Baer Plays Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court (Ep. 43)

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I guess burning night somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas I need to get myself away from this place he said yep what a concept I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change well the Years start coming and they don't stop coming fit up with the rules and I hit the ground running didn't make sense not to live for fun your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb so much to do so much to see let's round we'll take in the back street you never know if you don't go and there's something else smorc there you have such a beautiful singing voice thank you I've been working on it all right it's dd3 time we know it's we know it's time to go let's do it let's get this [ __ ] sorted I'm probably gonna bring a flatulent we're being honest if I have that option which I'm fairly certain I do has you know Zeno paradox is gonna be the one what's up lightning Suk's how you doing and the don't stop coming okay I love that dumb [ __ ] man with looping chorus videos the Foo Fighters one I think Austin has played several times on this stream thank you for that little rap Barry thank you for those little bits preciate it buddy how far into those lyrics did it take you to realize it was all started that was all start I didn't know I don't know cool how about the flageolet up front I don't want to bring in a cultist but I might have to bring in occultist now I have to bring a cultist why would I bring in a cultist I have a vestal [ __ ] that a call herb check oldest more like a Cantus but on Tisch how about dismiss up front now let's let's save dismiss for the end let's save dismiss for the dd4 run how about that how come the other NL SS peeps call you bare instead of your real name that's just curious I mean alex is always such a it's an interesting name isn't it it's it doesn't really roll off the tongue very well and I've never really been called Alex predominantly it's always been like my last name which apparently was catchy back in the Middle School in high school days - yeah what's up Larabee hey man how you doing we're all acting like we're on a football team but most of us are in choir that was the crowd I hung out with Barry yeah but Barry's very simple monosyllabic that's pretty appealing I think anyway so that mostly is my understanding of it how about Valles in the back why not why not something like this we get a little bit of a marks energy if I really want to do that I do my name is Alex too good for you rock that rock that [ __ ] hopefully people call you Alex and can actually pass the the name down and the spoken word mine mine is just going away I might as well just be bare Larrabee sounds like something football players would call smart yeah now yeah I hung out with the football crowd for a grand total of five days before realizing oh this isn't fun whoops whoopsie that was it that was a goof my bad for signing up for this I'm gonna give her this stuff right I think I want to be pretty safe with this and I still really just love this combo on him and I don't think anything's gonna change my mind about that unless he gets cursed or something but that's not really a factor anymore is it we could go all range moves with him with the gunslingers buckle combined with the pistol shot and the point-blank shot I think I'm gonna take out the trash please don't do anything exciting for a hot minute all bloody don't worry you're just missing the thrilling set-up period all the action takes place right here how about gunslingers buckle Plus dismisses head and then we can give dismisses head to dismiss later and be like yeah thanks for letting us borrow this buddy proved very useful don't worry the darkest dungeon it's not as bad as they say Dismas it's fine you'll be fine you can handle it I don't think I really need to buff her damage how about we go with accuracy scouting is probably not really necessary bloodthirst ring probably not gonna help us out all that much could even do like childhood treasure but I don't think I really want to do that Oh what if we did this what if we went totally [ __ ] crazy with it plus fifty huh huh what do you think what do you think go wild give her all the stress sounds like fun to me I'm not really in love with anything else honestly like we can we can give her the dodged with stun resist which is pretty damn good I won't lie I've definitely like to have that still gonna give a negative result check 100% we might like let's let's give it a shot right I mean I'm not I'm not sacrificing a ton by doing this we could give her the medics Greaves little bunny rabbit combo to make her a super healer but we've already made the Vestal of super healer and we have a flatulence so it's like I don't think we're gonna die you know I think we've got a lot of safety you know like safety nets below us here ice princess thanks for the bits appreciate it saw this cheese tactic work on YouTube well that means it must work for me then because I'm on YouTube therefore by the transitive property that will apply to our run as well okay cool so I'm glad to know that is 100% confirmed let's just make sure I'm not gonna do anything dumb with him I might as well go ahead and throw on tracking shot if I'm gonna try to be focused on using the ranged moves go seek what's up buddy and yeah math checks out I thought so yeah and I worked on that might as well spend all the gold here no reason to be conservative anymore and [ __ ] it if I decide I decide that's worth again and that's that's worth it yell I really need to stress healing either but why not we got to oh my god Zeus great name welcome to the pile thanks for the twitch Prime subscription appreciate it buddy enjoy your badge animo it's definitely