Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court (Ep. 41)

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enjoy your badge and your emotes and your hugs thank you thank you very much so didi - I've put some time in off camera into building what I considered to be probably the best available team composition for us here of course Jules our men-at-arms I think I saw you in chat actually didn't I earlier Jules buddy you have been carrying us to victory here this guy has been a monster so this mantle arms is basically a necessity in the lineup I think a vestal is pretty close to a necessity I wouldn't really want to risk an occultist in here so the vessels got a fill out spot for I think and then I was looking at one two and three welcome to the bear strike ah well we're the pile man thank you we sheet that support get the hugs up again please for Streicher thank you very much I was looking at spots 1 2 & 3 because of course that man-at-arms is versatile he's gonna be able to fill any position in that range and I'm looking at this and it feels quite a bit like the best possible option to me we've got stress healing on here we've got backup healing in the form of the flatulent how LP is the flatulent of the BB good question Zack I don't know we did take him into the shuffling horror fight but I don't know how good of an indication that could be for the remainder of it I think he'll be good here though and then obviously the crux of this is this Crusader he's the only stress healing we've got besides the transfer of power from the endure on the flatulent and we're gonna be looking to cheese a couple of these fights so we probably want to keep at least one stress healer beyond the flageolet and the Crusader seems like the best choice I had a jester but a he has the worries so I did end up having to commit him to the sanitarium and then be Crusaders just way better than the Jester for these fights I think so I feel good about that he'll use holy Lance of course he's gonna be swapping positions with the man-at-arms quite a bit I've equipped the trinkets on these guys as well of course we're gonna be giving them the talisman of flame as soon as I can find out where the hell those and they are bam bam bam there it is please use endure on the flatulent yeah I think I'm gonna have to so like I was saying here the holy Lance plus the rampart here in the man-at-arms crusader they're gonna be swapping positions here in spot two and three over and over and I may actually utilize command quite a bit that was the one I like to do equip out of his possible buff upgrades and I also need to go ahead and upgrade these I just realized as well yeah let's go ahead and do that but yeah this one feels the best to me I need the extra accuracy I think in these later level dungeons so the command is really good for the entire party and yeah it's pretty much it Californian hey welcome I haven't finished all the crimson bosses now unfortunately none of them can attack from position 3 though right Crusader can with Lance but the man and I was stuck except the ramparts yeah I mean he is he can retribution from here too of course he can't crush but I've done this before with the men arms being in spot 3 and felt okay about it his defender is still very useful his command if that's the only thing he can do in a turn that's still pretty goddamn good so I'm gonna be okay with this yeah we got to upgrade the weapons and armor as well of course right yeah and then the flageolet will be using endure more than likely i want to keep redeem available so i may actually trade off exsanguinate for endure suffer may not be all that necessary we'll see we'll see you after like the first few flights what's going on with that I might have to make some trades but let's go ahead and fix up the man-at-arms real fast Jules has been in need of this for a minute here and there we go okay he's much much better going to the survivalist although I don't think we actually need to unlock anything for these guys I'm fairly certain they're good to go unshakable leader isn't really that necessary bless is kind of good I guess it's better than the pepper or the uh yeah the pep talk so there we go yeah retribution works from three so it's it's not too bad not too shabby I think I think this is about as good as it's gonna get for this squad you think Bello over command if we put Bello up at rank five they have a look at that that would be I think like minus ten dodge minus seven speed which is really good they do have a decent amount of Dodge in the in the darkest dungeon after all and losing speed on the enemy or dropping the enemy team speed is gonna be pretty helpful as well Bello is only better for the in command if your respect for debuff resists bypassing now mmm yeah one hundred and forty percent they probably will have some good resistance as won't they so that yeah your you're not wrong that might not be that might not be a risk we're willing to run this is a chance whereas this is a guarantee and this is much more accuracy than this is dodge loss so this is probably better I see what you're talking about with the Bello for sure but I think this is maybe our best option here I might even consider bolster honestly bolster is pretty strong as well and that like we use this to ideally take off their speed of what if we can just guarantee five speed per companion that's that's pretty good too we might have to try that I don't know how much accuracy I'll need if we end up missing a bunch of attacks early on maybe we'll have to make the trade there but let's use that for now and see how it goes and I think we're ready I think we're good mr. Squibbles how you doing difference between the video and the stream the difference is I can say your name reverse serif in real time and address you