How to Make: Homemade Dressing

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[Music] hi welcome to Chris cook for you too let's get started with today's recipe okay so here are the ingredients that you are going to need to make this homemade dressing I wanted to show you for those of you who don't know how to make it you got enough time to get your ingredients together so you can prepare this for Thanksgiving you're going to need cooking oil chicken broth now we do have chicken broth that we're gonna take from the turf from the turkey or from the chicken you know that we've been saving that may not be enough so you're still gonna need this chicken broth salt onion celery seed butter eggs carnation milk garlic powder onion powder poultry seasoning sage and my all-time favorite season in the world this is Chris's onion soup mix I'm going to market this I'm gonna market my own spices but I made this one this one is fantastic I think you're truly going to enjoy it and I also made my poultry seasoning so these two I personally made but you're gonna put them into your dressing and for you you just buy your poultry seasoning and use your Lipton onion soup mix you're gonna need celery now for a lot of you who use bread some type of other bread other than cornbread like if you use some type of white bread or toast instead of using that switch that and use this is only $1 Tencent in the store so use a package of the stovetop stuffing you can use the chicken the turkey or the cornbread flavor I will repeat that chicken turkey or cornbread flavored stovetop stuffing only you only need one package why do I have asked you to use this because this is already pre-seasoned you don't have to season it and the seasonings that are inside of those three that I named they're very good for your dressings you will see me to use this in my dressing so these are the ingredients that you're going to me so we're going to go away and we're gonna put this together before we start it's a three-step process that you must do you must have your homemade chicken broth so prepared you'll hear me say that prepare to cook chicken sometime within the next three weeks before the holiday arises so you can have your homemade chicken broth and I've already I have a tutorial out that shows you how to do that because you do not add water to this chicken makes perfect makes perfect broth but it makes fantastic chicken that step number one you need your homemade chicken broth you're gonna need to saute your onions and your celery so we're gonna go away and do that and you're gonna see me do that process you need to saute your onions and you need to saute your celery and you're gonna need to make cornbread yes I know that you have been saving cornbread in order to make your dressing but this is a special type cornbread that you use only when you're making your dressing and I'm gonna show you that in a 1 to 3 step process so we're gonna do that right now then we'll start to make the dressing for the next upcoming holiday be right back ok this is step 1 there's three steps that you must do in order to make a very tasty dressing and one of them is to bake chicken now it's a good idea to bake your chicken make certain that in one of your meal planning preparations that you decide that you're gonna cook chicken within a to three weeks prior to you actually make an addressing that way you will have some excellent chicken broth for your dressing now you can always take your chicken broth and freeze it so you can do it up to three months prior so if that's what you choose to do just make certain that you put baked chicken on your menu planning prior to you making the dressing now when you bake your chicken the only moisture that you want to be really it's with no water but if you see the water in my pan is simply because that water came from me having cleaned the chicken and then putting it inside of the pan and I did not towel paper towel dry it you can paper towel dry but that little bit of what I really won't make any difference you don't want to put water in this chicken the only thing that you want to do is to put your seasonings on it now try to stay when you're putting your seasonings whichever one you use it doesn't matter but try to stay in the range of what would be tasty in your dressing in other words on this I'm using some onion powder garlic powder I have some peppery cone there a little bit of seasonal and I have some salt all of those will go into dressing so you don't want to branch out too far when you're doing this if you want to use some sage just and poultry seasoning that would be fine because those seasonings go inside of your dressing but you don't want to Ray a you know branch out and then try some honey honey type of seasoning well you don't want to use something that you would use for grilling you don't want to use that so try to keep in man if you're gonna use this particular the broth that comes from this if you're going to use it in your dressing then make sure that you just stay with seasonings that would be conducive to what you're going to be putting it in which is gonna be a dressing now once you have your chicken you want to cover it and you want to cover it for all of the cooking time up to the last 30 minutes now why do you want to cover it because you want those juices that are coming from the chicken you want them to rise up and then they go back down all of that moisture you want to stay sealed inside of this container so you don't want to leave it open because that's gonna roast your chicken and it's not gonna produce a whole lot of chicken broth so you want to close this up now prior to your chicken actually being done 30 minutes prior you can lift this pour your juices off which I'm gonna allow you to see me pour my juices off then if you want to finish roasting it with no type of it you can go ahead and do it but up to that 30 minute point you want to collect all of the chicken broth that you can collect this is going to be the best chicken broth and it's going to produce a more tastier dressing and the reason be is because there is no water added to this this is coming straight from the chicken so we're gonna put this in the oven allowed us to cook and I'll