gonna clean guns this time around gallows humor might well I mean it might actually give us a chance of increasing the árboles stress of the campfire so maybe why not Avery craves the double sub twitch Prime subscription Avery craves thank you so much I appreciate it well c'mon in alright that looks pretty good I'm gonna need to use bandit stance of course and our 200,000 gold is doing as well here bear I've fallen for grave robber in a perfect world what two trinkets would you use welcome to the triple subscription pits for day well the pilot which product thank you thank you very very much give me some hugs please in chat for the triple subscription I appreciate it a lot two trinkets on the grave robber I imagine her other trinket combined with this would make for an excellent set so in a dream world that would probably be what I go with but I do not exist in the dream world sadly I exist in this very very sad bleak and depressing world where I have to play dd3 with an árboles with virtue chance cheese so that'll be fun but she does have rallying Flair which apparently was very cheesy for us in the siren fight as well not that that really mattered to the rhyme master 34 evac wad sub imagine I have like a little sub train ticker going on we're up to four now holy [ __ ] thank you very much appreciated welcome to the pile I think we're good I think we're good I think we're good think we're good I think we're good let's go what's the town event six more recruits than usual nothing nothing that we need to worry about over provision like crazy shovels I don't think you're actually necessary the torches probably will be so we'll bring a couple of stacks of those I don't remember what sort of damage over time we're dealing with I don't think he's matter let's bring holy water oh we already also have a stack of bandages so we don't need that one so we have two slots left I why not over provision again as I mentioned so how about we go ahead and grab some herbs as well and do we need the blood do we need the blood I doubt we need the blood I don't think we need the blood nobody's got the curse at the moment and I'll think of they'll actually throw anything from the infestation at us I have a canker sore oh that's sucks dude I'm sorry Eve I'll keep anther welcome buddy anti-venom is recommended yeah we got a full stack there I think we'll be okay they do give us a lot no blood we're going with them to the bear Marcy two hundred wanted to say two thousand and gave you a little too much credit there two hundred thank you very much Marcia appreciate it welcome to the pile all right let's call this good right I think we're ready to go give me some pipes I'm abusing my privilege of requesting emote spam in the chat I recognize this but I would like for this precious moment to be to be symbolized by bear hype and chat if at all possible so without further ado let's embark the interminable Stone holds about an antechamber the creature is vast beyond measure and must be battled from within step over the threshold and let the terrible truth worm its way into your mind yucky yeah yeah the gateless gate a mature young human understanding ty steel welcome back to this desolate pit this place where your nightmares become real come to the mutagen welcome to the pile is where this is this is an accurate representation of the pile actually this right here this is about what it looks like at this point well let's go to in the morning darkest dungeon hype yes sir I apologize for the late start actually I had actually intended to do it a little earlier but ran into some extra work two months in row thanks buddy twitch prime sup appreciate it well come on back let's get the light up so here's the thing about DD 3 if you're unfamiliar it's big fat long maze what we're looking for which we're not even close to yet is to get to the center of it which is if I recall correctly like right right down down down down down down right right or something like that down right at the moment is pretty much what we're going for so I'm gonna do that as much as possible I'm immediately wondering whether or not they're gonna have too much Dodge for me to deal with but 86% looks a lot better hope you remember the map it's so messy yeah see I'm never really too worried about it anyway though because it's an endurance race and we have or at least now that I know what's going on with it I almost always build a team that will will be able to handle that sort of we obviously have one here in the form of the triple healer big damage in the front and back situations so that does the job possible the complete quake however very unlikely yet exactly I think we'll be okay I'm not too worried about it leaving with one though I always got to leave them with one I'm gonna be really safe about it - is the other thing I'm gonna make damn sure I don't leave myself the opportunity to be double crit and lose somebody right away hey my gos we r GS beginning here just started up DD 3 kaori hey thank you appreciate it looking to do good prints to start to worry about go forth in continues the abominations so far so good with him you gotta fix this up right now right there that's what we need John rebel how you doing again we got the damage here I'm just gonna go ahead and keep him topped off it up if at all possible and I'm definitely starting to consider the possibility of swapping off suffer with endure at the moment with how much the vessel has already gotten stacked up here we'll probably do that all righty yeah let's go ahead and set that up real quick did you see a little [ __ ] flash man the flash in the pan of madness but God okay y'all thanks for the baits dude appreciate it it's so eerie in here man so cakey crafted the atmosphere for this place so well and the thing is to like the first time you go through it you're probably gonna