as a human being that's the difference man it's crazy I really just every time I have to do this I'm so reluctant to hit the button but this does feel like it's about as good as it's gonna get I'm using the heart burst hood of course which could be improved upon but I really like that speed buff when he's in dire straits so let's do it I'm gonna be using stunning blow all that often but that is probably the best choice still yeah bulwark would be nice actually I'm glad I at least have that unlocked in case um why maybe go for something that gives me some more torch light or something ah okay let's do it let's go let's go welcome our W welcome to the pile buddy thank you thank you very much I appreciate it enjoy your bed to your emotes lightning 26 made a quit gods be with you sir bear the wise I hope so too we're gonna bring we can bring a shitload of holy water to prepare us for the for the Impaler fights probably wouldn't be a bad idea maybe even just like all of it just just bring all of the holy water we'll bring a bunch of anti-venom as well might even like double stack that because I know the impaler's have quite a bit of that damage we could just completely over prepare do not forget some blood yes we're set on that might as well bring a full stack of that to ya bandages probably only need one stack this overkill in the holy water is questionable questionable hmm herbs too like I really do want to bring some herbs we don't need shovels or keys right I'm fairly certain we don't need shovels or keys so that would mean that the only thing I'd like to bring in that last slot is probably more torches yeah all the food all the food is tempting yeah it's not too long the dungeon itself is not really all that arduous as far as its length is concerned hmm dee dee too [ __ ] sucks yes indeed and before holy water is never pop before a fight well go away I've got the actual fight itself to fix that with this I think this is gonna be our our ideal setup it's interesting I think we're gonna I think we're gonna rock base serpent tongue welcome to the bear pile thanks for twitch crimes sub and buddy I appreciated the man arms get blessed with God's powers in the DLC I've been watching every stream so I'm a bit behind this dude we've brought up from Rank 1 over the course of like the past four weeks or so you can see his trip he's it's not quite godlike but he has acquired some some powers over the course of these last few weeks okay man okay I don't think I get to stall anymore do I I think we got to go eeep the thing has no name or it needs no language nevertheless those who would submit to its word this will are rewarded in a fashion the creatures blessings are as repulsive as they are robust twisted half-human monstrosities stalked the flesh ridden halls protecting their just dating God yeah what's the worst that can happen huh can lose all the characters and wipe out the savefile that's the worst that could happen so you know it's fine no big deal madness made flesh it crawls steadily upward from the pit supported by the lattice of cyclopean pillars the writing in this place is just oh my god so good no bleed to start off with they do have a good amount of resistance I guess so that's a bit of a disadvantage to the to the flatulent unfortunately I might have to consider that early guard here I think a rampart is in order this is the very first run of the day yes we spent a good portion of last night preparing for this realizing now too that I suppose using a rampart first action with men arms is suboptimal [Music] I'm gonna have to consider that also holding Lance is not gonna work for this fight huh okay well that's not a good start let's try again let me bleed him this time we're gonna deep up at least there we go all right a little more likely one defect two months of rail Thank You Man appreciate it double death flash no problem we can heal that I'd even let him stay low and give him a solo he'll if I feel like it it's done now for sure I think I'll go ahead and pop one on you yeah no countess yet we're we're gonna be looking to get ourselves some invitations to the courtyard once we're through with this assuming we're gonna be through with this at some point [Applause] curbs welcome back now thank you very much for we subscribing as well appreciated do a badge animo do there's that bleed keep popping the death flash on this is totally fine lowers the bleed resist but again we're not really too concerned about that okay go ahead and maybe bolster this time use ourselves the speed upgrade so we can heal up before they start doing anything too bad and if I do that it's gonna say even if even with the low hit it's enough with the bleed to take him out I'm gonna go ahead and give him a stress he'll right now as well it's been all the Crusaders done so far but I'm kind of fine with it it's also of course providing us with that torch light which is quite nice saving us the torches themselves yeah this is totally fine as long as we can land at least like one debuff and fairly certain at that point we'd be able to get them chat and bear what color should I do my nails we got to do something fitting of the can you can you do for me just a grotesque red black bloody mess to fit the theme today babe you think so you give me eldritch horror nails is that a possibility nothing doing here huh god damn let's try this bloody sparkles yeah there you go nice this game hard to learn chat it's it's not too bad chance it's got some complexities to it takes a little while to understand the benefits and disadvantages of all the different classes and all that kind of stuff but it's not too bad otherwise both the debuff and I believe that time very good whoo bear brown yeah there's another good one good nail color I'd say DD is firmly in the easy to learn difficult