bring you back when I get ready to pour off the juices that we'll be using in the dressing be right back okay now the next thing step number two is you want to saute up your veteran your vegetables so I have a little butter in here turn little brown that really don't matter just go ahead and put in your chopped up celery and your onion now these are the only two vegetables that I put in my dressing if you use green pepper and green pepper is not too pungent of a taste whereas it's overriding your dressing then that's fine but I don't use it because it tends to dominate the flavors that you want to get from your dressing now you want to saute these up real good so I'm gonna saute this up there wants to get sauteed paid-up then it's gonna go over in the dressing so you want to cook this now you don't have to cook it a lot of people don't cook it they just go ahead and put it in their dressing without cooking it but to me if you do it that way it won't be as soft of a flavor as it would go on into the dressing as if you had pre sauteed it so you can do it the other way but you may see traces of it inside of your dressing and you may actually bite down on a crunch of the celery and the onion and that you don't want to do so it's better to saute this up put it in a little bowl and get it ready this is the day up this can be done the day of it can be done up to three days earlier if that's what you choose to do but normally I do it today I'll be right back okay I finished sauteing up my vegetables which is my celery and my onion getting that prepared to go in my dressing and that's how it should look now you got a lamp translucent look so I'll meet you at the sink now step three is making your cornbread now I've already advised you there fall over two months you should be saving your cornbread every time you have a little bit left you should be putting it in your freezer and saving it stockpiling it so you can make your dressing you can do that up to two three I have done it up to two three months ahead of time but the last skillet of cornbread that you make that's the one that's strictly for dressing so that skillet should be made really the day of because that's the day or the night prior to because that's when you're actually going to be making the dressing these are the ingredients that I use for that particular skillet of cornbread you're gonna use your I use cornmeal mix you can use regular cornmeal if you choose but I used two cornmeal mix two that I add one box of jiffy now if you make your cornbread all the time with jiffy then this is not necessary you don't need to add that now why do I add the one box of jiffy because I want to a bit of sweet in my dressing I don't want it to be sweet but I do want it to be balanced and the best way to balance it without adding sugar to it is to add that one box of jiffy now I do have a cornbread tutorial online so you can follow that but this is strictly for making dressing now to that you're going to add sage this is not for you to eat again I'd say this is strictly for dressing so this is like a tablespoon and 1/4 of sage to that I'm going to add poultry seasoning and I didn't show you the ingredients for this but I'm telling you so you'll be able to know that top is a little bit tight on that job so it's the same amount I'm gonna add a tablespoon and 1/4 of poultry seasoning poultry seasoning and sage is a must in any dressing now I'm coming out with my own seasoning line but I've already started this and I didn't want to let this cat out the bag yet but it is out and this is my all-time favorite season in the world but this is the one that I made myself and it is fantastic this is Lipton onion soup mix and I worked on this a little long a little bit to perfect it I've gotten it down pat but I have not introduced it yet so but that's Lipton onion soup mix so if your bad yours from the store go ahead and get it then I'm going to add some celery seed and I'm adding like about 1/4 of a teaspoon of that and I want to add some onion now this I know by heart because I've done it so many times and I'm adding maybe about a half of teaspoon of onion powder now I'm gonna stir these ingredients together now normally I would add some garlic powder in this but I don't have the garlic powder sitting down here so I can't add it so what I'll do is I'll just add it when I get ready to put the dressing together so you'll see me at that now you can add buttermilk you can use sour milk you can use regular milk 2% milk it doesn't matter but at this point you're going to need to add some milk this is about a cup of milk and this all depends on how much how big your skillet is and how much cornbread you're actually going to make now instead of using water I am going to bring this down to I'm gonna make this liquid but I'm going to use chicken broth okay I've been making a dress I've been making dress in a long time people love my dressing but that last cornbread that you put in there you want it to have all of the seasonings in it okay I'm gonna add a little bit of cooking oil because I do have my skillet in the oven and it's heating up with the cooking oil to this I'm going to add two eggs that's why you don't do that I'm gonna go in here get this out you should have busted in a bowl and I didn't know well okay that's two heads I'm gonna stir this now I'm gonna make this all just like I beg off my regular cornbread in my oven 375 degrees it'll bake up the same way the only thing is you have more seasonings that will be added to your dressing and it's better to do it this way coz you're gonna get a much smoother taste when it comes to to your dressing now so I don't forget one of the best type one of the best ingredients to use when you're making your dressing is going to be duck grease but if you don't have a duck then you can go ahead and do it this way your chicken broth and it's just liquefying this cornbread just a little bit more I want to come on and make this because I know a lot of people don't know how to make homemade dressing and I know that they don't want to have that on their table so I'm just making this so that they can have it now these things have to be pre done before you can actually make good homemade dressing