spend like a good 45 minutes to an hour trekking through it so y'all god damn it I forgot you were here already I never mind forget about the silence time to kill the cyst and I'm all you need well I mean this might be a good chance to do that actually let's go ahead and pop one you're walking inside of a god all right even the damage they're gonna heal him up for sure I could probably stand to just give him a buff as well system of a down I like it I like it fruit oh damn that's why we bring the anti-venom okay yeah that's a big hit as is that though nice and probably matter though I could track him shot here we might be in this fight for a while he's got this debuff applied to him right now anyway and I can outlast that for one round see how that works out pretty well what's up rabbi doing do I want to do another one I don't think so I could probably go for a bleed here his resistance is actually pretty low yeah much lower now - yeah mutagen they're gonna be pretty rough probably a stun there well it's not a stunt move stress debuff it's less damage okay so we're just gonna use her to heal again I think I might as well go for the big solo right there with the massive buff yo 419 in bad oh goodness okay unexpected that's us little scary okay we're gonna just go ahead and do that though ah there we go okay yep I got it no worries these guys okay yeah no I know about the teleport don't worry I've done this a few times and I think I shouldn't leave that one be is 12 damage when she's already at half health let's go for a judgement for sure on the one we got to hit the highest hit chance on what does she have it's affecting her loss of accuracy right there hold them up well to the pile thank you very much the twitch prime stuff appreciate it she does not have loss of accuracy man judgment just does not have the greatest chance in the world does it he's gonna extinguish what just happened we were in that fight the white cell stock has that ability called teleport which literally teleports us to a random location on the map which yeah you can see this now that was a pretty bad one send us all the way over here so that's gonna be pretty tough to do a fourth party white now we're fine that's unfortunate the death's door debuff we're gonna have to deal with there and she's already suffering accuracy why so it's particularly bad of course the Arba list is the one with the least stress so far so that's working perfectly is they intended it to there we go there's the head yeah that strategy of killing the cell stock early is honestly likely the best one but oh no I like to I like to play my odds with this sometimes let's leave him low that's I don't think I really need to worry about healing right now let her feel a little bit of damage she's debuff they'll make him rapturous I don't know if I want to welcome that though is the thing highwayman should probably get enough damage with the shot I went man with the shot boy don't do it again god damn it it's gonna be another heal right there Oh that'll do still solo okay that [ __ ] it's not enough gonna have to hit him with this this is a little achy but it does give us a little bit more time to hopefully heal up a bit that's not really gonna matter they say how are you that's what I want 69% chance come on give me the magic it was set up so perfectly this is a redeem for sure gotta make sure we're good I know that's debuff but how much of a choice here well I could have even gone for one more heal there and okay all right then seems he's about four jesters short of an Ivo calm only man back in the old days before they nerfed this [ __ ] at a gesture they get it done [ __ ] with that but yeah man they patch didn't well just [ __ ] I guess well just [ __ ] that's the truth we're all gonna die in here my god until the port centers pretty far yeah let's try this strategy this time but first we'll heal up well I guess I can't reach back there so okay all right then I mean yeah why not haha yeah we did it again we can still blind fire no problem okay cool cool Oh big hit no stress we'll give that a shot give her the speed bump dodged it 39 Don that guy we might want to try the mark but I don't think she can actually mark him in that spot anymore lots of damage there's the big blight - we gotta get rid of that on him it's only a 50% chance to hit em Oh God right away right away mr. Randall Archie welcome back thanks for five months in a row buddy appreciate it okay let's let's fix this real quick I think I yeah I think an individual heal might be an order here I don't really want to allow for them to take him or just take her out but feel like her odds of survival are a little higher especially because they're gonna target him yeah B yep bunch of fun bunch of fun right here he's in danger all right that's better thank you I need to mark him I need you to put that I got a swapping door for supper now yep perfect timing could have done it right there but sadly not available anymore but let's try that oh this is starting to get a little frightening here we got to get rid of this one and then hopefully this will do pretty good that's pretty good help him again that's nice Wow good dice rolls that's what I'm worried about hold it forward doulas advance is basically perfect still want to hit it with the big heel that sucks oh thank goodness hit it with a little stress to kind of works in my favor gotta give her the big heel though for sure oh my god good fortune smiles upon us this day I'll set up a redeem actually to get us back in a good shape again thank you oh my god back that's cheating I'm cheating clearly fortunate had to make it so obvious he still got the big buff right he's got the big old fat buff yeah let's just top them off when orangey is with you no kidding the flatulent wants one more shot takes him out he's already gonna bleed to