BAKED MAC N CHEESE /Topped with Breadcrumbs

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hey guys I'll be showing you my take on baked mac and cheese with bread cones the first thing you'll need to do is boil five cups of water boil two cups of macaroni on a next pot add in a whole stick of butter make sure to melt that down and on the side here as you can see I've let my elbow macaroni boil for about 15 minutes after 15 minutes turn off your heat and drain your pasta you want it dry so set it aside and we will make our roux for our cheese so I'm going to add in 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour and I'm going to keep mixing and mixing making sure that I do not take my eyes off my room I have my stove set at medium-high heat and I'm just going to be vigorously mixing until I get the consistency of like apple sauce and now I'm going to add in 2 cups of milk and I'm going to keep mixing for about another three minutes or so and I'm adding my milk slowly just to make sure there's no clumps [Music] so after three minutes of constantly moving my spatula around this is a consistent consistency you should get kind of like a pancake mix so you see it's very thick now I'll be using Velveeta original cheese I'm going to use half of the block of cheese and I'm just going to put it right into my room and I'm just going to keep mixing and chopping it up just like this and getting the cheese incorporated with the roux so this will take about five minutes or so to melt down but don't take your eyes off so after five minutes or so of me mixing the cheese up with the roux this is the consistency you should get a very thick cheese and this is perfect now you'll want to add in two cups of water I'm sorry not water milk and I'm just going to keep mixing once again so a very long process but totally worth it look how yummy that looks i also added in some black pepper so i'm using mozzarella cheese Mexican fourth style cheese mild cheddar shredded cheese and I'll be using about a cup of each cheese and I'm going to butter my skillet making sure that I get all the sides covered with butter so my macaroni won't stick to the sides and now I'm adding in my cheese and look how delicious this looks that's how you know this won't be no dry macaroni all right so now I'm adding in my cheese the three packs of cheese that I had about a handful of each cheese and now just get it mixed in there get the cheese on every spot and flooding it down and I'm going to go over it again with a little bit more cheese to make it extra cheesy [Music] easier the better so now I'll be using panko breadcrumbs this is an Italian style bread comes and I'm using and I'm just I am the amount and I'm also going to be adding Parmesan cheese to the top of the bread crumbs it gives it a very very good taste so after this you bake at 350 degrees in the oven cover and bake for about 10 minutes and I forgot to show you the gut you guys the part where I took off the top in the oven and I let it boil for about 4 minutes or 5 minutes but make sure to keep your eye on it because when you put it on broil it burns really really quickly so it'll burn your bread crumbs but this came out perfect I'm making baked chicken mashed potatoes my mac and cheese and some cornbread yum yum yum look how delicious this looks and this is the recipe for the best mac and cheese super delicious and cheesy make sure to subscribe to my channel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Crafty Wife
Views: 224,366
Rating: 4.8120494 out of 5
Id: U6T0Lak-4_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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