this is not stuffing this is dressing so I'm gonna go ahead and put my oil in it I'm gonna mix this up together well now when I bake this off that I bring it back to add this to my dressing most of my seasonings are already done so my dressing it was done inside of coz cornbread is the base for all dressings as you know it was done inside of this but you're gonna get a well-seasoned dressing now the two ingredients that I must add to this is going to be the garlic powder and some salt pepper if you choose to and I'm going to add a little bit more sage and poultry seasoning but we'll talk about that once we get to the dressing portion of this just a little bit up already so this is ready I'm gonna go ahead and put in my skillet bake this off in my oven now if if you follow the ingredients and you follow the way I'm doing it and I'm doing this step by step so you can see every part of it you will have some unforgettable dressing that you will never forget so I bring you back when we get ready to put together the dressing we're gonna go ahead and put this enough and make it off 375 degrees once it gets done I'll bring you right back okay this is my sage bread this is the bread that I mixed up the cornbread is ready for my dressing and if you look at it it looks exactly the dressing color that it should look this bread has that looks I'm allowed us to cool a little while then we're gonna put it together but this is the chicken that I'm baking right I just took it out of the oven see that stain coming up now what I want you to look at in here is that's the bra that's going to make the good real real good dressing see that bra now it's time for me to go ahead and roast this chicken off so what I'll do Chris crisp up the top so what I'll do is I'll pour this broth off get it ready for my dressing and there is the broth that we're gonna use and then I'll go ahead and bake off the top of my chicken I'm sorry my chicken so I'll go ahead and do this and then I'll meet you at the sink and in the background let me just show you this I'm melting the rest of the butter remember I used a little bit of the butter just to saute my vegetables so I'm melting up the rest of that butter and I did use 1/3 of a cup of cooking or because you want moist dressing so I have that already melted so as soon as this is cornbread cool and I pull off this broth we'll put together this dressing be right back okay now we're back and I have everything in a bowl so I just want to show you something okay this is my old cornbread this is just regular corn bread that you would actually use when you're preparing your dinner okay that's that cornbread this is the cornbread that I mixed up with all of the seasonings in it now it's still hot we still see the smoke coming from it see the difference in the color okay now I need you to know a lot of people ask well how do you get to your dressing to turn brown three things is gonna turn your breast your dressing Brown one is gonna be your crust from your bread which is what you see there and you see here another is going to be your sage and your poultry seasoning those are going to turn your dressing Brown okay along with whatever chicken broth it is that you so what I'm going to do now is I'm gonna put just a little bit more seasonings in here because remember my old corn bread was not seasoned even though my new corn bread was okay so I'm just going to add just a little bit more my all-time favorite seasoning in the world and I'm gonna post the this I make from scratch but I'm gonna post as close as I possibly can the ingredients so you will have them okay so I'm gonna put another tablespoon of that in there these were my saute remember my sauteed vegetables which is just the celery and the onions and I had that in a little bit of butter I'm gonna go ahead and put in because you want moist dressing so I'm going to go ahead and put in that butter that butter is gonna add plenty of rich flavor and that oil is going to give you the moistness that you need in order to make a real good dressing nobody wants to try dressing least of all me now remember I didn't add in the garlic powder garlic powder always enhances flavor so I'm gonna go ahead not enough for you to tell it but just enough to bring that flavor up and I'll post that and remember I did not put any salt so what you're actually doing is seasoning the bread now in seasoning the bread you're also season even address them because the dressing is the corn for you okay I'm gonna go ahead and add just a little bit more of the celery seed now the only other thing I'm gonna put in this just a little bit more of the poultry 60-knot the sage because when you see dressing that has a green tint to it that's because somebody has used too much sage and a lot of times you can go and you can seen it now poultry seasoning is good because you're gonna have this with Turkey and the only thing is doing is its seasoning your dressing so it will complement your turkey okay now I have some old this is my old chicken broth that I have been saving so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna pour that in I want to get some of that had some leftover celery a little bit now what really makes your dressing taste good and smooth like you need to you want it moist but you also want it smooth you don't want it crumbly in your mouth okay what tastes good then it's for you to add carnation milk and that's not enough and I'm gonna have to add just a little bit more but I need to get it now one of the things that I didn't show you its stove top stuffing a lot of people will use white bread they will use toast they will use a lot of different things to go into their dressing but the reason why I use stovetop stuffing the boy man is because instead of using white bread or toast it's because the stove top stuffing stuffing is already seasoned so this by this being already seasoned this will add just like my bread and you only want one package don't want a lot of it now if you look down in here you can see see the seasonings right there there came in that stove top stuffing new cut now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna add this chicken broth simply because I'm not gonna have enough of the homemade