death oh so I'll probably just let it be well forward is probably flying I can still do is that stun might hurt still got the repost up if we used to might have a stun opportunity with the vestal ideal results okay don't need to heal anymore let's go for it cool that'll do make him rapturous probably not a good idea let's just do that Samantha how you doing there we go he'll laugh so hard if the herbalist gets an affliction this is like this is par for the course any time I try to do any sort of virtue cheese to the fact that she's obviously gonna be the one that with the least stress thus far of course of course she would be and watch her gonna crit on this blind fire to lower it even further god damn it [ __ ] hacker turn off the cheats bear free recorded doing the commentary later that's the trick that's how you know someone's been playing too much yeah switch the árboles tin flatulence trinkets naughty that's not gonna work flatulent only goes rapture is definitely consider giving it to iviva highwayman and the vestal if they get a little bit closer though that right there is not a bad idea that was also totally not what I intended to do but I'll take it did you see did you see the human-sized polar bear statue when you were in Iceland if no should I get a picture since I'm visiting they're on vacation now do we see that babe we might have I don't recall exactly we saw a lot feel like I might remember that though do you get a picture of it though I'd love to see it I'd love Iceland man Iceland it was wonderful why don't you have a flatulent in this party bear there Opie as hell I've been I've been neglecting them haven't I let's just keep curing her stress please and thank you as victories mount so too will the resistance yeah thank you for clipping that somebody's got to show the evidence the Red Hook later on your little goody two-shoes bear taffy isn't really playing by the rules anymore is he Red Hook the fighting chickens thanks for three months and well my friend appreciated their you're based in Seattle and moving to the area in September one of the cool things about it I'm not actually based in Seattle I wouldn't say we were about an hour away from Seattle we're in the suburbs I don't know much about the city proper to be honest with you it's real nice right now Oh sniper sniper no sniping fifty-two percent on this Oh God kill me kill me the coin flip yikes all right he's gonna hurt he's gonna do some damage here we're probably just gonna go super safe with the heals it's real ugly yeah yucky yucky he's doing that I got the bleed okay we're good we're good let him stay low another heal there is good although I probably just want to go ahead and let the vestal do that a mark on this guy seems pretty damn good as well we could give ourselves a little damage boost with the highwayman and of course the lower his dodge if we get super lucky that's the kind of damage I was looking for but I'm not really stoked on it still flagellants should act first especially with his speed buff so I think he'll go for the big heal on these two maybe with judgment if it lands plus a snipe and the bleed I might get enough there I think I'll go for that you've got a pistol shot - okay yeah let's go for that one nice so baby crunch you with the clutch shot gotta love it a little closer here actually feeling pretty good about it so pop a food or two on this guy's give ourselves the inventory slots that feels better oh hey holy [ __ ] is this actually this is it isn't it oh my god we found it all right well let's try to get rid of him first again we'll mark him with the sniper will point-blank bag so we can pistol shot but it might all it's kind of knocking back again isn't it that's what keeps happening to give myself the chance at least that was really quick yeah I did not expect that if I did this instead give this give the art oh my good lord give the árboles one chance one chance to mega crit and just make this the most ridiculous dd3 of all time let's find out just do it just [ __ ] do it okay that's pretty good still I know he's low I get it good job you did it he's gonna heal himself okay that sucks saying when a makes the most sense good [ __ ] other herbs for that now it's time to do this Jesus Christ man oh my god again that's kind of suboptimal resistor the bee buffs a little low now I can't mark him okay speed buff at least though mmm fancy fish two months in real man you hear about the goldfish to win bankrupt now he's a bronze fish yeah yep yep yep yep yeah he's actually pretty lower oh good god thank you for not blinding that Wow Oh blue wing six months in a row appreciated gosh yeah [Music] yeah [ __ ] I was there it was theirs in my hands and I blew it I blew it okay that's bad oh that's real bad oh Jesus Christ no no no okay okay okay no more [ __ ] around no more [ __ ] around that was a wake-up call and I'm not risking the heels man no sir [ __ ] EEP I'm that one no thank you for not choosing her alrighty okay we got to change his skills we gotta make him more more utilities need the heels up probably group he'll still it goes one then it camp for sure I might have to think about giving her the bear the virtue bonuses there's a big double hill right there actually so that might work out okay and then I'm fine with her going to the front really wanted that crit but okay no no no not back either got to do that well done I start okay great result there and all of a sudden we're fixed flying fire for sure know what you don't need these do yet we'll give these to somebody else don't worry about it we'll give you a bunch of healing bonuses how about that does that sound effective looking for a good beverage to drink while I watch your stream well 10a Thor sorry I can't help you now choking drink madrenas madrenas comic-con slash shop you can use Gobert copy and get 40% off