to master category I'd pretty much agree with that give them the finger bear trying to managing to take care of most of our problems here fairly effectively although this is of course the very first fight so I shouldn't get too excited there we go striker welcome buddy I have a feeling I'm gonna be utilizing this [Applause] this bolster quite a bit more than I initially suspected - and everybody's full health holy [ __ ] do you like to get the hardest fight out of the way earlier or later bear I like to do it at the end my tried-and-true strategy for DD - at this point is to go left up right that's what I've done pretty much every time since my second attempt at it and I feel pretty good about it so I'm gonna keep going like that so I go left down hit this first Templar fight then go all the way around up to here get the top and then go all the way to the right did you bounty hunters learn how to correctly point their fingers I'm hoping so I haven't had one out in a while but maybe they've had some training when they've been back at the estate now when you point at them make sure you point at them and not kind of in their general area otherwise it won't work these summer colors are always fun Oh got the debuff at least we're not gonna start with a rampart this time I might start with a bolster actually give myself a big dodge speed buff - to begin - this one although defender on her 45% protection on top of that tough ring is quite nice to guard up right there that's unfortunate he was already pretty low okay debuff to bleed resistance on the men-at-arms luckily the fledgling didn't suffer it I could probably stun this dude alright unfortunately crit there too with the bleed huh okay so we'll probably just bandage that up I think I'm pretty safe to do this although sadly that would be killing the cultists that's not actually what I expected to happen but I'm glad I get to make the prediction all the same and thank you for guarding as well previous bear I made a good decision doing that now well rampart and probably holy Lance again to get to the backline guy if I get the correct turn order here I think I'm just gonna go for the individual heal guys say the priest has some pretty nice-looking robes they only get a good look to him don't they okay yeah set up the holy Lance I think and do whatever needs being done here he's already got debuff applied to him so let's go ahead and try to stack that up plus the bleed feeling low now and sadly stuns more than likely Oh got away with that one okay sweet where do D hey there ya exsanguinated hopefully kill him nice slowly gently this is how a life is taken yeah that's right Jacob you can't you can't encounter any sorts of specialty bosses in this place shamblers collectors are fanatics it's all scripted here's that stunt I was expecting I think I want to try to get away with a stress he'll this time compassion although I can proudly smite him for the kill but this feels better okay now now I almost want to try this again I think I will yeah we just started DV 2 we are in the second fight I believe totally fine these d buffs really aren't that bad as long as they don't have anything else they're using I almost want to try this stun again but I could just bolster instead more than likely get first action for the entire squad and now let's try this might sweep ok now I'm looking to probably stress he'll still actually got that stun that's surprising probably not gonna believe this thing though I can pretty safely assume and then let's just group heal good [ __ ] good [ __ ] a little bit more stress healing on you it may seem like I am going a bit overkill trying to take care of our issues at the moment but I guarantee you you will not be feeling that way soon these crits are quite nice though I got to feel good about that that's not so much though Wow yeah back to feeling better hey chatting son anyone and a round stress to geez okay well that still won't kill him actually yeah lowered his bleed resistance by a hundred but that's still not enough really want to get rid of that but I don't think I'm gonna be able to I mean I guess I could good go ahead and do it now that's fine too okie dokie so I believe this is the first Templar fight but I'm gonna go ahead and hold off on the holy waters until we actually get into the fight proper you fed up to radiant we're get all the correct party order and everything here all right let's do it what's up Fanta all right let's do it oh that's starting got lots of antivenom though so hopefully hopefully won't be too bad managed to resist that right away let's use that that and probably don't need a torch hmm I don't think I want to rampart yet again so bolstered still tempting defender oh I should defender the Vestal actually welcome to bear pile pal thank you very much for the support I appreciate it something with which prime stacking bleeds on him is going to be extremely effective and yeah we don't want to even allow for the risk of being targeted by a single revelation there we go that's more like it and a holy Lance is tempting very very tempting I think I'll go for it might even attempt a stun on him with a rampart ouch oh wow here comes death's door for the fledgling as life ebbs okay yeah cool right on lots of fun lots and lots of fun let's fix that oh the crit heal not bad alright that's okay that we got holy Lance of course I would like to retribution welcome to the bear one crazy Rapids here well c'mon in thank you very much for seven as well appreciate it I'll have to heal 66 140 versus 98 with 74% chance to hit the torch lights fine heal him now let's just do this she's guarded as well I'm probably not gonna worry about this dress right now okay damn it oh my goodness he dislikes this flatulent they really don't want him up front still holy [ __ ] I should have probably used them herb there but now we can use an herb after judgment kill all right that gets rid of one banish at least that's know let's keep defending ninety percent protection that's why we do it you know what I'm gonna leave that polyp for now anyway an attempt to stress you a little bit that's totally fine still got lots of anti-venom you love the art in this game me too man it's wonderful he has resisted like every single move he's been a bamf and I have not use the holy parts at all oh god damn it should have expected that I guess I might go for a super heal from him but exsanguinate is more than likely gonna kill him so maybe I should just stick with that oh wait no he doesn't have a bleed anymore Oh interesting my heel is probably gonna be enough to take care of everybody if I group heel him does he still have his thing he doesn't I'll just do that I guess yeah I want to keep stress healing here [Applause] wasn't going so slow he's got 11 speed with a speed buff it's really strange I'm still not gonna use the herbs here because i'm a cotton-headed ninny-muggins also did not land the lead but that's okay I probably could have handled this whole fight a little bit better I almost want to try this it's only 140 though I would stack this up for another bit of nine dodge which is quite good yeah I keep doing it watch your profanity Wow yeah I should have guarded that whoops the chatting son Wow thank you for the $30 tip I appreciate I'm doing a bad thing here letting this guy stay alive goodness remember that the emperor smiles upon you oh wait wrong universe still here it is do you have fun and stay awesome thank you for the $30 man appreciate it a lot I did not do good things here I'm gonna be the first to admit that I could have handled this a hell of a lot better [ __ ] well she's guarded now let's keep healing I guess here we go good religious sighs alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade a tent there we go pure pariah welcome to the pile buddy welcome back to the pile rather sorry thank you very much for three months in a row appreciate it you doing that [Applause] mm-hmm okay sweet ah great is the weapon that cuts on its own all right I got to play better in the next one that wasn't good now to use the herbs gonna use the waters gotta heal better that was my that was my freebie that was my opportunity for error people think I'm bad at this game because if I don't play perfectly than I suck ass that's pretty much their their criteria for it well the bear pile dude thanks for someone with twitch prom appreciate it uh yeah do not forget the holy water I will forget the holy water is the stress symbol the iron crown or is that just the name of a shrine there's a little bit of a similarity between the two huh now that you mention it that's interesting ok so we can cheese the [ __ ] out of this if I manage to do it correctly so let's attempt to reduce his resistance first if I can and I'm gonna kill these two and leave these two behind that's the plan might even try to stress you Oh like basically the entire time with a crusader as well I'm not sure if we need his damage you can also only hold only holy Lance from there so he might just end up having to stress you all the whole time anyway judgments would actually be nice I'm gonna do this man this is so obnoxious [Applause] hmm you might bleed now know how it's [ __ ] hell let's do this to allow the crusader ideally to finish them off with the holy lance and then move him in a spot to so we can actually do something although then the flatulent is obviously in a worse position hey Dan Big Mo welcome in oh yeah I missed too much we are in the first mission of the day here in DD - let's just keep everybody topped off nice now I really think this is still the best idea you gotta be kidding me this is socks man I'm doing bad I don't want a rampart again I'm gonna let the holy Lance swap occur because I really haven't been doing that all that much I really want I got I gotta let him Lance here so let's just you know this isn't that actually let's try this okay good cannot rampart might be bolster time because I don't want a retribution either I don't want to end up reposting the cultists defender isn't really necessary so yeah speed upgrades will help us a lot too this is like it's it's annoying and difficult to actually kill these two and leave these two alive but we got to try it and stack of that at least okay now what am i doing what am i doing I can rampart now judgment might be enough as well stack of bolster though would do his wonders let's give that a shot and hope that they miss the finger six to thirteen will do this and then hopefully kill them what the judgment next turn no dice [ __ ] lose the guard again dodj worked once that feels good at least so we now we ran part holy lance please thank you okay one down hey how's it going as the life gains purchase wide in the world confidence surges as the enemy crumbles riposte all that I didn't even think about that that's a good point the riposte can't hit these guys so I suppose that wouldn't have been a terrible idea I'm fine with the bolster though the bolsters been doing okay I think geez it's a silly man I'm just gonna stun them again silly isn't that the guard I guess like the stress ceiling is at least doing pretty well and if the debuff that time let's try it again hee hee we are I mean we're fixing the problem slowly it really doesn't look like things are going all that great but it's but the problems are going away little by little 1:13 that time I don't have any more bolster let's just do it this time mark sim anyway so that's helpful too I guess a man thanks to the subscription appreciate it welcome to the pile enjoy your badge and emotes here we go maybe knocking back to spot three