chicken broth so I'm adding this is just like a half a can this is really not a lot okay that's a half a can now to that because I like my own broth this is the one that I made and I want you to look at this see that good broth down in there but you see that a little bit of fat right then it came from the chicken that's gonna make this really good so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put that in there I'm gonna add some more carnation don't be scared to soup it up the reason why is because if you soup it up it's gonna be moist if you have everything not to be soupy and this is about Ken and half carnation aliens are bad but if you have everything to be dry that's exactly what you're gonna get you're gonna get some dry dressing and nothing tastes worse with turkey or anything else then drab dressing I'm gonna change now this is warm and that's the reason why you haven't seen me add I have two other ingredients that I need to add one is going to be the your two eggs and because this is warm I have not added the two eggs yet and I'm gonna add a little bit more chicken broth because this is not enough now if this is the way I'm allowed to sit for a couple of minutes because I want the stovetop stuffing that I put in there you only use in one package that's about a dollar and what a dollar in ten cent or something like that and that's just don't take the place of that if you use bread or you use toast or whatever you might use as an additive in your bread in your dressing that's just gonna take the place of it okay okay now I'm gonna go ahead and add some more chicken ball and I old-school cook knows how it's supposed to look so I know what I put in here so I know I can get you there now this will only this this that I'm making and I do have a just to throw it out that I do have a recipe one line for if you want to do your homemade cranberry sauce get you some homemade cranberries you can do it now the reason why I'm wearing these gloves is because see these big lumps that you don't want see those big lumps you can stir it with a mixer if you want to but again I'm old school so I don't need no mixer this is now I'm going to take my hand and I'm gonna blend this won't you look at the color the colors right I know the seasonings is on point but if I need to taste it I will but I can smell it I can tell that it's good okay now I'm gonna bake this in my oven probably about 3540 minutes at 350 275 degrees 375 and this is probably the last thing that you'll put in plus the first thing you'll do is make sure that you get your turkey in the oven make sure that you get really give yourself four hours on the turkey but make sure that your pads are baked off and all of this stuff somebody asked me about that too when it comes to baking your paths I always mix my mix up prior to you can do that like a week ahead of time and leave it in the refrigerator saw the flavor skin just absorb each other and I do my greens ahead of time I do all of that stuff ahead of time because you want all that stuff to be good and you don't want to rush with it put just a little bit more broth in here so you not got as much of your Thanksgiving Day dinner as you can prior to that way you'll have a minimal amount of cooking and you're fool to be very flavorful and you can spend more time with your guests okay give me just a little bit more broth so I used about a can of half and I must say the staff eat about 10 people which I normally don't I'm only doing this for you guys because I normally don't cook dressing we only do dressing like once a year and I know they don't do it this close to the holiday because if I do then nobody else wanted they won't want it when the how would that get here but I had so many other things to do until I just got a chance to put this together and I wanted to get it up so you guys could have it your case there's somebody out there that don't know they want homemade dressing but they don't know how to fix it now this is the look okay look at that this is the look before you put it into the oven this is going to come out moist because we got enough oils and butter in it it's going to come out rich in flavor because we have carnation in it and it's going to be the right texture because we have not only the cornbread but we have the stove top stuffing and it's going to be seasoned to perfection I don't even have to worry about that so I'm gonna put this in a pan and I'm gonna go ahead and bake it off and I'll bring you back and I'll show you what it looks like be right okay now the dressing is done so I'm gonna go ahead and take it out of the oven and like I told you I am only pre-baking this so that you guys can see what it looks like and we're gonna have chicken and dressing for men and then three weeks from now we're gonna have turkey and dressing so I'm just gonna dish up just a little bit just to show you because it's not really dinner time but I want to show you see how moist that dressing is that is the way your dressing is supposed to look it's not supposed to be hard look at that that's the way it's supposed to look it's supposed to be smooth to the texture soft it's not supposed to be crumbly for heart that's the right color that's the right texture and I know that this really take is good and I'm gonna serve it today with just I can't hear us without cranberry and sell so I got a little bit of cranberry sauce and of course you've seen the break baked chicken so I just wanted to come to you and show you exactly what this looks like so you can have this dressing on your dinner table so that's what Chris is making for you to make today she is making the homemade dressing one more video I want to post before the holiday come that will be holiday related and that is the giblet gravy that will be coming up soon and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you too bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,024,137
Rating: 4.7573223 out of 5
Keywords: homemade, dressing, thanksgiving, recipes, cooking, cornbread, stuffing mix, Turkey side dish
Id: _ovqRrs6cOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 22sec (2002 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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