anything on their store by myself and drinking the dark roast coffee right now and it tastes good I got you didn't I yeah I had you fool can we get a bear stressing mode yeah just gotta commit or Commission someone to do just like the the traditional bear taffy bear with the darkest dungeon affliction stress symbol above him maybe make him salty let's let's just go ahead and camp right let's go in camp let's fix some make some [ __ ] up right here gallows humor a lot of really really good camping skills here actually at the least of which is lashes solace to eliminate 50 on the flatulent no need of course to prevent the ambush here we're gonna be just fine she does heal stress actually by doing that but of course we're not gonna waste the the respite on it have a ver birch was that be fun - yeah we could have both let me need I want to go ahead and burn two on a wound care just to get rid of that twelve damage from the from the blight we only have two anti-venom left I think I'm gonna go ahead and do that actually just the things are not gonna worry about this dress actually I'm going to allow for the chance for her to maybe hit that result check and go for the swap of the hero's ring in the ancestors Idol so instead of worrying about that we've got plenty of buffs to choose from clean guns is excellent I want to leave at least two for the lashes solid so let's go with one that costs for if I can find one that's eight restring crossbows actually pretty great to kwikki go let's just go ahead and do this now just so I don't waste the opportunity and then I think oh you know marching plans nice as well marching plans certainly not bad so stealth flying doing okay yeah let's do this I like that a lot like speed gonna take that out of context sweet all right good to go go change the flagellants skills here as the light gains purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made clear thro the sufferer back on him this is the dankest Inquisitor yeah thanks for the 420 longtime lurkers thanks for helping me overcome my insomnia with your rich melodic tones thanks pal appreciate the 4:20 now am I like keeping door right now - how about we consider exsanguinate trade it up or endure just to make sure we balance things properly I could probably take care of her just by doing that - but maybe it won't be a high priority we'll see how it goes Meowth goes how can any one rest there good question not ideal camping grounds I guess we're actually not that far off so long as we don't get teleported again but the odds of that may be a little higher than I'd like ouch oh gee oh yeah no fun only one a group he lie there but they don't like moving back this sucks no worries have a good night all right bad start I'll go ahead and you know a tracking shot actually sounds pretty good here but let's take care of the I got a lot of venomous flam and I'll one I have to deal with that so let's go for these guys first I guess and let's maybe try to let the herbalist and the highwayman kill these to stun on her would be ah yeah that would be nasty please don't land that I want to give her a boost but I think I got to go ahead and let her heal herself with the judgements if I can I also don't really have guarantees of hitting these guys with my moves oh but that would make it a lot worse again I'm risking that let's take this off or actually let's go ahead and give that to him it's definitely not the worst group he'll again gather that's really unfortunate timing with that move all this displacement it's like it's a theme or something there we go and toss the bandage on her so she can just group heal and take care of everybody again and he gets hit one more time I was gonna say this will probably sent him into all he doesn't have exsanguinate nor is he gonna be able to have a turn next time [ __ ] so it probably need a group heal here actually try for another crit thanks appreciated yeah that 30% chance is doing us nicely in it this is getting dangerous now they hit him again okay and that's not too bad should probably group he'll one more time up there we go there we go alright now do I let him I just go ahead and let him heal them both if she crit heals that are probably well that still probably want to actually put him above the threshold so let's just do this let him get the Redeem out yeah I love the music in this place - it's great elite let me see the background change when you kill enough cells in the system they can start flooding with blood and stuff that would be pretty cool wouldn't it dynamic reactions to your carving through the various antibodies and phlegm nastiness Megalosaurus how you doing what's up hmm let's try to kill this guy okay all right myself out a little bit this is still fine give it another shot there we go that's better Brava now I'm not too concerned about it the longer the fights go honestly is kind of more to my advantage there's not too much stress going on in this particular darkest dungeon mission and the stress that I have acquired I've managed to handle fairly consider fairly well we're healing of course with just about everybody in this lineup so yeah I could certainly make things faster by using the árboles shot more but I'm feeling a little bit better with this this slower method make will have more success and I'm just gonna go ahead and do a quick stress heal here as well I feel a little bit a little cocky I guess oh yeah why not number two and let's say 'under flop thank you very much flood for the 1308 okay that was probably a little riskier than I should have gone for maybe not the greatest idea in the world he is gonna have a massive speed buff at the start of the next fight though so maybe that'll work to our advantage we'll see calm and amicable streaming nature isn't chanted me please take my money so I can hear my name sweetly echoing from my