alright oh my goodness eat a dick whatever oh Jesus Christ oh man it cheese my cheese yeah seriously this is all right this isn't working anymore this isn't working god please make him heal himself right hey that's good just gonna bandage that it's maybe I should save it right welcome back buddy thanks for the reset appreciate it 86% chance to hit [ __ ] what is happening welcome to the bear gondola cactus welcome to the pile thank you kill themself but you just land this [ __ ] thank you clearly welcome to the bear vial a [ __ ] loss for words man no squirrel hi from France hey there man how you doing weed and please [Applause] I'm not I'm not gonna give them a chance [ __ ] formation they were gonna totally heal him right there okay we actually did it can you believe it we actually did it it's a miracle it's a goddamn miracle all right welcome to the next 20 rounds of our lives ladies and gentlemen hope you enjoy it yeah go go make some tea or grab a drink whatever you got to do we're gonna be here for a minute we're gonna fix this it's pretty [ __ ] bad hey blaze how you doing right exactly this is a perfect opportunity to go grab yourself a cold delicious madrenas copy you don't have any you can go get some uh madrenas coffee calm slash shop and use that code bare coffee for 40% off yes I should start I mean let's just do it one at a time really wish I had his indoor but oh well tune in tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion of like a DBZ episode alright one more on him hey there we go we've got the crit heeling away their stress yeah they're gonna they're gonna be feeling pretty good by the end of this here's the thing like I believe me when I tell you I recognize that this is boring and stupid but hear me out it's necessary this is necessary this must be done to ensure our success for the remainder of the dungeon this must be done I have hit our death limit effectively ten out of sixteen I do not feel confident about losing another soldier here so it's got to happen man yeah they don't have any attacks so this is uh this is just super cheese 101 right here they didn't make it easy on me I definitely earned this better than losing the entire estate exactly so I'm gonna bring our guys down to like 20 apiece probably or something like that I've actually lost the stygian running DD 2 does not feel so good right I would I would not feel so good losing this squad here in DD 2 so I'm gonna do everything I can to prevent that from happening I also I'm really enjoying looking at these stat buffs right now but pretty much immortal this is the future of gaming oh jeez flatulent no longer takes damage yeah I know he's he's set to go I'm at 10 out of 16 deaths so yeah we are if we were to wipe here if we got a party wipe out of this the game would be over again reiterating why I'm doing this I think I'm actually only gonna go for like three or four more though just because I'm getting kind of bored already does the solo he'll have a higher crit chance I don't think so logic tells me that the group he'll has the higher chance just because you're attempting it on more people hey there we go a little bit of excitement these guys look so [ __ ] happy when they're waving their arms around like like they're having a ball don't they why don't you want to stay here with us there's a bag [Music] or you could cheese the final boss you don't have two deaths right but again I don't really want to rely on that alright we're gonna do one more on the fledgling and then just go ahead and kill them in fact I might just go for the damage right now with everybody else let's do it and go for the stun did myself a little bit longer I guess zor-el hell thank you very much appreciate the kind words come on where's the stress or where's the crit heels at need some love here it's luckily he's already dead it's done there cuz why not yay still no stress heels damn it all right who's in the guy that the most sits pretty close I'm just gonna go for you probably should do the vestal actually I'll have one more turn to do it yeah I want to get at least one more out bring it down to 26 there we go I'm sorry sixteen there it is this expedition at least promises success well apparently there's more to this dungeon that's weird I thought it was just that fight she's incomplete situation nominal we're back go ahead and come on back y'all the hard parts done no no no we were preparing for the hard part by doing that okay let's start with a defender I really like giving him that 45 percent protection buff even if I don't necessarily have to worry about the vestal all that much in the fight he guarded the defensive growth so weird this crusader is not working out as well as I wanted him to just had a full party wipe against tier two siren womp womp dude I'm sorry I got to defend your defense the best defense is defending your defense well that's not good oh boy he does have the bleed resist debuff that's how full Crusader smite might be enough there's our exsanguinated mate available without the stun ideally there we go is that enough not quite [Music] I think I got to go rampart to give him the chance of the kill [ __ ] still didn't stun him either jeez let's try this again XCOM hit chances baby so you're still not dead and you might get healed so I think I want to kill you sorry pal try that again again great stuff just solid all around Oh Oh luckily he's still dead as long as he doesn't get healed twice okay yeah you say it's overkill until you see what just happened fluff copter we need it every bit of that no I think it ramparts in order but I'd like to bolster again [Applause] [Music] not actually to worry now hook them to the bear prowl stay frosty 1981 welcome to the pile I appreciate the support thank you very much the hugs up porfavor never done the