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hey y'all welcome back to my channel today we're gonna be making old-school baked mac and cheese huh huh but before we do that all of my books are on sale today for only 40% off going over to my website link will be in the bayou up let's get into it someoneís our boiling my pasta now I'm gonna boil my pasta in some chicken stock because I believe what's in the water gonna come in the pasta okay and I want my pasta be sucked up and with a little flame but summer boiling some chicken stock cuz I don't want to do no water then I'm gonna take my beat-up pan that I got I'm a boil my pasta to this outdent rates for about seven minutes and I'm restraining make sure you don't overcook it then we're gonna add our butter to the pasta wants to cut butter and the ingredients will be in the description box below don't you worry okay we're gonna give it a stir but make sure you don't stir too much cuz you don't want to you know make the pasta too dummy okay then I'm gonna add my sour cream a man child cream but this time my momma make it and then faint broke don't try to fix them to be good at fail be sucked up okay just the old-school way add a little sour cream then we're gonna add some seasoned I'm just add a little bit of pepper II cook for some color cuz you know it don't taste like none child and some onion powder garlic powder and a little bit of salt because remember we cooked our pasta and she goes I don't eat that much so then I'm gonna add some cheese here just as much cheese you want maybe about a cup at a time add some provolone some mozzarella a little cheddar to that and it's gonna give it a stir okay so I add about maybe three cups of cheese this look this I'm for the sailors on your lord help me this mac and cheese is extra cheesy y'all so now I'm gonna add my eggs cuz we're gonna ready to make our custard that go in the macaroni to make it hold up and set up really really good it's also gonna make it creamy and I just added some heavy cream to that and also some milk and just make sure you check out the ingredients in the description box I have all the measurements down there just give it a whisk just like that whiskey real good and I'm going to be cooking out of my cast-iron skillet honey cuz you notice how we do it on here in the South okay and I put that butter in that skillet so it can be sucked up and then macaroni won't stick so I'm just gonna add about a cup and a half of my macaroni down into the cast-iron skillet now this cast-iron skillet it's very deep now normally you can use the 9 by 13 pan or whatever that adjust your cooking time though depending on how deep your okay but this is a cast-iron skillet so I just pull it poured my milk on top of the macaroni as you can see I'm just layering it I'm adding macaroni down then I'm adding some more cheese at a time then I'm adding my custard just gonna layer it just like I do a lasagna or anything like that so just take your time add as much cheese as you want to okay cuz make sure you make a cheese or honey be sucked up soon as you add the cheese just add about a cup of the custard at a time okay so about a cup of the custom of the custard at a time so you put your pasta down then you put your cheese down a cup and a half of cheese then gonna add a cup of the custard and then you're gonna finish layering it just like that put some more cheese on top and sprinkle a little pepper Iike for that color cuz they don't taste like good no no why people think pepper taste like some job anyway we're gonna bake this on 375 for about 45 minutes to an hour and it's gonna come out looking just like Dean look at that now before you dig into it just let it rest for about 10 minutes and then look baby huh God is real in my soul a man talk to y'all later
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,610,967
Rating: 4.9500585 out of 5
Keywords: Baked macaroni, Southernmacaroniandcheese, Macncheese, Holidayrecipes, Cheddar, Southernfood, Pasta, Cheese
Id: snsEjQKO-s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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