speakers full of Thank You Man appreciate the tip all right closing in again likely to run into some obstacles in this hallway if not this room keep this radiant light while I've got it nothing okay hmm the quickest way between point a and point B right would like to be a little more familiar with our surroundings but luckily this is not gonna take us away from our goal here go for the stun actually there we go there we don't go are you still not man everybody else is a lot faster than you I guess damn damn that's pretty good I also don't only need to do this kind of wish I had exsanguinate but oh well gonna make sure I heal them up okay did you bring a tantalising burnin madrenas copy into this dungeon oh no I forgot [ __ ] I gotta go back the right supply yet sorry y'all it's all for naught didn't bring the coffee well now I can certainly use the Redeem I guess give that a whirl and let's ya keep doing that it's got such a high red channet gotta let the boy play you gotta give him the rock there we go speed up knock her back I know you can't but do it anyway okay gotta do this the whole team got totally [ __ ] up so how about no no that's still bad blind fires fine that would be lovely actually thank you oh please by all means how kind [Music] there we go there where your god 40 again and you know that might be now that's not enough not even close he's debuff to [ __ ] so let's him with this feelin okay about that I guess and it's just fast as hell now that's got to be a really I move chance I think want to go for that cool give it the big heal it's only 64 probably not gonna complete the game this this dream Ghassan I imagine our trip through the courtyard to find the countess is gonna take a little longer than most things have up to this point so I'm accounting for that being quite the trip this has taken about as long as I expected it to I thought maybe we'd have an early exit first time we got to the destination but it's panned out a little bit more according to the expectation at this point I think I'm gonna go for camp number two we're going for the gone for the gold here so if I can get myself some nice buffs I didn't feel a lot better about it plus we can heal up pretty considerably too let's go back we got plenty of resources so we can take off all his stress and otherwise we're good to go so let's go ahead and clean guns I think I'm gonna go for marching plan this time I think we got restring crossbow give her the accuracy bonus bless would be nice too but I don't think I necessarily need to do that one I don't need any defensive buffs don't need a stress he'll think I'll take this and then yeah let's go ahead and do bless and let's give it to her as well make sure she can hit the white sell stock all right that's pretty good the way is lit the path is clear we require only the strength to follow those dams feint their doors so appealing aren't they you okay we got it this time let's go ahead and hit ourselves with a couple of holy waters get rid of that debuff as well why not and optimal settings all right is struck a blazing star is born you know what optimal settings why the [ __ ] not it ends now god damn it oh you're still up front I was so sure he's just gonna teleport right away that we've been hilarious all right let's point blank him to death I guess myself you'll no problem let's make sure he goes make damn sure might be able to heal himself everything on this guy come on no matter what give them are all 22 plus the blade chance oh don't know you savage you demon how how do they do it goddamnit oh that's no good you know what yeah why not and let's let the herbalist go for it of course we don't have exsanguinate equipped right now so there's no point in leaving him low yeah give it another shot okay Oh a little a little too soon with the Indian reference isn't it geez man give him some time I'm gonna roll the dice they came up snake eyes all right all right just I'm just annoyed at your existence I'll come on now I'm just I'm giving you a hard time - no big deal oh my god this this man xeno leaving with one this little squad has been killing it they have been solid success so clearly and beyou or is it merely the lifestyle doing okay I'm supplies to you I'm not terrified yet I'm enough food for another campfire and probably enough torchlight to make it back we got teleported pretty damn far away though unfortunately and I might get ambushed by something I'd rather not run into I think I'm probably better off going where I've been because otherwise again we welcome the possibility of surprise and that is not what I wanted to see yikes this might get a lot more difficult man this is starting to look kind of grim we might have to camp out for torchlight 2 just last us through the next couple of hallways and he did maybe change his skills again the Redeem is not really looked all that great god damn god damn well you go ahead and do it yeah oh you missed wrong guy oh Jesus Christ okay we're gonna let that roll I'm just gonna give him the big heal my god lordy Lordy lordy let's get the rip post up I think and maybe I'll take a little attention off this poor guy I think the flesh hounds are actually the most dangerous element of this year and I'm not really comfortable with leaving him down again especially without exsanguinate so I think I'll just hit him with a heal her hit chance is pretty low still feel better about that and let's unload on this guy oh good [ __ ] love the crits stop doing this thank you that's a riposte at least really probably stayed back there at this point that's still a little scary big heel actually would work out alright at this stage of course oh come on now man you got it stop doing this to me don't let him go next please okay well still it's a little scary how about we take you out please why does it have to be his action come