next con let's play though I've played a little bit of it played like an hour to the first one it's good I I just don't know how much you know endurance I have for those sorts of experiences I guess I get enough rng nonsense in this game I still want to do this [Applause] try out the profits on a position for Vestal the bonus accuracy works wonders less stress and more speeds just icing on the cake that does sound pretty good actually yet here you are playing darkest dungeon I know I know that's what I'm saying man is like this is about the capacity I have for these experiences this dodge is also not working out for me I'm just gonna just gonna let him do this probably just heal up and not worry about that bleed welcome back subscriptions laden with cash are often supplies thanks man all right fine once you've death row to Canada Christmas special stream said he would do is gonna start ah that that was before crimson court right I was thinking about doing that before crimson cord I don't know if I'm gonna do it anymore because I've got a few games now that I'm planning on playing once we're done with this might end up happening but I wouldn't I wouldn't bet on it son of a [ __ ] it's got really high stun resistance no wonder yep damn it it's rare but I see these guys all working so well together but they're doing just that this time around 98 against 140 again I feel like I ought to just do this yeah that worked death row was a lot of fun yeah I had a great time with it it was that one victory that eluded me for so long and once I got that I felt pretty satisfied with my experience but I could definitely go back and play with some other special characters and do things like that I could definitely be seen some good old-fashioned fun okay one more try all cook serve delicious - yeah man I'm super excited for that looks like this would be a 24-hour street this cheese a little man nice you got to do what you got to do protected with a hundred and twenty percent protection he still took that much damage that's pretty shocking stun the defensive growth there we go nice remind yourself that cheesing is a slow and it's piece killer that's not gonna be a stun but that is gonna be six damage at least there you've been cheesing for so long the games starting to get moldy yeah yeah seize this momentum push on to the tasks and already as much [ __ ] as I've given this team so far they are in pretty good shape right now that feels good all right disconnecting room Karan just remember from your time on the death road to Canada tell your ancestor to COO this he's a little worked up he's just got it okay ran guys let's start with you that light up again I love the smell of bare cheese in the early afternoon tasty oh god damn it man I guess I just got to do this the holy Lance starting to seem like it was not the best idea in the world below here I think I can let him stay I don't really want to attempt this done on this guy though so let's just go for the judgment and work on killing him very nice ok now we a big deal no big deal a little bit of a stunt it's small problem everybody gets crits stack that the debuff on the bleed resist unfortunately that is still not gonna work out I'm beginning to think this team could have been a lot better I think I still want to let him be low I'm gonna heal up my man-at-arms though just to make sure he does have the ancestors pan this Crusaders that's what's benefiting his crit chance I'm pretty good with that I'll take em on attempted no I'm better off doing this just can't get lucky man all have that bleed resistance - he's still not low enough to hit his move you could go fold the Thin Man on arms and then have Crusader at the front I could do that yeah certainly capable of changing the strategy here that's for damn sure try that again set up a holy Lance I guess and then probably gonna have enough damage from the flatulent up front yeah we might have to change up the party formation goddamn judgments still washed in the bowl okay like I got a LAN to bleed if I want to try to kill him with this and that's not gonna happen with the amount of resistance he's got especially with three stacks of it Jesus okay and now we just got to go for the retribution kill I think hit him this one this one not that one we can still smite I think I'm gonna go for the heal on him I'd like to take him out if I could with a judgement flatulent combo I might need a little more actually now yeah at 33% protection could set up holy Lance again and attempt to take out the guard oh okay there we go finally he gets his exsanguinate but he might be stunned now yay 411 1118 there we go sweet and critten everything man yeah I'm gonna group heel because they still think he'll be below nope right about perfect I mean at least we have zero stress that's pretty good I'll give him one big fat heel from the vestal and then hopefully the damage from everybody else is enough nice I might need a judgement actually I never mighty stunned we're good Wow again I'll say like this is not going as smoothly as I'd hoped however we do have like literally no stress in full health that's pretty awesome triumphant pride precipitates so well if we considered this can move Crusader to spot to by defaults actually if I just do this this pretty much solves the problem right here let's just do that Jacob dogs hang around here too much without giving back so hope with $7 make up for that a bit sure does man thank you appreciate it a lot being here viewing the stream is of course extremely helpful as well but I do appreciate that quite a bit thank you okay [Music] pop the holy waters this time I think we're good okay now weirdly enough I kind of want holy lance cuz I think I think I try to kill the warlord first however got to remember now we are dealing with revelation