Southern Macaroni & Cheese | Chef Lorious

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[Music] hello today in the love lab we are making macaroni and cheese you guys I love macaroni cheese it's the best comfort food on the face of the earth says for her cuz I have a concern that you know I have three kids my oldest son is 23 and then I have a nine year old and a five year old and all the kids love mac and cheese except the five year old I don't know what's up with that he'll eat it but I think he's probably trying to have some a little tiff winces sister the nine year old but anyway the awesome part about mac and cheese is I don't think there's anything a good plain of macaroni and cheese can fix you know what I mean you can make it any way you want to make it you can make it sweet you can make it savory you can add things in it I mean you can make a cages there's so much you can do with macaroni and cheese now I'm going to show you my basic recipe I'm not gonna go into a lot of fanciness and kind of off the reservation I'm going to show you basics because I want you to be able to do whatever you want to with it make it taste like you and your family like you know if you want to make it a seafood mac and cheese we'll do a video on that at some point as well but you know what do whatever you want to it that this is just a baseline recipe and I always want you to know what matters to me the most in my philosophy on cooking is to cook from your heart use the recipe as a guide but let your heart tell you what to do all right that is nullus jump right in with our ingredients I've got some macaroni noodles here I have some shredded cheese's I have some heavy whipping cream some butter little sour cream some flour and some seasonings and we'll talk about the seasonings as we're going now I'm already boiling our water I'm going to take this three cups here of small elbow macaroni noodles and I'm going to add them to this boiling water now this is going to take about ten minutes to cook up I put a little olive oil in there because they say that makes it not stick but you know I've seen a whole lot of stories some say it doesn't matter some say I don't know but I do it and it makes me happy and it makes me comfortable and this is all about comfortable comfort food so I need to be comfortable so I add my collar file now I want you to notice I used the little elbow macaroni noodles my grandma always use those and pink Alabama cookin you know I grew up in California born and raised but my grandma and my family are all from Alabama grandma used the slaw elbow news now my mom used the large ones but she was from Alabama but I think grandma's mac and cheese was a little bit better don't tell my mom I said that all right I'm gonna give this ten minutes to boils I like soft noodles in my mac and cheese and then it'll be ten minutes for me about two seconds for you and we're going to move on to making our cheese sauce [Music] well my ten minutes is up your two seconds is up take a look I've got my pasta here what I want you to see is how done I've cooked it see I like my macaroni and cheese sauce some people like to cook their noodles out dente and for most pasta dishes I actually agree but something about mac and cheese I like these soggy noodles all right so what you're going to do once you've finished boiling your noodles and get them like the one it should go to set aside some of your pasta water that's why I boiled these in so much water because the pasta water it's gonna help this dish come together so get a measuring cup out or something make sure you've got some space so this pot is hot okay so I'm just gonna dip it in and get some of this water out see here I'm reserving about two cups now I'm only gonna need maybe one cup but I'll pour the rest out when I'm done it's no big deal so I'm gonna go over to the sides Aloha I'm gonna go over and drain his pasta and then I'm gonna come back come back from the sink mix up our cheese sauce okay let's get going with bags [Music] okay so now we're going to start on our cheese sauce now I'm gonna use the same pot I'm gonna start all right not hurting my arm I'm going to start with this thick of butter okay I'm gonna put this stick of butter here and I'm going to melt this down I'm not gonna turn the heat up really high but I'm gonna melt it down and I'm gonna make something of a blonde group okay now that means that you're going to take basically equal parts of flour and fat the reason I say that is because you can make roots for soups with oils you can make it with peanut oil I'll about anything but we're using butter today so you just want generally speaking equal parts of fat and flour now this is not gonna be a really big group that we make with this cheese sauce we're just gonna have just a little bit in there so I've got one stick of butter in here that's melting and to this butter I'm going to add about two tablespoons of flour now I'm using all-purpose flour and I'm only adding two tablespoons because I'm not trying to make this macaroni and cheese like you got to slice it up or anything okay so I'm gonna put those two tablespoons of flour in there let this start melting see that and I'm just whisking these together you see that don't get your heat too high cuz you don't want it to happen too fast but you see if you whisk it keep it going like this the flour won't stick now if you don't have a whisk you can use a spoon or a spatula like for example I'm going to show you guys how you could do it with the spatula this is my spatula see I'm kind of putting the side down and I'm just saying you can do this even if you don't have a spatula if you don't have a whisk and I want you to feel intimidated by needing all these kitchen gadgets you can make it work okay I just like using a whisk cause it makes me feel special y'all now once it's like this and we've got it looking good [Music] mmm oh you start to smell that butter and flour together oh they're such good friends in there goodness how about party you're good to go and add to it our heavy whipping cream or whatever milk you want to use now I'm using heavy whipping cream today but you can use plain milk you can use half and half you can use evaporated milk I've used all of those and they all work just fine I like heavy whipping cream though because it makes it so rich and so creamy and I have the benefit of making a video which means I can make it as wonderfully delicious and decadent as I would like to and right now my delicious decadent taste buds are really excited about this heavy whipping cream I just got to keep it really off I got to be me so you're gonna