on I have three ok well nevermind I'm not gonna complain anymore never mind we're good everything's fine everything's totally peachy keen no problem oh oh thank you now boy keep lying firing I think so at the kill see we are seriously lacking in the stun Department with this slide that is the one thing I've definitely noticed and then with the big heel again he's already be buffed himself like crazy so why not keep it up oh yes crunchy with the crunchy shot damn it keep doing it man why not it's still so close to rapturous belt flats without exsanguinate just feels weird yeah I agree with you man I'm starting to miss it at least promises success okay oh my god so here's the thing I want to go to here camp out again lashes solace use the torch light this isn't too bad this is certainly manageable I'll probably equip have actually equipped exsanguinate right before this fight that would have been the best call for sure here we go hit that cool kill Hey I mean torchlight is nice 69 percent chance yak yak yak yak yak we're gonna bandage this guy by the way I'm not gonna leave him oh my god it nearly clicked blind fire though that would have been a hell of a miss click go ahead and crit just appreciate it buddy and always count on you healed up my god Wow you know why not this entire team is cheating it has it done a pretty good job of listening to me a trifling victory but a victory nonetheless all right plan remains the same we're gonna eat low if we can because of course hunger tile plus another camp with low eating is gonna be the answer to our problems here I think we'll hit him with a gallows humor although that's it's actually sadly kind of risky I'm gonna forego the Buffs I think this time so let's go ahead and roll the dice I guess all right definitely worked out we got an encourage for him as well we might actually land this didn't get the minus 50 son of a [ __ ] okay I don't think I want to try now restring plus clean guns clean guns plus encourage and then try the solace one more time later on or the accuracy buff on our bolused is also quite good I couldn't be well I could restrain you I could make the ARB list really good yeah sure let's give that a whirl okay man in radiance may we find victory here we go don't actually remember I think this might be a white cell stock fight yes it is okay jeez stop it that takes it that takes away his turn I didn't even notice that yo that's a hell of an effect I've never noticed that yeah I forgot the pledge elite skills came to my bed I got a trade-off isn't door at this point obviously so we'll get exsanguinate from that oh is that enough it is thank God okay no more of that nastiness nastiness no need to heal it really all that great gaming with Gibby thanks for providing the awesome content thank you for the bits there it goes again here it goes here it goes here it goes again please debuff thank you gonna hit him with a pistol shot sniper shot all day all day son I suppose that's effective give me first actions please give me the crits got a group you'll that's fine come on are blissed okay that's alright bell luckily can't steal his [ __ ] turn again don'ts okay that's no stun that's right yeah there's no fear there there we go starting to play it cool now that's probably gonna be an anti-venom right there I want to [ __ ] around with that one please don't stack they're gonna do the same plan here I think the árboles mark was really what made the difference so give that another shot convenient antivenom group heal from the herbalist or not from the our bliss from the Vestal I'm gonna give her a nod now it's now it's good he's the holy water and I will give her another one in the upcoming battle I kind of want to chance this but it's a very low dice rolling my favor and that is making me feel like I made the right choice got both again we are actually doing a considerable amount of damage to the cysts here with with the flagellants shots alone I think I'll roll the dice on the judgment this time heal themself another shot you got it you got it man that is perfect actually that's exactly what I wanted him to do now we don't really need to roll the dice more crits more crits in this is becoming more and more worthless as we go that's fine you're already rapturous don't worry about it don't worry about it man that's why I told you we're gonna heal this up we're good did bleed him still riposte is probably not necessary uh goddamn it still want a group heal but I think I'm probably better off doing this that we might have to revivify ourselves doing this again and it's been the answer to our prayers taking away he's dodged almost entirely still got a bleed and there's our heal if I want it but again I might have to just punish for the kill see what he does healed both right now he took the stress away god damn it man that's a good target for this place at least 7 to 13 a hit for 12 kills and we got a small crit chance 5 to 9 not the best choice 7 for 210 74 still alive still alive somehow heals himself we're in business boys we're in business leave them with one at the door going great this is a triumph I'm making a note here huge success even though you broke my heart and killed me ma'am it's cysts I really hate your [ __ ] guts wish you die to this damage because you're such an [ __ ] you just keep respawning your white cell stuck he keeps stealing your ass and it's making me buck so I just wish you died please stop staying alive you [ __ ] die when does it end just kill it just died Wow all in all in all in don't let him heal don't you dare [ __ ] teleport me welcome to the big Sumer welcome to the pile buddy thanks for the stuff appreciate it so you're badging emotes alright fine still can't heal there's the bleed okay let me heal please nope sees this momentum push on to the tasks and we go oh man still not there yet no