again again so I gotta make sure I protect her so okay bleed resist is actually pitiful on this guy so this is a great idea I'm pretty sure I'm safe to do this unfortunately the Crusader can only really deal with the front liners unless again I want to consider the holy lance which I could definitely do let's see what they do decent amount of damage actually I might want to heal him I think I'm going to judge mates not all that great let's just make sure he doesn't get wrecked really glad I guarded her again I am NOT gonna make that mistake either I'm gonna make damn sure that I stay on top of that well if I just stun these guys over and over always kill little mobs bear failfish that's not true man I hate this I hate this pervasive attitude people have that they know for sure that there's like a 100 percent correct way to do it it's been happening more and more like sometimes you want to leave these two behind so you can stress heal I think I'll group heel yeah that's group let's stack that as much as possible but he is of course just gonna burn through it quite a bit Wow that sucked finally what those guys getting repost it as well oh boy yeah that's what we're scared of yeah we can use the campfire for buffs I'm probably gonna use one right after this fight and then right before the final one I'm also gonna use another holy water here and then we'll have four for the final fight for sure there we go still plenty of anti-venom don't need the torch get that guard up through peels good again I'm not really gonna concern myself with putting him in a position to exsanguinate I don't think lead for us problem I've been pretty happy with this stun play I think I'm gonna stick with it oh that sucks nice let me have my turn please thank God he didn't stun that guy Wow ooh that was big at least we got the bleed he's down to exsanguinate territory now I think I'll smite this one it might still create a corpse also looking at this now thinking I probably shouldn't take away his exsanguinate hmm my chances of getting the kill with judgment not bad actually nice that's huge the big fat 12 bleed still guarded very good I think I want to try this again 98 vs. 140 is not that great they just don't hit him with anything too terrible that's all right actually makes him stronger definitely right yeah awesome below 50 again I use an herb for sure on there if I get an opportunity perfect judgment probably chills him there we go curse it champion oh nice let me try to stress him a little bit I stress heal again I'm gonna use his redeem here to get those guys all back up towards late 3027 23 hell yeah great chance and top everybody off I guess nice hold exist no problem no 27 there we go getting punished for stalling here unexpected result that hurt [Applause] really scary buddy oh boy burning holy flame success so clearly and whew or is it merely a trick of the light cool let's go that was a much better fight much much better than the first one this isn't DDD - yep yeah the vessel is doing great isn't she fighting chick has been incredible for this entire campaign she does have corvids Grace and tuff as well locked in and deadly and faded she's a beast old beast the vessel is my real DPS yeah no kidding he has solved that problem for us we could go crazy and double camp we'll see how this goes though yeah indeed it does okay I think I'm gonna go with malignant growth first this time probably get a stun on it I do say that a lot though we bolstered the pre [ __ ] okay I think I've got a I might actually kill him first cuz he can bleed he's one of the few that can so maybe we will allow the flatulent to take care of him and then retribution is quite good again holy Lance to take him out that would make the bleed pretty useless that's a lot of damage on the growth this is probably better who stood them both all right now he's gone numbers advantage even though it's a less significant one than it could be hmm these guards gonna be gone next term but I can't do really anything about that still have their attribution up I'm gonna defend her again because I love this protection bonus thanks babe feeling better about it the beginning wasn't so smooth but it's going okay now why not [Music] keep everybody feeling good this they're both buffed it's gonna say he's got the lower bleed resist so I suppose I try to allow the fledgling to deal the damage there but even so it's a little risky okay crit heal into standard crit welcome to the darkest dungeon let's go ahead and bandage that Jesus Christ okay one target at a time [Music] and spreading this out too much we gotta hit this guy that's fine how many weeks slash deaths do you have left there where we eighty eats or baby freeze something like that deaths left is might as well be zero but it's six all right thank god he's dead probably gonna go you know what let's do it bolster it's gonna knock this guy out with the smite and then probably try to cheese a little bit distress yell see how effective that's really gonna be though take another bolster I don't think I can afford to do it actually huh yeah maybe we just go ahead and wait for the camp I got a camp anyway so [ __ ] it through the deaths to the final boss really count toward the death count yeah as far as I know as far as I know they do so you gotta account for that they may just exactly can't can't afford to lose really anyone okay keep healing sweet and they keep bolstering him I think I'm gonna go ahead and hit him with a rampart there it is let's let the holy Lance go through I think I'm gonna try to slowly Whittle him away holy Lance should be in oh it's not but it is hey there we go yeah anyway incoming big time stress heal from the flatulence camping skill crusader actually has great ways to reduce stress as well so we'll definitely rely on that I probably