Grandma Gloria's Sweet Potato Pie Recipe

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hi this is Brenda Laurie Organa and I got another one this time and most people that baked sweet potato pie systemize the best I'll do my life this way but I have to see my and I can truly say once you taste mines you will never go back so let's get started the first thing you want to do concerning the sweet potato pie you never peel why because a lot of the flavors is in the skin so if you peel the potato with a knife before you bought it then you boiling out a lot of the flavors of the potato so what I'm not going to do when I get it from the store I wash it off even though they'd be washed I still wash it off because you don't want that sand a little dirty to be in the Baltimore and I also cuts the end zone this is a regular cutting knife I cut the ends off on both sides of the potato because you bought it on you have to pull it off when it's hot so once you have the potatoes ball nettles set in the strainer because the tails carry a lot of water and so as you can see all this war and even more I pulled a little bit out because I think that would be it would be in your bed and you don't want that so what we gonna do once you do that you go easily see how that's myself you don't want to need that on because I just want even though that's not part of them that's part of the skinny so that just easily come off that way and if you see in the dark spots I send the potato before you put it in your bowl just pick it out I don't see any okay skin this one the same way it's gonna make a nice pot it's gonna make two paths but uh sometimes it's be a little over now what kind of dark spots are you talking about can you long-term was learning together when you buy them if you don't check the real well they have dark spots on them going into the skin of the potato and some gold is very deep so when you choose your potatoes because if you do once you boil them out you have to be doing a lot of digging so the next thing we're gonna do it most people don't do this some of the best cooks don't know this technique before you add butter before you add sugar before yeah nutmeg and all these things you must take out the strands what we call that those a little bit of strings I'm not going to the bottom nothing I'm gonna show you how to remove stains from your yams anything can you say that again because the longer you beat the more strands you won't get off the table most people just keep beating and they add something in like that but you don't want to do that dress this off and not know I'm going to do this about four times well what makes me stop the counts I don't usually to use a small I usually make up our four five potatoes pies at one time and so I put the rest let me see those strands bullied let me see the string that's a lot you don't you don't want that in your path because when you when you do vapor it it will show the little strands and you cut your pie that's something that should not be in there so by taking out the strands would smoother and also make the texture better then I also met the consumer know that you really took pride in removing strands since please stop now right here I will stop right here you can't get no more than that now if it was a bigger batch I am gonna do it one more time to show you is getting Nessa and that's it [Applause] no I don't work oh yeah don't worry about that each time I'll do it from now on it's gonna look just like that I can choose to do this because it's always that way I can choose to dump it I am suicide but when you get shot like that we will get to remove them all but at least do it in these okay next thing we're going to do when it comes to pies and cakes I do use measurements so you can know then I can have a memory of the what I did so my second thing I used to put in and my butter normally be melted but I'm not going to do it right now how much bread was that that is strip and a half to two pots just gonna make two piles and maybe more [Music] I know [Music] and use my chute almost start off with one cup okay one cup of sugar I'm leaving that have just in case the cops when I get everything in I'll taste it and if they need more sugar then I'll add it we start off with [Music] now if I had done this when I had just taken the cleaner back from Bordeaux but it will didn't melt about now but I want to show you this in the water I'm going to drain this so you can see and this is just a show how much strand you took out of the potatoes unwanted strands that you want you don't want to put in your potato pie all of these are strings that much from two piles okay now this look like it's going to be little more than two paths usually I get two eggs too high but since this a little more I'm going to add five eighths notes or some big potatoes so my potatoes usually be much much bigger than their I used to be my face okay say there one more time okay your potato batter should look like cake back if you okay if your potato backup better it's real still it's kind of hard to move around you gonna have a very very heavy sweet potato pie and you don't want that so you don't look like hitting back don't taste like an ice cream that's how I judge my okay let me ask you one question before you turn the blender back on how many eggs are we using for the two pies this will make those two would make two pounds plus and since I know that it's going to be more than just two pies a Toluca pies I put an extra in it because you got to compensate for the extra batter that's there so to her time two eggs but just you have a little bit more and so all right so you use the extra five eggs total for this and then I will start bringing my spices now our spices most people don't know this lemon flavor yes in his limo extra I use the best at all of my past in my for my ingredients so I'm going to use one tablespoon of lemon extra my mother taught me this nobody used to do this so this is this is vanilla extract you something I'm going to use a teaspoon cinnamon [Applause] I'm going to use a teaspoon of nutmeg listen done name sometime when it bakes out you'd have a little black spots for me because sometimes there's not I don't think you put them in so I have my sage I have none a gentleman I don't put the liquid in but I do put the nutmeg and the cinnamon so this one here just like my sage don't wanna make sure this don't say say I got my cinnamon got my lemon flavor now I'm going to do other thing and when you make your pass the best thing to do when you but I kept you waiting mate I start cooking for Thanksgiving make your pies at least a day before because once they get they'll sell that way and they'll be easier to cut okay there's something else I want to say concerning this now when I tell you bring that out slowly because I thought that the glitter if the black if the blender would still born while I lift it up it'll be all over the place so that's what you don't really want to avoid let me taste this to see within my solder all the time tell them how to make these passes I told them it don't taste like ice cream you need something else Oh anything look like Annie maybe no monster your motion this was a half a cup it's gonna be your fault better forth okay we extra tablespoon and a half [Music] now I'm doing what I normally do when I make my own hands that's all you have to do when you make it so let's see see how smooth that is my cupcake batter take it round like make it member meanwhile after 5 X because it will be a little more okay fill them up like so so it's a good thing I had it 5-inch so have something up and I got more power shields so my pies never be this dog I was doing something else and I think they stayed about 10 minutes longer than I wanted to I want to say this to you normally I would not cut this pie until the next day Oh [Music] this one was made this morning see and I used it deep high-trust not a little show see when you don't let it sit it won't come out because this is still kind of warm you don't want it to fall to the side like that once you let it set but it didn't run out buzz so this was made today it's weird this morning but when it's set over overnight not in the refrigerator dress on the counter mmm guess it's the mission oh I can't wait yeah Marathi taste then I'm sorry Oh anyway this is Granville billion sand and gold when you do your Thanksgiving include grandma Lois when you taste it you don't say wow this is
Channel: GrandmaGloria's Cooking & Gardening
Views: 591,752
Rating: 4.8792005 out of 5
Keywords: Grandma Gloria's Sweet Potato Pie Recipe, making a sweet potato pie, how to make a sweet potato pie, making the best sweet potato pie, making a perfect sweet potato pie, making a southern sweet potato pie, how to make a down south sweet potato pie, moms sweet potato pie
Id: 8m66qSqAn48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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