stir this together and as this continues to cook it's gonna get thicker so don't worry that initially it seems thin and you're like oh my goodness what's going on nothing it's fine this is good okay so I'm gonna keep whisking it's gonna start picking up a little bit and then we're gonna add our cheese to it in a moment so now that I've had our butter and flour and whipping cream in here for a while I want you to see how it's starting to thicken up see that it's starting to thicken up nicely this is when you want to add your cheese now I'm using four cups of cheese and if you're thinking that's a lot of cheese you would be correct but it is a lot of cheese because it's macaroni and cheese and this is how I roll okay see there oh yeah turn my heat down and I'm gonna start just oh you got Heights I'm sorry I got myself off-track it smells good we're gonna start seasoning this I'm going to use some of my chef floria's house seasoning here and this is a nice blend kind of an all-purpose seasoning blend I use it's delicious and it just puts all the flavors in here with some garlic powder oh that looks oh it's not so good I'm gonna turn this heat down some more guys and then I'm gonna put some pepper in here fresh ground pepper now you guys are gonna laugh but my daughter who is like the mac and cheese connoisseur of our family does not like pepper I don't understand that I don't understand what that even means but she doesn't like to see pepper in her mac and cheese I don't even try to figure out anyone's it makes no sense to me at all those mixed up I'm gonna add my sour cream in here as well okay sour cream is just a nice little it's a kiss-in macaroni and cheese that's what I called it kids it's a lot you say have a cream [Music] sure all of me uh-oh this looks delicious now that this is nice and mixed up I want you to see the consistency of our cheese sauce here you see how it pulls away from the sides of the pan that's exactly what you want oh and you see the seasoning in there from the chef Laureus house seasoning we've got oh that looks delicious now I'm going to add my noodles back to this and I'm going to you add in our pasta water last that will be the last thing I add in because I'm going to use that to get this to the creamy consistency that I want so all the lentils are in there my heat is off and now I'm going to just mix it all together look at this it's a party I'm telling you it's a party in the oak oh my goodness I wish everybody could come over right now and we could just have some mac and cheese now you see how this consistency is I don't want to add some of this pasta water now when you see me moving my pot around the eye of my stove what I'm doing is making sure that even though I've turned the heat off the eye is still a little warm and I don't want it to continue cooking so I just lift it up a little bit oh yes they see how this consistency is coming together oh this is lovely a little bit more pasta water in here and I've used in total today about 3/4 cup of that pasta water somedays you need more Sundays you need less there's just really no oh that looks delicious now the best part is because this particular recipe doesn't involve eggs that means that technically the mac and cheese is done I'm gonna bake it but I can also get to taste it I love this part okay clean spoon I hope I don't burn my mouth I really really hope I don't come out right now oh my word you know what when you're cooking you don't have sometimes well you always taste make sure you taste it but even when you taste it sometimes you're like oh it needs a little more salt or it needs another pinch of pepper good girlfriend got it right today first try man this is gonna be good so now one point we've got a nice 9 by 13 pan I have spread it with some cooking spray and truthfully it is done there's no Exodus it's done you can eat it right out the pot and that's what I like about using cheese sauce is if I'm trying to save time or something because the kids are like okay you know it but I also like to put it in here I'm gonna try to get it right in me I like I can put it in here and bake it for a little bit until it gets nice and bubbly give these last bits out if my daughter were here right now she okay see that and now what we're gonna do is bake this on 375 degrees in the oven for about I'd say 20 minutes or so you just want to bake it until it's nice and bubbly on the top and then take it out and feast away so I'm gonna put this in the oven again what will be 20 minutes for me would be two seconds for you and I'll be back I'll be back you'll be there to eat some mac and cheese [Music] [Music] well two seconds later look at this a beautiful pan of magma cheese now I ended up leaving this in the oven on 375 for about 25 minutes see how it's nice and golden brown around the edges oh let me get still hot hold on I'm gonna taste I want you to my taste and I want you to see how creamy it is inside look guys oh you see that smoke you see that slow oh man okay see now I'm trying to serve myself but I'm supposed to just be doing a taste but you know how how can you taste if you don't have enough to taste oh look at the cheesiness look at the there's a little oiliness in there that's what cooked to the top from the butter oh my god this looks beautiful okay okay I'm actually talking trying to give it a second to cool off cuz I'm scared I'm gonna burn my mouth and I don't want to burn my mouth because I want to taste [Music] ha oh man you know what my digit limit is my kids are gonna want this except the five-year-old except for the five-year-old but I know my nine-year-old and 23 year old are gonna be all about this and I need to eat as much of it as I can before dinner so I can ask them okay I'm gonna stop cuz I'm going to start stuffing my face thanks for being with me the full recipe is available on my website chef Laura is calm thank you for being with me have a wonderful day I'll see you next time right here in the love lab for more talib amma cookie you try a big old piece you're the main one you like the mac and cheese are one
Channel: Calibama Cooking with Chef Lorious
Views: 269,886
Rating: 4.7896047 out of 5
Keywords: ChefLorious, Chef Lorious, Calibama, Calibama Cookin, thanksgiving, macaroni, baked macaroni, mac and cheese, macaroni and cheese, how to make mac and cheese, southern macaroni and cheese, macaroni and cheese recipe, how to make southern macaroni and cheese, soul food mac and cheese, baked macaroni and cheese, baked macaroni and cheese recipe
Id: VLiiEanknmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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