didn't need that he'll actually considering we're about to camp - I'd have been able to kill them with a judgement oh well it's probably fine little bleed no big deal I'm gonna try to stall this for a heal never mind all right a trifling victory that's a victory nonetheless handkerchief not what I was hoping to see it's kind of helpful in here but I'm definitely not gonna replace anything with that okay let's use our campfire for sure stress eater god damn it's rats in a maze I didn't think it would be a factor but it is he's so [ __ ] close if I had done one stress he'll that would have saved it I'm gonna keep the food I'm gonna keep their food Zella speech is great prey is actually pretty awesome here too what if I need sanctuary prey I like that quite a bit wish I could do sell a speech as well I think I'm just gonna have to do lashes solace oh there's no reason to prevent the ambush why did I do that [ __ ] that was a waste I wasn't thinking sorry I got tunnel vision oh well no big deal I'm gonna leave no I'm not I'm gonna get rid of that oh well I'm gonna leave him in spot too though and I feel safer now exactly actually I can't remember I think it might be safer this way I'm gonna go this way either way I'm pretty sure you have to fight like one or two battles okay again he's the one with a lower bleed resist so I gotta try it on him got to be buff that time very nice of course this is another instance where I'd really prefer to have the holy lance available for the Crusader however I might be able to do it Hey look at that pretty convenient Wow yeah that's nice okay all set judgement for sure I'm gonna try to avoid using that last bandage right here load bleed resistance probably doesn't make a difference Oh actually let's just do that now we'll still judgment for sure could actually use a group heal at this point though Wow welcome Condor neveress welcome to the bear pile my friend thank you very much for his support I appreciate it Joey badging emotes okay I mean now I should probably go ahead and bandage but I can also judgment and pretty reliably heal that up maybe I'll be okay she's defended now to I think she'll be okay here I get this DPS I gotta take at least one of these guys down healing up at the same time I could suffer again cause I'm not gonna bleed these guys I know that much son of a [ __ ] mmm I really really really want to stun one goddamnit come on help litter eight it last ticket bleed for the vessel I kind of want to give him the big heal cuz I'm not gonna bleed these guys still gonna guard her in fact let's keep that up judgment again this might might be enough nice okay got the resist not that time I'm gonna suffer again mm-hmm let's stress he'll actually fairly certain I'm gonna be able to stun him I was I was feeling good about it I truly was I had hopes I still got that bandage and I still want to keep it debuff there let's send him with one more Menon arms to try this rampart again thank you very much okay now he is not below half unfortunately he's also telling us we need to speed up I think I'm gonna group heel nice Jesus that was perfect I don't think I have enough damage it's not gonna call reinforcements on me is it I can't kill him oh oh don't please don't yikes such a terrible he actually done like at the right angle he doesn't have a health pool anymore land the Stynes I'm gonna have to suffer and then probably redeem or just redeem first it's probably a good idea mm-hmm diminish I have to try to let the judgment get the kill there but I also need to heal they're molex thank you buddy appreciate it fresh air thanks to the resub as victories mount so too will a resistance the [ __ ] just happened that's weird steam blizzard my tips for attempting to stream and make money off of it is not to have that mindset when you're first starting because you will you will not enjoy it if that's your goal longer tile [ __ ] sucks a moment of respite a chance to steal oneself against becoming Horrors ray is still really good tempted to go weapons practice tactics but the stress is still really bad if I take zealous speech I can't take either of these I can do zealous speech and then in a bless that would probably go on my crusader and yes let's see I think I think I'm gonna take the bus all right who all right probably gonna go from number one first that was convenient nice really good start so far [Music] come on man God 70-plus to hit later on return Cedar's doing good thank you need to get his guard back up this time it deerforce is this another Nick raid what's up Nick Raiders welcome you've caught us in the midst of darkest dungeon mission 2 which is very intense so forgive me if I'm pretty concentrated right now just a guarantee he dies tempted to go for the Redeem but I wanted to make sure J the bigger the beast the greater the glory you gotta help them nice thanks Nick appreciate it man [Music] no reason to take any unnecessary Gamble's here still doing fine Aysen mayor we made it okay okay God it's how to get one in right to get in one big fat crit see yeah try that again yay yay yay arrey the maniacal cultists are quelled for a time but there can be no celebration your progress is measured only in progressive realisation and dawning horror you are in the shadow of the end wonderful any fanatic we did it die on SCJ - where's my boyfriend - happy birthday happy birthday dows boyfriend enjoy it okay give me a few minutes I'll be right back
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 30,612
Rating: 4.9315066 out of 5
Keywords: baer, baertaffy, baertaffy crimson court, darkest dungeon crimson court, crimson court
Id: MLbC8bqIB1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 50sec (5690 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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