this way this way we go this way not that way that we go this way all right each tile is a nightmare at this point I'm gonna keep this radiant man yeah you you need to be fixed that's not what I needed to see it the Stars concentration oh my god okay good target get the kill we got the heel all right all right and she's back still has her move can heal herself sadly she had one or she was up one more spot of course that would change give herself a better chance here pistol shot this bad boy hopefully get a crit I'm gonna go ahead and transfer the mark and actually welcome that vanish that would be fine let's fix her again yeah that's fine that's a redeem that's definitely redeemed appreciate the heal buddy try it mm well let's not let him get killed mm new waiter tasty waiter tasty crit 446 that's fine all right no problem there for now it's done a little stress Roque even with - welcome to the bear Rico rule fire welcome to the pile buddy D - appreciate the subscription enjoy your badge your emotes my friend don't kill him don't don't kill him don't kill this guy she can heal herself if she wants but I probably don't want to prolong this much longer than I am already there we go that's good stuff oh you don't eat in any way fine don't hit her just don't I said not to thanks so rude they've been listening this whole time one little rebellious hound here just has to have his way dodge crit now didn't get my requests in fast enough there he goes hot damn all right here's the plate I gotta commit to the idea of this is the last time we got one more campfire doubting we'll run into another fight before we get into the room so let's go ahead and use it scout fox love you streams keep up the good work thank you very much appreciate it here we go I actually managed it well done might chance the gallows humor as well here but might actually be time to just go all in on bus again let's go ahead and do clean guns I want to give them both of their accuracy bonuses actually that seems really useful and in fact let's just again go all in on that of the ARB list be a menace all right let's do it i butchered your username I'm sorry man my bad I have a decent track record with them but sometimes I [ __ ] him up I'm bad okay that light up take care of her right away let's go all in boys he's bleeding out so that's a fine start for me he can't heal him right I don't think he can't so you're dead that works let's just make sure let's just make sure I'm the roll-up I trust that well okay maybe I should add that that feels considerably worse there's a good start though okay so now it's gonna be the herbalist who's gonna have to take him out I've got one more anti-venom so that's good look good transfer it but I don't think I need to actually I'd rather do this all right better than teleport I don't have to heal 59% rupiah would be pretty helpful what we could do is so low heel on her which is pretty damn good too paladin no back seeding buddy let me do what I'm doing let me make the mistakes it's part of the game all right yeah we're definitely getting rid of this with our last one here and I really want to mark him again but with the highwayman back now I did what I could on the [ __ ] out of him all right judgment come on come on roll the dice and let it work for me please thank you no longer marked he might just summon right away okay now I'll mark him now I'll mark him for sure and we'll let the let the flatulent keep doing his thing up front don't stun no that's not a stomach thinking that's a stunt so confusing this is still working not getting the debuff so I want but leads are stacking up nice very helpful but he might just summon again right away we gotta be ready for that probably a good opportunity to fix this up here comes the summon I think Oh revivify vivify up two's damage I like him mark here I like blind fire actually quite a bit too sacrificing a little damage with a little crit chance there but the speed buff is quite nice he doesn't have he has a bit of dodge the mark bonus damage is tremendous but potentially a wasted round let's go for this instead minimum damage but again get the speed buff I think it's worth it quite a bit of damage there I might have to heal up keep this going max hit got the bleed stack another speed buff or attempt to crit 25% pretty good shot working them down there he goes again okay so now welcome to the MC salmon thanks for the subscription man appreciate it welcome to the pile enjoy your badging emotes with seven months in a row as well thank you buddy welcome on back in there it goes but he can still teleport me I think that's not good took away the turn how didn't take away the turn what is the deal with that why did that happen maybe that was a glitch or something or maybe I just misinterpreted it somehow I don't know really what's going on with that oh well how much I could do to make that better both stock two months in a row let's go yes it's done this must be it the beginning of the end very on the Beast awesome not as smooth as I expected that to go but the job is done I'll take it at last the twisted heart of the world is made bare for sword or suffocation though or deco another D D level bats the dearest sweet let's check out infestation level still in medium alright then and I like the look of this man no stress feels good let's go ahead and commit these two welcome to the Bastille for bunkie welcome to the pile thanks for subscription with twitch Brian enjoy your badge and emails buddy all right
Channel: BaerTaffy
Views: 26,364
Rating: 4.9268737 out of 5
Keywords: baer, baertaffy, baertaffy crimson court, darkest dungeon crimson court, crimson court
Id: SHugdkP7RTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 0sec (4620 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2017
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