheese is gonna be the main ingredient in this mac and she's also one of my secrets so my cheese sauce this is red Anita dye Retta Neto it comes from like a tropical fruit it's just seeds from the fruit and it's really really red it has no taste to it whatsoever a lot of people add paprika to their um cheese sauce to make it redder but that has a flavoring to it so I'm using red Oh neato and it's just basically a flavorless dye and it's also what gives cheese its color when cheeses are made in the factory it's actually white but this is what they add to the cheese to make it yellow so I'm just adding more of that to myself I'm cutting the black in half so I can evenly cut up the cheese and cubes because Velveeta cheese is very very smooth and you can't greet it because it's just too smooth so I'm just cutting it up and I'm actually just using one and a half blocks of it here I'm starting off my sauce whether I'm using 2 tablespoons of melted butter and two tablespoons of flour so I'm using equal parts by the way my butter is not unsalted it does have salt in it but yeah so 2 tablespoons of flour 2 tablespoons of butter you're gonna whisk it until you took out that raw taste of the flour and you don't want to add your milk immediately after so I'm doing this for about like two minutes don't do this too long where your roux turns brown you don't want to do that cuz I'm your sauce I'm gonna taste burnt so I did this for two minutes on the high light medium heat I'm adding two cans of milk but I'm adding the milk gradually we don't want to add all the milk at the same time because you're gonna have a very lumpy consistency it should just add a little bit mix it around make sure it's smooth and then you can add all your milk I'm using evaporated milk because it has a creamier consistency evaporated milk is basically whole milk with 50% of the water for 60% of it taken out so it tastes a lot more creamier and it's basically made for cooking I grew up on this milk we make scalloped potatoes with a big mac and cheese like it's just a better milk to use you can use half-and-half or heavy cream but I've never used those milks to cook with but um just try them evaporated milk it just it just tastes a lot better and it's cheaper so you're gonna see me adding this second can of I'll milk to the pan and basically gonna mix it around until them the milk gets warm then I add a needle after I warmed the milk and I like to add it at this point because the milk is dinner so it's easier to mix around like if I had the cheese and then I add the onion oh the consistency is too thick and it takes a lot more elbow grease to mix so I just add it now and one of the reasons why I use and you know is because the Velveeta cheese is very potent and salty but by the time I add that small amount of cheese to all this milk it won't be yellow anymore so it's a kind of like fake it and make people think that I use a lot of cheese I use a needle I'll also be using half of the block of the sharp cheddar cheese that I showed you guys earlier and add it to the sauce this is gonna take you about like 15 minutes to get everything like evenly melted and all that jazz but yeah I'm just using half of it maybe even like a quarter and I'm just gonna use the rest of that cheese to put on top of the macaroni you're gonna continue mixing your sauce until it thickens this continuously mix it because if you don't then the bottom will burn but the longer you keep your cheese sauce on the stove the thicker it will get um however I don't like to UM keep it on the stove for too long because I like on my sauce is a little bit thin so I can float throughout the holes of the noodles so I'm going to show you guys in a second the consistency that like to keep it at because the sauce it also thickens when you put it in the oven then I'm gonna add the remainder of sharp cheddar cheese on top and last minute I decided to add a quarter of that block of Monterey Jack cheese just because I wanted it to be extra crusty at the top and I wanted like a variation of color so I'm gonna add all the cheeses and then make sure when you make this you're gonna bake it at the top shelf of your elbow the top shelf of your oven is where is the hottest point of the oven because hot air rises so I'm baking at the top with the foil cover on you want to make sure you put a full cover on for the first 10 minutes you're cooking it because you want all the flavors to marry and you don't want it to get golden brown as soon as you put it in so I have a baking at about 375 degrees and this is how it came out for the first 10 minutes then you're gonna put it back in and for the remainder about like 30 minutes you're just gonna let it get golden brown and crispy and this is how it should look and that's about it thank you guys so much again for watching and let me know if you guys do decide to try this recipe I highly recommend that you guys do and when you do you don't have to give me credit for it just message me on Instagram and let me know what are your thoughts this is not no drea mac and cheese recipe this is like expert level 1000 mac and cheese
Channel: Marsha
Views: 7,086,462
Rating: 4.8492532 out of 5
Keywords: Do It Yourself, Caribbean Macaoni and cheese, Trinidad Mac and cheese, Jamaican Mac and Cheese, SOUL FOOD MAC AND CHEESE
Id: Soqqq8XIT0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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